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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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Films/tv shows that are based on cosplay/con culture or at least reference it in some way.

I felt that 2Kawaii4Comfort was (for better or worse) the most accurate description of going to a small con and having a bad time at it. It's a shame it ended on a cliffhanger.
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There was an episode of Psych that was about a bomb threat at a convention and took a lot of potshots at nipple-armor Batman but none of the cosplayers are cosplaying anything real.

Simpsons did this classic:
They did another episode about nerd culture on a cruise ship which I'll admit wasn't particularly great https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJkBSqMFW4E

Times have changed if no one remembers Genshiken.
>First Simpsons clip
I couldn't appreciate the joke as a kid because I had no anime con experience then, but the idea of a bi-monthly convention is hilarious. The amount of work to keep that going and interesting would be a nightmare.

>Second Simpsons clip:
Damn, I'm actually gonna watch an episode from the newer seasons of Simpsons.
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>it took almost a year after the thread started for someone to mention Genshiken
>that ends up being a terrible film
It wasn't the Christmas special, was it? I'd hate for that to be anyone's last film they see before they die.
What a get

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How is the Bōsōzoku, tokkō-fuku jacket called?
Im looking for a shorter (not cloak) plain one, without embroidery. Photos for reference.
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I believe you're talking about sukajan
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Yokosuka Jacket OP. Weirdly enough I found out the name becuase I moved to Japan nearby the city named "Yokosuka". It was a post war thing with GIs trading Jackets to the Japs. It became associated with counter culture and delinquents hanging out with the Americans. It still goes on today with american service men off base also getting liberty cuffs on their dress uniforms.

If you ever go to Japan check out Yokosuka and the Honch area where there are tons of these shops selling these jackets. You can get them custom embroidered too. Just be warned it's a American containment zone.
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Woops wrong photo.
Yeah they were military jackets similar to lettermans or bomber jackets that were 2nd hand to the Japs. They are usually really nice with silk fabric etc.
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damn that's so fucking cool
The name of the district in Yokohama is Dobuita Street
ドブ板通り also aka "The Honch" a watercolor area for gaijin hunters and US service men.

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prev thread autosaged > >>10895776

seriously what's going on with this replica.
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I wonder how many rare and old dresses have been thrown in the dumpster by niggers. Probably dozens.
if it makes you feel better, i had a dress be stolen and then returned a week later, just in an opened box.
you could try putting up posters and making posts in neighborhood groups to try and see if anyone's seen it. Offer a reward with no questions asked, maybe the thief will see it and try to cash in.

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need cosplay ideas for pic related

shes 5'10
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If your making it, anything. If your buying premade, nothing. I'm 5'8 and nothing you buy on the internet accounts for the height.
sneedette cosplay
Dora the explorer
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How about this character?

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Thread for the discussion of cosplayer Keekihime
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wtf are you saying? kennedy means "pacifist" in italian.
There are a bunch of seemingly random places around the world named after JFK, it's just a combination of 20th century US foreign policy + tragic assassination.
Anon its literal name is
>Piazzale John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Woodrow Wilson have shit named after him all over CEE American presidents had great influence in XX century
Birthday stream likely this weekend.
Cute Keekihime likely this weekend.
25% chance of scattered shitposting and a RealFeel temperature of 29°C, with the low pressure system gradually moving off the peninsula Sunday into Monday.

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Any tips for beginners? Outfits inspiration?
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God do American sanrio crocs look retarded. Japanese sanrio crocs are infinitely better and cheaper. Also what does this have to do with the thread?

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/mkg/ - Mobile Kanojo/Kareshi General #14

Afterlife edition

Last Thread: >>10397387

>The most discussed apps/games are Moe Can Change!, Dream Girlfriend/Nijikano, Dream Boyfriend/Hoshikare, and Animal Boyfriend/Gijin Kareshi, but people are encouraged to introduce new games.
>We generally discuss dress-up/simulator games and smartphone/cellphone apps for waifus or husbandos.
>Occasionally discussed games include Fairy Doll, Potion Maker, Mandrake Girls, Soul Girls, etc.
>To our newfriends: please remove any /mkg/ tags and lurk more to ensure proper etiquette. We might be a dress-up game general, but we are already dead, Jim

>/mkg/ Tips, Etiquette and Linkdump (spreadsheet of names for MCC, DG, AB, GK and FD):
http://pastebin.com/iPbE3f4d (embed)

>English Wiki links:

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Doesn't work; can't send the FR

I've been meaning to do it for literally years but never get around to it. MCC isn't too hard; you can get item pngs from their ID by plugging them into a URL like https://us-moe-r53.amz-aws.jp/img/avatar/bg/92061_1.png. There are some bugs in the event exchange; if you can cause an exception there, the code will var_dump the entire array of items and IDs.
DG is a little harder but should be doable.
Cool beans
Interesting to find a game thread on /cgl/ of all places. For dress-up games, anyone plays Love/Miracle Nikki? I also tried one called Helix Waltz back in the day, and saw one called Time Princess.
This game is alive?
Yeah, it isn't as active as DG though.

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I'm thinking about starting a business importing and selling Japanese cosplay items, with a particular focus on anime/hentai-style fetish stuff that's hard to get in the US - things like ultra-low rise lingerie and microbikinis, good quality maid outfits, etc. I think there's a market with all of the OF cosplayers, after hours con exhibitionists, and coomers who want to buy stuff for their GFs. I've got connections in Japan and could have a decent chunk of money to invest in this with later this year. I'd sell stuff online and attend a few cons, probably a few big west coast ones like AX as well as 18+ events like Tsumicon.

I was thinking I'd carry some somewhat less lewd but still thematic stuff like thighhighs, cosplay accessories (things like Asuka hair ornaments) etc. I'm also debating stuff that's MORE lewd - my Japanese connection knows a bunch of active ero-cosplayers and I could probably import their photobooks or DVDs, maybe things like real Japanese shibari ropes, sex toys, etc. but I'm not as sure about that since it can't be displayed openly at regular cons.

What does /cgl/ think? Would anybody here be interested in buying things like I'm talking about? Do you have any other ideas for items that are available in Japan but hard to get in the US and would be worth stocking?
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Why would you even generate high rise thong, but point related. Thongs. Many of them are now high rise. It's the worst look. People use to wear more thongs. Now all the thongs look terrible because they're high rise generally.
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I'm totally aware of the marketing needs, but that's literally what I used to do for a living at multiple companies, along with being in charge of event booths, hence why I'm somewhat confident about this whole idea.

The idea of starting out with depop isn't a bad one though. Also for what it's worth I chose an extremely tame image for the OP since this is a blue board and I didn't just want this to turn into a coomer thread, these things get a ton more risque. (And even this is middling, but it's the limit of what I think I can get away with posting here.)

This stuff is more extreme, but yeah, it's much more like the stuff you used to be able to get here in the US that's now become pretty much unobtanium. I agree that the high rise athletic stuff is awful too. Also, I'll add that sizing is fucked, people in the thread keep talking about how everybody's too fat for the Japanese stuff but there's also an inverse problem where skinny girls still do exist in decent numbers and, as I've learned trying to get stuff for own skinny petite GF, there's shockingly little available in smaller sizes these days and most of the really sexy stuff you can find doesn't even come in a true S, it's either one size or "S/M" that's huge on an actual small girl.
asian sizes are not the same as amerifat ones. do what >>10926654 suggested and just list the metric measurements. good luck on your bizness anon
gal safari out here talking to himself again. it's sad that you bumped your own thread to samefag on top that.
seconding this. bought some undies while i was vacationing in china and even over there the cutesy lace & frills persist, unlike in america

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Cultured jfashionistas at galleries, museums, art installations, etc.
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Alternate title: "Eager for a New Thread After a Full Month at Bump Limit Edition"

Keep it /cgl/-related! Cosplay or J-fashion like Lolita/Brolita, Aristocrat, Kimono, Nanchatte, etc.!


ITT you may post:
- Useful guides that can be applied to crossplaying/crossdressing
- Questions, help, sharing advice to improve your appearance to pass temporary as the opposite gender (Male -> Female, Female -> Male)
- pictures of crossplay/crossdressing coords, selfposts
- personal experience/stories regarding crossplay/crossdressing

NOT allowed:
- Anything in sexual context/fetish stuff
- Anything related to gender transition like hormones, operation etc.; >>>/lgbt/ might be the better place for this

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Generally you should use "peach" colored color correcting concealer. The large color correcting pallette by Nyx has that. There's a similar color sold by LA Girl that's just as good.
no particular character, the idea was just crossdressing. She was a guy i was a girl. I think we both did a really good job, had some female friends help with makeup and styling.
i guesss the theme was "discord couple"
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>You didn't wear that skirt ever again, right? Cause I'm terrified of my friends seeing it pop up on their Instagram pages
Sounds like a distinctly (you) problem, and also, "NO."
Welp the OP post says "no casual crossdressing" but maybe it's time to drop that. this actually put a new spin on things. And since I've *not* had a crossdressing lesbian come on to me before, what does...
>It's frankly really weird and immature
...entail? I can imagine but wanna be sure
>i guesss the theme was "discord couple"
oh it wasn't like we just went out, it was carneval and funny thing we were the only people in costume (which is such a fucking shame my city is so fucking lame nowadays)
i wouldn't call it "casual crossdressing" they were costumes for carneval
but anyway we got a bit tipsy and i suggested i go buy some more and she had this realisation and told me to
>not worry my girly head and let the man handle it
or something maybe i'm mixing the order of events but i know we started talking some real weird shit after she went for her liqour bottle.
It was this role inversion where i played the airhead dumb woman and she played the overconfident man i could get into specifics but it was mostly me saying
>my dumb female brain can't X
and her saying
>lucky i am a man and right here

we didn't make out or anything and it could have just been drunk fucking around for all i know and not flirting
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It appears time for a bump

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Previous thread >>10858314
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Here's my wishlist
ISO cotton short sleeved, detachable sleeved, or princess sleeved blouses. also seeking anything brown or brownish. inquire within, thank you
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Looking to buy AP’s Party Ribbon necklace (and other jewelry from the set) in dark pink! I just missed out on buying it on Lace Market and now I’m searching elsewhere because it’s keeping me up at night :’)
any gull in here wants the scr00t of excellent lolita taste to rate his wishlist?
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long shot, but looking for any coquette doll.

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share images of your favourite maid cosplays, whether it be the cutest girls or the most fashionable and intricate designs.
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>jersey maid
Guido maids driving to D'jais in Belmar for a night of dancing and jager bombs
>Gulls getting mad over people lewding cosplay that was literally made for coomer reasons in Japan.
Never change
disgusting on so many levels. delete this

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Previous thread. >>10910760

Cosplay feels.

I'm so sick of ageplay thots in the comm. They be like goo goo gah gah- gah guh *farts* gah guh gah *shits* gah GUH GAH AAAAAA AAAAAA *vomits* *farts* *chokes on own vomit and dies*
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Kek anon no. Women don't have major volume loss in the cheeks/nasiolabial area already at 30. That happens in middle age.
ayrt and this also depends on the pictures. In some of them they removed her laugh lines. I heard she doesn't like it though.
I think she looks her age as well, but I know lots of people think she looks younger than 40.
Please, I don't know where you are but an average 25 year old American already looks older and more busted than misako.
I'm getting fat, I have been eating so poorly and haven't dared stepping onto my scale in almost two months, I fear what it'll show me, and lately I can even feel that I've gotten fatter. All my progress is being reversed.
You partook in the seed oils didn't you?

Foid here,
I'm starting to think cosplaying is only worth it if you're attractive
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How does the average man "become" a prettyboy unless he's born with good genetics? That's even worse.
>Foid here,
no you're an ugly /r9k/ incel trying to make /cgl/ posters insecure why dont you kys or at least take a shower gross faggot
not just cosplay but all of your life
>Studies have shown tha....
sure is summer in here
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Anyone can cosplay; you just have to actually cosplay to type or get comfortable doing comedy cosplays.
Don't get upset that you can't cosplay Power Girl or Fujiko because you've got AA flatties and two airplane seats worth of ass. Just cosplay as one of the Fairies from BotW or Lady Beemo.

reviving bc the previous thread from a while ago got nuked

what's everyone's thoughts on cosplay photography in 2024/the foreseeable future? it seems like the amount of bullshit we have to put up with as photographers in the cosplay scene only increases day by day and the cons outweigh the pros
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Cosplay photographers are the worser verison of the bf who takes instagram pictures for his girl or female friend. Even if youre being paid for it, you're still an image slut for them. And then they think just cause they get to do some lewd pics in their hotel room, it's their "in." Heard too many stories of women that had to basically reject or refuse photographers who thought just cause they got to see her nipples it means she wants to fuck them.
>Bud they weren’t happy about it. They were inexperienced models/actresses who were afraid of getting blacklisted if they didn’t roll with it and keep quiet

As someone who is in the industry, do not defend whores. These women are happy to fuck jewish producers to get to the top and contently so. They will stand outside in the cold weather for hours just to get one moment with these guys. That sounds a lot more like willingly throwing their pussies out.
How do I photograph nipples? Do I approach a girl and say, “let me photograph your hippies?” and then complement them to get agreement?
Im pretty sure as long as you have a good camera and provide her "free" sessions, that will be enough. Even then, they'll probably vet you to make sure youre not one of the hundreds of photographer creeps.
Would it be weird if I use a 2x magnification macro lens on her left nipple and ignore everything else?

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