ive like never cosplayed b4 at all nd i LOVE stocking SO MUCH but i have no idea where to get the outfit and stuff… everywhere online is so expensive and/or just shitty material. would i be better off making it myself? im not sure how 2 go about it lol XD
>>10877344same reason lain, fooly cooly, eva, flash cartoons noone gave a shit about 15 years ago, etc got popular.tiktok.
>>10945762no it's because season 2 got announced and is going to be airing this year
>>10945780kids dont watch anything unless an algorithm tells them to
Alternate title: "What Were You Fucking Thinking, Aka-San? It's Not Too Late to Ctrl + Z" EditionKeep it /cgl/-related! Cosplay or J-fashion like Lolita/Brolita, Aristocrat, Kimono, Nanchatte, etc.!----------------------------------------------------------------------ITT you may post:- Useful guides that can be applied to crossplaying/crossdressing- Questions, help, sharing advice to improve your appearance to pass temporary as the opposite gender (Male -> Female, Female -> Male)- pictures of crossplay/crossdressing coords, selfposts- personal experience/stories regarding crossplay/crossdressingNOT allowed:- Anything in sexual context/fetish stuff- Anything related to gender transition like hormones, operation etc.; >>>/lgbt/ might be the better place for thisComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>10946809If you were in the last thread, maybe you say this post. It was me, and Sleepy Joe was not only still in office but it was at a venue with "NO RACISM HOMOPHOBIA TRANSPHOBIA FATPHOBIA AGEISM ETC" sign. Dicks gonna dick, and not vice versa. The big man in the White House won't change their mind either way
>>10946816place of losers. i go outside>>10946820see if you'd try it in the regular outside you'd realise just how much those antiphobes pushed others to be distasteful of this
>>10946855I don't actually care personally, if you're doing crossplay you're either doing it in a convention center or alone in your house - crossdressing on its own may be another story, but frankly crossdressing in public in America has always been a risk in the first place. You don't need to be worried as long as you know when and where to do it, and you're not planning on crossdressing all day every day.Gonna go on a small rant here, actually - despite crossdressing as a whole being disdained in America for a while ever since the transgender revolution, the fact is crossdressing IN PUBLIC is generally an issue EVERYWHERE you go, even in the most liberal places in northern Europe you'll be bound to catch some dirty looks or get called a fag. It's not anything really new - it's simply that there's a time and place for it, and doing it all the time always is bound to lead to you getting hurt. Unless you truly are transgender or truly GNC and feel the need to dress/present as a woman every day, you can rest assured that crossdressing/crossplay as a whole will not be in any much of a different situation than it was before.
>>10946902>dress like a fag>get called a fagThis is an expected outcome. Plan accordingly.
>>10946902>in america
Super MAGFESTJANUARY 23-26, 2025 – National Harbor, MD - Gaylord hotelPower Glove and Bit Brigade will be coming.Badges are now $145 as of Dec 1st.https://super.magfest.org/TQ: What's your plan for MAGFEST?
>>10946766Why? It's outside their block allocation.
>>10946766Can they do that? Isn't it more outside he block? Why would hotels want to make less money?
>See Sonic Fox at the Tee Lopes signingPeople give a fuck about that abrasive retard?
>>10946832>People give a fuck about that abrasive retard?This sense of wonder can be applied to 99% of con guests these days.
>>10946832He's the poster child for the LGBT+ cult. Of course they want that troon to make an appearance
Lolita coords with grey
>tfw you will never see a haven trooper or Quiet cosplay God-damned be Demon slayer and those trendy stuff, I want to see big tactical butts and awesome costumes.
Tenchi Muyou
>>10830098Weird, I've only ever seen snakes and ocelots and one time a group as the ocelot unit.
Cardcaptor Sakura
Webm thread
>>10943395This shit is depressing
>>10945219Was she hit by a train shortly after or why?
Previous thread >>10803531 died from a lack of posts. Not all that surprising with how little there was to post about at the time. Personally I'm also somewhat done with /cgl/ and all the pointless con drama and have been focusing on other things. But now that we've got several conventions around the corner, have a new thread!Question of the thread: What convention are you looking forward to the most this year and why?Upcoming major events>22-23 Sep: Elfia Haarzuilens, a large popular outdoor fantasy event in Haarzuilens.>6-7 May: MIA NL, a popular commercial anime convention in Gorinchem.>21-21 May: Comic Con Brussels, a large commercial geek convention in Brussels.>9-11 June: Animecon, the oldest anime convention of the Netherlands, hosted in Rijswijk.>24-25 June: Heroes DCC, the largest commercial geek convention with a focus on dealers. >30 Jun-2 Jul: Dokomi DE, a large popular anime convention in Dusseldorf.>8-9 July: Atsusacon, Belgium's largest anime convention... I think?>3-6 August: Castlefest, a(nother) large popular outdoor fantasy event in Haarzuilens with tons of great food.>11-13 August: Abunai!, the second oldest and probably now largest anime convention of the Netherlands, hosted in Veldhoven.>12-13 August: Showmasters Comic Con Amsterdam, a geek convention in Amsterdam.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>10941069>>10941832Thanks retards imma cosplay Dennis.
So much for tomo's "straf beleid". If you waited last minute you could buy 2 tickets for just 7,50 euros to tomofair, sorry, Japanse Markt Nijmegen.No wonder there were so many normies this year!
>>10946896Pic related.As those ticket deals sites were tickets dumped for peanuts.Good job sponsoring the cheap food festival weebs. Lmao
prev thread hit bump limit
>>10946300Seen this dress a couple times before in secondhand shops and it looks pretty bad IRL. The way the sleeves are attached to the bodice kind of made it look like a weird T-shirt at times.Side note you can find a lot of the older IW sailor OPs for cheap in Mercari, you might want to look at those instead. Better quality construction too.
>>10946300there's a classic style sailor OP by VM (royal marine op, but missing the bow) on closetchild right now. been sitting there for months.
Is $500 a good price for this OP? It's a full set with no damages, I'm thinking about selling mine and can't do an auction
>>10946675I'm interested if you would like to email me and work something out, can go higher too.
Are there any shopping services that still let you undervalue packages besides Japan Shopping Service?
Thread for posting your cosplays, or asking advice on cosplaying. Stop making singular threads for your cosplays, newfags, this isnt reddit
>>10946849I think it's fine if you're actually invested in the character you're cosplaying. I think most people roll their eyes because a lot of bodybuilders/gym-bros will just use cosplaying as a lazy excuse to show off their gains
>>10946849you'll have to check the rules for the con you're attending to see if you can be shirtless or not. they might limit shirtlessneess entirely or they may allow it for men in cosplay photo areas, it really depends. i did see a man get informed he had to put on a shirt at a con i was at recently and i got a lot of amusement out of it
>>10946849nah dont let fat bitches gaslight you into thinking that, people love it and will ask for pics with you if its a character people give a fuck about
I cosplayed miyuki takara from lucky star , I want to redo the cosplay bc I barely styled the wig and I had the wrong glasses
>>10946892You look great! Yeah, I think you'd 100% complete the cosplay with those changes
suzupoii thread
>>10946081Her feet are the cutest
>>10946859Nice jugs
>>10946323>>10946859as a giga-coomer I was expecting more
Popular female cosplayers seems to of become more of dressing slutty for attention than putting together a well made costume for a hobby
>women are whores and men are simpsMore news at 11.
>>10854442Don't like boltons like that, but I do like pale skin and black hair. Also, nice panties.
>>10854880Dude, fuck off. You don't need money to appreciate nature. All you need is a sturdy set of clothes fit for whatever weather you're expecting this season and a backpack for food and supplies. Anything can be a hiking outfit as long as it's practical.
>>10863616straight women are disgusted by you, you dyke freak, you abomination of nature
>>10854442Some of them put together a well made body Anon through healthy living or hard work,
share images of your favourite maid cosplays, whether it be the cutest girls or the most fashionable and intricate designs.
>>10886888blessed thread, blessed trips,
>Fourteen people were arrested and 10 victims were rescued in a human sex trafficking sting at San Diego Comic-Con Convention.>The San Diego Human Trafficking Task Force conducted a three-day operation ahead of the weekend bust, California Attorney General Rob Bonta said in a news release on Tuesday, adding that among those rescued was a 16-year-old girl.>Law enforcement officers went undercover as sex buyers to identify and arrest traffickers, as well as find potential victims, according to the attorney general's officers.>Undercover police also posted ads seeking sex as part of the operation.
>>10943613Welcome to the club, buddy....Welcome to the club.
>>10943613That's funny because I was just feeling the same thing. I've come to this board on and off since maybe 2007/2008 and this is the first time I've encountered so much blatant woman hating and unbridled misogyny. This board has always been dominated by weeb women and some men and threads have always devolved into shit slinging, but there was a sense of culture and community. Maybe I just have rose-tinted glasses on, but I feel saddened by yet another female-dominated space being overrun by men foaming at the mouth with hatred for women. It's honestly ruined my day. I felt that there were some great arguments made in this thread in defense of the trafficking victims that was totally ignored in favor of the wishful ideology of "all wahmens are whores (because they arent sucking my pp)". It's so fucking depressing that no matter what I do or don't do in life, I'll never be anything but an object of desire and hatred to countless people who will make up their own fantasies about who I am because I have a vagina.
>>10939767Puberty doesn't end until 25
>>10946749There is a concept that applies to any board on here:remember that you are on the internet and access to given to anyone which includes highschool dropouts, trailer park trash, low education ruralities and the socially stunted. Not every opinion is the same and the veil of anonymity encourages these groups to engage. It's like you know that youtube comments are shit and you shouldn't take them at face value.
>>10931421That's disturbing, I hope more people are protected and saved from this sort of treatment and those conventions are free'd from that sorta evil and corruption, The less people enabling sex trafficking, and the more they purge the shitters who create those perverted rings and ruin innocent lives, the better it'll be for everyone and every hobby that's meant to be healthy escapism
New friend finder thread because people in the old one won't stop derailing it with dumb useless arguingSame info as before:>ASL?>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.>Other hobbies, interests?>What are you looking for?>Not looking for?>Contact info>Anything else we should know?
>ASL?23/F/AUS>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.Cosplay, some lolita (not huge into it, but I like it), prefer other j-fashion>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.Liz Lisa, Honey Cinnamon, Baby, ectttttt>Other hobbies, interests?Gaming, Make-up, History, Anime, Music, Shopping, ectttt>What are you looking for?girliessss, someone from Australia pref, looking for someone who Is wanting to form a strong friendship (best friend level), as well as studying and general talk. Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>10945654apologies, some people were being weird.just shoot me an email santa@fedora.email
>>10840131>ASL?19, woman, NA/West Coast>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.I used to dress in all kinds of lolita. However I don't wear lolita anymore but welcome lolita friends :') As of currently, I'm starting to dress in lots of different kinds of lolita adjacent, fk/decora/yume sorts of fashion. I don't know if my style goals have a certain name. >Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.Angelic Pretty and BTSSB mainly for accessories, Nile Perch, Fancy trap, Mars, Liz Lisa/tralala, and various other offbrand or overseas indie brands. >Other hobbies, interests?I oil paint and watercolor at times, I play video games like Stardew, hang out with my boyfriend. I like to shop online too obvi which is what I spend most my time doing>What are you looking for?Girl (ONLY) friends who are into any form of jfashion, especially lolita or decora. Be around my age, or a little older. Preferably West Coast NA too :) But any location is OK. Cosplay is also OK.>Not looking for?Men of any kind, redditors, any transgender/nb, left wing politics, over 30. NSFW and/or degen talk of any kind. >Contact infoFancychickie@gmail.comComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>10945654>>10945669Would love to add you.Sent an email
>>10840131>ASL?27/M/US>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.Cosplay>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.I just started out cosplaying so I dont have any favorite brands.>Other hobbies interests?Asian Dramas, Anime, vidya, TTRPG, drawing, sewing, design drafting sci-fi, horror, paranormal etc. >What are you looking for?Friends. Someone to play vidya and watch movies with>Not looking for?>Contact infoadmiralveers
Any gulls on this ship? Or is it just some fad for rich yuppies (or if you believe what you hear on /thenews/, prostitution in international waters)? I can't imagine this being a success.
>>10946872>Attending cruises when Covid is still going around
>>10946873Did you mean: the Wuhan novel coronavirus?