is being into cosplay at age 30+ cringe?I don't mean token master roshi boomer
>>10937420This is the right answer. Giving a shit if a bunch of teenagers and people posing as teenagers on 4chan think you're cringe is the true cringe. Just go have fun.I'm in my mid-30s and haven't been able to cosplay in about 10 years due to my job (I travel a ton), but that's changing now, and I'm excited to get back into it. Shit sucks in the world, just have some fun while you can.
I'm gonna be 34 this year. When I hit 30 I pretty much lost everything. Going to cons feels awkward as hell now. Everyone seems way to young for me now and everyone else my age has someone they love and are settling down with. Just staring at all the 30+ cosplayers who have someone in their lives just makes me feel worse.
>>10844576Lol you think adults with children don't have hobbies? God you're going to be that one boring neighbor who wants to talk about your lawn all the time.
>cringeI hate how unspecific the term is because at it's core it mainly means a type of overexcited for or against something. Being into cosplay at 30 doesnt necessarily entail being being 'too into' it. You absolutely can be overbearing about it, like making it your entire personality but most cosplayers still in the scene at that point tend to either be pretty normal about things.If they just got into cosplay in their 30s? Probably gonna be cringe.
>>10946315He's not entirely wrong, most cosplayers I know that had kids arent active at cons. Most just engage with cosplay social media or other 'communities' and be some overbearing boomer with unsolicited advice. Really doesnt help when so many are disconnected from current scene. Its actually hilarious sometimes seeing boomers that cosplayed maybe like 10 times max and last time/con was 8 years ago still thinking they're 'in the scene' because they can comment on cosplay that comes across their IG or tiktok every so often.
hey /cgl/ this me cosplaying my cat rupert, hes pictured here next to me ill add another picture after so you can get a closer look
reposting the original pic from the other thread it wont let me there even though its not showing anymore
How old is he
>>10937438cute kohtte
>>10937438Very cute
>>10937444he looks mad kek
old one's gone
>>10946000the characters are nearly impossible to cosplay, let alone well. homestuck was popular to cosplay because almost all of the designs were just jeans and a t shirt, so any kid who could get their hands on some modelling clay could do it.
Just caught up with HS^2Why is Karkat Big Boss now?
>>10946043exactly. and the blankness that comes with such a simple design allowed cosplayers to customize and get creative with shit. hazbin designs are so overcrowded and hard to look at. too many details and none of them interesting. also red facepaint is harder to conquer than gray
>>10928151mostflogged my beloved
>>10946014You weren't supposed to noticed.
Here's my ahri cosplay :3. Hope you like it!!!
>>10944752stop shitting up the board with your individual cosplay posts you unintegrated retard
>>10944752its cute, the angle you picked is a good pose but the lighting is terrible for it, you want more light to fall on your thighs and lower body
>>10944752Manly shoulders
Have cons all adopted the ways of hiring out a Maid Cafe company to act as idols or do any still have staff volunteers that rely on hotel or convention center food and bev?Do you prefer an inclusive ticketed special event style or a space for buying menu items from maids Are anime con maid cafes fun? Why?
>>10943437how didnt that anon not figure it out lmfao>>10943424american women are hot too
>>10943425They're b
>>10943425They're becoming more like burlesque troupes in a way, with the performers doing it for their own enjoyment and for the cheers from other girls in the audience instead of appealing to the stereotype male coomer audience for these things. It's more fun to have a cute girl as a cafe maid over a fat/ugly one? Yeah, and it's more fun to have a cute girl as your audience too instead of a fat/ugly/awkward man.
>>10943425>western maid cafes are shit because it's all full of ugly bitchesThis. You're lucky if any given girl is not a landwhale
I never went to these as I wasn't old enough but I've heard that conventions used to be more fun. Actual nerds going there having a good time.No social media attention whores trying to get cloutNot overly woke and annoying bullshit shoved down your throatJust nerds nerdin' out
I don't know that they were better in every way, but the internet and popularity of nerdshit has definitely made things worse in a lot of ways. Like with literally anything else today, things just seem a lot less social.
>>10926600Basically this>>10926779I will never respect a fujoshit>>10926153wrong on the chicks, right on the tranny part, the few crossdressers you saw were memeing and (mostly) straight
Of course like all things it was more fun when it was more obscure. Nowadays even small hole in the wall cons feel like they're wall to wall with people (and "influencers") to the point where there's zero sense of camaraderie between attendees and no one looks like they're actually enjoying themselves. Hell, sometimes I wonder if most of the people attending cons nowadays even like or watch anime. It feels like there's nothing new or interesting anymore. It's all either hyper mainstream shit that's been around for years (DBZ, One Piece, Pokemon, etc.) or FOTM shit (e.g. Chainsaw Man, Dandadan).
>>10936137It doesn't help that the English VA circle feels like it's less than 30 people because of union bullshit the top dogs like Mercer and JYB use to gatekeep. You hear the same handful of voices in everything dubbed nowadays and they give the same phoned-in performances for everything because they know no one is actually watching dubs anymore.
ramona closet cosplay lolzz
A thread for telling stories about anything and nothing - funny, roommate horror, party shenanigans, creeps, things you wished you didn't see, etc.>Be me>Walking around con floor with friend I just met the day before>He is fairly high at this point in time>Tells me he wants to try and find some bitches to bring back to the hotel room>I'm down, decide to try to be a wingman to him at the very least>He is cosplaying as Loid Forger>See thicc qt3.14 Yor cosplayer>Approach.wav"That's a really sweet Yor cosplay, my friend here has been trying to find a Yor cosplayer for a photo">She sees him behind me>They start talking>To my surprise, he has some fair rizz>A second Yor cosplayer approaches, she seems to know the other oneComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>10944479Lose weight too.
>>10944519>>10944486Meant for
>>10901206Almost two years now
>>10944924Can we make it to three?
ITT: We post pictures of cosplay from the 90's or early 2000's.
In love with how images looked
>>10887127You sound like you have some sort of mental issues. You do know that the only point to doing anything you don't have to do is for it to be enjoyable and fun. That includes things like Lolita. If you're not having fun stop spending a fortune and do something else.
Sharing a hotel room at a con:Have you done it before? Where did you find people to split the room with? Were they strangers? What rules were usually in place for the convention weekend? Did any problems arise? Would you do it again?
>>10899061it works out well as long as you're aware of what your roommates plan to use the room for.... a party till 6am? annoying as FUCK and people keep wandering into the bedroom- cool if you are also partying till 6amI've never had anything stolen either, been doing this for like 13's best to know the people, or have someone you know somewhat well to vouch for them.AVOID:>dramawhores>people that get retarded when drunk>people that get blackout drunk>flakes>people that cannot pay their room portion up-frontComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>10899061>Have you done it before?Yes>Where did you find people to split the room with?Met them through the Florida /cgl/ discord server>Were they strangers?basically>What rules were usually in place for the convention weekend?None really. First time I let them crash with me because I had gotten a great deal on a 3 bedroom resort room for a con (like cheaper than a typical hotel room). Next few cons I went to that they were going to we split the costs of rooms. Pretty much same wavelength party wise, but we tried to keep partying in our room to a minimum to avoid getting kicked out.>Did any problems arise?NoComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Is there an unspoken rule about not using the room for sex or does it depend on the group?
>>10943038As long as you 'own' the bed ie. no-one else is sleeping in it, then go for it
>>10906047>Workers need money to buy food>They'd rather work for a capitalist boss than live off of their own back>This is somehow badAlternatively >People want to share a room and pay a lower total price>They agree to a price and are happy to pay it, they feel good about the exchange before and after>They are somehow being stolen from!!Voluntary exchange by definition benefits both parties. You can not argue that someone is worse off after a trade, because they would simply not go through with the trade. This is the same for people working for a boss. Just become a boss if you think it's that easy.
The picture I posted, in my opinion she is very pretty, this cosplay she did is nearly perfect: same person also posted how she looked like when she was 15 and compared to now. was kinda ugly before, now she is pretty.Can we assume anyone can do it, as long as your BMI is low?
>>10946226Seems like way better skincare and editing to me, huge props to them.
>>10946226It just takes the discipline for fork putdowns, learning your angles, and a few thousand dollars of subtle cosmetic surgery
HeyI have a vested interested in gas masks and other CBRN equipment I'm really liking the look of the MSA Millennium gas mask, and I am looking to acquire oneUpon doing some quick googling, it seems like they're very expensive....My budget is around $50 or so, if the Millennium is an unreasonable thought for that price range, I would love to hear about alternatives that are in my price rangeAlso, what kinds of filters are accepted by the MSA Millennium? I feel like it might not be standard 40mm STANAG filters, which may mean I would like to hear affordable filter suggestions as wellPic related, an MSA Gas Mask example
You're probably better off posting this in >>>/k/ since this board is about DIY costuming and how to replicate something like a cool mask, rather than where to buy an actual one. And making one yourself is generally going to be more expensive in materials alone, let alone time.
>>10945122Ah, I suppose that makes senseI didn't think to post on /k/ because I mostly understand it as a firearms related board.While I would post on /k/ for gun related things, posting about gas masks never crossed my mindYou sure it won't get deleted for being irrelevant to the board?
>>10945124Alright. I'll make a post about it there.How do I delete this thread? So I don't clog things up and waste people's time?
>>10945110FUCK it deleted my post. Okay, short version: I’m just here for lewds but I’m former CBRN ordnance handling and current radiation protection. Yes, 50 bucks for a good mono-visor mask is unrealistic. Your best bet if you want mono-visor is to see if any nearby fire departments are throwing out old used masks. They’ll be SCBA facepieces, but you should be able to make some modifications so it looks like it’s a cartridge respirator. Otherwise, if you’re fine going to dual-lens, C3 masks are super cheap and look fucking good.
Do you agree with this popular cosplay girl's opinions on male cosplays?
>>10865103>Cute boys, Deku Ikuto Tsukiyomi etc. even though I'm 32 I have immaculate skincare, look young faciallyWhats ur skincare routine look like?
>>10916808They do it for fujo reasons mostly
>>10941890I don't know
Most cons/events I went to didn't have people cosplaying. Every cosplay I've seen has looked very well detailed
>>10944843Can you repeat the question?
I want to cosplay a lolita, do you think there is a lolita character that would suit me?
>>10943803it suit you,and dont forget to make up a little bit ,you can make it ;)
>>10943803I'm curious, what's a lolita character?
>>10943803ur cute, maybe in 42lolita you can get something of your likes, i think you will look nice in pastel tones
maybe i'm crazy but i swear i've seen you posting in a lolita thread recently, if that was you then congrats
My friend is a cosplayer who dreams about living off, or at least making some good money by doing cosplay. She’s already got a decent following (27k) but her engagement is not that good and has started to lose followers. Any ideas on how to improve this?
>>10944319Hardly any are making money off 1-3But many are making money off 4
>>10944321few make money on any of them, well... 1 use to be the go to way to do this.4 has some big actors in there, but realistically, look at only fans, just as many show skin of pennys as they do making youtube videos. look at the stand out only fans people, they brought a following to only fans, and at that point you are already making money likely with 3.
Just b u'are self
>>10943078coomable content + OF/patreons
Sell photopacks/books/e-books; price them at like $20 a pop and if 5 people buy them, then that's $100. Some cosplayers get super greedy and price them at like $80-$100 a book, and then wonder why they get nowhere. Surely if she has such a large following, she has a small handful of dedicated fans that would pay that much for merch.