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It's been 10 years
Are cons safer now?
Anyone encountered any con creeps?

I (male) got my butt grabbed by another guy once, didn't bother me desu (not gay)
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a few weeks ago me and another cosplayer i was just taking pics with were approached by 4 drunk men who obviously were not even into cosplay or anime. They asked if they could take photos with us and we just sorta agreed but they were really weird.

Apart from that its usually just boomers taking photos without asking and lots of catcalling.
I remember going to a con in the mid 2000's where they had to ban yaoi paddles because too many girls going around smacking male cosplayers asses and trying to force male cosplayers to kiss and hump for their amusement. They also had to make a rule where you had to use the correct restroom regardless of who you were cosplaying as, because too many female cosplayers were dressing as male characters and going into the men's bathrooms to roleplay as men having gay sex.

Yeah, men can be creepers plenty of the time, but in my experience it's usually the women who are the real degenerates.
she literally did porn. everyone fapped to it when this image started appearing. she was a grade a whore and old and ugly now.
They were cosplaying as nip salarymen after a shift.
they were actually football fans but perverted salaryman will be my next cosplan

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Webm thread
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only horniness can explain this bizarre act
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First time converting a video to a webm using Webmmaker.

Why is this the result despite the original video being normal?
you can still hear it without the audio
>levelheaded people walking away and ugly nerds watching it

I'm altering a coat pattern to have a face-concealing high collar like this but I'm stuck on how to cut things so what I sew on will have the right shape to stand up properly. I tried looking for patterns or tutorials of Vash's original coat design since it's pretty much what I want, but I haven't found one that explains the collar well enough.

Can anyone point me to something that'll explain how to make it look decent? Or would it be faster to grab some cardstock and scissors and work out the pattern from scratch?

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Old thread: >>10917597
Featured: Berry-Chan
Previous thread topics:
>NWIF 2024 guest announcements and predictions for performers
>Are kaigai idols "making it"?
>Leveraging first impressions to make fans
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I think she deleted I can't see it. Learn to take screenshots
damn. oops. she was claiming people were talking shit about her performing in this thread which has not happened.
>being above a certain weight does impact your visuals
i think that’s subjective. paida’s body never fit the mould, even at her skinniest. so, it’s fine she has an average-sized body. she’s well proportioned and dresses to fit it. most people who aren’t genetically predisposed to just won’t look like a 4’11” 98lb japanese girl not matter how hard they diet and exercise.
i pay more attention to how they clean up no matter their size. do they dress to flatter their body? does their costume fit them? how is their hair and makeup? do they look like a mess or do they look good?
new thread let's pinky promise to not shit it up
1000x agree with this. He’s also really biased on who gets into his events to perform based on what has been put out since Animarketplace. Almost always the same groups and people end up being accepted. Seriously he needs to grow a pair at this point.

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To counteract all the moids here and the overwhelming spamming of slutty girls, here's a thread dedicated to the cuties who cosplay.

Emphasis on the "cute" part. Bodybuilders cosplaying just to show off their abs are just as bad as the girls who only do it for onlyfans.
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Are mtfs or ftms more common in cosplay
>Hobby requiring you to go outside, if you want anyone directly look at you
FtM and it's not even close
FtM considering most anime guys look like soft girly skinned faggots (or teenage boys) in the first place.
corn syrup and seed oils
Because we have testosterone so we can lift heavy things for you, hunt food for you, and die defending you for beasts and the elements.

Previous thread >>10803531 died from a lack of posts. Not all that surprising with how little there was to post about at the time. Personally I'm also somewhat done with /cgl/ and all the pointless con drama and have been focusing on other things. But now that we've got several conventions around the corner, have a new thread!

Question of the thread: What convention are you looking forward to the most this year and why?

Upcoming major events
>22-23 Sep: Elfia Haarzuilens, a large popular outdoor fantasy event in Haarzuilens.
>6-7 May: MIA NL, a popular commercial anime convention in Gorinchem.
>21-21 May: Comic Con Brussels, a large commercial geek convention in Brussels.
>9-11 June: Animecon, the oldest anime convention of the Netherlands, hosted in Rijswijk.
>24-25 June: Heroes DCC, the largest commercial geek convention with a focus on dealers.
>30 Jun-2 Jul: Dokomi DE, a large popular anime convention in Dusseldorf.
>8-9 July: Atsusacon, Belgium's largest anime convention... I think?
>3-6 August: Castlefest, a(nother) large popular outdoor fantasy event in Haarzuilens with tons of great food.
>11-13 August: Abunai!, the second oldest and probably now largest anime convention of the Netherlands, hosted in Veldhoven.
>12-13 August: Showmasters Comic Con Amsterdam, a geek convention in Amsterdam.

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I was looking at Instagram stories and this Dutch cosplayer just posts herself swinging from a tree in the Japanese garden at Dokomi... Girl why, you will get us all banned.
Depends what you're there for my man.
The good:
>Vtubers isolated in their own hall
>Good selection of artists, especially in the adult area
>Fun arcade stuff / game areas larger than before
>Even though warm weather, lots of really good cosplays. Shoutout to the Helldivers squad.
>Afaik no Kinderbonbon or fake-staff scandal this time.

The bad:
>Afaik no adult stage panels. Last year the panels were my highlight, this year they apparently only had their shitty "ecchi or hentai" or "couple or siblings" games.
>The park got fucked up. Not the worst ever but fuck, it was bad.
>Cosplay retards jumping into the closed pond.
>Same retards swinging on trees, pissing and shitting in bushes, leaving their trash behind.
>Mongoloids like her will get us banned from the park >>10924746
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Hey Fleur, dit is Joël. We zaten naast elkaar en hadden gesproken tijdens het JLPT-examen. Je droeg een soort lolita-outfit. Ik wilde graag verder napraten maar ik moest weg.. Mijn Discord is caramellatte als je verder wilt praten.
Ibaricon sucked ass. I understand that it was their first edition, but not being allowed to eat or drink at the con? A gopher ran up to me and my friend because they thought we stole drinks from the venue? We were so confused. The dealer room was cramped, some artists could barely get away from their booth.

I also heard cosplay guests and other performers weren't compensated for their food and drinks even though Ibaricon agreed on doing so, they were told to just get fries from the cafetaria close by. Apparently it wasn't in their budget but they could drop 700 bucks for Nigel Sean who performed for 20 minutes.

Let's hope they learn from their mistakes. Apparently the no food no drinks rule came from the hotel boss who didn't want to host this con at all.
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The time is almost here. 1 Week to go until the Otaku Detroit Summer Bash so let's get some discussion going.

Dates: July 13, 2024 - July 14, 2024
Venue(s): Sheraton Novi Hotel
City: Novi, Michigan, USA
Kayleigh McKee (known for doing English dub voices for Yuta Okkotsu from Jujutsu Kaisen, Pina from Beastars, Itaru Saito from the Prince of Tennis II, Mito/Tozawa Misumi from Sword Art Online Progressive: Aria of a Starless Night, Kiku from One Piece, Rongshi and Chai Yi from Genshin Impact, and Testament from Guilty Gear Strive)

Registration link: https://www.otakudetroit.com/registration-info#BYpbHOaff=oddtdtcreator&lang=en-us&locale=en_US&status=30&view=listing
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someone stole a basket from one of the hotel employees.
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well, it was fun while it lasted. See you all for the next con.
Certainly was, anon. I'll make a thread for Dokidokon later on tonight or tomorrow.
>having conversation in board game room.
>Some gook tells me to watch my language because children are present.
>Continue to curse even more.

Lol don't bring your kids if you're gonna be a prissy little bitch.
Where the con pictures at? Did anyone even go?

guys how do i know witch cosplay to buy online if I get multiple options but I'm not sure witch one is better quality also the size options confuse me. I'm new to cosplaying
literally measure yourself and don’t buy shit from amazon
Never buy any full cosplay outfits from amazon. Supplementary parts and pieces sure like accessories, but never an entire cosplay. Uwowo, Dokidoki, even etsy are better places to look.
okay let me see if they work were im from
okay guys i did some research on things and thanks to you, i now know where to buy it from
measuring yourself is hard :/

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Do you agree with this popular cosplay girl's opinions on male cosplays?
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Gosh i love the NCR ranger, i want to cosplay him too one day. good luck for your cosplay!
All of the people I approached at the first convention I just went to were all men.
>Michael Myers
>Jason Voorhees
>One Badass Vox Cosplay

I have no desire to pose with a femoid. All of my favorite characters are men.

woman here, men should cosplay as long as they want as long as it’s not cringe bodysuits or girl characters, preferably hot anime/video boys please? pleaseeee? if not, you might as well just troon out already
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I honestly thought it was different, like more expensive in general. I know military cosplay costs a bit more, even if you buy a lot of fake stuff. I got a new plate carrier since last post and definitively swapped my colour from black to dark multicam. The last thing I need is a new helmet, since mine is a bit too small. That will bump my outfit to around 1500€ and I hope I can control myself to not further upgrade anything.
I'm a bit concerned already, since after finishing this one I wanna get into crafting armor. I reckon that won't be much cheaper.

I want to cosplay with colored contact lenses, but I've been wearing prescription lenses for over a decade. Does anyone here have any tips for getting colored prescription lenses? I know they exist, but I don't want to go into my ophthalmologist's asking about these and looking like a total idiot.
pinky paradise ships old expired ones sometimes
usa approved colored ones arent good for cosplay

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What are some cosplay stories that you'll remember for the rest of your life?

Wholesome: Cosplaying some My Little Penis characters with my then-gf when a little girl started freaking out over how great we looked. She got her dad to take loads of pictures with both of us.

Less wholesome: I saw a fur-suiter yelling at his wife.

Least wholesome: Walking to the convention center behind my friend's sister in her Sailor Saturn cosplay, on a windy day. She either didn't notice or didn't care that her bare ass was playing aggressive peekaboo with me. Only time I've ever wanted the walk from the hotel to be longer.

Sad: I was at Twitchcon when that lady broke her spine.
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>Weebs I guess
That's not just a weeb, that's a pedophile. Asking your address is very bad. Probably wanted to kidnap you later.
Should have tried to get booked foe the following year.

based usagi
>I had a drink at a con that was possibly roofied and I got a kit done, someone did force themselves on me. The man was never found
Bruh that's fucked up
Post-nut clarity hit ?

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I've only seen one thread on this in the past, but it's getting into the peak time of year soon so why not see if there's any interest.
>favorite designs/tailmakers (fin fun, mertailor, fin folk)
>fabric tails vs silicone
>the actual exercise component of swimming with a monofin
I know there are mers on here and I'm trying to actually take the plunge and get a tail this year.
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I've got a question: how do mermaids get around?
Do you get carted around in one of those little wheelboroughs? A special go-cart where the acceleration is driven by some kind of crank or lever, maybe? Do you get piggy-backs?
At my regular gig, we have staff members pick us up backstage and carry us out princess style. At events that are on a larger scale where it's too far to carry, we use a collapsable wagon and sit inside with our fluke hanging off the back edge

I have also been carried fireman style, and stood on a little hand-cart holding the tips of my fluke up with my hands while someone wheeled me into place. Indoors you can do things like dollys or wheeled carts too.

If you don't have someone to help you have two options: rolling, or doing a sort of crab-walk with feet together where you inchworm forward on your butt with hands and feet. thats how you get into the water if you put your tail on at say a beach vs the edge of a pool. `
Good on you guys for keeping the magic real

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Recently I got a crush on slav women, they're fucking goddesses

Name: ksana stankevich
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ramona closet cosplay lolzz
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Blessed thread
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oh yeah, cosplay. stop objectifying women btw

I bought this red leather samurai armour. Who can I cosplay in it!

Prefer if bald....

It looks really cool in real life I just feel stupid costuming in it since there's nobody who wears it in anime
first thought was madara
You didn't think about that before you bought it?

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