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Launch (Dragon Ball)
In a good angle
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Thank you for not shitting up the DBZ figuarts thread with this, Appreciated
Raunchy, of course.
Even if she'd be useless, you can never have too many cute girls for sol scenes... I miss her too.
You mean Chaozu?
It's lunch, before Funimation dubbed it Viz had her named Lunch

Previous thread: >>11199413

In stores and online currently:
Dracula (Hammer Horror of Dracula)
Ben Cooper wave 3 (Beetlejuice, Stripe, Gizmo, Xenomorph)
Hannibal Lecter (masked)
Ult. M3GAN
Retro cloth M3GAN
Totally 80s ALF
Count Orlok (Nosferatu, black and white)
Gorilla Soldier (Planet of the Apes)
Frankenstein's Monster (Bride of Frankenstein deluxe)
Toony JB Fletcher (Murder She Wrote)
Chucky (Tv series Christmas Edition)
Beetlejuice (Striped Suit & Wedding Suit CC re-release)

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>Shipping isn't high, it's as much as it costs to ship anything. Try going to the post office for once.
i go to the post office weekly and you are wrong or lying.
>if anything is mistakenly sent, they replace it or fix it.
or they threaten to punish you for not fixing their own mistake
The only liar is you.
Except you can order the same figures from BBTS, Target, Amazon or Walmart with sub-$10 shipping so factually no. It's a fucking foot long and weighs half a pound.
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Can we have a thread about these cute little pull-back cars?
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Those were also Choro-Qs, weren't they? I remember hearing somewhere that Tonka got the rights from Takara, following Penny Racers.
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I love me some Choro Qs. Bit of a shame they're pricey on second-hand markets.
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Curious how much of it is reseller bullshit and how much is just import tax.
Im a just drop this here

Thanks, now I'm on a quest to find the commercial for the Funrise Penny Racers.

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Maxima of Almerac announcement any day now edition

previous: >>11227108
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I was wrong, in a fifteen minute video about Lightning Lad there's one picture of a posed figure.

The lights reflecting off the cardboard is a nice touch.

If the videos weren't so earnest and he wasn't shilling his channel here I'd think it was some kind of artsy satire of how bad collectors pose and photograph their toys, it's so low effort and uncreative that it's almost a style unto itself but the fact that he's pouring thousands of dollars into this and obviously just feeding an addiction just makes it all feel pathetic.

Boring and uninspired.
Just double checked and he's the one I thought with a bunch of other dioramas and vehicles set up, too, though I can't find a full tour of it for whatever reason. I think he's shown other areas of it in different reviews.

He's also the guy hoarding a shitload of unopened Batman stuff you mentioned as well, though.

Yeah, he's definitely not the reviewer to go to for posing. I've mainly watched a few of his for figure comparisons since the guy seems to have every variant of any character.
>Writing up an essay about some dweeb you don't care about
I swear you guys are so autistic.

Superman looks awesome. I know the body is earth 2. Can you share what head that is so i can recreate it?

>>11201638 at image limit
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Some Aliexpress vendors do offer him, but only boxless anymore and I'm a bit hesitant about that because aside from just liking to have boxes, in my experience Aliexpress vendors have their shit arrive mutilated to all hell so I wonder if a boxless option would run a pretty big risk of it arriving damaged.
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>FT magnus and MMC groove releasing at the same time
My poor wallet.
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Also this fucker too
I still love my BA, but I reckon I'd get this one just for the DOTM abs version display. Though the one thing holding me back is if they'd release a trailer to come with the guy.
For the UT, I heard something about releasing a trailer that has all the typical accessories you'd expect, like the blades and cannons.

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Favorite lego set this year?
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I've been waiting for him to go on sale before I bite, but he is mighty tempting
Tf is that? Looks like a standing frog kek
Peak trannycore
Verification not required.
name of the set or something that will help me identify it?
I hate the shitty solid elbows they gave them

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I'm thinking of letting my 6 year old anklebiter get into Roblox instead of keeping it as an off limits forbidden fruit that everyone in his class but him plays. What are some good toys? Do any of you buy Roblox stuff?.
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>who said anon should be isolating his child?
The very first reply to the thread, the one suggesting they should homeschool? Are you blind or just stupid?

it's not really in he games themselves that anything happens but the discord communities connected to the roblox games
You know, the homeschool kids actually get together for classes in most cases, at least once a week. Especially for sports. I can tell that you’ve never met anyone who was homeschooled which proves that whatever life you that you consider normal can be equally isolating. It also really has nothing to do with whether or not playing Roblox is a good idea for OP’s kid and it still isn’t.
avoid it if you can, just make sure to monitor his activity every so often because its filled to the brim with groomers
Which is why you get your kid into afterschool clubs based on something he or she actually likes. A model-making club, or a soccer club, or a reading club, or whatever works. Summer camp too is a good plan.

I remember a year or two after ROTS came out Walmart had half an aisle dedicated to just Star Wars and those 3 3/4 figures. Nowadays if I happen to peek in there it's just a couple of Black Series figures nobody's bought in months.
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Personally I prefer the POTF2 line, but I also admit that the Power of the Jedi line was great in that the sculpts and proportions were improved, along with increased articulation, but not to the extreme of the AOTC line. Similarly I'm not a big fan of the extreme gimmick stuff. Though Jango with a magnet in his neck so you can slice his head off is delightfully macabre.

That said, I am also appreciative of the fact that the Star Wars line has been around so long that we have so many stylistic incarnations of most of the characters. You want a Vader? how would you like that served, vintage? 90s EXTREME!? With tons of gimmicks? Realistically? Abstract? With a soft goods cape? Rubber? Clip on plastic shell?
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>but the OT stuff was still fairly solid
I say that and then I realize I forgot all about this thing
Ahahahah wtf. What's the name? I want to buy this
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Throne Room Duel Luke Skywalker
AOTC did go in interesting directions with gimmicks but it's strange that some weren't advertised on the packaging.
Maul in two, decapitated Boba, and Degoba Darth (remove mask to see Luke) were never shown to do those things on the package (avoid parent backlash?)

Damn nothing make me want to buy an overpriced third party figure more than overpriced official figures
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Capeshitters. DC fags will continue to buy Green Lantern but he's a ginger African American just to fill out their Lantern Corps, and Batman #3680 because it's got a straight chest logo this time. Most of his other shit barely moves. BBTS has had all of his Witcher shit and most of his Spawn shit for massive discounts for nearly 2 years and it's barely budged.
Yeah, the second movie essentially tries to reframe this climactic scene as a shameful mistake.
Should have released a Rape Cell diorama instead.
>Making this after the sequel shat the bed so badly.
Maybe they should have made the prison r*pe a diorama.
>censoring ‘rape’ on 4chan

How do I add little angel halos to my toys?
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No I just like halos and want to put halos on my angels
Kill them.
how do u buy small plastic hoops and those clear things to put on toys ?
Easily. Get some clear polystyrene (most hobby stores carry this). Cut out a little tab, stick that between her hair fringe, then either get a gold hoop from some crummy fake jewelry or make one yourself out of the same polystyrene (combine several layers of it to thicken it out, sand it smooth, paint it gold), then glue the hoop to the previous tab you made. Very simple. You can get this done in a single sitting.

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anyone who can identify pic related pikachus? one of them has a metal tag that says pokemon on the zipper. worth anything? figure i'd ask before giving them away.

yes they do have sentimental value and it hurts to give them away but i need space.
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is this another sabbath thing where jews are not allowed to perform physical actions to do things?
no idea what your talking about, just making a joke that the IR sensor on the plush looks like a kippah or whatever those hats are called.
The rightmost one is the Jakks Pacific 2007 Pikachu. Not worth anything.
This one is by Play-by-Play, I think it was given out at fairs/carnivals/etc as a prize.
I have this very pikachu.
Won it from some toss game at six flags in the early 2000's

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>/lg/ Flickr Group:

>LEGO General Archive:

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Fake leaker

Why do this?
New thread

>Shill game OP
>Not even addressing the point
>Holier than thou attitude with nothing to substantiate it
>Anime image
Anon, you just posted the brainrot meme.

Post and talk about your favorite or most despised TMNT figures past, present and upcoming.
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Oh hey the one line where the mexicans or somebody did bootlegs of these specific figures and gave them unique headband colors, I remember thay
I thiiiink BST AXN might have done one or they will do one soon.
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Being a Rise fan is the worst. Most of the toys had best designs and little improved articulation, but anyone but Raph can't hold their weapons. I also have this feeling that Rise fandom increased slightly since Mutant Mayhem was announced. I also hate Mutant Mayhem
Thankfully after the sequel next year, MM will be gone for good.

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Where can I get one?! I'm on a pilgrimage to get this /toy/
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You’re gonna make big euros. The Vatican is so fun with it’s Pope/religion merch, I bought some Pope socks when I went there as a kid.
Chungus Child Rapist
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>Shit, this is just a 2020s version of "Buddy Christ".
>Please tell me you'll only buy this out of irony, right? right?!?!
>I said the same thing last Luce thread. I also believe every thread started here is a Vatican social media manager astroturfing the board. There are currently three threads in the catalog.
The design of Luce was made by the same artist that made those Mermicorno (basically MLP ripoff but half-mermaid ponies) character NFTs back then.

you hear me right. an NFT-artist working with religious people for their "saint" icon.
Like if religion wasn't a pedo clown corporation enough already.
Ah, I love when big religions parody themselves. Catholics are just the best at it.
No one called her saint retard

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So I'm reading decluttering books. So far they are obvious Info or written by mentally ill people.

Is society ever going to admit being obsessive about tidiness is also a disorder?

I've started the kondo book and she is crazy. She tells stories of how she was reading house keep magazines at the age of 5. How she would throw her families things away thst were in storage. Her idea of feminist is to live in a space that looks like a magazine or hotel room. She thinks people are meant to live in what is essentially staged areas to sell products. She does not understand those places are not real. She, like most minimalist do not understand the idea of keeping something to avoid spending money later.

Also, her method doesn't actually work for anyone who collects. Everything in a collection could spark joy. That is why most of us buy toys. It is why we amass so many toys. They spark joy. Using joy as a yard stick just means someone will fill their home with things they like . And this is to say nothing for someone with hobbies or crafts or skills. Do we put all the gunpla and model equipment and paint in the trash? The sowing machine? The tools?

What is everyone else's thoughts on this? I ask /toy/ because toy buyers are often attacked by minimalist.
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>I cut my collection down in my cabinets from 60 to like 15
You're using multiple cabinets to display 15 figures?
I dunno why I keep hoarding/collecting because it's not just physical things. I have a lot of digital games I bought and downloaded movies/tv on a drive.
Dana White container concept is superior to Marie Kondo
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To elaborate, I have one tote full of plush and if I buy another one I basically have to donate or sell one to make room.

I have one under the bed bin for video game storage, has some space for new stuff but not much. Another bin for toys and I don’t let it overflow.

I have an ikea billy bookshelf with the glass windows like picrel that I use to rotate my collection being on display, so I always have different stuff to look at and interact with
>To elaborate, I have one tote full of plush and if I buy another one I basically have to donate or sell one to make room.
This is a good strategy, especially if you're low on space. I don't rotate and display a few hundred figures at once, but every time I've run out of space(like now) I've fallen into getting rid of a figure if I want to buy a new one, like sacrificing for a summon in Yugioh. I usually put it in storage for a bit to see if I miss it before pulling the trigger.

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