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Mattel is fucking winning. That Spino looks great and Quatzel WITH PROPPER FOLDABLE WINGS
Toadline rex
Scientific accuracy
the colors on these guys remind me of turok
I'm pretty sure Prehistoric Planet had more color variety and that was genuinely going for le scientific accuracy.

Previous Thread >>11287466

>New/Latest Pre-orders

The Vintage Collection:
-B-1 Battledroid Troop Build 4pk - Pulse/Disney
-501st Clone Trooper (OWK)
-Mandalorian Super Commando (Ahsoka)
-Baylan Skoll
-Shin Hati
-Journey of Anakin Skywalker 3pk - Pulse
-Heir to the Empire 3pk - Pulse
-IG-12 (Deluxe)
-C1-10P (Imperial Disguise) - FanCh
-Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Legend)

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Nice seeing people able to get the niche stuff that Hasbro would never make for them
Great picture Anon!
If they had done it before season 3, a fully loaded din djarin probably could've done it. I'm talking about beskar armor, floating crib, grogu, disintegrator rifle, sidearm, bounty puck, locator thingy, some credits, beskar ingots, vibro knife, beskar spear, dark saber, jet pack, flamethrower and jet effects, baby pouch carrier... Did I miss something?
Why does Hasbro hate fans and also hate making money? Are they stupid?
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Yeah I'm genuinely really enjoying it, even besides the niche choices they're putting out, the parts they're creating open up a lot of opportunities - like fixing the official Waxer to be correct for his Umbara appearance by adding the bootleg macrobinoculars. I didn't put the 501st/212th "specialists" in my first order, but after seeing how well this works I'm getting a few of each later to go with him for that scene.

Thanks, gonna do some bigger ones later (ideally also with a better backdrop than the box they came in) but for now here's one more smaller setup.

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Welcome to the Army Men General!

Previously: >>11281427

>Plastic soldiers, knights and pirates, cowboys and indians, fantasy and sci-fi, cops and zombies, all are welcome here!

>Archived threads:

>Army men wargame rules:

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Not a bad final product if I say so myself.
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Unfortunately it is somewhat large for the average plastic soldier. The original model was 1/20 scale which I reduced by 20% for my printing; there were difficulties in printing the small pegs to hold the carriage together so I'm wary of going much smaller for future attempts, though I might give it a go at some point. Currently printing a simplified Tiger tank in blue to see how viable an option it is to up-armor some colour factions by this means.

I"ve seen some cave man stuff online but it's pretty pricey if I remember.
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Organic supports are both awesome and creepy.
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The Blues finally have a tank of their own, no thanks to the Chinese and their deceptive toy listings... working on a second tank design and will hopefully be able to print soon to double their armored support.

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What vpets are you raising? You've not let any of them die recently I hope
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I actually like the colors a lot because they are simple
I wouldnt want all of them to be as complex as the X
They are basically re-releases of the OGs mechanics wise with more accurate evo req than the 20th and a slitghly different combat system that is not as simple as OG but not as complex as the 20th, and thats all I wanted from them, they have their place in my collection just fine.
playing the 20th after such a long time and there is just something magic about the non color devices
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My daughter is so cute
Drawing herself twice…ego

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>/lg/ Flickr Group:

>LEGO General Archive:

>Third Party Information:
https://pastebin.com/YHYxy2Ze (embed)

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Clone base update
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Did he post something highly inappropriate or something?
It was a troll who got all his posts deleted.
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>Wanted a Lego ARC-170 since Episode 3 came out as a kid
>FFW today, now an adult with plenty of disposable income
>New one finally got released after I missed out on the previous 2
>It's horribly out of scale
Same story for quite a few lego sets. It's not fair bros.

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Interior of the other building. I should get trans green tiles for the windows to conform to classic space color schemes, but I don't have enough of them so I had to use blue ones.
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Also, a kitbashed Blacktron commander.

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new update
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People do it all the time. Headswaps, repaints, mods... Romankey mainly makes blanks, modifying them is the whole point.
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It’s why they’re so good. I hope somebody better at painting than me makes a red one from her but I’m probably try, get a second and try stripping the ink, dye her red/waterslide the face and paint the hair.
I agree. If you're gonna do some sort of demon, you gotta go all out.
BBTS sells third parties?
Theyve sold romankey stuff before.

I hope they release a red option. Good shit, anon, please show us the result if you end up doing it

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Robin preorder going up tomorrow, listed release date as November 2025

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Same for Miggy, I just got a delayed notification from them. Shame since my ML 2099 broke recently due to the swirly twirly plastic being shitty and I was waiting to replace him with the Mafex. Annoying.
Where did the blood and brain effects come from?
MtA, but Super Action Stuff Casket of Cruelty.
I saw a video that said the Mafex hip and leg joint can easily break.
I ordered my first ever Mafex figure last month, the Tobey one, how can I pose him without fucking up his legs?
the video you watched was made by a retard, you're fine

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Alfred, this Robin is getting too old edition

Wildcat, Orion, Heat Wave

Multiverse - Fleischer Superman, Power Girl, Captain Cold, Guy Gardner
Super Powers - Robin, Jay Garrick, Atom, Lobo
Mafex - Tim Drake Robin

February - Spinmasters Batman Forever retro wave
March/April - McFarlane Power Girl, Captain Cold, Guy GardneR


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lol, lmao even. I collect toys based off the source material, not based on some 90s toy line that I thought was goofy even when I was a kid.
Their prone to being super brittle too. I'm starting to see them everywhere because every copy is shattering. Seems mcfart is still learning how to use clear plastics
New thread.
What a stupid post lol
The jealous individuals here will come up with the most ass backwards reasons to justify why they aren't getting a toy. It's like, bro, just don't get it if you don't want it.

Is that an official LEGO Trump?

Overwhelming Popularity Edition.

Vegeta - Older Style Battle Clothes [Web Exclusive]
Frieza - First Form (Reissue)

Son Goku - The Lowest Born Saiyan
Medical Machine [Web Exclusive]

Son Goku - Daima
Super Saiyan God Son Goku (Reissue)


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i got this retard and the sdcc goku/gohan. rip beat gohan and king cold but i guess NO one got any.
Still waiting for the ee with blood, scratches, transparent hair, better faces, and the skin color actually matching.
Yeah. It's bound to drop in 5 years after the 4.0 is released.
Honestly regret buying this figure. I just can't with this chest
made a new thread an hour ago forgot to post it here >>11327481

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Nothing makes me happy anymore.
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You're a couple of years too late for that.
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How disgusting and lazy. Also i was actually referring to McDonald's X Transformers
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These remind of an updated McDonald's Happy meal Transformers from the 80s. I can't really say they made me happy

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Good to be back, Vincent got delayed again so instead of the 11th, he got pushed to the 25th, held off from doing an early thread as idk if he will be delayed again but thankfully Hobbysearch just posted his box pic so that means he is coming out in a day or 2

>Vincent is numbered 9
Interesting, Cloud(1), Tifa(2), Aerith(3), Barret(4) Sephiroth(5), Nanaki(6) and Yuffie(7) are released in order, who could be number 8 then between Cid and Cait?

Previous Thread: >>11241558
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Horse is as articulated as a 6 footed horse can be. Pretty much everything that you thinks moves can be moved
nice pics!

Saw a review yesterday for Odin and saw he was big, review said he is based from Dissidia NT game.

Bahamut should have been as big or maybe bigger than Odin desu

I didn't post anything as my last post with the Tifa riding a Chocobo, image limit was already at 145 and I remember the limit is 150

Since this thread is soon to archive, I will make a new thread when the next Bring Arts FFVII gets released or if anyone want to make a new thread then feel free to do so and I will post the updated release dates
Yeah, I figured you were waiting for my pictures. What got me to actually get him was that he looked fairly similar to the ff7 rebirth one with a bit of extras, so I thought close enough.
In the meantime I finished rebirth and, oh boy, it rekindled my love for the franchise. I had to cancel a preorder to get him but it's worth it since Odin is harder to get than dragonball stuff. Especially for almost msrp. Also I didn't know it was based on NT specifically. I assumed it was based on Yoshitaka Amanos art. There's a similar picture.
The review I saw indicated that Bring Arts Odin is based from Dissidia NT, I watched a vid from that game and it is indeed from the game, Bring Arts Bahamut, yeah, Idk where they based it from, when I see a review of it, maybe the review can tell where it came from.

And yes, Odin from NT kinda looks similar to Rebirth Odin, would have maybe bought Odin too but my ocd will not let me sleep that Odin isn't anime-ish/FFVII art style but thats just me haha, he looks really great with other figures moreso than Bahamut.

Can't wait for part 3 as I thoroughly enjoyed playing Rebirth, the minigames, the battles, fun stuff like a certain character dressing as someone just to fight you in a card game, certain appearance of someone where you get the item that will let you break damage cap, date play where you can choose instead the enemies instead of you heroine and watch said enemy almost fall in love with the hero and too many to mention. Too bad part 3 won't be this year so it will be awhile to play Vincent and Cid
the bahamut is from ff8

Also part 3 will probably release 2027 unless they somehow need less time than for part 2. Yeah, the way the depicted cloud at then end really hit home for me because I played the original at least a dozen times and still got taken by surprise. They did good. And as for all the open world ubistoft stuff, I thought it was bloat at first but really started to like it later on. Honestly if you just roll with the changes it's very fun.

And man...the soundtack holy fuck

I thought looney tunes but looked at everything.
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How tall is it? Maybe from a Barbie set or some obscure airport related toy
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Yep! This anon has the answer. You can see the sign on the bottom right of the Wild Wave box in this pic.
Well fuck me thanks
How did you figure that out
Now that you have your answer, what will you do with the information?

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>In Stock Sale items featuring Ninian Infantry and Armory Figures shipping now.
>No direct re-release planned for Ninian Infantry but new Snake Men style figures will be coming.
>Necronominus Wave shipping soon.
>Graveyard Skeleton sets on the water, expected to ship out late February
>All Star 6 Wave in production, all other waves in pre-production.
>Green Dragon Beyithirr preorder will go up in March
>Zolocon exclusive Warrior Beasts Head Hunter figure out at the convention in March with a "standard version" later on.

>Savage Crucible Elric of Melnibone Pre-Order up now.
>Savage Crucible Albino Lemurian figure revealed, more details on it's release will be available at a later time.

Other fantasy lines to note:
>Boss Fight Studios HACKS(1:18)/Epic HACKS(1:12), Animal Warriors of the Kingdom(1:18 and 1:12 options), Xesray Studios Combatants, Storm Collectibles Golden Axe, AxyToys Dinosaur Battlefield, Berserker Studios Myth Gods, Frazetta Girls.

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New thread?

>still mad about being shown by a simple test how easy it is to understand my posts
>needs to create a cope story about it

I really don't understand why this is so hard.
I mocked 4H for not being able to sell out of their toys after putting them up for 30 minutes, when before they used to sell out in a single day.
YOU cry that it's because they produced more, so it's okay for them to not sell out.
But because i worded it as "they suddenly increased production", that it's no longer your own claim?

It's like talking to AI from the 1970s. It has to be perfectly quoted or you can't understand what's being said.

For retards who understand analogies: it's like telling me a red nose on a clown isn't red, cause it's actually scarlet.

For actual retards: can you stop lying just to defend a company that is literally ripping you off by pocketing your money instead paying for quality control?
>the schizo tries to sneak in one last "i win" shitpost after everyone's migrated to the new thread
>if i just repeat myself again like a broken record that means i win
10 years of this already, i hope on your deathbed you can cope "yeah i totally owned them"
i bought the og but much prefer this one

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