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Any landmines on here? Post inspo, aesthetic pics, outfits, hair, nails and general jirai pics
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Does anyone know where this dress/setup is from?
Hey I have that Kuromi too.
Am I the only one confused by the current "jirai = ryousangata because ryousangata is anything popular" narrative? I've only started seeing it pretty recently and it's weird how people don't want to acknowledge ryousangata has became it's own thing just like jirai has
i havent seen that for a while, thought it was solidified that ryousan is its own thing now. although i still see "ryousangata is a slur" stuff

i dont think the community knows what theyre talking about 90% of the time
Looks like some top with the Michell Macaron skirt

Are genshin impact cosplays dying at conventions? 3 years ago genshin impact cosplays were everywhere at conventions now there are only a handful amount at cons. Are people losing interest in genshin impact or are they sick of seeing genshin impact cosplays? Is wuthering waves beating genshin impact in terms of popularity at conventions and cosplays?
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Not in the slightest, I’ve seen some Genshin cosplayers try and say that it is but imo they’re just mad because the title of “current thing” was taken from them by Hazbin Hotel
Notice how Genshin fades out but you see loads more Star Rail and now ZZZ? Even when Genshin loses, miHoYo still wins.
I'm just sick of seeing genshin everywhere
It's been pretty boring to see the same 3 variations of Taobao costumes worn again and again by Genshin cosplayers. I'd be glad if they're moving onto something else.
Game was released 5 years ago
Of course the popularity went down

> Is wuthering waves beating genshin impact in terms of popularity at conventions and cosplays?
Wuthering Waves has fans?

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Any good Latex / Vinil / Tight and shiny cosplays?
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Ammonia and bleach works quite well for me
Name? Reverse search pulls up a male furry latex dude on twitter. Although there are subtle enough differences that im not convinced theyre the same pwrspn as in your pic.
I did some further research, her name's Dazzle, she's a french cosplayer that mainly cosplays masked FPS characters, and I can 100% verify she's a girl due her OL having photos showing natural booba.

the anon from earlier wasn't wrong, she's a latexfur or at least was, because that content got purged
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what is there to complain about either way? fags. yeah some people are just sluts. this whole site is a normie site so you're going to see that shit. you can still appreciate a cosplay being sexual though. it gets excessive, that's the point i think one of you might want to make. right? what are you complaing about a good zipper ass for? seriously i hope you get gassed or shot through the forehead. that one anon had a point about the canon art being sexual to begin with. why are you westerners always so fixated on being prudes. it's not automatically masturbator bait. it's just hot, and cute. which is perfectly acceptable...
again i understand it gets excessive, even i get annoyed when there's nothing but softcore porn. just go to a different thread, or make a thread asking for specific shit though. you do know this is a forum right? they do teach you white cuckolds how to read over there, do they not? why are you actually complaining so fucking much.

Can anyone more creative than me give ideas to make a reusable sarashi

is my gyaru makeup any good ? i just started doing it a few weeks ago :3 what tips do u guys and gals have 4 me? drop em in da replys and i will update X3 also time stamp will be in replys!
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Bangs would add alot
I think the large negative space above your eyebrows is offsetting the balance of the look
what subreddit exactly
>You are a white girl, your face ruins non white makeup techniques

blush is way too high, looks more like how clowns do it
also switch to using a warmer foundation for gyaru look

>bf says he’ll take me to a lolita fashion store
>ask if it is a sweet lolita, classic lolita or gothic lolita fashion store
>he laughs and says it’s a nice store
>go with bf
>it’s kawaii fashion
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classic thread that will be remembered for years to come
wait this thread wasn't even bumped, wtf?
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it means that M*D* = FAGS
Hey why did the Pepe picture vanish in the OP?
Is this happening on any other boards?

With bodysuits they cling to you to show off your figure. What are you do to when to don't have one? I know you can buy a fake chest or stuff a bra and they sell buttpads, but what can be done from a front point of view? Are there other methods for the side view? Is there anything you can add for the illusion of a waist? Can you add shading to the suit yourself? It's my first time wearing one and I'd like to be perceived as female.
corset, waist trainer, tailoring the suit to your body. look up some drag queen tutorials on breastplates and hip + butt pads.
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Try to find suits tailored for female body types as they tend to be shaped to contour on the body. try to find suits close to your height, but be mindful where you want it to stretch. Stuffed bras, breast forms, and pads help make the suit tighter in the right areas as well. As an example, this is my suit setup using a corset and breast forms. Diet and workouts help build and reduce spots to make a better fit too.
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Corsets are a must.
We have an entire crossplay thread to answer questions like these OP

What was your first cosplay?
>did a closet cosplay from a hotline miami mod maybe 26 people played
>most work I did was dyeing a stupid hat
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Any pic of the mounted head?
My first cosplay was a shitty Asuka, my first one I made myself was Teen Titans Starfire.

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I've only seen one thread on this in the past, but it's getting into the peak time of year soon so why not see if there's any interest.
>favorite designs/tailmakers (fin fun, mertailor, fin folk)
>fabric tails vs silicone
>the actual exercise component of swimming with a monofin
I know there are mers on here and I'm trying to actually take the plunge and get a tail this year.
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dont let this thread die
enough beating around the bush, where's the pussy and diq zipper access
You have to add them in yourself

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Was this posted as lolita?
Would look so much better if the waist ties were at the back (as they are meant to be)
Accidental ally
yikes. of course it has hundreds of upvotes on reddit
That's literally nightmare fuel.

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Why is there such a stigma against girls who cosplay for money? As someone who has never had a girlfriend, being able to send money to cute girls who cosplay as the characters that I love is one of the only things in my life that makes me feel like I have a purpose. From patreon to onlyfans, it's on of my biggest joys and motivations in my life. One day I hope I can give money to a cosplayer at a con in real life and not just through the internet.
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I would go broke if I ever met girls who did this
Wew lad
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not all of us are uggs
She looks like she could make a lot of money charging men to be stepped on at cons.

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CCC #2 Repent Edition

What recently mischiefs have you done recently? Or plan on perpetuate on your next innocent victims.

Me: Ask someone if I can play Street Fighter II on the SNES classic. It was a close match manage to win, He was getting ready for a rematch but I say thank you and prepare to leave, He leaves first. Also after that pick up some free posters that some left of the consoles table and I leave.

Also repent for being lazy and missing 3 cons this year.
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I shower, brush my teeth, wear deodorant and cologne whenever i go to cons so i wont be “that guy”

Too bad im constantly ripping out farts during a convention
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>i intentionally gave people wrong directions to panel rooms or big areas because i didnt like their cosplay/character.

>Too bad im constantly ripping out farts during a convention
I used to do this but eventually one con a girl caught me and called me out, haven't farted in public since
I've never been super horny, but I have a thing for a lot of goth aesthetics. I saw a girl cosplaying a character who has a lot of those aesthetics and was talking to her for a decent bit since she was a friend of a friend. My eyes kept getting drawn to her breasts and I still feel bad about it.
I started hrt when I was 12 and use passing completely to fuck with both troons and troon obsessed alike. Why? Because theres nothing more funny then seeing a bunch of troons and chuds get all riled up.
Also like, it used to be expected you didnt try to call yourself a woman when you hardly even pass as a twink, or that you had like, dysphoria.

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I was wondering if I ever make a cosplay, I firstly understand what makes it bad. Even if I dress properly, make up, good wig, I feel like it would look bad anyway. I was wondering if it is something else, like face structure or just being ugly. Also not talking about cosplays that don't match body build or those that want to look bad ironically.
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Theres unironically no such thing as "bad cosplay". It's like saying theres "bad confidence", you either wear it with confidence and everyone gets pictures with you.
Or you wear it thinking you look like shit and everyone thinks you look meek.

I've made cosplays that i've personally felt looked like shit, yet been featured on con's websites and got a TON of pictures.
NGL, getting pictures of your cosplay can boost your confidence in it IMMENSELY.
I've even seen people cosplaying as the same character as me, and it makes me feel really good.

Your cosplay doesnt HAVE to be 600 dollars worth of foam and LED's to be good either, i've gotten a shit ton of pictures just cosplaying as Max Payne because I can "do the face", for a cosplay that in total maybe cost like 60 bucks?
>>over or under doing make up
This is probably the hardest lesson to "learn" as a cosplayer, especially at conventions. Knowing the right makeup for a con is incredibly hard since you just can't really tell what looks good or not until you're at the con, and even then you can't guarantee it'll stay looking good when you're there. It'd be nice to have somebody teach me about what the balance should be sometime.
boner robin, the absolute legend
My wife

Discussion and analysis of CAP & SNK cosplayers.
Post cosplayers names if you know them.
Also Event & Year of pic.
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I miss seeing smiles
How can people walk around in public wearing this

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im thinking futaba from persona
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Do you mind doing revealing cosplays or nah?
Do blue dress nami so I can cum to it
Whats your discord I want to give you tribs
Are you a transsexual with fake tits?
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simping way too hard, fags
*rizzalicious voice* I can make it sizzle...

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