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How to roll dice: "dice+2d6" without the quotes in the email field rolls 2d6. "dice+5d42+23" rolls 5d42+23. "noko+dice+2d6" rolls 2d6 without showing the roll in the email field.

In the rules department, you can look at http://www.4chan.org/rules - all global and board specific rules are in full effect. Apart from that, only two rules are important.


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Please post all quest threads on /qst/


Quest threads that are posted on /tg/ will be removed.

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ITT we recount some moments or scenarios at the table that made us cringe or extremely uncomfortable. I'll throw some out there.

>when someone keeps trying to be funny and they're not funny
>someone recites poorly written poetry
>player gets caught cheating and gets called on it
>GM starts arguing with their parent
>the person you're sitting next to has halitosis
>someone starts a political argument
>rules lawyer and GM begin a screaming match
>depressed guy keeps dropping obvious hints about how they want to kill themselves
>autist has a legitimate temper tantrum over shitty rolls
>someone accidentally wears their cum-shirt
>degenerate repeatedly tries graphic ERP with another player
>guy uses greentext in real life by making an arrow with their finger and saying "tee eff doubleyou"
>players start making out at the table
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FtM troons are always batshit too, women don't understand men at all and are tremendously unempathetic.
Something I've actually noticed is that I'm actively awful at playing interesting male characters. I don't know what it is, I just sort of instinctively slip into bit character mode. Sometimes that's what's called for and I have a blast doing it, but if it's a more story-heavy campaign I just... flounder unless I'm playing something more removed from myself, like a woman or an alien or monster race.

Actually, no. She's one of the taller women I've known at 5'9", but it's like she actually believes the 5'11" vs 6'0" meme and thinks she's not really 'tall' unless she has a head on other people. I've known she's had a predilection for wanting to one-up people for a long time now, but I've never seen her have such a... bizarre and frankly kind of pathetic meltdown over it.

Also that, but presumably someone like that would want a reason for her character to be 'naturally' a woman.
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I’ve joined an online game just so I can participate in these threads. I’ve been playing TTRPGs for twelve years but nobody’s ever done anything remotely cringe cuz it’s all my mates.

It’s weird being in a campaign literally just waiting for something cringe to happen. Nothing even close has yet. I’m honestly having a nice time. Maybe I’m just lucky as fuck?
>bizarre and frankly kind of pathetic meltdown over it.
It's funny that that's what triggers her. Every enemy is now a woman slightly taller than her.
Women don't have to have a filter any more because society coddles them, so they are able to shit out cringe more unapologetically then men. Men will notice or get shit on by the other players for doing cringe shit so they either correct their behaviors or are not invited.

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Proxies edition

>Previous Age:>>92527098

『Horus Heresy』
>Official Website
>New to The Horus Heresy? Here’s Everything You’ll Need to Get Started
>Official FAQ/Errata/Downloads:
>Thread FAQ (very old, remembers Age of Terra)

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Long ago I accepted that I’ll never finish anything so I just buy more anyways. I really do need to get started on the stormbird I ordered at Christmas…
MMF - DivergingRealms with a bit of digging, you can easily find his other account, I just don't want to make it to easy for the James rep in this thread
a lot of shit. a metric shitton of shit.
the hobby kept me afloat for 7 years of hell. i won't last another
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Yeah I might grab a bigger brush next time, I only had “small” scale brushes so maybe a medium one would be better next time. I also started from a wraithbone prime and basecoated the model with Zandri dust without realising there is a Zandri dust rattlecan…Probably would have saved me lots of time and annoyance.

Also the paint thinning shit I’m so bad at, I’m using a wet palette and I make sure to mix 1 part water with 1 part of whatever paint I’m using and it still turns out thick.
I have a lot to do before I get to have fun in general
>Assemble the 40 Solar aux riflemen that will be arriving next week
>Assemble the 9 Solar aux command dudes
>Assemble a Legate Marshal
>Assemble an Aethon Sentinel
>Paint 40 tactical marines
>Paint 2 Apothecaries
>Paint a Leviathan Dreadnought
>Paint a Sicaran Venator

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I'd take a knight errant unit upgrade kit.

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Kris Kuksi style inspired Emperor on the Golden Throne Diorama Edition

>EC players get slapped and they probably enjoyed it:

>Pre-Order your Orkz Codex and Custodes that got the nerfhammer

>Ork Rules for a Game Mode No One Actually Plays

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

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So you don't like Nucrons I take it?
>People should be more angry over the rules.
My schizo theory is that GW knew that Femstodes would cause enough of a kerfuffle that people would miss the forest for the trees and not focus on how scuffed 10th edition as a whole is. There's one faction that is completely fine with their Codex ffs.
First world problem: the screenshot
Yeah but the chud ones are actually right since they're just trying to preserve the setting as it was while the woke ones are trying to make it into unrecognizable cringe.
>spend money
>"he will keep on paypigging anyway"

>doesn't spend money
>"see, he wasn't a 'true' fan all along"
Yeah for real. People spending hundreds then hundreds more a couple weeks later aren't just "fans", they're mentally ill. I'd bet most of that is still in a cupboard somewhere

Yu-Gi-Oh! General #537

Tachyon Edition

Previous Thread:>>92389048

Most Yu-Gi-Oh! discussion encouraged. Post OC, write dumb fanfics with bad CAC in them, duel each other, have fun, etc.

>Yu-Gi-Oh! Online Play
Automated Sims:
●EDOPro website: https://projectignis.github.io/download.html
●EDOPro: https://discord.gg/ygopro-percy
●YGO Omega: https://discord.gg/duelistsunite
●Dueling Nexus: https://duelingnexus.com/
●Master Duel: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1449850/YuGiOh_Master_Duel/

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Borreload isn't even that particularly powerful of a boss monster. Immunity to monster effects, discard to Reborn, and can steal a monster when it attacks. And its a minimum of a three card investment to summon. Why increase it to Link-6?
Just so you know, none of the removal in the card pool is free, it's going to typically cost you 1 or 2 thousand LP or a card, depending on how much it does, so you should consider that you may be paying 2000 LP across 2 cards to trade for 2 cards anyway.
Because one of the goals across my custom card pools is to set a standard for what Levels, Ranks and Link-Ratings mean exactly, when defining the power of each monster card. Right now, a Level 6 is statted like a Rank 6 is statted like a Link-6 and their effects all scale to be able to deal with each other and lower values.
please stop feeding the troll
I must just be missing some context, because that seems to completely overhaul the entire structure of the game. Is this just to create an alternate format?
That's right, this is just an alternate format where I only change card effect design and monster stat assignment to fit a mold that defines how strong a card is through natural design, the few parts where I get more creative are things like Attribute or Type assignment or maximizing draftability. Another one of my goals is to be able to make drafted or randomized decks very easily with very few unplayables or dead cards.

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Nightroads Edition

>Previous Thread
>Mega I
>Mega II (also containing fanmade games)
>WoD5 Mega
>STV content folders

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That sounds like a pretty neat scene.
V5 tried to address a problem the previous editions had to avoid having to come up with 10 different powers for each niche discipline that barely has enough for 5.
The biggest two examples being Vicissitude and Serpentis. The fact that they were sloppy about solving it doesn't make the problem any different.
Serpentis being literally snake-flavored Protean was clearly a hint Set was really a Gangrel all along

Also See: Tlacique.
How does Cloak (Obfuscate 7) work?
Is it just Soul Mask to show no aura from 2e or does it force the contested roll before the normal Auspex vs Obfuscate contested roll?
>but do you think most people like the tzimisce solely by Vicissitude as biomancy? Not even the demon bullshit it is supposed to be but just the ability to customize your retainers, animal servants and PC beyond normal specs.
I don't let my players play Tzimisce because I can't be bothered dealing with all the nonsense stats. It's hard enough stating Tzimisce and their Szclachta as it is as much as I enjoy doing it. Conceptually they're very cool tho
>Vicissitude was a mistake
No it was not: it's a mistake to let players use it (unless you can trust them but with mine it's like herding cats as it is) since it makes everything fucked, but having NPC Tzim as antagonists(or occasional allies) is very very good because you can be very creative with their designs.
No don't be unwholesome: tzimisce gf is for cuddles (and weird body horror vampire sexo but don't talk about it)
Should I take both Tabula Rasa and Rationalize?

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Work in Progress, "End of the week" Edition

>Full-on /WIP/ OP Links Pastebin:

>Saint Duncan's "Six Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Painting"

>Saint Duncan also explains thinning your paints

>Paint thinning 102

>Darren Latham's 20 top tips for miniature painting success

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Kurtwood Smith?
Is there any good youtube tutorial that don't put me to sleep?
>looks like a flamethrower
instead of a muzzle on earch cannon, join them and make holes
Set it to 1.5x speed and stop smoking pot.
>eceleb products
Why? Just why? Like people who pay the 1000% pricehike on makeup brushes by buying magnus opus.

Combat Tricks Edition

Here is a thread to discuss trading card games other than the big three.
>Build Divide
>Force of Will
>Final Fantasy TCG
>Legend of the 5 Rings (L5R)
>Flesh and Blood
>Gate Ruler
>Battle Spirits

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Oh dont be like that you Faeces and Bile shit
seethe kek
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Sweet, my booster box of Dragon Dildo TCG just arrived in the post!
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Is that from before or after they fucked the print run for the Reiya cluster?

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The /btg/ is dead! Long live the /btg/!

Sabutai! edition

Last Thread: >>92531599

>BattleTech Introductory Info and PDFs

>Overview of the major factions

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Here’s the 3rd in this trio,
Enforcer ENF-4F
Base Tech Level: Introductory (IS)
Level Era
Experimental -
Advanced -
Standard 2995+ (Late Succession Wars - LosTech -)
Tech Rating: D/X-E-D-D

Weight: 50 tons
BV: 1,162
Cost: 3,676,375 C-bills
Source: (Unknown)

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Seppuku is to remove Shane from failure. If you never fail in your duty, you will not need the use of my garden.
the Enforcer ENF-4F is a model built as a substitute standard to the Centurion. at the time, due to the slow decline in models available thanks to the destruction of the factory and the unreliability of the autocannon, was rapidly becoming rarer and rarer. This model was proposed as a eventual proposed substitute if no solution could be found within the next 30 years. The solution would thankfully be found, but this model saw some use in that time period where the decline was a serious consideration at the time.

Armament: the ENF-4F Enforcer attempts to act as a simulation of the centurion’s AL model, keeping the large laser and small laser, but upping the armor to 10 tons, adding a modified version of the Delta Dart 15 long range missile launcher, with an additional 2 heatsinks, and a medium laser added to the design. This keeps the design reasonably cool for the role it intends, though it will get hot.
>doesn't play the scenario
>doesn't balance the forces
>doesn't play the rules correctly
>expects to be taken seriously
Yeah we can do without your battle reports you smarmy cunt.

Just make sure to finish your base, but otherwise it's looking good. I like your red. Remember, orange highlights, not red mixed with white.
I guess I'm good since I don't have a Shane in my family.

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Penis Edition

Previously: >>92533086

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Sites: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.

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Nah. As long as you don't make it something retarded like a scantily clad anime girls most people will just kinda shrug and not mind.
He's pretty low-power and casual and fun to play.
Id agree with you but "tapping" artifacts to do a thing is usually very blue and/or white.
Red DOES have artifact synergies, but, even in your example, its historically been sacrificing/destroying them to do something. It goes into red's concept of chaos, like Orks from 40k; "Smash things together to make a BIGGA THING."
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I also run this but it's bad mono blue domain.
Pic related does a ton of work. You play your opponents lands as your drop and use this to crew to drop your own land
There's some dude at my locals that uses those shitty AI anime girl alts for all his commanders

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>What is Exalted?
An epic high-flying role-playing game about reborn god-heroes in a world that turned on them.
Start here:http://theonyxpath.com/category/worlds/exalted/

>That sounds cool, how can I get into it?
Read the 3e core book (link below). For mechanics of the old edition, play this tutorial:http://mengtzu.github.io/exalted/sakuya.html
It’ll get you familiar with most of the mechanics.

>Gosh that was fun. How do I find a group?
Roll20 and the Game Finder General here on /tg/. good luck

>Resources for Third Edition
>3E Core and Splats

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>another win for ACK
3e nerfed the Goblinblooded so hard they needed the Solars' help to overthrow the Solars LMAO
Solar fans ITT are so thin-skinned that they think a Solar NPC having a problem to be resolved in a narrative is an attack on them. Dude probably cried when he read that one comic in which a Dragon-blood dodged so hard he made Demetheus punch another Solar to death.
It was to please Dragon-Blooded, Lunars and Solar fans.

The existence of Yurgen kills their fantasies of being the only Solars around.
>ohhh book they had to spend motes
Not even 1e was immune to bad writing.

Still doesn't make 3e's writing good though, it's retarded dog shit.
>It was to please Dragon-Blooded, Lunars and Solar fans.
The implication that its the Abyssal fans who want him around is killing me. "Oh, that Bull of the North fellow is a fine man, made a ton of shadowrealms fighting with the Realm, got nothing bad to say about the dude."

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So I'm working on a setting & part of it is the native americans creating their own "nation" in the great plains & some of the southwest. America has balkanized following a pretty shitty war.

My problem becomes that I don't have a good idea of what kind words to use to name the area/nation. I'm not super conscience of being politically correct, but I do want to seem like I know what I'm doing. i respect native people & want to give them a win in my setting. Different tribes have different languages & even then, would they just use english because its convenient or a native language for heritage? I can't find anything that speaks to how they viewed & labeled shit beyond their own individual tribes, nor do I have a friendly native dude to ask these questions too.
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I'm just gonna go read some books.
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It better have some sick ass art
I'm using my own drawings & AI for art. I haven't made any with natives yet though
Shoo AI slopper
To be fair, I didn't realize it was AI when I posted it. 90% of Google images are AI anymore

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Was Banding really that bad of a concept for MtG?
No, it was a lot of fun and works fine.

I just made a banding Soldier deck yesterday for fun play.
The problem is that is was confusingly worded, and much more restrictive than it looked.
Mechanically, it's an underpowered ability, but one with a few really useful niche applications

If it came back in a more flexible, more effectively worded form it would be fine.
It's kind of fiddly compared to how useful it actually is in the game. I think if it was popular it would have stuck around but I rarely saw anyone utilize it in a deck
banding is a better mechanic for a different game. It works well in Culdacept.

Before anything else, it's a situational ability.
There's plenty of times where something that can band shouldn't, and in order to get anything out of banding, you kinda have to build a deck around it, just throwing in a couple guys with banding in won't do jack.
Next, most of the things that actually have banding have stupid restrictions about what they can actually do with it, and let's not even get into the fucking nonsense that is "bands with wolves" does not actually let other wolf creatures jump into this banding ball.

If it were printed today, it would probably work best as some kind of artifact or enchantment that can give banding to creatures, since the most valuable part of banding is to make giant chunks of abilities and rules that ideally synergize. Maybe some fukkin bears or something can also have it for free, but a creature without any other abilities should NEVER actually be paying to band.
If you want to restrict what a creature can band with, it would be better to do it by going

This creatures can only band if at least one creature it would join is X type/only if the band contains only X type of creature.

Standardize that for a while, then shift to keyword shortenings.

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Actual Lenton insider here

The sky isn't falling, nobody's been hauled over hot coals, and apart from the Community team getting their email spammed with drivel, and a few BL authors on the socials getting the same, it's business as usual.

If upper management know or care, they haven't shown any sign of it, female Custodes aren't paving the way for female Marines, it's not a Jewish conspiracy, I'm not sure I can name anyone who works for GW and is Jewish, and if the Amazon show's happening, it's a long way off, and only an agreement in principle, definitely nowhere near the point a show's been commissioned with set characters and we're synergising releases around it.

I'm not in the 40k team, but if I had to guess, it would be something the author of that colour text thought it would be fun to add, and his boss signed off on, simple as.
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It's actually baffling that there are people trying to dunk with this, when it basically vindicates every criticism le chuds ever had. The only honest position at this point is that they're right, this is a deliberate plan to destroy the hobby.
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You haven't been to "the store" since Covid turned you into a permanent shutin.
This is the funniest shit, this headcanon you have that people are afraid of you instead of repelled by you and that you have the ability to stop people from playing with their friends and chanting "NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER" when they roll a 1. You genuinely think that you are some kind of 1984 party agent who can force compliance with your simultaneously effeminate and tyrannical ideals when all it takes is some chud going "nah fuck off niggers I'm buying 3D printed models from my buddy Kevin from now on", and you cease to have any relevance. It's the same stupid, bovine arrogance that makes you think you have the right to block traffic and not turn into roadkill, or try to hit some kid in the head with a chain and not get shot with an AR-15. You already lost, all of this is just a desperate attempt to clench your fist on the last grains of sand slipping from your fat, babyish hand.
>can't you see that?
Come on now, these people will back literally anything so long as you drape the correct flag over it lol
nerds tended to be libertarian and anti-tax because they were often forced to participate in group projects in high school and college, where they learned first hand about the free rider problem
Wait until we find out about DARPA being involved again.

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