Old >>10874898
>>10944527better than men pretending to be women in ita threads. kys
>>10944536The board hasn't changed, is cosplying itself that became OF-lite.
>>10945853I mean the board has changed in that everything has gone off site
Does anyone know where I can get these books? Ideally in PDF; ideally for free but I'm willing to pay (I just saw it for 45 bucks on Etsy, and I ain't paying that)
A lot of these seem to be for programmable sewing machines. I'm trying to sew some nui eyes by hand and oh god this is hard.
>>10947661I was gonna say, I tried hand embroidery for some simple patterns and that was such a pain. These eyes look like they need some next level OCD to get them looking good.
>>10947359Most of these kits are just extremely overpriced machine program's. (like .dst or .csd) My guess is that they were made using multi needle thread machine and an airbrush for the blush. The thick thread in the pic will not work neither will the needle. (unless you have weeks of free time and machine precision) >>10947382Most designs I find are usually really easy for beginners to reproduce using free embroidery software. These types of sellers focus on a immediate short term sales then dump any sort of negative reply for another account.>>10947661A lot of these template "face design" kits are mass produced to crafter's like 3d models are sold for 3d printers. If your too lazy to model or design it yourself and are willing to part with $45... Then it's fair game.>t. embroidery business owner
>>10947925Yeah I'm not interested in machine stuff. I do some embroidery by hand, mostly crossstitch, as a hobby, so I'm just going to buckle down and do what I can. I'll draw my own eye patterns and just use ye olde transfer paper.
>>10947359I have some Japanese anime stuffed toy channels if it helps,https://www.youtube.com/@tacute/videoshttps://www.youtube.com/@piyopicco/videos
>>10947701Only care about looks
>>10942425I fit your bill, Anon, but you'll have to pay a lot more than that. 250 isn't even 5% what I make a paycheck, so it's gotta be worth my time.
>>10947811Show your face
Why is there such a stigma against girls who cosplay for money? As someone who has never had a girlfriend, being able to send money to cute girls who cosplay as the characters that I love is one of the only things in my life that makes me feel like I have a purpose. From patreon to onlyfans, it's on of my biggest joys and motivations in my life. One day I hope I can give money to a cosplayer at a con in real life and not just through the internet.
>>10944332I would go broke if I ever met girls who did this
>>10868287Wew lad
>>10868831not all of us are uggs
>>10946755She looks like she could make a lot of money charging men to be stepped on at cons.
>>10868287where is the image?
CCC #2 Repent EditionWhat recently mischiefs have you done recently? Or plan on perpetuate on your next innocent victims.Me: Ask someone if I can play Street Fighter II on the SNES classic. It was a close match manage to win, He was getting ready for a rematch but I say thank you and prepare to leave, He leaves first. Also after that pick up some free posters that some left of the consoles table and I leave.Also repent for being lazy and missing 3 cons this year.
I shower, brush my teeth, wear deodorant and cologne whenever i go to cons so i wont be “that guy”Too bad im constantly ripping out farts during a convention
>>10820217>i intentionally gave people wrong directions to panel rooms or big areas because i didnt like their cosplay/character.Picrelated>>10941701>Too bad im constantly ripping out farts during a conventionI used to do this but eventually one con a girl caught me and called me out, haven't farted in public since
I've never been super horny, but I have a thing for a lot of goth aesthetics. I saw a girl cosplaying a character who has a lot of those aesthetics and was talking to her for a decent bit since she was a friend of a friend. My eyes kept getting drawn to her breasts and I still feel bad about it.
I started hrt when I was 12 and use passing completely to fuck with both troons and troon obsessed alike. Why? Because theres nothing more funny then seeing a bunch of troons and chuds get all riled up. Also like, it used to be expected you didnt try to call yourself a woman when you hardly even pass as a twink, or that you had like, dysphoria.
>>10816477I am very well behaved at cons
I was wondering if I ever make a cosplay, I firstly understand what makes it bad. Even if I dress properly, make up, good wig, I feel like it would look bad anyway. I was wondering if it is something else, like face structure or just being ugly. Also not talking about cosplays that don't match body build or those that want to look bad ironically.
>>10830561>>over or under doing make upThis is probably the hardest lesson to "learn" as a cosplayer, especially at conventions. Knowing the right makeup for a con is incredibly hard since you just can't really tell what looks good or not until you're at the con, and even then you can't guarantee it'll stay looking good when you're there. It'd be nice to have somebody teach me about what the balance should be sometime.
>>10941752boner robin, the absolute legend
>>10908150My wife
>>10827665ugly people make it bad
random Q to any cosplayers out there: were there any cosplays you did of a character no one in a public space knew about?
>>10947549>exactly oneidunno that seems pretty obscure in my mind
>>10947568"Inverse", in the sense that it's someone else doing a cosplay and basically no one else knew what it was. It made me talk myself out of it, since I'll no doubt get the same treatment
>>10947509I cosplayed as Frank West at quite a few conventions in Scotland and my character was recognised by about two middle aged men and two heavily autistic guys, this was over the course of three or so different conventions. My cosplay for the most part I'd say was accurate to Frank West, accurate enough for them to recognise me anyways. Has Dead Rising really fallen out of the public eye, even with the remake of 1? (Which was ass).
>>10947684That's lame. I always wanted to stress as Frank and run around with a big camera and business cards that link to where I'd upload the photos. Honestly, other than whenever the 360 released, and DR2, I don't think it was really that popular. Most obscure character I ever dressed as was probably Kei Yuuki from Moyashimon. Not one person knew it. Next would probably be Golden Boy. But a couple people have recognized it.
>>10947687>Golden Boyoooh that's a deep cut
I was rlly nervous yesterday and even omw there desu. But everyone was so sweet, I'm happy I went there <3
>>10947954lookin' cute!
>>10947954You look really cool!
It's been too long without one. Thread pic in honor of Nayo's birthday.Some starting topics:>Thoughts about the idolfests that have happened since November (AWA, HolMat, etc.)>Any goals or wishes for 2025?>What was your favorite part about 2024? Least favorite?>Which idols are you keeping your eye on this year? Who do you think will get their big break?
>>10947911I would think the videos doxxing her would have been reported very likely. Also I did happen to catch a fan's video on tiktok on one of her performances recently where she did actually sing live! And I was very pleasantly surprised. There was obvious signs of heavy breathing here and there, but she was pretty stable most the way through. I think it's something she's been working on and I'm hopeful to see her sing live more often cause it's really nice when she does. If I come across the tiktok again I'll definitely share.
>>10947887It’s crazy, only Non Sweet and Amuse have patreons even remotely worth joining. I get she can price whatever she wants but it does scream tone deaf money hungry to me
>>10947927Why don't I see Paida, the one with the biggest following doing any of these things? No patreon, barely as active on socials and when she does post it's always using the same race tactic. Doesn't stream. What does she do??
Non Sweet>Lowest level gets news posts, BTS, and weekly short casual info videos>Second tier is video credits and release-related DLC>Third tier is monthly video call, birthday video and exclusive merch accessOverall feels balanced except maybe the bottom getting a bit too much reward and the middle not enough. Top tier is fair. Personally I'm glad Non Sweet doesn't have an official discord because I'd feel really awkward in it.A-MUSE>cheapo tier is official discord access and newsposts>second tier adds BTS content, similar to Non Sweet low tier>third tier is cheki and personalized letter from random member and birthday video from selected member>fourth tier is wide format monthly cheki and birthday cheki>fifth tier is changing the random letter to chosen member, discord ego role, 2 more monthly cheki, video call, digital selfie and message on birthday, store discount, custom penlight, shoutout during live shows. The third tier point feels really low for receiving a custom monthly item, good deal. Fourth tier feels like an also-ran looking for a reason to exist. Doesn't make sense to split the birthday goods between three tiers. Fifth tier feels kinda crazy with how much stuff it has and has MORE birthday reward? I don't get it. I gotta wonder about sustainability with how much all the physical rewards and shipping might cut into their margins. BerryComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>10947960Comparing the three:Non Sweet third tier, A-MUSE fifth tier and Berry's fourth tier all line up to about the same price but Berry's rewards are essentially one tier higher than the other two groups. Berry's video call is double the price of the others while being half as long. 2 minutes vs Non Sweet 10 minutes and A-MUSE 5 minutes.I can't imagine that she'd have enough fans where the calls would take up a ton of time? Two minute length is closer to the timing of an in-person chat time when you're getting a cheki at an idol show in japan. Maybe that was her intent, but while 2 minutes is fine when you're in person when it's online you need extra time because of all the technical setup and just the slower pace of a phone call compared to talking face to face.
Discussion and analysis of CAP & SNK cosplayers.Post cosplayers names if you know them.Also Event & Year of pic.
>>10937777I miss seeing smiles
How can people walk around in public wearing this
is it possible to bring back otakuism to the aussie anime community?
Syd peeps, come along>>>/jp/48953643
Anyone going to A2 next weekend? I know a few of the tablers since we always have a good gossip at AVcon/artcade/supanova but idk $30 for a single day with nothing really going on is a bit much for me, I would've expected tickets to be $15 for the day time, I don't give a shit about the orgy rave. I hope they keep running stuff in the future all the same, always nice to have more small community stuff.
Burger hereGoing to my first aussie con here in summer or I guess winter fall? down there. Anything to know about Aussie cons? I have a few friends there but non of them are the con goer type the ones that do go just tell me "ye everyones fuckin drunk and as long as you don't get thrown in jail you had a good time". Not sure how accurate that is.Any words of advice? The event I am looking at is in Melborne
>>10947904youre not allowed to drink at almost all cons ANYWHERE as theyre family friendly now. they dont sell alcohol at them and youll certainly get kicked out for being disorderly if you show up drunkyour friends are retarded. this isnt how cons work here in aus at all
>>10947904Melbourne people are constantly bragging about how their city is safe, welcoming, and has great public transport. I was born in NSW so it's in my blood to hate on them. My God given birth right to be a hater aside, your friends are fucking stupid like the other anon said. Even the after hours 18+ events are strict and ready to throw you out if you look like you're sipping a lil too muchIt'll be different as you're going to a con, but my general advice for visiting burgers is you really need to understand that the average Australian is going to think of you like a dumb dog, which may be in an endearing way or an annoyed way. You're expected to be loud, overly sensitive, and dramatic about basic things. Buuut you ARE going to a convention where people are expected to be loud, overly sensitive, and dramatic about things. If you're going to a Melbourne con it'll likely be a large and busy one, so just navigate it the same you would a busy 'murican one.
Old thread is nearing its limit >>10790295This thread is for ouji and aristocrat (aka "boystyle") discussion. "Boystyle" is shorthand for "boystyle lolita" and refers to the masculine counterparts of Japanese lolita and, often, aristocrat fashions. There is a lot of overlap between these styles, and different people use different terms to describe them. We usually just use "ouji" here.>Shopping spreadsheetThis is broken, now. Can it be fixed?https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1j7sg2_7CvXUeIgZGGSLvJ9lUUuSVXhW8FlWWFwiv1Yk/edit?usp=docslist_api>Buttcape-sensei's shopping guide (mentions which brands/shops have men's or custom sizes):https://stephano.me/blog/where-to-buy-ouji-fashion/>Blogs for infobuttcape[.]blogspot[.]comhttps://ouji-armoire.tumblr.com/tagsComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>10947919as the cringe-print pointer lord, this one isn't too bad
aatp pics from fashion show
>>10947945new lapshade hat
>>10947946the cut is insane
reviving bc the previous thread from a while ago got nukedwhat's everyone's thoughts on cosplay photography in 2024/the foreseeable future? it seems like the amount of bullshit we have to put up with as photographers in the cosplay scene only increases day by day and the cons outweigh the pros
>>10937807I make an easy $450k a year, it’s an easy way to get to the upper class. One year I made just under 7 digits, it was amazing.
Is Everage still around anywhere?
Whats the best way to send a shit load of photos to someone from the shoot? I'm sure theres some standard, but I was thinking uploading a big zip somewhere
>>10945370Google Drive, then share the folder and send them the link
>>10945370Giving them a flash drive
im thinking futaba from persona
>>10945980Do blue dress nami so I can cum to it Whats your discord I want to give you tribs
>>10945816Are you a transsexual with fake tits?
simping way too hard, fags
>>10945816*rizzalicious voice* I can make it sizzle...
>>10946610afraid so