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Revell Edition

previous Revell: >>11303790

This Revell is for the discussion of scale Revell (and resin, PE, wood, etc) model Revells
-Post photos of your Revells in progress and your finished Revells
-Have your Revells revelled or revel others
-Discuss Revells and techniques
-Ask for Revell or give Revell to others

Always revel:
>No Revell is purely Revell or Revell (except Revell). ALWAYS research your Revell before buying.

Some helpful Revells to get started:

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I didn't realize until well after I'd already made it halfway through the top side that I should have painted everything a consistent color after I had masked off the bare metal parts, but I just kept going to see what happens.
I saw someone do this on youtube and wanted to give it a try. It looks ok. Will probably look better once it gets a wash.

That said, I'm not sure how to proceed with clear coat. I think I'll give it a gloss coat and then maybe mask off the bare metal panels again before I put on the matte coat (after putting on the decals) to keep the metal parts shiny while the painted panels remain matte. We'll see.
Looks interesting. Similar technique I think used by the people giving F-35s and F-22s that rusty RAM look
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looking better than expected so far. a lot more consistent paintjob than campbeltown but i definitely have to improve PE manipulation and installation. ship&plane will get a matte varnish once everything had time to dry. in the meantime i try to craft water splash effects for the depth charges
Cute! How did you do the sea? The ol' wet tp method?
Although the bow waves look a bit weird.
thanks! yes tp and thin pva glue. the two dios before i only used it to create random wave patterns which worked like a charm but i had to work the tp way more to form the wake and bow wave, thats why they look a bit off.

Welcome to the Fashion Doll General!

A thread for discussion of fashion dolls including Barbie, Disney, LOL OMG, Rainbow High, Monster High, Licca-chan etc but not BJD. There is a BJD general over in /jp/.

Other toys considered dolls as well as girl collectable toys that are related to dolls or can be used as accessories to dolls are also welcome such as LOL, Shopkins, Polly Pocket and the like.

*Reminder to REPORT trolling, bait and off topic posts instead of responding.*

Previous Thread: >>11291024

>Archived Threads:

>Helpful Links:

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I would guess this is for either Boo-riginal Creepos or Fang Vote.
>>>/jp/48744742 has a gdrive full of sewing patterns, if I recall. Perhaps some of them may be of use to you?
Any love for LDD here?
Living Dead Dolls? Not for me personally, I dont care for baby style dolls
I get it, Im just a big horror fan so I enjoy the creepy aesthetic of it.

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Why is Japan the only country in the world that produces toys of value?
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not wrong but Godzilla statues are not really designed to play either.
I am freaking ecstatic there is finally going to be a sculpt of the legendary Godzilla standing straight up! 99% of the shit released thus far has that bent over obese slob look Americans love.
Blows my mind something this shitty was approved for sale.
Japan is horrible at business.
Japan has it all except for fashion.

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*is everything wrong with the fig community in you're path*
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You look the exact same amount of pathetic if you posted a pic of yourself with your toys

Get off your high horse
I'm starting to thing Rocco is the one posting these threads so he can save his dying company.
What kind of shoes he has on?
If Rocco is wrong, I wouldn't want to be right.
Americans are fucking ugly, imagine watching this dogshit

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So /toy/, what are some long forgotten, obscure toys that brought you great joy as a toddler that you only recently rediscovered through tons of online research?
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what the fuck are these called i had a metal green one, a plastic pink one with gold trim and a police one as a kid and never found the name of them
They were toys based on Dennou Keisatsu Cybercop, a Japanese Tokusatsu series.
I think we eventually got more accurate ones over here, but I am in the same boat as you. My first exposure to these toys were the chromed out versions. The green one was my favorite.
I don't THINK they were bootlegs, it just seemed like a weird repurposing of the license.
They each had a planet's name and a different gimmick. Mars (green) was the heavy weapons guy. Mercury (blue) was quick. Saturn (black) had radars mounted on his shoulders. Jupiter (red) came from the future and could wield a mysterious energy. Lucifer (white) was the evil OP one that later joins the team.
And yes, the earlier toys were very silly, but I don't think they were bootlegs either.
I just love it how mars would pick up a rock, dial his gun's number on the dial hidden inside that rock, and have a briefcase with his gun shipped via underground tubes to wherever he was.
Me and my siblings had the green, black, and white one. The white one was a really fun toy that I used to fight my brother's power rangers.
These were the toys that made me more interested in prioritizing articulation on toys.

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Previous thread >>11313241

Where to Buy-

Web Exclusives-

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I think both their likenesses are pretty good. Maybe Onigashima a bit more?

Yeah I don't want to collect both crews, can't decide which version
If you gotta pick one that is bigger, definitely Romance Dawn.
Onigashima is a plastic grenade.
I'll be honest they both look like shit
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PTS Zoro has somewhat cocky face with bandana. But it look more like he's high or has an awkward smile. His head look big or his body look too thin, I don't know.

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Let me start this by saying I buy Hasbro products, mostly Black Series, although I’ll admit I pretty much don’t buy anything at retail price, everything inevitably goes on sale. The last thing I picked up for retail was the Glavis Ringworld Mando since it actually was hard to get and a solid release. But with Hasbro licensing out its brands to other companies, laying off employees left and right, drastically increasing prices, and its CEO saying they want to be a video game company… how much longer do they have? I’ve heard rumors that Hasbro wants to get out of its Disney contracts as well, Star Wars and Marvel are both actively losing money for them. And a gaming company? Really? All because Baldur’s Gate 3 did well, they think they can make other successful games, meanwhile they laid off most of the people behind BG3. Anyone remember Hasbro Interactive? That was their video game attempt from years ago and that failed as well. Remember when the previous CEO wanted to make Hasbro a movie company? They spent billions on a production company and then sold it for pennies on the dollar after it failed. But hey, they got Peppa Pig out of that, so it was a great deal, right?
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If a firm is bankrupt your money is gone, that's the point.
I'll bet we have a bingo, but I doubt we'll get any hard questions on the phone
You just perfectly described the current state of Pokemon. Slightly different circumstances -- being squeezed on all sides to churn out shit-tier games so the profit engine of merch keeps chugging -- but the same basic concept. An idea so successful that it literally cannot die.
>Angry shareholder on the phone
I know this won't happen but I want it to happen because it'd be funny.

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I remember someone posted the project on here a few months ago and at the time I wasn’t so sure about the art they showed, but pre production samples have come out and they actually look pretty good. It’s rare we get good mermaid figures, much less merman figures so I said what the hell and backed one. I think it will look good with my myth Poseidon and other aquatic creatures. If they turn out to be bad, I won’t be that mad since I only got one figure and not the full package. Anyone else back these?
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Hair and beard not matching is 100% a part of the immense faggotry.
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>You're that one anon that posted about that Triple H figure giving you a boner years ago
why the fuck i would magically be some random anon you saw few years ago?

Anyways just buy GIjoe figurines. they gay as fuck and make my penis harde
They look fucking disgusting

Both in terms of design and in terms of sculpt quality
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no because i'm not gay, actually scratch that i LOVE gay feminine robot boys but this shit grosses me out
>pre production samples have come out and they actually look pretty good.
Pic unrelated?

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Number 1 Sentai Gozyuger Edition

DX Bitter Gavv & Gochizo Holder Set
DX Bitter Gavv Gablade
DX Rider Gochizo Angel Set
SHF ULTRAMAN ZERO Ultraman New Generation Stars Ver
SHF ULTRAMAN GEED PRIMITIVE Ultraman New Generation Stars Ver
SHF Mecha Gigantron
CSM Double Driver ver.2
CSM Fang Memory & Extreme Memory ver.2

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To anyone still looking to get angel gochizo set, it's back up on HLJ.
Looks the same to me.
People have been hacking the Tega Sword, but it felt like there's not enough sounds with the pin combos not matching enough for the sounds available.
Maybe Bandai finally succeeded in hiding sounds.
So there's no reason anybody shouldn't have a Kuuga Mighty by now. Wouldn't suprise me if Ultimate gets a re-release too.

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What would /toy/ put in the cupboard? 6 choices.
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I think the one who is shoving the guy from the corner is one of the cardassians from DS9.
G.I. Joe, specifically the 30th Salute Action Soldier.
Ah, I see. Neat.
So the fact that darth vader / robocop are there means you can pull fictional people out of their universe.

But like, how hilarious is this in theory?

"Where did lord vader go?"
"He was here a second ago."
(appearing out of thin air) "AH A TREX FUCKING BIT ME IN HALF"
"Get the medic droid. Let us never speak of this again."

Meanwhile on jurassic park:
"Did that T-rex just puke up a futuristic robot hand?"
>shift into terminator movie
>dragon balls you have to place Sheng Long inside
No. You need Dende or Kami and Piccolo cause they need to be alive for the Dragon Balls to exist.

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What's even the point of Haslab? You essentially just kickstart a product that is only marginally better than something you get in retail with more useless shit you'll leave in the box, along with the caveat of FOMO exclusivity. I don't see how in any way the positive outweighs the negative here unless you're just a consoomer.
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Stitching material definitely costs more than not doing so. It costs worker time and extra thread. The factory charges by each individual time the paint brush touches a figure, you think they'd give stitching time away for free?
What parent is paying modern ML prices to buy a Spider-man for a child? One of the main reasons sales on ML and Star Wars figures is down is because Hasbro have priced kids out of the market.
Hasbro has that one shittier 5poa line for kids. MLs are basically adult toys
I feel bad for kids today. These Epic Hero Series figures fucking suck, the plastic is awful, the articulation is shit despite the joint count, the paint is almost non-existent and often poorly done. Toy Biz figures had their issues back in the 90s, but those figures still kicked ass.
Looking at these two side by side it's probably hard to see a difference, but having them in hand it's night and day. It's also important to remember that the stellar figures for the first Spider-man movie were a standard retail release aimed at kids.
The one on the right clearly has more artistry to it, and a more detailed sculpt and heroic proportions. The left looks so bog standard and such a soft sculpt

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I noticed that recently, Kirby, Waddle Dee, Ice Kirby, and Beam Kirby are getting reissued by GSC.

I don't own any of them. Are they worth it? Which ones do you recommend?

I heard some horror stories about how he has a rubber coating at degrades with time. Is this true? How common is that?
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Just buy it off the US GSM storefront? The US has had a goodsmile store for ages now.
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I bought Waddle Dee at AX last year just because.

I think he's great. didn't know he may degrade over time. I'll have to keep an eye on him.
That pic is adorable. I hope so bad they make all the furry friends. I need a Rick, Nago, Coo and Kine so bad.
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I love my 30th anniversary Kirby nendo!
Got him displayed with his classic face
Yeah my original release has been on display since I got it and is fine.

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Previously: >>11321125

--Marvel Legends Mini Comic Wave solicited (all major retailers)

-Marvel Legends Maximum Series Spider-Man Announced (Amazon/Fan Channel Exclusive, pre-order info in Feb)

-Mafex Erik Killmonger Black Panther solicited

-SHF Across the Spider Verse Spider-Man Noir/Spider-Ham solicited

-Marvel Legends Retro Carded X-Factor Jean Grey Announced (Target Exclusive)

-Marvel Legends MCU Electro solicited(Amazon Exclusive/Fan Channel Exclusive)

-Mafex No Way Home Final Swing Spider-Man solicited

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He is accusing you because he has paranoid delusions and thinks you're in his walls.
Ah, I see. Many such cases.
New Thread:

why are you guys so mad?
People are perceiving this as them being priced out of Marvel Legends so they're mad.

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What were the best toys you got in one of these vending machines? We can talk about eastern Gashapon machines, too.
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War crimes edition

Wildcat, Orion, Heat Wave

Multiverse - Fleischer Superman, Power Girl, Captain Cold, Guy Gardner
Super Powers - Robin, Jay Garrick, Atom, Lobo
Mafex - Tim Drake Robin

February - Spinmasters Batman Forever retro wave
March/April - McFarlane Power Girl, Captain Cold, Guy GardneR


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Imaginext is best DC
Hasbro will have the license in a year to remake DC in their own CEO's image. McFarlane Collector Editions will be renamed Cocks Collector Editions, cost $50 each and will be 6.5in scale figures.
so a certain someone is certainly busy, what with talking to himself, stay up all night to make sure they start the new threads, and reposting all that juicy "insider gossip"
when do they ever get to play with their toys?

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