The road to recovery is first admitting that nothing made by a domestic company is an "adult collectible", but was intended for children. There are no exceptions to this rule believe it or not. If you are ok with this thats fine, but its something you must admit. The second is that any import is better than its domestic counterpart. people will try to find weird exceptions with dishonest comparisons. The truth is import companies have so much more freedom with what they can make. Theres a price arguement, but its unfair to compare socioeconomic factors. just compare figure to figure.The third is that bootlegs are based. from Transformers Oversized KO, to snail shell, to Mafex, bootlegs serve an essential function when done well and we need more of them. I personally love my oversized titans return figures. yes this includes 3rd party. they are technically bootlegs, but also good bootlegs are based so do not feel ashamed or discouragedThe fourth is to collect what you want. do not collect figures because they are popular or rare. buy what you actually want. Follow these principles /toy/ and you will achieve enlightenment.
If it has articulation then it is not a collectible.
>>11361032>A better rule is to go by where it is sold. If it is sold at Walmart, Target or Best Buy, it was intended for either kids or the lowest common denominator of humans.So SHF is for children because Target has some. OK. Take your meds.
>>11361019Fuck off and die retard. You are so pathetic.
>>11361240They are usually the entry level Naruto and Luffy figures in Target.So yes. They are for kids. Or lowest common denominator humans that are into shonenslop.
>>11361296no they are very clearly made for adults. you do it by company not by where its sold
Previous Thread >>11313784Welcome to the 1:18th general. All 1:18th scale lines are welcome including larger scales that may work with 1:18th. Post pics of your latest purchases, dios, customs and whatever else you feel like posting. We encourage mixing lines. Let’s keep this general fun and help each other out.>1:18th linesAcid Rain(post apocalyptic soldiers, mechs, robots, vehicles)Boss Fight Studios(Fantasy, Zorro, Tarzan, Zombies, The Phantom, horses)Dime Novel Legends(Western figures)GI JoeHiya(Aliens, D.C., Predator, Robocop)Indiana JonesJazwares(Halo, Fortnite)Joy Toy(Warhammer 40k, Modern/futuristic military soldiers, mechs, dioramas, vehicles)Jurassic ParkMarauder Gun Runners(Modern military, WWII)Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>11360105Judging by the matchbox/hotwheels sized vehicle on the deck in the orange raft, I don't think this is even remotely close to 1/18.
>>11360000Literally one of the more popular movie creatures. What brand is the TOY.
>>11359521>>11359765>>11360000>>11360909>What brand is the TOYGaloobAs far as I'm aware the only other Warrior Bugs were made by Figma and Funko Pop years afterwards and they aren't in our scale.
the 1/18 smilodon's finally coming in September
>>11361239The figma would probably pass as a juvenile, but considering secondary market prices most folks would probably be immensely disappointed with what they were getting. you be willing to pay higher prices for your domestic toys? People were already cutting back after the last round of price increases and now more are coming. Will you cut back further? Are you considering dropping some lines?Also, making toys in the US is apparently a nonstarter, would raise costs 50% due to the lack of a plastics industry supply chain.
The average poster of this board really is too stupid for this world.
>>11361465>Japanese companies make their products (toys and otherwise) in Japan after all,Whats a line of Japanese figures made in Japan?
>>11361570Just like how the auto companies are going to make car manufacturing plants in the US in one month time to avoid the tariffs, right? Face it, everything is outsourced and never coming back in the United States.
>>11361607IIRC Bandai's model kits (Gunpla etc) are all made in Japan.
>>11361613Those aren't figures, they're model kits. I can see why they can make those since they don't have to pay people to assemble them. Never saw a "made in Japan" on any of my imported figures.
>"If you're new, you're gonna fuck up. Don't worry! If you're experienced, don't make the new people worry!"***READ THE GUIDE***Discord guide:Part 1 (Quick Start) 2 (Deeper Dive) a handy guide to other types of plamo: too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>11360120hey, that's my pic, neatI hope blokees keep making more saint seiya stuff, this line (and their pokemon one) are truly superb
I want the GQuuuuuuX kits now, April get here faster please
Do you think Bandai should sue?
out of the 5 kits I liked enough to put on top of my computer only one is official bandai plastic
>>11360312bro chill, the anime isn't even out yet.
So pokemon day is near, and I know it almost means nothing for us but you can celebrate with your toys and also hope for the new and old megas to get cool figures Previos: >> 11311382Have fun
>>11361203Who did you buy from? That way I and others can avoid them
>>11361169To you and all other I'd say, better to disput, chinese sellers won't give in unless the page forces them. Now, if your item has entered customs I would say, that's pretty much on your country.Otherwise just wait for the time limit for arrival to run out so your refund can be more automated Are you all on the US anyway? Been hearing a lot of complains about ali lately, meanwhile here in Mexico they are still shipping pretty fast, got my blokees on 9 days
>>11361250Gold Lemon Store>>11361264item passed import customs twice (transit and destination countries), its stuck between the after-customs and getting delivered to my postoffice, who i contacted twice and cant do anything because they havnt physically received it and thus cant do anything for me yet. also the whole investegation for lost package can only be initiated by the sender, or id not been trying to deal with the seller over this.>just wait for the time limit for arrival to run out so your refund can be more automated thats what im at now, next week its at the 30days in shipping part, that when refunded ill get it easier and wont have to ship it back if it does appear afterwards.also no im in europe. all my other ali stuff went through no problem and all was simply 1 day ahead in shipping, so somhow the zard lagged behind 1 day from another order and got lost in the process.
>>11361535Well damn, hope it turns well at the endI ordered mine from XIXIAO store store if anyone want a good store rec, sadly they are out of stock for the big ones right now.Lots of stores are getting less and less stock of them, I guess that's a good sign of a third wave being possible
>>11361562>third wave being possibleThird? What about a second? Was that even confirmed?
Hi all, back here again with a thread about toys!!Let's make this one a bit more interesting. Post a figure or up to 3 and say why they are your favorites. This Elenor is one of my favorites because I played Phantasy Star Online since the Dreamcast, doing her quests its a fond memory and I really liked the character. Nostalgia aside, the Figure has pretty good articulation. It's not the greatest, but it's not bad. Accessories are awesome and accurate to the game also she came with loads of them. Finally, the weight of the figure is great because of the bit of die-cast.
>>11359011Pepperidge Farm remembers. Waf is just legit fun.
Urge to buy 3 more of these 2 packs to have 4 of each turtle with their respective gear is rising....
Welcome back!
recent purchases
katsu kollage
Dino & Jurassic Park/World general: Rebirth 2.0 EditionWelcome to /dino/ a thread for all things prehistoric animal related toys!With the new Rebirth trailer comes new toys from Mattel.Archive: are you hoping to see in Rebirth?Previously:>>11326251
>>11360502>why would anyone find a 40+ft long predator scary?
>>11359816I love asset 87, that spinos the coolest movie monster.I cant wait for the Hammond, hoping they do the markings justice.>>11359939yes brown and neon yellow stripes is less flashy then the muted reds and slight hint of blue on a greyish-green body?the Rebirth spino sails look like emergency flags for ships.
>>11361172>asset 87God i hate JW's retconning so much
>>11361419its simply the name it got in the netflix show and likely just what it got named on the new island. all the dinos there were just reffered to as "assets" so it being just a number to them makes sense.
>>11361547Ah i thought you were talking about how they retconned it into being a hybrid
I'm sick of having a bag of 20 hands with every spiderman figure. I just want the complete re-invention of poseable hands for figures that dont need to hold things. >they look like shitits been 20 years since the original spiderman films. Im confident theres a way to make them not like shit>marvel legends will never do itbut Revoltech, Bandai, and Mafex could>no breaky breakyok just include the articulated hands and regular hands. alternatively sell th extra hand seperately, if the coomers will buy extra feet, i will buy extra hands.
>>11349069This guy has some weird bendy type fingers that I've never seen since. They seem to have gotten stiffer with age. No idea what the name of the line would be if anyone could tell me that'd be nice. Had him since like 1996 or something >>11352032We could have an epic battle.
>>11359116Messing with him the first time in decades and he's amazing. All Bens joints (except stiff fingers) are perfectly mobile and posable. Even the upper half of his torsoe has a surprising amount of range. I used to yeet huge rocks at this dude. He was my favorite so I heaped the abuse on him for 'epic battles' and such. Really a solid fucking piece of work whoever made it.
>>11349069Buying figures loose nowadays is unacceptable to me because they never have all the hands or heads, we need to go back to toybiz style, just do the figure as is and articulate what makes sense for the character
>>11359125>one was a mass market figure for less than $50 dollars>one is a haslab exclusive for $200 not including tax and shippingwhat is there not to understand retard?
Previously: >>11345213 -Marvel Legends X-Force X-23/Warparth 2 pack announced (Pre-order in March)-Marvel Legends Deluxe Gamerverse Venom solicited(All major retailers)-Marvel Legends Spider-Man 2 Gamerverse Wave soliicted(All major retailers)-Marvel Legends Deluxe Gamerverse Kingpin Announced (Amazon Exclusive, March pre-order)-Marvel Legends Spirit Spider Announced (Walmart Exclusive, March pre-order)-Mafex Daredevil reissued (March 2025 release)-Marvel Legends Maximum Series Spider-Man Solicited (Amazon/Fan Channel Exclusive, $49.99)Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>11361618Less AI and more like a badly spliced Photoshop collage which makes more sense during those times.
>>11361836Man, it's sad when I prefer the smiling head from KiB over this
Walmart collector con is on the 13th and 14th. Spirit Spider and Nick Hammond Soider-Man will be going up then.
Go go go!>Archived Thread:>Previous Thread:>>11351139Press release:>The Combinable Dinozords also include another fun wrinkle, as when you collect all five Zords you can combine them in one of two modes, the Tank Mode or Fighting Mode. They will retail for $17.99. Then there’s the Power Morpher, which will include all five of the Power Coins and includes 40 sounds and phrases and will retail for $16.99.>The final piece is the Blade Blaster, which allows you to go from Blaster mode into Sword mode and features over 20 sounds and phrases, with lights on every blast. This retails for $19.99. too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>11361183The Legacy Morpher is only accurate to it's appearances from Ninja Steel onwards. Everything prior to that looked like the 93 toy, which is very different. The prop Morphers on the Ranger suit belts also looks like the 93 toy.
>>11361208I am aware, I'm just saying that the Legacy Morpher is a better actual representation of what they SHOULD look like. And the fact that it was also used as a prop in the later seasons makes it just as valid as the 93 Morpher in that sense.
>>11361209. Why SHOULD the Morpher have looked different from what was used in the first 20 years of the franchise? I've always thought the Legacy Morpher was overly bulky and cumbersome for something the Rangers have to discreetly carry on their persons. The original toy can be pocketed believably, but the Legacy is a beast. The finish and proportions of the Legacy also don't match the Rangers' belt buckles like the original toy, and they should.
>>11361344You are being way too autistic for this bro.
>>11356983You have a source on this?
I heard this from bobby vala, when he was discussing DC getting sold to Mattel. He also said that the Marvel License is coming up this year and Hasbro doesn't want to go down with the sinking ship.If mcfarlane does take this license, he needs to make it abundantly clear that he wont tolerate making figures for bad shows and movies. otherwise, he shouldnt take the license.I think Mcfarlane is worse than hasbro, but I'm still confident he could deliver a better hulk, and maybe a few other characters. for example, a mcfarlane spiderman, made by mcfarlane would be a fun novelty to have. if autistic retards are to be believed, the 7 inch mandate came from DC and not mcfarlane, and if thats true its possible the new marvel figures will be 6 inch (but i dont put faith in autistic retards)also putting "Rumor" and "Leak" next to your predictions is fucking gay
>>11352947Fake and gay, Mortal Kombat is 7 inches too retard
>>11361086Nice projection, I don’t have a single MOTUCope and seethe
>>11352947Those statues go hard ngl
>>11361016Certainly not what Mcfarlane gives us LOL
>>11352947>if autistic retards are to be believed, the 7 inch mandate came from DC and not mcfarlaneExplain the other 7 inch lines he made including Doom, Spawn, Sports figures,
You can (relatively) easily find action figures from Mario, Sonic, Street Fighter, Mega Man, Final Fantasy 7, Mortal Kombat, LoZ, etc.Some characters are more expensive, some can be find at the supermarket, some are exclusive, some are made by 3 differents companies. But you know the figures exists. They’re available.But not for Classic Lara Croft. And I don’t know why…We’ve had 2013 Lara some years ago, but it’s not the iconic look than everyone would recognize at first glance.It’s not that the classic look isn’t used anymore, recents remastered games and mobile games used it.Is it because girls characters sell less? I don’t think you make a figure with from a 30 years old games for small kids.Is it because TR fans prefer statues over action figures ? Maybe. But Lara is an acrobatic character, articulations would be perfect for her !Not retro enough / too retro ? Classic Lara isn’t much younger than Sonic, nor much older than Cloud or Aerith. She’s from the 90’s, too. 90’s are cool again ! Ask the X-men !Is it because of Square Enix ? They have their own line of video game figures called Bring Arts. I didn’t see any Lara in pre-order ? It’s a mystery too me. Maybe you know the reason ?Hopefully, with the new Netflix animated series, we’ll have some articulated good old Lara Croft. By Jada, Spinmasters, Bandai, Storm, or whoever.Does anyone else here think classic Tomb Raider toys would sell well?
>>11360848>>11359038Meant to ask where did you get the clothes. Aliexpress?
>>11360662Who made this one?
>>11358940Lara Croft doens't have the dogshit nuLara necklace
>>11360864Dunno. I think this one is theirs, too.
Warhammer general;Joytoy: running three linesMcFarlane: they lost DC, they still doing 40k?Bandai: my line of jokes is just like this line.Thread question; what, if anything, do you want to see them do from Age of Sigmar? Alternatively, what recolors would you want to see in 40k?
>>11358733Not bad, I'd still maybe put a little bit of saran-wrap or plastic-film inbtween his face and the helmet though.
>>11358756Yeah I was about to ask what to use. I'll do it tomorrow.
Scouts when
Where are the blank marine figures for sale, haven't seen them available yet?
Any scale, any series. If it's a modular robot toy, post it here.TakaraTomy>Diaclone Reboot (3mm 4mm)>Transformers Weaponizers/Modulators/Fossilizers (3mm 5mm)>Tomica Hyper series (5mm)>ZOIDS (3mm)>Plarail Shinkalion (5mm)>T-SPARK Toyrise (5mm)>etcBandai>30 Minutes Label (Mission/Fantasy/Sisters) (3mm)>Animagear (3mm)>Machine Robo MugenbineComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>11360264Ya but you could also get >>11359105
>>11359056man it's a pain to take screens of their player
>>11361260>front cannons can be folded up>front ramps deployed using buttons on side>commander's seat is manual up/down>front bike compartment and elevator use different hand-crank ports>interior glass window is removable>side bike compartments are still there, duh>fork lift is functional and has D-vehicle rectangular slot underneath.lady presenter doesn't have forklift licensedidn't explain the mysterious hinges >>11349284>>11360695 was also shown. >>11360172 it has both front and back connectors
>>11361289>mysterious hingesThat's probably just the trailer hitch (picrel from POP01). It's redesigned to fit around the bike lift. But it does the same thing
>>11361311Forgot picrel
Meowscarada Plamo's out.(Yes, people have already modded tits on it)
What's the best 1/12 scale Greninja figure?
Does anyone have the select cinderace yet? How is it?
>>11359602Mein neger.
>>11359589cat/lynx jester/magigian/streetperformer/scam artist
>>11361008I only have the plamo, but I'd say Blokees.Select's too xbox huge.