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Can we have another thread about the best playsets?
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That playset was way too freaking ambitious and half the features alone would never of worked, especially with 1986 technology. And quite frankly, the dragon alone doesn't need to be there since it's basically gratuitous as fuck and would have taken up most of the budget for the piece manufacturing price-wise. Which is a shame, as a regular haunted castle lair for Hordak would have been far superior to the piece of crap Fright Zone we ended up getting.
It sucks

>>Smaller than Castle Grayskull and Snake Mountain
>>The hand puppet snake/worm gimmick is garbage
>>It's basically a quarry with a tree that can barely hold a figure, a single jail cell, and a crappy rock slide gimmick that "holds a figure in place" that is gratuitous given that is what the tree does too.

It's so fucking bad that it's never been reissued, which says something as we've had Grayskull and Snake Mountain reissues and remakes over the years. And I'm kind of shocked that Mattel hasn't tried to make a new "Fright Zone" based off of the high tech fortress Hordak lived in on the She-Ra cartoon.
That would be a great set for Chicken Fried Toys.
>asian kids play with european castle.
Why dont they make a japanese or chinese castle?
They're primarily marketing them to the west. Chinese history progressed differently in that they didn't have a feudal system comparable to western medieval that resulted in a profusion of castles; there were fortified towns and cities and private residences as well as military fortresses but in lesser numbers and more for protection than to control the surrounding area as in Europe. Aside from the distinctly Chinese roof style they're quite similar to a typical European castle anyway.


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There's always going be retards in any hobby, but it appears that in the toy community in particular, there is an overabundance. None of us have truly grown up, but at least we can tell the difference between a quality product and a turd wrapped sandwich, nostalgia lenses be damned. Not hating on mezco, I like the ghostface they recently released but it's clear to anyone that this figure looks like absolute ass. the soft goods are a size too big which gives an appearance of a long neck. The torso also doesn't look natural either. Despite the one sensible comment, we have multiple retards replying with zoomer talk like "it's clean" and fire emojis.

Is this the reason why super7 and Hasbro Legends are still around and domestic toys haven't evolved the same way imports did? Are the retards in the community holding evolution back? Do the majority actually have an underlying mental issue? Do you?
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We all are anon
You're wrong
Proportions are a fuck.
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He has the proportions of Muppet Man
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A thread about toys! charging through the year edition!

Hello all, nice thread last time.

Let's keep posting some toys.

Balanced poses encouraged.

Fight shots welcomed as well, but as always just post some toys, talk about toys and have a good time.
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Still absolutely love this ironman.
DB general goin strong, especially during the Broly release.
You're not welcome here, Kanji.
More like shitposting strong
Got this guy the other day. I'm tempted to shorten the arrows and add some more. They seem a bit long, they looked mostly broken already in the comic. Need to find some cheap foot Ninja swords for the sword in his back as well.

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Has anyone been to Wonder Festival before? I'm in Tokyo next month and I'm hoping to check it out. Can you buy exclusive toys and sell them for a profit?
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>Anon didn't prepare.
Anybody score an Wonfest exclusives?
Is the Shanghai wonfest the best?
Yes. Summer wonfes is where the good shit is.
I grabbed a WF SAS Ringo and an assload of garage kits

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What's the thing on the left?
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Where's that average IQ per board image.
The thing on the left in this specific picture looks like a Waruder Powered Suit from the recent Diaclone reboot.
It looks like that but it isn't. It's a Diaclone-inspired resin kit called 'Invasion Vanguard' >>11312992, >>11313374, you fucking retard.
Isn't >>11312992 >>11313374 correct? Why are you calling them a "fucking retard"?

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I have thousands of these mfs. Tired of them in boxes but want to hurt my wallet as little as possible.

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So they’re getting rid of the ability to leave comments on listings… why? Genuinely the only time I ever saw people use them was to point out obvious scams, which when it comes to toys, there’s oddly a lot. I can’t really think of why they’d do this other than protecting scammers.
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Whereas the buyer clicks the $20 item and then sees the fees/shipping added on top. They might have to buy from somebody local(ish) instead of the first listing that comes back. But that should, believe it or not, slightly lower prices on an individual basis, so long as local(ish) sellers don't play games with pricing.
the search engine is useless.
when there are only a handful of listings for something you are selling and it doesn't populate on the first three pages of results (at the default settings), you realize how you are screwed as an average seller who won't play their game and do shit like pay to 'advertise' your listing.
The problem is, sellers played games with the pricing and refused to lower the prices
exactly this
mercari had comparable prices to ebay for buyers on most items until the fees reversed, and once they did lots of sellers just said fuck it and continued to price like buyers weren't paying those fees instead now, so it just became unappealing to buy on there at all, because you are pretty much always spending more money than you do other places
For what it's worth (nothing, I admit), if the fee shift had happened before the fee hike, I would've sold alot of my remaining inventory for what I paid for it just to be rid of it. But I resent having to pay any of them effectively 25% in fees just because turbo autists think their brands carry some sort of magical seal of quality.

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Greetings, esteemed friends, and welcome to the War Bricks General!

In this forum, we engage in discussions about building brick sets produced by various companies. All brands are welcome, with the exception of Lego; discussions pertaining to Lego should be directed to /lg/ - Lego General.

Given that army-themed sets are a significant aspect of brick toy lines, distinguishing them from the leading brand, we have chosen to adopt this theme as the primary focus of our general. However, we also encourage discussions on other non-army themes from these companies.

Here are some of the lines we cover, and we are open to adding more:
>Mega Construx
And many others! Let us embark on this building journey together!
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Can find them on Ali for 60 maplebucks plus free Choice shipping, still reasonable especially given they're no longer in production. Contrast that with the original Lego torso that guy in blue on the ship was copied from (original was brown), the cheapest on Bricklink is 40 leafbux for a beat-up one that at least comes with a head too.
have a happy life frenchanon. find time to enjoy the things you love but dont forsake the rest of life dedicating yourself to something that takes away from the rest
Any good dino sets?
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Well I got Asurada build

I guess I will use Lego McLaren as a comparison- I finished both around the same time

The overall building experience is decent. It still made my fingers hurt but at least the pieces do do stay and rather strongly too.

One of the biggest problem I have with none Lego sets is that a lot of pieces are sometimes not interlocked but rather just kind of float there with one single connection.
They avoided that here mostly. The only two part that does this is the blue side binders on the back and the blue front lower chassis.

It can fit a minifig but the steering wheel will get in the way.
There's also the problem the car is technically two-seater rather than one. Though the car will probably get too big in order to fit two minifigs.

Also for some reasons they passed on most of the headlights. The main yellow lights in the front are not there. There are no stop lights in the back.
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Compare this to the actual car itself. I don't know if it is in brick form there is only so much they can do. But I feel they kind of just gave up when they got to the back of the car

Most of the color differences are not there for the back. I guess they can use stickers but they didn't want to.

The other set, the knight savior does comes with a sticker set. But I think that's more of an issues of the markings have to go around multiple pieces especially with the white cylinders on the side

I guess I can try to get some transparent yellow and red pieces to fill in some of the light secrions. But doing so seem to be destroying the general blue and white color look though.

8/10 maybe?
7 seems a bit too low. But going to 9/10 I feel like they can do bit a more

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I don't see a Super Action Statue thread.

Show me what you've got!
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He went to go find it and was never seen again. Some say he did and decided to never come back up.
Is that FREEZA!?!
Guy had a collection. It fell into the ocean.
I mean, that in itself sounds like a JoJo episode.

Mythological creature collection thread. Who's your favorite creature you collected so far? Hard to tell, but mine is probably the homonculus, (right of center, under the phoenix wing.)
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aah. Yeah, I can see why you never played those, I kinda hate random number games.

Is it blasphemous that I really want to paint those figures?
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>paint those
No. Look at >>11317846 and poc. They look good painted. Even when you are not that good at painting.
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Talk about your experience, whether it was a corporate or retail position. I grew up liking model trains and after college I've been working a marketing job for a model railroad manufacturer. How about yourself? Do you want to ever work in any of those industries?
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We just wanted Lord Zedd.
Wholesome little six inch power ranger kino?
Pedophile Ken, Die.
For me, the toy industry is like games, animation, comics, etc. I'd like to do it because I have the interest and the aptitude (if current media is any indication...yikes). But they want browns and letter people so anything I'd send would get round-filed. And if it did somehow get past that, I'm not willing to work for "exposure" or other empty promises. Just too many hoops to jump though so I don't. Better to just do my own thing far away from any of these toxic industries.
Not OP but why wouldn't it. That's the end part of the industry, where it's actually sold

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Man... when is this damn King Boo figure going on sale!! I want it, but I don't want to spend $30 on it. $20 max!
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It's 10 dollars you cheap asshole. You obviously don't want it enough.
It has a stand
They made the Luigi's Mansion design that way so he'd fit better in that games creepier art style. The other design is so he'd fit well in the traditional Mario style.
>but I don't want to spend $30 on it. $20 ma
Americans are so fucking poor?
give me a break it's just 30
Pony up

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Does anyone know who made this doll and when? I can’t find much information about her online other than an Etsy page.
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I can't because I'm retarded.
That doll is gonna fuck you up
then just suffer whatever curse was put on you and stop bothering everyone else with your damage
It looks like it's from Diaclone Reboot
No, you shall suffer alongside. Hence your continued presence here.

What do I think about this please?
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Comic accurate, he was drawn pretty caked up at times.
It's a 95% reuse. That's Spiderman's ass.
Which gun is which again? And what are their abilities?

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How can someone collect this much dragonball shit and not have a single good figure

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shit floats
and some anons have more money than sense
>There isn't a single good goku or vegeta.
We got buffku which good but not great, and SS4 Vegeta is actually pretty good. Vegeta's only downside is the lack of accessories. I do agree that line lacks good figures of the main cast.
fwiw I am a huge 3.0 proponent and not even I would say the 2.0s are shit.
i say the 2.0s are succeeded by 3.0s, but that doesn't make the 2.0s shit. i got a bunch of 2.0 gokus and vegetas so I'm done with them, but they're still worthwhile for anyone who isn't.
they look cool. Before like 2005, most anime figures were actually pretty bad, but statues were alright. Statues are still much more popular in Japan than articulated figures really, there's like 1-3 Figuarts releases a month for Dragon Ball, but probably like 4 statues or more a month for decades now.
This. They are all shit

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