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Have Transformers dropped in quality?
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You forgot the 1 in front of your $25 there
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You have to be patient. Pretty sure Heavy Iron is cheaper than CN/SK MSRP at $50
The eyes in vehicle mode looks so dumb
Apparently Agabyss is considering getting rid of them for the international release. Worst case scenario I'll just paint mine black.
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and how about now?

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>The World of BIONICLE
Media: https://biomediaproject.com/bmp/
Story: https://wallofhistory.com/
Wiki: https://biosector01.com/
BTS: https://www.youtube.com/@BonkFoundArchive
Magnaleaks: https://magnaleak.github.io/MAGNALEAK/

>Building with BIONICLE
Sets: https://www.bricklink.com/catalogList.asp?catType=S&catString=273
Studio: https://www.bricklink.com/v3/studio/download.page
Guide: https://bioniclerebuilt.wixsite.com/fallingstars/studio-guide-v2
Prototype gallery: https://biosector01.com/wiki/Gallery:Prototypes

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You scared me there anon.
Piraka face with Hewkii mask will never not look awsome. Great moc anon.
Toothy boy. His horns are a little crooked.
Might be a bit of a wild idea, but imagine Mattel buying the rights to Bionicle.
(I didn't mean to reply to that post, sorry)

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So does anyone have any experience buying Metal Cardbots?

I've seen them on sale on AliExpress, but I have no idea if they're legit or not.
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>Hat and Whip

Is that a transformers Indiana Jones?
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I have blue cop and blue cop S.
Very solid and hefty feeling toys I feel like a kid holding them. Transformation is fairly basic but it tabs together really solid in car mode. Articulation is basic and rage on some is limited to the blockyness but the joints are tight. Only QC issue is blue cops head likes to pop out but it's a simple ball joint I can probably tighten or thicken.
How different are the two versions?
They look as well build as cybertron transformers, where they were chunky and didn't have any open hollow limbs.
Cybertron had hollow limbs all the time, take off the nostalgia goggles.

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Best sources for Mega news:
Archived Threads:
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I'm organizing a bunch of old pictures and it i found screenshots from 2018 doomposting about Mega ending. If that's any indication we'll probably be fine. Also I'm not sure if you care but there is a Halo set that has black helmets with red visors.
Covert Armour Pack, 2019
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Lame that they never made larger shields for the modern larger jackals
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Never liked the larger ones, they all look like they're on the spectrum.

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Second edition

Started on March 1st till March 4th, new toys have already been revealed!

Let’s discuss everything new here, even things that don’t need their own thread.

Present brands:

>Mattel (MotU, Barbie, Hot Wheels)
>Hasbro (Transformers, Star Wars, Marvel, GI Joe)
>McFarlane Toys (DC)
>Spin Master (DC)
>Moose Toys (Heroes of Goo Jit Zu, MrBeast Lab)

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No fucking Castlevania figure! Why???
Than why did they gave them midriffs?
these look like those toddler transformers from china

Such things existed way before. TF will be fine lmao
to cum on their tummies

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I've never seen a line fail as devastatingly from a couple of bad releases. The monster line was really good when you compare it to everything else hasbro made.

>but the face isnt right
the face is fine. hasbro never paints faces for stuff like spiderman unlimited and no one complained. the new red hulk doesnt even have the correct actors face and is sold out everywhere IRL.

>the articulation
Maximum series minus the neck articulation. by toys own metrics on domestic action figures of being a large scale figure with good ariculation this figure passes with flying colors. he has better articulation than the current red hulk. the airbrushing on the muscles is something anthonys customs had been whining about for years and when it happens its completely ignored. The accesories are good, and actually something the character uses unlike a random unmasked head or one time gag in the show.

>but the other figures in the line
the only bad figure was Pumpkin Head because he had a standing problem.

>but its too big
None of the bandai shit scaled for 20 years. i dont want to hear about an inch difference. Frankly i prefered them being larger since it was a hulk scale figure for 30$ with entirely new sculpt.

I just dont like seeing a genuine attempt from hasbro to produce a line of entirely new sculpts in a taller scale completely wreck a toyline.
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Seethe harder poorfag. Maybe your McDonald's toys can console you?
Bro, Hasbro owns GI Joe Classified, which has better paint, sculpting, articulation and QC than Lightening Collection, yet you're sitting here, like a cum guzzling faggot, defending Lightening Collection which is an IP THEY OWN!
>hasbro never paints faces for stuff like spiderman unlimited and no one complained. the new red hulk doesnt even have the correct actors face and is sold out everywhere IRL.
I don't think using the extremely low standards of Marvelcucks is going to help your argument.
That said, I think the Super7 one looks a million times better. The paint on the wings alone makes it almost worth it, but the sculpt just feels way more accurate. Shame it is made out of a plastic with the structural integrity of Pringles, and Brian is a virtue signalling faggot that I don't want to give money to.
I said the more expensive figure looks better and you think that means I'm poor? The retard claim stays valid
The only cum drinker here is you, possibly something you inherited from your mother, if you think this is in anyway a defense of the Lighting Collection

Interiors edition

previous thread: >>11322228

This thread is for the discussion of scale plastic (and resin, PE, wood, etc) models kit
-Post photos of your builds in progress and your finished builds
-Have your builds critiqued or critique others
-Discuss tips and techniques
-Ask for advice or give advice to others

Always remember:
>No manufacturer is purely perfect or awful (except Heller). ALWAYS research your kits before buying.

Some helpful guides to get started:

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Usually I alternate between planes and cars but I kinda want to double up on planes this time around. I want to build this B-25 but its so big it wont fit in my spray booth in one piece, which will prove to be a problem when it comes to painting, unless I can paint it in segments and it doesn't need a bunch of putty work when assembled (LOL).
Very nice result, I agree in the completed state the chipping doesn't seem as "overdone" as it did earlier when it was fresh. For the oil paint streaking, you might wanna play a bit with some browns more than greys when it comes to visibility on not quite as bright backgrounds, that's made a lot of difference for me
shit wrong board sorry
Yeah, the interior was called "podboi" (meaning "lining"), the exterior "nadboi" (meaning "cladding").

Tanks originally had the interior lining, later they got the extra exterior cladding. For some reason the T-80 only has the interior lining, whether it's a B turret or an U turret.
hello guys.

Im building the titanic 1:400 and its my first real big set.

everything is assembled, everything is painted but I just cant finish this set. every time I look at it I see small areas that I want to correct.

wtf am I cursed??

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Toy Fair edition
Dart Zone cooking as always
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It's because HASBRO milked it to fucking death with gimmicks instead of standardizing it's toy firearms to be modular and upgradeable.
Nobody gave a shit about first party Nerf for the past few years anyways though, it's been all about dart zone and x shot and stuff
I made a lot of the threads a few years ago, personally I just got a bit bored with it. I was always more into the toy side, but the meta back then was becoming endless 3D printed shit for $300. Nerf didn't do themselves any favors either, with all the new ammo types that were dead on arrival. For me it's better now with Dart Zone, and especially X Shot putting out decent quality toys for good prices, although I don't really follow the hobby any more.

I guess I grew up a bit too lol, so it's a nostalgia type thing as well, back then modding was easy and fun to get a bit more power out of stock blasters, now it's not really needed and most of the Youtubers had to switch to shilling (or stealing, lol Drac) or just quit (Coop).
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Between the entire Nerf brand just up and dying and most of the conversation turning to 3d print wank, the community as a whole just seemed to give up. The sad part is we were seeing some really nice non-nerf product coming out, but with the biggest dog in the room lying dead in the corner, no one really cared anymore. Hasbro's decisions of using new proprietary ammo types, moving away from silly gimmicks and blaster modularity made blasters dull for kids to use and the cheapening of material combined with directly anti-modder practices sent clear a message that older fans were not wanted in the fandom.

Then there was a big push from other companies to make more "competitive" performance blasters, which while great idea on paper, seemed to do more harm than good. Blasters started getting too expensive to buy on a whim and too powerful to have harmless in-home/office wars. You couldn't just grab a bunch of silly looking revolvers for cheap and have quick shoot outs in your house. Blasters had to have realistic ergonomics and hit triple digit FPS numbers (as well as price tags), so if you weren't at least wearing goggles you were gonna have a bad time.

I work a job where I would literally find tons of old discarded Nerf guns and I would just take them home. I built up a huge stockpile of blasters in various states of functionality to the point where I lost count of the actual total number I own. But the past few years, I haven't seen anything. Blasters are either too expensive for kids, so they don't get outgrown, or are specifically designed to be "collectables" more then toys so people hold on to them. But that older collector market was always the minority of dart blaster aficionados as they were most often bought by/for kids. But kids don't play with nerf blasters anymore because nerf don't make blasters kids want to buy.

Pic related was the last time I took a collection shot back in 2017
>and hit triple digit FPS numbers (as well as price tags)
So many of the blasters that fit this category are dirt cheap though. It started with the nexus pro and now there's that x-shot one that's fucking $15

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looks great
You're allowed to talk about whatever you want, dude. Why are you so intimidated by my posts?
You can ignore them, because I hope I'm only talking to one delusional dude who thinks Mattel's figures weren't mostly ignored by /toy/ for over a decade, because there's only so much someone can say about their shits on a stick.

And that's likely what's goign to happen for the next decade, now that Mattel was allowed to bid for the DC license again, because Mattel is likely going to continue cheaping out and release lazy ass shit that no one will want to talk about, muchless buy.
So basically, unless you like collecting trash DC is dead and Power Girl was the last good figure.
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the future you chose edition

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Previous thread: >>11291621

Anthro and feral figures galore.

>The Rules:
Don’t kink shame, if it’s not for you, move on
No hotglue pics, it violates the board rules and that is not what we are here for
Be respectful, have fun and most importantly post pics!

>Figura Obscura Retailer "black and blue" Anubis and "black and red" Bastet up for pre-order
>Joytoy TMNT Triceratons up for pre-order
>Furay Planet "Old Man Out of the Mountain" Blade Master Weng up for pre-order on BBTS and 5Ktoys
>Spero Toys Animal Warriors of the Kingdom wave 4 shipping
>Nacelle Biker Mice from Mars now at Wal-Mart!

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i wonder how big these guys will be
Eh, I still think they might be able to do Q2, liya was shown off not too long after shion and was already slated to release around that time, so I think she should be good to go
But both of them are their respective company's first offerings, so it's really up in the air. They could end up being not that good in any case.
Here's hoping they do though.
I hope the furgal offerings really popoff this year with all that was revealed to be on the books last year.
Between keyaki, ladotoys, and aoshima's stuff I'm really excited, we haven't really had furry girls figs like this ever before
They'll probably not be THAT much bigger than like, Rocksteady and Bebop. So 3-4 inches at the top of their crest I'd imagine.

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>/ctg/ - coomer toys general
The Monkees Edition:
Previous Thread: >>11341451
>Previous threads

>Is there a place I can view/post uncensored pics?

>The Rules:
Please censor ALL nipples/genitals before posting images
Don’t kink shame, if it’s not for you, move on
No hotglue pics, it violates the board rules and that is not what we are here for
Ignore obvious trolls, give them no attention
Be respectful, have fun and most importantly post pics!

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Previous Thread: >>11332339

Toyline general info:

Max Factory figma list & blog

Reviews and news about GSC/MF products by Kahotan

Where to buy

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Goddanngit Max Watanabe, im guna kikurass.
With the scale creep we've seen, he might turn out to be a big guy.
Doesn't really explain why they STARTED with JP Gen 3, then went on to EN Gen 1 and then JP randoms like Miko and Suisei.
3's most marketable gen.
You also forgot 3/5 Holox.
Next announcement when though.

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A thread for scalpers/resellers.
What do you SCALP?
Where do you SCALP?
How much money do you make from SCALPING?
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>What do you SCALP?
>Where do you SCALP?


I usually just sell things I find at the thrift or at discount stores, which isn't scalping. Scalping is specifically showing up at the release date, buying up stock and then selling it at a profit. You can't do that with 20 year old used figs at good will or 5 year old figs from TJMaxx.
Scalping isn’t a big deal as long as you actually collect toys too. I hate scalpers that don’t even know what they’re doing.
you're doing this thread again?
My favorite part of scalping is when I buy something remorsefully, and it ends up high in aftermarket
Sometimes I order a bunch of nendos from hlj and flip them on eBay for triple profit, but then I use that money to buy figures I actually want. I do love seeing Pokemon scalpers scuffling out in the wild and on video, those are my favourites.

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Hello I’m moving from Taiwan soon to the US for work for at least 1-2 years or more. Anyone have good recommendations on mailbox services in the US. I keep getting pushed back on my date due to new VISA regulations in the meanwhile I’ve had to pack up my flat and put all my figure collection in a settled storage shed. I’d like to direct some future purchases to the USA but I’m not sure of my address for at a few weeks before I leave. I know I’ll be in the state of Arizona.

I’m looking for something where I can send things to the place now with an address. They can hold for maybe at least a month or 2. Then ship to me when I get to my new flat. I’ve been looking at a few places online but some places the website looks like a scam site. Also I’d like if possible I have a few colleagues coming to but I know the one is going to New York. It looks like there’s some where we can all ship stuff there and them they can ship to my colleagues in other states. That would be really nice.

So thank you in advance with any recommendations on ones that are good and maybe cheaper to use

Also look at this 5K Toys place for some getting figures when I’m there. Might help getting them from US bassed sellers. They sound very good.
>Anyone have good recommendations on mailbox services in the US

The ONLY mailbox service in the USA is USPS (united states postal service). once you have your new home address you can ship your belonging to your new home.

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