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Previous thread: >>10897117

The Flower Kitten series is releasing this week
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Maltese print this week
Tiered cut for ¥60,500
Regular cut for ¥37,400
The regular cut is cute, just too bad dogs gross me out. Even highly stylized illustrations of them.
If they removed the dogs and kept the cakes, gifts and cushions it would be so cute.

Heya /cgl/! I made the decision to give cosplaying a try. I cant describe how much i enjoyed it, especially because im a very extroverted person. What do you guys think of my first cosplay? :]
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Are you able to see in that helmet? I imagine it's a screen to show faces so where are the eye holes?
Lets fighting love
Hey hey you
Mada mada dame da na
Protect my balls
Hontou ni aishteru no
Lets fighting love
are you going to connichi this year?
whats the next cosplay?

New friend finder thread because people in the old one won't stop derailing it with dumb useless arguing

Same info as before:
>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.
>Other hobbies, interests?
>What are you looking for?
>Not looking for?
>Contact info
>Anything else we should know?
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* and fairy-kei, off course
* and punk lolita
people should be required to put if they are trans or not
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>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
Lolita (classic/gothic)

>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.
Atelier Perriot <3

Substyles- gyaru (a little)

Animes- Cowboy bebop, Serial lain, NGE, Monster, NGNL, Kakegurui, OPM, Sonny boy etc.

>Other hobbies, interests?

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Webm thread
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Whenever I see groups like this I just imagine an A10 Warthog leveling it's nose down to them and strafing with it's GAU-8 Avenger autocannon, obliterating half of them.
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This is impressive

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ive like never cosplayed b4 at all nd i LOVE stocking SO MUCH but i have no idea where to get the outfit and stuff… everywhere online is so expensive and/or just shitty material. would i be better off making it myself? im not sure how 2 go about it lol XD
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kill yourself dude
you're right, why don't we fix that
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Cultured jfashionistas at galleries, museums, art installations, etc.
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Santa anon I miss you.. save us..
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with how dead this board can be its probably best to start it that early
The plan was to have it again this year, but I'm not ready to start thinking about it yet.
i'm so ready
Can I get unbanned.
Can I at least send someone a gift? I don't have to get something.
With how long it can take for finding the right gift + shipping, it's good to start a few months in advance.

Let me know if there's anything I can do to help get the ball rolling, but if it's a big strain on you there's no rush.

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who is she?
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I'm sorry Anon idk. Please reverse search the image or try Reddit. wish you the best and thank you for stopping by.
took me literal seconds to find out that her name is zackycha

Previous thread: >>10921130
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She probably cant afford the full refund, she already spent your money I bet. ask her "Is that all you can afford?" and then take a screenshot and submit it to the PayPal dispute. PayPal doesnt actually look at it but the seller will see you did that and freak out, I've gotten a refund within 24hrs of doing that
Half our comm is pregnant. (2 of 4 lol)
That's a tiny comm. But I actually prefer smaller over bigger. My local comm had meets with 20+ people attending, it gets a little much for me.
I've been really down for weeks and it's just before I fail most of my classes. I feel lonely, I have no one to sit with at lectures, and I rarely spend time with anyone for fun. And my negative mood has made me lose interest in what I'm supposed to study.

I'm also feeling really down about my hobby. I wasn't allowed to progress, nor was I allowed to do another thing I wanted to do, and it's generally sad. I'm barely learning anything at this low level I'm at now, and it's boring and uninspiring, and when I got to test the higher level it was so much fun and much more inspiring and I would have learnt a lot. And now I feel I might never be allowed to go to the higher level, because it's a specific skill that I'm bad at that they look at, and I almost feel like giving up completely, at least not prioritizing the hobby as much as I did.

Someone asked me how things were going earlier today, and I just want to grab the opportunity and dump all my negative feelings onto them, but the correct thing to do would probably be to focus only on the minor thing they brought up and not mention anything about everything I'm feeling down about. It was really nice that they asked though, this is actually the first time they've ever written anything to me without it being a response to all the messages I've been bombarding them with.

/cgl/: the first con in a long time is getting closer, and I'm planning to go, but I know it'll be a bad experience, like always. I'm thinking I should probably order something I'm planning to wear, but I can do without and I keep procrastinating, it's probably too late now anyway.
>/cgl/: the first con in a long time is getting closer, and I'm planning to go, but I know it'll be a bad experience, like always.
I can definitely empathize there. I spent 5 years dating a pretty well-known cosplayer and when that ended in 2013 I found myself totally isolated, half the "friends" from the time with her were clout chasers who stayed on her side (in some cases even straight up telling me "I like you more than her but she's in all my cosplay groups and will make my life hell if she knows we're still friends") and the other half were couples who did couple stuff where a single guy wouldn't fit in. Cons 2013-2019 were really depressing and dismal for me because of that, and the fact that the few friends I had left from before my ex were a bunch of no fun stoners and alcoholics who didn't know how to go out and do things at cons anymore. The whole feeling of a con coming up, me knowing it's probably gonna blow, but also having hardcore FOMO at the idea of not being there is one I'm very familiar with.

That said, I've found that cons seem a lot better in the last few years since things came back from COVID. I've met more new people and made more friends at them in the last 2-3 years than I did in the 6 years before the virus. I think if you're open to socializing it's a lot easier to stumble into it than it was for a while. For me that's been without any real cosplay (some basic bitch thrown together closet stuff but that's it) and in many cases just ghosting the nightlife as well, if you're actually at the con proper and wearing a real cosplay I think you might be pleasantly surprised.

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So I roomed with other people this year of the first time and it was actually a fantastic time. Why do people always make this seem like shit? Any of you got any horror stories
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If it isn’t some localshit babycon there’s usually a Facebook group dedicated to finding roommates, usually something along the lines of “[insert con name here] roommate finder” or “[insert con name here] hotels and accommodations”
“Can I stay in the room? I’m not working right now so I don’t have money. But I can provide snacks!”

Yeah, I don’t think you can pay the deposit with pocky and Japanese candy.

Had to deal with a chick like that once it was so annoying lol. I was like no fuck off please. This was at Animeboston
And they’re always the ones with the absolute fuckton of cosplay shit they packed too, like you’re staying for free but brought 3 whole suitcases? GTFO broke hoe

At least the one dude I let crash in my room without paying me had the decency to bring every bottle of liquor in his possession and tell me “what’s mine is yours” so I saved some money on drinks
>And they’re always the ones with the absolute fuckton of cosplay shit they packed top
These types always make me give a half amused half pitiful chuckle. The last time I roomed with one, I had to go back and forth to get some things throughout the day, and she there was prepping every single time. This was the span of over five hours. Did you come to get ready or actually DO anything?

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Popular female cosplayers seems to of become more of dressing slutty for attention than putting together a well made costume for a hobby
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If I run one through the knuckles at a convention whilst gazing at this, I can't morally be held responsible.
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or a target for a random beating, DAE right girls??
sex should be prohibited. simply. I mean, the sexually appealing costumes. ban all of them.
What really pisses me off about this is when they wanna do lewd cosplays of minor characters or doing both lewd cosplays & then cosplay characters from various family friendly shows on their pages. It's gross.
>moids and simps
Iirc, the owner of Onlyfans came out and said that most of it's users were older married men, not single men.
Boyfriend energy without boyfriend prices, that's all.
It's like banging a girl without having to woo her or text her after, everything you want with none of the effort.

I lost my nail inspo folder on my old pc so I'm starting with a mini dump in hopes of other anons dumping as well :)
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do you know how many thousands of diff kinds of gel looks like this? also i looked up the gel and it's got round/hex glitter in it while the pic has glitter flake. it's not even close.
Friendly reminder that Amazon "brands" like beetles and makartt and brands such as born pretty as well as most aliexpress products are all "private label" brands. This means they don't manufacture any products and just source them randomly from China. Products have low QC, high prices and less reliability. A snazzy website does not mean the "brand" or company is legit. Beware of private label brands.
Do you have any legit brand recommendations?

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Recently I got a crush on slav women, they're fucking goddesses

Name: ksana stankevich
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>Russians arent white
>all cosplayers are hot
You need to watch some of the cosplay music videos from the various conventions. There are pretty girls with bad costumes; ugly girls with pretty costumes; average girls with too much makeup; butterfaces with amazing bodies; pretty faces with chunky bods; skeletons with woke attitude; and the ultra-rare athletic curvy pretty girls who can actually make their own costumes.

You don't tend to see fat & ugly slav cosplayers - they're very self-selecting in that regard. Almost like the cosplay industry has become another outlet for their hotties who'd normally have gone into modelling/actoring and didn't want to pay the mobster's sextoy price. When the Russian girls make it big in cosplay they still have to flee the motherland and it's corrupt oligachs to another yuropeen country.
>That’s because most japanese modeling companies and gooners are racist

Weren't you were crying about how some Caucazoid is supposed to look more like Asians than Asians themselves kek. White supremacists weeb logic is mental illness.
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Any landmines on here? Post inspo, aesthetic pics, outfits, hair, nails and general jirai pics
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Liz Lisa. This skirt gets so fucking expensive on mercari wtf

Most jirais put a lot of care into their appearance (excluding cutting themselves lol) like doing nails, getting hair professionally done and i don't think I've seen much fat girls around compared to lolita. Plus most are teen girls or women in their 20's

I have BPD and ADHD and years-long self harm habit so i'm pretty much a stereotype. I'm also recovered from anorexia but still get brainworms from time to time
Is it true that girls wearing this style of clothes are usually prostitutes in japan?
theres less fats because most of the jirai girls have severe EDs

some kabukicho girls do but its gotten pretty normified in japan as well. like i think its rare to see a jirai prostitute now
kill yourself
no one wants you especially jirai girls. kill yourself

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Not op but i would love to start too !! The thing is idc what character I could do. I am Arab, average height, tanned skin, long ( low back ? ) dark hair ( they are wavy but I can straighten them ) , dark brown eyes, unfortunately I have big and dark eyebrows to. I can’t hide them with glue ( I tried.. ) -_- and I am not skinny
I can’t wear wigs ! Sorry for the meh English
Blackbeard from One Piece.
lol ok attention whore nobody cares

vivi from one piece live action
go back to ghuja

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