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For photos and discussion of custom creations made out of Lego and other building block brands.
250 replies and 133 images omitted. Click here to view.
very nice, it could be a set from the 90s.
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Is the chimney uses pic related? Because I'm pretty sure it's illegal as the peg is being compressed.
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Taking a break from salvaging the shipwreck to build his home,
The lad needs a swig from his stein,
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verify that you are human :) please wait a while before making a post :) 2XST :) submit
yesh thats the piece and it's an illegal connection. i really liked the look of this piece and since i have quite a lot of those i don't mind it if one gets bent a little

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Didn't see one in the catalog so I figured I'd start.

I'm thinking of doing a custom Vergil with a spiderman noir's body and touching up some of the details.
How should I go about getting the head to fit on the ball peg neck?
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An attempt was made. It's MvC2 Hulk head I tried painting. I don't think it's god awful and the greens are close enough to the Selects body. Still I haven't done many heads so if I ever do more at least I'll have more practice.
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Forgot pic. One thing I don't understand is I bought some matte clear coating to spray on the head when I was done. After I did it looked really glossy despite the can saying matte. Is that normal? I put mixed a lil mod podge matte and water to cover it and that has it looking better. Any idea why the spray looked more glossy than I expected?
fucking fantastic bro
I think it's ok. Thinning the paint way more than I normally did as well as priming it helped a lot. I didn't go crazy with the primer though. In hand looks much better than in a close up photo. The main issue I have with how it came out is the dry brushing of the yellowish green. I'm not sure exactly how it should have been done to mimic the shading on the rest of the body, but it's good enough.
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Now I'm just waiting for his sword

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Welcome to the Lego General!

The ultimate online destination for all Lego enthusiasts! Whether you're interested in leaked information, exciting product launches, impressive mocs and reviews, or even indulging in speculation and wishlists, this is the perfect place for you. Immerse yourself in the world of Lego where endless possibilities await!


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Bogdanoff Junior seems to like it.
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GruuuKKKKK like leegos
bit disappointing this year not a lot of content
Summer of Slug is July and August.
I don't know how you built the upper deck but won't it bow with just the 2 supports in the middle? It seems very tile dense and somewhat heavy. Looks very cool.

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How is Diamond Select Toys?
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Some accessories are good, not all, not when the price points are very similar.
>not when the price points are very similar.
They're like Neca but with even worse durability / quality control. I watched an unboxing of their Lord of the Rings figure and the Legolas figure's leg broke off in the guy's hand (ironically making Legolas leg-less).
>NECA without the past QC stigma
>They're like Neca but with even worse durability / quality control
Not either of those anons, but it depends on the figures in question, how hammy your hands are, and pure luck I guess. I only collect Marvel Select and the only real QC issue I've had in 40+ figures was the wrist peg for one of my comic Spideys breaking off when I tried to switch the hand. That said, hearing about frequent breakages in the Invincible line put me off of it. I also have around 20 NECAs(though mostly older) and had no QC issues.

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Very good, OP
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I miss these lil niggas like you wouldnt believe
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Soul. I miss when 3.75 inch was the dominant scale.
Wish they had made a Milano ship for the Guardians in this scale
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best hulk coming through
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These guys kept me in the toy maze
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I had to make my own cosmic ghost rider

Previously: >>11036629

-Marvel Legends Odin Announced (all major retailers pre-order June 27th)

-Marvel Legends Let There Be Carnage Venom aanounced (Target exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Rogue/Destiny 2 Pack Announced (Amazon Exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Warlord Professor X Announced (Walmart Exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Deluxe Phoenix Announced (no further details)

-Marvel Legends Blackheart Wave Announced (Fan Channel Exclusive solicited)

-Mafex Integrated Suit Spider-Man (No Way Home) announced

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Shut up retard
I asked, I care.
New Thread:

>At least I can pose my toys
Prove it.
I believe Ive seen people add Windex to their washes. I also think youre not supposed to let it dry before wiping it off you just remove most of it and let the rest sit in crevasses to dry

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Remember that time they made a toyline whose villain was an african war general instead of some cooky cartoonish snake themed terrorist or something?
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They made him black?
Always was.
No he wasn't. Both the original figure and card art are white.
Look closer. Pale black man.
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Pictured: two black men

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Does anyone else pretend to be a scalper when buying toys so you won't get made fun of for being a manchild
>wear a bluetooth headset and business casual
>dress and act like those "hustle grindset" type guys from instagram
>buy large amounts at a time, usually lego sets and trading card packs
>pretend to constantly be checking your phone for the prices, and if anyone asks or makes small talk act like you don't know anything about the lore of the toys you're buying
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>not carrying a jeweler's loupe and inspecting the packaging
>not carrying a briefcase handcuffed to your wrist
you're doing it wrong
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season 1 of breaking bad is still so good
I was buying yugioh cards and the latina cashier started making small talk about how she used to watch the show with her brothers
yes the scary ones are the walmart or target cashiers, I once had a middle age woman tell me that the hundred dollar I spent on a lego set could feed a lot of hungry children
>I was buying yugioh cards and the latina cashier started making small talk about how she used to watch the show with her brothers
Based. Latinas are the best.
>t. Latina wife

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>does whatever a pizza can
Toy Pizza Expo 2024 is Sunday June 16th 11:00 am at The Yard in Beacon NY

>What is glyos

>What is available

>Thread Challenge
Show off your favorite glyos con exclusives.

>Previous Thread
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>>First time I met Matt Doughty I impressed him with my color matching - i actually had my eyes tested - i’m REALLY good at it. (Unfortunately it’s oftentimes a curse more than a gift)
>>I’m loving the bald dude with the beard……I wish i was a better sculptor (i am NOT ready to share my attmepts yet) because I want to make a Bald bearded head of myself - it’s such a popular look RN too. Bald faded into a full beard. It’s just that when it’s used in toy sculpting - they reserve it for roided out characters. So the facial characteristics are a little more intense than i’d like. Roid face is a thing, and i’m not a fan of it.
kek, this is gold
I'd rather $60 worth of favors from a local trollop
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Previous thread >>11021075

Where to Buy-

Web Exclusives-

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How come the cloud, lightning and impact effects are already out of stock? They just released a couple hours ago...
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They go on sale in like 5ish hours on Amiami, but fuck staying up for that. I’ll just get em on release. I think hlj still has the lightning, but there’s already a blue KO that’s basically the same.
pretty boring release month this time
Page 8, move over to the next thread.

What went wrong /toy/?
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>Depressed Goblin
>3.5x better than Legends
Anything is better then Hasblow.
why don't you hasBLOW me dude?
No way, fag.
2002 is a better design and wouldve sold twice as much

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Smile fest is on, lots of prototypes and anouncements

Previous Thread: >>11018190

Toyline general info:

Max Factory figma list & blog
>http://www.goodsmile.info/en/products/category/figma (no longer updated)

Reviews and news about GSC/MF products by Kahotan

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Suruga-ya is worldwide and does free worldwide shipping quite often.
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Just maybe
My one's torso is super loose and his hips are squeaky tight, I still need to loosen them up some point. Only other issue is the handle for the shields falls apart too easily but I think thats more to do with the design than qc
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Anyone have experience with the Snow Miku 2022 figma? I'm close on pulling the trigger for one but do the pigtails weigh her neck joint back a lot? They seem to be the heaviest part of her design.

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Give me the Lost World Arcade Carnotaurus and Deinosuchus
No idea but that is pretty neat looking.
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Anyone here have a GPK collection? I just rediscovered mine in the attic and now I'm in the process of reorganizing over 3000 cards in chronological order. Also found some sister series cards too, I forgot I had tons of Wacky Packages and some Meanie Babies cards as well
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You dont know what a boomer is
You are lucky to have all those. I remember when they first hit. They were awesome. Did you any Cheap Toy and Crummy Candies?
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I got this book for cheap. It has all the card art. Even includes some of the banned/rejected cards as a bonus.
I wish I had more. I found a few at a little con from some lady a year ago and they turned out to be the stickers. I got a bunch of horror characters but I want more just to have them. I might buy some packs off ebay or amazon and see what i get. I'm 31 and i love them. Wish I knew about them earlier.
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No, but I used to watch videos about fail/gross-out toys and these were often included. I like them, I think they're charming. I'm a fan of puns. Here are two of my favorites, I'm a big R.L. Stine fan.

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