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They are the biggest losers tonight. Biden has always been their puppet, but they stretched him too far. They gambled he could keep it together until November. Now he can't, now he isn't, and now they have no good choices. Trump is going to win unless they literally kill him, but doing that would cause more problems for them than it solves.

They are very close to being forced to act openly, but the minute they do that they're exposed, and consequences will flow from that. And when I say "openly," I mean in a way that makes 2020 look subtle.
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You're not going to win WWIII. The US will be lucky to make it out of 2025 with a functional federal government.

It's time to flee, motherfuckers
total lack of better things to do the only sportsball on is baseball and its too WHITE for poltards so we have this
Anyway, I need to head back into the shadows for a while.

It's been nice.

Remember what I told Hollywood about the 17 year olds... and say hi to Jim Carrey for me
>Collapse is coming
I agree memeflag
none of us are making it to November 2024
total global economic-financial collapse prior to September in my estimation

Would you be willing to die for protecting a woman?

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>What can you say?
Thanks, Jews!
Trying to have a childhood.
Shalom, kike. Stop prescribing jewish behaviors to nonjews
Yoh should never die for a whore.
this exactly id die for someone i loved , ez choice the rest of these comments are SUS

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This is his main demographic.... Is this debate going to be a problem for Joe?
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Its a setup.
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All that shilling right before the debate was nothing but barking from an afraid dog.
It's settled then, Trump has won.
No refunds Bidet cucks & kikes.
I wasn't expecting things to go well for Trump, especially after the conviction. Guess I actually have to go vote this November.
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No one stuck a knife in Biden's back. They literally gave him notes to read off of on the podium and gave him extra time to respond to Trump. Whereas they used Trumps answering time to respond to the made up shit Biden was spewing.

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>tonight was so bad all the shills can't show their face and are hiding

Notice how much better /pol/ is right now? I figure we have another day before they come crawling out of the woodwork and pretend nothing happens.
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Only shill posts are just trolls looking for (You)s. It's weak ass bait too. Shills unironically on suicide watch. Every video I watched on JewTube this week had a DNC donation ad. Even Obama was begging for shekels. You could tell they were desperate before, now? Well now they are all rushing to the D.C. Home Depot to buy rope before they sell out.
I saw that same Obama ad. I almost never get political ads. Maybe dems are desperate because their party is welfare niggers and broke trannies.
Notice no nafo spam too
Dilation chambers must be in high demand at the moment
Yeah their contrarian ass
threads are getting 2 replies and buried.

Tranny tourists are melting down they can't troll their dude as MUH HECK LE DARK BRANDON OWNING THE CHUDS anymore.

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being able to afford food, property and entertainment is ass?
She sounds lovely, I'm jealous. But that's not the point.
Trump printed 2 trillion dollars. Will you make excuses for him or just shut your mouth? or perhaps you'll say "the other side did it too!"
lol stfu you lost faggot now get a new job trump wont do much but he will for sure trigger all you faggots who are either shills or to scared to pick up a gun and do something
if blaire had better hands i'd almost ask her for a handjob

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my "apolitical" default liberal relatives who try to avoid knowing about anything that stopped talking to me after I refused to get vaccinated started talking to me again after watching the debate

they're wondering what else I'm right about

sent them pic related as a reply
I think it was too big of a red pill to start with
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Why the meme flag?
Also that does seem like a big jump. You could've started with foreign (Israeli) influence in politics and worked backwards from there. Why do Jews have such influence, is it limited to politics? Is it the israelis or do more Jews feel more loyalty to their own and their country then the USA? How did they go from being persecuted to being so powerful? Where did they even come from?
Also a fun one for later down the line when you get to WWII maybe, if Jews are white why was the holocaust treated like a unique ethinic cleansing?
Finkelstein argues a interesting point it happened but not the way the are telling us and others have a misused the legacy of it. Not to mention how pre 1968 the survivors were shunned.
Perhaps after listening to the camp orchestra's performance of Beethoven's Concerto violin concerto in the theatre.
Maybe it was a... a... A DEATH ORCHESTRA
hahaha you jew

Big if true
Total dem meltdown vid:
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He said woman.
trans women? i mean it's their thing now
fuck yeah jan 6 times ten
There's a current recall attempt. I think we're also 48th in literacy. Most of the people that left here were Trump voters.

the west is saved
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the fact i dont have a fox wife with giant tits and a giant ass means this is all bullshit
please stop posting my wedding photos thanks
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Somos reyes.

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the delegates dahnald
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>2016 was so wacky!
I don't often agree with Marco... and I don't often agree with Ted... but I get along with everybody. But I say this every night, every day, every afternoon, and it's so true. Jeb is a mess, Jeb is a waste, Jeb is a big fat mess.


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Imagine being so intimately familiar with reddit that you talk about subreddits on /pol/ using acronym abbreviations like we know what the fuck you're talking about
If you actually use that shithole and it took you more than 3 posts to catch a sitewide ban you are a flaming faggot and niggerlover
It is literally impossible for anybody based to use that pozzed site without being immediately ip banned
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Imagine being a plebbitor!
Just imagine it
>uuuuuh why won’t le racist evil orange man walk into my obvious biased and curtailed traps??
>Imagine being so intimately familiar with reddit that you talk about subreddits on /pol/ using acronym abbreviations like we know what the fuck you're talking about
lol sure thing

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Exactly what RFK wants to do. Turn us back to 1960's America.
Nice try Ehud


What percentage of the American population is fluent in math and where can I as an American who is not good at math at all learn from basic to advanced math?
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>von Neumann, einstein, feynman
all blue eyed mostly white. Here in argentina some jews are unironically whiter than "whites".
>photographic memory
its just a name, we know for fact that some people have better memory and its genetic, nowadays the elites know which are the genes that cause this ability, GMO humans do exist:
>Najdorf set world records for simultaneous blindfold chess. He played a record 40 opponents in 1943, and increased the record to 45 in 1947. This record stood until 2011.
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Advanced math is kabbalah. Jews obfuscated the curriculum in the 60s as soon as their kids got out of high school to keep smart gentiles from learning (Samuel Delaney describes this in his biography).

Pre-1960s textbooks are the best source for learning classic math, and computer source code for modern math.
That's admirable. In general, however, girls should be raised for motherhood, not careers. Realistically and unfortunately, she may need to support herself so you're wise to prepare her for that possibility.

She's seven, so she's not ready for algebra unless she has about a 175 IQ. But you can test the waters, of course. If and when she masters algebra, then she can move on to geometry and logic, and then trigonometry and possibly pre-calculus. If she's mastered these topics, she'll be prepared for college-level math.

I can't help with specific recommendations. You could look online at Christian, especially Catholic, homeschooling groups (even if you disagree with their theology). Many have very well designed curricula.
einstein was a fraud propped up by the jewish lugenpresse like a marvel superhero. he plagiarized lorentz. olinto de pretto is who discovered E= mc^2
captcha: G0Y
>some people have better memory
bro no there's no "memory gene." as I said, learn about cognitive load theory.
they gave chess GMs randomly generated board positions. these randomly generated positions were specially made such that it's impossible for them to occur with the normal rules of chess.
the GMs were not able to memorize these positions any better than normal people.
like I said, you CANNOT memorize random noise like where all the white pixels were on a screen of static, unless you're an autistic 60 IQ savant with a deleterious brain structure. that's lossless compression.
these GMs are able to memorize so many positions because they're literally doing compression by storing the git diff of the positions rather then the entire position. their compression algorithm relies on the constraints imposed by chess's rules.

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A frozen volcano island that's the cleanest and safest country on earth. Literal ethnostate that's avoided by most thanks to it's harsh climate.
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Iceland isn’t an ethnostate. The very first people you see when landing in Keflavik will be black.
it was an ethnostate up until 1970s
Middle East, in appearance. Didn't give a fuck to ask. Sand nigger n all. I'd b cooler w Polish.

Been to Poland too, great food (awesome doughnuts n dumplings [pierogis], gravy = bacon grease) but no "hot" chicks however really good average looking chicks. LOTS of JEW influence there, esp in Wrocław
Keep my countries name out of your drunk mongol mouth
>Believe HIV is a thing
>Don't understand how it works anyway
You're not into women anyway, so what are you whining for?

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Tell me lies tell me sweet little lies
That's true actually, she was technically just a prostitute when he fucked her off camera.
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Democrats tonight, pic related.
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The girl's name was Monica (((Lewinsky))) but yeah it was Clinton
Just occurred to me you were talking about Marilyn Monroe. That was Kennedy.
>hasn't aged a day since 2016
I hate America
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Dear god yes, 2016 meme magic will truly return.

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Do Americans get off on elder abuse or something?
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you ruined the first post with your dog shit opinion
Can't even laugh at America anymore, it is just a sad realization that no one is running America and the country is tearing itself apart.
>spent a week "preparing"
>had an earpiece
>still crashed a dozen times, and glitches dozens more
Imagine how shit he would have turned out if they didn't lock him in the basement for a week, while they injected him with every chemical known to man and tried to burn the questions and all the "right" answers into his brain.
No one is running it? Blinken has been de facto president and makes decisions.
Weakness tends to project its suffering elsewhere in attempt to alleviate it.

>Give it to God

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Previous: >>472373284

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)

>Al-Qassam Brigades target a Zionist troop carrier with an “Al-Yassin 105” shell in the Al-Shuja’iya neighborhood, east of #Gaza City.
>Al-Quds Brigades: We detonated a ground IED on a Zionist military vehicle during its incursion east of Shujaiya neighborhood in Gaza City.
>Al-Aqsa Brigades: We shelled the Zionist forces stationed west of Rafah with rockets and heavy mortar shells.
>#Urgent Al-Quds Brigades - #Jenin Battalion: We declare our full responsibility for the pre-prepared ambush operation of high-explosive (conspiracy) devices in the forces’ supply line and near the point of operations of the occupation soldiers, within the framework of the Battle of Bas #Jenin 2.

https://youtu.be/WH21UUjy0vc (embed)

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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wtf did I just type
>Almost 40% of the first world now embraces “antisemitic tropes.”
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Please post more. God Bless.
Also a Canadian
I mean, yeah, when the shoe fits…

THE IDEA that this decrepit, wheezing, death-rattling corpse was anything other than the winner.
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This is so funny to me. This idiot has been a braindead, demented zombie for years. It's been thoroughly documented but now, all of a sudden, he's le bad? LUL. This is pure jewish theater. Insane that people still believe in politics. It's been clearly hijacked by jews
the part where you spoke
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My chest and throat hurt just listening to him. Guy is practically death rattling.
Ideas are funny things. They are hard to kill. Even harder than it is to get biden to step down, hahahahaha
So nothing? Keep seething, loser.

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The power of the digits tonight was quite the thing to behold.
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Praise Kek
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