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It's been 10 years
Are cons safer now?
Anyone encountered any con creeps?

I (male) got my butt grabbed by another guy once, didn't bother me desu (not gay)
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Nah, Trump fufilled all promises and bulit the wall. He won. Anyone who says otherwise is a tranny
i know she had nudes- what was her name again?
i love it when people take a low angle shot of me, i pretend to not notice when they slip their phone below my skirts.
Not for much longer, anon.
>>just because I take my shirt off and take boner pills to be erection maxxing for the entire day, IT DOESN'T MEAN I'M ASKING FOR IT
this but unironically

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Opinions on the Little Nurse release?
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mizu-iro is still popular
>> wearing shit off the rack and not getting it tailored to fit

Sloppy whore
Damnit Meta. Every handmade ita using newspaper print quilting cotton is going to use this as justification from now on.
nayrt, I think getting things tailored to fit is a good idea but this release was unusually large for the regular size.
Which is weird because the plus and plus plus sizes are smaller than their usual

New friend finder thread because people in the old one won't stop derailing it with dumb useless arguing

Same info as before:
>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.
>Other hobbies, interests?
>What are you looking for?
>Not looking for?
>Contact info
>Anything else we should know?
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* and fairy-kei, off course
* and punk lolita
people should be required to put if they are trans or not
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>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
Lolita (classic/gothic)

>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.
Atelier Perriot <3

Substyles- gyaru (a little)

Animes- Cowboy bebop, Serial lain, NGE, Monster, NGNL, Kakegurui, OPM, Sonny boy etc.

>Other hobbies, interests?

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Well hello, Florida Seagulls. It's been a slower year here, but I know you're out there and you know I'm out there. Our local scene keeps on with one location change after the other doesn't it? HolMat where MegaCon is, OtakuFest where "Super"con is (impending lols there), Mizucon where OtakuFest was, Anime Iwai at the far end of Palm Beach County
>Alternate Title: Musical Venues Edition

>Anime in the Park - April 20 - Groveland
>Sarasota Anime-Fest - April 27 - Sarasota
>KirbiiCon - May 4 - Fort Lauderdale
>OtakuFest - May 17-19 - Miami Beach
>Mizucon - May 24-26 - Miami
>Collect-A-Con Orlando - May 25-26 - Orlando
>Finn-Con@MDC June 15 - Miami
>Anime Festival Orlando - June 28-30 - Orlando
>Metrocon - July 5-7 - Tampa
>Florida Supercon - July 12-14 - Miami Beach
>SWFL Anime-Fest - August 11 - Fort Myers
>FT-Lauderdale Anime-Fest - September 15 - Fort Lauderdale

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oh yeah i was
i liked it but i thought the venue was kinda small

i havent met a gull yet since im really shy despite going to many cons here
We don't bite. There's a 100% guarantee you saw several of us too. Some wear that influence on their sleeves
Will be there. The venue itself is one of my favorites when it comes to smaller cons. Very comfy and has a lot of neat stuff like 501st to screw around with and take photos.
>hockey guy
Nice, as a bigger hockey guy myself I feel that.
yeah i probably seen anyone here, and you guys probably seen me before

mirai anime iwai and holmat is where im going to so ill keep an eye out
Hey dude. Ozeu here. I don't have any ill will towards you or anybody from that server despite what happened. Except maybe the Nazi larpers because that's just gross.

I know almost all of the blame lies on me and I moved on a long time ago.

I don't really go to cons anymore either. I browse cgl once in a blue moon.

Anyways tootles. Wish you well.

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Alternate title: "Eager for a New Thread After a Full Month at Bump Limit Edition"

Keep it /cgl/-related! Cosplay or J-fashion like Lolita/Brolita, Aristocrat, Kimono, Nanchatte, etc.!


ITT you may post:
- Useful guides that can be applied to crossplaying/crossdressing
- Questions, help, sharing advice to improve your appearance to pass temporary as the opposite gender (Male -> Female, Female -> Male)
- pictures of crossplay/crossdressing coords, selfposts
- personal experience/stories regarding crossplay/crossdressing

NOT allowed:
- Anything in sexual context/fetish stuff
- Anything related to gender transition like hormones, operation etc.; >>>/lgbt/ might be the better place for this

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why are you so bloody useless?
When did you stop sucking dicks?
tfw not getting random leg compliments on the street
Awesome! You look good. The outfit looks good too. Did you make it or buy it?

comissioned it
too little time to make my own things besides repairs ><

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Webm thread
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Whenever I see groups like this I just imagine an A10 Warthog leveling it's nose down to them and strafing with it's GAU-8 Avenger autocannon, obliterating half of them.
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This is impressive

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>Are you going? What is your
>Cosplay lineup
>Stories from Dragoncons past
>General Dragoncon discussion (good places to grab a bite near the con, party plans, things you’re excited for etc)

About a month and some change out. I’m really excited. I feel bad for the people who got fucked over by the Courtland Grand (former Sheraton) who had all their rezzys cancelled due to a billing issue. Also that whole Mariott Hunger Games error page (pic related) was a massive shit fuck too holy hell.
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Were you there for the 'handmaidens for Harris' giving out buttons at the Marriott?
I'm surprised the was allowed
Are you God damn kidding me? Fuck living in Metro Atlanta! I literally cannot find a single (as in not taken) attractive young autistic girl AN-Y-WHERE! And I need one more than I need oxygen.
I found that one Thursday, pretty early in the evening. And while already around 7/10 drunk by that point, I saw that giant HARRIS and immediately gave it back
>I'm surprised the was allowed
The thought crossed my mind but I'm long past the point of expecting fair standards
That fucking ribbon is top tier. I'm actually jealous of your experience because it was my first time and I didn't end up going to any 'unofficial' parties.

On the topic of ribbons, where/how do people make them?
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>That fucking ribbon is top tier
I only got it on Tuesday and someone saw how excited I was, so she just offered it. While I can't help with where to make ribbons (at least for now), the matter of parties was actually pretty easy. This is the aforementioned Monday one, totally public obviously. Also the dudes from last year's AWA meetup are probably standing right behind me

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ive like never cosplayed b4 at all nd i LOVE stocking SO MUCH but i have no idea where to get the outfit and stuff… everywhere online is so expensive and/or just shitty material. would i be better off making it myself? im not sure how 2 go about it lol XD
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kill yourself dude
you're right, why don't we fix that
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Cultured jfashionistas at galleries, museums, art installations, etc.
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Santa anon I miss you.. save us..
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with how dead this board can be its probably best to start it that early
The plan was to have it again this year, but I'm not ready to start thinking about it yet.
i'm so ready
Can I get unbanned.
Can I at least send someone a gift? I don't have to get something.
With how long it can take for finding the right gift + shipping, it's good to start a few months in advance.

Let me know if there's anything I can do to help get the ball rolling, but if it's a big strain on you there's no rush.

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who is she?
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I'm sorry Anon idk. Please reverse search the image or try Reddit. wish you the best and thank you for stopping by.
took me literal seconds to find out that her name is zackycha

Previous thread: >>10921130
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I'm super forgetful so every time I read a post complaining about something like this here I panic thinking about like what if I made a transaction and forgot about shipping it and frantically go check my emails just in case.
nayrt and it's not a bad thing you're checking up on your emails, but this is obviously not about forgetfulness if the seller only offers a partial refund.
She probably cant afford the full refund, she already spent your money I bet. ask her "Is that all you can afford?" and then take a screenshot and submit it to the PayPal dispute. PayPal doesnt actually look at it but the seller will see you did that and freak out, I've gotten a refund within 24hrs of doing that
Half our comm is pregnant. (2 of 4 lol)
That's a tiny comm. But I actually prefer smaller over bigger. My local comm had meets with 20+ people attending, it gets a little much for me.

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So I roomed with other people this year of the first time and it was actually a fantastic time. Why do people always make this seem like shit? Any of you got any horror stories
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If it isn’t some localshit babycon there’s usually a Facebook group dedicated to finding roommates, usually something along the lines of “[insert con name here] roommate finder” or “[insert con name here] hotels and accommodations”
“Can I stay in the room? I’m not working right now so I don’t have money. But I can provide snacks!”

Yeah, I don’t think you can pay the deposit with pocky and Japanese candy.

Had to deal with a chick like that once it was so annoying lol. I was like no fuck off please. This was at Animeboston
And they’re always the ones with the absolute fuckton of cosplay shit they packed too, like you’re staying for free but brought 3 whole suitcases? GTFO broke hoe

At least the one dude I let crash in my room without paying me had the decency to bring every bottle of liquor in his possession and tell me “what’s mine is yours” so I saved some money on drinks
>And they’re always the ones with the absolute fuckton of cosplay shit they packed top
These types always make me give a half amused half pitiful chuckle. The last time I roomed with one, I had to go back and forth to get some things throughout the day, and she there was prepping every single time. This was the span of over five hours. Did you come to get ready or actually DO anything?

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Popular female cosplayers seems to of become more of dressing slutty for attention than putting together a well made costume for a hobby
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If I run one through the knuckles at a convention whilst gazing at this, I can't morally be held responsible.
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or a target for a random beating, DAE right girls??
sex should be prohibited. simply. I mean, the sexually appealing costumes. ban all of them.
What really pisses me off about this is when they wanna do lewd cosplays of minor characters or doing both lewd cosplays & then cosplay characters from various family friendly shows on their pages. It's gross.
>moids and simps
Iirc, the owner of Onlyfans came out and said that most of it's users were older married men, not single men.
Boyfriend energy without boyfriend prices, that's all.
It's like banging a girl without having to woo her or text her after, everything you want with none of the effort.

I lost my nail inspo folder on my old pc so I'm starting with a mini dump in hopes of other anons dumping as well :)
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do you know how many thousands of diff kinds of gel looks like this? also i looked up the gel and it's got round/hex glitter in it while the pic has glitter flake. it's not even close.
Friendly reminder that Amazon "brands" like beetles and makartt and brands such as born pretty as well as most aliexpress products are all "private label" brands. This means they don't manufacture any products and just source them randomly from China. Products have low QC, high prices and less reliability. A snazzy website does not mean the "brand" or company is legit. Beware of private label brands.
Do you have any legit brand recommendations?

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