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New line from SE, Play Arts Shin, so what happens now with the Play Arts Kai line?

Anyways, I wasn't planning on making a new thread as you guys didn't answer if you wanted me to make a new thread or not but since SE announced a new line and old thread reached image limit before it auto saged(this happened with also with Bring Arts Tifa's 1st release, not sure if it happened with Bring Arts Cloud's 1st release too), I decided to make a new one as well as to update the release dates for delayed figures and a sort of thread that will last hopefully up to until Christmas as you never know if Santa will give us good "kids" a nice surprise on Christmas eve

Looks like the Shin line has moveable eyes? I wonder what scale will it be, same as the old PAKs?

No price or release date yet but knowing SE, expect the price to be close or more than PAKs at worst

Previous Thread: >>11225571
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who asked?!
Based Crystal Chronicles (though non-based sequel slop on the Lilty)

I asked.
Least you got them in card form too, although chibified.
Yes! Did you know I ship them too? This is a dream come true for me.
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Lmao lucky anon. You even drew them
I LITERALLY asked >>11253344

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Let's discuss toylines only you like/care about.

Remember when you was a kid and saw a weird toy just once and never again? And after many years you finally found more info about and decided to dive in?

Tarzan the epic adventures was that for me. I had no idea it was somewhat John Carter connected...i'm still kinda confused what Tarzan has to do with Mars.
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for as much as I appreciate the vehicles nowadays I was very disappointed at the time when it became obvious none of the figures could interact with them. they're great replicas of the various vehicles from the movie, but since they dont have wheels and they're so uniquely shaped they couldnt really mingle into any other toylines either. Part of me suspects the designers wanted to really lean into the b-movie military vs monster angle with this movie, but since the movie itself subverted that trope, the toy designers must have abandoned that angle. the soldier packs especially seem to back up my theory (why else sell army builders?).
the crown jewels of the line imo. why jazwares didnt go all in on alien soldiers vs giant earthling monster is beyond me.
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to avoid further cluttering the thread with my posts I'll condense this next example as much as possible. considering the movie doesnt get much buzz any more and hasnt seen any kind of merchandising in twenty years I'd say it counts.

>Mattel's Robots

Based off the bluesky film of the same name, I have to applaud Mattel's efforts here. They really gave this line 110 percent. You could collect the entire cast in the 3" modular "mix and match" collection, swap their parts, or feed them to these guys and watch as the choppers rended them to bits. But there were larger scaled figures too. A shortlived 6 inch series that rendered Rodney and Fender in a mix of plastic and diecast. Impressive figures although unfortunately very fragile, the hips on Rodney were very prone to snapping and Fender's hands were easily lost. I think there were some plush dolls and a 12 inch armored up rodney which released alongside a round of burger king premiums and kellogs pack-in pull back racers. It was a fun time. What I wouldnt give for this franchise to have become the cash cow Ice Age did.
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I never see anyone talk about the strange modular Rock em Sock em Robots line from the early 2000's.
Oh hey.,I had all of these guys as a kid (except the evil wizard I think.) I didn't even realize they were from a single line. I think the centaur was a different color though.
I fucking adored this line as a kid. I was lukewarm on the movie itself but that giant Rodney than you could disassemble played a pretty constant role when I needed a big heroic robot.
Twitch from Toy Story 3?

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Why'd he stop making videos about old toys?
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What does any of this gossip have to do with toys?
Do they no longer have those keychains of rubbery cows and dogs and pigs where you squeeze them and a poo comes out their back and gets sucked back in?
I liked the toy review stuff he made.
Barshens era was great too. I miss that show.
ello you
>further right
stealing from farmers is a pretty communist thing to do
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Why'd he stop making videos about old toys?

Didn't see anyone talking about this

They're making Zentradis and their mechs in 1/72 scale, which means the Zentradi pilots are 4.5" and the cockpits for the mechs are compatible with 1:18 figures.
~$33 for the pilots
~$90-130 for the mechs and spaceship
Pretty damn good deal, considering how expensive smaller figures from Japan companies cost more than that..

Who's backing it? Only 8 days left , because i barely found out about it yesterday.

Company making then are Kitz Concept, who have released a few figures some anons have raved about, like that Monster Hunter wyvern thing. For some reason, there's zero discussion about their Robotech/Macross shit that they have released
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Not actual toy company has, but this guy just made a custom
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Seems like they quietly readjusted the stretch goals. Now the Tomahawk will be unlocked if it hits the campaign's goal. Picrel
The Defender will unlock at $155k
Phalanx at $180k
Spartan at $206k
And so on.

And yet they didn't think to update the Kickstarter or anything. I'm not sure KitzConcept understands how this crowdfunding thing works.
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>The exception being the Threezero stuff because they're actually very good and even diehard Robotech haters acknowledge they are.
ThreeZero ROBO DOU figures are awesome in general, especially for the money. In addition to their Veritech, I also have their VOTOMS Rabidly Dog and Patlabor Alphonse, both are amazing.
Seemed unrealistic to get all 4 of them for one tier but yeah kind of stupid to change this last minute but nothing this company does seems to make much sense.
Whelp, looks like we made it lads and we're hitting some of the stretch goals at the 11th hour too.

Why do 1/18 threads just die out and not get replaced? It's a popular scale.
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Nice, I just got the Tickle Chicken in recently.

You should.
Is that a 1/18 scale lamp?
If so, from where - please.
Because everybody would rather shit up other threads demanding people pay attention to 1/18 than actually discuss 1/18.
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does anyone else mix & match joytoy figures to make new Joes? from left to right:

rapid fire
ex pro
sneak peek
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>If so, from where - please.
It's scratchbuilt. Made from popsicle sticks, basswood, cardstock, a few craft beads and painted with 1 dollar bottles of acrylic paint from wal-mart. Those brackets that attach the lamps to the horizontal bar are aluminum flashing from the hardware store, cut with tin snips.

The wire for the power cord and grills is craft or bead wire (I forget which) painted black. Pic related shows how the grills were made; wire wrapped around a piece of wood, soldered then cut with a dremel cut-off wheel. Version two would probably replace the basswood with styrene for a cleaner look, and maybe there's a way to get LEDs in there to make the lamps functional.

Previous thread: >>11224270

In stores and online currently:
Ultimate Vincent Price
Rock & Roll ALF
Totally 80s ALF
Scorched Xenomorph (Alien Romulus)
Ultimate Jack Goodman and David Kessler 2-pack (American Werewolf in London)
Dracula (Hammer Horror of Dracula)
Ben Cooper wave 3 (Beetlejuice, Stripe, Gizmo, Xenomorph)
Hannibal Lecter (masked)
Ult. M3GAN
Retro cloth M3GAN
Count Orlok (Nosferatu, black and white)
Gorilla Soldier (Planet of the Apes)

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I accept your concession.
And I accept that you have deep seated issues that you dedicate so much of your free time to shill for a company that doesn’t pay you.
The people on this board don't know how to discuss anything.
can I get a rundown of the figures in here?
See >>11254983

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I noticed there was no /stg/ in the catalog, so I thought I'd start a new thread.
Previous: >>11216548
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My personal wardrobe, plush collection (modern and vintage) and a couple thou of vintage natural fiber fabrics tat I use for my art are all in one room.
>get a moth poison/trap thing as a precaution despite never seeing any textile moths
>suddenly moths start showing up
>How many Pokemon plush do you own?
Not many. Charmander, Lugia and a Pikachu I won years ago at a Six Flags.
>Ho-Oh's beak
They are cool though. Title screen colors I guess?
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I got most of these from Round 1 over the course of a year.
>Title screen colors I guess?
Just colored Gold and Silver, for their respective versions.

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Can he keep making videos about old toys?
I hate you.
Ok, I’ll admit this one was creative. Props to you.
Sure why not, thanks for coming
He needs to make more videos about the shonky practices that toy companies take part in. A good target would be toy companies that shop out the wrong items to customers repeatedly, sometimes don't ship anything at all, but refuse to reply to customer emails.
Why bother? Put your purchases on a credit card and dispute the charge if the company doesn’t ship it, it ain’t hard.

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Previous thread

>Haslab Plasma Series 6" Ecto-1

>Haslab Tracking

>Mondo 6" Real Ghostbusters
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You rape kids ChungusPedo, you lost
Honestly Diamond should just re-release the bank if they have the license still to do "banks." I have it and it still holds up.
I don't think they have the license anymore since Hasbro got the master.
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Their 11" bank is one of the best Stay Puft sculpts to date. Sadly their 23" Stay Puft isn't just that one scaled up. The head sculpt of the 23" is off, and the head is also too big for the body. The body itself looks squashed. I love the size, but I don't understand how they nailed the sculpt of the 11" bank, only to bungle it on the $100 (at the time) 23" version.
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This better shows the differences between them. Real shame they fucked the big one up.

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Where is the best place to get NECA in the USA?
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Is Neca gonna sue me bros please help
I've already admitted in another thread that I am surprised by the complete lack of lootcrate shit. I also underestimated their incompetence and forgot that they could potentially send people the wrong mystery box.
May go for it, it is Christmas!
I’d go for it, there’s several people who have posted their boxes and they honestly had a lot of value.
SciFi box is good if you like Ayyylmaos and Gorgyles.

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Super Android 17 [Web Exclusive]
Piccolo (Mini) - Daima

Super Saiyan Trunks - Infinite Latent Super Power (Reissue)
Pan GT & Gill [Web Exclusive]

Vegeta - Older Style Battle Clothes [Web Exclusive]
Frieza - First Form (Reissue)

Medical Machine [Web Exclusive]

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>shows a bootleg.
I have this set and I think I might actually prefer these faces more than the ones bandai did.
You know, I'm starting to think that >>11246668 might be on to something
I can not be trusted with large amounts of money at any given time, it seems.
While I've got in on my mind, I'll just ask the thread in advance now instead of waiting for them to be in-hand. How, aside from avoiding ham-handing it, is the best way to not completely destroy Gohan's fucky hip joint? I heard enough about its fragility to feel like it's at least worth asking.
Still new to the hobby so treat me like I'm retarded and know absolutely nothing
is jeice decent? i heard his hair makes him hard to pose
>bandai loses the license
Sure that'll totally happen...

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All assignments are out and buying has begun. As a reminder, do not ship until I've given you the ok. Be sure to take a picture of the gift you plan to send before wrapping so I can have you down for proof of purchase.

My email: toysecretsanta2024@gmail.com
FAQ: https://pastebin.com/jA4SUZUQ (embed)

Previous: >>11219423
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No but I should have been, and decided things faster
I had the wish list item picked out and purchased almost right away, it was having to chase down the treats and stocking stuffers and other goodies that took longer, especially since it's stuff (anime and manga) that I had no idea what to buy. And almost all of that I bought locally, even making a special trip to a mall on Black Friday to check out the one primarily weeb only store within a 20 mile/15 km radius of me.
Man, I'm thinking we should have our anons send us $1 via paypal so we can get reduced shipping rates at the post office. This shit costs like 50% more to send than an identical size/weight package I sent out a few days ago with a paypal shipping label.
I appreciate whatever you got me. I'll post it when I open it. Also Fort Worth Anon your package went out today. Expect it early next week.
You shouldn't blame yourself for things out of your control. Many anons here were still deciding on what to get at the same time you were.

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Well it’s the holiday season, and while I haven’t bought any of the naughty or nice collection, Robo put out a video today showing off the newest wave of stuff (https://youtu.be/TNnbQbEVV40?feature=shared) and some of it is damn impressive, I think they go a little overboard with the reuse, but a few of their Santa’s, some elves, and some reindeer and you’ve got a hell of a Christmas display. They’re doing a new kickstarter type funding thing featuring a few new Santa’s, but more interesting, some kids, and a full Santa sleigh. So you could have the sleigh and all 8 reindeer.

Do any anons here own some of their past Santa’s and other offerings and can speak to their quality? Are you interested in any of this new stuff?
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Yeah they're pretty good but one thing that sucks is that the sack you get in the accessory set is a silky material, meanwhile the one shown in the promotional images looks like a clothy material, same deal with the cloak from the same set.
Also it's a shame the reindeer aren't out until January next year and the sleigh won't be out until 2026.
Oh, you weren't kidding
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>Upcoming Transformers
>Leaks and Rumors
>Online Stores for TFs
>Where to watch TF shows:
>Transformers General Archives:

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Tidal wave's knees explode?
>Tidal Wave's exploding knees
Those are a play feature tho
Exploding is a bit of an exaggeration, but they are prone to breakage as pointed out here >>11255148
Cancelled BWN( or BW2?) Unicron prototype
i thought it was some new smaller mass retail Unicron.
Soundwave and Galvatron protos too

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Previous Thread: >>11219439

Other mecha toy discussion is also more than welcome!

Upcoming regular retail releases:
-GM II EFF Type ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Dec. 14th)
-Grendizer (Dec. 28th)
-Voltes V (Feb. 2025)
-Galbaldy β ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Apr. 2025)
-Skygrasper & Effect Parts Set ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Apr. 2025)
-Metal魂 Strike Freedom Gundam [Re:Coordinate] (Jun. 2025)

Current open Tamashii Web exclusive preorders:
►Order Deadline TBA
-Big-Zam ver. A.N.I.M.E. (May 2025)

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i don't know why bandai seems to ignore easy repaints/retools sometimes
I wish there were an HMR scale VF-25. I'd love to be able to pair it with some of my smaller figures in display.

I feel like if they ever plan to make one it's probably like 15 years down the line.
It's odd how a Gundam figure from a Gundam franchise doesn't get made but some fake Evangelion does.
There's some RD's and those partsforming 1/100 toys.
how many kaijus they would make? they are also bigger than the jaegers right?

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