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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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share images of your favourite maid cosplays, whether it be the cutest girls or the most fashionable and intricate designs.
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>jersey maid
Guido maids driving to D'jais in Belmar for a night of dancing and jager bombs
>Gulls getting mad over people lewding cosplay that was literally made for coomer reasons in Japan.
Never change
disgusting on so many levels. delete this

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Previous thread. >>10910760

Cosplay feels.

I'm so sick of ageplay thots in the comm. They be like goo goo gah gah- gah guh *farts* gah guh gah *shits* gah GUH GAH AAAAAA AAAAAA *vomits* *farts* *chokes on own vomit and dies*
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ayrt and this also depends on the pictures. In some of them they removed her laugh lines. I heard she doesn't like it though.
I think she looks her age as well, but I know lots of people think she looks younger than 40.
Please, I don't know where you are but an average 25 year old American already looks older and more busted than misako.
I'm getting fat, I have been eating so poorly and haven't dared stepping onto my scale in almost two months, I fear what it'll show me, and lately I can even feel that I've gotten fatter. All my progress is being reversed.
You partook in the seed oils didn't you?
I know this feeling. The sooner you assess the situation by stepping onto that scale the better. Remember to do it consistently in the same way, for example do it naked in the morning after visiting the toilet and before you eat or drink anything.
When this happened to me before it was always one of the two following scenarios;
1- I had gained weight but not as much as I thought. I used that feeling of relief to restart a healthy lifestyle in better spirits
2- it was just as bad or worse than I thought, I used that feeling of disappointment to strengthen my determination.

Foid here,
I'm starting to think cosplaying is only worth it if you're attractive
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How does the average man "become" a prettyboy unless he's born with good genetics? That's even worse.
>Foid here,
no you're an ugly /r9k/ incel trying to make /cgl/ posters insecure why dont you kys or at least take a shower gross faggot
not just cosplay but all of your life
>Studies have shown tha....
sure is summer in here
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Anyone can cosplay; you just have to actually cosplay to type or get comfortable doing comedy cosplays.
Don't get upset that you can't cosplay Power Girl or Fujiko because you've got AA flatties and two airplane seats worth of ass. Just cosplay as one of the Fairies from BotW or Lady Beemo.

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So I roomed with other people this year of the first time and it was actually a fantastic time. Why do people always make this seem like shit? Any of you got any horror stories
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If you want to attend cons why would you troll them to crumble them? Seems against your own wishes.

F*ceb**k groups, back in the day.
Facebook is disgusting
>late 2000s local anime con
>end up becoming club president of my anime club and decide to book my own room separate from the club room
>everything's going pretty good day one
>morning of day two, I get a knock on my door
>the club room is being shut down and everyone is banned from the con
>turns out one of the freshmen brought weed and 5 other friends to smoke
>off the interior balcony of the club room
>everyone in the interior courtyard could smell it, point out what room it was coming from, and got the cops called on them
>as club president, I was the legally responsible party, so I had to show up and get grilled by the police as they took the weed
>since our club was on such good terms with con staff, they didn't press charges, but everyone in the room (including the people who didn't smoke) were kicked out of the hotel and banned from the con until next year
>had to decide whether or not to have the freshmen arrested and kicked out of school

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>meanwhile, in another club member's room
>pastel lolita has fucked around and gotten three guys interested in her
>one is an abusive asshole who thinks he's House MD because he has a limp
>one is a nice guy fuck-buddy she's obstinately dating
>one is a self-centered sociopath who wants to fuck/beat her while trauma dumping on her for fun (who isn't bunking with them for obvious reasons)
>sociopath comes knocking
>nice guy goes to confront him
>sociopath has practically two feet on nice guy and beats the shit out of him
>House is practically jerking off because men are fighting over "his woman"
>sociopath and nice guy get arrested and banned from the con
>80% of my anime club has now been banned from our hometown convention
>sociopath gets permabanned because he tried to sneak back in to run his late night panel

There were no more club rooms after this shitshow. Kicked everyone who got the police called on them out of club.

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that's a good theme anon, keep it up
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>cosplayer starts while taking the hobby seriously
>does props, full costumes, sometimes sexy but only if she genuinely likes the character
>she notices her few sexy cosplay gets insanely more popular than the non-sexy stuff
>eventually, she does more ero-cosplay than non-ero
>starts selling content but is non-risky stuff
>then goes full erotic with risky angles
>some pictures have little glimpses of her areola
>she is still against nudity
>after constant begging (and because she already sold some pictures and knows they would eventually leak anyway) she post her tits
>then full nude
>cosplay is set aside and most of her pictures now are lingerie, nude, ocacionally cosplaying the waifu of the month
>at the end, you can find hd pictures of her spreaded pussy

Why does this happens so much?
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OF is a predatory site that imo offers nothing to both clients and producers and operates like a MLM. They sell a scam "you can make $100,000 just like this whore did!" Which also has the side effect of people spamming this shit everywhere since they litterally encourage you to post even on places that forbid it. Less than 90%-95% of people on OF make more than $500 a month and even at that point your asking for huge fan bases to break even.
I'm sure ops girl got talked into doing an OF by a retarded BF that thought it was easy money to pimp his GF out.
She's genuinely old now and has been ruining her looks on purpose since she got the boobjob, there's nothing else to it.
there are CC foids with OFs? that's hilarious!
I think she got sexually abused or something. Her eyes are just glassy and lifeless now.
>so she went back to porn
That's because you can't do porn and then try to have a serious career, no one will ever see you as anything other than a prostitute. This is basic shit that women should be able to figure out on their own, without need men to teach them.

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old one's gone
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Oh shit it's guy, blessing up with his presence.
I don't know if "blessing" is the word I would use

Have you ever thought about getting plastic surgery for cosplay?

If you did, were the results favorable?
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So you'd rather have "real" fake tits than fake fake tits...
crossdressing breast plates exist you retard
Yeah. Breast implants can look real. Boob plates look stupid unless they're covered up or photoshopped.
>Breast implants can look real
To men only
Women can tell easily and will put you on blast for it
Cuz they're jealous

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Old thread is nearing its limit >>10790295

This thread is for ouji and aristocrat (aka "boystyle") discussion. "Boystyle" is shorthand for "boystyle lolita" and refers to the masculine counterparts of Japanese lolita and, often, aristocrat fashions. There is a lot of overlap between these styles, and different people use different terms to describe them. We usually just use "ouji" here.

>Shopping spreadsheet
This is broken, now. Can it be fixed?

>Buttcape-sensei's shopping guide (mentions which brands/shops have men's or custom sizes):

>Blogs for info

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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another view
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embroidered blouse from Amavel
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jsk has a border design to match, but...
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...the pants just get a cotton ball.
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closeup of sleeve design

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ive like never cosplayed b4 at all nd i LOVE stocking SO MUCH but i have no idea where to get the outfit and stuff… everywhere online is so expensive and/or just shitty material. would i be better off making it myself? im not sure how 2 go about it lol XD
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So when is season 2 due
Not pictured: her enormous pig gut.
use extra teen spirit

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kill the part of you that cringes
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Heya /cgl/! I made the decision to give cosplaying a try. I cant describe how much i enjoyed it, especially because im a very extroverted person. What do you guys think of my first cosplay? :]
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would be neat to see a con full of just them, though.
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!!! op here

here's my newest pic from the recent Dokomi in Germany
Hi Carv
cool i love the outfit

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old thread reached img limit >>10818178
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Dear /cgl/, I need posing advice.
To provide context: me (male) and my friend (female) are going to con to cosplay as characters from Needy Girl Overdose (picrelated). We have similar heights and builds. The question is: for the love of gods, how are we supposed to pose for photos and stuff? We just have no ideas, heads empty.
Pls help
do couples shit like heart hands, facing each other and hands intertwined, back to back with hands, one in front of the other from the side, etc. you can also get some ideas from fanart with both ame-chan and kangel next to each other. i would also recommend some solo poses too because not everyone will want you both together (or well, i would want some solo shots of each as a photographer)

props to you guys i like needy girl overdose and would take photos if i was at whatever con. all my big cons in my region are over besides comic con so i assume you're across the country or otherwise
Pose with your feet forward one behind the other, like you're walking an imaginary tightrope. This emphasizes the hips and lengthens the legs. Lolita wearers do this all the time.
Mirror mime pose with your palms against each other.
Kangel behind ame-chan, looking over her shoulder with her hand on ame's shoulder, neck, mouth or eyes depending on how aggressive you want tthe mood to be.
Holding both hands like in a folk dance, with one pair of arms pointing towards the camera and the other away
how'd it work out? pix?
Unfortunately my friend got hospitalized just before the con, so it didn't work out at all :(
At least she is safe and sound now.
sad to hear that, bro. Give her our best regards.

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ITT: We post pictures of cosplay from the 90's or early 2000's.
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Raising white babies. Can't even be mad
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Look who's talking

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