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Ughhh this sucks i didn't even do crazy poses with him and the joint randomly snapped off while i was messing with him
Any ideas on how to fix this or will i have to wait for fodder parts?
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My dad used to do the metal rod with glue fix for my broken toys when I was kid. Worked extremely well.
What toys did he fix?
Blah blah reddit blah blah no help to be had here or there. Blah blah shit out of luck unless you buy a new one pretty much.
Sextoys... Anon, I-I d-don't want to talk about it....
What the fuck…?

I mean when company's would make a big flagship toy and just sell it normally. Or make an entire line of big fuck-off vehicles for 1/18 (ie. 21st Century Toys ww2 planes & tanks). I know of inflation and financial reasons but i still feel that company's can make something big and not sell it as some "crowd-fund 400% overpriced coonsoom slop" deal
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The biggest reason you don't see those big flagship toys anymore is because there are no dedicated Toy Stores left. With Toys R Us around, they wanted those giant toys to help draw in attention and fill up shelf space. With department stores, they'd rather use that extra room for expanded clothing sections as the mark up on clothes is absurd and they make money hand over fist in those areas. Smaller toys sell faster and the less shelf space required the more product can be put out leading to more potential sales. The big things only really sell around the holidays, but smaller stuff is easier to impulse buy.

As soon as Toys R Us folded in the US, target, walmart and all the stores like them instantly and dramatically reduced their toy sections because there's no real competition in the market.
That said, the Classified line, and Hasbro in general has been putting some fantastic 1:12 scale vehicles. In addition to the two Haslabs, they've done multiple smaller scale rides and have just put out their first medium sized vehicle in the Vamp. If successful, Hasbro has said they'd start releasing more vehicles of a similar size to online retailers. They've also put out 1:12 scale vehicles in the past for their Star Wars Black line, as well as a *really* nice boat for their short lived Fortnite line. If you can find that for a discount it's an absolute steal and makes me really hopeful we might eventually see a Classified Water Moccasin as it's essentially the same size. .
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I always did love that pic, really put in perspective the scale of some of these things, especially the HISS "Tanks". Even the PoC one, which feels and looks beefy like some monstrous futurecraft assault vehicle is actually pretty small compared to real world hardware. Understandably so since they wanted kids to be able to actually play with em, but it's still funny knowing just how small a HISS would actually be.

This pic must be at least 10 years old at this point, makes me nostalgic for the time way back when I actually had space to spread out my 1:18 stuff. I was mostly Joes only at that point with some True Heroes and World Peace Keeper vehicles thrown in, as I felt other lines either didn't have the quality or were way too expensive to get into. Nowadays I'm pretty much collecting all the different 1:18 military stuff, but sadly don't have nearly the same amount of space, freedom, time or energy to let them all loose.

Damn responsibilities of middle age creeping up on you.
it stopped around 2008 for sure, I remember getting the Sky Captain version of one of those planes, they had sweet details for about $30-$40
How you know it’s subby?
Distinctive posting style with Reddit spacing, crying about how JoyToy is "overpriced", reused image with a filename, etc. He has certain "tells" that instantly give him away.

Which toy line has the best community AND makers/designers who enjoy connecting with the fandom?
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That's Rob Zombie
Rob Zombie is homeless?!
>"hey are you going to actually release characters that we want like *insert popular mario or sonic character*
>"we here at jakks do believe in providing for our fans with the best quality-" *nothing of note and basically just a nice cooperate way of saying idk*
that's what all of those retarded Q&As were like.
half of their figures are shit and they have god awful distribution.
Kotobukiya's mecha musume franchises but strictly within the borders of Japan
Yeah, they’ve done a lot better lately. Especially with Haslabs,

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I recently really got into the Tomb Raider franchise after playing the remastered versions of the original trilogy. I had only played shadow of the tomb raider before that, but have always heard good things about the original. Well now I’m hooked and I’ve been researching online there doesn’t seem to be a whole lot of options. While her counterpart, Indiana Jones has received several lines of toys, there’s like less than 20 Lara Croft figures I’ve found at least. Curious what people use as their definitive Lara in their collection, because it’s certainly not the toybiz one (picrel).
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I will never get over that Jesse Watters face.
Is it Lara or Laura? Either way I’d love a figure of her.
This actually looks like a surprisingly good rendition of her 3D model's face. I'm kind of impressed.
Yeah, it really does. Did they make a more normal version of Lara or just the wetsuit?
Bump for Lara, my queen

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Pic very related
Mini versions of toylines like the old Transformers Robot Heroes and the Eternia Minis
How many in the pee hole?
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Better than Jada
These look like shit, you’re coping hard if you think these are better than Jada.
honestly I think I'd just prefer a nice painted army man miniature over a basic cut 5poa.

DC has the best villains
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This. Lol
It’s the only toy of him with that costume
Who can draw this
Any of these for sale? That ares is cool

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>open a figure fresh out of the box

>huff the plastic fumes
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This fucker was the best smelling figure I ever got. I grew up with Mossman and Stinkor, and their smell didn't last as long as this fucker did. It was like new car, but a thousand times better.
I hope we eventually get him in Black Series
No paint
God I wish he would get reissued.
How expensive is he nowadays?

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Want to sell some old school lego, wanted to know if there any other sites other then ebay etc.
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Try craigslist or Facebook marketplace if you want to go local. Just expect to get a bunch of fuckers trying to greatly talk down your price. Thats how I sold off my old Modular building collection, found a guy making a town display that didnt care if they were already built and missing some figs/pieces.
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>i need my own special thread for my own special question
theres a secret place to sell your legos, but you have to go play in traffic to find it
Mercari is pretty reliable, similar to eBay

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anybody preordered this?
I always blamed myself not buying that old PS4 edition that came with a slot you had to put your Phone in (but now im glad because the app was removed from store)

this diecast one with built in working programs and radio sounds so cool

However if you didnt preorder before April 2017 - it will be shipped in 2025...what the fuck
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The fallout 76 collectors edition came with a power armor helmet that got recalled due to mold in the straps.

this was after the "canvas bag" was made of nylon and they got busted lying claiming a canvas shortage, but a month or two prior at an influencer event they were handing out... you guessed it, canvas bags to the streamers.
That was the Nuka Cola helmet, not the one that came with the collectors edition. It was through GameStop, they canceled all the pre orders for the whole mold thing so they never went out. They then later sold “refurbished” versions of the helmet for like half price. I picked it up at the time, it’s not bad.
the fallout 4 pipboy was garbage.
the "model kit" pipboy that was released with fallout 76 was so much better
Oh, my mistake, but doesn't alter the point: Bethesda is a greedy fuckup of a company that you can't trust not o be short sighted and shitty to it's customers.
I have both. The fallout 4 one, yes, is way worse. But it’s not awful. There’s also the Bluetooth one from fo4 that’s a lot better and actually works.

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Are ventriloquist dummies and other antiques /toy/ related?
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This shit is too far into creep territory. Dummy's aren't cool.
I wouldn't want to sleep in a house that had anything like this
I would totally sleep in a room with these
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I always feel bad for aged toys and knick knacks like these that people go on to call uncanny or creepy decades later. I always imagine if the toy had feelings they would be hurt and ashamed. I get why they get called uncanny but something's really sad about the passage of time turning something meant to be innocent and entertaining into fear fodder.
this is deep anon and I honestly kind of agree, plenty of toys from back in the day we just find creepy and wanna throw away but they all have memories attached to them…

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Anyone collect these? I discovered these existed yesterday when I saw a Gandalf one in a store. The gimmick is kinda cute and I think they’d be cute on my front dash. Curious if anyone here also collects them or what the general consensus on them here is. I think they’re better than fukno pops at least.
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I thought the rubber ducks was a jeep thing? Is it expanding to just any car?
These are neat but I don't think I want one.
I think they did a Jaws and T-Rex that I almost got. Decided against it.
Wait they did a jaws one? Neat.
Why are a bunch of these my never evers? This is the worst monkey paw I’ve ever seen. Or should I say duck wing.
agreed I dont like them but they dont invoke the same visceral reaction from me thqt funkos do

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I’ve seen an increasing amount of broken action figures posted here, is this because of quality decreasing or the owners not being careful? A lot of times people will say it “broke right out of the box”, but usually this is a lie and they broke it and don’t want to admit it. I’m just curious what anons think.
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Where did you hear that?
Last figure I broke was my knuckles the echidna nendaroid.
>Nendaroid comes with leg with bent knee for running/action pose
>Both legs have little good smile company joints in them
>Pull off leg to swap them but joint remains in body instead of leg
>Its stubborn so trying remove with pliers
>Peg breaks off in body
>Drill out peg in body
>Still salty about it and open second knuckles I had gotten to keep in box
>Realize I'm retarded and I can just take the joint from the bent leg
>Get nendaroid sonic later and find it had huge thick joint pegs that are integrated in the leg
Other than that I haven't broken a new figure in ages. I've mostly been collecting McFarlane Warhammer and star wars black series and haven't had issues at all and I've been taking them apart and swapping pieces pretty aggressively. Before that I was collecting transformers masterpiece movie series and didn't have problem with them either. Before that Funko fnaf and still np. I keep hearing that alot of people got into toys during the pandemic. Maybe it's just a influx of ham handed newbs.
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I noticed a severe decline in ABS quality over the last years/decades, especially with stuff like Lego which switched from pre-colored pellets to translucent ones that get colored during the moulding process to save money and space which on the other hand resulted in more brittle plastic, so perhaps it's the same with other companies, too.
I've said it in /motu/ and I'll say it here: hot bath treatment needs to be normalized if it's a new toy you can't replace/repair once broken.
Children's toys are designed for literal retards to smash around, collector shit is barely engineered at all.
I agree. Do you microwave or boil your water out of curiosity? I’ve heard some people say boiling is too much and can actually damage the figures.

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Event Exclusive Baki Hanma
A lot of people think is teasing Pickle as the third character in the Baki line. But holy shit this looks damn good.

> “[1st Animes-Pro Festival, Exquisite Brand Distributors' Collaboration Exhibition) Date: May 3rd to May 5th, 2024 (Friday to Sunday) Location: The Space @ D2 Place ONE, 9 Cheung Yee Street, Lai Chi Kok (2nd floor)”
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kek. I was being retarded. Had a load of other stuff in my cart i didn't want anymore. Only $37 for Fedex, so I bought them both!

Should look good with my Baki stuff.
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T-thanks for letting me kow. I was planning to lose some weight for summer anyway.

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Will any company do her right?
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Unironically, they should race swap her to a white, ginger actress.
Should get Lizzo. She'd shake up a storm.
Based and saved.
i rather consoom my marvel characters with my fav actors tyvm

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Mezco seems to be mostly disliked here, it also could have its own general but never has. I’ve always thought most of their figures look pretty good, I still think they have the best looking classic Superman. Sometimes the cloth seems a little too big, but most of the time it’s not that bad.
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Crop it up to different opinion then I guess, because I'm not coping when I say I dislike 80% or more of the figures I've picked up and wound up selling them all shortly after their arrival due to dissatisfaction with various issues. I would never have bought any of them in the first place if I didn't like how they looked.
if you haven't realized it yet, you're in a troll thread and talking to a shitposter.
I mean probably, but >>10982954 is actually all true, those are some of the most common Mezco complaints after the price. So if this is indeed a troll thread, they do actually have some talking points.
That visor is absurdly shiny, is it vac-metalized? I didn't know they could even do that on such a small part.
>Mezco’s looks more comic accurate
Gonna need citation for the 2000 A.D. issue where Dredd looks like he was jammed in a leather tube sock complete with a popped collar. Fashion like THAT should land you in the cubes for thirty.

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