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>Upcoming transformers
>Leaks and Rumors
>Online Stores for TFs
>Where to watch TF shows:
>Transformers General Archives:
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I really like the base mold, I just wish it was a bit less friendly-looking for Nemesis. It's fine on Lio Convoy, to be fair, but not for this guy IMO. I'd have taken a retooled scarred/angry face over the extra gun he got.
marvel has had disastrous consequences on western media and I don't know if we'll ever be free of hacks trying to cram everything into one ongoing universe/multiverse
for real this time?
It meets all the requirements, even if its totally devoid of zazz

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anyone know when mp 43 beast megatron will be reissued, or even when? i passed up on him and have regretted it ever since!
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The thing about Rhinox is that there's way less paint to fuck up. I transformed him as many times as Dinobot and Megatron and I own them since release, that's why I find it more fun.
why would the make rhinox glossy when the others arent?
Tigatron and others like Hoist must've got Takara sweating when they didn't sell that well. It's just not feasible to sell $150-200 figures of minor characters like that in Japan when Transformers isn't the biggest franchise.

You have more patience than me mate, I find Rhinox's transformation to be too similiar to Megs in that they both require loads of panels to be lined up perfectly. That being said Rhinox is defs more fun to transform than Megs.
>I find Rhinox's transformation to be too similiar to Megs in that they both require loads of panels to be lined up perfectly
You only need to make sure the robot arms are exacty were they should be, then the panels line up perfectly and easily in beast mode. It's not like Tigatron's tiger belly at all, those are a pain.

is there any type of lubricant that can be used on action figures when it comes to swapping parts like hands and heads. They get really stiff when removing and hard to put back in and i worry i might end up breaking them. some of my stuff i cant even buy new anymore
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I don't care for the hot water trick, I use my pure man strength only. Sometimes it works, sometimes it breaks. Either way I win.
>My masculinity is so fragile I would rather break a toy than use my brain instead of force
Seek help
Silicon shock oil that is used for R/C cars I've used it on multiple figures and it's a life saver. Just a drop or so into the joint in question should be all you need.

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Fat guy toy thread. The less clothes the better, although clothed fat guy toys are also welcome.
Bonus question: How many fat guy wrestling action figures can you think of? I know there's been quite a few.
Also, goddamn five minutes is too fucking long to have to wait for a post. I found my picture, added a subject, my writeup, and I still have 150 seconds left to go. Like goddamn, whose idea was this? What purpose does this serve? It obviously doesn't dissuade shitposters, so it just inconveniences people trying to make actual threads. One minute would make sense, but five is fucking insanity. Supposed to just sit here and waste power waiting for this shit, what the fuck. I'm finally under a minute, holy shit. 45 seconds. 35. Jesus fucking christ fuck, it's like watching fucking paint dry, I hate this shit goddamn what the fuck.
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OP is fat as fuck
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i find the best way to find out if people buy toys for enjoyment or to consoom, is to ask them their thoughts on joint quality. If someone unironically prefers crunchy domestic joints they are a consoomer, have less than 100 toys, or have been in the hobby less than 2 years. Mostly these are crossboard trolls, or people who pretend to be into toys for nerd clout. the people who prefer japanese smooth joints, buy imports on a regular basis, and are buying toys because they genuinely love the art of action figures.

>but has-mcfarlane joints are less breakable
you are 40 years old. are you throwing your toys across your home on a regular basis?

>but muh character selection
so you care more about characters than figure quality. consoomer behavior

>i cant afford imports
one import is two domestics.

you would not believe how successful this method has been for me in determining YT channels I want to watch, accounts online to engage with, and posts to ignore.
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Typical shf mafex collected seething about troglodyte “troll consoomers” again
>Figma joints are mass produced and easy to replace
>So can I get a replacement with a specific color?
>And they use some of the worst plastic in the toy industry.
You're thinking of NECA.

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none of yall niggas can fuck with the 'Jiro
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The difference is guys like Araki and Itagaki actually understand human anatomy and simply choose to draw it exaggerated and fucked up. Westerner's that draw shit like >>11067957 do so because they're simply inept.
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Sorry Bitch, but real life's come knocking. Now you're a loser irl and online. Don't (you) me, you haven't earned it.
the two are not the same and you know it
This (You) gets it
Weird design

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HC Giga and Theri are in stores now and BOTM Utahraptor and Achillobator should be shipping out later this month.

Previous thread: >>11026797
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>dino damage, with a treasure map inside
>opened face packaging, in the super soft rubber toy
>ditching 93 packaging
What a bunch of fuck ups Mattel are.
I have no idea why they did this but i'm glad, i love Scutosaurus
I wish the Scutosaurus had a mid-torso cut
great concept ruined by the obnoxious dna tab on its leg
that scutosaurus looks real nice but seems to have the same issue as their dimetrodon, legs aren't arched but totally straight. atrociraptor is a fucking joke, head is ass and even this display piece has the leg assembled backwards. seems like mattel must fuck up two or three figures for each decent one they put out
>this display piece has the leg assembled backwards
Holy fucking shit it does, no wonder it looked weird to me

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Just browsing Amazon's toy section and these 3D printed posable figures with weapons keep popping up in every page. Anyone buy these before?
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>Also these are filament printed, which is more brittle at times than other prints.

No. Filament is not brittle lol. Resin is the brittle one. Filament just gets loose. Good for mechanical stuff, terrible for action figures.

See >>11071835

Be careful where you order them from. There are websites that offer the injection molded version which is probably best. Avoid places which sell the 3D printed version because there's a chance they might have serious QC issues. If you 3D print it yourself it will cost you like 2$.

Also why the hell does the red one in that promo pic have his legs inverted? WTF
The standard resin these days is ABS-like, which can be somewhat flexible. The only real weakness of resin is that they're easier to shatter. Even flexible and rubbery resins gave lower impact resistance than standard ABS. So if you smash them they'll break more easily than ABS. As long as you're not throwing your action figures on the ground there are tons of good resins for action figures that will give you a better finish than filament. A lot of resione's tough resins are specifically made for moving parts and recommended for printed figures
They cost less then a train ticket what do you mean scam?

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THere are more mocs on cracklink than elements
let that sink in
the simpsons are only relevant through merchandise and not the show itself.
Excellent pieces. Will buy
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What the fuck, LEGO?

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We know the franchises Hasbro dont own, in this case Marvel and StarWars two of the biggest franchises in history lost them money last year, whereas Transformers and GI Joe, two objectively smaller franchises with toylines that have much higher budgets, actually made them a profit despite one of them having a box office bomb in June, and the other having no presence in pop culture since 2013.
At this point it’s almost certain that Hasbro is cutting corners with Marvel and Star Wars because Disney fucked up the franchises. The sooner Hasbro drops them when the next contract negotiations come up the better.
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I think the dogshit distribution has pushed collectors onto online stores.
I live in Canada, and most toy stores haven't had new releases in months. It's all the low end RotB toys and SS Airazor

They're the main buyers of Hasbro products now, combined with lower quality products and higher prices, I think a lot of people are just skipping releases.
Did Indiana Jones ever make good toys though?

It's a fun action franchise, but not the greatest thing for kids to recreate since it's still normal looking guys roaming around normal looking places etc. Everyone is a guy in a suit or a guy in a jacket. Not the most exciting thing for kids.
I've thought about this for a long time. Indiana Jones toys didn't sell all that well back in the 1980s either and that's when the property was hot. Were kids just too busy with Star Wars and He-Man or was it just not a sufficiently toyetic property to be successful?

I actually agree to a point; Indiana Jones lacks a strong, recognizable villains, which limits the play pattern. Toht is probably the one that's the most distinct but he's not exactly menacing, at least not in the same way as Darth Vader is.
You're very right about a lot of this, but missing some things.

Marvel and Star Wars are divided. You say Mando season 3 is a failure, which isn't true. That's the valuable part of the star wars brand for toys. Thing is, anyone who wants a mando toy has had plenty of time to get the one and the only character people care about getting a toy of. It's not like X-men, people don't want all the mando character toys. Speaking of X-men, that is which is valuable as well. Not the MCU though. Hasbro couldn't just do x-men though, they had to do all the movies disney had in the pipeline.

Disney lumps the brands and hasbro over valued them. So, yea, otherwise spot on and right. Hasbro is getting fucked by Disney. Hasbro needs to grow a back bone and tell disney what they wanna make, not be forced to make the new shit that keeps flopping.

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Why are so many idiots just taking photos of toys in their hand on IG? What's the obsession? Why aren't people interested in creating stories and interesting photos anymore?
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Nice, handposing is fun. I like you, anon.
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I take pictures of my toys outside.
heck yeah, this is what takes a toy picture to the next level
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The funniest thing about a lot of these I see, is the large number of teenaged "figure-heads" that've cropped up on tiktok and the like hyper-fixating on that hood/street swag aesthetic that the ACBA guys started, shits funny as hell. To give credit though, some of them can actually pose pretty well.

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Hey doesn’t Hot Wheels do more horror stuff like Funko Pop does?
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Please stop posting ai slop, I want to see actual toys I can buy. No mattel employee cares.
He did stop. You're replying to posts from three days ago.
Because horror is popular with women, whereas Hot Wheels are popular with autistic men.
This, the figures add a new fun dimension to proceedings, they don't all have to be the same scale either.
You got my hopes for a second that the Robocop police cruiser was real, damn you!

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Welcome to the 1:18th general. All 1:18th scale lines are welcome including larger scales that may work with 1:18th. Post pics of your latest purchases, dios, customs and whatever else you feel like posting. We encourage mixing lines. Let's keep this general fun and help each other out.

>1:18th lines
Acid Rain(post apocalyptic soldiers, mechs, robots, vehicles)
Boss Fight Studios(Fantasy, Zorro, Tarzan, Zombies, The Phantom, horses)
Dime Novel Legends(Western figures)
GI Joe
Hiya(Aliens, D.C., Predator, Robocop)
Indiana Jones
Jazwares(Halo, Fortnite)
Joy Toy(Warhammer 40k, Modern/futuristic military soldiers, mechs, dioramas, vehicles)
Jurassic Park
Marauder Gun Runners(Modern military, WWII)
Marvel Universe

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So $10 Canadian and $20 shipping.
I will still get two.
- or three.

Lost the guy on top the day I took the pic.
I don't even know how.
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Maybe this dude fits more the size, although I have no idea about customization.
great quality figs
Hey thanks, I appreciate it!

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Despite the rough start with cog and the mandatory partsforming ones the current junkions and rock guys are really good transformers figures, and excel in not their intended features but rather their ability to combine with others in unique ways, creating a lego-like third dimension to these figures that just make them the best imo.

Hasbro needs to think up of more of these and to orient them towards their ability to combine rather than their ability to act as armor pieces, as they seem to lack in that advertised feature.

Picrel is a combiner I made of magmatron, crashbar and scraphook
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I think sometimes they sacrifice posability and general figure quality a bit more than they should, but fuck me if I don't still love them. Especially with how wild they get with the aesthetics. I still love the rocks and the fossilizers, there's not a lot else like them in TF.
Why is this not in one of the twenty other Transformers Generals on the board? Did this really warrant making it's own thread? (The answer is no. Stop spamming the board, you fucking faggot.)

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anyone got the written instruction for picrel?
i got it as a gift but manual is missing and i dont get along with the vid
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>tfw no big t-rex fren
i said this before and say it again: if no fren why fren shape?
is not for me ok?? i dont like it, its difficult and fiddly and drives me crazy ok

lol yes, signs always misleading. i like the upper pink gum from his jaw, looks cute how it could be cheek blush but its hanging out there like excess skin, makes me feel like the surplus in this carnivore is blessed with redundant verociousness
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>>11071871 found the instructions https://www.ebay.com/itm/305031930182

thx, uncommittedly accepting the skillful, cute fren greeting

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