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Can we have another thread about the best playsets?
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>Nah, I had fright zone, grayskull, and snake mountain. Didn't even know this existed until I grew up.
Same here. Well, I might have known it existed from the mini-comics that came with my 1987 figures, but they only made 4,000 and I don't think any made it to my city. As a preschooler I managed to get the other three playsets, every 1984-6 figure and a good chunk of the rare 1987 ones between TRU, KB and Fred Meyer (regional hypermarket chain), when Mattel oversaturated the market and everything was marked down like 40%.
How was the Fright Zone? I didn't have that one.
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Really fun! It was well thought-out with two traps that two kids could operate simultaneously: one the grappling tree and the other the rock trap for a figure's feet that made it easy prey for the puppet.
The downside is that there was almost no standing room except for the two trapped enemies and a third spot inside the jail cell. You could have Hordak standing around interacting with his enemies, but it wasn't a display piece for the Horde figures.
>DnD playset
that stuff used to shelf warm my local Kay-Bees store for literally YEARS, and I always passed it by. Instinctively I knew there wasn't many DnD guys I'd buy outside of the Warlock and Knight, but I did enjoy the Horse. Now looking back at it the mouth would have made a great Cobra hideout entrance to my 5 year old brain. Eh, I probably bought a Transformer He-man or Atari/Nintendo game instead
It had lots of neat shit on it. I liked the wall of spikes that closed.

Mythological creature collection thread. Who's your favorite creature you collected so far? Hard to tell, but mine is probably the homonculus, (right of center, under the phoenix wing.)
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I never owned any board or card game.
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Greetings, esteemed friends, and welcome to the War Bricks General!

In this forum, we engage in discussions about building brick sets produced by various companies. All brands are welcome, with the exception of Lego; discussions pertaining to Lego should be directed to /lg/ - Lego General.

Given that army-themed sets are a significant aspect of brick toy lines, distinguishing them from the leading brand, we have chosen to adopt this theme as the primary focus of our general. However, we also encourage discussions on other non-army themes from these companies.

Here are some of the lines we cover, and we are open to adding more:
>Mega Construx
And many others! Let us embark on this building journey together!
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Did anyone else get the zombie redneck minifig with "fight!" poster?
Oh shit the wipe hit here too
I wish I had jumped on these before they became overpriced. I saw one for $30 but was short on cash at the time. They look like great knockoffs of the real thing
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Can find them on Ali for 60 maplebucks plus free Choice shipping, still reasonable especially given they're no longer in production. Contrast that with the original Lego torso that guy in blue on the ship was copied from (original was brown), the cheapest on Bricklink is 40 leafbux for a beat-up one that at least comes with a head too.
have a happy life frenchanon. find time to enjoy the things you love but dont forsake the rest of life dedicating yourself to something that takes away from the rest

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new update
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People do it all the time. Headswaps, repaints, mods... Romankey mainly makes blanks, modifying them is the whole point.
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It’s why they’re so good. I hope somebody better at painting than me makes a red one from her but I’m probably try, get a second and try stripping the ink, dye her red/waterslide the face and paint the hair.
I agree. If you're gonna do some sort of demon, you gotta go all out.
BBTS sells third parties?
Theyve sold romankey stuff before.

I hope they release a red option. Good shit, anon, please show us the result if you end up doing it

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A thread about toys! charging through the year edition!

Hello all, nice thread last time.

Let's keep posting some toys.

Balanced poses encouraged.

Fight shots welcomed as well, but as always just post some toys, talk about toys and have a good time.
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i tried, also when I read it earlier I thought it said marylin Manson. haha
yeah it's a nice figure. I never got into war hammer but I like these armored guys.
that would be awesome, also that skelly gojira is pretty cool.
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Do you guys have any tips for taking cool pics of translucent figures? I just got this godzilla and it's badass but i don't have a lot of lighting options. Should i get some like small leds or something to put underneath him? I think i have a strip somewhere.
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>green goblin
Found his son. He's having a great time.
I like that little set and the colors a lot. Cool shot.
>We have such sights to show you
Sexy, a very smooth pose.
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how is everyone? I hope this picture comes out right side up.
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Fleischmann CNW Switcher edition.
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I want to model the Milwaukee Road Pacific Extension without having to win the lottery.
What is even the point in buying Lionel anymore? They priced themselves out of the range of regular people, even their low end stuff is upwards of five hundred bucks. You're paying for the name at this point.
Based, but consider scratch building as much as possible. Not an easy task, but the only way to do it affordably.
You are right about modern Lionel, but older Lionel is what most people buy these days. MPC era is where to start (entire sets are under US$100).

MTH is no better either (which is why they are going out of business and execs are still wondering why).

And of course there is Menard's.
I've heard vintage Marx trains are pretty reliable runners. And old K-Line stuff.
Menards has potential to be a legitimate affordable alternative in the O Gauge market. They just need to do a few things
>Commit more, They need a bigger variety of stuff and more frequent releases
>Passenger cars. Affordable O27 Passenger cars would be a must
>Release a steam engine.

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Robin preorder going up tomorrow, listed release date as November 2025

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Same for Miggy, I just got a delayed notification from them. Shame since my ML 2099 broke recently due to the swirly twirly plastic being shitty and I was waiting to replace him with the Mafex. Annoying.
Where did the blood and brain effects come from?
MtA, but Super Action Stuff Casket of Cruelty.
I saw a video that said the Mafex hip and leg joint can easily break.
I ordered my first ever Mafex figure last month, the Tobey one, how can I pose him without fucking up his legs?
the video you watched was made by a retard, you're fine

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Alfred, this Robin is getting too old edition

Wildcat, Orion, Heat Wave

Multiverse - Fleischer Superman, Power Girl, Captain Cold, Guy Gardner
Super Powers - Robin, Jay Garrick, Atom, Lobo
Mafex - Tim Drake Robin

February - Spinmasters Batman Forever retro wave
March/April - McFarlane Power Girl, Captain Cold, Guy GardneR


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If he reveals anything there it would be tomorrow during his panel
that figure hit clearance years ago from the first DCDirect run, down to $80-100. Kinda surprised they reissued it, but McFarlane has gotten more eyes on DC figures than back then I think
it's a big commitment for space as is. Mine is still in the box honestly.
lol, lmao even. I collect toys based off the source material, not based on some 90s toy line that I thought was goofy even when I was a kid.
Their prone to being super brittle too. I'm starting to see them everywhere because every copy is shattering. Seems mcfart is still learning how to use clear plastics
New thread.

Is that an official LEGO Trump?

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What would /toy/ put in the cupboard? 6 choices.
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If not, I instant transmission and massacre evil doers on sight. Implement utopia thru ultimate power. Make the world pure without capitalism and create infinite resources and eliminate disease and corruption. This is just phase 1.
If I feel like punishing the world because of reasons:
1. original G1 Megatron
2. Kefka from Final Fantasy 6
3. Michael Jackson figure
4. Galvatron. Need more firepower
5. Chucky
6. A gremlin

If I feel like being nice:
1. Optimus Prime (any version)
2. a care bear
3. a stuffed kitten
4. Duke from GI Joe
5. Strawberry Shortcake

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Infinite wishes
MD Susanowo
MD Amatersu Regalia
Megalomaria Ruby Eye
Megalomaria Principal
Frame Arms Girl Stylet XF-3 Plus
Frame Arms Girl Gourai Kai

Damn your six choices- I want to put all my tiny daughters in.
Soundwave+laserbeak+ratbat for spying
2 Waifu figma
Nendoroid Genie for 3 wishes. One of the wishes is to make the now real figmas life size, other to be rich and the last to free him.

Overwhelming Popularity Edition.

Vegeta - Older Style Battle Clothes [Web Exclusive]
Frieza - First Form (Reissue)

Son Goku - The Lowest Born Saiyan
Medical Machine [Web Exclusive]

Son Goku - Daima
Super Saiyan God Son Goku (Reissue)


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I asked this exact question at the last panel. My guess is that Toei have a hand in the bandai licensing deal (cat stickers on the boxes) and since Toei dont have the anime rights, bandai cant get the distribution rights. I think thats why the toyotaro mui was such a big deal. They had to do a one off and market as a Super anime spin-off item.
Or only hope is a new anime.
So this is the best selection? Still with the discolour chest? Glad I didn't bother waiting then. I'm happy with my 3 copies of the original.
I'm enjoying reading these salty IG comments so much. People saying they are "crashing out" and "no disappointed it's gonna take a while to get over". The level of dramatics is insane.
I legit think some of these collectors need to be on suicide watch.
Can't say I am very salty.
I just went and used the money on sailor moon figures instead. I have experienced MTG Secret lair sales. I am very used to instant sell out shit.
>i cant live without consooming restocks
Where the fuck were they during the first release than if they need to act this spastic?

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Nothing makes me happy anymore.
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You're a couple of years too late for that.
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How disgusting and lazy. Also i was actually referring to McDonald's X Transformers
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These remind of an updated McDonald's Happy meal Transformers from the 80s. I can't really say they made me happy

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For the purposes of displaying figures what's a good way to lock their limbs if they're kind of loose?

This can stand up by itself but I feel like the leg joints are too loose so it'll flop over unless it's perfectly balanced. Can I counteract that somehow?
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Like the first anon said, some people use floor polish. You can also use super glue, the smallest amount. And if you don't want to pour anything liquid at all into your joints, you can use blu tack, it's like a putty that will stick to the toy and then whatever else you stick it on. It comes off the toys easy just be careful with your walls.
>Pledge Revive It floor polish was the go to solution for tightening up loose joints. I bought a bottle years ago and use it every once in a while. Works great for tightening up all kinds of joints. However, they don't make it anymore so it's wildly expensive on the aftermarket.
It's been rebranded years ago and still exists as a general floor cleaner. One other feature is now it works on any floor. But NOW that i look at the website, it's nowhere to be found.
I nice gloop on seminal fluid
That Kiki Fix stuff sounds probably like what I'll use since I'm not looking to do this to a lot of figures (at least at the moment).
it works pretty well but you need to use a shit ton for it to properly tighten the joints

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Good to be back, Vincent got delayed again so instead of the 11th, he got pushed to the 25th, held off from doing an early thread as idk if he will be delayed again but thankfully Hobbysearch just posted his box pic so that means he is coming out in a day or 2

>Vincent is numbered 9
Interesting, Cloud(1), Tifa(2), Aerith(3), Barret(4) Sephiroth(5), Nanaki(6) and Yuffie(7) are released in order, who could be number 8 then between Cid and Cait?

Previous Thread: >>11241558
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Yeah, like what >>11324583 said, if it came that way then send an email from where you bought Vincent, if its SE store then they will probably replace it as I have read they replaced faulty 2B's from their Masterline years ago, although they didn't asked for the owner to return, they said they need to break the faulty figure first before sending in a replacement
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Since this thread is now on autosage, I won't be bumping this thread anymore but will still post pics of vids I find just for archiving purposes
You joke but pedophilia is a real problem in the gaming community.
It's not creepy to have an ultra realistic depiction of a 16 year old girl on your desk? Okay bro. I don't care about the OG design because it just looks anime but the remake design looks like a real child.
>Use google or MFC for pics
GSC just got the FF license and is releasing Noctis, Lightning and Fran statues, won't upload pics out of respect for the no statue rule of toy but I am posting this as this news is huge, it means we may get Nendos or figma or FF characters now, who would have thought this day would come?

I wonder what changed SE's minds on licensing their "precious" FF IP?

Bring Arts Vincent replacement crotch mod

Vincent Bring Arts short
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Well they said they port their games day one and stop making exclusives on ps5 so maybe they want to expand the toyline too who knows. Though statues don't really mean anything sadly. GSC gets all kinds of stuff that never gets a figure from ANY toyline despite being popular. See all the eminence in shadow stuff. Maybe we get nendoroids? They did make a lot of nier ones afterall and I've been drooling over these fan made ones for months.

I thought looney tunes but looked at everything.
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How tall is it? Maybe from a Barbie set or some obscure airport related toy
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Yep! This anon has the answer. You can see the sign on the bottom right of the Wild Wave box in this pic.
Well fuck me thanks
How did you figure that out
Now that you have your answer, what will you do with the information?

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