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what's your favorite perplexus?

How we feeling about Aetherdrift?
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Real kamigawa or NEOvagina? Because that cyberpunk gundam garbage is possibly the worst slop ever to hit the franchise outside of the cowboy set.
haven't cared about new sets since m20, anything beyond that is tranny goyslop
This is offtopic but it is the least interesting set I have seen in 14+ years
No, they aren't.

Aka the annual GET IN HERE FAGGOTS edition.
>torin is saved.

Last Thread:>>11115647
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Ball joints can be versatile but need to be positioned well to make poses look more natural. Fiddling with them helps; if they're tight, do it in a bowl of lukewarm water to loosen them a bit. In time and with some practice your posing can get better.
wouldn't the 'folds' of the arms block the ass though?
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So bend her over anon.
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>are these things supposed to tempt you to get the others to mix and match
Yes. Clover, Shamrock, Iana, and the new boy Machaon in particular are intended for you to buy multiples of, since you can use them as nude bodies for all the rest of your girls (which is particularly useful if you intend on dressing them in actual doll clothing). In the case of pic related, Sakura Lily's head, tail, and accessories have been placed on a spare Iana, who shares the same body type; it's also possible to just swap limbs, so you can remove the heavy and awkward miko sleeves for normal arms, or the sandals for bare feet, and so on.

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Why is this board so dead lately? There isn't even a WonFes thread. What happened?

Anyway. Some news has already leak, go to Hobby Dengeki for HD images over the next couple days.

Please post any other sites, or image you find that have reveals.
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As they should be
Die Ken.
Does this mean fragility? As far as I'm aware my stuff is made of PVC which is soft rubber-like plastic like Marvel Legends or Revoltech, so ABS means it's more prone to breaking?
I'd like to know from some anon who got the mantis, does she feel brittle?
it's hard plastic. It doesn't feel fragile, but it is definitely more brittle than flexible. I'm pretty sure legos are ABS if that's any frame of reference.
Her antennas are actually metal, which is the part of her most likely to be damaged. if you really beat her up then some of her spikes, maybe the tips of her feet or fingers might get damaged but I think you'd need to work for it, or have a serious shelf dive.
>hard plastic
So something similar to the Synthetic Humans from 1000toys? It's the only one I have with a rather hard plastic.

>I'm pretty sure legos are ABS if that's any frame of reference.
Ohhh I see, damn they're quite brittle considering Lego's quality nowadays.

>some of her spikes

I just discovered Jojo's Chest and really digging her.
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Intergalactic house of toys. But I wouldn't suggest looking it up its a acquired taste.
Good? He makes funny videos about stuff I like?
>I would recommend RetroBlasting
please no.... just no
i don't mind threw but there is a creep vibe coming from him,
this was from a time when it was normal to talk like that and /toy/ was a very different place. thew just grew and changed with the times, like any normal functioning adult would

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Going through my dad's stuff. This Airfix 1/24 James Bond DB5 is apparently very fucking rare
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gets ejaculated out.....

eject, ejected
the up arrow on the DVD player and VHS...
the pull switch in a fighter jet...
eject eject eject
>He's still alive lel
Man, i was going to say that you need to sell this shit, because most of this stuff is going to become as wanted as Elvis Presley velvet paintings and commemorative plates. The type of people who want what you posted are dead and dying.
They're at the end of their life and few of them are even looking to buy old shit like this anymore, so prices are only going to go down as the rest of people your dad's age die off and their kids start selling off their junk.
ejaculated sounds better, and he was all white

I've been on a whizzwheels streak lately
never recall seeing them in the past but now they pop up on thriftstores sometimes.
They're generally lower quality than matchbox but have some really fun castings.

Oh, this is neat. Your old man’s got taste.
that's really sweet anon, I don't have anything from my childhood because my sister sold it all for crack.

I mean holy shit, look at this image.
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I agree.
I work out at the library for weeks and I still have marginal head circumference gains.

Are they juicing?
It depends on on the Barbie model. Barbie Looks 12 looks like my kind of woman. Damn.
Since the cloth used in Barbie clothes is so much thicker than what actual in-scale cloth would be, I always assumed they made the dolls with slender proportions so that they wouldn't look like they were overweight (or wearing parkas) when they were clothed.
thats definitely part of it, you can see that with pretty much every doll line until you get into bigger scales like 1/4.
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>dont dead open inside

>What is glyos

>What is available

>Thread challenge
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Love it anon we need more post like this!
wtf this build is so dope
nice work anon
Dogshit slop, perfect for this place
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waow so edgy

I've bought countless toys from places like Target, Walmart, and Amazon in the last five years since I began collecting again, and during that time, I've frequently returned figures, opened AND unopened, due to quality control issues and the like; but I've never once had anyone question me or refuse a refund under any circumstance, until today, from Target guest services...

Target guest services employee, after I'd handed her an opened Marvel Legends figure for a return and refund: "I don't believe we can refund opened items of this type." Me: this is a first for me in several years of shopping here--is this a new policy?" Lady standing next to her: "No sir, this a long standing policy regarding opened items of this type." Me: "Why am I just encountering this now???"

I ended up getting the refund after speaking with one of the team lead whom I know pretty well, but it seemed really out of the blue to me, and even to him, and he said he'd speak to the employees and to Asset Protection about it in follow up. Just curious if anyone else has encountered this recently or if any current or former employees (asset protection, anyone?) would care to chime in? If this is going to be the standard practice at Target now as far as returns go, this seems like another good reason to cut back on toy buying, given the store isn't going to stand behind one of their brands.
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I did have an issue where I bought the Yoshi 3DS I believe it was at Target and went through 2 returns due to dead pixels on the screen. The third one they had me open at the store and thankfully it was fine.
Electronics are a different beast. There's tons of fraud and theft involved, so of course they're more careful there.
Sometimes I've been told by the retailer to return defective product to the manufacturer, but the one time I did that it was with Hasbro and they sent me a replacement product. If you're familiar with their business practice, the product they send isn't necessarily the product you returned, just an item of equal value from the same wave of product, so I ended up with a duplicate of something I already owned. I did end up returning THAT to walmart and from then on would only accept in store replacement or full refunds.
Pay in cash, don't sign up for any customer registration programs ezpz.
>this made up policy
Do you mean "this made up policy" that has been on Target's website for years?
Did you know that in Missouri, it's illegal to drive on the highway with an uncaged bear in your car? How often do you think that law is enforced? And yet it exists. Just like this Target policy. It's really, reeeeally funny how angry you get whenever someone brings this up.

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For me it’d be a 4.5 inch secret wars line with updated articulation. Dream scenario would be for somebody that can handle dc superpowers gets that line and does the exact same so they can scale together.
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A line dedicated to doing as many monsters from the Dragon Quest series as humanly possible, across all games
Scale and amount of articulation aren't a big deal, I'd even take Monster in My Pocket style, provided we get hundreds of them
Ralph Bakshi's Wizards toyline
Like a jazwares pokemon sort of thing I'd like, where they make some bigger selects with more articulation than the smaller guys too
Oh cool! I've seen plenty of dq monster figs but I didnt know they made actually articulated ones like the selects
They sell a ton of DQ monsters in plastic and plush in their Artnia store in Tokyo. They just don't make them easy to get outside of that store.

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I think everyone knows super7 has quite a bad reputation, but they seem to be once again making quality figures. Their recent Dungeons and Dragons figures seem to be stellar. Their TMNT ultimates started off great, but have become more of a mixed bag lately. Is super7 once again becoming a worthwhile company to buy from?
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Unironically one of their better quality lines was the Simpson one and we know how that turned out
Damn unfortunate but it makes sense why I see them marked down to 22 bucks. Thanks for the reply.
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Yeah, I'm not sure there's a Godlar around that's intact. I'd say they dropped the ball on Power Rangers, but it feels like they were literally not paying attention to their output for some reason. Maybe they were trying to play catch up on releases and didn't have time to check samples? Who knows. It's why the line is dead already.
I didn't break my goldar however I've been extremely careful with it and will probably never risk swapping back to the tiny wings. Its a shame because he is one of S7's best looking figures for sure but they are too fucking inept to deal with gold plastic properly.
i bought the big purple goat man from thundercats and I like him


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I've said this before but no sane person is gonna want this whole collection, I dunno what lego were thinking.
I'm just gonna scan them and get a ferrari, mclaren and a red bull (or haas), i literally don't care about any of the others.
Does this wave not last long at least? How long is f1 season
The F1 season lasts for ages now cause they keep adding new races, the next one starts in march and goes on to december.
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I’m super excited about the new CMF because I can finally be like “I’m not getting any of these!” And not feel like I’m missing out on anything. Save a bit of money and explore some new $5ish toys.
Is 2025 the end of Lego?

For a franchise as popular and defining as Back to the Future, it’s odd it doesn’t have that many toys. I mean, name a pop culture vehicle as popular as the DeLorean Time Machine. Only the Ecto-1 comes to mind. NECA attempted figures from the popular franchise, but without a DeLorean to go with them, what’s the point? And that’s where Playmobil comes in, deliviring accurate figures, the DeLorean, and even locations from the films! I mean, this is what I’ve always wanted ever since I was a kid, Back to the Future playsets. Does anyone here own the Playmobil stuff or even any other BttF toys? Thoughts?
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This set just came out.
nah he is right 100 percent
Playmobil, it's cardboard. IIRC it was the box for an advent calendar that had parts to turn your DeLorean into the part 3 version
That’s neat, what scale?
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Micro Machine size, so pretty small. The cars are like 1.6" long. I have the Jurassic Park gate one.

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Revell Edition

previous Revell: >>11303790

This Revell is for the discussion of scale Revell (and resin, PE, wood, etc) model Revells
-Post photos of your Revells in progress and your finished Revells
-Have your Revells revelled or revel others
-Discuss Revells and techniques
-Ask for Revell or give Revell to others

Always revel:
>No Revell is purely Revell or Revell (except Revell). ALWAYS research your Revell before buying.

Some helpful Revells to get started:

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I didn't realize until well after I'd already made it halfway through the top side that I should have painted everything a consistent color after I had masked off the bare metal parts, but I just kept going to see what happens.
I saw someone do this on youtube and wanted to give it a try. It looks ok. Will probably look better once it gets a wash.

That said, I'm not sure how to proceed with clear coat. I think I'll give it a gloss coat and then maybe mask off the bare metal panels again before I put on the matte coat (after putting on the decals) to keep the metal parts shiny while the painted panels remain matte. We'll see.
Looks interesting. Similar technique I think used by the people giving F-35s and F-22s that rusty RAM look
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looking better than expected so far. a lot more consistent paintjob than campbeltown but i definitely have to improve PE manipulation and installation. ship&plane will get a matte varnish once everything had time to dry. in the meantime i try to craft water splash effects for the depth charges
Cute! How did you do the sea? The ol' wet tp method?
Although the bow waves look a bit weird.
thanks! yes tp and thin pva glue. the two dios before i only used it to create random wave patterns which worked like a charm but i had to work the tp way more to form the wake and bow wave, thats why they look a bit off.

Welcome to the Fashion Doll General!

A thread for discussion of fashion dolls including Barbie, Disney, LOL OMG, Rainbow High, Monster High, Licca-chan etc but not BJD. There is a BJD general over in /jp/.

Other toys considered dolls as well as girl collectable toys that are related to dolls or can be used as accessories to dolls are also welcome such as LOL, Shopkins, Polly Pocket and the like.

*Reminder to REPORT trolling, bait and off topic posts instead of responding.*

Previous Thread: >>11291024

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I would guess this is for either Boo-riginal Creepos or Fang Vote.
>>>/jp/48744742 has a gdrive full of sewing patterns, if I recall. Perhaps some of them may be of use to you?
Any love for LDD here?
Living Dead Dolls? Not for me personally, I dont care for baby style dolls
I get it, Im just a big horror fan so I enjoy the creepy aesthetic of it.

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