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Well, it's less than a week until KZoo gets in on the anime con fun for 2024 so let's get some discussion going.
Dates: July 19, 2024 - July 21, 2024
Venue(s): Radisson Kalamazoo Center
City: Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA
Jenny Yokobori (known for doing English
voices of Kuromi and Cinnamoroll in Hello Kitty and Friends Supercute Adventures, Hatenna from Pokemon Horizons, Xiaomei from Edens Zero, Yoimiya from Genshin Impact, Elice from Fire Emblem Heroes, Umino from Blue Period, Shiho Ichimura from Odd Taxi, Xueyi from Honkai: Star Rail, Yua from Street Fighter 6, and Kumiko Albertson from The Simpsons)
Gareth T. West (known for doing English voices of Ittetsu Takeda from Haikyuu!!, Kanichi Konishi from Food Wars, Lizard Misty from Saint Seiya, Sato Takaya from Golden Time, and Seiya Takehaya from Tsurune)

Registration link: https://dokidokon.ticketspice.com/dokidokon-2024-registration
Honestly, I gotta say this. I hope someone brings a truck-kun to this con considering the isekai theme for this year.
Well, it's almost the time for pre registration to start. If anyone is attending, I would like to see photos and updates regarding the con here.
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tug of war between the teams has started
Day 2 has started. Let's see what the anons in Kalamazoo have to say or get photos of.

>bf says he’ll take me to a lolita fashion store
>ask if it is a sweet lolita, classic lolita or gothic lolita fashion store
>he laughs and says it’s a nice store
>go with bf
>it’s kawaii fashion
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fyeahlolita was a blog for itas by itas
this, you fucking retards
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>no one knows this is a cigarette copypasta
How though? Fyeahlolita had lots of insightful articles for lolitas back in the day. Their post about the book Lolita and how it’s connected/unrelated to the fashion still holds up today, they also made a great guide for how to wash lolita dresses.
what are you complaining about? i wish i had a boyfriend

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Guys, how old is too old?

Like, I am an oldfag in his mid 40s. Used to be very involved in the con scene back in the 90s and early 00s. I am currently on a very nostalgic mood about those days of yore, and planning to visit a few of the big cons to see how's the fandom nowadays. Would I be, as you youngsters say, cringe? Worse, would other congoers immediately assume I am a creepy pedophile? I don't really want to ruin some kids con experience like that.

Two things, I would be attending alone because the few con buddies from back then that I still keep in contact, are too jaded and busy to give a shit. Also, I am considering if it is a good idea to go cosplaying as an old timer character.
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>put on yellow coverall
its literally that easy
I'm also in mid 40s but i still regularly go to cons. I hang out with my own age group of course, with people and friends i've met over the years. I've never cosplayed but I might pick an old man character for the lols one day. Master Roshi is a safe bet because people expect you to act like a pervert and make dirty jokes lmao.
>you're stuck with alcoholics and loner losers
don't forget druggies too, I'm also in LA and so many of my friends who used to be fun at cons just get high and sit around doing nothing all evening now
Satan overr here trying to destroy the self esteem of 18 yr olds.
kill yourself

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How do you look?
(Description is enough)
What series and/or characters do you like?
Whatever you want
Peter Griffin
asian chick
homer simpson

>the year is 2017
>everyone at the con is checking their streetpasses every 30 minutes
we'll never get this back, and it hurts so much
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Saving this thread for the third (and probably last) time, but I think this video is especially relevant, and shows that you can still get a decent amount of StreetPasses as long as you attend the right events(mainly gaming cons) with your 3DS:
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I'll be in the main events room at Midwest with 3 3DS in my bag all weekend. Come get your StreetPasses.
Pre-2010s was the golden age. Cons grew pretty large but still had a community feel before most large cons turned into commercial theme parks and before you had random normie perverts trolling for nerd pussy. Lots of variety in cosplay and most being homemade for the love of it. Goofy and sometimes cringe panels but fun to participate.Multiple cons actually allowed people to conduct specific 4chan panels.
Early to mid 2010s was still a good time but gradually changing. /cgl/ meetups could happen without the board being filled with seetheposting. AX became the notorious megalinecon it is today. Other megacons like PAX and MagFest matured in this time.
Late 2010s was transition to full commercial industry and simultaneous infiltration by both holier-than-thou SJW types because of college indoctrinations and normie assholes thanks to Marvel movies. By this point 4chan was persona non grata at most con administrations.
Today the community feeling is gone and most large cons are basically people attending to consume instead of participate. Most cosplays are the flavor of the month Gacha game, not even the FOTM anime any more. However there are upsides like better relations with japanese companies making more high profile JP guest appearances at smaller cons and not only at the biggest cons.
Switch is better
I've been getting a lot of street passes at big or medium-sized anime conventions here in California. I almost always get ten per day at those cons, I'm so used to not getting any on normal days that I forget to check throughout the day though, so I wouldn't be surprised if I was actually able to get more than ten per con day.

Just encourage people to bring their 3DS. I've been convincing people to start bringing them to small local events too. Just whip it out and people instantly start saying, "Oh, I should have brought my 3DS". I cosplay from Pokemon sometimes, so I've even had a battle or two.

I do miss pictochat though. Waiting in line for panels at AX while on pictochat was always some chaotic fun. I don't think THAT will come back any time soon.

How do you feel about cosplayers taking on characters of a blatantly different race?
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>Marcille is Italian-Coded.
blacks look ugly in cosplay because they turn straight hair characters into greasy dreads and shit like that
just wear a wig that’s accurate
asians look terrible as white characters because they can only do one makeup look and abuse photoshop instead of learning sfx makeup and how to make their features look more european
whites look terrible as asian characters because they can’t into neotenous makeup and good lighting
fix those problems and cross race cosplay is a non issue
>Dead link
Are you retarded?
That's literally what you posted lol, no source listed. They are both Ackermans, an Asian family. Go Ack yourself lmao
Ackerman are Eldians, they have no Asian in them whatsoever aside from Mikasa, faggot. Can you even read family trees?
You'd think with a name like Marcille they'd say she'd be French.
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Turns out the japanese don't appreciate having their history rewritten.

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I want to get into historical military LARP. Where do I start? My budget's low but I've got maybe 7 or 8 years of dressmaking experience.
I don't think there's many combat roles for women in historical recreation unfortunately, so I'll need to try and crossdress too. Any tips on that? I'm a 5'7 pale east Asian woman

Pic unrelated
Finland seems to be one no one does, try being one from ww2
Weirdest obsession poster i've seen in some time now to be h. Even if it is relevant, given benis :DDD
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Oh believe me there’s weirder… :DD

Pic related

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Any of you guys going to this?
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Didn't go all days. It was okay for a first year con. Plenty of virgins in T-shirts + trousers. Not enough butts and nipples.
I know a few of Staffers and we talked about the con over the weekend. It's either it doesn't come back or it gets moved to another time in the year. Having a convention in California between Fanime and AX is generally a no-no.
What the male to female ratio?
I went and It was BASED AF. It was like time traveling back into the 90's. Small not overcrowded con run pretty smoothly. Was actually able to socialize and interact with people without it being an inconvenient pain in the ass. Panels where small and intimate and not overcrowded

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The Finns been to Acen, and Midwest, is Expo next? I feel as if there’s been a growing number of people wanting to meet him, ever since that first thread
Have it on good Authority that he will be in attendance. :) Anime Magic as well.
I hope so, I need more images of him for my autistic picture collection of ww2 soldiers in modern times

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hey /cgl/ this me cosplaying as my cat rupert, who is on my shoulder for reference.

Does anyone else here cosplay as their pet, or have tips on how to cosplay more like a cat without looking like a furry?
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damn, this place really did turn into reddit
just make your own fursuit thread. we need a new one anyway since the last one died a couple months ago. Also hi rupert, you remind me of my old cat who passed away too young 15 years ago, rip and happy catting
Where is Rupert guy? Did he died?
If I saw you I would assume you are a furry faggot
Nice cat

barely anyone does military cosplays nowadays, and most of them are considered larping anyway. good news is that the market isn't saturated and ripe for the taking

long story short if you Google csgo cosplay you'd probably find me on the first result
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One person even recognized what specific person it ismjhj
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Oh and a re-enactor let me use his MG 42 at Tekko con
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Had a couple. I'll start dropping em, 1st one was an accurate Panzer Soldat from Bo2
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Here's another Mechagodzilla from Godzilla v Kong. I managed to put this one out 3 months after the film came out for the next big convention
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One more: Rhulk, Disciple of the Witness with the late Lance Reddick

I love cosplaying Marisa
That's not you.
Definitely a tranny
that is me actually
yeah no
Tewi always ૮( ˶• ༝ •˶ )ა

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Haha what? Thoughts?

What other cons do you know that have been scummy? I can think of Ohayocon and Youmacon off the top of my head.
Puchicon in New Jersey
That’s way too much text. Give us the tldr on the con
Con chair scammed tens of thousands of dollars from staff, attendees, vendors, etc.

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Hey everyone, I was directed to this place (didn't know it existed lol) so I'll just copy it here to see if anyone has advice. So, does anyone here have experience with buying cosplays vs making them yourself?

I really really want to buy an Ahri cosplay for myself to wear but I'm afraid that it will be low quality. Something similar to this pic. I want to go to a con and think it would be fun to try out. I'm a little lazy so putting together the effort of making on myself would be challenging but maybe worth it in the end. I just don't really have much experience with tailoring so I would be starting from scratch. Anyways, if anyone has experience please let me know what you think please!
it’s fine to buy a premade one if you are starting or just doing it for fun, but if you goes serious in it later I suggest trying to do custom ones, either partially or fully
But if it’s a starter, sure

Also, pre-made cosplay often will be a bit costlier than homemade ones if they are in good quality. Usually the cheaper they are, the less the quality follow. Though popular characters like Ahri probably has plenty of choices
Importing from other countries can help too though be careful how they calculate their heights
When buying online try to get measurements in cm. Don't think "I'm a medium at Walmart I'll buy that size." You'll actually need an XL or XXL. Your pick has no pants so you may be fine but height is an issue if you're taller then 5'5. Go for skirts to avoid it. I once didn't think about it and picked up a kikyo outfit to find while it fit, it was a good 4-5inches high watered.
Don't worry about people noticing. More then half the con will also have bought theirs

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Do you guys ever like to go through YouTube and watch con and cosplay fandom videos from before the 2010's?
It's a hobby of mine. It makes me sad.

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>tfw I got to experience the tail end of RAWR XD LOLSORANDOM 2000's - 2011 humour in highschool but graduated in 2015 as everyone started using snapchat and scrolling on their phones in lunch instead

So glad. So, so glad.
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>Zoomer here
I stopped reading there. Thanks for the warning
Costume contest from 1985 at what seems to be a small anime convention.


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