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I never went to these as I wasn't old enough but I've heard that conventions used to be more fun. Actual nerds going there having a good time.

No social media attention whores trying to get clout
Not overly woke and annoying bullshit shoved down your throat

Just nerds nerdin' out
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Hope she sees this, bro.
Crossplayers have always been here, maybe you just didn't notice?
As an ex fatass, no they're not. Being fat is awful. You feel like absolute shit 24/7, you can struggle walking up stairs and the idea of walking a mile indoors despite being in an air conditioned building can be a pain too. Not to mention that deep down, you know you are physically unattractive and if you're young, the pain of knowing you're wasting your youth being a tub of lard does serious psychological damage to you.
trans people in cons have always existed, you were probably just too dumb to notice
I hate the hideous tumblr reject art style thats infested artist alleys. I want merch of my favorite character that actually looks like the character and not a My 600lb Life participant in a wig.

Artists that actually draw aesthetically pleasing art only sell genshin and flavor-of-the-day waifus

Thats why I always find it funny when extreme anti-fujo moralfags wish they experienced being an anime fan in the 2000s. Almost the entire female deviantart and gaia online userbases were fujos, and if they werent they usually openly hated gay people kek

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larp thread
again as the previous one is yet again in auto sage

now 37,8% slower than ever

previous thread

This last weekend was the big bongland fest, so now I'm back my current project is fixing everything that broke over the event. I need to order some new buttons for my coat and doublet, derust and protect all my armour, do some minor weapon repairs and all that jazz.

I've got a 13th C game coming up fairly soon, so my next "real" project will probably be making some new soft kit for that. While my existing stuff is fine, it's a bit larpy and generic, and I'd prefer to make a new tunic with brighter colours than my current one.

old misa cosplay!
i want to do this cosplay again, any tips on how to make it better?
Make sure the bangs are a bit more dense/don't have that gap as much. Also go lighter on the nose makeup
hard to give good concrit without seeing the outfit
A regular wig and dark eye makeup does not a cosplay make

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Opinions on the Little Nurse release?
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>> wearing shit off the rack and not getting it tailored to fit

Sloppy whore
Damnit Meta. Every handmade ita using newspaper print quilting cotton is going to use this as justification from now on.
nayrt, I think getting things tailored to fit is a good idea but this release was unusually large for the regular size.
Which is weird because the plus and plus plus sizes are smaller than their usual
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Got my costume ready in advance, just did some test shots. Might get some better undergarments for it, but I'm also planning to get something with a lot more coverage so I can wear this on my college campus.
attention whore, that isn't you.

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Can I cosplay big boobed girls if I have a nearly flat chest? There's silicone boobs but they look kinda fake.
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>giant balloons filled with water
best choice for dem anime physics
stop shilling that overpriced site. it's not like anon needs realistic ones when she's going to be cosplaying in her room.
its not necessary but you could. If you're going for accuracy to the character you could get em. But otherwise they are not necessary because a character in cosplay is not always gonna have every part of them. I mean Goku isn't black but we don't see black dudes shedding their skin to do it.
We don't really see black dudes putting in effort either.
that's just cosplay in general. people slap on a dumb robe from Demon slayer and call themselves Tanjiro or whatever.

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i'd like to have a cosplay that looks like the picture attached but much better looking, and i was originally planning to sew everything myself, but i feel it would be too much of an undertaking for someone like me with little sewing experience. so i got an idea to buy this premade costume, but replace the skirt, buttons and collar since making those myself seems easy enough (and remove the black piece of fabric on the waist)
is this a good idea, or a waste of money? i don't want to experience the hell that is making patterns or spending even more money to commission one
The material will probably be vastly different but if it works then go for it.
yes! as long as you have an idea and plan as for what to change and you know what youre doing

Anyone goin
do you like it
idkfk how to post
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desu i don't mind costhots as long as they're not the rare genuinely insane lolcow types. most of the scantily clad women i met were chill and gave me free booze and walked me to ubers and shit, this just seems like a skill issue or perhaps a moid issue

i do hate the virgins/people who show up just to get laid without putting any effort into a cosplay themselves though lul
>i do hate the virgins/people who show up just to get laid without putting any effort into a cosplay themselves though lul
It's hilarious. Throwing a closet cos together of like Shinji or Leon Kennedy should take maybe a day and they can't even do that.
I can literally smell that room through my screen
I haven't gone to a ColossalCon before, but it does seem fun. Texas is the closest, but I don't mind going further if one is notably better.
>if one is notably better.
I rank both Prime and East above Texas. Never done North but I assume it's also better

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All-white lolita coords
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>bf says he’ll take me to a lolita fashion store
>ask if it is a sweet lolita, classic lolita or gothic lolita fashion store
>he laughs and says it’s a nice store
>go with bf
>it’s kawaii fashion
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>another thing to take into consideration is that the large majority of men think lolita is a weird and unattractive style, especially japanese men
NTA but unfortunately all the DDLG pedos (sadly a HUGE amount of men are into this shit... like unavoidable amounts of them) these days love sweet lolita because they think it's little girl clothes. Never seen men fetishize classic or gothic like that though, that part is true.
>Never seen men fetishize classic or gothic like that though, that part is true.
It's funny to be because those two, especially classic, are by far the most attractive styles to me as well. I don't fetishize them at all either though, they appeal to my heart rather than other parts.

It is weird aside from that though because gothic and classic are by far the most commonly represented in male-oriented anime and other media, and they've got some aesthetic stuff in common with things like maid costumes that guys typically go for, but as you say you don't really see guys who are into them IRL.
Online it always seems like these degenerates are a large part of the male population, but that's because they search for lolita social media accounts, lolita websites and content. That can't be used as an example of what men are generally like irl. I hear far more stories of lolitas whose boyfriends ask them to stop wearing it, are embarrassed to be seen with them than hearing hear about boyfriends who it turns out are into if for fetish reasons.
Lots of Japanese lolitas also complain about how difficult it is to find a partner who accepts that they wear the fashion.

>gothic and classic are by far the most commonly represented in male-oriented anime

Can you give a few examples? I haven't seen any good representation of lolita fashion in anime lately.
Honestly I haven't watched new anime in years but there was a lot of goth in older anime, from official art and figures of the Eva girls in obviously gothic lolita-inspired outfits, Kuroneko from Oreimo, Tokisaki in Date A Live, Rory in GATE, Victorique from GOSICK and Kobato from Haganai (who are also the other type of lolita as well), even Stocking from Panty and Stocking. A lot of those would get ridiculed as ita bullshit if somebody wore them in real life (outside of a cosplay context obviously) but they're inspired by and described as lolita. Classic isn't quite as common but Rozen Maiden is the obvious example (and it's also got a bunch of stuff obviously inspired by '90s gothic stuff) and I've also seen a lot of random harem anime with school uniforms that are obviously inspired by classic lolita and stuff like that. You also see hybrid styles like Wa-Lolita in a lot of stuff and a lot of stuff also tends more toward ero-lolita just because anime.

Actual sweet is a lot rarer, even when characters have pastel outfits the cuts and detailing are usually much more like old-school gothic and you virtually never see prints or patterns, but a lot of that is probably because it's hard to animate.

Actually, looking back I think there was one anime years ago that actually collabed with one of the major brands, I think AP or BTSSB for costume design, can't remember exactly what it was but maybe one of the later CLAMP series.
Thank you for all the references. There might be some I haven't seen yet.

You're totally right, that used to be more common for figures to have a "gosurori version". I think the lolita community is pretty accepting of lolita fashion in anime. Most outfits in anime seem to be more lolita inspired than actual lolita, and the community used to refer to that as "anime lolita". A good example would be Chobits. Many of the outfits are very obviously inspired by lolita fashion, but there's nearly always one or two things about the outfit that disqualify it from being lolita. I think the reason is that creators obviously think lolita is cute but they aren't lolitas themselves so they don't know how to build a proper outfit. There might be some exceptions.

I'm not sure the school uniforms that look classic are actually inspired by classic lolita, I think it's more likely that they're using the same stuff as inspiration (ladylike European fashion of the past). The whole "vaguely historical European aesthetic" has been popular there for a long time, especially for the interior of small shops and cafés. It just seems to be what they think of if you say European. Think dark wood details, floral wallpaper, hanging plants, ivy, doilies, pretty silverware, English tea cups, random lace details, antique looking furniture. Classic looking dresses with simple designs and lace used sparingly fits the vaguely historical European vibe. A lot like what IW is doing now with the longer dresses that don't have much embellishments. But these are not often depicted as full length dresses in anime (Ouran host club for example). Knee length or just over the knee is most common.

What would be a good representation of sweet lolita? I can only think of Miwako in Paradise Kiss at the moment. A lot of sweet stuff in anime is more idol than lolita.

Btssb doing costume design for a media property has happened more than once. They've also loaned out their existing designs.

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Old thread is nearing its limit >>10790295

This thread is for ouji and aristocrat (aka "boystyle") discussion. "Boystyle" is shorthand for "boystyle lolita" and refers to the masculine counterparts of Japanese lolita and, often, aristocrat fashions. There is a lot of overlap between these styles, and different people use different terms to describe them. We usually just use "ouji" here.

>Shopping spreadsheet
This is broken, now. Can it be fixed?

>Buttcape-sensei's shopping guide (mentions which brands/shops have men's or custom sizes):

>Blogs for info

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Ugly as sin, sorry. I can only imagine ita gender snowflakes wearing this.
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attn punks
don't let showiness stop you, ouji is showy as hell
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Do you use historical fashion for inspo?
i use "whatever the brands release that fits me" as inspo

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Asuka Cosplays
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She nails the facial expressions, the mannerisms, has a killer silhouette but she's kinda annoying as a person. Her bff who cosplays as Rei is a joy of person tho, super nice to people on her streas.

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You need to learn how to vibe and talk to people at conventions. If you're underage that's one thing. If you're old enough you should budget for a hotel room so you can party and party with strangers and make new friends. The best part about conventions is meeting people and subsequently running into them at other cons in other years and it's all so fucking beautiful. It's the only time you don't have to suppress your powerlevel because guess what? They know all the dumb memes you do and have a lot of overlap in interests and other things you enjoy. You can ask someone why they're green and actually learn something about Startrek because they fucking love star trek so much they painted themselves green! SO WHEN I ASK THEM THEY ARE MORE THAN WILLING TO GUSH ABOUT THE SHIT THEY LOVE! I FUCKING LOVE NERD CONVENTION SHIT HOLY FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
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What the F, page 10!? Cease this madness at once !
Cheers, bot bro.
You normal socialites cannot comprehend how much of a infinitesimally tiny minority you all are, In real life you don't even notice the people you pretend to uplift here trying barely to do the things you do while pretending to be open and wholesome then immediately berate and blame those same people in this thread telling them its their fault, why would anyone even try to talk to you or anyone else when they see how you REALLY feel about them here? then theres scum like this anime avatarfag in every convention thread who only posts to jerk off to how superior and better he is on fucking 4chan of all places your the one who really needs help.
I hope theres some kind of cultural crash someday so all these normalfag consumerist trash can fuck off and the rest of us can have our events of nerds and dweebs again
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Yes, yes. Very good. Now type that again without crying. You can do it!

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>be non black person (not white) doing cosplay
>high expectations to be accurate with correct wig for contests and photoshoots
>be black
>no need to use wig or accurate cosplay. it's called ethnic wigs instead
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With all the talk of "Black can't cosplay right", "Only white should do it", "anyone NOT Asian should be barred entirely"...what's really going on gets buried entirely. Of those three groups, any can at LEAST get noticed. For Mestizos or Southeast Asians, it was over before it even began
absolutely based
Who gives a shit lois
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