Thought it was dead? Wrong m8!Out of January and We're Back!What are your 2024 con plans?Any new cosplays sorted? Spill Em.
You know that old thread is still alive, right?
>>10946915>What are your 2024 con plans?You, also, know it is now 2025, right?
Anybody know what happened to the Jasper and Leaacosplayer x Hahex feud? Have they patched things now?
Opinion ?
Modern Art Masterpiece to cite Full Metal Jacket movie
I think these are ugly because of the shape of the toe, the heel and the enamel finish.
I like them.
Better than loafers, at least.
Previous: >>10937149
>want to message someone from a con I met over a month ago>feel like I'll just annoy them, it was a month ago, they probably forgot about me and don't care anymore
>>10946876I have no sense of object permanence and forget about people all the time but I am absolutely delighted to chat with them again out of the blue. Go for it.
Did a cosplay, a pretty mediocre one but it was fun enough, I ended up VASTLY overestimating how known the franchise I wanted to cosplay was. So barely anyone recognized me.Those who did, I made their day. Though they didn’t stick around for more than a picture. Is making new friends now almost impossible unless you cosplay more popular things ? It’s bittersweet.
>When you wanna get opinions on someone you know from a con>Prolly shouldn't do that cuz literally everyone I can think of knows them too>Even if I THINK they don't, they probably doHad one too many incidents where I know two people through separate means and then find out later they're both great friend. Not makin that mistake again
>>10946907Which series was it?
>>10946950Some Japanese cosplayers have cosplayed her. Nobody knows the series she's from because it's an obscure side story manga. Stfu idiot
>>10946947dunno. maybe you can find a model or something? if you can find a picture of the kind of appearance you want I can help you look
>>10946958No bro, I just want her to be real. Paying a real human girl to cosplay her won't make her real.
>>10945359>offer opportunity to make quick clean easy cash>Lots of girls willingly volunteered >"hurr you're treating women like objects"Just shut up lil bro. WhiteKnighting e-girls ain't gonna get you laid
>>10946982if lots of girls willingly volunteered, then he wouldn't be whinging about not finding anyone to be his muse. Maybe this was a honeypot for girls to send free casual pics.
Why are costumes like this never cosplayed?
>>10943155one nsfw cons existtwo characters showing hella skin like Felicia arent new, I've seen some pretty risque ones at normal cons and even on an 8/10 you still had retard chuds whining about 3d females
Heard Sexpo got shut down. Used to have all sorts of fun there
>>10945822Russian whore?
Any gals here?
>>10934817You’re so cute. Agejo is your style. All you need is some oomph to your hair curls or wavy.
>>10933337Nothing screams gyaru about you. Practice reading up on magazines on how to coordinate. The fit your wearing is badly coordinated. Buy lashes with noticeable volume for the top lash or both. Add more blush.
Where do the fatty-chans shop? I'm a size 22, and it's suffering.>inb4 lose weight/get lost/kysWorking on it, bestie
>>10945832if you're working on losing weight, any clothes you get now will only be fitting you for a short amount of time, so that's something to consider. Not normally the best advice but for niche fashions like this, it might be better to just lose the weight first before shopping since jfashion especially gyaru aren't really known for being plus size inclusive.
Good thread
are lucky packs worth it, or should i just by secondhand?t. poorfag
we have a stupid questions thread, use that next time>>10938931to answer your question, first answer me this: did you like a majority of the releases from the brand the past year? if so, then yes, buy it. if you didn't like most of the releases or you want something specific, just wait for people to buy them and sell off what they don't want
>>10946716It depends. The ones I've gotten from baby, I've been easily able to sell the mains I didn't want and get the cost of the bag back, but I usually keep the accessories and blouses, so there's a net gain. There are often at least a few staple items that didn't sell not because they're unpopular, but because they get rereleased every year. I've seen some atepie lucky pack hauls that the buyers were happy with, too. I've also seen items from 2-3 years back in lucky packs, so there's no guarantee it'll all be from last year. On the other hand, I've heard that the lucky bags from Marble contain nothing but garbage, and I've definitely noticed others struggling to sell lucky pack exclusives (ie, the moitie happy packs) because they're made for the bag, rather than clearance stock, so the quality is mid. I also recommend against the AP lucky bags-- most of the releases this year that didn't sell well were like that for a reason, and will probably be really difficult to offload. Lucky bags are also a bad idea if you have any particular sizing considerations, there's no guarantee anything in there will fit a specific range.TLDR: YMMV. Lucky bags are fun for experimenting with accessories and items I probably wouldn't have bought for myself, but it's still gambling, so weigh your risk/reward accordingly.
>>10946716A lot of those bags are made up of shelf warming stock that the store couldn't sell with a few "good" items in some of them so they don't look like a complete scam when people start posting them on social media. If you aren't in a position to take the hit with potential garbage or stuff that might take months to resell then I wouldn't buy one.
No, not worth it.That aside, I wish Innocent World would bring back Oddment Packs.
If it were a better than deal than buying the things individually, the vendor would just sell them individually. It just plays in to gambling instinct.
Hii first time posting on this board but I’ve seen others show their cosplays on here so I wanted to show my best picture I have. It was taken professionally by a stranger on a convention last month
>>10944772Actually I’ll post myself even more just for u
>>10944813>Actually I’ll post myself even more just for u
>>10944813So where are the new pics then
Haven't seen the Texas thread in over a month, so I guess I'll make one since I'm a frequent poster in themUPCOMING EVENTS (that OP remembered about): Anime Frontier - Dec 6 to Dec 8 Ikkicon - Jan 10 to Jan 12 Weebcon - Apr 18 to Apr 20 A-Kon - lolDiscuss topics about Texas cons here, such as why Anime Frontier decided to give a bunch of people free Sunday passes
>>10946653I knew of its existence, I just didn't care, and I know I'm not alone in this, anon. Whether it went well or not, it doesn't change the fact that it's a first-year con, and there are other, probably better cons in Houston this year that are more deserving of the attention anyways.
>>10946670100% there are more cons deserving of the attention, but I'm just surprised since the anti-AM crowd is usually pretty vocal when shit goes wrong over there.
>>10946653My guess is after a decade plus of REE-ing, these gulls are finally coming to the realization that AM is not going anywhere. No matter how much kvetching they do.They are finally seeing that all those YouTube videos and Twitter posts and email campaigns and slide threads and protests and anti AM panels Etc... ultimately all they did was promote the event and get it seen by more people. DESU, AM should be thanking them for all the advertising lol. Does it really surprise anyone that a con like AM does well in hyper-conservitive TEXAS, and a con like Akon failed?
>>10946653>>10946705There's another thread in the catalog about this, basically /cgl/ currently has just a fraction of the traffic it used to (for various reasons being debated in that thread), so my guess is that many of the seasonal complainers have likely ditched this site for Discord. With how slow modern /cgl/ is, I wouldn't be surprised if this thread survives past its first anniversary.
>>10946788Do you mean the same con that has lost over ten thousand attendees, according to official HoustonFirst reports based on the past four years? People know it's garbage.
hi!! first time poster, but wanted to show off my proshot images!! this is my favourite but i have more!!
Surely this is just bait, right? How could anyone post this and think it looks good. Your makeup looks like it was done by a schizophrenic with markers.
>>10944175Please take off your ugly fucking piercings Miku would never ruin her natural japanese beauty with a nose ring
You honestly look great and I would have been so proud to look like that when I started. I like cosplaying like this, it's even better than the cosplays that people try to outdo each other with now. It's like you can see that the person is still happy, not just trying to be better than someone else, and is actually having fun. It looks like enough work was put into it to look good. There's nothing wrong with your face in the first picture, it's actually cuter like that, and shows a fun narrative instead of a static "trying to be cool" face that all cosplayers seem to be doing while dressing up like fake characters and cartoons. Nothing inherently wrong with that face either but when every single person does it while cringing at any face with an expression, it gets too bland and try hard. And about the piercings, don't worry about it, Miku comes in a lot of forms specifically, so there could very well be a pierced version of Miku if you want, if it isn't already existing somewhere
Time to kick off the first month of the year with a AX thread, About time to!! Expo 2025 Masquerade Application: Get Involved!!: Registration for Anime Expo 2025 starts January 28, 2025 at 12PM PT Block opens up January 28th at 12 PM and 1 PM PT!!!ITT: We discussComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>10946899I'm not paying money to read a shit article. Paste that shit in here or fuck off.
Doomers continue to be the least powerful, most pathetic race on Earth
>>10946911Tl:dr - LA has no money to expand the convention center for the Olympics after having to allocate any funds to rebuild the burn down areas.
Is it just Thursday morning lines that are terrible or is it for the entire weekend? Is there an optimal entrance to use to not wait outside for too long?
>>10946923Usually the first day is bad because they want to appease the fire marshal before they end up dropping the theater all together the next day. The best place to enter is still by West Hall but it's not as quick as it used to be.
Will you outgrow /cgl/, cosplay, and conventions?
>>10946852yeah, and room parties have gotten so much better. discord is far easier to groom normie foids into than saying yeah join this imageboard where some retard will spew about faggots, niggers and jews every fourth post the only people who complain about this shit are the people who needed anonymity to have a chance of being invited anywhere, git social skills, git gud, kinda like you used to have to in the early con days
>>10946852I disagree somewhat, not to say discord hasn't lead to the decrease in posts but how it actually played a role in it all.Two major things happened around 2015-2017:Tumblr apocalypse moved people more to twitterInstagram became viable for cosplayers to make moneyThis all happened conveniently about the same time most anons who used cgl for the cosplay subculture discussion, all basically were now well out of highschool and college ages. Age and time were literally the factor that killed posting on cgl, this place lost a lot of glamor when you realized the petty drama and other things that could go on in the threads. Most people after a long day of work or who looked forward to a weekend break from the daily grind weren't too keen on dealing with "BRO THIS TOTALLY HAPPENED AT THE CON TRUST ME BRO DAD WORKS AT NINTENDO!" followed by tons of samefagging and shitthatotallyhappened.txt dumps.Discord was simply the final nail in the coffin which had already been shut.
Moot brought in new mods around 2014, some of which are still here today I suspect/cgl/ used to have a tripfag community but the new mods banned them all and almost all cosplay discussion died forever. Board was 95% cosplay and then became 95% lolita.
>>10946929t. got hit with all forms of verifications required in order to make this post
>>10946929Nah tripfags simply left for discord or dropped the trips because cross borders kept shitting up threads asking why someone had a trip. It also didn't help that people started going along the times of 'shit that the tripfag totally did at a con' for easy baiting.
Guys, how old is too old?Like, I am an oldfag in his mid 40s. Used to be very involved in the con scene back in the 90s and early 00s. I am currently on a very nostalgic mood about those days of yore, and planning to visit a few of the big cons to see how's the fandom nowadays. Would I be, as you youngsters say, cringe? Worse, would other congoers immediately assume I am a creepy pedophile? I don't really want to ruin some kids con experience like that.Two things, I would be attending alone because the few con buddies from back then that I still keep in contact, are too jaded and busy to give a shit. Also, I am considering if it is a good idea to go cosplaying as an old timer character.
>>10906481>I've seen an age-appropriate Queen Elizabeth cosplayerI saw one of these last year
>>10945710Megacon, by chance?
>>10924666>a healthy state like california.the fuck does this even mean?
Dude just do what you want. I'm 40 and going to Megacon. My wife is 46 going too. We both cosplay. If it is something you enjoy do it! If your anything like me you have way more money now then you did when you went in the 00s and can afford to do even more now. I do Cosplay older characters. One of my best is soldier 76. I do not do any competitions just enjoy going around in Cosplay for fun.There are tons of characters out there for any age and body type!
>>10843944 will autosage in a few replies, this can be the sequel
Old >>10874898
>>10944541why would you want one of the few boards with actual cumdumpsters to be emptied of them, make it make sense
>>10944574>>10944585It's not about it being a "SFW" board, besides, a lot of other boards has usually worse than posted here, like /a/ and /v/, the actual real issue I'm seeing here is the mourning of the loss of annoyances that never really belonged here if this kinda thread made them go away
>>10944527better than men pretending to be women in ita threads. kys
>>10944536The board hasn't changed, is cosplying itself that became OF-lite.
ive like never cosplayed b4 at all nd i LOVE stocking SO MUCH but i have no idea where to get the outfit and stuff… everywhere online is so expensive and/or just shitty material. would i be better off making it myself? im not sure how 2 go about it lol XD
>>10877344same reason lain, fooly cooly, eva, flash cartoons noone gave a shit about 15 years ago, etc got popular.tiktok.
>>10945762no it's because season 2 got announced and is going to be airing this year
>>10945780kids dont watch anything unless an algorithm tells them to