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“Hasbronies felted” edition
Thread theme:
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His newfound positivity around bad figures is disgusting and frankly I'm eventually going to stop watching if this continues.
anthony cumstains
>I'm eventually going to stop watching
Just skipped the videos this week. Anything that looks outside his wheel house I assume is just a BBTS send over like that Monster Force shit.
You should assume anything with a high score is something he received for free, because he is a giant fucking shill.

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>he doesn't even come with a removable kukri.
Oh, I was really considering buying Emile, but they're fucked if they think this shit is even remotely ok.
Why would they when even Microsoft isn't continuing halo?
Good thing Microsoft isn't discontinuing Halo. I mean, maybe they should with 343 at the helm, but they haven't yet. Fwiw, there's no word that Jazzwares has stopped with Halo either. I think there was a wave early this year and the designers have said that it's going last I checked. You just don't get any announcements or anything. I don't even collect this line but I would like to get my hands on a decent Halo 3 chief figure if the somewhat decent Jazzwares one didn't cost $200 on the secondary market now.
Id actually buy Jazwares if we got correctly scaled covies and marines...
Companies don't make announcements that they stopped licensing a series.
They quietly let the license lapse and hope no one notices. Even the licensor doesn't want everyone to know their property is so shit it failed to sell toys.
Jazwares has shown nothing in probably a year and most stores stopped carrying the line almost just as long, so it's safe to say the line is dead.

I mean, at SDCC this year, they were showing something off at the bottom corner of their booth, but that's because they still have the license and are forced to market it still to honor the license that is expiring this year. You probably won't even see what they displayed this year, because the figures htey put the Halo display at shin level. I don't even remember what they had on display, except it was nothing new.
They also didn't announce anything at their panel either.
Halo toyline is as dead as 343.

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3D printing is cool, and has obvious applications for /toy/ purposes. I've been working on making (rather lewd) printable toy "kits" you can assemble with Hobby Base joints using my resin printer, but I'm thinking of taking a step further and getting an FDM machine to try my hand at printing plastic joints too; the end goal being 99% printable action figures, with the only non-printed components being easily obtained materials like metal wire for pins if necessary.
Anyway, I've done a fair bit of research on FDM and am considering getting a Bambu A1 Mini as IIRC it punches way above its price tag, is very easy to use, gives fantastic results and isn't very expensive (for my purposes the smaller build plate isn't an issue). What I'm not sure on is what filament to use. The "big 3" I see people use are PLA, ABS and PETG. PLA is apparently very easy to print and very cheap, but I hear is mechanically quite weak. ABS is stinky and a bitch to print but if you get it to work is very durable, being the same stuff used in actual toys. I've heard PETG is mechanically even better than ABS and also prints very nicely, my only concerns being it doesn't like glue or paint (or so I hear) in the event either of those are necessary.
My current plan is to make "hybrid" kits where the body parts are printed in resin and structural parts like joints will be FDM.
Anyone with experience with FDM have any advice? Also anyone else into printing?
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I still have not tried the Resione Tough 74 resin however I did try Nylon Mecha from Siraya Tech. I have run several tests like twisting and bending the joint for >1000 times and it maintains its grip plus has zero dusting.

I'm using ball joints that use a thin cap made out of Nylon Mecha which avoids any wear and tear on the joints plus it allows for the figure to be printed out of any resin you want.
PETG can absolutely be painted, it just requires nastier stuff than scale modeling paints. I used automotive spray cans for pic related and had no issues.
I updated the figma-like 6mm joints with individual STL files without sprues. The 5mm variety pack has individual STLs too.

Currently have some updates being printed for the arms of my petite blank figure (more stable biceps swivel and hands are just ball hinges rather than ball-sockets). If they work out then I'll update it. Also currently being printed is a WIP miniature articulated woolly mammoth (everything neck-down) and a printed-metal Dwemer coin replica, based on the ones in Morrowind.
gib stl I finally got a printer
Based, Papi-Anon. You're good people.

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Beetlebros, are you ready?
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Shfs cheap glossy plastic makes every figure looks cheap. No idea how these idiots put up with it.
>SHF does re-releases all the fucking time.
Name them, faggot.
Nta but Buffku (final form Frieza, UI Goku, SSB Vegeta, etc), Guts, Luffy, Ichigo, Blazar, Ultraman, and many others have recently gotten reissued. Reissues are fairly consistent from Bandai.
And then there's all the Monsterart reissues.
That's what I thought too.

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>Upcoming Transformers
>Leaks and Rumors
>Online Stores for TFs
>Where to watch TF shows:
>Transformers General Archives:

>New thread on page 9 or 10, or at image limit.

Previously: >>11145292
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Are you talking about Primus?
Anon, there is a scene in the movie where we see all the primes with Alpha Trion and then there is another one where Optimus gets Matrix and we see all of them as force ghosts.
That's cool
There is a lot of references in it
I'll definitely be going through it when it releases for home viewing
Man, they're going to milk this movie for years. They'll shove fucking everything in studio series.
I wonder if they'll do a nemesis prime redeco of armada optimus with just the core robot

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They made something I never thought would be made and I'm buying it
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Huh, i thought itd be a 3rd party but nope, its takara. That sunstreaker brought me back to 1989 real fast, ill keep an eye on these.
>3rd party

ie disgusting bootleg crap
That looks terrible tho
GEEWUN was pretty ugly in hindsight.
sexy hips

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Does anyone know, if possible at all,how to buy these? If I understood correctly at Wonfes there are various artists selling their own made merchandise from different IPs, except it's actually official and endorsed by the company who owns said IP.
In this case, I discovered that there's whole new fucking world of Fromsoftware figures, and the motherfucking carian knight figure you see there in pic rel is one of my of my most wanted figures ever. I NEED this fucking figure. But how???? Do they allow foreigners buying their stuff online?? Anyone kind enough to enlighten me??? Or can I only get it by myself on person in japan????
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>keeping event exclusive stuff really event exclusive
One of the worst things the west does is not keep that same mindset. What the fuck is the point of calling things event exclusives and then selling them online? Fucking retard crybabies obviously love it but that's against the whole concept of the name and idea.
step 1 is my daily mantra
There are people who will go to Wonfes and pick stuff up for you for a fee, but the fee is usually hefty. Think a couple hundred bucks.

Plus if that figure is actually a GK, you'd have to also commission someone to professionally paint and assemble it for you, so add another couple hundy for that.
>I think the 3D sculpting and 3D printing for kits / statues has made them SERIOUSLY degrade in quality.

3D sculpting is inarguably more precise and higher quality. There's nothing you can do with physical materials you cannot do with digital sculpting tools.
>but the feel and the soul!
Tradition is well and good, but 3D sculpting hasn't caused a quality degrade. The idea that it has is unfounded and borderline crazy.
3D resin prints make getting the initial physical proof far easier, and kits are often made with a 3D-printed proof, cleaned up and then turned into a cast for traditional resin molding (because it's faster than 3D printing 100 fucking kits piece by piece)
When is the next WONFES anyways? I try to do a yearly trip to Japan when it's colder over there and if it lines up I might make a thread for grabbing you guys some stuff

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Are you familiar with Splatoon-themed custom BJD trend?
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this is cool, I'm going to tell my gf about it because she loves splatoon
No, but now I want one. Are these using Obitsu as the base?
No troll plz, what’s a bjd?
ball joint doll
Thanks anon <3

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Pretty Fly For A White Guy Edition
Previous: >>11108424
Thread questions:
>What "big guy" (Dreadnoughts etc) would you like to see most?
>Speaking of big, would you buy tanks/vehicles if they made them?
>If you could give one of the less-successful sublines a second chance (Tau, Orks, Necrons etc) who would you pick?
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More aliens would be nice. The termagants are really nifty, even if their tongues are a swine to plug in properly. They could even tie some to the video game!
What tickles your fancy? Basic space Marines, or blinged out captain special? You want shooty-mcbang bang, or slice n dice? Get what you like, best, as there is plenty on offer. If you want best bang for your buck, the basic intercessors go for like $20 or less, and include a pistol, chain sword, and rifle. I think the latest bladeguards can be found for like $35, and you get power sword with scabbard, a pistol, and a shield, plus unhelmed head on most, I think?

If you want something that could blend into 1:12 scale stuff, you could go for a primarch or a mech, like a contemptor or leviathan dreadnaught.
>Do youknow if Joytoy has any plans to branch out into 1/12 scale?
No, but consider the following:

- You might get there unintentionally due to the out-of-control scale creep

- Even before the scale creep, they were already huge for 1/18 figures, so stop being a dingus about scale and just fucking buy one already. 1/12 scale is a stupid idea for Warhammer anyway, it ensures that you will never get vehicles, larger units, etc. because they would simply be too big and expensive. Even in 1/18 there are still some units that are just logistically impossible to produce at a standard consumer level.

- McFarlane's Space Marines sort of ARE 1/12 scale, when you consider that they're 7" and should tower over a standard 6" human. Of course, scale is fucked in his line too, since he decided to make everyone about the same height.
Praetor is an easy pass from me but I've been hoping for Hvarl for a while now
Do the nid tails have joints?

Previous thread: >>11115102

In stores and online currently:
Beetlejuice (Striped Suit CC re-release)
Toony Terrors 40th Anniversary Leatherface & Leatherface (Pretty Woman)
Earl Sinclair Tree Pusher (Target exclusive)
Ult. Bon Jovi (Slippery When Wet)
House of a Thousand Corpses Otis, Captain Spaulding
LJN Colors Warduke, Strongheart, & Zarak
Ult. Jigsaw -Black Robe (Saw)
Ben Cooper Kids wave 2 part 1 (Dracula & Witch at Walmart) & part 2 (Phantom, Devil v2, female Vampire showing up at Target)
Universal Monsters x TMNT Black and White 4-pack (Creature Leo & Frankenstein Raph, Invisible Man Donnie, Mummy Mikey)
Hannibal Lecter
Professor Burke (London After Midnight)
Gargoyles Goliath & Demona "Vows" 2-pack

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I love her
She's a great addition to the Halloween setup.
Woefully oversized and out of scale. what a shame

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This is a question that has entered my mind somewhat recently and I wanted to get some opinions on it. This isn't asking what the difference is between the two but where exactly is the line drawn that distinguishes the two.

The generally accepted view is that statues are immovable pieces meant purely for display while figures are designed to have things such as action features, different mixes of plastics/metals as well as the intention for moving parts. Normally this should be all that is needed: Statues are sculpted in one specific pose while figures feature articulation for different poses.

That however brings up another problem: How little articulation is needed for something to be considered one or the other?

To give an example, retro Kenner Star Wars figures featured at most 4 points of articulation in the shoulders and hips. Not very articulated but accepted as figures.

Let's bump that down to just two. No doubt we've all owned or at least seen plenty of figures that may only have something like articulation in the shoulders. Immovable hunks of plastic that only generate movement those specific areas, yet we still accept that like with the above.

Enter Pic Rel. It's a character from One Piece that comes from a line of statues called Portrait of Pirates. Very popular with collectors. Why I'm using this one as an example is because it too also features two points of articulation in the shoulders, same as plenty of other figures in the past. He also features interchangeable parts, so there is a level of action feature playability that puts him above even some figures that don't do such.

If a "statue" like that can feature the same amount of playability as any other "figure" then what else is needed to distinguish the difference?
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less than 3 points of articulation (head and both arms) is a statue for me
One piece got them battleborn proportions.
>It's a character from One Piece that comes from a line of statues called Portrait of Pirates. Very popular with collectors.
Is the line only popular because it's Wan Piss? Because that looks ugly as fuck.
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Portrait of Pirates is based. First line that got me into collecting 20 years ago.
Somewhere between Marvel 12 inch shampoo bottles and DC 12 inch actually possable, gi-joesque figures

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What classic toylines do you think need an "Origins" style revival?
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what do you think of the FMF 1/6th line thats one the way?
that'd be neat
This just needed the o-ring G.I.Joe treatment
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They look alright but I don't know if I'd pick it up
Yeah I can understand. Just thought it was worth mentioning.

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>used in ancient Egypt
>2 countries down they’ve never bothered with chairs
Maybe they just didn’t like them for some reason? The wooden pillows etc used in Ancient Egypt are popular through Africa and there was plenty of trade through the continent, so it’s not like the idea of chairs couldn’t spread. I think they also just never usually bothered with extra stories on buildings due to the heat, so multiple stories would be kinda interesting but gimmicky in Africa before aircon.
(You) got gentrified.
>Were shall we eat? Chaz Albert or Pets?
Yeah, it was probably too hot for those pesky wheels


-Marvel Legends Crystal/Lockjaw 2 pack solicited (Fan Channel Exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Retro Carded Green Goblin reissues (Fan Channel)

-Marvel Legends Ultimate Professor X with Hover Chair reissued (Fan Channel)

-Marvel Legends Outrider 2 pack solicited (Fan Channel Exclusive)

-Mafex Age of Apocalypse Cyclops and Age of Apocalypse Wolverine solicited

-Marvel Legends Punisher/Bushwacker 2 pack solicited (Amazon/Fan Channel exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Across the Spider-Verse wave 2 solicited (all major retailers)

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Is the X-Men Villains set worth getting? I've been thinking about getting it for a while but haven't heard much talk about it on here. Worth the money?
Depends on two thing: do you want Stryfe and his zentai clad butler Zero? And do you want the full PAD X-Factor roster?

Zero is exclusive to the set and the original ML Stryfe is a $100+ figure and the box set actually gets his mask right (the Jubilee BAF version has a simplified mask). Same with Random, who is needed to have the full PAD X-Factor team.

The other figures are hit or miss. Vertigo's there to tease fans who've been wanting more Marauders and/or Savage Land Mutates and Pretty Boy's a hot mess with the wrong look for the guy, ZERO accessories (no stretch arms or alternate head with mind rape tentacles coming out of his eyes) and the fact that they stuck his head on a blatantly unaltered Silverman robot body.
Is this loss
Goddamn you. I laughed.
New Thread:


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>/lg/ Flickr Group:

>LEGO General Archive:

>Third Party Information:

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Does that mean if somebody posted a set on Lego ideas based on K-on or naruto that used minidolls instead of minifigs you would NOT support it?
I prefer minifigs because they are more Lego-y. But the skirts are an issue because they are not easy to portray as a print, I think a cloth piece like some clone troopers may be best even if it breaks away from the Lego-ness and possibly makes them harder to sit down.
I'd also say that their faces should have eyes drawn just like the original anime, but dot eyes work well because they already get to look that way when superdeformed
it's still olive green though
LEGO MOC General /lmg/ !

I was disappointed when the retro space heroine had a ponytail on the helmet mold. I really wanted to make a megaman with the helmet. I never saw it in any promotional images

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