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new to the fashion, looking for stores that sell coats. Tips regarding not freezing to death at winter are also welcome
Ita means "so bad it hurts to look at". If you're just interested in getting some lolita coats just ask for recommendations for stores that sell lolita coats.
This could have also just been posted in the j-fashion stupid questions thread, it's a bit too basic to warrant its own thread.

Any landmines on here? Post inspo, aesthetic pics, outfits, hair, nails and general jirai pics
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the subreddit is full of idiots that are incapable of using google, but it is inoffensive because it's all about clothes. 90% of people on that subreddit can't dress (the ones that can dress know they look better than the other girls so they post for engagement), but it's better than the twitter community. the twitter community is a cesspit full of teenagers that don't post coords and think that having destructive tendencies makes them real jirai girls KEK

it was associated with the runaway toyoko kids that hung around kabukicho but it's more of a fashion style now. a lot of girls who are interested in underground idols/visual kei music dress in the fashion
This reply made my day, it's too accurate
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My outift, no idea if its jirai kei enough or even considered jirai kei but the skirt was from rojita
skirt is, top isn't

i dont understand why people keep asking what is or isnt. you could open a tab and look at jirai kei. its not a flexible style
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I've been an outsider looking in on this subculture for several years. https://twitter.com/i_mesugaki__/ is eye of the storm for the more sadder Toyoko side of it.

I hate how Tiktok and influencers in general bundle up subcultures to sell to people in small, neat packages like this, resulting in nothing more than a surface level understanding by their audience who eats it up. They're wearing a costume, not clothing.

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Only asians can cosplay like this...
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asians are truly the master race
am I supposed to feel bad that I don't look like some filter using pedobait cosplayer?
pedobait is the apex of coomsplay
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larp thread
again as the previous one is yet again in auto sage

now 37,8% slower than ever

previous thread

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nothing singular just the sheer amount of posts and circlejerk at a point gets overwhelming when there is little substance behind it. But maybe it's just me being antisocial
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Life hasn't been great lately. I won't blog, but I've been dealing with a lot and didn't really feel like making it worse being on 4chan.

I've been working on a couple of projects lately though. First up, a HEMA/SCA fencing bollock dagger. Dickstabs forever!
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Forgot my name.

Secondly, I'm going to be doing a one night, Mordheim skirmish event at a local 17thC site, So I dressed up a Indian made skull cap I've had sitting around for a while.
American friends, are you okay? New Zealand just declared you a hazardous country to visit starting in January.
At the current trajectory, no.

is being into cosplay at age 30+ cringe?
I don't mean token master roshi boomer
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It is extremely childish and cringe, yes
She sounds extremely based ngl
Haha not really
Then all manga, anime artists, directors, organizers should stop going tons because they are over 25. Your logic is the same as all games are only for younger gamers. Say this again when you reach 26. Make sure you stop being an otaku by 26.
You should see Asian cosplayers in Asia.Although there are many good cosplayers in the west. Seems like if your friend is into other interests/hobbies, it will be the same.

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Once upon a time, I posted here looking to commission a Terriermon mascot suit—and found someone great!

Now, I’m back on the hunt, this time for a mascot suit of my Sonic OC, Sora Starlight. I've got the budget for a quality suit, but finding a reputable maker who can capture Sonic-style characters well has been tricky. Many of the suits I've seen tend to look a bit off.

Is there anyone here who could take on this project? The suit will need to be durable enough for heavy convention use, and my target is about a year from now.
You'e not the first person to come and ask here about a Sonic mascot, many have tried to do them but never go beyond making a decent prototype

I never went to these as I wasn't old enough but I've heard that conventions used to be more fun. Actual nerds going there having a good time.

No social media attention whores trying to get clout
Not overly woke and annoying bullshit shoved down your throat

Just nerds nerdin' out
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Kill yourself.
For me they 100% were. Back then I was getting tons of pussy. I was even jacking off in twink mouths once in a while if I was high as fuck. Nowadays normies have ruined everything.
trannies as they are today didn't exist back then anon, it was just crossdresses who knew what their real sex where and went to the correct bathroom without screaming opression if they were not seen as a true and honest woman
So why cant you do that now? Twinks not exist anymore?

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hey /cgl/ this me cosplaying my cat rupert, hes pictured here next to me ill add another picture after so you can get a closer look
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Nice c@!
What a man
I love Rupert

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How often do people cosplay Toku in the west?
Idk, but from what I've seen, they've become less and less common through the years here, despite how toku series are well-spread globally nowadays, as in the 2010s there were a lot of toku cosplayers I remember one US based cosplayer who did female riders and rangers, with the occasional western armored heroine
only a handful and even only at the big anime cons
to add you probably have more people wearing toku in somewhere like the philippines which has a huge toku fanbase

Powernorphicon in the usa is a gurantee

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Any gals here?
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theres no hits when searching so it probably is her
i really want to get into gyaru culture! particularly himegyaru is really appealing to me.. any recommendations ??
is this a joke looool
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In Japan it still seems to be going strong, but everyone's got kids now. It's all tiny gyaru.

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I Miss them bros

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How can you cosplay as a chud outside of using masks? Hiding your facial features instead of using them to fit a character is lame but do chuds like me have a choice?
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Unless you want to get into prosthetics to make yourself a silicon chin, masks and makeup are you only options.
use face paint. White face paint will help make it clear
If you're a chud, you can simply go outside and people will think you're cosplaying. It's all about having the socially unacceptable phenotype.
Just cosplay as one
>How can you cosplay as a chud outside of using masks?
I just go as myself and a MAGA hat.

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Asuka Cosplays
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Suzu, the mid brit, used to be a lot cuter years ago, but her brit genes are kicking in which means she gonna start wilting soon.
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Whats your fav suzu pic? I been fapping to her feet lately
I would ask that about >>10940600, they're so flat that they look like they're using breast pads
they're definitely wearing breast pads as seen in photo's angle, they're either a guy, an underdeveloped girl that's literally a femboy, or a minor, though on the latter i'm unsure as they're wearing a whole latex suit, something that i'm pretty sure you need to be +18 to buy, let alone the cost of it, as it looks like an andromeda latex costume, which are expensive as a used car or a high-end gaming pc
She is a woman and married. https://x.com/kenzietuff

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>be non black person (not white) doing cosplay
>high expectations to be accurate with correct wig for contests and photoshoots
>be black
>no need to use wig or accurate cosplay. it's called ethnic wigs instead
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Dang, some of yall need real help, like for real
On the other hand, I too don't really see the appeal of having afro/kinky hair for a cosplay that doesn't require such. I think it all started with that trend of black women going back to their natural hair, from a few years ago. However lately that trend has slowly lost its steam and they're going back to wearing weaves, so IG black cosplayers will follow soon as well
many have said this in the past
Shit like blerds and dreamcon are keeping it alive unfortunately

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Why is there such a stigma against girls who cosplay for money? As someone who has never had a girlfriend, being able to send money to cute girls who cosplay as the characters that I love is one of the only things in my life that makes me feel like I have a purpose. From patreon to onlyfans, it's on of my biggest joys and motivations in my life. One day I hope I can give money to a cosplayer at a con in real life and not just through the internet.
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Then it wouldn't be a "joke" but just actual prostitution. [spoiler]Even though it already is.[/spoiler]
I say let them. It's not the women who annoy me, they're just doing what women have always done, it's the spaghetti spined simps that actually give them money that do. Like damn, how desperate do you have to be to get to this point.
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Its a supply and Demand.

Blame both the supply and the demand.

If males were to actually get women. They would have a centralized person to explicitly invest in with $. Rather to multiple different women for a mere moment then check their bank accounts and say "Damn. I fucked up. Time to slave away for more coomer $." fallacy.

Men and Woman desire possessive nature over others. This is simply the way of the world as it were. Adam and Eve were like this and Eve told Adam to taste the forbidden apple because it was the shit.

So here we are. Worshipping women who easily prey on men fickle nature to throw money at those who dresses up as their fictional waifus. Some in hopes to actually fuck the live 3D women in fantasy scenarios in Expo inns.
I'm platonically in love with a girl I subscribe to. I like to DM her memes and my heart skips a beat when I read our messages. When I lay out the reasons why I think she's great and she reacts very thankful, its a really warm feeling. I love her cosplays and think she's genuinely talented and funny.
Is this pathetic? Maybe, but it motivates me to become a better person, even when I know I'll never be with her. Growing up I never interacted with girls and this is something I feel I needed. Just having a person that motivates you is very helpful and I'll forever be thankful to her for that. Just her existing and posting her creative work is enough to make me think "I have to try too"

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