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-We have e-mails for a reason. USE THEM.
-Be sure to have PRICES (with photos preferably) in your SALE listings - NO "feeler" posts, just post the thing with a price.
-Ignore price-policing posts, as someone will ALWAYS complain. E-mail the seller and communicate accordingly if pricing is an issue.
-I'll save you the effort: check Mandarake, either for pricing (if selling), or for availability (if buying).
-Don't shit-talk buyers or sellers without evidence.

Previous thread: >>11014280
51 replies and 19 images omitted. Click here to view.
Forgot to say buyer pays shipping
Pretty sure it is some kind of stress mark so probably not.
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Nendoroid sales bonanza!
US/Canada shipping only.
Buyer pays shipping.
Discounts considered for multiple purchases.

-Yamada Elf $30
-Izumi Sagiri $40
-Umaru the gremlin $45
-Merissa Seraphy Devil ver $30
-Merissa Seraphy $35
-Kazami Kazuki $30
-Shielder $45
-Black Rock Shooter TV animation ver $50
-Strength Black Rock Shooter OVA $30
-Rem $45

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If I didn't already had that Hestia fig, i would nab it right now.
Can I sell beanie babies here?

Last Thread: >>11018819


BX-34 Starter
BX-35 Random Booster

UX-06 Booster
UX-07 Battle Deck Set
BX-00 Dran Dagger 2-80GP (Metal Coat: Black) Giants Ver.

BX-36 Random Booster Select

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>Figure I'll pick up a single UX 05 booster for shits and giggles since I'm already buying Weiss Tiger
>Get the prize Bey
Feels good man
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I'm not using the JP app so you guys can have this code.
Never going to play this with a second person, is it too big for two bey fights?
Finally got my hands on hasbro Hells Scythe. Thank you takara for twisting their fucking arm on the quality. Hoping hasbro doesn't fuck this up and X actually takes off in the west.

Haven't seen a Nerf thread in a while. Just wanted to share the deets on the new Pro blasters. These look great.
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iirc this is fully automatic so yeah it uses a motor
The first blaster is semi auto flywheel, so it's pretty much the new Stryfe. But it's super compact bullpup design would make it great for close combat action and tight rooms. The other one is pump action and the entire white piece seems to be the slide. It's basically a pump action pistol, which is fairly unique and actually pretty useful compared to top primed sidearms.

I'll wait for reviews to pop up to see if they actually meet their FPS claims and if there's any other problems with these things. But I will say these two seem to be very efficient with their space and ergonomics, which would make them both pretty competitive in the scene.
Nerf 'pro' legit functional revolver WHEN ?
I'm doubtful that Nerf can top Dart Zone's Outlaw.
If they literally just shrunk down the Ultra 2 to work with half length darts, Nerf would instantly have a fantastic revolver side-arm.

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Show off your setups.
Get complaints things are too crowded.
Do you do anything extra with your displays /toy/?
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Terrible thread, I’m here to make it worse
I’m in the middle of cleaning and organizing, we’ll see how it turns out in two weeks
The hell is a panthedon?
It’s just occurred to me I barely ever see funkos actually out of their boxes. They don’t look as bad like that.
It appears to be a shrine to Donatello.
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Kinda makes sense, yeah. I was so confused by it I googled up the term and the only result was this, a post from 5 years ago. Anon???

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Previous thread: >>11019868

>Origins Night Stalker didn't sell out, still available.
>2-Bopsteady and Splinter went up for pre-order at Target and sold out.
>Horde Trooper Prime with Hoverbot revealed in package.
>Necro-Conda pre-orders should be coming soon.
>Lord Grasp and Terroar are reportedly not Wal*mart exclusives, they just get first dibs for a while. No ETA but expect them to show up on places like BBTS eventually.
>Krang at Walmart in abundance, Mutated Moss Man and Mer Man starting to do the same.
>Sla'ker available in Target stores
>More Turtle of Grayskull figures coming including; Hordak, April, Alternate Leo, Turtle Armor He-Man, Deluxe Rock Steady/Bebop, Splinter, Stealth Ninja Leo and He-man, and Merman. More rumors for an additional wave of Raph, Donnie, Rattlor, Mekaneck.
>Masterverse Horde Trooper coming in Fall as Mattel Creations Exclusive
>Origins Demo Man and Geldor coming in Autumn
>Crowdfund vote winner is the Snake Lair, more details expected during SDCC.
>Skeletor/Demogorgon are available, He-Man/Vecna pre-orders went up
>Toon Collection Mer Man and Stratos in stock; Evil-lyn's and Webstor's beginning to trickle out. The Collector now available.

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admittedly I wasnt thinking of going that far to align things with the toys, but it does leave one to wonder how a toyline accurate she-ra cartoon would work. i guess you'd have to ditch etheria and have shadow weaver or any one of she-ra's toyline foes take hordak's place as lead villain. mostly I just wanted to see more toyline guys in filmation.
>Or Origins versions of Scorpia, Catra and Shadow Weaver
Are they allowed to make Origins figures from PoP? She-ra got two versions so I'm confused.
>does leave one to wonder how a toyline accurate she-ra cartoon would work

Hordak says "fuck you Randor", takes baby but chucks in a portal or something. He has a Fright Zone to run, he doesn't care where she wound up or what happened to her.
The baby wound up on Etheria and got raised in Crystal Castle.
Jealous beauty Catra is main villain, overthrows Queen Angela herself and rules with an army of cat monsters. Makes alliances with other evil princesses Entrapta and Spidra (an unreleased concept PoP character that apparently Mattel abandoned.) Glimmer and Adora flee to whispering woods where they get in touch with heroic outlaw Bow and his rebels against Catra.
Adora is gifted her sword magically by the Spirit of Grayskull via Light Hope, but doesn't feel her in on the details of her origins just yet because she has to save Etheria from Catra before she gets to find out she has a family and is a princess on her own right (sort of copout deal like they did with Teela's lineage being kept secret so we don't have to explain why she doesn't just go home and can't just get MotU characters to come help beat Catra)

That's how you do "toy accurate" She-Ra.
Probably have both He-Man and She-Ra learn that they have a twin towards the end of both their series, after they respectively beat Skeletor/Hordak/Hiss and Catra/Entrapta/Spidra and then finally reunite
it is time to revisit this crossover
no disrespect to filmation she-ra but this premise sounds alot cooler. dont get me wrong I get the appeal of PoP Hordak and friends but this sounds way more badass. A perfect balance of fairy tale princess fare and warrior queen red sonja stuff in a way.

I built this a while ago, I didn’t include the actual telescope because I dont wanna get it rn

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Tycoon Bujin Sword Edition

DX Arc Ariser
DX Arc Eye Sword
DX Ultraman Arc Solis Armor Cube
UAF Ultraman Arc Solis & Luna Armor Set
SG Arc Cube 01
Return of Ultra Egg Ultraman Arc
Deluxe Figure Ultraman Rising
SHF Kamen Rider Legend
SHF Boostriker
SHFSS Kamen Rider Next Faiz
SHF Ultraman Trigger Power Type
SHF Ultraman & Emi

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Considering THAT PART is the apex of his screen time, why the hell wouldn't it be able to do the pose?
Just get the Minipla it isn't that bad.
This entire general is all about slop
>"My toy made from media intended for children is better than your toy made from media intended for children."

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Post the ones you find most fascinating here. Bonus points if they were only available overseas

Are you sacrificing anything to be a collector, /toy/, or is your life well balanced?
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>It's a part of my life I feel like I have to hide.
Why though? Because you think it's pussy repellent? First of all, it's less frowned upon nowadays anyway and most people are more accepting of it, and those who aren't are probably shitty and miserable people anyway. Second, what you'll find out is, if a girl really likes you, she starts picking up your interests. I've had several past girlfriends who weren't ever into comic books are toys or anything like that, start actually getting interested in them when we were dating. I had one girl actually start to read comics, mostly indie shit, but she was reading them. Another ex actually would go check down the toy aisle at Target or whatever when she would go out running errands, checking for figures I was looking for. She found the Groot BaF wave of MLs for me.

Basically, collecting toys isn't as looked down upon as you think it is, especially if you're presentable about it. If you're well groomed, not morbidly obese, and generally keep your home clean and toys presentable, no one is going to second guess it. Try keeping your collection regulated to one room of your home, I have mine in my home office, and avoid using it as the decor for your entire home. Also, don't be mentally ill, but for some reason that seems to be a challenge for a lot of people here.
I think a lot of non nerdy people, even if they like you, their first impression will be "that's weird" when they learn of your toy collection. They might get over it since they like you but it's just something that has a stigma.

Certain toys definitely are more acceptable nowadays but not all. I'd say Lego, prop replicas, video game statues, even (non coomer) anime figurines might be seen as cool. But I'm not sure things like GI Joe, Star Wars, Transformers are as accepted.
>sure, that's why you bring them up out of nowhere, totally not living in your head rent free.
Check OPs image/video retard. This guy is obviously depressed because he collected a bunch of bland, cheap crap Marvel Legends. I pity the fool.
>I think a lot of non nerdy people, even if they like you, their first impression will be "that's weird" when they learn of your toy collection. They might get over it since they like you but it's just something that has a stigma.
Anon, there are far weirder things to collect than toys. It's not nearly the stigma it used to be. And even then, I don't think it was ever the stigma you made it out to be unless you were a massive freak about it who was unwashed, decorated their entire house with toys, and was just generally not presentable. If you aren't Steve Carell from the 40 Year Old Virign, or Rusty Brown, no one is going to think your collection is weird.
>no one is going to think your collection is weird.
That depends, Satan, that really depends.

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Does anyone else collect these? I dint have a whole lot but i was at a local con today and some guy sold me a pack for 5$ and it turned out to be a very rare two pack from the last wave of the line back in 2010. Pic related is the set in question
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I don't think it ever shipped
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This was when Hasbro experimented with Star Wars for the 3+ crowd. I dug it for the "chibi" look at the time. The TaunTaun with the big cute dopy eyes was the best figure.
For vehicles, they really knocked it out of the park with the X-wing and Millenium Falcon.
It stopped around 2010 but tried again in 2012 with more articulation. My favorite modern one from that line is the Tie Silencer.
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>I don't think it ever shipped
Well it mustve come out to stores somehow because i bought that two pack over the weekend in package second hand. Heres a pic to show im not bullshitting
I might have all the Star Wars, Transformers, and Indiana Jones ones. Or at least close to it. Two of each, even.
I had a fetw, more into the transformers and gi joe though. I do enjoy these types of series though, i really enjoy the imaginext stuff but thats kinda off topic.

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>two mini-figs and the most boring scenery imaginable
>That'll be 50 dollarinos, plus tax and shipping, and don't forget to tip your DEI delivery driver
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Yeah I don’t understand why anyone cares about the figures in Lego sets. I have lots of Star Wars Lego sets and I never cared about the figures it was about the vehicles for me. I understand they make scenes too but in this case it’s just Disney Star Wars has lame scenes they have to make it based on the new shows lol
got this set somewhere in 2016 it was around 150 dollars at the time I think (DK my parents bought it for my birthday) it came with 3 mini figs but it at least had the whole Ghost (I also have the phantom "I got it first"). Lego has gone down the drain and all the AFOL Shills and Glowie Influencers (those damn fuckin master builder fucks) keep sucking up they goyslop. >:[
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forgot to add the image
Lego has been absolute ass for over a decade. Mini figures look terrible, sets look terrible and with such low piece counts, the value just isn't there.
Not to mention the shitty plastic quality in both bricks and minifigures.

A thread dedicated to Jada Toys and its figure lines. Jada’s model cars are for the diecast general.
-Street Fighter
-Mega Man
-Food Mascots


Street Fighter Waves
Wave 1 - Ryu, Fei Long, Chun Li
Wave 2 - Ken Masters, M. Bison, Dhalsim
Wave 3 - Guile, Cammy, Dee Jay
Wave 4 - Blanka (Deluxe), Sagat (Deluxe), Vega

Street Fighter Exclusives -

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Has there been any update on Edgerunners?
I think on the latest chat they said work was ongoing and getting there. They mentioned price but I can't recall, something like $40? I don't think they committed to more in the line outside of "if they do good we'll see more", but I could be wrong. We'll probably hear more at SDCC.
is this an /a/ meme? Edgerunners was hugely successful
I hope they don't give up on it. I really want a 1/12 Cyberpunk line. I'd love if they did game characters too like Silverhand. I was disappointed Figma cancelled theirs
I doubt we'd get all that much, but if they can even get Rebecca, and honestly I'd say Adam Smasher over anyone else from the crew, I think that'd be a solid line. Bonus points if Rebecca has articulated fingers.

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>TFW the employee refused to get a figure out of the back right after they just said they had it in stock
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A female manager at a toy store once saw me browsing and digging through hotwheels

then walked up to me on her own accord and was like "we got some boxes unopened in the back, wanna have a look?" On two occasions.
They even waved at me in the street and were generally super nice.

NGL, felt weird to be recognisced as "that hotwheels guy" so openly but apparently that does happen and cool retail employees exist.
Good on them. I apreciate them.
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>This pre-order has been cancelled. Your bank account or card has been issued a refund. It may take 3-4 business days to appear on your statement.
Fucking pain.
>The police report said it was a 60 year old guy.
Nah, wm does have a 'back', size depends on store of course. Is there really anything back there? Nah, mostly toddler stuff, as the way frieght is ran only overstock goes back there. So im saying if you see a pallet on the floor, check that as its the better way of catching something r@re or unique. Oh, and try 7-4 since thats the general merch stocking team hours. Atleast in this region, so take this with a grain of salt as its only my first hand account.

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Previous Thread: >>11015211

Dear Grandpa the bear.
Birthday: June 26, 2006.
“Dear Grandpa when it’s you and me
I’m just as happy as can be
Those fun and silly things you do
Are why, Dear Grandpa, I love you !”
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Chompy the alligator.
Birthday: July 1, 2008.
"Any time of the day or night
I could surely go for a bite
Don't worry, you won't be my treat
It's veggies that I love to eat !"
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Bubbles the fish.
Birthday: July 2, 1995.
“All day long Bubbles likes to swim
She never gets tired flapping her fins
Bubbles lived in a sea of blue
Now she is ready to come home with you!”
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Rally Doodle Dandy the monkey.
Birthday: July 2, 2009.
"He wears his colors on his head
The white, the blue, the Angel red
He spurs the Halos right on cue
A Rally Monkey just for you !"
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Ruby the bear.
Birthday: July 2, 2005.
“The best things that are meant for me
A life full of vitality
The ultimate goal, it’s no surprise
To laugh, have fun and socialize !”
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Sock Monkey (pink sparkle).
Birthday: July 2, 2014.
“Bananas are a yummy snack
It’s fun to do a jumping jack
I like playing musical chairs
And vegetables always taste better than pears.”

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Previous thread: >>11014883

Knightfall Bane reported to be shipping July 1st. Sorry about the delay, wanted accurate info for the Fate/Spidey releases in OP.

Dates according to Medicom/Ami Ami. Date changes since last thread marked in "green".

Newly Available:
208 - BO-KATAN KRYZE (The Mandalorian Ver.)
212 - JOHN WICK ((John Wick Chapter 4)
215 - BATMAN (Knightfall Ver.)

>June 2024
210 - AHSOKA TANO (The Mandalorian Ver.)

>July 2024

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Fuck yeah, hurry up and charge me Amiami
Hope the arm cord won't break
But that is what Bane does
Gonna make it much easier for modders to make face plates
How many more faces do you need for the bane, kiddo?
All of them.

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