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5.99 at your local KB toys. maybe less. You get a free phantom menace figure if your nice to the cashier.

even comes with some of a lizard, and diorama base
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It's not even a question about A-tier or D-tier or whatever, they're just boring toys and designs.
Playmates could get me excited about random who gives a fuck characters.
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>Bare minimum they couldve thrown venom or another hero in here to justify itself.

Did you not see Razorback, one of the greatest Marvel heroes, in this pack?
Ha ha funny sarcasm
>Not wanting Joan Rivers as Rogue
>Dr. Octopus
>Villain who's entire gimmick are his multiple, flexible mechanical tentacles
>a mere 14 points of articulation, the lowest of any figure in that entire package
What the actual fuck?

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Has anyone been following Optibotimus as of late? he's been dating this new girl and turns out she's 29 and he's 47 years old. I know she's legally of age but fuck is that ever gross that he's old enough to be the girls father, what does she even see in him? so fucking gross
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Whats he supposed to do? Most women in their 40s already hit menopause. Of course men are going to go for younger, fertile girls.
She's nearly 30. I'd hardly call her the most fertile of woman.
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Take your insane puritanical bullshit and gtfo of my board.Seriously, this pedo-hysteria has become so extreme that idiots like you seriously think something like this is a real societal problem while your whole country is going down the shitter.
We have a few actual child predators on this board like Kenneth Tan and Diosoth, but yeah the 29 to 47 shit is stupid
What are you talking about, that’s Iron Man

>$600 MSRP
>cannot be displayed in public for any respectable household
>takes a large storage space
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It's technically a statue, but it's also articulated more than a Hot Wheels car.
So are statues with moveable head is considered an articulation too?
For people who hate good and beauty
100% THIS

In most European countries and the UK people are judged more on what kind of person they are then what their house contains/looks like, what clothes they wear or how much money is in their bank account.
Most of them are pretty cheap on the aftermarket

Any Schleich/Eldrador collectors here? Let's talk about this toy company. They recently acquired the Harry Potter license and plan to create a big media franchise for Eldrador, including comics, movies, shows, and video games.

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The problem is that Schleich always was an animal figure company. Their human range from good to weird.
Despite what i said i actually like Schleich monster line. they look cool and one of few realistic monster toys right now (that are not cartoony like Goo Jitzu or stuff like that).
i like that line with boxes that are arenas or something like that.
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This is weird btw.
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I got you, that you mean the human figures. And i agree that vary in sculpting or painting quality. Their knight line had rather good sculpting.
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Power Girl, Guy Gardner, Captain Cold, Wildcat, Orion, Heat Wave

Multiverse - Fleischer Superman, Dark Flash, Tempest
Super Powers - Robin, Jay Garrick, Atom, Lobo
Mafex - Tim Drake Robin

February - Spinmasters Batman Forever retro wave

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>If todd wasn't stubborn and kept it 1/12, he would've had the line longer
This. I stopped buying DC at 7inch scale. Why the fuck would I want to start over at a new scale that doesn't even fit in with my other stuff. Todd has good ideas at time but in the end he's woefully out of touch and narcissistic.
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>It's bad because you can't get good discounts online.
>you can't get good discounts online.
>you can't get good discounts online.
You're LITERALLY Buck Broken. Kek, how sad! You can cry harder, nobody cares.
Sorry to say anon but those figures aren't worth even a dollar. It's like telling me because Duke Thomas was on sale online for 5 bucks I can get good deals there.

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Jack Black Toy.
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When is Mattel going to give us a MOTU minecraft collab?
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>AI generated poster
There's no movie called The Indian in the Cupboard you racist.
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Yeah, this is definitely getting slathered in goo
They're 4 inch scale according to the Amazon product descriptions.

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Help me guys.
I need 1/12 female body in suit for custom purposes but only this two comes to mind. Maybe there is more?
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I hate to disappoint you, son, but humans are actually born naked.
I would get her, but I don't have the space for 1/6 scale. Hopefully they eventually do a 1/12 version of her.
the promo shots don't look bad, what's that look like in hand?
I dont own king only mary and mai. i like them. i never owned a 1/6 scale figure until now. huge difference when it comes to 1/12 scale plastic figures.

just buy her you wont regret it.
i just want one thing bros

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Hellsing is one of the best aesthetically pleasing cool badass awesome anime that ever existed.

How the fuck this is even possible?
Hellsing don't even have fucking Funko Pops or other "big head cute" garbage.

Hellsing has so much merch/figure material. Lots of fun unique cool characters.
3rd party chinese people making bootleg stuff off all kinds of garbage but even they didnt touch Hellsing
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these dont look that good but they're cheap enough i think i'll grab them anyway, better than nothing
>>>11349695 #
Is there an board for them, though? For decoration, they are more mature things than toys with their ugly hinges
I wouldn’t mind a weird outdoor hobbyish board, one where I could post gargoyles or big statues/carvings
I want a actual TOY of him, you now, a action figure
Hellsing is a flash in the pan moment in weeb history. The manga was extremely short. TV series was mostly fan fiction. OVA so 1:1 accurate to the manga that there's nothing to even say about it except it took way too long to finish. Frankly i'm impressed we got that Nendo with how long it's been.

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Now that Todd lost DC and no one wants to make the spawn movie after Joker 2 bombed, we need to help Todd come up with a new licensing strategy.

I think the smartest thing would be to do an Image comics originals. Starting with all the best robot and Giant Monster figures.
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Todd is really good at monsters, and collectors aren’t as picky if creatures have less articulation.
Hasn't there been talk about a spawn movie since Deadpool? After 2 came and went, it's obvious that the spawn movie wasn't happening.
Surely McFarlane has something else in the oven. I know he's been sporadically releasing 40k figures.
Mcfarlane has been talking about a dark Spawn movie since the last one came out, so what, 30 years now?

I now have 3 of them from various accessory lots I've bought but none of the sellers knew what they go to.
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I have done this they recommended 4chan toys lol
Not any ive been able to find
We solved it!
You did not

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>Upcoming Transformers
>Leaks and Rumors
>Online Stores for TFs
>Where to watch TF shows:
>Transformers General Archives:

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Huge gaps everywhere, bad proportions with a tiny head and cyberverse tier transformation, muh exclsuive expensive release!

Minimum gaps expossed, good dynamic proportions and a clever transformation that hides most botmode parts, goes to mainline for normal retail price.
You were the only person to see that movie
Does Dr Wu make cassettes that fit inside CHUG HasTak Soundwave/Blaster...?
More like Road-Byte

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Previously: >>11341438

-Marvel Legends X-Force X-23/Warparth 2 pack announced (Pre-order in March)

-Marvel Legends Deluxe Gamerverse Venom announced (All major retailers, pre-order 2/27

-Marvel Legends Spider-Man 2 Gamerverse Wave Announced (All major retailers, pre order 2/25)

-Marvel Legends Deluxe Gamerverse Kingpin Announced (Amazon Exclusive, March pre-order)

-Marvel Legends Spirit Spider Announced (Walmart Exclusive, March pre-order)

-Mafex Daredevil reissued (March 2025 release)

-Marvel Legends Maximum Series Spider-Man Solicited (Amazon/Fan Channel Exclusive, $49.99)

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post your collection
He was my favorite alt in marvel ultimate alliance so I'm glad to finally have a fig of him
New Thread:

>they figure kids would want cool aliens
They forgot this at some point.

I stopped collecting star wars toys since they went from cool aliens and robots to 99.99999% humans in normal 2020s clothing from another 4-episode streaming show.

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>BBTS removes sezzle "pay-in-4" payment option.

BBTS really picked the perfect time—while the economy is speeding towards a cliff, thanks to Trump and Elon—to get rid of their Sezzle Pay-in-4 option. Genius move, guys. Because what better way to keep customers happy than by making it harder for them to buy from you?

Welp, that’s it for me. No more shopping at BBTS. Hope ditching a payment option your customers actually used was worth it—because watching your sales tank is going to be fun. At this rate, enjoy the next few years while you can, because I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re out of business soon.

>Inb4 "hur dur, you still shop at big bad toy scalpers"
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Jeez Louise you people need to get a life.
I'm the anon who mentioned that a bank debit card tied to a bank savings or debit was a credit card, but it wasn't actually helping build your credit.
I haven't been back to this thread since then because I have a life.
Jesus H. Christ, you people need to either (a) play with your fucking god damn toys, (b) watch some cartoons/movies/read comics/play vidya, or whatever else would be more productive than this shithole.
And (d) get laid.
They're getting rid of it for the same reason most stores stopped doing layaway and why people get their couches repossessed from Rent a Center.
Says the goober replying to four day old posts.
And here I was, a poor leaf-fag getting 6 figures for $40. - I guess I can't make 600 payments of $0.12 now.
Seriously cry harder. if you don't have the money - don't buy. I'm a poor fag and I am just fine.
I still do.

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oof, now I don't regret missing out. I loved 2 because it ended up meaning more thiccness, but i never bothered to buy this really important toy.

man, all these designs wasted on things that can't stand up. But they almost seem worth preserving if they solidify
Thats the burden of the gimmick. Stretchy and wobbly dont stand that well.
Toucan-dolphin, Chameleobat, and Frogaroo are my favorites
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Only because they are unique. The Orca, Lion, Crow, Hippo and Crocodile are the superior answer!
Kinda reminds me of BeastWars Fuzors!
So we get a new vacman?

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I guess little's subjects is going to do something mask.

I wonder if it is just reissues
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I'd explain it to you, but you've already proven you're retarded by insisting they're "boomers". You failed already, kid.
>I wonder if it is just reissues
>This guy says they are re issues
They aren't "reissues", they are all new molds. They are keeping the same scale though.
Does Hasbro even have the molds anymore?
>they are re-issues of the originals just with some shitty blast/smoke effects added

I'll stick to the Ramen toys Makina line thanks.

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