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>I've lost my phylactery
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They hate us cause they ain't us
Llichdom is the coolest shit ever. Why play into boring tropes of immortality when you can represent someone denying the ravages of time as creatively as rotting into a literal skeleton obsessed with gathering magical power, becoming antithesis to all life? I don't give a shit about xianxia or gods, their immortality is boring, it has no story to tell.
Vecna. Acererak, and Azalin all are though and all of them are shooting to be something more than a lich.
>There's something shiny at the bottom of this chest
>My phylactery is made of common thing many people desire.
>There's something small, metal, and round in here
Yes! My phylactery is a gold coin I put into circulation. How it ended up here, I have no idea.
I'm going to shit my pants.

Work in Progress, "Crisp!" Edition

>Full-on /WIP/ OP Links Pastebin:

>Saint Duncan's "Six Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Painting"

>Saint Duncan also explains thinning your paints

>Paint thinning 102

>Darren Latham's 20 top tips for miniature painting success

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It looks a little thick, but you might be able to keep it. I find eyes easiest when done first, cus then I can just paint up to the socket rather than worrying about getting in the lines. For skin tone colors,you need to wait double the time you normally would for it to dry, that's the bumpy of skin tags from half dried paint being pulled by an impatient brush. For dudes, start with a tan undercoat, then mixed with rosy flesh before being mixed with whatever final tone you want. Cheeks and lips get an undercoat of rosy flesh with bearded/shaved areas a tan/brown. If you want to do a 5 o'clock shadow, layer of grey/brown mixed with the skin tone (depending on how heavy the stubble is) and finish off with a glaze of the skin tone
What does the damaged thread for your airbrush produce?
I've had my brush jammed for a couple of days and I've attempted this tutorial to no avail of ridding the clogged nature of it.
I have no time for monkey business.
Well, it's not overly filtered. Nice eyes.. are those supposed to be pubes though?
Pouches look alright to me. With a bit of highlighting they'll be fine.

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What's the best way to portray Satan, physically? As a horned demon? As a regular dude?
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an incorporeal aether
satan is a feeling.
a confluence of event oft mistaken for "synchronicity".
satan is like a general feeling of unease.
something is off.
satan isnt being.
it is being itself.
like a feeling of depersonalization or derealization
Angelic handsome man. He just feels like a generic baddie if he's a big horned monster guy, maybe that can be him after a transformation
>What's the best way to portray Satan, physically? As a horned demon? As a regular dude?

Devilman and LOTR got it right: physically an absolutely stunning, beautiful, androgynous/hermaphroditic being, that completely embodies the idea that when God said "let there be light", they meant Lucifer. Intelligent, eloquent, extremely charming and likable, but under direct scrutiny is a deeply flawed, selfish, entitled, desperately unhappy, lonely and confused, emotionally vulnerable man-child, who lives in a constant state of projecting the absolute worst onto everyone.

Satan/Lucifer is extremely hyper-competent, an unquestionable savant, but at the same time completely crippled by their total lack of emotional intelligence, empathy, trust, and emotional vulnerability.
It's kind of the idea that Satan is, in some aspects, simultaneously the weakest AND strongest 'Demon' in Hell because as powerful as they are: their fear of God, and their desire for forgiveness from God, is probably the greatest out of any Fallen Angel. For a lot of reasons, but the big one is that Lucifer acknowledges in some capacity that they're wrong, but won't ever conceded the point because they can't comprehend the infinite salvation and forgiveness of God, because Lucifer would never forgive Lucifer if they were God, so they just suffer.

To such an extent that Lucifer *aggressively* can't even trust his own 'fellow' Fallen Angels because he's perpetually paranoid of them finding out he's a failure, a fraud, and a loser.
A tiny black beetle, like an ugly little cockroach, something completely inconspicuous and unworthy of notice, that can cast a shadow on someone, making itself appear as something increasingly horrifying and large the more said person focuses on that and loses track of reality. The light of Jesus's presence doesn't leave shadows, so the satan is powerless whenever Jesus and his angels manifest, and thus pours all his effort into trying to make sure humans forget that's a thing that happens.


Have known people that have been demonically attacked spiritually or physically. One of the people I've known my whole life and trust most actually personally got attacked by satan and his angels in person in a no holds barred murder attempt. My guy literally laughed and sang through it cause the Holy Spirit showed up and no-sold the whole thing.

Since then my dude's life, mental health, peace, habits etc. have all just soared in quality. He's stronger for what he's endured and said himself that he'd go through it all again (he's had attacks from the demonic all his life until this) to know Jesus as he now does. The devil was scared of mah boi for good reason.

Tldr the devil is a cunt and subhuman scum and could not deserve he'll more. Total contempt for any media that tries to portray 'it' as likeable, impressive or as anything but the pathetic fucking loser he is.

Christ is King.

Down with satan.
read paradise lost, or listen to an audiobook next time you have to travel long-distance

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>A little girl approaches the party
>She wants to become an adventurer and to seek revenge on the raiders that destroyed her village
How your party reacts ?
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bite him! Bite him you stupid shark! Whats a matter with you?
>Help her hunt down the raider leader in his traveling war band, surprisingly far away from where the girl says her village was destroyed
>No one you find along the way comments on the girl, and asking about the destroyed village shows a lot more people know about the village's destruction, despite it seemingly being a recent occurrence
>Kill the raider leader & war band, while looting his camp the girl is really happy to recover a silver amulet, asks for you to return to her village, so she can find her family's savings
>"My dad kept some money buried behind our house, under our peach tree, so no one could steal it! It should still be there, and we can all split it!"
>Follow her back to her village
>It's been destroyed for ages, completely overgrown
>Girl leads you into an abandoned house, the walls are crumbling and the roof is caved in
>Down to the basement
>A small skeleton lays in the basement's corner
>The girl opens the amulet and looks at it: a picture of her and her parents rests inside, the picture having faded with time
>places the amulet around the skeleton's neck
>"... Thank you all for everything, but I'm gonna have to leave now. It was really fun traveling with you all! I always wanted to be an adventurer..."
>And just like that, the girl fades away, without a trace
Ghosts are fun.
Rolled 2 (1d20)

Why would you hurt me like this
>Captcha: DMNMAN
Damn, man...
That reaction is caused by that hand touching the electric sensors in its snout. Their eyes close instinctively during a lunge when they're stimulated(by prey being close to the mouth).

It probably likes the petting anyway.

The /btg/ is dead! Long live the /btg/!

Laurel's Legion edition

Last Thread: >>93243751

>BattleTech Introductory Info and PDFs

>Overview of the major factions

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Thats the coolant suits they use in NASA.
Flying debris makes some of my favorite designs.
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Experienced my first Battletech moment today. Don't have a batrep for the whole game, but this moment is worth fictionalizing I think.

Commander Rostov, having been ordered to clear out the city ahead of his client's advance led a Lance into the metropolis to flush out any defenders hiding inside, encountering a lance lead by a Crusader with an LRM carrier attached for fire support. As Commander Rostov engaged the Crusader he was outmaneuvered by the enemy Commando, who who managed to make it behind Rostov's Battlemaster. Seeing her commander's peril Mechwarrior Ha vaulted her Centurion up onto the rock outcrop separating her and the Commando and charged it with with autocannon blazing. Her assault was not enough to deter the enemy pilot however, who maintained fixated on the Battlemaster's vulnerable back whose armor had been stripped by a previous fall. The Commando launched an alpha strike, intent on crippling the Battlemaster, but failed to down the assault mech as right as he began to fire Mechwarrior Ha reached him took advantage of her elevated position to kick his head off. While the salvo still fired as the mech fell, it splashed harmlessly across the Battlemaster's legs. As the light mech fell Commander Rostov fired his PPC and medium lasers at the Crusader. The PPC shot went wide as the Crusader juked to the left, but Rostov managed to track the enemy mech with his medium lasers and raked 3 of them across its torso, one of which slipped through a flaw in the mechs armor and touched off its srm ammo bin, causing the heavy mech to go off like a firework and rain scrap and salvage across the street. In the course of a few seconds the enemy lance was reduced to just a Phoenix Hawk and a Centurion, and shortly thereafter when their LRM carrier was destroyed the remaining enemy mechs opened a channel to negotiate their surrender.

TAC on the ammo bin and a lucky head kick took out two perfectly healthy mechs in the space of one turn.

Stop making me want to paint my shit in waterfluff colors.
do we know what kind of military actions/achievements are needed for a kuritan mechwarrior to get selected for the sword of light?

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>you kill a bandit
>look inside
>find a picture of his family

no I won't fell guilt I will just tell the DM his fantasy world isn't medieval as photos from fucking cameras didn't exist yet
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"Within the pouch around the bandit's neck you find a single silver obol. It is thinned from having been pressed and edges have been shaved down substantially. The face has been defaced by a relief of a woman's face, embossed perhaps from a matching raised sculpting. More roughly in common 'My Love Beryl' is scratched underneath.

You do not think the coin will have much worth to any other save its thin silver-- though evidently pure by the detail it preserves. It will fetch an equal coin you think in exchange once you return to the city."

It's not for me to decide whether or not your character feels guilty, but if the bandit had a wood carving, a polaroid photo or a smartphone with a pretty redhead and a baby on the front IS for me to decide as GM. I will tell you what does or does not exist in the world, that's my fucking job.
>he doesn't want to know how such an obviously anachronistic artifact came to be in a low-tech setting
We're obviously dealing with one of those witch doctors who can steal your soul and trap it in paper.
You mean lawyers?
By the laws of my clan that woman is now my wife. I must find her at once.

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Previous thread: >>93226880

Wargames go in their general: >>>/tg/bwg/

Thread question: what's the best eurogame you've played recently? What makes it so good?
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>Mad Max
What the hell? I can teach Dune Imperium in less than 10 minutes, even with that game having a sucky manual
>Your hand of cards will always be played one of two ways, as an agent or as a reveal
>When played as an agent, you send an agent meeple to a space if it has the matching icon, you can pay the cost immidiately, and the space is not blocked to you by voice/another agent
>spaces give you resources, let you manage you hand, advance your political ranking, upgrade your abilities, or aid in combat
>if you play the card signet ring your character does something cool
>combat is an numbers game. Whoever has the most swords, wins. Swords are gained mostly by troops, but cards can provide swords as well.
>every card you didn't play as an agent gets played as a reveal when your next turn comes around. Reveals generally either give you swords to up your combat strength, or influence which is a resource you spend to get better cards. You can't hoard influence, you have to spend it on your reveal turn and what isn't spent is lost forever
>don't stick to just one thing, you have to play around what everybody else is doing. A broad strategy wins the game
>trash your starting hand ASAP
>Spacing Guild and Research station are the best spaces, you want them
>get swordmaster sooner rather than later
>getting really far in politics gives you an alliance point, but that can be taken away if someone outpaces you
>bless the maker and his water
Was that dude seriously explaining the entire imperium deck?
Never played it solo, but that'd have been a very good score in mp.
I do agree about it being stressful, and the interesting thing is that players seemingly appreciate the harsh nature of the game a lot despite or maybe because such a thing isn't used in nowadays games.
Multiplayer agricola with draft is still one of the best euros out there, and, as I like to remind people in the "blocking is not interaction" debate, stuff like snatching a mere 3 food away from the player who thought he could wait a turn more and now has to starve can be way more brutal than any direct attack on my property I've suffered in other games.

51st state or wasteland express service come to mind, but both probably aren't what you are looking for; their themes doesn't go very deep if that makes sense
Damn, buying Zona rn, that looks like a non-overpriced STALKER
Style over stubstance
Extreme style over substance, that shit is 100% based on diceroll luck

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I am developing a bell-curve system (3d8) and think rolling characters is fun because it allows for unexpected character strengths and weaknesses. Who cares if the party is slightly imbalanced? RPGs are not for tryharding. With such a wealth of options on what you can do, surely you can think of something to do with your character even if they are a tad underpowered statistically speaking.

Nevertheless, he is a mainstay around the table and says building a character is the far superior mechanic because it leaves less room for disappointment. He is worried about the potential of other characters outshining his even on the things he is meant to be good at. Despite my wholehearted disagreement with this on principle, I am trying my best to be accomodating because I assume he is not the only player who sees things this way in case something comes out of this.

If I were to provide a way for people who wish to do so to build their characters instead, what is the best way of accomplishing this, considering the bell curve is not flat? Values further away from the mean become less likely, meaning higher attribute values should cost more if there is a way to "buy" attribute points. Otherwise, that skews the balance in favor of his kind of playstyle too much. I don't mind if it's a little imbalanced, but that seems very strong unless I limit it somehow.

For reference, my attribute modifiers range from -5 to +5. 0 if the dice roll 13-14, 1 for 15-16, 2 for 17-18, and so on. Because they're essentially about genetics, attributes are pretty much set for a characters lifespan. Skills and talents exist to provide modification post-creation.
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If I can make a system that's around for 40 years, I will consider it a resounding success.
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If you aren't running a game where random chargen is fun (like in MAID), then the game requires mechanics for bussing characters that got bad rolls.

Alternatively, include some formula that can be used to point-buy duds up to the party's mean.
GURPS 4th has been around for 20 years, sort of. It's honestly less popular today relative to its older variants.
I wouldn't consider going bankrupt because nobody plays it a success by any measure, except that of the delusional.
Do not try to argue logic with these retards. They don't care about potential edge cases, they care about not being able to game the system, not being able to force their min-max autism fueled by white-room theorycrafting, and having to play actual characters instead of numeric stat-blocks arbitrarily stacked.

>just roll with it?
Imagine that.
Pathetic samefag.
>muh design!!
"Design" has been a disaster for gamingkind.

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RIFTS Chaos Earth goes pretty hard.
Really feels like they were channeling CDDA when writing some of this stuff up.
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The OCC thing that is just a bunch of civilian professions is great for character generation for chaos earth
That's probably the best way to handle her.
>Raised by D-Bees
>Adopted into the CS, fast tracked through the burbs and into the cities
>Got access to the major library/book repository right before the CS conveniently destroyed it
>Believes the CS are misguided and need help
>Then goes on adventures into England/Europe and comes back only to... give perfect information about how to avoid Atlantean patrols to the CS so that they can partner with Germany
>Then tells magic people to fuck off so the CS can take their land, since defending themselves would be the greater evil
>Then all sorts of inconsequential shit where she allegedly helps random adventurers
It makes most sense if she was a real person ages ago, perhaps even she was an early thorn in the CS' side.
But then she died at some point during the Europe adventure, and all the stories we hear are basically propaganda about how "this legendary figure? she's really on our side. buy more books."
It's one of the better things they ported over from Systems Failure & the earlier Rifters.
AFMBE's DeadWorlds also seem pretty good for that.
>right before the CS conveniently destroyed it
the didn't destroy it, they just said they did.

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el duende Edition

>Previous Thread

>Mega I
>Mega II (also containing fanmade games)
>WoD5 Mega

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Where exactly is the dark kingdom of flint?
Somewhere around Washington State and British Colombia
>Setite Fat Priest -
Wouldn't be allowed to be so fucking horny in my games, but I do like the fact that a Setite was competent enough to accomplish something more complex than getting mortals addicted to drugs without getting his teeth knocked in
>Tzimisce French Inventor -
Sounds properly depraved for a Tzimisce, its cool to that he is so bold as to try to out tunnel-rat the tunnel-rats using pigs but I don't see this ending well
>Toreador Vengeful Painter -
Leaning a bit to heavily into stereotypes with this one, I also don't see this one ending well but thats half the fun of the sort of game you seem to be running. I am detecting a pattern.
>Ventrue Ambitious Nobleman -
HTP Kevin Wettsworth but not a sucker who sided with Hunters so thats good, also seems like his story isn't gonna end well but he is probably going to be the less super-fucked than the rest of the coterie

>MVP -
The Tzimisce depending on how his tunnel-purging goes. A Tzimisce in Nosferatu warrens with an army of ManBearPigs seems pretty comfy

>LVP -
Setite too horny for his own good, would genuinely creep me out but I guess that is the fun of having a Sabbat game

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"Not one they want", buddy even the fucking Syndicite was enjoying it.
they liked the lower paradox and how much more energy the Technocrats had not the fact that a bunch of reality deviants were set loose upon Earth

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Lordship edition

Previous >>93193548

>Basics Pastebin

>Anon's Locals Survival Guide

>Fanmade PC sim

>BT16 Beginning Observer questionnaire

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@ ausfags
bt13 $55 at Cherry for the day
Anything good in BT-13?
if you get a good royal knight alt art
Alright sold
depends. Singles in this country are so fucked it might be worth it if you really wanted to build Royal Knights but I think because that deck required so many SECs the SRs are actually plentiful and cheap for once

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Darth Tenebrous Scientific Mastermind Edition

A thread for discussing the Star Wars franchise and its various media and tabletop games.

Previous thread: >>93210720

Fantasy Flight Games’ X-Wing, Armada, and Legion

Star Wars Roleplaying Games (d6/d20/FFG)

Other FFG Star Wars tabletop (Imperial Assault, Destiny and the LCG)

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About the only one who overstayed his welcome was Maul, and honestly his final duel with Obi-Wan made up for it.
Nice. I like the choice of painting their gimp suits grey.
Rogue one had some good variety. And while lots of people hate the OG rebel helmets, for me they're peak.
But what about Revenge of the Sith?
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What do you need to get started with Legion? Is the Clone Wars starter enough?

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I've been thinking, why would anyone join Khorne in warhammer? Feels like he's the most worthless chaos god.
Even if you are warrior and want to get better than anyone else at killing, slaanesh is way better bet.
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>something that makes trannies seem normal that will fuck everything and fight when not being a disgusting freak?
thats not slaanesh
>2 chaos god make me better at fighting
All gods make you better at fighting to be honest.
>Remember Nurgle literally loves you.
In very abusive and toxic way
>Nurgle's "paternal love" for his followers manifests as disturbing levels of physical and emotional abuse tactics, encouraging his followers to slowly destroy themselves and become completely dependent on him. When he's angry with them, he'll inflict untold suffering upon them before returning to his same jolly, paternal demeanor.

You never suffered road rage anon? You never gone 'postal'? In the 40k universe, if you act on it, it sometimes summons demons that reward and empower you.

It's wish fulfillment for angry little kids basically, GW likes to appeal to childish values, as children (or immature adults) are easier to manipulate and scam with their sales driven practices.
put some pants on fruitcake

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Previous thread: >>93166217

GURPS is a modular, adaptable system, capable of running a wide range of characters, settings, and play styles, with a level of detail varying from lightweight to completely autistic.
Optional rules allow you to emulate different genres with a single system, or even switch genres within a single game.

A nearly complete archive of GURPS books can be found by those who pay attention to file extensions.
Never post direct links to the archive anywhere.

If you're wondering where to start:
The Basic Set covers everything, including a lot of optional rules you probably won't use.
A genre guide can be found in the archive, under Unofficial/GURPSgen. It tells you what extra books and articles you may find useful for many common genres.
How To Be a GURPS GM is a good read even for players.
GCS (gurpscharactersheet.com) is an excellent character-builder software, with page references to all the books and the option to export to both Foundry and Fantasy Grounds.

Thread Question: Which are your favorite TL9+ weapons?
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Bros is it over?
It's literally over, GURPS has fallen, millions must play FATE
It's crazy to think that all we've got in the last three years is Meta-Tech, Action 9, Extreme Conditions, and War Galleys.
GURPS is truly dead.
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Well would anybody here use GURPS Lands out of Time instead of a pulpy lost world system like HEX? MI enjoy GURPS for autistic tinkering but I rarely use it as more than a source of ideas, Personally I use Stars Without Number to run space games, if I was running a space game fore my boomer friends i'd probably use Classic Traveler instead of GURPS Space.

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Welcome to Mecha Monday! Here we dedicate ourselves to mecha RPGs, war games, and board games alike. Here we start games, tell campaign stories, share resources & assets, and seek advice for our games and homebrew.

Let us know what needs to be updated with the pastebin.

Assorted Mecha Goodness:
https://pastebin.com/E2wi55AZ (embed)
Embryo Machine Translation

Previous Thread: >>93147037

Thread Question: Do you prefer terrestrial or space settings? Why? What Kinds?

Thread Theme: https://youtu.be/W43gxaC8QpU?si=a1G92VXLjXJgqSlR
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Thank you kindly!
Look forward to nuking every enemy battleship
Love me some Ideon
This one
More of a gay WIP writing exercise than a properly developed setting for a tabletop but

>Why does YOUR setting have Mechs?
Cold, highly mountainous planet with extensive alpine terrain; tracked vehicles find their niches depending on the local terrain (tanks, APCs and the like remain a mainstay, just not nearly to the degree they do in our world) while wheeled vehicles are almost exclusively restricted to purpose-built roadways, urban zones or rare flatlands such as cold deserts and coastal regions. Hence, mechs became a go-to.

>What technology made them practical?
Mechs developed naturally with the technology of the times due to their sheer usefulness and nigh-necessity, but the degree of articulation possible was limited to slightly-above-forklift-operation levels by existing control interfaces - the breakthrough development of invasive brain-machine interfaces allowed a pilot to exercise far greater control over their mech's movements, and installation of an ECoGI2 ("e-cogito" in unofficial, butchered parlance) became one of the distinctive signs of a mech pilot.

>Who made them?
They first showed up in the agricultural sector, developed by private corporations as specialized equipment ("agrimechs") for tending to terraced farmsteads. The mining, construction and heavy equipment industries proceeded to create their own versions, and variants for military use would come not too long afterwards.
Very basic proof-of-concept 'walker' designs lacking specific use cases, the ancestors of the modern mech, existed even further before then.

>Where were they made/are they made?
Across the globe, greatly varying in quality, purpose and design. Generally, 'new' designs are innovative iterations of preexisting models due to a wider global technological decline. The practice of "garage-chopping" civilian mechs for warfare is widespread for a similar reason, especially among less well-off countries, paramilitaries or unsponsored mercenary companies.

I like it! Seems to have a natural development cycle, fits the world that made them and has an application that is believable. Neat!
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Just put up a new battle report:

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