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Previous Thread >>11131014



Now Shipping:
>Cobra Night Attack Stinger (FanCh)
>Sgt Slaughter Mad Marauder (FanCh)
>Lowlight & Spirit Mad Marauders 2pk (Pulse)
>Wreckage and Tiger Paw ATV (Target/Pulse)
>Retro Beach Head
>Retro Cobra Eel
>Retro Snow Serpent
>Night Force Shockwave and Night Pursuit Cycle (Pulse/Walmart)

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Has anyone ever tried swapping out an entire lower torso of a Classified figure? I know it's more common to just swap out the overlay/diaper + legs but I was wondering if switching out the lower torso at the waist joint is doable with boiling water/hairdryer.
Not with boiling water. Hypothetically it's possible but you'd have to crack the torso, and at that point you're better off just repainting the crotch to match the codpiece overlay.
Nice. I preordered the Trouble Bubble.
>you'd have to crack the torso
Damn, I was worried that would be the case. I guess the hard plastic makes it hard to just swap them out then.
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You're mad, madder than Cobra Commander losing another billion-dollar Snake temple and accompanying scheme.

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Mail came in early. Over the Rainbow Elvira turned out better than the original standard version!!!
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>she's a lesbian

Nah, shes just a mentally retarded boomer who thinks that will get her more likes.
You're going to pay for that, buddy.
You're such a fucking piece of shit reposting this over and over again. Hope someone cuts your fingers off and feeds them to you.
Isn't she married to some crusty old dyke? What a waste.

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Hello all, I've been gone a while, but I'm back and thought I'd start this again as I had so much fun before.

Post toys, that's all. The theme this time is toys jumping and also toys that you didn't expect to like but ended up really liking. Pic related.

Hope everyone is well!
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God that electric Superman looks great.
The ultimate series run? That was pretty fun. The image is Australian; didn't mean to position it that way.
How about some good ol' nostalgia bait.
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good pics everyone!

I kinda want that she hulk.

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What are the best bootleg action figure companies?
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I’d say the best course of action is to wait a bit until the reviews with pictures start cropping up in Aliexpress listings.
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Just out of curiosity, has anyone picked up one of the KO Revoltech Harley Quinns found on eBay & Taobao? Are they any good? I'd like to support Revoltech, but I don't feel like paying the $150+ rape prices of an official Harley on the secondary market.
CT Gwen doesn't look that great unfortunatetly. Its not terrible but its not at the same level of the Black Suit or 2099 Spiderman. The paint is kind of sloppy from reviews I saw of it on Youtube.
If it looks like that and has the same joint and plastic quality as the Black Suit this will be an instant buy. The wolverine looks really good too.
Where do you find info on what CT is up to? If they keep this up I'll be grabbing a lot of their stuff. I kind of want their Gwen. Hope CT gets around to doing the Mafex Venom. I already have a good KO of him, but I'd like one from them too. I have the comic black suit Spidey and their Tobey. Both great and the unmasked heads are well painted for considering the cost. Tobey is kind of a toonish realistic version of his likeness. Only problem I've had with either of them was the neck for Tobey. It was really stiff and in my attempts to loosen it the peg broke. Was able to hobble a fix together by removing the peg and using a tiny screw in its place. A little blue tack for extra friction and it works just fine.

Thankfully for me I'm not too caught up on scale. I prefer six inch and don't mind if they're an inch taller or shorter. So slightly smaller ko's, or the odd decent McFarlane are fine to me. I bought the ML movie Carnage and really like it. I'll just consider it a stronger Carnage variant.

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Big Spooky Hooters Edition

Previous: >>11137626

In stores and online currently:
Beetlejuice (Striped Suit CC re-release)
Toony Terrors 40th Anniversary Leatherface & Leatherface (Pretty Woman)
Earl Sinclair Tree Pusher (Target exclusive)
Ult. Bon Jovi (Slippery When Wet)
House of a Thousand Corpses Otis, Captain Spaulding
LJN Colors Warduke, Strongheart, & Zarak
Ult. Jigsaw -Black Robe (Saw)
Ben Cooper Kids wave 2 part 1 (Dracula & Witch at Walmart) & part 2 (Phantom, Devil v2, female Vampire showing up at Target)
Universal Monsters x TMNT Black and White 4-pack (Creature Leo & Frankenstein Raph, Invisible Man Donnie, Mummy Mikey)
Hannibal Lecter

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Got this guy. What are the little clear S hooks that were taped to the back for? Is it fornhis little spear to go on the back of his loincloth?
Yep, exactly that. They're solid black on the regular version.
Thanks for the confirmation Anon. How fucked am I if I want the regular version these days?
no, the first one was me but idk who fucked up the tf threads.
Its pretty easy to get nowadays, it’s actually $7 off ($29.99) on Best Buy right now.

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Seriously, why the fuck did Lego think this was a good idea?
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I think this is super cute, but wouldn't buy it for a series I don't care about with Lego prices

Hope they do some other series (and not Disneyslop)
I don't want the set but that face piece looks exactly like my girlfriend.

How long do you think it takes before that piece is available on bricklick? I wanna make a moc.
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>that face piece looks exactly like my girlfriend.
His girlfriend looks like this IRL.
took a while to figure out what that reminded me of but it's uncanny
Rule 1488 of 4chan: It's OK when it's animu.

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Sorry if not allowed, but was wondering. Been a fan of the channel for years now, in fact Retroblasting is a good reason why I've been a collector of other toylines besides transformers for as long as I have. There are toys and playsets I wouldn't have known about without it, for example I wouldn't have had any idea the remco mini monsters existed but for Retroblasting.
That said... In the last few years at least... I have had a very, very difficult time engaging with anything on the channel except his toy videos. Michael seems.... Very self righteous to me, the sort of person who insists their bluntness is " just being honest", without taking anyone else into account. His latest video about the gijoe scale airwolf X was a hard watch.
He dresses like a stupid goober and also troll thread
The absolute state of this modless board
This. Mods not doing their jobs again and all this rampant spamming is just goddamn proof of it.
I’m starting to think you actually like him considering you’re doing free advertising for him. Nobody would know who he was otherwise.
fuck you michael.

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Previous Thread: >>11126674

Other mecha toy discussion is also more than welcome!

Upcoming regular retail releases:
-RMS-106 Hi-Zack ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Sep. 21st)
-IB-07: SOL 644/Ayre (Sep. 28th)
-Gundam Mk-Ⅱ (A.E.U.G.) ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Oct. 2024)
-IB-C03: HAL 826/Handler Walter (Nov. 2024)
-Strike Noir ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Nov. 2024)
-GM II EFF Type ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Dec. 2024)
-Grendizer (Dec. 2024)
-Voltes V (Feb. 2025)

Current open Tamashii Web exclusive preorders:

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Pre-assembled figures will always be more durable than a model kit by their nature, but any thin pieces are just as easily breakable (although Robot Spirits does frequently give you spares for stuff like V-fins). I still wouldn’t manhandle them, they are still a collector-oriented line, if you want a solid desk toy you can throw across the room Gundam Universe is a better bet.
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Definitely stands on it's own, but MB prices are just too high for me to justify a 3rd Dynames. If I'd missed The Repair III I'd probably grab this.
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>>Definitely stands on it's own, but MB prices are just too high for me to justify a 3rd Dynames
>buys the MB astray frame 4 fucking times (red kai, blue 2nd l, gold, hana), 5 if you include a chink bootleg 1/60 retool
Get on my level of brain damage. Not as bad as the one fmp guy but it's pretty bad.
That thing is based on the gold frame? Interesting
And yeah the guy with the MB Gernsbacks army is terminally insane
Yeah. I posted about it when I got it a years ago. The whole thing is basically an astray with chink shit all over it. It was surprisingly sturdy.

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What’s on the workbench, /toy/?

Sculpts, castings, 3D prints, dioramas, mods, kitbashes, and repaint are all welcome!

Post WIPs, finished projects, ideas, techniques, ask for advice, and most of all, have fun!

-Invest in a rotary tool such as a dremel for sanding/sculpting, especially a flexible extension tip.
-Pin vises for drilling holes can be found at hobby stores like Hobby Lobby and are great for making peg holes.
-For soft, flexible parts get Sugru silicone putty and Oyumaru
-Hardware epoxy putties such as Waterweld, KwikWood, and PlasticWeld are similar to milliput, greenstuff, and apoxie, can be cheaper some times, and can be found at local hardware stores such as Lowes, Ace, and Home Depot.
-Bootleg figures make great custom-fodder, especially if the legit figures are pricey.
>Body-chan/kun, Figma Archetype He/She, and Sozai-chan/kun are great base bodies for import-style human characters.
-For 3D models to use for editing, the following sites are good to bookmark:
cgtrader.com (free and purchasable models)

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Turning my Hexa Gear governors into Ta’u commanders. Hexa gear is pretty much abandoned by kotobukiya so I might as well have them as part of my table top army.
Yeah yeah...shut up
Looks good.
sweetie, just say you’re too dumb for warhammer <3
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Last finished custom was SkyGarry out of CW Hotspot, now I'm working on parts for Star Convoy and Sixliner.

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I'll start. I present the DEMON of the Desert (A.K.A) Desert Punk.
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I got the hotline miami figure from the kickstarter
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I wish I knew about this Chicken George fig before it got to x4 the release price on the aftermarket.
That's cool, I never knew they made a Desert Punk figure before.
What’s Chicken George?
A major character in the sci-fi horror manga "14" by Kazuo Umezu.

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Didn't see a thread and there's only 12 hours to go until the end. It's already met its goals, but have you put in your pledge yet?

They really kicked ass with the packaging. Way better than the first spawn and probably the best packaging I've seen apart from Hasbro SDCC exclusives.

Anything worth bitching about?
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I did preorder the black version
all the weapons it comes with look pretty cool
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They have different helmet and armor pieces, so you can just pretend they're seperate characters.
You have like two unique alt heads per color and two different chest pieces. So that's like 9,000 different combinations.

It's not like Spawn himself is unique, since there's thousands of others that look almost identical to him (last i checked, way back in the 90s). You could build an army just the blue Spawn and it'd basically be canon.

I also try not to have a dozen Batmans and Wolverines, but it's pretty hard to say no to cool designs.

dunno. I haven't been following this closely.
Almost all of my figures have bumps, so i'd say they'll continue goinjg along with the rackets.
Ehhhhh I like it but nowhere near that much
I assume there won't be "Customs" for US, just regular sales tax?
Anyone know?

When i put my pledge in, it only says I'm going to be charged for the figures and shipping. Does the sales tax get tacked on tomorrow once the KS ends?

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>is everything wrong with the fig community in you're path
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Well, if you insist…
I enjoy his personal channel content and figure updates, regardless of his wealth.

y r u such a faggot?
Who is this guy?
bill cosby

Previously: >>11152716

-Marvel Legends Secret Wars Wave solicited (all major retailers)

-Marvel Legends Spider-Man/Vulture VHS 2 Pack solicited (Pulse Exclusive, shipping now)

-Marvel Legends Dragon Man solicited (Pulse Exclusive, pre-order window open until Oct 17th)

-Marvel Legends Crystal/Lockjaw 2 pack solicited (Fan Channel Exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Retro Carded Green Goblin reissues (Fan Channel)

-Marvel Legends Ultimate Professor X with Hover Chair reissued (Fan Channel)

-Marvel Legends Outrider 2 pack solicited (Fan Channel Exclusive)

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That's a girthy jimmy hat. Is it for Hulk?
Kotobukiya model kit
Reminds me of Gooby but wearing the mask
I hope they make Man Spider at some point

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Let's have a good old Hasbro thread. The good, the bad, and the toyetic! Why is this company so contentious here?
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Which leaks? There have been so many recently
>A TF leak about new toylines nobody is interested in
>Power Rangers management drama
>Horse show G5 flopped so hard Hasshit lost both audiences. Leaks last week showed they're trying to make a new generation via memberberries. Both audiences hate it. See containment board
>DnD leaks that E6 is a pile of garbage, with tons of AI generated stuff, backwards rules and other influences affecting gameplay
>Little (nation name)
George Lucas and New World sold out to Disney. Hasbro already had the licenses before any of that happened and now have to answer to Disney stockholders as a result.
/toy/ related, I can't stand when they make better bucks and don't use them in favor of existing inferior ones, like the vulture vhs pack ML using sunspot mold instead of RYV Spider-man. Or when they improve one aspect on a new figure but step back on another, like the new Retro Venom that has butterfly shoulders but a barbell neck instead of a ball on a hinge.
Oh, yeah, the BAF thing especially sucks when it's something like Hit Monkey or Mantis where they claim "New tooling is expensive" but when it's a larger figure it's not quite as bad. But honestly I wish they'd just release them as deluxe figures on initial release instead.

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The Super7 Space Godzilla is amazing, full stop. The crystals are translucent, the shoulders are soft rubber to give the arms range of motion, it comes with alternate hands and a head, not to mention the crystals so he can claim a display just like he did Fukuoka.
Also, he shreds.
And you decided this needed a new thread instead of posting it in the Godzilla General because...?
because he knows he'll be laughed at
Shite figure but at least it's actually a kaiju.
Keep kaiju spergs to the kaiju tard containment thread. Bunch of actual idiots.
Hard pass, ngl. There's a thread for your kind of autism.

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