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How'd i do, /toy/?
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Happy for you, homie. I don't know if I could've personally dropped $60 on one, but I probably would've regretted passing on it later haha
Id say you hit the jackpot. The real question is whether or not you're going to open it.
That is legit a great score. I've seen scumbags in toy collector groups trying to charge that much for loose ones with paint scrapes. And people will pay that price. Crazy.
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>60 dollary doos
>for something Mattel will re-Origins

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This is a question that has entered my mind somewhat recently and I wanted to get some opinions on it. This isn't asking what the difference is between the two but where exactly is the line drawn that distinguishes the two.

The generally accepted view is that statues are immovable pieces meant purely for display while figures are designed to have things such as action features, different mixes of plastics/metals as well as the intention for moving parts. Normally this should be all that is needed: Statues are sculpted in one specific pose while figures feature articulation for different poses.

That however brings up another problem: How little articulation is needed for something to be considered one or the other?

To give an example, retro Kenner Star Wars figures featured at most 4 points of articulation in the shoulders and hips. Not very articulated but accepted as figures.

Let's bump that down to just two. No doubt we've all owned or at least seen plenty of figures that may only have something like articulation in the shoulders. Immovable hunks of plastic that only generate movement those specific areas, yet we still accept that like with the above.

Enter Pic Rel. It's a character from One Piece that comes from a line of statues called Portrait of Pirates. Very popular with collectors. Why I'm using this one as an example is because it too also features two points of articulation in the shoulders, same as plenty of other figures in the past. He also features interchangeable parts, so there is a level of action feature playability that puts him above even some figures that don't do such.

If a "statue" like that can feature the same amount of playability as any other "figure" then what else is needed to distinguish the difference?
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less than 3 points of articulation (head and both arms) is a statue for me
One piece got them battleborn proportions.
>It's a character from One Piece that comes from a line of statues called Portrait of Pirates. Very popular with collectors.
Is the line only popular because it's Wan Piss? Because that looks ugly as fuck.
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Portrait of Pirates is based. First line that got me into collecting 20 years ago.
Somewhere between Marvel 12 inch shampoo bottles and DC 12 inch actually possable, gi-joesque figures

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What classic toylines do you think need an "Origins" style revival?
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what do you think of the FMF 1/6th line thats one the way?
that'd be neat
This just needed the o-ring G.I.Joe treatment
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They look alright but I don't know if I'd pick it up
Yeah I can understand. Just thought it was worth mentioning.

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>used in ancient Egypt
>2 countries down they’ve never bothered with chairs
Maybe they just didn’t like them for some reason? The wooden pillows etc used in Ancient Egypt are popular through Africa and there was plenty of trade through the continent, so it’s not like the idea of chairs couldn’t spread. I think they also just never usually bothered with extra stories on buildings due to the heat, so multiple stories would be kinda interesting but gimmicky in Africa before aircon.
(You) got gentrified.
>Were shall we eat? Chaz Albert or Pets?
Yeah, it was probably too hot for those pesky wheels

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After hearing so much about these toys I decided to buy some of them.

I'm a fidgeting fanatic and I buy these stress balls to fisget around.
So I did think to myself
>Hey lets see how these things are for fidgeting.

I got mantaro and the red dinosaur (pictured) and I'm not impressed the dinosaur is like extra hard (are we sure that these toys are for children) I also removed the top part of its head since the plastic is disturbing to fidget around.

The mantoaro figure is .... eh it has like a capt made out of rubber that is very uncomfortable and is in the way and since it is water based I suspect most of it evaporated (despite me buying if fresh from the store) it is like not enough water and the fidgeting is meh.

The capt is the most annoying part of the whole thing I'm almost ready to take scissors and remove it.

What are other peoples experiences with these toys and are they any good?
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This is for sure somebody's fetish
The normal ones aren't nearly as cursed and are actually kinda neat.
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I wanted to say sometihng then decided not to post however you guys motivated me to post my thought streams on this subject.

Anon this looks like the most autistic shit that I have ever seen.

Imagine something as autistic as sonic getting even more autistic.

*Autistic sonic music blasts*

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>The normal ones aren't
He says this while posting a commercial.
Sorry I swear to god either these companies have 2 products or literally use AI and video manipulation hardcore.

Ever seen a goo jit zu toy review on youtube?
And ever did have that thing in hand? IN reality?

These things are incredibly small in adult hands.
I have no idea how cancerous clickbait toddler exploitation farms like pictured >>11146385 make full videos with the toy in the hands of an adult where it looks 300% bigger then what you actualyl get in reality out of the box.

My theories:
1) They give him a super special extra big toy to review
2) He uses strategic holding in hands to make it look bigger
3)He is actually a dwarf or has one of these genetic disorders.

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>this guy is psycho

>stand up
Wait what do people do with these toys on /toy/ ?
Buying for display? LIKE FUCKEN LOL?!


-Marvel Legends Crystal/Lockjaw 2 pack solicited (Fan Channel Exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Retro Carded Green Goblin reissues (Fan Channel)

-Marvel Legends Ultimate Professor X with Hover Chair reissued (Fan Channel)

-Marvel Legends Outrider 2 pack solicited (Fan Channel Exclusive)

-Mafex Age of Apocalypse Cyclops and Age of Apocalypse Wolverine solicited

-Marvel Legends Punisher/Bushwacker 2 pack solicited (Amazon/Fan Channel exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Across the Spider-Verse wave 2 solicited (all major retailers)

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Is the X-Men Villains set worth getting? I've been thinking about getting it for a while but haven't heard much talk about it on here. Worth the money?
Depends on two thing: do you want Stryfe and his zentai clad butler Zero? And do you want the full PAD X-Factor roster?

Zero is exclusive to the set and the original ML Stryfe is a $100+ figure and the box set actually gets his mask right (the Jubilee BAF version has a simplified mask). Same with Random, who is needed to have the full PAD X-Factor team.

The other figures are hit or miss. Vertigo's there to tease fans who've been wanting more Marauders and/or Savage Land Mutates and Pretty Boy's a hot mess with the wrong look for the guy, ZERO accessories (no stretch arms or alternate head with mind rape tentacles coming out of his eyes) and the fact that they stuck his head on a blatantly unaltered Silverman robot body.
Is this loss
Goddamn you. I laughed.
New Thread:


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>/lg/ Flickr Group:

>LEGO General Archive:

>Third Party Information:

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Does that mean if somebody posted a set on Lego ideas based on K-on or naruto that used minidolls instead of minifigs you would NOT support it?
I prefer minifigs because they are more Lego-y. But the skirts are an issue because they are not easy to portray as a print, I think a cloth piece like some clone troopers may be best even if it breaks away from the Lego-ness and possibly makes them harder to sit down.
I'd also say that their faces should have eyes drawn just like the original anime, but dot eyes work well because they already get to look that way when superdeformed
it's still olive green though
LEGO MOC General /lmg/ !

I was disappointed when the retro space heroine had a ponytail on the helmet mold. I really wanted to make a megaman with the helmet. I never saw it in any promotional images

Found and bought a second hand "Rodeo Farm" Fisher Price Husky Helper set today

Anybody else kind of in love with the simplicity of the older Fisher Price sets? Always found them kind of appealing, particularly the Adventure People series
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>the seam
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I love old fisher price figurines. They got a good aesthetic to them.
You do not have parties and maybe not even dinners.
every one has dinners anon
Old fag here
Born in 79,
I had one of these back in like 1983+
Many good memories pushing it through the dirt and loading it up

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Post racist toys. Here's Mr. Popo.
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There is a black doll in the Raggedy Ann line based off of the mammy archetype.
She eventually got a redesign that toned down that aspect and made her a lot cuter.
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Not enough discussion of the best group of them all...

>Blacks just had it hard early on and overreact sometimes
I hope that you're just saying that as a joke but I feel that you might actually believe that
I thought you guys have a ton of examples, anyway, found №7 recently.
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Here's mr Trump, he is racist.

Last thread: >> who knows anymore.

Well here we are Mattel finally dropping an Allosaurus and Nanmu Dropped the V-rex.
Creative Beast Studio Dropped more and more pics of upcoming Kickstarter for Prehistoric Elephants.
Papo has the exciting Suchomimis
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A few days inside the house warmed it enough, but yeah, warm water would have been required.
Dominion should have been entirely about the dinosaur smuggling in Malta
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Any notable Rebors I should keep an eye out for? I have none.

Who is the blue fella?
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It's the Legioss Alpha from Genesis Climber Mospeada, which was called the Veritech Alpha Fighter when Mospeada was dubbed as Robotech: The New Generation, but otherwise it isn't connected to Macross.

It was sold as an Alpha/Tread two-pack. Tread is the unit on the back, Alpha is the one in front. The Tread was called a Beta Fighter in Robotech.
Thanks! Is there a database/wiki that's decent?
That depends... are you looking for a database of Mospeada toys, Robotech toys, Mospeada mecha designs, or Robotech mecha designs?
Heh! All I guess!
Well, Robotech's website has lists of mecha designs, and the ones under "The New Generation" are from Mospeada: https://robotech.com/roboverse/mecha-database

And this is the Mecha category in the Robotech Fandom wiki: https://robotech.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Veritechs

Conversely, the original Japanese Mospeada series doesn't have much coverage, because most people wouldn't remember it if it wasn't for Robotech.

Any good Son Wukong figures? I know four horsemen have a "super sayian" son wukong coming and fury toys has 2 versions of son wukong. Any others out now for a decent price. Been playing Black Myth and now I really want a monkey in my collection
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>Interesting, and super impressive if a custom. I guess he didn't include any other context?
I looked it up on his twitter and the figure is by Dennis Chan (always bumping). He mentions being a toy sculptor but the monkey prince figure seems like he just made it for the writer of the comic.
I prefer the inflames 1/6 monkey king.
Looks like romankey is making a Wukong figure. Should be good.
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Fuck dropped pic
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Have this guy and he's one of my favorites in my collection.

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R8 Chris Chan's toy collection.
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Taiwan is a country
china chris chans dream home
some day we'll send him there
I'm honestly shocked he hasn't done any creepy shit with children
my intuition is impeccable
For all the creepy and stupid shit with chris, despite jokes on the matter, chris has never really had any pedo inclinations

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the pre Zyuranger ones were Turboranger (all 5 of them had a figure) and Fiveman, of which they only made Five Red. I have a few Turbos and I have Five Red.

I wonder why it skipped around? Jetman and Dairanger would have been cool.
I have a Green Ranger still in box
When the fuck does this thing ship? It's been pushed back almost half a year.
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I think the 5.5" figures sold more, and almost all of the sentai series from the early 80s to the mid 90s got them.

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Previous Thread >>11105795



HasLab Cobra Rattler - Campaign is now live! Funding period ends 11:59PM ET on September 9th

Now Shipping:
>Cobra Night Attack Stinger (FanCh)
>Sgt Slaughter Mad Marauder (FanCh)
>Lowlight & Spirit Mad Marauders 2pk (Pulse)
>Wreckage and Tiger Paw ATV (Target/Pulse)
>Retro Beach Head

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220 replies and 65 images omitted. Click here to view.
They look good for a ROSS $3.99 release. Might grab them when they hit shelves next year.
DPCI Codes:

087-26-0443 and 087-26-0444

BAT UPC - 840049888760
Cover Girl UPC - 840049888746
Snake Eyes UPC - 840049888739
Cobra Commander UPC - 840049888753

They're looking great!
Idk, im not feeling the real vibe a vintage gives off. Kinda feels like those build a figure with parts deals. Except you arent. All the rubber band retro stuff just looks kinda bad, like bootlegs imo when compared to an actual arah swivle battle grip blah blah. They might be awesome but im not curious despite s7 doing all these wacky gi joe reaction figures that look fun.
Valkyries are back up for pre order on bbts, its 'sub standard' grade but as long as get everything in set idc so much about busted boxes.i like girl troopers.


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