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it fell off the board
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>trans rights
No thanks
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how many exist in the world?

reviving bc the previous thread from a while ago got nuked

what's everyone's thoughts on cosplay photography in 2024/the foreseeable future? it seems like the amount of bullshit we have to put up with as photographers in the cosplay scene only increases day by day and the cons outweigh the pros
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I make an easy $450k a year, it’s an easy way to get to the upper class. One year I made just under 7 digits, it was amazing.
Is Everage still around anywhere?
Whats the best way to send a shit load of photos to someone from the shoot? I'm sure theres some standard, but I was thinking uploading a big zip somewhere
Google Drive, then share the folder and send them the link
Giving them a flash drive

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Previous thread: >>10897117

The Flower Kitten series is releasing this week
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has anyone seen scans from Spoon ?
Ayy lmao, teddy bears with severe autism
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The Halloween treats OP is my dream dress, does anybody know where I could get it secondhand that’s not $400+ usd
>t. Poorfag
There's a full set on Lacemarket right now for $250
Let’s gooooooo

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If i wanted to make my own late roman Tunica, how would i go about adding the Clavi? Apparentally it was woven into the fabric itself but i wonder if there's another or alternative way to do it? It doesn't have to be the more complicated patterns, just the simple ones are alright.

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hey /cgl/ this me cosplaying as my cat rupert, who is on my shoulder for reference.

Does anyone else here cosplay as their pet, or have tips on how to cosplay more like a cat without looking like a furry?
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Damn the original pic isn't showing now even if you click on it
It's still in the archive though

cant even repost it as its saying duplicate
Gotta make it to 2025
>my cat rupert
Stale forced meme that's only well-known because of twitter repost accounts. Get off my board.
Rupert is a twitter meme?

It has a new location this year in Dayton OH.
Is anyone here going?
Panels you hope to see?
What will you be cosplaying as?
General meet up and discussion thread.
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>Ohayou had some of the workers go UNION TIME
>ohayou said lol no
>workers/gophers at the con wanted to use the name
>owner said good luck I own the trademark/name/LLC thing
>autistic screeching intensifies

Both moved out of Columbus meaning they will both most likely go bankrupt in 1-2 years. Ohayou was a fucking ghost town this year I left early both days without feeling like I missed anything.
Even though the /cgl/ is le dead meme is a thing, Ohayou was actually fucking dead. There isn't anything worth talking about everyone I know who attended had about the same exp
>arrive friday actually fucking dead to where I had to do a double take if I was at the right place
>leave and come back overhearing staff say after 5PM should pick up
>it's no where near picked up, take shuttle to other hotel LMAO still dead but a bit more active
>decide to leave early due to lack of any people I know even doing hotel parties figure saturday will be the 'big day'
>con is dead figure must be lunch time head over to a bar for some beers since nothing to do on site
>come back still same old shit vendor hall was a huge turn off due to prices being absurd even for 'inflation'
>sit downstairs for an hour to people watch before realizing it's probably 200 people tops here
>take shuttle to hotel and while /slightly/ busier still a bust and con staff supposedly shutting down any party
>leave to go to some bar with friends and somehow have more fun there

This felt like one of those first year cons done by college kids trying to get their campus project on the map. If it wasn't for basically getting a free badge I wouldn't have bothered going, didn't even bother Sunday so I can't exactly speak for that day but from what I heard most vendors also left early.
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>Dead IP

The only thing keeping Columbus afloat are literally corpo cons from Florida. Jesus christ, I am so glad I am moving to Texas if anything to be fucking social again.
The seagulls dug their own grave, I'm willing to bet that most everyone here had a different home board.
Thats a shame. Its gotta be rough for them trying to recover from all the shit Ohayo has gone through and now seeing it reduced to that.

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i wanna cosplay ame-chan and gloomy bear super sonico for a con in 5-6 months but i want to make them myself. im half decent at sewing and made a large amount of clothes as a kid

but i blow ass at using a sewing machine

so how hard would handsewing a cosplay from scratch be, complete with zippers or buttons and elastic?
it'll take longer, but if you're as experienced as you say, it won't be any harder than using a machine.
This isn’t >>>/his/ but people wore clothes before sewing machines were invented
If you have to ask this question, then it's probably too hard for you to make it look good.

>the year is 2017
>everyone at the con is checking their streetpasses every 30 minutes
we'll never get this back, and it hurts so much
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this but unironically
>He doesn’t know the Switch 2 has streetpass
I will coom and eat it if this is true.
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Easiest method to finish Puzzle Swap, sadly, is gaining enough Play Coins and gambling on each panel until completion.

Prepare to see the SAME COMPLETED PANEL get chosen and filled at 5 random times.

Recommended strat is simply...

- homebrew your 3ds first
- find the "300 play coins" homebrew app online
- press everytime your coins are low
- gamble away at Streetpass Puzzle Swap

Lame methods, but that's the reason I completed it.

Inspo for "post-lolita" style coords, aka aristocrat, madame, lady, shokujo, classical, etc. This thread is not for a specific style so much as a vibe. Abilletage is a brand that exemplifies it.
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Is she wearing that corset upside down?
i wish i had something to add, but i just hope this thread doesn't die for a while because i really love it... and (You)

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>Ask a cosplayer to take a picture of him/her.

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Covert narcissism
for me its being okay with pictures but refusing to look at them because I hate what I see
but if they want to take pics of ugly me sure go ahead just do not show me
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Last event I went as a vindcare assassin and made my gun into a camera so every photo I took looked like a deleted cia hit shot and not a single person denied getting their photo taken. Just build it into the costume bro

Do you usually cosplay for all days during cons, or do you keep one day without any cosplay/cosplay only for a single day ?
One day only and only if im attending 2days or more
i cosplay friday and saturday but keep it casual sunday to shop the artist alley and also im usually hungover
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>Costume before it starts
>Costume after it ends
>Likely costume while I'm asleep
That's the norm. If I'm not in costume at any point, it means I well and truly feel like shit
Always on Fri and Sat, typically only one cos for each and all day. Sometimes Thursday depending on if there's some Day 0 stuff or badge pick-up that evening, and if I have time before traveling or in the room to change. Sunday is a toss-up depending on when I'm leaving, I'll save a really easy or casual cos for it if I decide I am. Cosplaying is one of my favorite parts of a con and I'll be one foot in the grave before I stop.

Does anyone here have a costume they wear to cons from Star Trek, Babylon 5, etc? I'd like to finally get a TNG uniform (the All Good Things type if I have the choice) and I'm wondering if this is the sort of thing you have to get a tailor for, learn to make yourself or buy outright from someone who knows what they're doing.
I have some Star Wars one because they were easy and I had some stuff already. I want to do a Star Trek one and am aiming to get a Romulan Star Emprie uniform made. I found the same pattern this person used and it looks to be the best out there. The belt and stuff most say to get it 3D printed.
Try the pajamas section of Carrefour or similar
God, sci-fi nerds are so gross, and their costumes are so ugly.
At least real cosplayers take care of their bodies and have aesthetic costumes.
poor quality bait

Heya /cgl/! I made the decision to give cosplaying a try. I cant describe how much i enjoyed it, especially because im a very extroverted person. What do you guys think of my first cosplay? :]
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classic thread
looks good

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Anyone remember Anime Expo '92?
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I was there 3 yrs later. Life was changed forever.
I wonder if they feel melancholy from seeing the fandom slip away and becoming fish out of water.
You unlock the platinum achievement trophy if you went to one of these cons and still go to them to this day.
fun times

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Old thread is nearing its limit >>10790295

This thread is for ouji and aristocrat (aka "boystyle") discussion. "Boystyle" is shorthand for "boystyle lolita" and refers to the masculine counterparts of Japanese lolita and, often, aristocrat fashions. There is a lot of overlap between these styles, and different people use different terms to describe them. We usually just use "ouji" here.

>Shopping spreadsheet
This is broken, now. Can it be fixed?

>Buttcape-sensei's shopping guide (mentions which brands/shops have men's or custom sizes):

>Blogs for info

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>is hoshibako any good?

I think they're usually overpriced for the material quality, especially in their japanese webstore. It depends on the specific piece, but there's often a large price gap between the price on their taobao store and the price on their japanese webstore. Sometimes they're overpriced in both stores. I saw a fairly generic design of polyester blouse in their taobao store, and they charged more for it than OG japanese brands do for their blouses.

I don't like most of their designs but I can recognize that their strengths lie in the variety and creativity of their pieces, not the material or construction quality. I think they're overrated in Japan, but I also don't always agree with western lolita opinions that it's "chinese brand quality for OG brand prices". Some of it is, but it depends.
hoshibako is mediocre
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who's happy packing this year?
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Huh, I didn't know the green-eyed ones were named Jade.

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