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>/ctg/ - coomer toys general
-------------------------------------? Edition:
Previous Thread: >>>>11041722
>Previous threads

>Is there a place I can view/post uncensored pics?

>The Rules:
Please censor ALL nipples/genitals before posting images
Don’t kink shame, if it’s not for you, move on
No hotglue pics, it violates the board rules and that is not what we are here for
Ignore obvious trolls, give then no attention
Be respectful, have fun and most importantly post pics!

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Trying to figure out if I want her now.
Footfags our time has come.
In unrelated news, Succubus will be here tomorrow. What a disappointment it is turning out to be.
how are you disappointed in something you haven't even had in hand yet?
I guess he's disappointed that Succubus won't arrive until tomorrow.
dont you know our opinions are swayed instantly based on anecdotal 4chan posts

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I am a wiener for not replacing the thread edition (can somebody act as a backup).
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If I do a layout in my house, I am stuck with Z, if I am allowed to run trains at my girlfriends house (no layout or anything like that), I can go up to G gauge. I always loved the LGB Stainz, but Z intrigues me. What do?
Here's an SP one.
Depending on the type of layout you're trying to make, different track plans will be better.

If you're trying to make a prototypical-operations focused layout, it might be better to figure out what facilities or industries are present and making the most direct and simple way to where rolling stock needs to go. Railroads realistically always looked to spend the least amount of money on building track as possible.

If you're just building a layout for your trains to do laps on, I wouldn't really be able to give you an exact direction, it's ultimately up to you. Though two running tracks are usually pretty good.
I meant to do it but got busy. Glad we’re back on track.
Bumping this question, as right now, an antique mall has a Micro Trains PRR set for sale.

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Selfie Thread! Let your toys take some selfies
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just caught this gooba trying to participate in this thread
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his best shot

This is a thread about ice cream toys.

If you theoretically wanted to occasionally engage in discussion about one of my other interests, Warhammer 40k action figures, I suppose I'll allow it.

But this is primarily an ice cream toy thread.
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The scoops of ice cream look like ball sacks.
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3d printable and modular

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>fags who get mad at you for opening up your toys
Is their anything more obnoxious?
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>Diosoth pretending he isn't Diosoth and failing at it due to being mentally incapable of not using his buzzwords.
Imagine not playing with your toys
Friendly reminder Diosoth doesn't condemn Vaush for his pro-CP stance while claiming to be anti-pedo.
I've honestly seen way more of these than of who OP is talking about, who I have yet to encounter.
Wish we would get Rocko figures.

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>/lg/ Resources

>/lg/ Flickr Group

>/lg/ Archive

>Lego Reference

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thanks for the bump
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It's been over a decade /lg/ over the past year I've started to work on MOCs again in Studio 2.0.
Scale is somewhere between micro scale and mini scale I think, meat to be a destroyer.
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Very cool, looks like what you'd get if Ogel binged The Expanse and got addicted to Homeworld.
Anyone got a pdf for this bad boy?

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What’s the most you guys have spent on a single toy and at what price do you think should be the cut off? I really want some of the Sideshow Clint Eastwood figures and the aftermarket hasn’t been kind.
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It absolutely wasn't lol but the FOMO got me for real after getting Oscar, Siegmeyer, and Havel the years before. I think the designer made more years later, but i own pretty much all his DS1 kits, just havent had the time to build and paint them.
I recently spent five hundo on the Lewin Atlas Optimus Prime reissue. The only figure I spent more on was Haslab Galactus.
I sold my ThreeZero Caiman and Shin years ago as I got out of the hobby and have since repurchased Caiman who was like $550 on eBay for the deluxe version unopened. Gotta find an original deluxe Shin sometime but haven't yet. Not that big of a priority since his anime version is basically the same figure with a bit less dirt paint.
$220 for a Gandalf the Grey staff that lights up. YOU. SHALL. NOT. PASS.
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I paid $775 on a very nice G1 Deathsaurus with the original box. The box has seen better days but the figure itself is the most perfect copy of this figure I've ever seen. Even the stickers are unapplied and it includes all the paperwork. That's probably the most I will ever spend on a single toy unless I decide to go after Raiden or Liokaiser some day but I've given up on those 2. I'm really glad to have gotten Deathsaurus in 2016 because the G1 figure has disappeared from the market since the Haslab version was announced. There's no telling what my copy would go for these days.

Overlord was a close second at $740.

I just went to a flea market and bought this translucent fish.
Does anyone know if it belongs to a playset/accessory etc?
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That's so obscure. You guys are good.
based toy nerd
Much obliged
I fucking kneel
You should ask the Retroblasting fag why a moray eel would evolve legs in Waterworld

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Does anyone have any Mego stuff?
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What about old characters that never got a retro toy in that style like Swamp Thing?
I bought a couple when amazon had them on sale for $4. Nothing specifically that I cared for, the Red Skeleton dude is my favourite out of the bunch.
Also bought my nephew Scream since he is obsessed with that character.
I like them enough to like get one to add to my collection of an absolute favorite character, but not enough to collect the line specifically. All the power to people who do though, The have a certain charm.
If you are buying a lot or it's a bargain, it might work out. I got two different figures I wanted at a reasonable price and asked if they would combined ship, and the seller (an LCS) was willing to work with me, so I also picked up a third toy that I was iffy on buying. It ended up being about what I would have paid for ONE priority mail USPS shipment ($15) for three figures.

One was the DCD Superboy which normally sells used for about $30+ on EBAY and I got it for $20 Canadian (or about $15-17?) so it was all in all, worth it to me.

Another time, I went in with someone for a set of ten figures, and SDCC exclusive from ten years ago, that worked out to about $20-25 a figure, but I sold ONE from my half of the lot for $90, so I more than broke even.
I like their 14 inch figures, but the 8 inch ones are meh

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Previous Thread: >>11007917
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Yeah not so well to be honest.
I really wish they has made that ridge less sharp, I'm curious to see how the average JJ will look in a years time.
i thought the crotch piece was softer to prevent this
Nope, solid.
Where is she?

Do you buy action figures based on if it's a character you like, brand loyalty/team building, or if it looks cool?
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Countless toylines experimented with this.
Long story short, if you're catering to adult collectors then you need to use materials that hold up over long periods of time.
IP for me. I'm a completionist and currently have about 10-20 i stick with. Occasionally new ones are added, like YYH with the SHF yusuke or if they ever made a Fairytail line.
I like a display to be deep, so unless there is a big risk of scalper prices for lesser series I'll let a line get 4-5 deep before jumping on the bandwagon.
I'm also an autist for scale and chronology, so I like to buy and display the characters in order of appearance and I as long as they look good together I don't mind mixing lines.
I would never buy a figure from a franchise I don't like. I don't want to misrepresent my interests.
That's why I have zero Elden Ring merch but tons of Dark Souls stuff because Elden Ring is shit.
>I don't want to misrepresent my interests.
That's rather insecure. I dislike the Mutant Mayhem movie but I have some of the toys of characters I really like.
That's honestly the coolest Gambit rendition I've seen, but they should've integrated the eye mask into his normal cowl

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Pre orders are up for the 1000toys Jun.

Price is 18,000 JPY.
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>he'll inevitably be bigger
That doesn't matter really for that difference. What matters for him (and Kat) is that unlike the others they need 100% new parts. Well the joints and internal parts might be the same. Those 4 SHOULD BE the cheapest that they can possibly be because most of the expensive molds are shared among them.

I don't follow enough to know if they announced they are making everyone, if not I would assume they aren't making those who don't share the main body.
Anyone own Noble Six how is the figure? Worth the price?
It's not out for another few months.
They’re only literalwhos if you never played Reach, anon. But I agree, I’m not spending on them because the price is too insane.
I thought it came out last year?

Anyone collecting minecraft figures?
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Besides Lego minecraft I LOVE thesemetal figs
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Early minecraft toys used to look ugly as fuck, I'm glad we're finally getting some decent minecraft merchandise as time continued
just got netherite steve
can't have enough steves I guess

love these too
I've been wanting a good Ghast figure for ages, the official one and the Lego ones suck though due to the fireball gimmick.
You can change the Lego one.

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Where the fuck did MFC go
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Myfreecams is still up.
its unfortunately back up
i was hoping the site along with all the people on that site died
>website full of Loli Pedo shit
Why are you shilling it so hard???
Funko pops have been on the site for over 10 years.

Goodwill is my go-to for cheap shelving, but do they even have any competition?
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IKEA makes similar things for LOADs less.

Goodwill is only worthwhile when it's dirt cheap - and you're right it's not. I ended up getting lamps off Craigslist because what I could find at Goodwlll either was damaged, or crappy or overpriced.

But like trying to buy used toys on line or new toys from scalpers on line, you have to be willing to be patient and be willing to wait. I've yet to pay even the mid-range of what most scalpers want in the past 12-18 months on EB for toys I couldn't find when they were first released, and I often got a bunch of things (like some Marvel Legend two packs and one Mezco MIB) for under MSRP.

I mean, the one benefit, is that Target will deliver these to your home and only until recently has IKEA been offering reasonable/comparable free delivery.
I hate dusting, but I love the shelves I have. Are there any acrylic cases or boxes I can use to store my figures in? they’re about 6 inches tall.
Test post, ignore
>what I could find at Goodwlll either was damaged, or crappy or overpriced.
Damage is like, 50% odds that it was damaged at the Donation Center, because the Donators are too lazy to drive to the actual store where they have people and space to handle large furniture, and instead brought it to a hole in the wall ADC where we have to load it onto a box truck with a dolly.
I know Daiso has stuff specifically for that. I'd think maybe Hobby Lobby or Michaels might have something comparable.

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