Previous:>>11266759What is a Nendoroid, you may ask?>> and news about GSC/MF products by Kahotan>>> release info found here:> too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>11333816i'm actually baffled why they never made a Donald McDonald nendo yet. he's actually a huge meme icon in Japan thanks to those touhou mashups.
>>11332852>>11333747It's so weird out of all the fast food mascots they could have done this is the one they went for. I'm not mad or disappointed, just surprised.
>>11333819and Colonel Sanders
>>11327233Maybe keep kaiju shit confined to the containment thread.
>>11333866it's a nendo, this is a nendo thread you fucktard
For the purposes of displaying figures what's a good way to lock their limbs if they're kind of loose?This can stand up by itself but I feel like the leg joints are too loose so it'll flop over unless it's perfectly balanced. Can I counteract that somehow?
I nice gloop on seminal fluid
>>11323508That Kiki Fix stuff sounds probably like what I'll use since I'm not looking to do this to a lot of figures (at least at the moment).
>>11323747it works pretty well but you need to use a shit ton for it to properly tighten the joints
>>11323500>blutack arms
>/ctg/ - coomer toys generalExercising Edition:Previous Thread: >>11313811>Previous threads>Is there a place I can view/post uncensored pics?>The Rules:Please censor ALL nipples/genitals before posting imagesDon’t kink shame, if it’s not for you, move onNo hotglue pics, it violates the board rules and that is not what we are here forIgnore obvious trolls, give them no attentionBe respectful, have fun and most importantly post pics!Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>11337333I love all of themExcept power, she is a beast not a woman
Asa/Yoru figure when?
>>11334796>>11334799Hi, recently joined the thread, I would like to recreate this. If you don't mind can you list the materials that were used for it?
>>11337721Not him, but this picture >>11335273 shows the two sprues of joints that he bought and used for the process
>>11337732thank you anon!
>FEBRUARYVegeta - Older Style Battle Clothes [Web Exclusive]Frieza - First Form (Reissue)>MARCHSon Goku - The Lowest Born SaiyanMedical Machine [Web Exclusive]>APRILSon Goku - DaimaSuper Saiyan God Son Goku (Reissue)SSGSS Vegeta - Unwavering Saiyan Pride (Reissue)>MAYVegeta - DaimaComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>11337622Neither are canon. Simple as.
>>11337622GT is called out for being noncanon all the time? Same for the movies.
beast deities/kong are making another goku
>>11337739Lmao how long until they give up on replacement animal parts to hide the db fig and just start packing an entire db fig and an animal one together
>>11337739oh dude that monkey head looks neat. Even feet hands and armor. Pretty crazy. God bless the chinese. We really don't deserve these gigachads. Though I'll be honest I want a regular fucking goku. I really hope DF hurries up with the rereleases
i may have zero friends, but my gang got my back
>>11333283i dont like figma stuff, i have the TP Link and Zelda only cause theyre the only figures of the characters, i just dont like how they articulate and how janky the joints are. the price is also far too much when i can way better or more for the same price. i had the figma pyramid head and ended up giving it to my ex when i got the mezco.
>>11333300>quads && dubscheck
This is a pic from an alternate universe where Heath Ledger didn't kill himself.
>>11333133Just play some N64 games with them
I'm not a big toy collector, but I AM looking for a chase figure. They didn't have it when I went to two stores, but I also wanted to just look at Marvel stuff, and literally they only had two figures on the pegs.Is there a standard day where I can go and they're actually restocking? Or does it change by store?
>>11329893NTA but Target's app has a shitty search functionI find it useless even with the barcodes
>>11329566People kept stealing the Walmart ones. They stopped bothering because they were consistently damaged with parts being ripped out of them and stolen by meth addicts.
>>11329893yeah inside the storeif it's not in stock it will flat-out tell youor if it is in stock, even list the aisle numberI don't download store apps so IDK what that does...
>>11331553Those Target stores are helpful, but it's still better to ask at the counter. I was trying to score a particular Hot Toy car as a gift that was a chase that was only available on-line but those were sometimes returned to the stores in person, and you could find them with due diligence, for example. Those machines don't register that and will also only tell you stock in a few nearby stores, versus who actual has it in stock in their entire search area/district.
>>11331553Not sure if you're still around, but when I scanned the barcode in store, it correctly identified the toy, but then in the status area it said it was unknown if it was in stock. And not in the back.What does "unknown" mean in this context?
Just wanna say how much I love this set, pretty much my fave mirage TMNTs
Just wanted to reiterate how great these are in case it wasn’t noticed
>>11320905>>11320906Eh, I’ll stick with my NECA versions. They’re far superior.
>>11326651Different styles and different figures, I just love the size and new approach with a variety of arms, legs, belts and suchBut yeah, I have the first bootlegs of the NECAs and they are at the top of my favourite figures
What are some figures that might work as generic goons or henchmen? I remember that fortnite used to have some tactical ninjas, but I forgot their name.
Gi joe classified dreadnoks work pretty well as random biker gang
Was thinking of this too, but for zombies.The most I can think of is Palisades had a Resident Evil line, but those are insanely expensive now. There's also a World War Z line that seems relatively cheap and is around 6 inches. The paint and articulation are absolute crap, though.
>>11328240They're doing a Classified "diver" 2-pack with a red and a yellow frogman. They're repaints of the Torpedo figure. They'd make great generic divers.
>>11317016Every Batman villain on the 60s show had gimmicky goons >pow!>smash! >goon!
What are the best (and cost effective) generic knights, bandits, samurai, etc figures for armybuilding
Any scale, any series. If it's a modular robot toy, post it here.TakaraTomy>Diaclone Reboot (3mm 4mm)>Transformers Weaponizers/Modulators/Fossilizers (3mm 5mm)>Tomica Hyper series (5mm)>ZOIDS (3mm)>Plarail Shinkalion (5mm)>etcBandai>30 Minutes Mission (3mm)>Animagear (3mm)>Machine Robo Mugenbine>Gunpla and Misc. Plamo (3mm)Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Is it just me or is Diaclone basically fucking dead after the completion of great robot base?The subline of more realistic/tacticool shit is boring AF and seems to have slowed down and nothing fun on the horizon for mainline either. I was hoping they'd expand on waruders or start in on the dinosaurs or something but instead it's just diminishing returns.
>>11337671Diaclone had such a strong start, and they just wasted it. The line only got weaker and less cool looking over time, now I have almost completely lost interest in it.
>>11337671if they make a titan for the waruders I'll be fine with waiting a few years for them to plan it all out.
Upcoming Transformers>Leaks and Rumors>Online Stores for TFs>Where to watch TF shows:>Transformers General Archives: >>11327411
Hey guys. I've been out of the game since kingdom. Is there anything out right now that's worth buying? Or should I just wait for the 86 constructicons
>>11336101There's only six of them
>>11333229>Different time periodsIf they really do mean time periods instead of different universes, where could they actually go with this? You can't go much further back than Hearts of Steel unless they're willing to make coaches, sailing ships, and chariots (which would be cool as), or beast modes. So assuming they go forward from HoS, would Hasbro really be willing to license accurate tanks and vehicles from WWI and WWII? Could we finally get more biplanes, a zeppelin, or even a Fulcrum who actually turns into a bomb?
>>11335625Now tell them all about how shit that Starscream feels to transform and how easy it was for parts to snap off, you disingenuous cunt.
My focus Black Grimlock arrived. Bought it on impulse thinking it was some repaint, but it was some 3p toy (planet X vulcan in black, called Plenk or something). It's missing weapons, next conversation for Dino mode and a shin/booster. It has a number of weird issues, tabs are tiny and there's fitting issues all over. The tail also has a frustrating transformation and requires you transform it a very specific way to get the necessary clearance (and just barely). Robot mode is brought down by the tail, thry form the back of the legs and come undone very easily, but the dino mode is pretty solid. All on all? Can't complain for $25, but I wouldn't be too happy paying $130 for one.
>FAQ:>/lg/ Flickr Group:>LEGO General Archive:>Third Party Information: too long. Click here to view the full text.
Cabbage girl mocking bricktsar
>>11333097Show me one piece of information corroborating any of that.
Are you part of it?
>China mogging us Social media with Rednote.>China mogging us ai with DeepSeek.>China mogging us dinos with Nanmu.
>>11331714Well yea dinosaurs had feathers
>>11329425JP3 also had the best dinosaur designs in the series for sure
>>11331714Anon, not saying you're wrong, but they were just supposed to be the best approximations of what they could make using DNA splicing. Even in the novels, they were more malign mutants than accurate representations of dinosaurs.
>>11331714>Well, not exactly,” Wu said. He paced the living room, pointed to the monitors. “I don’t think we should kid ourselves. We haven’t re-created the past here. The past is gone. It can never be re-created. What we’ve done is reconstruct the past—or at least a version of the past. And I’m saying we can make a better version.”>“Better than real?”>“Why not?” Wu said. “After all, these animals are already modified. We’ve inserted genes to make them patentable, and to make them lysine dependent. And we’ve done everything we can to promote growth, and accelerate development into adulthood.”>Hammond shrugged. “That was inevitable. We didn’t want to wait. We have investors to consider.”>“Of course. But I’m just saying, why stop there? Why not push ahead to make exactly the kind of dinosaur that we’d like to see? One that is more acceptable to visitors, and one that is easier for us to handle? A slower, more docile version for our park?”>Hammond frowned. “But then the dinosaurs wouldn’t be real.”>“But they’re not real now,” Wu said. “That’s what I’m trying to tell you. There isn’t any reality here.” He shrugged helplessly. He could see he wasn’t getting through. Hammond had never been interested in technical details, and the essence of the argument was technical. How could he explain to Hammond about the reality of DNA dropouts, the patches, the gaps in the sequence that Wu had been obliged to fill in, making the best guesses he could, but still, making guesses. The DNA of the dinosaurs was like old photographs that had been retouched, basically the same as the original but in some places repaired and clarified, and as a result—
>>11315310They have dragons to
Previous Thread >>11279625Welcome to the 1:18th general. All 1:18th scale lines are welcome including larger scales that may work with 1:18th. Post pics of your latest purchases, dios, customs and whatever else you feel like posting. We encourage mixing lines. Let’s keep this general fun and help each other out.>1:18th linesAcid Rain(post apocalyptic soldiers, mechs, robots, vehicles)Boss Fight Studios(Fantasy, Zorro, Tarzan, Zombies, The Phantom, horses)Dime Novel Legends(Western figures)GI JoeHiya(Aliens, D.C., Predator, Robocop)Indiana JonesJazwares(Halo, Fortnite)Joy Toy(Warhammer 40k, Modern/futuristic military soldiers, mechs, dioramas, vehicles)Jurassic ParkMarauder Gun Runners(Modern military, WWII)Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>11327712She's growing on me actually
>>11327712Joytoy figures smell like that for a couple of days. My Lionel Johnson smelled so bad I kept him in the garage for a two days to let him air out.
>>11336237a ton of its smell probably wipe off on your fingers. maybe try sanitizer or a wipe to clean it off the figures before handling them?
>>11336684Washing them with dawn soap is probably best way.I wouldn't recommend it on any toys that are wash heavy, like Acid Rain figures used to be though.
What are the best Spongebob toys?Kids meal toys are fine too.I'm currently deciding between the nendo or the s7 ultimates.
>>11328538makes me wonder if the soft foam would horribly cracked over time.
Which one is the better playset? They're both painful get some what complete at retail.
>>11314600Is OP at Universal Orlando?
>>11330269Depends on whether you're looking for the most accurate, so obviously the non-knight playset is better. Additionally there's also the not-lego set one but getting may be a hit or miss depending on where you are.
>>11321594they look like fingers or tentcles then his actualy arms
Trying to remember a toy line from the 2000s. They were offbrand transforming robot line, but I think they were more like a vehicle that was like a shell with a robot inside. Also iirc was from Playmates. Pic not related but I needed something.
Nevermind found it.R.E.V.S.
>>11331323Looks like Diaclone reboot to me.
>>11331364Warudasuit from Diaclone reboot.