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Previous thread: >>11056517

Anthro and feral figures galore.

>The Rules:
Don’t kink shame, if it’s not for you, move on
No hotglue pics, it violates the board rules and that is not what we are here for
Be respectful, have fun and most importantly post pics!

>NECA Cryin Houn and Triceraton Gladiator revealed
>Earthworm Jim figures showing up on AliExpress
>Savage Crucible wave 1 shipping out now!
>Nacelle C.O.W. Boys of Moo Mesa wave 1 up for pre-order
>Loose Collector The Crypt Great Wolves:

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dayum, Splinter looks like this?
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He's gonna get a boyfriend soon
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Pretty sure that is a fake.
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these wrestling tmnt figs are actually pretty damn sweet

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Previous thread: >>11067750

Dates according to Medicom/Ami Ami. Date changes since last thread marked in "green".

Newly Available:
212 - JOHN WICK ((John Wick Chapter 4)
215 - BATMAN (Knightfall Ver.)
216 - BANE (Knightfall Ver.)

>July 2024

>August 2024
217 - CAPTAIN AMERICA (Comic Ver.)
219 - ERADICATOR (Return of Superman)

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Aquaman looks cool.
Stealth suit looks way better
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This fucks

Post your current run.
What vpets are you looking forward to?
What’s your rarest vpet?
Tamagotchi or Digimon?
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Are the full color remakes worth the price?
The DMC, I dunno. It's pretty barebones compared to other devices to be honest. It's cool to have, but honestly, they're not worth the price, especially late comers tax. I like mine, but I probably will rarely use it in favor of the PenC. The PenC however, is absolutely worth the price and is one of the best devices they've made overall.
Based and Ghostmonpilled
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Nice, I thought they were supposed to be similar. There's definitely some questionable roster choices, particularly on the deep savers. What the hell is this guy doing underwater

That's the one I have my eye on.

I'd recommend trying one. I picked up a pendulum for the color novelty and ended up liking it enough to pick up 4 other colors. The backgrounds having a day and night cycle is really nice, plus the option to switch them.
I'd also recommend a pendulum over the DMC. Without an album/library it just doesn't have much replay value for me in comparison.
ive seen it for 35 before on japanese sites

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Help me find the best fucking stuffed animal I can buy under like ~$250

It's for a good cause.
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prefer long haired and around 16-20"

doesn't have to be a bear, but should not be something stupid like a fish or bird.

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Previous thread: Nope

Post any reveals/pics from San Diego Comic Con
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that spawn prototype looks dope
> not a single new figure between these waves
Jesus, did the Daisy they finally release take the entire new mold budget? This line has been stagnant for years, how the fuck is it still alive?

I guess that's where they funnel their Mario money.
Speaking of storm they aren't even at SDCC this year are they? First time they've skipped.
I asked this in the other thread but any idea if glow in the dark glue would work ok on the streams? In my mind it'd dry translucent and not detract from the normal look, but then glow in the dark a bit. I may try it with one of the streams just to see how it turns out. If it works out maybe I'd try different colored gitd to match the Kenner streams.
>Hasbro:gee I don't know why we don't make money

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Previous Thread >>11073836

HasLab Cobra Rattler - Campaign is now live! Funding period ends 11:59PM ET on September 9th

Now Shipping:
>Cobra Ferret
>Retro Duke
>Retro Scarlett
>Retro Recondo
>Recon Diver (60th Anv)
>Action Soldier (60th Anv)

>New/Render Reveals - Nemesis Immortal, Dial-Tone, Saw Viper, Cobra CLAW w/ pilot, Leatherneck, Zandar, Starduster (Pulse Con Exclusive)

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That's the plan.
so just to clarify, this means it will charge your card in 45 days, right?
At least 3, yes.
I mean, it won't be JUST for sex.

I always defend Thew but seeing his new review 272 of concept art Megatron go up for members only was really unpleasant he should not do that again outside of Patreon a separate website I don’t have to interact with
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It's earnest. Doesn't feel like a job for him so much as a hobby he's got down to a science.
Stopped watching him when 99% of his content was him opening fan mail for freebees and bitching about it.
is this why he was beating her?
I've never seen anyone prove any of the violence stuff and I honestly strongly doubt he even has it in him.
Why would I care about some dude's dick?Chances are if you're bringing it up that you're unhappy about your own size or performance and it's nothing to do with his videos.
I think his content is terrible and frankly find it unreasonably irritating that he's consistently rewarded/validated for it, but at least I have enough self-awareness to know that's half on me.
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Unless you provide proof I'm really doubting this. Haters would double down and it would be more well known if he actually did do that. Otherwise, big deal. It's as if you have never met a musician before. All of those motherfuckers are bisexual.

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are there any 1/12 scale WW2 figures that don't use soft goods?
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>there is no market for large scale WW2 action figures
What are Dragon Models?
>lol dragondildo?
>we all know people buy those just for their 1/6 scale WW2 vehicles.
This but unironically
Those unironically exist, this guy was showing me the boomer GI Joe collection he inherited from his dad which had 1/6 Jeeps
no shit they exist retard. they're just auxiliary and people don't collect 1/6 WW2 figures "for the vehicles"
in fact the vast majority of 1/6 scale WW2 figure collectors don't have a single vehicle
Some solidly stupid fucks in this thread. There's quite the market for WW2 figures.

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Anyone still collect these? It feels like the news for them has been kinda slow recently but I’m assuming we’ll hear something at SDCC.

I was excited to see the long awaited ghost will come with a stand that lets you dock the Y-Wings onto it. Although it looks a bit silly.
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They are not. I have a lot of them because I have 3 AT-ATs and a bunch of other sets.
I don't get why there aren't any troop builders for this line.
A hard and rather high-quality kind of plastic.
I got all of mine online.
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AT-AT interior is pretty big.
wait when did they do krennic’s shuttle?
Is there a checklist of the whole line? There're so many ship variants I can't keep up. Also, so stupid the Landspeeder is a chase.
It's the inquisitors shuttle from Kenobi

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Connection rereleases and the new unis are out. Did you get yours?
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For anyone interested, this LoveMelo concert should have 1 use left:

>Don't know where you're seeing 40.
That's what amazon said when I looked, but every shell had a slightly different price so it must've been third party resellers instead of RRP
30's impressive given the current state of the world/economy
used, thanks!
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Since we're posting codes here's one for monster carnival. Should have 2 more uses to claim (if I didn’t make a typo)
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cute :)

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>Back to /toy/ a few years after
>No more Power Rangers general
ouch what happened?
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>They made the red ranger a female
Oh no, how terrifying that must be for you
Theyre auctioning 900 lots of the last 30 years. They literally purging the series out of existence https://x.com/SpaceKitaaRiSE/status/1816938768739324380?t=4d0aOHfGt0cWo94FP4xe0Q&s=19
Good, let super sentai take over in the west as it shouldve
This is kind of why I don't get why people get excited and heavily invested about extremely heavily commercialized properties like TMNT, Power Rangers, DC, Marvel, Star Wars, etc. They're largely run by soulless executives behind the scenes and the second something falls out of favor by failing to meet monetary goals, they will callously wrap it up.

Smaller IP where the original creator is still involved? Sure.

But brands just run by multi-billion dollar corporations that no longer have guiding creative people who made the property? Very risky to invest your faith and love into when all the people on the other side are looking at are balance sheets and excel tables.
Power Rangers is dead. Bury it.

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Last time on Busou Shinki & Friends, >>11060374

New Shinki? Edelweiss Repainted Color has been officially revealed! She's the darkest skinned MD yet! What do you think of Edelweiss? Do you like the Repainted Color versions...color? With Edelweiss receiving a recolor like Arnval and Strarf do you think an upgraded version similar to Bis and Tranch?

Read the guide:

Official Skintone & Compatibility guides:

Upcoming Releases & Restocks:
>Megami device:
• Asra Ninja Kaname [Jul]
• Asra Archer Kizuna [Aug]

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>Box art is just a giant assshot and plentiful underboob

You did well Koto. You did well.
Kinda regret cancelling this now.
The kit won't be too different strait built in all likelihood, and there are no decals applied. The belt and hat will be prepainted as the original color version was. The silver may need to be hit with some silver paint, but a can of Tamiya silver costs like... 7 bucks and can go on with no primer with near professional effects with only minimal skill.

Now if only she wasn't an exclusive...
what do you mean by exclusive? as in you can only get her off the koto jap site? I swear I saw her on gundam store, ill have to check again....
yep, shes on USA gundam store for 70 fun bux.

Finally completed my adventure series line. As an Indy fan, it was hard to wait, but I ended up getting a lot of these heavily clearanced. Anyone else pick these up? They’re pretty solid, despite some key missing characters. But I think a lot of these will make for good customs down the line too.
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I just don’t get why even hot toys still uses pleather when they’ve proven they can use leather
The upside to leather is that it's at least possible to preserve it, It requires some maintenence but if you oil it once in a while and keep it out of direct sunlight (because leather is skin, and the sun damages skin), it can last longer than any of our lifetimes.

With pleather, there's nothing you can do. If it's on a moving part it's eventually going to crackle and flake no matter how much you baby it.
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>Makes posts so dumb because he can't comprehend what I was saying
>Whole implication of my post was that I wanted to buy those characters
>Am annoyed that I can't because some retarded faggot would be offended by their existence
>Despite them having previous toys made and no one sane actually gives a shit
Im astounded that anyone likes Indiana Jones this much. Do you ever try to get into contact with Harrison Ford to offer to suck his dick? If I had this big of an infatuation with another man I’d be doing everything in my power to have his cock in my ass.
NTA but if your immediate reaction to someone posting their collection is they want butt sex that might be you projecting...

>If I had this big of an infatuation with another man I’d be doing everything in my power to have his cock in my ass.

checks out

First disappointment of SDCC
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this is incredibly high-tier bait
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God dman it, why didn't they make face plates so that I can swap his expression around the different alt colors. That would have made it much more bearable.
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line is saved boys
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Don't know why they're making MOTU characters in this line
If it had been fully articulated and came with effects for each head then I might have bought her.

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The creators of The Simpsons released this toy of Bart Simpson (a 10 year old boy) completely naked in front of two 10 year old girls.
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You sound like a faggot puritan.
>Today, I'll remind them.
did you shove these up your ass anon?
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This scene being in the film is less weird because it's just a few seconds but they chose to turn that scene into a children's toy. Imagine buying this toy for a child.

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