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Does anyone else remember this line? I used to collect this line all the way back in 2005. I got some unopened two packs for cheap in today off of ebay too, so i wanted to see if anyone else collected this line on here
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Never heard of this, however I do have a good collection of jagun fighters
I vaguely remember seeing 2 packs of series 2 briefly in america. Also i have boughten some series 2 figures in the past from ebay sellers here in america so i do think it was available abet briefly here
>however I do have a good collection of jagun fighters
Post them
I have a handful of Jagun Fighters. Never knew what they were, just thought they looked cool. I think the fact that I found them at a Dollar Tree says something. They're starting to get kind of oily and sticky nowadays. It's the same with my Medabots figurines.
I had a bunch of these. Monster in my Pocket re-launched around the same time and were of a similar scale, so I used to play with them together a lot. Also had some military-type figures of a similar scale and sculpting style, but I can't remember the name of the line.
i collected these. the bat, cochroach and something else were super rare and i remember my friend got a shadow version of the bat and i was so jealous

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>Boomers: "Why kids turn into furries?"
>Meanwhile boomers' dolls at the '60s
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Black AND a dog? We've reached peak White woman here
technically the nose is pink meaning that the skin underneath is white, while she has a black nose meaning that the skin underneath the fur is black
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I have two more jars. Only two.
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you are killing me anon
I miss you

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Who has never gotten a new toy with the colors of an old toy, that you would like to see?

>Upcoming Transformers
>Leaks and Rumors
>Online Stores for TFs
>Where to watch TF shows:
>Transformers General Archives:

>New thread on page 9 or 10 or image limit. Any thread that doesn't say this and does not adhere to it or lacks the pastebins is not a legit /tfg/ thread

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and of course Megs was this exact size so they could do this exact moment
oh look at that, image limit

here you go, new thread >>11047705
Bro Rattrap is a fucking giant rat, get over it
>1 pic available
quick someone post something
Die, thread!

btw, happy BD DinoCrisis! may capcom remember you exist.

Previous Thread >>11025935

>New/Latest Pre-orders
The Vintage Collection:
-HasLab Mos Eisley Cantina
-Osha Aniseya (The Acolyte)
-X-Wing Pilot 4pk - FanCh
-Cal Kestis (ISB Disguise) - FanCh
-Mandalorian Judge - FanCh
-Kanan Jarrus - FanCh
-Ezra Bridger - FanCh
-Zeb Orrelios (Deluxe) - FanCh
-HK-87 (Arcana)
-Dark Trooper
-Princess Leia Organa (ANH)

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The cantina is at 6066. I see it getting funded, but that's all.
Yeah definitely not hitting 11k for Greedo. I could see 2-3k last minute surge like what happened with the Ghost. It'll only just get backed. I hope the base is funded at the very least just so they keep supporting TVC
The Mando Scout Trooper/Bike set was $50 when it came out. If you take inflation and con exclusive tax, the price isn't as bad as some are making it out to be.
Is there a chance they’ll lower the backer goals?
new thread

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Every time I go to discount stores all of the toys are black or yellow. There’s never white figures, which is what I want to buy.

Why do companies over produce shit that nobody wants?
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Its more like the most recognisable symptom of something lead by poor writers and producers who are apathetic to the lore and legacy of the franchise.
Women and minority characters can definitely be a enjoyable thing, you just need to enjoy anime instead. That Future Avengers anime actually managed to make Captain Marvel the likable, compassionate and strong character she always should of been.
>but everyone refused, I don't know why
Lucas needs to stop taking directors to salad restaurants.
Lucasfilm had a mandate to Hasbro that they had to ship an equal number of male and female characters in every case. During the POTF2 line, Princess Leia was shipped one per case because Hasbro thought only collectors would buy her, which turned out to be wrong so they corrected course on subsequent shipments and waves. Female figures were still made in smaller quantities than male figures but they dialed things in to where the market was.

Kathleen Kennedy believes it is inherently unjust / unfair that there are more male Star Wars fans than female, and believes they should produce for the audience they want, not the one that exists. In her perfect world there are more female Star Wars fans than male and she's been burning down the franchise for the last 12 years because of it.
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Articles? no.

because the narrative now is to DENY that the brand is failing. But if you want recent examples, you need only go to cheapo stores like Ollie's or Ross or whatever is in your area. You'll see plenty of Marvel and Star Wars crap no one wants for dicounted prices

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\afdg\ all azone dolls welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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For fucks sake, Anon...
They're just cute dolls. Some do photography of them, many like to dress them up, others like myself like to just carry them around to nice place like a tiny little plastic friend.
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I always love seeing this doll.
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little chickens are the best
Ignore the board spammer.

can we have a discussion about vintage and modern animal brushables, anything from figurines, soft vinyl to heck even styling heads, no mlp btw
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Castle Keeps Gargoyles.

Look ‘em up, insanely rare and have a cult following.
I love how tweaked out of its mind this thing looks lol. I’ll keep my eye out at secondhand sales for one.
It's because >>/mlp/ exists

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Would you rather spend 1000$ on some bitches who won't appreciate your collection and will likely make you get rid of it, or would you rather spend 1000$ on something awesome, like this?

i would rather die than have to talk to a tiktok watching, negro loving woman for more than 5 minutes. yes the toy
>People are mad
They're not, they just think it's pathetic, big difference.
>incredibly shameless
AI photos are free, real photos cost thousands to license, welcome to the future.
This is what you should blame the owners of the corporate IP.

Although I'm sure YT reviewers (since YTs and TikTokers already do this) are doing things like having AI narration and AI generated imagery in even unboxing and review type videos.

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is there anyone have any detail of this figure? i try to search with google and yandex still cannot find any detail....
That looks like an AI generated image, bud.
This. The eyes and right hand give it away.
It's AI with the 'artist's' name cropped out of the lower right. As stated above, the eyes are a dead giveaway - along with the lack of joints, her right bra strap going right into the middle of her throat instead of over her shoulder, and the fact that she's missing a finger on her right hand

Shadow bros.....
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I swore I’d never buy a Nendo after they discontinued Pokémon Nendos, but fuck me does that Shadow trigger my nostalgia
It's literally over half the series history at this point
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>nendo thread
i thought this shit was gay for my entire life but i bought the shin kamen rider one recently to put in my car and i finally see the light, these little things are awesome. 100% going to get this one + sonic eventually.
Yeah where the hell is Nendo General? Didn't GSC just announce a whole bunch of stuff?
He's been around for over 2/3 actually.

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Previous Thread >>11018712



HasLab Dragonfly Unboxing video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6mqSvMUtxg

>Now Shipping:
>Retro Duke
>Retro Scarlett
>Retro Recondo
>Recon Diver (60th Anv)
>Action Soldier (60th Anv)

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If this is the SDCC exclusive is there hope Raptor will be a regular retail fig?
Are the comics good

He took their best editors and creators for Robot Chicken and killed the magazine.

Of course half the issues in my subscription never arriving stopped my support.

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I just remembered this fiasco
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I think they're just rock pieces molded neon orange
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Build that yourself then. What's wrong with you?
Build the creator version from the bomber-fighter-hovercraft 3-in-1 set. Or maybe learn how to build model kits. That is what I have been doing.

toyphotography! post toys! professional, casual, outdoor, desk, diorama, handshot, i dont care. keep the thread alive and comment on stuff u like
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feeling cute, might delete later
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picked up a LEO and dhalsim
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what did i miss?>>11042010

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/lg/ - Lego General: Ice Planet edition

Last thread >>11029477

>/lg/ Resources

>/lg/ Flickr Group

>/lg/ Archive

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Why is classic lego, so comfy and soulful?
I have nothing to contribute right now
What are the colored parts for?
danke lads, I had some sets built with these sockets but in storage so I think I will take them apart
>Four 31120
Nah you're a certified genius.

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Previous thread: >>10999556

Anthro and feral figures galore.

>The Rules:
Don’t kink shame, if it’s not for you, move on
No hotglue pics, it violates the board rules and that is not what we are here for
Be respectful, have fun and most importantly post pics!

>Savage Crucible wave 1 shipping out now!
>Nacelle C.O.W. Boys of Moo Mesa wave 1 up for pre-order
>Loose Collector The Crypt Great Wolves:
>Animal Warriors of The Kingdom Primal Collection

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114 replies and 45 images omitted. Click here to view.
hey thats not bad, I'd get that
Oh my God, I was actually trying to remember what the fuck game this was from last week! I just had this ape in my head, but I couldn't remember... I just know I rented the NES game all the goddamn time as a kid.
Town & Country Surf Designs: Wood & Water Rage. That takes me back.
Isn't it the same old werewolf we already saw but recolored nth time?
The ammo belts, minigun, and forearm blade are new, otherwise yes. It's a recolor.

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