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Yo whassup nigs.

I'm considering purchasing a Revoltech Alien Queen bootleg, anyone here give me an idea of what they're like?
They look great from what I've seen
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Is 25 bucks such a financial hardship you need to come here to get help making this decision?

I have neca aliens, hiya aliens, monsterart aliens, and by far the worst one is my revoltech alien. It looks wrong, the joints are shit. I can't imagine a bootleg version of a queen based on their design is going to be great. But it's fucking 25 bucks if it's shit .... it's 25 whole fucking bucks.
You want guaranteed quality go hunt down a real one and pay the money. Or buy a neca queen. Bought one years ago when I was a broke college student and I love it.

Also considering last week we had a suspiciously similar thread. I wonder if you are that same guy.
Good lord the real deal is only 25 bucks on Mandy
Can you scrape together another 30 bucks for the shipping?
This is such a beautiful figure. It's a shame to disgrace it with an ugly bootleg, it deserves better.
Is there a chance this could also be the real deal?
I just assumed it was a bootleg because it was 40 buck
Revoltechs don't really hold too much value besides a few really rare ones. And Mandarake doesn't sell bootlegs AFAIK.

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Generaloberst Edition
Discuss 1:12 soft goods figures in all their guises.
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The gun is great, I particularly like the camo.

What would make you interested enough to buy one?
My interest largely lies with 20th century conflict. I suppose I could be in on one of the TotS figures once good pics of the rest come out.
Leona from Tunshi's Metal Slug got delayed or smth? Should have come out 2 days ago. I'm worried with all the delays this series may die out before it starts to get really interesting...
Everywhere I looks says Q3 (AmiAmi says September) which just started yesterday. Tunshi releases can be slow, I wouldn't kvetch just yet.
I do hope that line sells well enough so we may get some vehicles in the future, I know they teased the LV Armor, but they need to make the Super Vehicle 001 tank. Product code TS-001 is still missing, Marco is TS-002-MR so this is a little tease for it in my autistic mind.

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I was very sceptical but I can say it's mostly very good (which i cannot say about the previous guts).
It poses nicely, the aesthetics are on point and the hand pegs (being still very small) actually can hold the Dragon Slayer.
Sure, it's still loose because of the sword still being too heavy but it's possible to balance it just fine and you can use the cape to support it.
For me the biggest issue are the alternate legs for deeper poses.
They are very hard to put on and I won’t even use them for the photos since how little of a difference they make, waste of space and budget.
I wish SHF could remove these and give us the Shierke ghost accesory instead.
I also wish they could bloody up the sword, it looks way too clean imho but it's still very nicely done.
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The small head throws me off. I would have gotten it otherwise
Hes so shit hes dragged down the reputation of the entire figuarts line with him. Its impressive...
Pretty much. I'll never buy an SHF in my life after this.

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The best place to discuss MEGA Construx/Bloks!!!

>Best sources for Mega news:

https://archive.palanq.win/toy/search/subject/Mega Construx General/
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This looks awesome
Pokemon fans are eating well.
did bro just call us fat

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Does anybody know what the name and brand of this plastic play treehouse?
I saw it in a Toys R Us as a kid and for years I had dreams about it. Then as I got older I tried searching for it so I could see it again. Then at some point I found a music video where they use the tree as a prop very shortly, which is where the pic is from. It was in stores probably around early 2000s.

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Training edition

Previous thread: >>11007986

This thread is for the discussion of scale plastic (and resin, PE, wood, etc) models kit
-Post photos of your builds in progress and your finished builds
-Have your builds critiqued or critique others
-Discuss tips and techniques
-Ask for advice or give advice to others

Always remember:
>No manufacturer is purely perfect (except for Starfix) or awful. ALWAYS research your kits before buying.

Some helpful guides to get started:

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for whom's pleasure?
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full option is full rc conversion with strobe light/muzzle flash, soundbox and servos/ geared motors.

interior maybe. built in where possible/visibly. that means where you can see it when hatches open and no electronics obstruating.
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That pic makes me nervous anon.
I am starting to realize that I suck at building. My seems are too big, my coats of paint are too thick and my transparencies are always scratched. I have no time to improve these skills between college, my family's house and my father's deteriorating health. Should I give up on modelling? I mean for good, not take a short break or anything, or at least until I am a boomer who has the time, money and resources to continue.
New Budzik just dropped.

>Upcoming transformers
>Leaks and Rumors
>Online Stores for TFs
>Where to watch TF shows:
>Transformers General Archives:

Previous: >>11047705
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get on it Hasbro
>Because BW characters could use G1 names?
[laughs in shitty botcon retcons]
We literally have characters using G1 names like Scorponok, Silverbolt and Megatron in the show.
don't forget Inferno!
Glad it worked

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ITT: action figures with multiple arms.
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I want that
McFarlane Twisted Souls 2 Szaltax.
Oh damn, that looks great. Gotta pick one of him up to tear my M. Bison in half.

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Hotshot II induces lust
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Grabbing a MF-01x (pic related) by end of this year, beside getting steel bearing and oil damper, what else should I prepare for beside getting a 60A esc and a brushless motor?

I also bought a 18t pinion.
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Noice, do you think those wheels will hold up to modern brushless stuff?
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flex on the poors.
Good to see atleast a few anons into rc on here.

I raced tamiya's back in the 80's when rc was in its heyday. Good times.

decided to get back in to it around 3-4 years ago, since then ive picked up a few cars but got diagnosed with a rare auto immune condition not long after that which kinda put everything on hold since my health was fucked (still is really, but not as llife threatening as it was then).

I ended up slowly building up a big collection upgrade parts & spares to completely deck out the cars I have now, probably will start on building them all after ive ticked off everything on my list (some of the spares were IMPOSSIBLE to find anymore, took me all of 3 years or so to track down some of the bits).

I have 5 unbuilt Tamiya buggies waiting to be built now, A DT03 racing fighter, DF03 Dark Impact, TT02b Neo Scorcher & 2x DB01 Durga's ( both with complete sets of upgrades to turn them into TRF501 competition cars I was planning to race with ).


nice. I was thinking about getting an optima at some stage, might pick up an optima pro since it got rereleased recently.
hmmm its going to be trial an error it seems that 4000 KV is about the limit for Hotshot, 3300 seems to be ok from what I have read.

I am prepared to strip a gear box to find out it is part of the fun.

I want a hotshop, tt02-B, Top force, then I have examples of each class.

Maybe I will get a BBX, But I dont like 2WD and it looks blbous at the back.

I am waitng for the 4WD BBX hotshot type.

I will buy a basher al steel driveing chink indestrcuto, but half the fun for me is trying to build it, and upgrade pathways.

The tt02-B seems to have the possiblities for uprgrade and wide support.

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Preorder for Attack Titan starts on 7/1.
Lunagaron Armor Set (Monster Hunter)
Buzz Lightyear Ver.1.5 (Reissue)
Supergirl (DC)
Jessie Ver.1.5 (Toy Story)
Stitch (Reissue)
Shigaraki Tomura (My Hero Academia)
Revoltech Expansion Pack Vol.1
Batman Arkham Knight Ver. (DC)
Fudo Yusei (Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's)
Woody Ver.2.0 (Toy Story)

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>And before anons say so is Eren, he doesn't need Yamaguchi's talent
It's his team at this point, and they've clearly used his style and opinion. If someone asked me if Yamaguchi sculpted Eren, I'd say "looks like it". I'd genuinely say it's interchangeable.
It depends. Granted we don't know how much interactions go on with Yamaguchi, could even be very different case by case. Like I think Herta has zero Yamaguchi involvement even though it came out as AY brand.
There are the MonHun AY and Supergirl who are using uncharacteristic double joint knees that looks off. And the AK Batman's proportions looks more wonky than usual. So did the Malzeno Hunter. So there are some traits that seeps through that are noticeable. But beats having one man do everything. The basics of what makes AY great can be easily replicated so they should share that more. As if it's somehow owned by Yamaguchi lol.
I don't mind others having their own style, but where applicable sharing would be ideal. Plus within the same line there should be some uniformity.
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There aren’t enough pictures of toys here.
In case you’re wondering, this figure sucks. Good design, articulation and accessories. All gets ruined because her dress stains the rest of her body.

Have any notable toys come out of this country? I've recently found out they used to have industries for a bunch of stuff, so I'm curious if any cool toys were created here.
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Anything from Moose Toys like Magic Mixies
Yep. When I was a kid in the 90s Moose Yoyos were a big deal here.
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Gotta be Trash Pack.
>trash not rubbish
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these things are aussie creations
not my thing personally

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I'm not talking about things like pic related. There's some really good bootlegs out there. Sure the finer details aren't as good like paint being imperfect, but they're still serviceable. All I ever thought of when I'd hear bootleg or KO was it being an absolute garbage product. I don't know when decent ones started popping up, but has it been going on for a while?

To try and keep this from devolving into an argument about arguing over poorfags I just find them interesting for one. The KO's I've seen are a tiny bit smaller at times but otherwise basically just a recreation of the official ones. To do that at a fraction of the cost, 20 vs 100+, makes me wonder how much these companies could actually charge for these things and still make a pretty penny. Also if you have an official figure and a piece breaks you can grab the KO for cheap and just replace it. And hell if someone is a poorfag then it's cool they have options to have a hobby too.

Off the top of my head figures that have serviceable to great KO's are:
Polyiana Iana
Mafex Spider-Man/Black suit/Venom
ML Juggernaut
Diabolical Fit DB figures though they're normal SHF prices. I guess they'd be considered third party?
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Most the KOs from back in the day were very poor recreations of actual figures, almost always using completely different tooling. Now days, it seems most are using the same tooling as the official figures, just with less QC for things like paint jobs, joint tolerances and of course packaging.
>Third party

Bootlegs, you fucking retard
The last two posts you quoted never even mentioned Third Party, you fucking retard
Third party is accurate for things like the Transformers isn't it? They're high quality products using their own molds and designs? I don't collect them but a friend does. Is there even a difference between ko and bootleg?
Bootlegs and KOs are generally copies of things that exist already, most unofficial or third party stuff isn’t a KO of anything but exists to compliment official collectioms.

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>LEGO mininigger
This one has a bag of brown shit… that’s like a bunch of little nigglets.
Beaners count?
Jamal better stay out of the water… niggers can’t swim to save their lives.
They can if the police are after them.
Who the fuck is asking for figures with colostomy bags?

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There used to be a MEGA folder full of papercraft items, boxes, publications, all kinds of goodies. Does anyone still have that link?
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Glad I could help you get something back then!
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Recently started a minor obsession with Gregory Horror Show and now I wanna try papercraft out.
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Here, have some silly little cutouts for your figures.
Missing the other two colors of trash bins

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Anyone know where I can find a mallet like this loose, where it isn’t connected to a figure? Looking for plastic, not wood. Thanks.
Check Harley Quinn figures, May not be an exact match, but so many figures have had one similar. Dc Icons, Multiverse Mattel, McFarlane animated, Spinmaster, Superhero Girls, etc etc
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Get a KO Sentinel Miles if you just want the Spider-Pig hammer, he comes with one.

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