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Does Pile of Loot automatically ship on Day 0 or Day -1?
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Sounds like a badass kino supremo you got shipping out for that sweet sweet sweet pile of loot service all for the low low price of $4 to save on those doubled up prices you end up paying for.
Props to you for still going at it, honestly
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Because people shill it here so much and anons get sick of it after awhile. The store is okay for domestic, pathetic for Imports.
If you aren't in America why would you buy from an import warehouse in the US in the first place? You'd be essentially paying for it to be shipped twice to two different countries

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Are there any Half Life action figures other than Gordon Freeman?
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They buy game consoles which are toy computers like the leapfrog stuff.
Would commit war crimes for a set of HL1 scientist action figures.
Nope, and there are no GOOD HL figures at all.
Gee, I sure wonder what the state of current Mega is

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Don’t want to start another ‘WHATS THE BEST LARA FIGURE’ thread, but wondered if anyone knows who is making the figures for the Limited Run collectors edition?

No idea from the description who is making them, if they’re articulated, anything. I’m a sucker for old Polygon style figures so hoping these are articulated and available outside this stupid collectors edition.

I’ve reached out to Limited Run and had no response.
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Build your own.
It won't be the limited run figures. Their collector stuff is low effort junk. It's nice you can get a physical copy of things, but they suck as a company.
Pretty sure it'll only be head and arms so 3 poa from the looks of it.
I will when you link to where you got that outfit for that xesray gladiator, please
Oh crap. I just saw the price it's going for

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Welcome to the Lego General!

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was based until I saw the (((funko))) box in top left
If they didn't want to use the old hat with the fold why didn't they at least use the new dual molded indy hat?
>vehicle worth 20 dollars
>tan slab with a mouth worth (at most) 30 dollars
>can't even be fucked to put in one of jabba's goons
>80 dollars
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six generals open , you fucking retards

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visiting movie sets for backdrops edition

previous: >>11032403
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I've been fucking trying to figure out what that was since I forgot to bookmark or save the photo!

Now to go chase it down!
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No problem bro
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It's partially his head sculpts (particularly with the Supermen but definitely with a few other characters) but it has a lot to do with his torsos and the neck pegs he uses with whatever he does as a head sculpt, good or bad.

Thighs/legs are often fine, as arm arms/forearms. It's really the torso design, particularly the choice to do the same thing to create ab-crunch, and the line wide choice of a diaper, that can and often does create these issues.

It's that stuff that causes this response.

And when he does go for a slimmer torso, THAT's when you get issues with the legs and the arms looking proportionally too long.

But yes -
it's a 2-pack with Snake Eyes and Timber, GI Joe Classified Series.

I've seen it as low as $13 on Walmart and $20-something on Amazon. USD
That generic unexpressive face does not match any cool gestures he can do. Alternate heads are needed.

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You're not funny and there is literally zero evidence to prove jack shit
YA YA YA YA YA! Doc fucked them kids!
YA YA YA YA YA! He likes tranny dick!
Dr. Disregards the age of consent
>ill be back!
Nah, probably not.
>Dr. didn’t do it, honest!
>Dr. Discord mod
>Dr. Diddlesyourdaughter
Imagine being dropped by your own scam NFT game over sending lewd messages over twitch whispers of all places. Has he ever made any toys? I always assume streamers tend to have merch aimed at kids.

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/toy/, please recommend me a good wizard action figure. Can be pointy hat, hooded etc so long as he’s got a beard, a staff and a cape and generally stands between 6-8 inches.
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Looks good
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On clearance at your local Macy's R Us
What the hell is that… thing?
Kinda cute

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I've got a hankering to build some lego, but I feel odd about it because I'm 28. How do you get over this?
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Reminder that there are news stories about Lego retail thefts. Hopefully that means something
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When I got back into Lego last year, at the age of 32, it started when I saw pic related at the grocery store, and I figured it'd be something I could have on my shelf without feeling too weird if anyone saw it. When I went to pay, the cashier (who I'd guess was in his early 20s) offhandedly mentioned that he also owned that kit, and that he'd built it together with his girlfriend as a date.

So, I suggest maybe starting with a "decorative" kit or two to get used to Lego again. Hell, I've even brought a few of the botanical kits with me to work, to decorate the office, and I've only ever had positive responses from my co-workers.
go back
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Everyone loves botanical, this is 2 orchids and the first succulent set for the main 2 builds plus some other stuff on the side. I probably came out of the dark ages around 25, once I had more space and could afford more, tho I never went truly dark ages. 31 and looking forward to more Lego

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What is your most prized possession /toy/? For me it's this Klonoa plush that was only given out in Japanese sweepstakes. It's a little small but it's really cool to have as Klonoa merch is very uncommon and only around 100 of them are made!
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He is pretty small, here is some more pics of him.
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Drawing that came with the plush.
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Ok last one. This one is the bag it came it luckily I didn't tear it up and was one of thosw closeable bags so I was able to put him back inside of it.
That looks really cute! I wish I had one.

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I miss them so much bros
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He is so fucking cool
I gave these to my friend and he had them for years and asked if I wanted them. Looked them up on ebay and they went for shit prices, so we threw them away.
My favorite thing to do with these was connecting two of them together, waiting for one of the little guys to hop into their neighbors' box to hang out, then pulling them apart. Both of the stick figures inside would turn into dust and blow away; fun times.
If you showed these to zoomer/hypebeast types they'd go crazy over them, they're the perfect desk toy, they're retro, idle, colorful, aesthetic, all the qualities these people with "streamer rooms" look for
when did you start killing animals?

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Previously: >>11041937

-Marvel Legends Odin Announced (all major retailers pre-order June 27th)

-Marvel Legends Let There Be Carnage Venom aanounced (Target exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Rogue/Destiny 2 Pack Announced (Amazon Exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Warlord Professor X Announced (Walmart Exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Deluxe Phoenix Announced (no further details)

-Marvel Legends Blackheart Wave Announced (Fan Channel Exclusive solicited)

-Mafex Integrated Suit Spider-Man (No Way Home) announced

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What is the source material of Megaman boots Ironman? Kinda looks cool
This post is full of inaccuracies and outdated info. Hot Toys usually does a good job on their clothing, but they damn well better, they're the ones who first started charging insane prices for 1/6 and then everyone else followed their example. They arguably ruined that whole scale, you used to be able to get into 1/6 for $40-60 and now everyone wants to only release $250+ figures.

Mezco has really bad soft goods. It's not as bad as something like Hasbro obviously, they clearly put SOME effort in, but it usually ends up looking bad due to bad material choices, bad cuts, or both. They are one of the worst of the "premium" soft goods brands IMO.

3A is fucking dead as a doornail and has been for years now. While they were alive, their soft goods were pretty good. Not great though, they never reached Hot Toys level. Wood's new company, Underverse, makes nicer clothing these days, with a higher level of precision and detail work.

And lastly, a lot of Chinese brands are blowing all of the above out of the water. China is advancing soft goods fast as fuck, not even ten years ago the conventional wisdom was that it was impossible to make good looking clothes at smaller than 1/6 scale, now we are regularly getting beautiful quality clothing in 1/12 and sometimes even smaller.
The unfortunate thing is there's no taper to Carnage's torso. It's really stupid that Hasbro just made it look like a box. Otherwise it would've been a damn good Carnage figure.
>everyone bad but chinese
I've lurked the cloth general for a long time and it's only taught me that all of their shit breaks even when they use good cloth.
Some of those SWAT guys seem quality, but the cloth isn't good and too manlet sized.

Only other companies I'm seriously eyeing right now are Jada and Hiya. Hiya hasn't made anything i like, but they seem alright. Jada hasn't released anything so far, but they have licenses i'm interested in, so that's probably the only reason I'm looking. Prototypes look alright, but who knows if production figures will be too.
New Thread a little early:


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In 1997 my dad bought me a bunch of these SHLAK toys back from France. They were a combination of Madballs and pogs and features typical 90s gross out illustrations that were quite cool. My parents found the almost complete collection in storage but I havent been able to find any real mention of them anywhere. Any French toy collectors on /toy/ know anything about it? I'd love to be able to find more of the line and get some sealed items.
French name is KOOD'BOOL. Made in Spain. They have SKS league print around the rim.

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>Upcoming Transformers
>Leaks and Rumors
>Online Stores for TFs
>Where to watch TF shows:
>Transformers General Archives:

>New thread on page 9 or 10 or image limit. Any thread that doesn't say this and does not adhere to it or lacks the pastebins is not a legit /tfg/ thread

Previously on /tfg/ : >>11041558
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Good point, I forgot about the cold water step.
I would only buy a hooded cobra commander, and even then only to spite whoever the fuck decided that there should never be another hooded cobra commander, fuck you
Great BW collection, dude. I like the mp collections they’re doing, but the og transmetals are still some of the coolest transformers toys ever. I got into TF around the time they introduced the first transmetals while the organic beast toys were still on the market, I was so hyped as a kid.
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Weird that they gave his horns indentations. It was just a texture in the CGI, and not something with any depth. Looks wrong.

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Do you like Chinese style packaging?
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Then why do companies ever bother designing box art? Might as well just toss the clamshell into a basic brown box if it isn't worth anything to you.
>they just treat them as disposable
just like their people

>cheapest packing materials
But yes, this.

For idiots that buy to resell, so I would never do that from China, and for idiots that want the boxes and don't open or display their toys.
The warranted fear that the correctly informed use to educate people further, based on fact. We see you, bugman.

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I found my first treasure hint hot wheels yesterday at wal mart
Forgive my ignorance but what's so special about this?
I found Fast and Furious models.
It's a full metal model that is mixed in with normal cars that are partially plastic.

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