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I never knew Last Action Hero had toys. what other toy lines were you surprised by?
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That fucking cartoon cat
Oh yeah, that cat broke my brain as a kid. LAH has deep lore to kid me, friggin multiverse stuff man.

> “It had shot way off to the left of what was originally intended. If there’d been more time, there’s a chance someone might have stood up and said, ‘What the fuck are you doing with an animated cat?’ Something which, from the outside looking in, looks like a decision of somebody using drugs.”
Sin City had a Bruce Willis figure too.
Nice you brought that up.
I worked at KB Toys when we got the figure line in. The timing fit with the weird Spawn figures that were coming out at the time.
It wouldn't look that off next to a figure called "Poacher" (a huge bipedal elephant that felt like it took a shitload of plastic to make)

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I ordered their Godzilla coffee mug
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Big Cungus
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I bought a pepsiman figure if that counts
i don't own it but does that one marvel figure used to represent Zat/retroblasting count?

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I think GI Joe sucks!
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my raging alcoholic dad is getting evicted and he keeps trying to pawn the GI Joes he bought for himself when i was a little boy off on me, i've been telling him for two decades they hold no sentimental value for me and i never really enjoyed playing with them. fuck gi joes.
honestly id be into 80s cartoon if they were animated by the japanese like they did their intros.
>t. rusty brown
Now THAT'S a collection. Stand proud anon.
Yeah? Well, you know, that's just like uh, your opinion, man.

so those this mean there will be more guilty gear merchandise in the future?
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Well Bridget's a girl now.

Take your meds.
>Bridget's a girl now.
You will never be a real woman
>bridget has been groomed now
Guilty Queer definitely know what the FGC likes
I was happy when Bridget was announced, until the twitter troons had say.
I wish Bridget had a vagina.

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So. When I was a kid, somewhere between micro machines era and early Lego bionacle (I think) I remember buying a series of "three colored aliens" that were sold in sets of a 4 or 5 I think? Might have been randomly assorted but for some reason I don't think so. The figures were all representing either a red, blue, or green faction. They were slightly smaller than a micro machines vehicle, I think. My hands were smaller then so I can't accurately say though. And you played a game with the figures, kind of like "war" with playing cards. I think the colors all trumped or died to a specific other color, and they had numbers on the bottom of their feet so that you could know their power level if a matching color came up.

Anyone remember what these are called?

Also, bonus question...what was your FIRST beast wars figure? Mine was Iguanis? 7$ in like 1996 or somewhere near there. I'm not going to look it up, going off memory. I saved up my weekly 1$ allowance.
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Based choice, I love Beast Wars insects like you wouldn't believe. I'd have to pick Ramage purely from the intensity of my desire for him as a kid. Buying him at a Mandarake decades later kicked off my entire toy collecting obsession
the bat gator two-pack was my first one as well. I wish they did more like that. It was so great to get a good guy and bad guy and a little comic. I feel like this must have sold well, but they never did anything like it again.
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I'm not 100% sure but I think it was Snarl
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Cheetor with the blue eyes. Apparently it was somewhat rare and there's a red and blue eyes re-release that marks later variants. Still have him in perfect condition
$7 sounds right for a Basic, OP. Apparently in some places they were as cheap as $5. I still have the size-classes and prices locked in my head. It's how I learned about money
Brown Pedo.

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Who else /boglin/ here?
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have they brought them back?
the big puppet boglins returned to stores just after the pandemic hit. there's talks of a boglin movie happening now. no idea if the mini boglins are planned for a comeback or not.

does anybody else wish they had done a boglins action figure line like they did with madballs? I just think it could have been neat.
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What's the difference in materials compared to the old ones?

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I got the Ct Toys spider gwen for 15$, after seeing youtube reviews on how "great" it was. When i opened it up, it was the worst figure experience i've had all year. Plastic felt gummy, no joint integrity, and floppy.

YouTube reviewers are such scam artists. "Better than the original" was the biggest bait I've ever heard. I don't know how anyone could think this was acceptable.

That being said i'm kind of gullible towards bootlegs. All my transformer ones are amazing and made of hard abs. I bought all the pretenders, and the wei jiang devastator. I might buy a few more in the future.

So is there any other good bootlegs out there that are cheap and strong? I felt like /toy/ would know all about this.

>well bootlegs are typically produced after shift...
I know this. I've heard this preamble a hundred times. Just tell me good bootlegs. Bonus if you have Links.
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Probably depends.

Ordered this from eBay for something like $30-35, including shipping.

EB refunded entire CC amount simply based on photos of damage and I don't have to return the figure. Had to wait about 10+ days for credit. Am sure some folks abuse this but unless people are using different accounts and different CCs you can probably only abuse this maybe twice or so.

Another time, I had a ML Spider-man with a broken arm (not peg damage, actual upper arm arrived cracked) and they refunded that BUT I had to return the figure, they paid shipping.

I'd rather buy in person and would consider a KO no question in that case.
The old neca Mirage turtle bootlegs were pretty decent back in the day, nowadays the mold has clearly degraded though.
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if you are interested in Saint Seiya stuff I can vouch for the Shinetime brand
their copies of Bandai original myth cloths are almost identical (minus the skeleton to form the constellation of the armor) and have even gone as far as making their own figures (the gold saints from the Lost Canvas manga)
each one of these is around 50-60 bucks
you just have to shop around, find real product photos (most chinks will just use the official prototype ones) and read every review before buying.
And most of the time you get what you pay, i.e. this bootleg >>11079420 can be found for as little as $9 and it does feel like a $9 toy, you can't expect QC or good materials at that price

better how?
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a particular brand, Toypoint, is making releases of the olympian gods
so far they have done zeus, apollo and ares and holy fuck, the level of engineering they have leave most of bandai's original figures biting the dust. they even come with the totems to form the representation of the god if you want

the rest of the bootleg brands (MST, CS Model, Shinetime, etc) give a very accesible option to get the classic gold saints for anyone who wants them, as bandai went insane with the prices, jacking up like 3 or 4 times the amount of what are mere rereleases (just with a pretty colored box)
they have even begun to make a whole bunch of the silver saints, which were almost entirely p bandai so their prices went through the roof originally and the copies are relatively decent

Can someone recomend me some modern day small monster figure guys to collect? I always enjoyed collecting these kinds of figures as a kid. This one is from a series called fistful of power, just an example of what i might be looking for for fun.
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What kind of monsters are you looking for?
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modern ones maybe cool,but you can't beat this classic

could be robots, horror themed or fantasy themed stuff i could use in tabletop games. I'm not too fussy about what I want. I just love collecting little monster dudes, some stuff i have in my current colelctions are Gormiti figures, fistful of aliens, random things like flush force and so on. Plus various monsters in my pocket figures.
MOTU Minis are fun if you can still find them for cheap. Same goes for the MOTU mega construx figs.
Well, >>11079147 is from a cancelled line called "Dragamonz" where each figure is basically a hybrid between a dragon and an animal. Seriously got done dirty by Spin Master.

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Previously: >>11069766

-Marvel Legends Wolverine (Deadpool and Wolverine) leaked

-Marvel Legends Phoenix Deluxe solicited (Fan Channel exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Magik (Walgreens) reissued (Fan Channel exclusive)

-Mafex The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Spider-Man teased

-Marvel Legends Rogue/Destiny 2 Pack solicited (Amazon Exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Let There Be Carnage Venom solicited(Target exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Death's Head (SDCC 2024 Exxclusive) revealed

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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man, outside of photoshopped promos it really looks like ass
the head is good (from a distance), the body sucks.
Warbird no longer appears on searches on Target.com. you have to have the exact url to find the listing. This is Target's response to the angry reviews. Hide it, act like it doesn't exist. Could also indicate no restock although no one knows for sure.
New Thread:

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Describe yourself using toys and anons make assumptions about you
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I don't have as much display room as I'd like
If America is ever invaded by Toku monsters, you will get a call from the president.
>import fags constantly shitting on their own release
Dude tell me about it, I mostly buy imports myself and the threads here are terrible, the figuarts and dragon ball threads degraded into nothing but shitposting as of late.
The Mafex and Revo generals are fine for the most part outside of the need to constantly argue about Western figures.
Whole board is like that now. Look at the Marvel and DC threads. They whine more about toys they don't even have any intention of buying than actually posting there own. There's only like a handful of guys that still will post their stuff.
their peak of popularity and cultural significance was in the 90's. i'm sorry you're retarded and you're a gen x latch key kid with damaged neuron activity due to lack of socialization and overexposure to shitty television. RIP

Idk if this is the right board but I'm wondering what your opinion is on the best bobbleheads I should get. I just got this one at the game 2 weeks ago
he doesn't look fat or smug and the likeness is ass
Next one I'm looking at
Yea that was disappointing. I wish he was more fat
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This one is my fave.

Is it cheaper to scratch build your own model locomotives and rolling stock? I'm specifically into British rail and the RTR locos and rolling stock is too expensive for me. I don't really find buying RTR items fulfilling either. It's like buying a Lego kit, boring to build because everything is laid out for you.
Out of brass? No way. But if you make yourself a vacuum forming machine and maybe a resin casting set, it should be relatively cheap to make locomotives, you just need patience.

Consider practicing by building a vacuum formed model kit first. Usually, you need to improvise with these in order to get a good result.
What about nickel? I hear it's easier to work with and isn't messy.

Maybe styrene + x-acto knife + resin + wheels + dc motors will do the trick.
In the end I don’t think you’ll save a lot of money unless you already have the kind of precision tools needed to machine a mechanism, or access to them. That’s the hard part, getting a working chassis, while everything else is cosmetic and just along for the ride. I’ve built locomotives but used an existing mechanism. The satisfaction you’ll get from building a unique model is priceless.
Sometimes but only if you have all the tools not just to build but also paint it to a good finish. Wagons and other rolling stock are a lot simpler and easy to make than locomotives and a good place to start if you're new. Usually people go with kit builds because they want some obscure model of locomotive that has no RTR for sale.

Getting a working mechanism isn't too difficult or expensive really, the kit should have all the gearing you just need a motor and those are cheap.

Maybe start with buying broken or non-running second hand trains and try refurbishing them as well as weathering projects. It's an easier start and all the skills and tools will still be used for full kit builds.

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>Upcoming transformers
>Leaks and Rumors
>Online Stores for TFs
>Where to watch TF shows:
>Transformers General Archives:
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I really like the base mold, I just wish it was a bit less friendly-looking for Nemesis. It's fine on Lio Convoy, to be fair, but not for this guy IMO. I'd have taken a retooled scarred/angry face over the extra gun he got.
marvel has had disastrous consequences on western media and I don't know if we'll ever be free of hacks trying to cram everything into one ongoing universe/multiverse
for real this time?
It meets all the requirements, even if its totally devoid of zazz

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anyone know when mp 43 beast megatron will be reissued, or even when? i passed up on him and have regretted it ever since!
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The thing about Rhinox is that there's way less paint to fuck up. I transformed him as many times as Dinobot and Megatron and I own them since release, that's why I find it more fun.
why would the make rhinox glossy when the others arent?
Tigatron and others like Hoist must've got Takara sweating when they didn't sell that well. It's just not feasible to sell $150-200 figures of minor characters like that in Japan when Transformers isn't the biggest franchise.

You have more patience than me mate, I find Rhinox's transformation to be too similiar to Megs in that they both require loads of panels to be lined up perfectly. That being said Rhinox is defs more fun to transform than Megs.
>I find Rhinox's transformation to be too similiar to Megs in that they both require loads of panels to be lined up perfectly
You only need to make sure the robot arms are exacty were they should be, then the panels line up perfectly and easily in beast mode. It's not like Tigatron's tiger belly at all, those are a pain.

is there any type of lubricant that can be used on action figures when it comes to swapping parts like hands and heads. They get really stiff when removing and hard to put back in and i worry i might end up breaking them. some of my stuff i cant even buy new anymore
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I don't care for the hot water trick, I use my pure man strength only. Sometimes it works, sometimes it breaks. Either way I win.
>My masculinity is so fragile I would rather break a toy than use my brain instead of force
Seek help
Silicon shock oil that is used for R/C cars I've used it on multiple figures and it's a life saver. Just a drop or so into the joint in question should be all you need.

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