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i loved these prototypes. and the doll stuff is actually really good, im interested in the doll parts community and i wish i knew more about it

>Upcoming transformers
>Leaks and Rumors
>Online Stores for TFs
>Where to watch TF shows:
>Transformers General Archives:

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>Drillbit wasn't a retool, he was a new mold entirely. They just copied the engineering.
youre right. but what Im getting at here is if they made new ones today they can easily work as retools. but they missed this oppourtunity.
>mfw still no minicon for starscream
Man I want some Minicons.
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We shouldn't've passed on those micromasters
They shouldn't have sucked so hard

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Any scale, any series. If it's a modular robot toy, post it here.

>Diaclone Reboot (3mm 4mm)
>Transformers Weaponizers/Modulators/Fossilizers (3mm 5mm)
>Tomica Hyper series (5mm)
>ZOIDS (3mm)
>Plarail Shinkalion (5mm)

>30 Minutes Mission (3mm)
>Animagear (3mm)
>Machine Robo Mugenbine
>Gunpla and Misc. Plamo (3mm)

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Oh... the earlier teaser about 52toys' renewal of the Alien license is for their 3.75" line, not IB.
Looks sick, here's to hoping that they still keep the price below 20k yen.
looks cool, but I think I'm going to wait for the final colors and price tag before I make a decision
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Drone carrier
maybe they'll do a tortoise with something on its back

>The World of Bionicle...
Media: https://biomediaproject.com/bmp/
Story: https://wallofhistory.com/
Wiki: https://biosector01.com/

>Building with Bionicle...
Studio: https://www.bricklink.com/v3/studio/download.page
Guide: https://bioniclerebuilt.wixsite.com/fallingstars/studio-guide-v2

https://archive.palanq.win/toy/search/subject/%2Fbiog%2F - Bionicle General/

Previous thread:
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His nasally Spongebob the Hedgehog whine is the last thing I’d want to hear in bed

You need a guy with more devotion
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When do you think Nick is gonna troon out?
What is possible is that all the enthusiasm, dumb memes etc. and the skyrocketing prices on bricklink as a result have led Lego to consider it for real. ofc that too is just copium, but probably the most realistic scenario down the line.
When is the lego presentation??
Seems inevitable.

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Welcome to the Diecast General, your one-stop shop for everything diecast! Whether you're a Hot Wheels fanatic, a Jada Toys collector, or simply love miniature metal marvels, this is the place for you.

From cars and trucks to figurines and statues, we celebrate all things diecast. So buckle up, join the conversation, and let's roll!

Previous thread: >>11060267

>Hot Wheels:



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Majorette Dodge Charger from Tune-ups Series 2
Are there any display stands for these guys?

What's a respectable scale?

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Previous thread:

>/lg/ Resources

>/lg/ Flickr Group

>/lg/ Archive

>Lego Reference

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I'm sure anything worthwhile will end up on bricklink
pack your lgo in closet, go to college, come home, parents have sold it to lego, see you rbricks on bricklink. lego reselling becomes dominated by lego/bricklink. drm bricks when? you never owned those bricks, just had a license to play with them.
Mine did not even sell it , they just threw it out.
oi you got a loisense to play with them bricks, mate?
based parents

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Previous Thread: >>11047001

Weenie the Dachsund.
Birthday: July 20, 1995.
“Weenie the dog is quite a sight
Long of body and short of height
He perches himself high on a log
and considers himself to be top dog !”
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Diddley the dog.
Birthday: July 25, 2001.
“Whenever I go anywhere
People always stop and stare
They’re not trying to be mean
They’ve never seen a dog that’s green !”
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Wiloughby the kangaroo.
Birthday: July 25, 2004.
“If there’s someplace I need to be
My baby rides along with me
He doesn’t mind a bumpy ride
He’s happy to be tucked inside !”
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Beani the cat.
Birthday: July 26, 2000.
“Why is my name Beani the cat?
It’s funny you should ask me that
My owner loves her Beanies so
She wanted the whole world to know !”
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I New York the bear.
Birthday: July 26, 2004.
“You’ll never bring New Yorkers down
That’s why I love this special town
Like our friend Lady Liberty
We stand with pride and unity !”
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So do they even own Transformers anymore or what
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is BW megatron gonna get a reissue, do you reckon? pls god I passed on it and regretted it ever since.
>Hasbro essentially stole all takara's designers.
Wrong. Most of the heavy lifting when designing the transformations is still done in Japan.

>Raiden is rushed and clearly unfinished due to budget restrictions.
Also wrong, Hasbro has absolutely nothing to do with the MP side of the franchise including budget, that's all Takara.

He knows jack shit about things everybody knows, why do you think he's going to know that? Also you're getting annoying, save money and pay scalper prices if you want it that much and let this be a lesson for next time.
Based grumpy toy poster
they own transformers but they're cucked by hasbro's shitty paint jobs most of the time
Shinkalion's first series was extended past it's original intended run without a break due to high sales and it's received a sequel and is currently airing a third series.
Saying Takara is a shadow of itself is wrong

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Is this 6 inch fad ever going to end?
Every decade, toys had a different dominant scale. In the 70s, it was the 12 inch GI Joe dolls. In the 80s, the iconic 3.75 inch figures reigned supreme. In the 90s, 7 inch figures found their footing. But now in the 2000s, almost everyone is just doing 6 inch. Why is this fad not ending? Companies just keep using the same tired playbook of releasing a 6 inch action figure line with little to no creativity. No playsets, no vehicles, these are not for kids. I think most people can agree that 3.75 was the best scale for both vehicles and playsets, not too big, but not too small either. You want a vehicle for your 6 inch figures? You have to buy a $500 Haslab. When are these companies going to learn?
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Boomers do but toys though
Who said boomers don’t buy toys?
boomers invented buying toys as adults
only other toy collectors besides myself ive seen at retail stores are 40+. i dont know the real demographics but thats my anecdote.

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What do you do when you think you should get rid of a chunk of your collection?
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I’ll take them anon :)
Sell stuff if it doesn't spark joy anymore. I have a bunch of figma and nendoroid shit that nobody seems to want.
Guess it depends where you live, "charity shops" are a pretty common thing here dumbing off stuff you don't want is easy af (we have like 3 in my area)
East coast
I try to remember where drop-off bins are. Sometimes it'll say clothes only, but I'm not always near a Goodwill/Salvation. Also Out of the Closet ironically doesnt accept toys. I know how hilarious that sounds, but that policy doesn't make it right

So China started producing a ton of their original dolls similar to Obitsu11 or Nendoroid Dolls. Does anybody own one or two? How is the quality?
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I was considering purchasing a peetson boy doll since I collect nendolls but always disliked how flimsy ob11/nendoroid doll joints were. Currently looking for a cheap doll to steal the 1/12 bjd body from, but that is also slightly taller from ob11 height, like >>11082193 (though I'm not sure what series it is from and if it's even 1/12 lol)
Any recs?
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Escapes plans series
What are you talking about
They say those things in every thread with figures that even vaguely resemble the female form. Best to report and ignore

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still mad btw
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dude there was like someone talking about this figure the other day
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Bandai you shitters
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Say what you will about Sota, but I always loved these designs.
They’re rereleasing Hellboy alongside him as well, it’s awesome.
I hope he rereleases with a big left arm, just for fun

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An anime, cards, clothes, figures, youtooz plushies and a ton more regular plushies are coming along with the establishment of the Palworld Entertainment Corporation. Kind of like TPC. They are taking suggestions for merch on twitter and the like. They do not seem to be interested in producing sus or nsfw type shit like dakis.

I've been having a blast with the update and Im saving up for the plushies. The more we build up Palworld the bigger the fire under Pokemon's ass is to deliver quality games and product too.

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Not more expensive than all. Also a lot better quality looking from pics than modern pokemon center. Quality went down a lot on plushies and design quality after swsh merch era.
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Grizzbolt and Tombat
based. though i'm biased since gliscor is one of my favorite pokes
People actually still care about this chink shit?
The Pokemon building toy license will always belong to Mega Bloks

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I'm glad I ordered a few Machaon, won't have enough for all the bois but I'll still have plenty of pokies to go around
Best trans girl with her budding hrt titties
Very based

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Connection rereleases and the new unis are out. Did you get yours?
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At 30USD, they're about in line with what OG connections would have been if they tracked with CPI. Don't know where you're seeing 40.
Maybe a month like the originals. Mine has been running for a week and a half on OEM batteries.
I like the ice cream shell more in person than I thought I would, but agreed. if they release shells on par with the P series rereleases I'll be pumped since these devices are actually fun to me.
This is pretty exciting but only because I've never owned an Angel. Butt icon for the toilet FTW.
For anyone interested, this LoveMelo concert should have 1 use left:

>Don't know where you're seeing 40.
That's what amazon said when I looked, but every shell had a slightly different price so it must've been third party resellers instead of RRP
30's impressive given the current state of the world/economy
used, thanks!
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Since we're posting codes here's one for monster carnival. Should have 2 more uses to claim (if I didn’t make a typo)

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