Previous Thread: >>11314055Cartoon Collection:>Faker/Catra/Leech wave starting to ship; next wave Invisible Skeletor, Frosta, Buzz-Off>Leaks for Orko, Grizzlor, Fang Man, Whiplash, Shadow Weaver, Bow>Vultak soon on Mattel CreationsOrigins:>Modulok arriving; Rio-Blast released on Jan 21st STILL AVAILABLE alongside Geldor as of now>Sketchbook Hordak and Grizzlor available from Target>Two-Bad confirmed sculpted but unrevealedMasterverse:>Skelcon, Fisto, Evil-lyn, Flying Fists He-Man in stock>New versions of Roboto, King Randor and Beast Man upcoming; Blade confirmedComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>11337202Where are they in that pic?
>>11337193This does not interest me.
>>11336457Because I lived through the 87 MOTU movie, so I've already seen live action MOTU on earth. I didn't even hate it the first time, but we are finally getting another MOTU movie after nearly 40 years, and they decided to set a chunk of it on earth again. >>11337198>serpent-tossing actionA snake that launches snakes at its enemies is far too creative for Axel.
>>11337148>>11337151Recoil-or. Trademark pending.>>11337205A superfan's feverdream.
>>11337148>>11337193Why? Just reissue Camo Khan, I missed him and he's much better than this boring repaint. Please just stop Axel.
What do you hate the most or makes you cringe the most when it comes to toy collectors or the community?
>>11335834>can read blurry text of a photo but not high resolution text from a post PART 2ooof, what you're doing is covering your ass, like they did. I posted proof of having a long history being a fan of a project, and now you're saying i need to post even more proof.If you're including yourself when i said "THOSE nonfans" don't know the fandom, that's just your own guilt, faggot.>You have the most unfocused collection of garbage I have ever seen.You got me. Yes, I own a lot of shit, but i like what i like. You're entitled to your opinion and I have mine. If i want my heman toys to battle against my transformers, I'm going to have fun doing it. IF that bothers you: LOL, HOW ARE YOU EVEN MAD?I'm not buying just to buy, I buy because "it would be cool if a giant demon is fighting against this soldier dude." Who cares if they're different properties. No need to be autistic about this shit.... or are you autistic enough to believe you can only like what property at a time? Because that's entering "buy just to buy shit" territory.PS, i also collect minis, comics, video games, movies, anime, manga, and even like buying art from various artists (in the form books, prints, cards, and even handdrawn shit). You mad i can enjoy other hobbies too? pic are some minis with some cool sketches>>11335814They're kinda shit. The rounded edges waste a lot of space and aren't all that durable either. I've bought large boxes meant for medicines, so they have more reinforcement to keep harder edges and stack boxes tighter together. But that's just me, because i own a ton of shit from collecting for decades. I've slowed down on collecting large items like vehicles due to space issues and that'll affect my action figure buying too... in another decade. maybe. Maybe my house will look like a hoarder's paradise by then and I've lied to myself it looks fine.>>11335827Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>11331888>pronouncing figure 'figger'
>>11332961You're such an obsessed baby
>>11336238Do you ever find it weird how you always get into it with these random anons over the same like 7 or so topics? Don't you get tired of it?
Death Note mame gasha book
only seven more days editionNEW RELEASESMetal Force - Batman, Luthor, Grodd, Blue BeetleMultiverse - Wildcat, Orion, Heat WavePREORDER NOWMultiverse - Fleischer Superman, Power Girl, Captain Cold, Guy GardnerSuper Powers - Robin, Jay Garrick, Atom, LoboMafex - Tim Drake RobinUPCOMING RELEASES:February - Spinmasters Batman Forever retro waveMarch/April - McFarlane Power Girl, Captain Cold, Guy GardnerEventually - McFarlane Adam Strange, Deadshot, Killing Joke Joker, Flash and Titano 2-packComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>11337214she has a jucier ass than gamerverse catwoman
>>11337220Prove it.
>>11337176>>11337220ain't got shit on AY catwoman
>>11337220Holy capcope
How we feeling about Aetherdrift?
>>11331930Real kamigawa or NEOvagina? Because that cyberpunk gundam garbage is possibly the worst slop ever to hit the franchise outside of the cowboy set.
>>11330887>aetherdrift?haven't cared about new sets since m20, anything beyond that is tranny goyslop
>>11330887This is offtopic but it is the least interesting set I have seen in 14+ years
>>11331771No, they aren't.
Aka the annual GET IN HERE FAGGOTS edition.>torin is saved.Last Thread:>>11115647
>>11335758Ball joints can be versatile but need to be positioned well to make poses look more natural. Fiddling with them helps; if they're tight, do it in a bowl of lukewarm water to loosen them a bit. In time and with some practice your posing can get better.
>>11336239wouldn't the 'folds' of the arms block the ass though?
>>11336657So bend her over anon.
>>11335758>are these things supposed to tempt you to get the others to mix and matchYes. Clover, Shamrock, Iana, and the new boy Machaon in particular are intended for you to buy multiples of, since you can use them as nude bodies for all the rest of your girls (which is particularly useful if you intend on dressing them in actual doll clothing). In the case of pic related, Sakura Lily's head, tail, and accessories have been placed on a spare Iana, who shares the same body type; it's also possible to just swap limbs, so you can remove the heavy and awkward miko sleeves for normal arms, or the sandals for bare feet, and so on.
Why is this board so dead lately? There isn't even a WonFes thread. What happened?Anyway. Some news has already leak, go to Hobby Dengeki for HD images over the next couple days. post any other sites, or image you find that have reveals.
>>11336599As they should be
>>11336638Die Ken.
>>11336453>ABSDoes this mean fragility? As far as I'm aware my stuff is made of PVC which is soft rubber-like plastic like Marvel Legends or Revoltech, so ABS means it's more prone to breaking? I'd like to know from some anon who got the mantis, does she feel brittle?
>>11337030it's hard plastic. It doesn't feel fragile, but it is definitely more brittle than flexible. I'm pretty sure legos are ABS if that's any frame of reference. Her antennas are actually metal, which is the part of her most likely to be damaged. if you really beat her up then some of her spikes, maybe the tips of her feet or fingers might get damaged but I think you'd need to work for it, or have a serious shelf dive.
>>11337034>hard plasticSo something similar to the Synthetic Humans from 1000toys? It's the only one I have with a rather hard plastic. >I'm pretty sure legos are ABS if that's any frame of reference.Ohhh I see, damn they're quite brittle considering Lego's quality nowadays.>some of her spikesFUCK
>"If you're new, you're gonna fuck up. Don't worry! If you're experienced, don't make the new people worry!"***READ THE GUIDE***Discord guide:Part 1 (Quick Start) 2 (Deeper Dive) a handy guide to other types of plamo: too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>11336208did you lengthen that V-fin?
>>11337110no that's really how it comes out of the boxno safety flags nothingI think it might be a change made by JMS when they bootlegged it? I looked up some reviews of the official HG MkII Revive and some have safety flags and some don't.the joints are mostly fine, some of them are a bit loose (mainly swivel joints like the neck and the backskirt bazooka holder) so I tightened those with matte varnish
>>11337133it also comes with a stand and a decal sheet
i got my tamiya puttydubs decides what i use it for first
>>11337203Spread it on toast and eat it
I just discovered Jojo's Chest and really digging her.
Intergalactic house of toys. But I wouldn't suggest looking it up its a acquired taste.
>>11330618Good? He makes funny videos about stuff I like?
>>11322707>I would recommend RetroBlastingplease no.... just no
>>11330375i don't mind threw but there is a creep vibe coming from him,
>>11330375this was from a time when it was normal to talk like that and /toy/ was a very different place. thew just grew and changed with the times, like any normal functioning adult would
Going through my dad's stuff. This Airfix 1/24 James Bond DB5 is apparently very fucking rare
>>11332290gets ejaculated out.....eject, ejectedthe up arrow on the DVD player and VHS... the pull switch in a fighter jet... eject eject eject
>>11332305>He's still alive lelMan, i was going to say that you need to sell this shit, because most of this stuff is going to become as wanted as Elvis Presley velvet paintings and commemorative plates. The type of people who want what you posted are dead and dying.They're at the end of their life and few of them are even looking to buy old shit like this anymore, so prices are only going to go down as the rest of people your dad's age die off and their kids start selling off their junk.
>>11332596kekejaculated sounds better, and he was all white>>11332318I've been on a whizzwheels streak latelynever recall seeing them in the past but now they pop up on thriftstores sometimes.They're generally lower quality than matchbox but have some really fun castings.>>11332305BASED dad
>>11332285Oh, this is neat. Your old man’s got taste.
>>11332285that's really sweet anon, I don't have anything from my childhood because my sister sold it all for crack.
I mean holy shit, look at this image.
>>11334970I agree.I work out at the library for weeks and I still have marginal head circumference gains.Are they juicing?
>>11334970It depends on on the Barbie model. Barbie Looks 12 looks like my kind of woman. Damn.
Since the cloth used in Barbie clothes is so much thicker than what actual in-scale cloth would be, I always assumed they made the dolls with slender proportions so that they wouldn't look like they were overweight (or wearing parkas) when they were clothed.
>>11337123thats definitely part of it, you can see that with pretty much every doll line until you get into bigger scales like 1/4.
Previous thread: >>11304348In stores and online currently:Ultimate Beetlejuice (Bio-Exorcist)40th Anniversary Ultimate LeatherfaceUniversal Monsters Invisible Man (Kemp House)Universal Monsters Ardeth BayUltimate Sesame Street (Bert, Ernie)Evolution of the Gremlin 3-packIron Maiden Future Past World Tour 2-packPuppet Master Leech Woman & Puppet CaseNightmare Before Christmas Ultimates wave 1 (Jack, Sally, Mayor, Santa Jack)Krampus, Der KlownUltimate Vincent PriceRock & Roll ALFComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Figuarts and Mezco did Beetlejuice’s hair in solid colors, don’t see why NECA couldn’t do it the same way.
>>11336792Because those look like ass
>>11336844Really? Both of those look better. Plus they made his iconic outfit. NECA is still yet to reveal theirs.
>>11336855>Both of those look betterLike...they very objectively do not. The figuarts is the worst, Mezco at least has a better hair sculpt than Figuarts, but even their paint job struggles to look realistic and still comes off as a chunk of plastic.
Big restock at my Target. Guess Beetlejuice is no longer just at Walmart.
>dont dead open inside>What is glyos>What is available>Thread challengeVerify your email so you don't have to wait 15 minutes to post
>>11336802Love it anon we need more post like this!
>>11336802wtf this build is so dope
>>11336802nice work anon
>>11336802Dogshit slop, perfect for this place
>>11337091waow so edgy
>The World of BIONICLEMedia:>Building with BIONICLESets: gallery:>Archive:
>>11337057during the Bumblebee craze*
>>11336740>>11336799>>11336875Duckbricks responded. It was Mask of destiny and Bio Media Project who leaked the torrent
>>11337081Why and how is there so much drama with bionicle fans?
>>1133710220 years old plastic attracts lots of autism
>>11337081>please stop talking about the leaksNigger it's the Internet, it's here forever.
Goys, whats with all these THOTS invading our toy space???? Now these succubi want to siphon off our nerds in the dino sphere? I've seen this phenomenon encroaching all over the toy community, looks like its reached our front door in the dino. Remember when SDCC was just a neckbeard acne convention? I remember. No thots anywhere around because it wasnt famous, but once it did, it turned into a playground for semen demons to exploit simps through the trojan horse called 'Cosplay.' This is the same shit happening with toys, all of a sudden you're seeing hot chicks honeypotting you and once you're in their claws, OH LOOK, HERE's MY ONLYFANS hehehe. And of course you fall for it. Just remember as you lose your lifeforce in that cleavage, that you're losing the battle for your soul. No thank you sweetheart, I'm perfectly good with my anime waifu. Don't fall for the trap guys, preserve the toy community by not supporting these bad faith actors.Whether we hate/love Hasblo, or Marvel, or PR, orwe hate feather on our dinos or like em, the one thing that must unify us is the determination to NOT be tanked by these jezebels. I realize there's a few honest female collectors in the toy community, but they are NOT trying to get to watch their content using sex appeal.This post is NOT meant for them.
>>11336065there is not a single attractive female figure reviewer dudethey're all above the age of 30 and fat!
>>11336065shut up, this is the only way I will get a gf that will not tell me to sell all my toys and use the money to buy a house and business clothes.
Man I used to stalk every female YouTube I watched. Knew where they all lived and worked. Got real close one time with one that was a waitress. Waited in my truck until her shift was up. About 5 minutes til closing I rolled under her car but she apparently went home with one of the cooks. Fucking whore.