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Who’s your fave?
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>her screamo was not good.
Every attempt sounded strained and painful. Nae and Coda are the only two that seem to be able to scream consistently.
do you go to idol stuff outside of cons?
Ria was obviously the driving force behind their original concept, she pulled it off the best.

Ctrp have had a bit of an identity crisis ever since. There is no synergy between their releases, they don't know what it means to be anti idol.
Purple member looking fine here
Is this a meme I'm unfamiliar with I don't get the appeal

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FAQ (last updated: May 19th, 2023): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-URQl5wxxBzP4-VWfMKfLG8ZqOkGt9Yoyo6Qbm333vs/edit?usp=sharing

Cosplay recommendations thread: none atm
Crossplay/crossdressing thread: >>10907099
LARP thread: >>10873579
Sewing general: >>10865253
Makeup, hair, skincare general: none atm

Taobao thread: >>10903761
Stupid j-fashion questions thread: >>10902439
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Ganon, a lot of one piece, some golden kamui, snake/pliskin
Games usually have more normal beards then anime which gets weird ones.
Can someone do 12 hour live streams of events and panels in events online?

I'm tired of waiting for a couple hours of junk like this

>they don't allow phones/cameras in panels/events.
Only stupid people can't get away with that.

I've seen people do it in events "not allowed" before.
Thank you for this advice! Will probably end up going with sharpie then, since that would effectively 'dye' the synthetic material of the tights.

colossalcon tx
John Wick
>guy in suit
I'm no elitist, but john wick is hardly cosplay

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CCC #2 Repent Edition

What recently mischiefs have you done recently? Or plan on perpetuate on your next innocent victims.

Me: Ask someone if I can play Street Fighter II on the SNES classic. It was a close match manage to win, He was getting ready for a rematch but I say thank you and prepare to leave, He leaves first. Also after that pick up some free posters that some left of the consoles table and I leave.

Also repent for being lazy and missing 3 cons this year.
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Good on you
I was doing a Char Aznable cosplay, but I had trouble having the face mask looking natural with my glasses, so I just put sunglasses and a wig like one of the alternate design and called it a day

But the real reasons why I also did that was out of sheer laziness because I didn’t wanted to build the helmet. Though that cosplay forever will feel unfinished to me. It’s a bit of a paradox
A free hug girl hugged me out of nowhere and then ran away, I got a bit spooked but this as I thought free hug girls wanted to be hug, not wanted to hug people
probably planted a tracker
what’s a rfid scanner and how does it work

Anyone goin
do you like it
idkfk how to post
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I don't know what either of you retards are talking about because I don't live on Facebook like a washed up loser.
Oh great you're still around.
its called wanting more info on the convention dipshit
Hurt your feefees nonny???
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My lineup ^~^

july 18-21 pittsburgh, pa stop ignoring it's existence
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I also didn't see them last year, and I was in the Expo Hall much more often that year.
>why were they even here at all?
Grifting. I'm gonna assume they just bullshitted something about relating to Shinto on their app and Tekko just didn't bother to double check.
shame on tekko for not looking into their booths, it was really greedy of them and even then why should anything religious be at an anime convention? i hope if staff looks at this thread they’re more careful about who they let booth at in their con.
you happen to be with a girl with a pink wig?
apparently they've been to several conventions, based on their website. maybe tekko was also going off that.

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Modern inspired by Victorian but we make it spooky edition.

Last thread get archived: >>10851320

Thread before last for some mysterious reason did not and is still listed on active threads (WTF jannies?): >>10756184

Last two years these threads were barely active and and it took a year for each to reach image limit or get archived prematurely (WTF jannies?) but whatever.
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If you have the space you can use them as a coffee table book, but on a shelf a cookbook stand could be nice. You could rotate them out as you felt like it.

There are endless designs for these things so you can find one to match your stuff.
that one is actually pretty cute, i’m going to check out others as well
Yes, crochet is very underemployed in modern neovictorian interiors.Which is strange as to me it's a golden standard.

Some thrift shops I been to had some crocheted items. But it was not a commonplace in my area to have such stuff for sale.

There are probably some FB groups of crochet addicts where you can buy stuff made by members or order specific patterns if you cannot into crochet yourself
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And remember! There is never enough of apothecary jars!

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>Are you going? What is your
>Cosplay lineup
>Stories from Dragoncons past
>General Dragoncon discussion (good places to grab a bite near the con, party plans, things you’re excited for etc)

About a month and some change out. I’m really excited. I feel bad for the people who got fucked over by the Courtland Grand (former Sheraton) who had all their rezzys cancelled due to a billing issue. Also that whole Mariott Hunger Games error page (pic related) was a massive shit fuck too holy hell.
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>Am I going? Duh
>Hotel: Mariott Marquis
> TBD on dates but Arkham Batman, Fry from Futurama, The Mandalorian, Jack Torrance from The Shining and Lazslo from What We Do In The Shadows, Milo from Pokémon Sword and Shield
> Stories from Dragoncon past: Dragoncon 2014 Was my first and I got super plastered and almost stepped on one of the guys doing the Mariott carpet camo laying down for a photo (in my defense I didn’t see him til the last minute) and Dragoncon 2022 we got super plastered off the Bacardi from the Bacardi tent and I still have no idea how we made it back to our room

As far as the Courtland Grand goes, that hotel is the definition of buyer beware. Supposedly (again not confirmed) a lot of the people who got their reservations cancelled was because the hotel tried to charge the other half (they charged the first at booking) and they didn’t have the sufficient funds and it bounced, therefore canceling the reservation. Like I know it’s expensive and all but god damn if you’re a whole ass adult and a charge around 500-800$ puts you in the negative you have bigger problems to worry about and need to save more money before going to a con
Pics my dude. I gotta see that one
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Lil group shot from last Dragoncon idc about people recognizing me irl bc everyone who gets to know me knows I’m a fucking autist sometimes and love shitposting on here to pass the time

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What animes have won the cosplay battle this year?

Con season is about halfway through so good enough to see what characters are dominating the cosplay scene this year.

Is Yor still topping the chart?
Will Genshin ever stop?
I've seen some vtubers cosplay starting up.

What are you seeing at your locals?
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Agreed, CSM cosplay peaked in quantity during 2022. I haven't seen/read it but I liked seeing good Denji Chainsaw Man cosplays at cons, the ones with moving "chainsaws" were awesome. At my local cons you would see Makimas and Powers all over the place, but now they're far less common.
I never got to see a moving chainsaw one in person.

Does anyone else have the random breakout of Mexican Naruto cosplays? Do I just live too south?
>I never got to see a moving chainsaw one in person.
They were at their most popular in early to mid 2022
>Does anyone else have the random breakout of Mexican Naruto cosplays? Do I just live too south?
Naruto's dead in the water in my area and has been for years outside one mandatory Kakashi and MAYBE a Jiraiya
this CANNOT be real, was that live? jesus can china nuke us already
This last 3 years i noticed that anime is super popular now so more normal casual people are into it which is fine. But since theres more casuals the cosplays kind of stagnated. Like currently only gacha and slice of life anime are popular. Yeah theres the occasional surge for a cartoon or videogame but thats about it. Otherwise old anime are still cosplayed by the older cosplayers. So now you have the dash of naruto and one piece in the sea of genshin and yors. Tiktok influencers are also huge now so teens are copying each other even moreso than before. The popular kids like JJK, Yor, and genshin so the ones that wanna be cool will consume that content only. Last con i went to was genshin one piece and an army of teenage girls dressed as gojo. All of them had the same white eyelash tiktok makeup tutorial on. An MHA movie is dropping soon plus the manga ended so therell be a spike of new haircut dekus

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Anyone heading to Capeshit Con 2024? Are you cosplaying? You better not be getting Funkos, fucker.

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Anyone going this year? Any news or gossip so far? Any stories or plans for the weekend?
How does CTcon charge so much yet also seem to always be broke? No schedule app because they claim they can't afford it this year.
Dead thread dead con
They're charging $100+ for next year for a con with barley anything special. You might as well hang out near the food trucks with the normies and watch the cosplayers go by.
Anyone watch the loser "do laps" in the kiddie pool on Sunday? WTF was that about?

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Previous thread: >>10897117

The Flower Kitten series is releasing this week
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Yes, but they're 1/5 the size and have no joints to worry about due to having a star for a body. There's not much to screw up in comparison.
Well I guess my wallet is safe for now. Thanks nona
NTA but samples can also have slightly different features/finishings, and also sometimes have different measurements. I bought a sample on Mercari that didn’t have the whirring that the final bulk produced item had.
Did it have a zipper instead? It must’ve been a fashion show piece when they have to dress models quickly.

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Matsuri con in Ohio In august
Who going

is it me or is it a lot harder to get a room booked this year? is it because ohayocon died so now matsuricon is the new default central ohio con?
I would assume so. But then again it is only 2 months out
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GalaxyCon might shape up to be the default convention, IMO. It's basically in the same slot as Ohayocon except bigger and more prevalent.

As for rooms, I didn't have any issues booking mine. Sonesta, Hyatt, and a few other hotels still have rooms available, last I checked.

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I'm a near-complete beginner to con culture and the "scene" due to zero exposure to it until recently and I have too many questions swimming around in my head that I need to ask. I've only been to a couple of small ones in my mostly-desolate area and I want to step up to traveling to bigger ones but I'm overwhelmed. Please bear with me.
>Do a majority of congoers cosplay? I know it's common, but is it seen as a faux pas to not cosplay?
>Likewise, is it seen as a faux pas to wear the same cosplay more than once in a multi-day event, or to not wear it some days?
>I've read a lot on this board about "after hours" events and parties that aren't scheduled by the con staff. Do you have to get invited to things like that, or how do people find out about them?
>Do cons that don't have a stated sub-demographic (ones that use terms like "fandom" or "pop culture" instead of specifically "fantasy" or "otaku" or something) tend to accept all demographics? Would you be looked at weird for going to something more "western" like SDCC in an anime cosplay, or would you expect to see a lot of them?
>Why do some huge cons like Colossal and Dragon seem to place such significance on getting a hotel room onsite as opposed to just being nearby? Surely not just traffic, right?
>What's a "gull"?
>How do you not get sick every time you go to one?
>How do you keep track of scheduling for multiple cons across multiple years? Do you get notified about them? When is "con season"?
>If you're partying, how do you deal with inevitable hangovers or crashes?
And some more personal questions
>If you cosplay, what's normally your budget? Both in terms of time and money.
>How do you make friends at a con if you're not going with a group?
>How many cons do you go to yearly or on a recurring basis? There are a fuckton I want to see but I'm not sure if my expectations are unreasonable.
Thank you for your time.
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Some real, some fake. Anyone telling you "They're all fake" is a loser coping or a loser discouraging you
None of this is real this is an influencer
you're fine, might be unrecognizable to most
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>I want to cosplay Mya-nee from Wataten for my next con.

Marry me
Tldr: it happens but might be rare and they're not necessarily 'good looking'

I know a girl who gets ll primped to go to Akon in TX each year with the expectations of getting laid. She wasn't a fatty but not skinny either. She was in one of those open poly things though so those might be the types doing it. Her boyfriend or whatever is the friend of my boyfriend and he laments it's the only time she gets all pretty - and it's not even for him. Apparently she came onto my boyfriend there one year before we were together. I dunno if they banged. She's getting old though, I don't know if she still does it, this was before covid.

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Asuka Cosplays
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She used to post here and we'd make fun of her labial herpes.
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At the end of the last Rebuild movie she ages up the 15 years she stopped growing older so her suit is too small and rips.

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Films/tv shows that are based on cosplay/con culture or at least reference it in some way.

I felt that 2Kawaii4Comfort was (for better or worse) the most accurate description of going to a small con and having a bad time at it. It's a shame it ended on a cliffhanger.
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There was an episode of Psych that was about a bomb threat at a convention and took a lot of potshots at nipple-armor Batman but none of the cosplayers are cosplaying anything real.

Simpsons did this classic:
They did another episode about nerd culture on a cruise ship which I'll admit wasn't particularly great https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJkBSqMFW4E

Times have changed if no one remembers Genshiken.
>First Simpsons clip
I couldn't appreciate the joke as a kid because I had no anime con experience then, but the idea of a bi-monthly convention is hilarious. The amount of work to keep that going and interesting would be a nightmare.

>Second Simpsons clip:
Damn, I'm actually gonna watch an episode from the newer seasons of Simpsons.
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>it took almost a year after the thread started for someone to mention Genshiken
>that ends up being a terrible film
It wasn't the Christmas special, was it? I'd hate for that to be anyone's last film they see before they die.
What a get

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