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Hi! I collect 1/6th scale figures (and action figures in general!) and write fun minigames and datasheets for them! Then I pit them in vicious combat against one another!

Today on the right we have Archangel Raphael from the Lucifer brand. On the right we have Scorpio Warrior Martina from the poptoys brand!

I will post their respective datasheets in other posts! Please feel free to leave suggestions and general talk about 1/6th scale figures! And 1/12!

This is also my first post here so sorry if my thread is not within the rules!
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Shes asian
Thats literally how asians are kek. She does have sanpaku eyes which I Iike.
Dont worry ur a pretty azn desuu :)
A lot of asian girls have broad, square jaws but their actual facial bone definition is very soft and its not an appealing combination.
Your face is more petite and narrow than typical asians (more European) and overall facial proportions are pleasant to look at.
You had me fooled kek. Lucky I dont have yellow fever but youre better looking than most asian women Ive seen.
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I think I got an action figure of you, please post twin tails to verify.
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>get banned for saying nigger
>thread of AGP posting himself and talking about anything but toys stays up for several days

Welcome to the MotU General!

Previous Thread:

Cartoon Collection:
>Faker/Catra/Leech wave starting to ship; next wave features Invisible Skeletor, Frosta, and Buzz-Off.
>Leaks for Orko, Grizzlor, Fang Man, Whiplash, Shadow Weaver, and Bow.
>Vultak will be available soon on Mattel Creations.

>Modulok is arriving; Rio-Blast was released on January 21st and is STILL AVAILABLE, along with Geldor as of now.
>Sketchbook Hordak and Grizzlor are available at Target.
Two-Bad is confirmed sculpted but remains unrevealed.

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I’m in the monster high club and also on the sex offender registry
There's a difference?
I paid for the Barbie one in order to buy a doll for my girlfriend. Basicly it was an excuse for Mattel to charge me $10 extra for an already overpriced Doll that was exclusive to their website, which you couldn't purchase unless you bought the membership too.
>Basicly it was an excuse for Mattel to charge me $10 extra for an already overpriced Doll that was exclusive to their website, which you couldn't purchase unless you bought the membership too.

This shit is why, as much as it'd piss me off to miss He-Ro, it will take a MUCH bigger carrot than him (imo) to get me to buy the sub.
I don't need to be the first person to get dibs on public releases, and I certainly don't give a fuck about voting in whatever bullshit polls they're talking about.
New bread


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This is an upcoming Storm Collectibles figure, not sure the character though.
Thats goku, I think in his super saving state, hence the yellow hair
thats RYO from king of fighters.
How do the other arms look sturdy? I imagine the bolts bend over time

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>/lg/ Flickr Group:

>LEGO General Archive:

>Third Party Information:

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Where are those translicent skeletons from?
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Short lived Mega Construx Yootz blind bag series.
I fw that cat babe
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Underrated post. Cool set!

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New York toyfair reveal waiting room

Previous autistic screeching >>11327769
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>2 more days until Playmates shows you the same shit they already announced

Yes please.

And the kaijuzords from MMPR/Godzilla 2 (crap comic, amazing concepts).
New thread

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Last time on Busou Shinki & Friends, >>11329644

Raidira! Nyalenti-Nyabolo! Lots of new Idolmaster collab kits and Idolmaster booba Luluce! What do you like? Are you excited for Raidira and her raidical skateboard? What do you think of Nyalenti's dumb half bike? Why does the color C idolmaster body come with massive breasts? Are you excited for any of the potential combinations you could have with the new 30ms kits? Will you make a full armor Powerari?

Read the guide:

Official Skintone & Compatibility guides:

Upcoming Releases & Restocks:
>Megami device:
• Asra Tamamo-no-Mae Utage [Feb]
• Nodaka Takahata (Shimon) [Mar]

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reverse image search gets me to this page
it's some 3D printed Buster Doll torso on Booth
It's more like a hip piece that goes over her leotard type outfit. Extra parts for her thighs to make it look like full robotic pants would have been interesting.
I must say - I'm honestly disappointed that none of 30MS models have 3mm holes at their hips section. These that does utilise something attached as form of movable skirt or similar (Ilshana, Alpha Sister set and optional set for Tiasha) does so with mount at the back, making it incompatible with many optional bodies. It doesn't make sense.
That looks nice. Too bad putting together a worthwhile order on Booth is such a pain. Maybe there will be recasts soon.
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New thread!


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Mondo's Egon and Boogieman set go up for sale 2-13 and will be available for FOUR weeks (March 13th)!
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He means that the toy was a parody or stylized. Companies do not have to pay royalties or as high of a royalty when something is not 1 for 1.

This why movies and shows will often use a cover of an 80s or 70s song instead of the real song. They pay to use the lyrics, song name and sheet music for the song, they do not pay to use the actual song.

Like in the case of the real ghostbusters playmates figures, they probably paid Sony for the name ghostbusters and the character names and paid dic to use the real ghostbusters logo but did not pay for the character likenesses because of how heavily stylised playmates figures are.
How were the Mattel figures stylized? And the Minimates likenesses were extremely accurate. Minimates aren't Funko Pops, especially when it comes to something animated where they can print faces which look exactly like the source material.

>real ghostbusters playmates figures
You don't even know what you're talking about, but thankfully I used Google translate retard to English, and see you probably meant Playmobil. Yes, that's a case where facial likenesses weren't used because they used the generic Playmobil heads, but who knows what is and isn't considered the property to a licensor. The colors of the suits could be enough for DIC to demand a fee for using their characters. At the end of the day Mattel and Diamomd Select at the very least were able to offer cheap RGB products at retail which were fully based on the RGB likenesses. You can debate the accuracy of the likenesses the same way you can debate the accuracy of a human likeness, but those products were 100% intended to be DIC'S RGB characters.
>And the Minimates likenesses were extremely accura

You think human bodies look like minimates? They all had the same round lego head.

They coukd have released half of those without paying to use the ghostbusters brand name because of how generic minimates human bodies look. There would be no way Sony would win a lawsuit over "wearing jump suit of the same color."

Its even worse with ghostbusters because everything but the proton pack and trap for a ghostbusters eas army surplus with a fed stock number. It's the same for the inside of the ecto1. All that equipment has military stock numbers and is public domain.
Truth be told, Sony only owns the name ecto 1 and dic MIGHT own the modified ecto1s in the cartoon and hasbro owns the toy mold, while Cadaliac and the US military own the image of the physical car.

I forget when it was Cadialac figured out they actually owned the rights to look of the car. It is whenever they started slapping that holographic Cadillac sticker on all ecto1 toys.
You played yourself

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fortnite action figure are back babeee
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I think Snake Eyes did too but more would be neat
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Please let this be true. My Fortnite shelf needs expanding.
For more recent skins, I'm hoping for the Ageless w/ removable helmet/armor, Helsie, Hope, the Machinist, Megalo Don, Ascendant Midas, and any of the Greek Gods.

For skins we missed out on from earlier seasons, I'd like Rox, Evie, Ultima Knight, Marigold, Lexa (non-robot) and Fade, but I know those would be a long shot.
Him and Megalo Don are my top needs.
Renzo's magnificent style with cloak on is by far his best look
Looks like this is gonna be straight repacks with less accessories and added digital codes for wraps. I don't think we should expect any new sculpts sadly.

Previous Thread >>11309205

>New/Latest Pre-orders

The Vintage Collection:
-B-1 Battledroid Troop Build 4pk - Pulse/Disney
-501st Clone Trooper (OWK)
-Mandalorian Super Commando (Ahsoka)
-Baylan Skoll
-Shin Hati
-Journey of Anakin Skywalker 3pk - Pulse
-Heir to the Empire 3pk - Pulse
-IG-12 (Deluxe)
-C1-10P (Imperial Disguise) - FanCh
-Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Legend)

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Off the topic anyone here knows where to get a good big Nebulon B Frigate printed. I want to add to to my starships collection but I don't collect Lego.
>I don't see how they could. It's two seasons and done, since the finale will lead into Rogue One.
Inb4 Disney makes them put a scene at the end that shows a dropship coming in and picking up Cassian and Jyn, just so that Disney can keep milking one of the few successful things they have going right now.
thats definitely going to be the after credits scene

If people said they were sad she was leaving, she would go.
But people started celebrating and that made her stay out of spite
You've done this to yourself, Anonkin.

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>/ctg/ - coomer toys general
3 Wise Monkeys Edition:
Previous Thread: >>11329203
>Previous threads

>Is there a place I can view/post uncensored pics?

>The Rules:
Please censor ALL nipples/genitals before posting images
Don’t kink shame, if it’s not for you, move on
No hotglue pics, it violates the board rules and that is not what we are here for
Ignore obvious trolls, give them no attention
Be respectful, have fun and most importantly post pics!

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Ooof, wonder how bad the bucks will be stained right out of the box?
>I choose to believe that they got their parts saved in a jar to re-attach when the experiment is finished (they will be paid handsomely for their participation and live happy lives knowing they've advanced prosthesis science immensely).
Sound good so I want to believe this is the official canon.

>image limit reached
>why even bother censoring if they don't have nips?
The mod/s around here are inconsistent. Sometimes full detailed nudity is ignored, sometimes a topless no nip barbie doll earns you a weeklong vacation.

Better to be safe.
>more monkees
>People are already receiving their monkeys, do you ordered them?
Yes, but I won't be getting mine until may or june probably. Don't worry, you'll see me post the trio when I get them, I'm the anon who's gonna put them in the science tubes.

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Giant Jax edition
Thread for soft toys, plushies and stuffed animals of all kinds!
Previous thread:>>11306493
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has anyone made an affordable moderate size plush of Cynthia from Pokemon?

Asking for reasons.
She's their trainer! :D
I don't know if this is the place for this, but my daughter really wants this big beetle plushie and I was wondering if anybody here might be able to find where I can get one of these by any chance? Would appreciate it
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the only "brand" i follow closely is PlushLife nowadays. only because i missed their dragon 6 years ago and got two of their new dragon lineup from last year, and they're easily my favorite plushies now

biggest regret last year was not buying a MEGA one
can't find any second hand, they're all hoarded by speculators and one scalper in specific
I checked the usual sites and didn't see anything. I was going to say it looks like a hercules beetle, but I'm not even sure of that, with the way the horn curves.
Finding plushes is a lot harder than finding older figures. Unless you have more information. Was it at a friend's house? Maybe it still has a brand tag. Or was it on a website?

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Lets discuss toys from our favorite anime franchise ever!
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I think his shit editor burnt him out, but having more reigns in Buu Saga led to a better story with some moments that are just stupid
new thread >>11351658
This + it also was supposed to end after Piccolo then after the Piccolo Junior arc.
Is there a video guide on the BD broly chest modification yet?

Somebody linked one before, but the guy already did it to his Broly and was showing the process on a Vegeta figure instead, I'd like something that shows a step by step video or photo guide on the actual Broly figure

I ordered both the light and normal colored hair for this, but only the light one showed up even though the other one was shipped out a month ago. I tried to put the tracking number in an EMS check but it says it doesn't have any results, unless I am using the wrong checker.

Is there anything else I should do or should I just ask for a refund and say it hasn't gotten here yet?

I'm also a bit curious because some photos like https://ae-pic-a1.aliexpress-media.com/kf/S998c3c01482b41bab3f6f73dc3484e99N.png and https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/S5686b8a8024745b39874b32189188e0d4.png seem to show almost a cream colored hair that's not like the light or normal yellow. Is it just the light one under specific lighting?

Also what the hell is up with Aliexpress's search? Half the time I search for something a bunch of irrevelant results come up and not the actual listings I am looking for which obviously still exist because I can find them in my wishlist

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>"If you're new, you're gonna fuck up. Don't worry! If you're experienced, don't make the new people worry!"



The guide:
Part 1 (Quick Start)

Part 2 (Deeper Dive)

And a handy guide to other types of plamo: http://www.mediafire.com/view/1vf1aw7v91pz5pa/Airfix%20Model%20World%20Specia%20(Scale%20Modelling%20Step-By-Step).pdf

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thank you
I've found it, is that a fair price? Also how bad are the stressmarks? I heard metallic plastic is very bad in this regard.
>that seems rough
>berserk fuhrer
Bro that box is fucking massive
>40 x 33 x 13 cm
Plus firefox
>31 x 19 x 11 cm
>Bro that box is fucking massive
Is it? Man, I really underestimated the size of the HMM. Should be fun at least
y so ded?
New thread: >>11360120

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Got these figures, along with others at a thrift store. Can somebody help identify these for me please?
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Midget was an extra with the Tall Man from Phantasm
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I thought it was the cultist from Blood
Kys Retrospammer
I believe these are some older NECA figures
Can we turn this into a general toy id thread for unknown parts/pieces?

I've bought countless toys from places like Target, Walmart, and Amazon in the last five years since I began collecting again, and during that time, I've frequently returned figures, opened AND unopened, due to quality control issues and the like; but I've never once had anyone question me or refuse a refund under any circumstance, until today, from Target guest services...

Target guest services employee, after I'd handed her an opened Marvel Legends figure for a return and refund: "I don't believe we can refund opened items of this type." Me: this is a first for me in several years of shopping here--is this a new policy?" Lady standing next to her: "No sir, this a long standing policy regarding opened items of this type." Me: "Why am I just encountering this now???"

I ended up getting the refund after speaking with one of the team lead whom I know pretty well, but it seemed really out of the blue to me, and even to him, and he said he'd speak to the employees and to Asset Protection about it in follow up. Just curious if anyone else has encountered this recently or if any current or former employees (asset protection, anyone?) would care to chime in? If this is going to be the standard practice at Target now as far as returns go, this seems like another good reason to cut back on toy buying, given the store isn't going to stand behind one of their brands.
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it's literally target's posted return policy you fucking morons.
>a certain someone melts down every time this gets posted in the neca thread

lol at that sicko coming out and spazzing out in this thread after the policy gets posted.
Target has taken collectibles back, people just 'close' them so they aren't 'open.' It's why this >>11333840 anon bitched about 'repackegers' since that's a real, known issue on toy boards/forums, etc.
Selling open product as new is illegal.

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