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My mom had these dolls in storage for a long time. Can anyone id them please?
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Thanks for the help anon
You gotta look everywhere for markings. Sometimes it's ok the shoulders, under feet. Behind the neck, under the hair, torso. Give it a second look. Otherwise position the doll and use the Google Lens app to scan it.
they look so cute
They are pretty cute specially the one of the left. There are lots of porcelain dolls out there and they might not be worth much. I would keep them for the sentimental valur.
these things unsettle me

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I've been interested in collecting some of these recently, there are so many lines I'm wondering which ones are the best in terms of possibility and accessories.
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I am a huge fan of SDCS Mazinger Z, partially because Mazinger is my favourite mecha but also because it was just a really fun build and it looks great.
I like the MS ensamble series
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I love Mashin Hero Wataru and there are so many modern toys for it. They just released plamo for the new series. Old series has Robot Damashi and smaller/cheaper NXedge. Granbelm was great too and those got Moderoids somehow.
How's the pricing?

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2003 Happy Tree Friends Cuddles Yellow Rabbit 10" plush toy doll from Mondo, in a USED condition. The item measures approximately 10" tall when the head is attached to the body, and 14.5" to the top of the ears. When the head is detached from the body, you can see his spine! He stands at 13" tall to the top of his head when his spine is exposed. You can also pull out his intestines from his tummy through the Velcro pocket.The item is in good condition with no stains, but it does show signs of use and age.
Here they are selling it for 150 euros, is it woth it?
The thing is in europe, beter to buy in ebay. But someprices go to 300 $
Anon you want to resale ir? Otherwise it isn't wise to buy it, if you want it have for your collection buy it, it's a good deal

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What do you guys think? I bought a couple at Walmart and they’re super cheaply made but there is a nostalgic charm to them. Also the scalpers are reselling them on eBay for on average $20 bucks each but I see them in stock everywhere.
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they added the hair to these to make them stand out from the prior releases. i think its a fun gimmick. i just hope the line sells well enough to see some standard variants released. does anyone else remember the series that came out at the height of the pandemic? they were really stylized but still cool.
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You sound mad!
I was turned off by the printed graphics.
this, pretty much killed any interest I had. makes me wish I had bought more of the kidrobot madballs when I had the chance.
How much are they at retail? I'm a Slobulus fan even with goofy hair.

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I know several people here collect the total anime line and I haven’t seen anybody talking about this, but the Tokyo Ghoul figure got a Vault Edition (out of 3,500) with some extra accessories and a special box. But it’s only available on the jazwares vault website for $35.
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What are the styles?
That's as far as the info goes. Once they're revealed then the retailer listings will be updated.
Jazwares is basically doing their own take on a McFarlane Gold Label but actually take effort into making new accessories and actually caring as McFarlane is too lazy to just release the same figure with no different besides just 1 to 2 new lame accessories.

Jazwares cooking.
Bad comparison since this Jaz one is $15 more than the original figure. McF gold labels are the same price as the original.

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$50 Marvel Legends and $150 Imports in 2025, this retard will kill the industry for how high the taxes for China will be
and the product is made in China dumb fuck, now every single needle that China wants to send to the US will cost more than a Big Mac.
Now imagine how much the factories will charge Hasbro now for the operations, and regarding Imports YOU'RE FUCKED BOY
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i hope you briefly enjoy musk's fat cock down your throat before he puts you on indefinite leave then fires all you fucking leeches!
as a man with a real fucking job contributing to the world, ill have no problem affording any of the shit i always have

people like >>11321132 arent people at all, you're interacting with a bot. probably some flavor of a shitty low B param llama running on some server funded indirectly by USAIDS
What happened to you guys believing in freedom? If someone wants to shoot up schools, let them.

do you understand how fucking retarded you sound?we stop people from fucking their lives all the time. being a fent zombie isnt freedom
The elephant in the room that nobody wants to acknowledge is that, for use to become a functional economy again, an awful lot of people that currently make a living collecting rent, flipping stocks, and rewriting word salad mission statements in Arial font, are going to have to get real jobs because there simply won't be the capacity to carry their worthless asses anymore.
>If someone wants to shoot up schools, let them
we do
The US already is a functioning economy. It is at full employment and GDP is growing.

Littlest pet shop edition
Thread for soft toys, plushies and stuffed animals of all kinds!
Previews thread: >>11275024
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I participated in the toy secret santa last month, jeez louise are these things way more expensive than they should be.
I even checked out Ross and Burlington and even at remaindered prices (or sale prices at Best Buys and Target), these things were expensive considering they are just colorful pillows.
I get that license holders expect some cash, but dang.
I feel like a lot of it has to do with gardevoir's body type which is generally less substantial and more airy than Lucario.
That's why I usually tend to go for used ones or ones from aliexpress. I got all these quite recently for 10 dollars from a thrift store. Online, each one would probably be about 20 dollars still used. I already had the same Rapunzel one but I like her hair a lot so I wanted to get more of her.
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Points to whomever knows this guy.
I just had this one come in yesterday. I earnestly underestimated how big it was. It was taller than I was and took up a lot of space.
It's really neat.
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just received this creepcattoy yeen
gosh he BIG

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>/lg/ Flickr Group:

>LEGO General Archive:

>Third Party Information:

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>Jang failed his because of *ALLEGATIONS* relating to pedophilia - back in his RC car days.
Disney tax
It sucks how much better this set is than the new ucs set
how could they fuck up the ucs xwing so much?
>Set 42069 Trouble at the Heartlake City Particle Accelerator
he isnt a partner due to electrical interfitterence

Anyone know where I can find these?
if those wings were hinged/articulated I would've been all about this

Will feathered dinosaur toys ever becoming mainstream or kids will always find them lame?
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>""every dinosaur had feathers like a bird""
No one is saying that
They try it every few years with this sort of ragebait. I can't find the 2020 article where they tried to claim the same thing.
>Siberian Discovery Suggests Almost Mammals Have Fur
Fuck you for killing a possible dinosaur thread before it began with such a shitty OP. Suck my dick
Nothing wrong with op, just with you.
Dinosaurs are a highly controversial subject.

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Wondering how other anons here store their stuff, right now I have an attic space full of boxed stuff (picrel) and another closet that’s pretty much chock full of stuff. Considering getting a storage unit, but I think that would mean I really have a problem. How do other anons deal with storage? Also is an attic space a bad idea to store stuff? It gets super hot up there during the summer.
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You can give stuff away (non-canned goods) to a thrift store. If there's a church group or community group (my old college has a thrift store, for example), you might even be able to support something you care about.

As far as Marketplace, it's probably the selling of too large a collection, even if it's for a fair price. I know people hate dealing with that so best to try to do some reasonable lots. Not everyone has $100 to spare for a lot of say 8 toys even if that works out to say $7 for toys that otherwise sell on the same site for $15-$20.
If you have to store your stuff in another location, it sounds like you need to go through the collection and do a purge to make more space
If you say so. Your attic heat concern checks out, you're gonna need to compromise with a storage locker because displaying all these in and around your house will require a lot of display cabinets or hanging shelves, which of course you'll need to buy and assemble first. If you can't afford separating yourself from them through a distant storage locker facilty, consider buying hanging cabinets and attaching them around your house. It should free up some space in your storage room while keeping your house less of an eyesore.

Do take the other anons' advice and purge some items you know you won't be able to enjoy seeing in a display cabinet as much as the others. It'll lighten the burden a lot.
Hanging cabinets are great but if he has a yard, he could also pour a cement foundation and create a storage area in the back. A garage would be better, if he had the space, but yes, agree, dump some of the stuff that isn't being displayed on the regular.
>keeping the boxes
Fucking retard. Idk why you keep trash. Throw out all the packaging and buy drawers and you'll free up like half that room or more.

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Previous: >>11270488

Upcoming Releases

Takara Tomy
>BX-00 Croc Crunch 2-60Q
>BX-00 Beyblade 25th Anniversary Set(March 21st, 2025)
>BX-39 Random Booster Shelter Drake Select
>UX-13 Golem Rock 1-60 UN

>Vice Tiger 3-60U
>Shell Obsidian 4-60D
>Soar Phoenix 5-80H
>Horn Rhino 5-80Q

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first one. i wnted to write something else but forgot to delete far enough
my guesses are Kleave or Knock desu.
Have you tried it? I'm sure that's an answer you can find on your own if you try.
>inb4 but I want the meta pick tho
Limit, not ban. It lets you keep your crutch while still allowing for two points of potential failure, unless you're only doing a best-of-one (which is hardly a competition).
Not sure about Wizard, but Dran and Perseus are already getting a player 2 color with the box set, and prize beys usually come as a variant color. Regardless of whether it's a select or regular draw, Hell's should be getting at least two variants, if not three, so Wizard is the only one being shafted so far.

Previous thread: >>11279548

>Toon Street Scene Diorama & SotO Shredder's Throne shipping from the NECA store
>Movie TMNT on shelves: MORE Tatsu, Leonardo vs Shredder 2-pack, Casey Jones with Dirtbike 2-pack
>Mirage TMNT on shelves: IDW Foot Elite Assassin, black and white First Sketch Turtles 2-pack
>Last Ronin TMNT on shelves: Last Ronin Accessory Pack
>Fred Wolf Toon TMNT on shelves: black and white Usagi Yojimbo

>Multiple waves of Tales of TMNT (and some Mutant Mayhem) on pegs
>Retro carded rereleases in store: Rat King, Mutagen Man, Casey Jones, Slash,
>Retro movie Foot Ninja, movie Super Shredder


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Mezco Shredder is pretty much just Mirage shredder. I wish it had influences from other shredders like the turtles were.
I mean if it was going to be a mirage line then why give the turtles colored bandanas?
uh isn't this a little early
seems the idiot from /tfg/ has moved in here
wait this thread isn't bumping? why?

Previous thread >>11291842

Where to Buy-

Web Exclusives-

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Not many votes this round huh? I would probably go with perona as well. So I guess that's 2-0.
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OK. This is the round everyone was waiting for, but to make it more interesting lets make them complete. Who's you want?
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Ace comparison with anime heroes sabo. I should get the momoiro island shf next week.
Crocodile is probably my favorite villain in One Piece and was much more relevant in PTS than Doflamingo so I'd go with him. Though I could see myself wanting a Doffy first if I had the Crocodile VAH as a placeholder.
We've hit page 8, head on over to the next thread.

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Previously: >>11304712

-SHF Across the Spider Verse Spider-Man Noir/Spider-Ham sholicited

-Marvel Legends Retro Carded X-Factor Jean Grey Announced (Target Excousive)

-Marvel Legends MCU Electro Announced (Amazon Exclusive, pre-order Jan 30th)

-Marvel Legends Maximum Series Spider-Man Announced (Amazon/Fan Channel Exclusive, pre-order info in Feb)

-Marvel Legends Mini Comic Wave Announced (All Major Retailers, pre-order Feb6)

-Mafex No Way Home Final Swing Spider-Man solicited

-Marvel Legends Spider-Man Retro Carded wave solicited

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>basic ML
You mean the slop they currently produce? I don’t even buy that outdated garbage at $24.99.
What do you buy?
New Thread for a new week:

No, no they don't.

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