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Mattel is fucking winning. That Spino looks great and Quatzel WITH PROPPER FOLDABLE WINGS
Toadline rex
Scientific accuracy
the colors on these guys remind me of turok
I'm pretty sure Prehistoric Planet had more color variety and that was genuinely going for le scientific accuracy.

Wave 3 of Sonic The Hedgehog 3 6 inch soon.

Gerald is the only new figure.
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Silver has never been silver, rouge isn't rouge, cream isn't cream
because it would be a box set, not an entire line
can you read?
>mario autist still sperging days later
>figures can't stand on their own
Did a later batch of these figures get fucked or something? I have numerous dupes of Shadow and all of them were fine. Sonic is fine as well since his head is hollow.
>still replying
Stay mad

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What were the best toys you got in one of these vending machines? We can talk about eastern Gashapon machines, too.
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that's really nice
>sup my ninjas?!
Does anyone else have a gashapon kiosk at their local mall?
i do
but i tried it once and it fucking ripped me off
never trying those chink machines ever again
There's one nearby. CAD bucks, a 500yen machines are $12. It's a bit nuts, just not worth it. I'd rather just order from ToySanta.

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Why is Japan the only country in the world that produces toys of value?
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No you don't. That thing is also a floppy pile of shit. All it needed was the revoltech clickety clackety joints we were probably promised. I could've Pledged its joints, but then I remembered all the work I did with Arthur by replacing his joints. Waste of time because nothing stayed in
I much prefer articulated figures, but non-articulated ones are the original toys. Both originally since their inception hundreds - if not thousands of years ago - but they're also the starting point for most children. We are given non-articulated figures first as toys to play.
Weird way to say China
Because their high end companies produce for adult collectors with high standards. Japan has candy toys for kids and the high end stuff doesn't try to get both markets.

Meanwhile, so called collector companies in the US make this thing.
not wrong but Godzilla statues are not really designed to play either.

I just discovered Jojo's Chest and really digging her.
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>open video
>woman starts talking
>close video
>look for video with man talking about same subject
Homosexual life
no fucking shot lmfao
please send proof i have to see this
I wish
Coomer brain rot

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Has anyone been to Wonder Festival before? I'm in Tokyo next month and I'm hoping to check it out. Can you buy exclusive toys and sell them for a profit?
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What are you guys looking forward to seeing at wonfes?
Boogiepop figma
I've been to a Wonfest and a Tokyo Toy show (and a few Design Festa)
Expect a big line to get in that starts early, even with prebooked tickets. If you have your eye on a show exclusive, especially one that will be in high demand, if you aren't near the front of the line you're fucked.
Once gates open, collectors will bee line straight for the booths of the exclusives they want to snap up. Even in that case, you might snap up one, but others you are after might sell out by the time you are finished at the first booth.

Expect a well ordered, polite shit fight. Especially if there's Chines/Philipino/Indonesian scalpers.
Boogiepop Phantom Nendoroid
Mythic Legions

Previous Thread >>11287466

>New/Latest Pre-orders

The Vintage Collection:
-B-1 Battledroid Troop Build 4pk - Pulse/Disney
-501st Clone Trooper (OWK)
-Mandalorian Super Commando (Ahsoka)
-Baylan Skoll
-Shin Hati
-Journey of Anakin Skywalker 3pk - Pulse
-Heir to the Empire 3pk - Pulse
-IG-12 (Deluxe)
-C1-10P (Imperial Disguise) - FanCh
-Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Legend)

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>Gee what sells more the main villain and hero with laser swords or the wrinkly old man background bad guy?

Are you retard?
Are you fuckin retarded?
Palpatine is the villain. Not Darth Vader.
>background bad guy
he’s like one of the most famous film villains in history
>Palpatine is kind of a lesser purchase?
He's never been a huge seller.
Thanks for reminding me that TVC Hunter came out nearly 2 years ago and we still haven't seen another member

Previous: >>11277980
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$20 in the US but we never got Tyrantrum so most of us would probably pay whatever
Why not aliexpress?
I made that post when people were saying usps was stopping packages for who knows how long. Later though that became a non-issue. Im confused on the whole taxes thing going on though since I dont follow the news at all. Does it apply to every courier?
Welp, guess I'm canceling my aliexpress orders for the pokemon blockees. I was so excited for ceruledge, meowscarada, and Greninja too. No way Im paying $100 in customs. Fuck trump.
But we will completely overhaul every industry and have factories in our own country to produce stuff in the USofA in no time! Didn't you hear? And there's no way any stuff produced here will cost any more than it currently costs being made overseas.

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Just wanna say how much I love this set, pretty much my fave mirage TMNTs
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Just wanted to reiterate how great these are in case it wasn’t noticed
Eh, I’ll stick with my NECA versions. They’re far superior.

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These were first announced in the early 2000s. Eventually, in 2013, they got funded through Kickstarter. But after this figure and a few Chupacabras were sent out to backers, production suddenly stopped, and the guy making the figures disappeared from the internet. Mothman and the Jersey Devil were part of this first wave, but they were never released. I never thought I'd own this!
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Jean St Jean has always sculpted awful, ugly, barely functional joints. He tanked almost every Marvel Select release for about a decade with hideous joints.
Oh wow, I remember seein this picture in Toyfare magazine almost 20 years ago. I thought the line was cancelled altogether. Nice score, OP.
Why is it Americans can never make good toys? They always look shit, no wonder Trumpy put tariffs on China they make way better stuff.
You faggots make it way to easy to find you

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Welcome to the Army Men General!

Previously: >>11281427

>Plastic soldiers, knights and pirates, cowboys and indians, fantasy and sci-fi, cops and zombies, all are welcome here!

>Archived threads:

>Army men wargame rules:

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I guess things having cool art and disappointing products wasn't just a video game thing. It's weird that the "low-quality" flat army men of the modern day have some precedence.
I saw female BMC armymen on Amazon last year. They were soldiers and not dolls so this was a surprise.
These old vintage toys really were something.
That sounds cool.
>I saw female BMC armymen on Amazon last year
Gf bought me a set of those...
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Meant for >>11325955 haven't opened them.

I have tube of "flat" zombies.
The Knights look cool. I dunno if it's because they look iconic but I think the designs seem to pop more here.

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What vpets are you raising? You've not let any of them die recently I hope
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Why new knockoffs all have resets on the front and they are normal buttons????
to make you MAD lmao!!! :D
I was playing around with one and ended up taking it apart just to remove the reset the button. It was the first button so I kept pressing it instead of the select button. Designed by an absolute psychopath for sure
Tried getting back into the demonslayer tamagotchi, but then I remembered no matter what you do, its random, so I gave up.
>Why new knockoffs all have resets on the front and they are normal buttons????
zoomers/gen alpha are too retarded to pick a pen every time to press the reset-hole

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>/lg/ Flickr Group:

>LEGO General Archive:

>Third Party Information:
https://pastebin.com/YHYxy2Ze (embed)

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For me it's
Anyone have a medium green brick next to a sand green one? I need compare the colors.
>pre 2000s was the golden era of lego

>the golden era
Man even as a kid I could never make my own stuff, I liked playing with the instruction built sets
Even now I can't make MOCs
What do?

Any scale, any series. If it's a modular robot toy, post it here.

>Diaclone Reboot (3mm 4mm)
>Transformers Weaponizers/Modulators/Fossilizers (3mm 5mm)
>Tomica Hyper series (5mm)
>ZOIDS (3mm)
>Plarail Shinkalion (5mm)

>30 Minutes Mission (3mm)
>Animagear (3mm)
>Machine Robo Mugenbine
>Gunpla and Misc. Plamo (3mm)

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I will never get used to the bilibili full screen symbol
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So far the 4cm figures feel more like they turn into Digimon eggs than proper boxes, but the beast modes are all so cute that I don’t mind much. Only skipped the fish because I don’t like the partsforming stand.

I kind of wish the penguin had a removable/swappable head like the axolotl and koala, but it doesn’t seem like it. In fact it would be neat if more Beastboxes had detachable heads/tails/wings/limbs so you could make your own crazy hybrid animals.
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Fuck Takara. What the hell is this packaging?
Lol get used to it that's how they've been packaging everything from beyblades to bottleman to tomica playsets, everything that's not contracted by hasbro

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Like 2
In-country postal service
Noice! It takes USPS a week to get things in state for me sometimes. Been waiting on package from 2 hours away for a week.
I would have just fucking gone and picked it up had I known.
May have to rebuild the chicken walker mechas legs with articulation.
This is why Hello Kitty wears rain gear into battle.

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