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>Be me
>Family is giving rides to other kids from school.
>One day we're giving a ride to two sisters and their mom.
>They realize they haven't picked out their presents for Secret Santa so we make a Dollar Tree stop.
>Once they both grab their Secret Santa Gifts their mom tells them to go back to the toy aisle and grab one thing each and that will be their Christmas present this year.
>They both start throwing a fit but eventually they do it.
>When we drop them off I tell my mom that was the trashiest shit I've ever seen.
>She tells me their mom is an abuse victim and mentally retarded so her sister was managing her finances so Dollar Tree Christmas was the best she could do and implies I'm a bad person for making fun of it.
>8 years later.
>Still the trashiest shit I've ever seen.

Am I a bad person?
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and OP will continue to bump because the sheer euphoria of seeing the thread where he's called a faggot gets his dick harder than diamonds
final faction is great
I make 35-40k a year as a minimum wagie. The mother in the op is a trashy bum. If you're going to be a parent get a fucking job and save some money to buy your kids some stuff for their birthday and Christmas AT LEAST. She's "less fortunate" because she's irresponsible, and fuck those people.

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Here's a first look at the 4 inch Fang figure
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>First movie oc to get a figure
Surprised they didn't do Longclaw or Emerald Robotnik first
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Needs more Toad.
Anyone have a pic of these alongside Jada's Mega Man figures? I'd like to see how they scale together.
Thanks! I wonder how Eggman and the Funko Wily look together? They were the best part of the crossover comic.

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>The World of BIONICLE
Media: https://biomediaproject.com/bmp/
Story: https://wallofhistory.com/
Wiki: https://biosector01.com/

>Building with BIONICLE
Sets: https://www.bricklink.com/catalogList.asp?catType=S&catString=273
Studio: https://www.bricklink.com/v3/studio/download.page
Guide: https://bioniclerebuilt.wixsite.com/fallingstars/studio-guide-v2


Previous thread: >>11197181
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I prefer the Star Wars ultrabuild shoulders for buttocks.
everyone calls 2009 a "soft reboot" but it literally was Mata Nui's journey and the story even continued with MU characters
Bionicle roleplays are the funniest fuckin thing.
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you should get some slizers/throwbots too
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Is this matatu blue or medium blue?

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>"If you're new, you're gonna fuck up. Don't worry! If you're experienced, don't make the new people worry!"



The guide:
Part 1 (Quick Start)

Part 2 (Deeper Dive)

And a handy guide to other types of plamo: http://www.mediafire.com/view/1vf1aw7v91pz5pa/Airfix%20Model%20World%20Specia%20(Scale%20Modelling%20Step-By-Step).pdf

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Only built a couple HG models so far but going to do some MG and RG soon and saw that they sell metal frames for some of them. Do you think metal frames are worth it? I saw that some seem to have fitting issues.

Want to get the recent Ideon model kit as well but the only places I can find it are basically doubling the price with shipping. Apparently there's a western version coming out in March that I'll be able to order off Amazon but I don't know what that means since every Gundam kit I've built and seen are still entirely in Japanese and if those aren't localized I don't know why an Ideon one would be.
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>every Gundam kit I've built and seen are still entirely in Japanese
they've had dual eng/jp on the boxes & instructions for like a decade
I have no idea what this western Ideon is, do you mean pic related? It's a model kit from Ooshima, a Japanese company that mostly does realistic plastic models (cars, boats, planes) plus some Macross. Not western. Here's the page on their site, its japanese release was in october. Guess Amazon's shit is still on the boat. https://www.aoshima-bk.co.jp/en/product/4905083068366/

Apparently they have a distribution deal with amazon? most Gundam shit is not on amazon at all (except from third party resellers who usually scalp for way above normal prices) but instead goes to other western storefronts like newtype.us, mechawarehouse, gundamplanet etc
By western I just meant not imported directly from Japan with $50 shipping. I guess it's a distribution deal like you said more than anything, since yeah, you can get Gundam shit everywhere (and again, without the exorbitant shipping cost). I was just confused about why it was only available without needing to import from a Japanese distributor months later and thought maybe some localization was involved.

The few model kits I've built didn't have dual language instructions. I'll have to check the next few I get.
New thread: >>11256672
I like the design but I really can't agree with you. Defo looks more EVA than anything

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I've only seen a few figures with that extra bit of posability.
If you've got a figure with that articulation, do you use it much?
Stuff like drop-down hips is more common with robots and shit I find. Stuff like soul of chogokin and 3p transformers cause they need that extra range with all the groin ornaments clogging up their range.
In which cases I definitely find use for them if I can, pushing your figgers to the limit with their articulation is fun
I want a Barbie that can sit like this
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I like the extra joints in the thigh/hips

(Doll depicted is Enchanted Doll)
I hate that extra leg segment in these dolls. I know it is for poseability but it looks buttugly.

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Any last words before i will slice you in half
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I heard this guy wears pink
You heard right.
>*after-images above you*
Yeah, what are you gonna do about it?
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*blocks youre path*
This Bumblebee speaks in Linkin Park and Disturbed

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So I'm looking to get into collecting those Phicen/tb league (don't know the difference) figures because they look incredibly detailed and lifelike. Before I dive in, what should I know? Are they generally more fragile than regular PVC figures? Also, what do the bodies look like without clothes on? Pic related from "Verycool" got me interested.
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yeah, they're disgusting and they will crack or peel or degrade in some other way
Gundamit just got it, though their full price is unlisted yet.
even if you don't do anything to them?
eventually, yeah. it's just the material, it doesn't last. Some people keep them in tubes or under glass or whatever to help preserve them, i've heard of using oils or other substances to try to prevent cracking, but it is what it is. That's why I prefer hard plastic, but I'm not saying these aren't enjoyable; they're just more ephemeral than figures made with more robust materials
not him but what kind of oil is there for the silicon skin? I own two 1/6 scale dolls and they wear cloth clothing no faux leather. the few videos out there on 1/6 scale maintenance are mostly for marvel hot toys that use a lot of faux leather. they use leather conditioner.

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why are you lot like this? leave theme for the kids nigel
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outside of lego kids do not want the toys, the industry is cratering because of this.
Just have kids you dumbasses
Cause I'm a woman with a heart condition that would make pregnancy a death sentence. So I try to fill the void with toys and shit to distract myself from the lingering pit of worthlessness. Couldn't give a fuck about global turmoil.
Just adopt.
>I could just put all my toys everywhere
It gets a bit annoying when I need to clean up for company, but I love being able to have my toys all around me, they're on display shelves, on my coffee table, on my desk, my couch, it's my house, they're my toys and I'm gonna put and play with them where-ever I want.

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How does this even happen? And can’t they just put a sticker over it instead of pulling all of them?

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Well what exactly is it that you want anon? Does it not exist?
It will be a maleficent knockoff
i bought one today and they covered the url with a sharpie
I doubt it because the marketing budget is already higher than the us military, so at this point a controversy like this would not work as “all publicity is good publicity.” That tactic is better used when you have to stretch a marketing campaign on a low budget
On one hand it barely looks like KKK hoods. On the other hand, it's an awful design period. There's no reason for it to be a paper snowflake, and it's not even a good paper snowflake with those holes neatly cut into it. At a glance it looks nothing like a snowflake and looks far more like a bunch of critters/masks or some sort of array of weapons.

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Any scale, any series. If it's a modular robot toy, post it here.

>Diaclone Reboot (3mm 4mm)
>Transformers Weaponizers/Modulators/Fossilizers (3mm 5mm)
>Tomica Hyper series (5mm)
>ZOIDS (3mm)
>Plarail Shinkalion (5mm)

>30 Minutes Mission (3mm)
>Animagear (3mm)
>Machine Robo Mugenbine
>Gunpla and Misc. Plamo (3mm)

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Can't find this motherfucker anywhere from my local online retailers, despite him seemingly still widely available in Japanese online stores.
I have easier time finding fucking PuniMofu Tu than him. Hell I have easier time finding Liber Fighter despite that shit being sold out everywhere in Japan.
How does Kotobukiya even operate?
GeoGio 2025
Left sparkly clear version is VIP.
Bonus 1/4 cube guitar/axe
It looks like the guitar can transform without removing any parts, which is really nice to see

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Anthro and feral figures galore.

>The Rules:
Don’t kink shame, if it’s not for you, move on
No hotglue pics, it violates the board rules and that is not what we are here for
Be respectful, have fun and most importantly post pics!

>Mythic Legions Reign of the Beasts pre-order up till December 29th
>Fury Toys Angryler finally up for preorder on 5ktoys, both colored and translucent versions
>Xesray Studios Balathu up for preorder on 5ktoys
>Jakks Streets of Rage Roo and Altered Beasts Weredragon showing up at Walmarts
>Nacelle Biker Mice from Mars now at Wal-Mart!

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I'm still waiting for more shots of the goat - I think she looks better than the other two for some reason.
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I don't know if a monthly general is possible, but it's a solid thread title that seems important. Therefore it must be of great value.
So who does model kits? Share a memory of Little Anon You and a model experience. Find any cool ones lately? Have you always wanted to but never did (glue, my love)? RC is kinda the same thing and fits here.
My addition is that I was a totally incompetent modeler with nobody to talk to that cared about them or at least had inclination. I can paint well now and I've done a BMP and a beginner Lancaster I junked when I moved apartments. I figure I can do better as time goes on.
Shit's fun.
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I'm a total fag for mecha musume.
Mecha musune is great but I already have anime girls of various flavors on my desk. I just want an M60A3 and a T80B to have little battles on my desk.
>Hight detail
That picture seems to be me. I have mostly built warhammer models for playing 40k along with some other 28mm scale models.
Just yesterday I picked up a RG Gundam kit to give it a go as i do like the building process a lot but im not into cars/tanks/planes

If anyone can suggest other robot like kits id be interested

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Remember, the T stands for toys. Tr*ns shit not welcome here.
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Im sorry but Omori canonically have wet dreams because of Aubrey
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Surprised no one has posted this one yet
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Omori is very probably bi, he had a crush on Aubrey when he was 12 but there's a lot of context clues to suggest he at least has some complicated repressed feelings towards Basil.

Basil himself is absolutely a homo, I never understood how anyone can try to rationalise his behaviour as just being close friends with Sunny. And even outside of the game, one look at either the creator or the official merch makes it clear they're intended to be gay for eachother lol
OP said no trannies
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Ugh, i remember how mad i was when Omocat dropped the calendar art and we didnt have any good moments of Sunny with the gang, wich is weird when one of most cherished moments is with his friend, like when Aubrey slept on Sunny shoulders or going with Kel at night to read comics, also, real kel world nendoroid when

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Welcome to the Army Men General!

Previously: >>11200639

>Plastic soldiers, knights and pirates, cowboys and indians, fantasy and sci-fi, cops and zombies, all are welcome here!

>Archived threads:

>Army men wargame rules:

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The benefits of giants in warfare have been well understood since biblical times.
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That deleted scene from 300 of the giant with mounted archer still cracks me up.
They'd be great for kids with less fine motor skills. I'll have them be the leader of the greens body guards. His version of the Potsdam gaints.

And oh shit! That soldier might need more than his side arm to take down that beast!
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He has terribly goofy eyes,
I really like the positioning in the sand though.
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I love how you can't see the joints in the prev shot. Unintentional.

I was having so much fun.

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it's a bootleg of a more expensive figure of Alice from NIKKE
it's consistently in the 16$ dollar range or even below and looks pretty good for the price. way better than most in the price range for sure
it looks like a massive trend or bandwagon among bootleg manufacturers but i got no idea why
hell there are even more Alice figures seem to be coming
it's a Flood of Alice
meanwhile can hardly seem to find any other NIKKE figures on AliExpress
funnily enough picrel works as a comparison because the box features photos of the original
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Not a toy, better off asking on /jp/ or the buyfag thread on /a/, but usually I’d probably assume either the mold was stolen or sold or the manufacturer is selling their factory seconds off for turbo cheap and Ali sellers have purchased them to resell.
No idea why Alice specifically other than popularity, but there's a lot of surprisingly good quality bootlegs of resins going up on Aliexpress lately.
Statues are literally copy paste in the age of 3d printers. All they have to do is 3d scan it. Print a mold and it's done.
Motherfucker I thought it was the figma. Fuck you
That's a statue, not a figure. Figure implies some level or articulation. This has none, and doesn't belong here - but you already knew that.

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