Did yall see the new Reel Drama Cleo?! I need sooo bad!! :(
Blocks. Your. Path.
>>11360594god Ive been wanting that wednesday for so long now
>>11360600Get her. You know what you must do...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rTmVjPqK68
The old thread hit the image limit. Post original lego creations; even if you think they look bad.
>>11358537Damn, that looks good as fuck. I'm actually shocked you took my advice about the inverted tiles. I'd definitely support this.
All Warner properties are leaving Lego and going to Mattel brick shop.
>>11358728When I'm trying to learn a new hobby, I've learned that it's a good idea to just ask all sorts of questions and get people's critiques. Ego can come later, getting good comes first. Now that the fish is done enough, I realized that a car hood kind of looks like a crab body and one thing lead to another so now this is WIP.
the underside so far as well. Realizing that I do not have anywhere near enough ball joints or sand green in the inventory to do the literal 10 articulated legs at the moment. Debating if I should just pick up a speed champions set and just swap out the sand green for another color with more common parts.
old junk bump
Lionel GG-1 edition
>>11357910I did, someone told me to post here in that thread. I just took his advice blindly. That said the motors are common between some trains with regards to the fact that coreless motors are in both.>Not all trains have coreless motorsI learned that after this post. I guess I am a bit of a retard.
>>11357564The 90s G scale stuff is very charming in how toylike it is
>>11358632It is very charming, James looks really similar to his TV model proportions not withstanding, he's my favorite of the two. I kinda wish Lionel had gone to the effort of making some proper G Gauge freight cars instead of reusing an existing mold, I wonder how a Bachmann freight car would look behind them.
>>11354442Nice find, I regret not asking this one guy at a train show last year how much was his mpc GG1. I bought a RDC Amtrak set and was on a fixed budget that day.
What is the worst model train ever made? It would be fun to swap the motor and gears for better quality ones and then run it.
Didn’t see one in the catalog, so figured I’d make one. Post your displays, whether they’re new or old.
>>11352923I'm thinking about getting a Daima SSJ4 Goku, Blacksun and removing the SD gundams til I get more space. Darsh takes up soooo much space
Theres this which I need more archtype/godforms for.
>>11358052It is a clusterfuck but a tidy one at that. I only take offense at the lower right bookshelf being part toy display, part comic shelf. I did that once but I used the books for the background and as a divider. Nothing thematically consistent though.
>>11353049I have a love hate with glass tower displays. They're the best for showing off your collection's detail but I can't help but feel they look bad when resting in front of a wall and not standing in the middle of a room like a centerpiece. At least they're better at keeping dust away than open bookshelves.
>>11359112I want to do something with my Four Horsemen's Headless Horseman. Maybe something with a bridge.
post toys you are excited for from smaller/independent/3rd party companies.
>>11359599>turn into vaporwareWhat do you mean?
>>11358188Reminds me of a younger Mouth of Sauron from the Rankin & Bass 'Return of the King.'
>>11360005That they'll actually be produced.
Astronauts with alternative zombie pieces
>>11356704Waiting for those two, other lines I collect are kinda dead. Wish those Metal Slug ones got faster releases.
Welcome to the Army Men General!Previously: >>11311947>Plastic soldiers, knights and pirates, cowboys and indians, fantasy and sci-fi, cops and zombies, all are welcome here!>Archived threads:https://archive.palanq.win/toy/search/subject/Army%20Men%20General/>Army men wargame rules:https://combatstorm.com/https://onepagerules.com/portfolio/one-off-games/https://www.plasticcommand.com/https://freewargamesrules.fandom.com/wiki/Special:Search?query=army+menComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>11348076Those are Hawker Typhoons. The fuck is a traction engine doing in there?
>>11359730Its best.
>>11357800 The minigun, with a whine began to spin up. Soon depleted uranium slugs were sparkling as they bounced of the creatures seemingly bulletproof hide.
>>11359730 "Gotta get the harvest in" Josef thought as he and his brother Hans forked sheaves of wheat into the maw of the threshing machine... " Gotta.." his thoughts were interrupted by the clash of armor in the fields next to him where gigantic tanks tore up the land, their treads ripping the earth as the machines tried to flee from the air assault. A group of.. Italians? Spanish? crouched behind the sheep barn carrying crates of rounds for a field gun they didn't have.
>>11360206The swirling chaos of battle is a thing to behold
It's 2025 and it's the most important year for Italy and Rome.I live in italy but i don't see any LUCE-merch anywhere?Anybody saw figures toys or other merch with this banana raincoat wearing girl?
>>11359815Greedy catholics.
>>11351849Cults3D has a few models including a satanic and anti-Luce. Pair her up with that 3D printable Sparlock figure some JW-apostate made.
>>11351983>>11359815>$78 roobucks plus $87 shippingCatholic Church found a way of raping their parishioners that society finds acceptable.
>>11359815>>40 dollars>>40 more dollars to ship to us>>looks worse than a $30 makeship plush>Sad!!Huh?i thought ameritards were rich or something>>11351983Thanks! Just ordered one!But it's weird you don't see any of their merch in Rome.
>>11359891Luce means "light" in italianLucifer named like that because his name means "light bringer".Learn.>>11359944>is it lu-che or lu-se?lu - che
I miss these lil nibbas like you wouldn't believe
>>11345521That bottom one is pretty nice.
This thread just made me remember this for the first time in decades. Its not attack pack but it got mixed up in my attack pack memories.
>>11348849Looks like a RC version of Attack Pack!
Around the same time either before or after Mattel released an unrelated but same idea RC car called Bruno. It would growl and bark I guess and of course move but very slowly, it was fun and it was huge when compared to the attack packs, so I would often play with him as this giant creature they had to join the fight to destroy.
Does anyone remember a lizard like tank toy from the 80s? It had a green, body, six tires, fins on the side that also had guns on them, and it's eyes and tongue lit up. There was an engine on the back too, the batteries went in under that. I had it as a kid and thought it was cool but it was before I could read so I have no memory of what it was called.
Moi?! Prolly some Diaclone (after wiping the blood of the check).
>>11348909>patriotsyou have no idea what that word actually means
>>11353239How much more expensive are your hormone treatments, sweaty?
Where’s my check?
It's not a real stimmy. All you can buy with it is crypto.
>>11348628Man, if this actually happens, I'm paying off and closing a credit card before I even think of more toys.
Anyone else tired of bullshit prices for 80s vintage?
>>11358507no I want my pieces painted
Check the sold items for real rates, nothing wrong with listing something initially for a ridiculous price, may as well give it a whirl in case so crazy comes along.
>>11354171I got this for like 12 bucks at a toy show. Really neat toy
>>11358507>$5000 printer>have to buy the "ink" too>Oh no, now I have to buy the paint>Oh no, it broke because that's how it is.
>>11358507>If you don't like it just make our own, it's 2025 and 3D printing has made it so much easierAren't the options either something that degrades in temps over 75 degrees or stuff that has an almost woodlike texture you jave to sand?And you have to paint all of it?
So, let me get this straight...in 1998 Burger King gave children a toy of a fully naked man in their kids meals, and parents were totally okay with that?
>>11352348Some do, they're not nearly as good as they used to be, some examples are like the Mcdonalds Sonic 3 toys from a few months ago and the fairly recent (apparently current) Mattel toys at Sonic Drive-In
>>11351644And he's totally naked!I think I'm gonna check eBay for a set of these.
>>11357743Super naked.
>>11351751I'm a MAYOR chad
>>11352348They suck a lot more often these days, but yeah, McDonalds and I think Burger King, for some reason a while back Hardee's/Carl Jr's had Adult Swim themed toys. I got Meatwad and Space Ghost.
>MARCHSon Goku - The Lowest Born SaiyanMedical Machine [Web Exclusive]>APRILSon Goku - DaimaSuper Saiyan God Son Goku (Reissue)SSGSS Vegeta - Unwavering Saiyan Pride (Reissue)>MAYVegeta - Daima>JUNEMajin Buu - Good (Reissue)Son Goku - A Saiyan Raised on Earth (Reissue)Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
What should I search for on Ali for a super saiyan Gohan head for the super figure?
>>11361769Pan is secretly the love child of Goku and Vados?
>>11360804another namek figure. Battle damaged Recoome.
>>11360804Some character no one but a singular employee wants. That's how most figures are selected.Maybe one of Garlic Jr's minions from the Anime saga?
Welcome to the Diecast General, your one-stop shop for everything diecast! Whether you're a Hot Wheels fanatic, a Jada Toys collector, or simply love miniature metal marvels, this is the place for you.From cars and trucks to figurines and statues, we celebrate all things diecast. So buckle up, join the conversation, and let's roll!>Hot Wheels:https://hotwheelscollectors.mattel.com/shop>M2:http://www.m2machines.com>Bburago:http://www.bburago.com/>Auto World:https://www.autoworldstore.com/default.aspComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Something I've always liked about the diecast scene is how it can grab anyone. I've seen meetups and conventions and the like and there are people of all ages and backgrounds at these things hanging out and bonding over little toy cars. It helps that, unlike a lot of other collector scenes, there's a very low barrier to entry to diecast collecting. It's an easy hole to fall into, but it can end up being very, very deep if you're not careful.
>>11358145Only new tracks for the F1 cars.
does anyone have tips on how to clean older dirtied hot wheels? I just came across a bag full recently (the oldest from the 70's and the newest from the late 2000's). I'd like to clean them up without running the risk of rust.
>>11352679>The Evo VII he's in for most of the second movie is always completely forgotten for some reason.Because it has ugly color scheme. Puke green just isn't a good color. It pissed me off so much they got rid of the R34 in the movie so quick and replaced it with a puke green evo.
>>11352679Skylines were and still are incredibly popular cars, especially now that JDM seems to be enjoying a new wave of interest. Part of the reason Brian gravitates towards them is because Paul Walker liked them. Wasn't one of the Skylines used in one of the movies his personal one?
This WF has shown how chaotic the IP selection has become. >FEBRUARYMirko (My Hero Academia)>MARCHAttack Titan (Attack on Titan)Tsukumo Yuma & Astral (Yu‑Gi‑Oh! Zexal)>APRILDeadpool Ver.2.5 (Marvel)Deadpool Ver.2.5 X-Force Ver.(Marvel)Flash (Reissue)Reverse-Flash (Reissue)Tolmekian Armored Soldier - Kushana's Imperial Guard Ver.(Reissue)Tolmekian Armored Soldier - Vai Emperor's Imperial Guard Ver.(Exclusive)>MAYChun-Li (Street Fighter 6)Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>11360616thx, i used nin nin
>try to buy some cool Revo for a very good price which was for more than a week on sale>Zenmarket tells me it's not possible to purchase cause the item is reserved for another person already Guess Mercari only has the option for available and sold out, what a shitshow.
Total Justice leaks any day now editionNEW RELEASESPower Girl, Guy Gardner, Captain Cold, Wildcat, Orion, Heat WavePREORDER NOWMultiverse - Fleischer Superman, Dark Flash, TempestSuper Powers - Robin, Jay Garrick, Atom, LoboMafex - Tim Drake RobinUPCOMING RELEASES:February - Spinmasters Batman Forever retro wavedelayed indefinitely (toxic plastics recall) - McFarlane Killing Joke JokerLEAKSComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>11348028Goddamn look at the size of that thing, I could live thereI could even rent some rooms too, jesus
Couldn't find a MAFEX thread. Looks like Superboy got delayed AGAIN, now to April. Getting ridiculous now!
>>11355465They been playing plastic man on metoons, its pretty solid and penelope is hot af.
From Reddit, ML Power Princess with new hair and boobs. Why can't Todd give us this?>inb4 go backI'll do a 360 just for you