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Share tips, tricks, and your current projects, too.

Anyone have good examples of handmade OPs & JSKs?
I see a lot of potentially good designs ruined by shitty prints, giant ugly ruffles, and terrible color schemes.
Don't even get me started on Etsy lolita.

What ruins it for you? What should people quit doing with handmade stuff? Post photos & concrit all of it.
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Thanks! I plan on adding some decorative buttons to the blouse eventually.
You're totally right about the skirt, though. The white skirt is a separate piece from the green overskirt, so modifying it should be easy.
Yeah, a bit of pleating & simple lace in a couple places should do the trick. Thanks for the suggestion!

Appreciate the love for the print, too. Been around since the mid 2000s, so I know how to avoid looking like I stole a toddler's bedsheets.
i love the blouse! the skirt could benefit from some pintucks, ruffles, or other textural details.
I like the shape of the blouse but the way you did the elastic on the sleeves and neckline doesn't look nice to me, it would be greatly improved by using elastic channels/casings instead.
Aside from the lace up details the blouse looks too plain. Some ideas I think could make it look more interesting are adding a ruffle on top of the elasticated neckline, adding a ruffle to the hem, and adding lace to the sleeve hem.
There's a placket so adding buttons (whether functional or not) seema like it would help make it look less bare.

As for the skirt the green printed fabric isn't something that I think will get a lot if interest from people. The skirt also looks like there's something missing. I like the open front detail though and suggest looking for skirt designs on lolibrary that also have the open front for inspiration.
I assume you want to keep this classic, so only look at references of classic brands.
Has anyone used Spoonflower within the last year or so? What is the best fabric to get for making custom stuff?
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Dammit.. think I need to lower the neckline. Dummy is smaller than intended measurements, idk.
I wanted to make waist ties, too, but there's no fabric left and it's apparently discontinued.

are there any super safe, non permanently damaging ways to compress your chest?

im into jirai kei/dark girly/girly etc, i got a new ryousangata setup, assumed it would likely be a bit of a squeeze but would ultimately fit like most pieces i own. listed bust was 98cm, mine is 104cm, its a bit stretchy but it doesnt actually fit

i plan on losing weight to fit my skirts a bit better but it wouldnt help my chest much, and since jirai is usually synthetic polyester garbage im worried a tailor wouldnt work with it (and itd be costly)

so yeah, need advice
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>need advice

lose weight chunky
a flattening sports bra. that should take off enough width to fit without being too uncomfortable. but it'll probably look bad anyway because you can always sort of tell when your chest doesn't fit, even with the sports bra
I was worried weight loss would not help my chest much either, but I went from 115cm bust to 88cm over the course of 60lbs. Not sure how much you intend to lose but it will help some.
>are there any super safe, non permanently damaging ways to compress your chest?
No, and there never will.
No, you won't find a method effective enough that isn't too uncomfortable.

Here are your options;
1-hope that losing weight will bring your bust down enough. It actually might happen, just look at >>10942026
2-buy clothes that fit you as is. If you do lose weight you can always take them in.
3-sew your own. If you don't know how then learn to sew.
4-alter it on your own or get it altered. It might be difficult to find a matching fabric so this is the worst option.

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The title says it all, cosplayers that did awesome cosplay but their career were cut short, as they suddenly disappeared without any notice.
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I think that's her, yeah. It's been so long I'd kind of forgotten her face and I think that photo was taken a year or two after I last saw her IRL.
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Anyone know what happened to Owldepot? As far as I can find, she just kind of fell off around 2015.
I've got a bunch of mutuals with her, still see her show up in comments etc.
Ah, interesting. I've actually seen her post here a couple of times in the past. But that was like maybe 12 years ago.
I'm not shocked if she did. Actually I MIGHT have met her through here, at a 4chan AX meetup, but I might be conflating her with another girl that I knew from those meets because that was nearly 20 years ago (I met her a few years before we tried going out) and I went through some fucked up shit after that and a lot of my memory from before it is really hazy and muddled.

Funny enough I just recently found something she gave me all the way back then, was helping my parents clean up their garage and stumbled across it.

>bf says he’ll take me to a lolita fashion store
>ask if it is a sweet lolita, classic lolita or gothic lolita fashion store
>he laughs and says it’s a nice store
>go with bf
>it’s kawaii fashion
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I don’t like Lolita, but I know what it is. I’m also half Japanese so that’s probably it.

If I had a GF into it I’d probably like to see her in more mount meme Mountie blue and black iron gate stuff than angelic pretty

I’m more into guns, tools, dogs, going to the gym and shit like warhammer but I don’t mind taking my partners to places they enjoy. Used to take my ex to custom makeup stores all the time…

Guys aren’t as stupid as the media portrays
Most men don’t find lolita sexually attractive. I definitely don’t, it’s just some hobby girls get into and fall out of when they get older.

>wanting to have sex while the girl is wearing lolita,

Seems like a lot of fabric that’s expensive and difficult to maintain to get in the way… sounds more of a thing girls into the fashion fantasize about.

>Truth hurts doesn't it? If you want a trad wife you need to make trad wages

Why do you assume that men just want you to do household chores? Most girls these days only eat out or do doordash. I cook and clean for myself, I don’t need some random chick to prep meals for me who doesn’t know my macro needs or what my body weight is to hit my protein needs

I have expensive power tools that could hurt you and guns laying around. I have a roomba and a Dyson don’t need a Stacey you better bring more to a relationship than cleaning up after yourself because if you can’t even do that you’re not even an adult

Most women these days just bring a high body count and debt to a relationship anyways
>retards still taking the female vs male bait
never chang!
That's nice of him. It's the thought that counts. You can't expect a man to tell the difference between things like this any more than you can tell the difference in the things he likes. I wouldn't have a clue.
this, u fucking downies

reviving bc the previous thread from a while ago got nuked

what's everyone's thoughts on cosplay photography in 2024/the foreseeable future? it seems like the amount of bullshit we have to put up with as photographers in the cosplay scene only increases day by day and the cons outweigh the pros
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Does any photographer make money from their own site?

The hot girls have their own site so why should they come and pose for you?

Maybe if you worked for other girls and took a cut of their Patreon/OF earnings?
Jokes on you, my GF was already a cosplayer before purchasing my camera.
I think that If you had a site where you got a whole bunch of different girls to do cosplay porn with a single subscription you could make pretty good money. That's basically what CosplayDeviants is, and they seem to do OK, though they're not a single photog doing it. Cosporn is kinda underserved in North America and if I had the startup money to pay girls I think I could probably do pretty well, I have a bunch of ideas that I think would be successful, but I have zero inclination to be a pornographer.
no one cares about men
no one will view the pics
sad but true
So legendary photographer Eurobeat King/Kasumi is retiring

Say what you will about him but he's been at it for like 30 years

Shame Cosplay.com went kaput, all those photos gone forever

What was your first cosplay?
>did a closet cosplay from a hotline miami mod maybe 26 people played
>most work I did was dyeing a stupid hat
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Actually planning out my first ever cosplay right now with my best friend, it won't be good but hopefully we'll finish Thiollier and sir Ansbach by spring/summer.
We've done quite a bit of larp-related crafting ( sewing costumes, making foam armor and weapons, leather stuff, latex works etc ) and he also has some basic cosplay experience and decent 3d-printing skills.
Still, I don't have any hopes for an actually good first cosplay for many reasons, Thiollier's fucking hair cape and just-fuck-me-up detailing included.
Regardless, this should be an educational crafting experience and we'll have fun along the way.
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bear in mind the time and age the thing was made
Any pic of the mounted head?
My first cosplay was a shitty Asuka, my first one I made myself was Teen Titans Starfire.

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hey /cgl/ this me cosplaying as my cat rupert, who is on my shoulder for reference.

Does anyone else here cosplay as their pet, or have tips on how to cosplay more like a cat without looking like a furry?
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New Rupert Lore
This makes this a general
Damn the original pic isn't showing now even if you click on it
It's still in the archive though

cant even repost it as its saying duplicate

Black Peace Now Coord

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The signups have finally opened, for this year's /cgl/ Secret Santa event!

>Rules, Hints, FAQ and More:

>Sign-up Form:

Please don't hesitate to ask if you got any questions! You may use the thread, or the following email:
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I have all-female dolls, so girl clothing is best! I often dress my dolls in lolita or other j fashion adjacent outfits, but I've been wanting some more casual outfits for them, too, so anything cute will work! My dolls are mostly 1/6 and 1/4 scale.

Ivory is okay, beige and ecru are preferred! I don't mind if it's avoided outright, though. I don't really own any main pieces with white lace, so white lace accessories tend to clash. I don't have a wardrobe post, but my wardrobe is mainly MM. I wear the rosettes and square headdresses (particularly my Saint Claire) often. If it helps, a lot of the main piece designs I like are more minimalistic, so little or even no lace is perfectly acceptable. Think Whyteleafe OP or Elodie Doll. You can't go wrong with corsages, either. I'm a huge sucker for corsage hair clips and combs.
Yay! Thank you for your efforts, Santa. I'm super excited.
Canadian anons, keep in mind that packages will be heavily backed up as canada post is striking.
Sorry I saw this late! My favorite villager is Lolly.

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She is south korean btw.
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way too tall to be cute
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this kind of body only exists in still photos or short form videos online. its a product of leg lengthening and head shrinking filters.

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posting in an epic thread
next question
i can give you some tips on my insta ;)

whats ur insta
you got creepy eyes

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Any good Latex / Vinil / Tight and shiny cosplays?
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Nope, she's a french cod cosplayer who has a latex and furry fetish
Really? Damn, the furry part ruins it for me
Does anyone know how to clean semen stains properly off of faux leather and vinyl?
love the "wtf?" face

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basically what the title is; I’ve been cosplaying since before the pandemic and cons don’t feel as friendly as they used to /: I still get asked for pictures somewhat regularly… but what cosplays would make you want to approach someone not only for pics but also small talk. Pls don’t say Makima, Kobeni, Mitsuri, Marin etc etc
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>Also when people take pictures with you, touch them
this made me remember an ancient dead (F) meem
>as soon as she touched my dick I came and started farting
Its everything to do with attractiveness
OP is ugly thats why they/them get no attention
You think hot girls complain about getting no attention? No.
Signs, a good sign with funny wording will get people to like you more and get more interaction than anything you look like.
Being attractive might get the ice broken but personality carries it the rest of the way. It's like this one guy I know here in the southern /cgl/ scene, he can't grasp personality carries it and constantly swaps to meme cosplays even though everyone can tell who he is. We all know him because he can't stop acting schizo for 5 minutes before getting stupid drunk and going on weird pol rants.

Personality is everything. It dictates how you play off your cosplay, meet others, and so on. Yeah hot e-thots will get attention from people but that's not anything new.
If you want small talk ask them questions! Don't expect people to initiate or carry the conversation after asking for a picture, they might feel like they are bothering you too much already, respond with some friendly questions that show interest in them. This is not really a question of the cosplay you're doing but more about how you can start and carry conversations. Like others have suggested a relatable cosplay like Genshin characters etc will probably help you get more interactions but it's up to you to carry that on.

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Who’s your fave?
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Time will tell. Maybe she's fine doing solo for now.
anyone watch the luminary stream today? thoughts?
Nobody here watched that shit.
Certain groups that participated need to stop self-posting.
The stream didn't get cut off this time. I thought it would be best if they do that more often than say - delayed Twitch VOD
Anyone get any Idol Conspiracy theories?
Im Bored

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