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Do you skip the current fig for a character you want because proportions aren't perfect for you? Or do you buy it just in case nothing better gets released in the future?
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I buy what I like, if the proportions are bad enough I don’t like them then I don’t buy it.
>Or do you buy it just in case nothing better gets released in the future?
I hate doing this. If the toy doesn't look good at all, then I hope my withdrawal means one more person can have it instead. I no longer base purchases on love for a character
I get it if it’s rare that anybody makes the figure. Especially if it’s over a decade between figures like that.
If it's a character that gets a lot of figures like Goku, Spiderman, or Wargreymon(since he was posted in the pic) NEVER fucking accept slop because another version is always around the fucking corner. If it's a more niche character in a high quality line, theres a lot of those fuckers where that is likely the best figure that will be available for at least the next half decade so it's a bit more understandable there. There is also the FOMO factor at play. Many figures these days you can't even be sure if the figure won't be shit so It's either preorder blindly or pay the rapetax later on.

Generally though if someone looks like shit or is awful quality I will pass to begin with. I already have enough shit to begin with, so I am being stingier. When I was first started out I was desperate to "fill my ranks" and would literally pollute my display space with stuff like Dragon Stars, Black Series, Chinese third party companies. Big fucking mistake. most of that shit i just ended up getting rid of because it brought the higher quality shit down.

I'm mainly a Dragonball collector and my collection doesn't even have a Cell one of the most iconic characters because there is just nothing out there that meets my standards of the rest of the figures.

I was rewarded for passing on this Trunks. Littered with QC issues, then they went ahead and reissued it with all of them gone. now i got a perfect Trunks.
Honestly, it doesn't happen a lot to me. I'd lean more towards skip.
The only character that I can think of, who I want a figure but I don't like what's available is Tailmon.
Either, they are popular enough to get something I like or, they get nothing at all.

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Welcome to the Army Men General!

Previously: >>11000260

>Plastic soldiers, knights and pirates, cowboys and indians, fantasy and sci-fi, cops and zombies, all are welcome here!

>Archived threads:

>Army men wargame rules:

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The nature of your plastic armed forces factors heavily in how you set up individual units - if you're just going by color and not considering individual sets of poses or size variation it will probably be fairly easy to standardize a system. I went with real-world unit designations but (above company level) not their typical strength - an IRL battalion can be upwards of 800 men. Plastic armies sound more grandiose if you can boast brigades and divisions, heh.

Whichever starting point you have with your plastic armed forces you'll want to decide on a rank system for the units - a company or battalion is just a designated mass of troops if they don't have leadership. This Grey battalion, identical to the Green brigade here >>11048199 has squads of 8 men (1 of each pose with the binoculars pose designated an officer), with a command squad, recon demi-squad and heavy support platoon.
When I started the system I opted to go with distinct sets of poses; a couple exceptions have been added to the order of battle over time but in general it's kept to the formula. Each unit will also have something in their official designation depending on their most distinct characteristic(s). Pic for example is designated a National Guard Support battalion - they're a little top-heavy with support units such as mortars, bazookas, flamethrowers and minesweepers but at the same time are poorer quality plastic, thus the NG designation. These guys would mainly see action in a high-intensity conflict, possibly one that's not going so well and their lower military quality would be made up some by their profusion of heavy weapons.
Thanks for answering. I’m not sure I have enough men to even pull something like this off, but I’ll definitely screenshot and keep it in mind for the future.
Sure thing anon. Would argue that even a handful of soldiers could be formed into a unit, just a matter of designating officers and if there aren't any obvious leader poses anyone will do. One of my first armies was a set of cheap knock-off US soldiers (based on an old Airfix set) and they only had six of the poses (pic related). Since it was around 1991 they became my Iraqis so my Germans would have some allies against the British and Americans. Through accident or design one of the standing aiming riflemen got a little whiteout on his back leg and from that point on was known as Saddam, the leader of the army. Many years later when I officially formed the unit as a company and designated officers he remained the commander with a rank of colonel; other soldiers of different poses made up the rest. There's 54 men in the unit, formally known as the Iraq Republican Guard Company.

Saddam and his boys are among the most experienced troops in my order of battle, though they have always been all but wiped out in every campaign. Still, if you're needing a fanatical rearguard that will fight to the last man, they won't disappoint and just might give as good as they get.
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Been making good progress on organizing and storing my troops better; the best way to save space while still keeping the units distinct is lots of ziplocs. Got one large tote filled up and a second nearly there; the largest units of division size have their own containers and some bucket sets are being kept intact for now.

Figuring out all the vehicles, accessories and terrain and the non-military stuff (knights, cowboys & indians, etc) is going to be fun... Working to get to a point where I can access the extra-large tote where the balance of my army men tanks, trucks and the like have been stored, trapped under skyscrapers of containers full of Halo Mega.

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So… what does Ashley’s underlying body look like?
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Let me save you some money, it will be some low detail nips and a body that don't look quite right no matter how you pose it. You can already see there is a skin tone mismatch on the face and body and it's a fucking promo shot. The clothes obscure the fact that the neck and wrists, and feet look awkward as fuck

T. Impulse bought one too many seamless figure
My JoyToy Sniper Rin was made to look comfortable in her multiple layers of clothes. Well, since the thickness of cloth to us compared to 1/12 figures can only be adjusted so much, they make up for it by thinning the body and elongating the neck. Straight up looks like a Kaminoan without her shirt. So it stays on. Permanently.
Sounds kinda chunky when put like that
She looks like she needs a good rest.
>using the face model for the body instead of the body model

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Hey, can I get a little privacy please?
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I can save her and I prefer moist wet silicone spider robot pussy that gives me a cyber std and makes my body explode into spider babies after we do the dirty
Now I need a batman for my rouge the bat
>Walks like a duck
>Talks like a duck
>Fucks like a spider
You know there is already a coomer thread up, right?
anon Webstor needs privacy not to be elbow deep in greasy figma dolls

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Jenny Wakeman Youtooz plushie
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they don't have any proxy services in your "real" country?
Danny Phantom was the better show.
So the face is because of Viacom? Strange.

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Vegeta - 24000 Power Level [Web Exclusive]
Super Saiyan Vegeta - Awakened Super Saiyan Blood (Reissue)

Cui [Web Exclusive]
Super Saiyan Son Goku Effect Parts Set - Teleport Kamehameha
Son Goku - Saiyan Raised on Earth (Reissue)
Super Saiyan Son Goku - Full Power (Reissue)
Son Goku & Son Gohan -Kid- & Kintoun [SDCC Exclusive]
Future Trunks - Super Saiyan [SDCC Exclusive]
Jiren - Final Battle [SDCC Exclusive]

Super Saiyan Son Goku - Legendary Super Saiyan (Reissue)

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pre orders for tonsen trunks are up, should be shipping soon


What exactly is the difference?
one is anime colors, the other is manga colors
Anime colours and the Z Sword VS manga colours and the whacky flailing arms from when he does the Burning Attack.
someone make a new thread before we archive

...in a non-sexual way.

Any scale, any series. If it's a modular robot toy, post it here.

>Diaclone Reboot (3mm 4mm)
>Transformers Weaponizers/Modulators/Fossilizers (3mm 5mm)
>Tomica Hyper series (5mm)
>ZOIDS (3mm)
>Plarail Shinkalion (5mm)

>30 Minutes Mission (3mm)
>Animagear (3mm)

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ehh, the URL spells it out. it's just the EX core set 3 that they teased before. >>11045553
some one probably just fucked up by updating the home page before they were superposed to.
Seems like they are indeed exclusive to physical shops in Chimelong Zoos. There are already scalper listings on Xianyu and Taobao, and the taobao ones are quite reasonable at 135 138RMB each.
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What OP pic should we use for the next Modular Road-vehicles General thread?
Got the book in today. What kind of vehicles are you looking at using? Vehicle types come in 2 categories and they are pretty broad groupings so I think you can make just about anything work.
Performance Car
Heavy Truck

Drag Racer
Bike (+ variant w/ Sidecar)
Ice Cream Truck

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new thread >>11055047

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Sgt. Rock cant have a gun but you Brainiac have a giant detachable scythe the size of a box cutter? edition

previous: >>11026882
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I wasnt aware he was already done. Just how long has this series been going? I got back into toys like 4ish years ago and i dont recall any dc stuff till around death metal.

So that manhunter looks pretty great, sportsmaster is kinda odd since wild dog would make a better looking figure imo. Still, i guess any golden age hero is neat, even if it just looks like a generic casey jones.
Stupid nigger.
>You should be ashamed


>You should be ashamed


>You should be ashamed


>You should be ashamed

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Yeah, they like, drew on the paint lines from the animation. It looks weird.
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Saw a Treasure X playset on clearance at Target today for $8 and thought it would make a lovely home for Swamp Thing.

Some of the ones in my ever growing collection
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I have several TH from pre-STH era (2007 and older) and they all have rubber wheels and highly detailed paint.
Okay you are the Treasure Hunt Master. Nut not everyone has the time, the money, or the ability to try and fight scalpers to every damn store in town looking for these. In 10 years I've found ONE! So yippee. And yes early TH's were the preliminary versions of the STH's.
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I dont understand how anyone can collect Hotwheels or Matchbox cars there are simply too many of them. 20,000 items along with rare or limited releases that are probably next to impossible to find
I collect 60s and 70s muscle cars from mopar, so plymouths, dodges, chryslers etc...
Only these, don't care about ford or chevy or any other cars and other eras. So far got around 40 mopars in my collection. Including HotWheels or Matchbox and more.
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I found my first treasure hunt today at wal-mart

Post the weirdest toys out there, bonus if they're not bootlegs

Starting with the guest of honor
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Hanna Barbera were a bunch of whores
I know ads exploit kids' emotions but guilt tripping four year olds with death 'take her home or she'll die' crosses a line into outright vulgarity. That pissed me off.
That’s brilliant, would buy.
It's still going on to this day, albeit with dog & cat plushes that are all about "adopting" the plush animal from a shelter. Pound Puppies is probably the most famous and longest-running toy that milks this guilt tripping theme. But there has to be some negative psychological repercussions to a child that "saves" these stuffed animals only for mom to sell it at a garage sale or donate it to a thift store a year or two later.
mmm, squishy bones........

Previous thread: >>11007649

In stores and online currently:
Ult. Bon Jovi (Slippery When Wet)
House of a Thousand Corpses Otis
LJN Colors Warduke & Strongheart
Gargoyles Broadway (Silver Falcon version)
Bear Blood Feral Predator (Prey)
Pizza Club TMNT (Mikey, Raph, Don, Leo)
Mirage TMNT Baxter Stockman, Kirby, Foot Elite, Foot Enforcer, Foot Ninja
Toon TMNT 2-pack Business Casey Jones & Sliced Foot, Samurai Mikey & Space Don
Toon TMNT 4-pack Turtles in Punk Disguise
Ult. Jigsaw (Saw)
Assassin's Creed Ezio (Brotherhood & Revelations)
Ghost Face Inferno (v2)

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Wow, that’s rough.
How much was the transformer thing?

Also new thread? I’ll make one if I have to.
That looks good though?
Yeah, I'll get one together in a moment. There's a lot of stuff happening, so no reason not to get a new thread up.
New thread:

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Welcome to Plastic Building Blocks General!
Previous >>11001379
Archived Threads:

Here, you can discuss foreign and domestic clone brands. Show us things that you've recently bought, built or discovered!

Top brands (not exhaustive):
>Qman (formerly Enlighten)

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How do I buy the keepley naruto sets for legit and not get scammed?
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From Ali I have three of the newest Panzers from Quan Guan (Mark I, Mark IV, Tiger I) and the rest of the sets from the Kazi line of Chinese military vehicles I've been collecting; from the liquidation centre I have a quartet of naval vessels and a couple military vehicles, all Jie Star. Got those Dollar Tree bird sets somewhere too.
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Well I built the Tiger I today and to my considerable consternation the one piece I can't replace from my stockpile is missing - the piece that holds the top hatch cover. Have ordered a smaller tank that includes such a hatch in (hopefully) the same or close enough color scheme, couldn't be bothered trying to get a replacement part. Other than that the tank is a pretty nice build, need to pull out their previous iteration for comparison but I think it's better designed this time around.

Here's that Tiger at center with Cobi's equivalent alongside (the grey one is a Kazi). Both Tigers are meant to be the famous 131 of Fury fame - the Quan Guan version has a slightly longer hull which spoiled it some, this newer Tiger is better proportioned I think.

Where can I get a Raven figure that looks like her GO design or her 2003 design hooded?
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OP, how hard is it to google "Teen Titans Go Raven figure"??

I agree with this anon >>11024486 Don't be a lazy ass.
She cute
She looks retarded and I hate that her eyes aren’t shadowed
I'm so happy that Bandai of America is dead

I'm looking for life sized pikmin figures as in the actual size they appear in game I plan to place them around my yard near my plants and such
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If you mean this set, I just measured mine and both the Pikmin and Olimar are about the same height, 2" tall
>anon wants to pick men and have them all over his property
nothing new here folks
Pikmin have very simple shapes and you can mould them out of clay even with 0 experience.
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Honestly to get a 1:1 accurate sized Pikmin would probably be way too small for anyone to actually see. They'd have to be less than an inch tall.

I have this and recommend that if you want to decorate them in your yard/plants. Even at this scale, they're pretty small. I was able to snag the whole set for like $15-$20 but its been out of print for a while. I don't think Jazwares has re-released it but they always could with updated 4 branding.

Your best bet for 1:1 scale is to make them yourself, either 3D printed or with sculpty clay. Then you can make a bunch of them all at once.
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Bought the Dolphin & Hocotate ship, despite being pricey, it's unironically a good deal when compare to official pikmin products.

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There’s a big market with artisan toys, I mainly follow the Star Wars ones, but there’s a lot of different ones out there. There’s Stan Solo, Fans Strike Back, The Next 17, etc… they all make quality toys on the same level as the Kenner originals. Now sometimes they make “repros” of vintage figures to try to get them out there, a big example being Stormtrooper disguise Han Solo because it was a difficult figure to get back in the day that fetches a high price. But they also provide us with things we never got, like the Bantha that Kenner showed a prototype for, but never actually released. Or Slave Leia, which was a big miss from the original Kenner line. Does /toy/ appreciate these artisan toy makers or do we see them as “stealing” Kenner’s designs?
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It was clearly a piece of shit
stfu troon, I am not Jin
>republicans hate free speech even though it's democrats who literally jail people for saying the wrong thing that offended special snowflakes

>call someone Jin for pointing out the obvious

Are you high on something? For real
You guys are mentally deficient
can i post art toys here though

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