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What's the best autism stim toy?
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I would've suggested some Kamen Rider role play toys like Lockseeds or Ridewatches or Shift Cars if you remove the batteries so they don't make any noise. I don't know if they have off switches or not.
1:1 scale fully articulated copy of myself
I got a tungsten cube that's 1.5 inches but weighs a kilogram.
I was about to suggest the same, I love fiddling with my dx henshin toys.
fingers in the ass every time

Last time I was into it was the mcfarlane alien queen 20 centuries ago. Then I found scale models, miniatures, etc. Have a kid now, so no time to airbrush or paint.

I thought they've always been popular when I saw them here and there in pop culture shops, but tried to get into it again this alien day, and all production is stopped everywhere. Neca seems to have retired it in 2020. Several half hearted lines by your usual suspects, bandai, kotobukiya, hot toys, etc. most retired, if not expensive af.

Only outstanding one the the insane prime 1 alien queen but it costs as much as a used car.

What happened?
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Can you? That post was clearly in agreement, read it again you illiterate fucker
love this bitch
Lol, look at the fuckin loser nerd incel kek. Make your own it's 2024 3D printing exists.
I bet your the same asshat that goes to those threads and never shuts up about hitting it with a hammer
sadly it's a random 6, not a full set

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Is mecabricks + blender just as fun as playing with real Lego?
You're not creating a real physical object so not for me. It is infinitely cheaper so that's the tradeoff. The whole fun of interlocking building blocks is that they're a physical toy that gets and keeps your brain moving
Right click save exit thread
I thought it was /a/
Why would you put Legos in a blender idiot?
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What does that image have to do with anything?

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Previous Thread: >>10948050

>Eternia playsets should have shipped for most everyone now.
>Sy-Klones speening all over the place
>Extendar expected to be next on Mattel Creations
>Krang hitting shelves at Walmart
>Sla'ker arriving in Target stores ahead of street date (April 28th)
>More Turtle of Grayskull figures coming including; Hordak, April, Alternate Leo, Turtle Armor He-Man, Deluxe Rock Steady/Bebop, Splinter, Stealth Ninja Leo and He-man, and Merman
>Pre Orders for new Origins and Masterverse stuff went up already. Collector and Cringer with Prince Adam CC
>Masterverse Horde Trooper coming in Fall as Mattel Creations Exclusive
>Upcoming Masterverse: Skeletor and throne, Movie Beast Man, Snake Sorceress Teela
>Origins Demo Man and Geldor coming in Autumn
>Crowdfund vote winner is the Snake Lair, Crowdfunding campaign date pending
>Skeletor/Demogorgon are starting to show up, He-Man/Vecna should be next
>Moss Man might be on clearance at select Wal*Mart locations your mileage may vary

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So her neck is broken?
And very long.
Can we get a bigger head?
I think he's basing it solely on the fact that Reptilax is a recolor of Fang Man, who isn't a snake. But you don't think anything actually states that Reptilax himself isnt a snake. So it's just supposition based on similarity, like the people who decided Strobo must be a cosmic enforcer for no other reason than he wears the same hat as Zodac.
I see you and I kek, good jokes
I've got Slash, Krangator, and the Stranger Things guy. I'm trying not to worry too hard about Terroar and Grassp.

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Welcome to the Lego General, the best place on the net for any and all LEGO discussion.

Previous Thread:


>/lg/ Flickr Group:

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Boring as NASAslop Bitch is, there's a few nice printed pieces in there, the main backpack piece has some utility, and generic white helmets and gold visors always have some utility, so I don't count it as too much of a loss personally.
NASA sets are absolute peak onions, tops even Marvel or Star Wars.

you are retarded
Where's the lie tho
Generic modern shuttles/rockets are okay, but officially sponsored advertisements for the US government's latest empty political posturing based on concept art that'll never actually come to fruition are beyond cringe and the sole province of Rick and Morty enthuisiasts.
I'm not saying the sets themselves can't be okay, but it still leaves a bad taste in one's mouth, just like getting a soi wars set that might be objectively okay as a building toy.

Previous Thread: >>10943172
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This is really the only one I don't like because they made him a quadruped.
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Which doesn't make sense because he's the torso of the Megazord.
It's a nice nod to the Lion Thunderzord from Season 2, which was a Shisa in the Sentai, though.

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Previous thread: >>10931771

In stores and online currently:
Assassin's Creed Ezio (Brotherhood & Revelations)
LJN colors Warduke
Ghost Face Inferno (v2)
Professor Burke (London After Midnight)
Gargoyles Goliath & Demona "Vows" 2-pack
Last Ronin Elite Synja Bot
Toon TMNT Evil REX-1
Flash Gordon (Flash Gordon movie)
Ming the Merciless (Flash Gordon movie)
Prince Vultan (Flash Gordon movie)
Ult. John Carver (Thanksgiving)
Ult. Alex Murphy (Robocop)

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hope you didn’t buy the mummy figure
also i bet your stolen china order gets here before bbts scam site
Nice racism you fucking cunt.
He's a racist. He doesn't have a brain big enough to know anything like that. Nevermind the fact that he doesn't buy toys.
Yes, I know.
It's not fried and covered in grease.
Some of us don't want to die as 35 year old virgins, son.
I got a second Casey pack. I want to display the unmasked face and use the masked head from this set on the old figure.

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For people who buy figures, fiddle with them a bit and then A pose them and never really touch them again, what's the logic or the emotion there that leads to this? Is there a way I can understand the reason behind it?
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how the fuck people even dare to post shit like this online
I put them on the shelf in an A stance but then I take them down and mess with them usually one or two at a time and constantly rotate & I’ll often grab something I haven’t messed with in a while and be mesmerized with it like it’s brand new in fact I’m going to mess with my Gundam rn
Some of this is different forms of OCD and Autism than yours (MOC collectors, for example). I understand them, I don't want to be one.

I have stuff in storage because I need to unload crap but it's interior storage. If I had to pay for storage, I would start taking a loss and start unloading this crap. I paid for two years worth of storage when I first moved to Southern California and some of that made sense, but another $1K-1.5K of it was pretty much wasted money by the time I decided to unload what I should have unloaded months earlier, even at a loss (not toys but other crap), and moved the rest even if it was going to crowd my then studio apartment.

It's not like I was entertaining people every weekend at a fucking studio and should care about boxes in the corner.

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Ughhh this sucks i didn't even do crazy poses with him and the joint randomly snapped off while i was messing with him
Any ideas on how to fix this or will i have to wait for fodder parts?
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Two households, both alike in ham-handery
Yeah, mixing it with super glue makes a stronger bond. Apparently. I've never done it.
Theres three broken figure threads now.
>bringing your toys to college
enjoy never getting laid
You deserve it for being a Dragonball fan. Toriyama was a hack, rest in piss bozo.

I remember seeing these as a kid in a store back in 2007 and thinking they were the coolest shit ever. My older brothers had the red and green iirc.
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I'm reminded of these old bookends I once saw on ToyFare. No doubt these would look great, but they were like $200. A price even I wouldnt pay today
These are statues, yes? Where is the toy?
holy fuck what are these??? theyre beautiful

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Bijou is adorable
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Those calico critters?
Sylvanian Families
It's the same thing, or very close, I think.
Sylvanian Families in the UK and Japan while Calico Critters is used in the US.
>Hamtaro nendo?
What about it?

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I don't get the appeal.
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>became a trans icon/meme.
They try to claim so much but to Hell with them, this is a cool shark, cis' are taking it back
>is he going to become a tranny now?
Yes. But not because of the shark, but rather because he has (you) for a household member along with his mom and her bull.
>Americans had to
Americans did not, only a miniscule percentage of a delusional fringe group tried.
Tranny groomers identify with cold blooded predators.
I can’t believe you just said that bro
Solid take.

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Why is side eye a thing with so many action figures?
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>this thread
we need poss-able eyes
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>Everyone is ignoring my bait in the Multiverse threads!
A lot of imports usually have at least one face looking to the side, but it's not a big deal since you can always use one of the others if it doesn't fit your display.

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I get it, upgrades people, upgrades! But how many times are we going to buy the same character in the same outfit before we finally wake up?
I can’t tell you how many versions of the mandalorian I have at this point, I just got the Glavis Ringworld one and found the mafex 2.0 for $60 and still bought it because I’m a sucker. How do you get out of this? Just wait until the best version comes out?
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I need warriors scientists and even those who have mystical abilities. Starships and cosmic warriors, Cybertronians and Gundams.

Warriors from different time arcs and dimensions are acceptable and of course every star ship should be piloted by a force user or person bit by a spider.

Every ship in my fleet has a Soundwave, Shockwave, Megatron and Parker(person bit by a spider) Batman and Krptonian.
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I usually sell the old one when I buy a new one. I had a Marvel Legends Amazing Spider-man, that I resold once I got the Retro Spider-man that I resold once I got the Mafex Spider-man. I doubt I will ever resell that.

I have the old Gokai red figuarts that i did not resell for the new one. That one has hip problems so it breaks easily. I replaced it because of the defect. I'm not one to usually buy multiple of the same character unless something breaks or it's an insane upgrade.
I rarely buy the same character again in the same outfit and when I do it's years later and it's been upgraded enough to warrant it. Like my only Mando is still the very first black series one and I've still got some of the SHF Dragon Ball 1.0s. I generally only want one figure per character unless it's one of my favorites and then I'll allow a few but of different costumes. This rule kind of goes out the window with anime transformations and different ages like Kid Naruto & Shippuden or Kid Gohan, Teen Gohan, Adult Gohan.

>I usually sell the old one when I buy a new one.
I also do this. It's always nice when the old figure sells well enough to pay for the new one so you're basically upgrading for free.
What's the best Spider-Man figure, proportion-wise?
Who is Paul Azaceta and why did he draw fat hobo spiderman?

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I bought some old O-ring gi joe figures off ebay but one in particular has a loose as fuck wobbly O ring so i wanna replace it. What type of O ring from the hardware store should i get?

Pic semi related
Generally, #8 for '82-'84, #9 for '85-'94. I hear #10 will work, too.
What? English please.

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