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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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Any good Latex / Vinil / Tight and shiny cosplays?
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love the "wtf?" face
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Ammonia and bleach works quite well for me
Name? Reverse search pulls up a male furry latex dude on twitter. Although there are subtle enough differences that im not convinced theyre the same pwrspn as in your pic.
I did some further research, her name's Dazzle, she's a french cosplayer that mainly cosplays masked FPS characters, and I can 100% verify she's a girl due her OL having photos showing natural booba.

the anon from earlier wasn't wrong, she's a latexfur or at least was, because that content got purged

FAQ (last updated: May 19th, 2023): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-URQl5wxxBzP4-VWfMKfLG8ZqOkGt9Yoyo6Qbm333vs/edit?usp=sharing

Cosplay recommendations thread: none atm
Crossplay/crossdressing thread: >>10907099
LARP thread: >>10873579
Sewing general: none atm
Makeup, hair, skincare general: none atm

Taobao thread: >>10903761
Stupid j-fashion questions thread: >>10915427
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I want to make a fur "neck area" on a jacket, the fur I got comes in strips though, what's the best way to give it some volume? Direct stitching will have a very flat look. I'm looking for something like pic related, I was thinking of glueing the strips around a pool noodle, then attaching *that* to the jacket, what do y'all think?
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>Wanna cosplay Joshua from FFXVI
>Got a good enough wig, face is good enough too with makeup
>... never made a custom cosplay before
>don't know a shit about sewing

Most of the cosplay would be fine with part bought online but his scarf feels like the kind of shit that can only be done as custom.
There's some cosplays online, but I don't wanna look like a joke compared to others... SHould I still buy one, or try an easier cosplay?
How do I make ekko's z drive?
Can it be assembled somehow in a diy way or do I just dump momey into 3d printing it?
Probably a hook on the inside of the jacket that hooks to the suit with some sort of hanger keeping it broad
if you 3d print or carve foam for the gold parts, you can probably make the rest out of old bottles

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Is it normal for people to ask for pictures and immediately leave after?
Or is this another Switzerland specialty where everybody hates socializing?
OR is it because I'm male?
How do you even make friends at a con?

I went to a convention as Chainsaw Man last October and while over 20 people asked me for a pic, nobody actually stuck around or even made an attempt at small talk. I was hoping to meet people.

There's another convention coming up next month and I'm not sure if I wanna go get photographed and go back home all alone with no new contacts or friends again.
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the type of women that go to conventions are also typically the type to act like a deer in headlights around men and life in general (so many zoomer chicks I know don't even have driven licenses into their 20s because "muh anxiety") and they're functioning off the logic that any man is a potential creep/rapist
cosplayer girls are way more likely to be anxious/BPD/flaky, they're shit even as platonic friends because of how much they love starting drama. just hangout with other guys
I don't know how this can be remedied.
Perhaps it's just a lost cause.
We're gonna see another 'lost generation' soon, because this isn't just in the weeb/cosplay/nerdy geeky community.
Be it Zoomer or Millennials or eventually Gen Alpha, as they are also shaping up to be insufferable.
They're likely too nervous to stick around. It would help if you started to talk about CSM with them, like "who else do you like from CSM" or something. Sounds like you had a really great cosplay to get that many pictures. Is there a CSM photoshoot at the con? You'll have better chance to talk to people there with a shared common interest off the get go.
Stop being ugly
I'm in another part of the world where I cosplayed as the weekend in a con. Nearly 100 people took a pic with me, nobody talked. It's a post social media issue where people both lack social skills and are afraid to embarrass themselves.
I thought about it for sometime and the only solution is to engage in convo with them when they come to take a pic of you, if they leave anyway then it's fine, if they stuck around and you guys ended up talking then there you go

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I'm a near-complete beginner to con culture and the "scene" due to zero exposure to it until recently and I have too many questions swimming around in my head that I need to ask. I've only been to a couple of small ones in my mostly-desolate area and I want to step up to traveling to bigger ones but I'm overwhelmed. Please bear with me.
>Do a majority of congoers cosplay? I know it's common, but is it seen as a faux pas to not cosplay?
>Likewise, is it seen as a faux pas to wear the same cosplay more than once in a multi-day event, or to not wear it some days?
>I've read a lot on this board about "after hours" events and parties that aren't scheduled by the con staff. Do you have to get invited to things like that, or how do people find out about them?
>Do cons that don't have a stated sub-demographic (ones that use terms like "fandom" or "pop culture" instead of specifically "fantasy" or "otaku" or something) tend to accept all demographics? Would you be looked at weird for going to something more "western" like SDCC in an anime cosplay, or would you expect to see a lot of them?
>Why do some huge cons like Colossal and Dragon seem to place such significance on getting a hotel room onsite as opposed to just being nearby? Surely not just traffic, right?
>What's a "gull"?
>How do you not get sick every time you go to one?
>How do you keep track of scheduling for multiple cons across multiple years? Do you get notified about them? When is "con season"?
>If you're partying, how do you deal with inevitable hangovers or crashes?
And some more personal questions
>If you cosplay, what's normally your budget? Both in terms of time and money.
>How do you make friends at a con if you're not going with a group?
>How many cons do you go to yearly or on a recurring basis? There are a fuckton I want to see but I'm not sure if my expectations are unreasonable.
Thank you for your time.
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Don't take it personally, con photographers are some of the dumbest slack jawed fucks you've ever seen
don't feel bad, anon. he probably took shitloads of photos and lost track of who was who. it's an easy thing to do
did you get his contact info? if so, try reaching out
Sadly no, he only took my contact.
I might leave instagram after a while because I fucking hate facebook, so I hope he will contact me at one point
He might have just wanted fap material I'm sorry to day
wew lad

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It feels pointless going to cons alone. I just went to Otakuthon yesterday and I saw tons of people, I went to panels, I had tons of nice conversations, interactions and pictures, but it hurts knowing I'll probably never see any of these people again. The only real long interaction I had was with a guy playing Go with me and some other people, but beyond that, it never moved outside of small talk and compliments.

I'm still happy that I probably talked to over a 100 strangers in one day, something most people who are lonely fail to do, but being alone in a crowd truly hurts.
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I always feel awkward when I interact work people. I see strangers mingle all the time but I can't do it
Guess it really is over
going to ichibancon alone this weekend, i hope i can make at least one friend...
so am I dude, let's be friends
That article made me more depressed and suicidal than anything else has.

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it fell off the board
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>trans rights
No thanks
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I'm too old to understand this subculture please enlighten me
like how do you feel when you larp as an anime character makes you feel like
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Puritanical is a buzzword.
Opposing slavery was the most relevant unpopular puritanical trait back when puritanism was relevant.
Lose weight.
I accept your concession. Time to grow up and resolve your daddy issues.
>But what about this irrelevant thing
You accept nothing, and lose weight

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Webm thread
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what is cosplay if it doesn't make men coom? the answer is simple, really it is nothing
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This shit is depressing

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Billionth discord grooming victim
>discord grooming
Idk why zoomers didn't get the memo, being the retarded leaf of a rootless tree, that's what you get
Personally either choose something everybody knows or something niche you like. Not sure when I'll go to a con next, but I'll do something niche to see if anybody gets it
What do you look like without makeup and filters? We need to judge accurately.
I feel like I follow you on Instagram and you already cosplay

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old thread reached img limit >>10818178
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daaaaamn son
Is that Gumiho?

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I have a vested interested in gas masks and other CBRN equipment

I'm really liking the look of the MSA Millennium gas mask, and I am looking to acquire one

Upon doing some quick googling, it seems like they're very expensive....

My budget is around $50 or so, if the Millennium is an unreasonable thought for that price range, I would love to hear about alternatives that are in my price range

Also, what kinds of filters are accepted by the MSA Millennium? I feel like it might not be standard 40mm STANAG filters, which may mean I would like to hear affordable filter suggestions as well

Pic related, an MSA Gas Mask example
You're probably better off posting this in >>>/k/ since this board is about DIY costuming and how to replicate something like a cool mask, rather than where to buy an actual one. And making one yourself is generally going to be more expensive in materials alone, let alone time.
Ah, I suppose that makes sense

I didn't think to post on /k/ because I mostly understand it as a firearms related board.

While I would post on /k/ for gun related things, posting about gas masks never crossed my mind

You sure it won't get deleted for being irrelevant to the board?
Alright. I'll make a post about it there.

How do I delete this thread? So I don't clog things up and waste people's time?

What visual kei do you like?
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some venues in my city have been having a DJ that only plays vkei and turnout has been pretty good. It's really cool to see a dark foggy dancefloor full of people decked out in goth &lolita, chunky platforms, shironuri, and enthralled excitement over every kozi song that plays. It feels like stepping into a time capsule that I've otherwise only seen in magazines and grainy early 2000s videos in 480p
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My homegirl:
>Atsushi is the kinda guy that I would fuck his brains out, then throw him from the 2nd story window
I miss you, Kat, you were cool people.
he is now running in some far right party lol

old misa cosplay!
i want to do this cosplay again, any tips on how to make it better?
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omg shut the fuck up
It's good
show full costume
You didn’t really show the actual cosplay so it’s not possible to give tips
this cosplay is just your face so idk

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suzupoii thread
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Anyone gooning to suzu
No, I edge until I cum in my sleep.
coomy goodness
pls goddess, deliver us moar coomables like this
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hi!! first time poster, but wanted to show off my proshot images!! this is my favourite but i have more!!
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Very cute Miku, tho many won't like it as isn't basic, standard look they would expect. Don't listen to them, you look Great.
Really trying not to be an ass, but that makeup is less than flattering...
Surely this is just bait, right? How could anyone post this and think it looks good. Your makeup looks like it was done by a schizophrenic with markers.
Please take off your ugly fucking piercings Miku would never ruin her natural japanese beauty with a nose ring

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