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I miss when he reviewed stuff other than statues/collectors items
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Michael Crawford, he’s been collecting toys for a long ass time and has a huge collection. He puts out text reviews on a weekly basis.
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Best reviewer online.
Has an absolutely massive collection, since he's his website has been doing reviewers since probably 99. This also means his website loads instantly, because it still web 1.0.

He mostly collects higher end stuff, but he used to also review GI Joes and Marvel Legends. It gives a good glimps into the past, as he also dates his reviews and how much a toy would cost buying it from Target and websites. He takes a good amount of images, so there's a lot of comparisons and poses. He also used to do "true scale" photos, so that the toy would appear as big as it does on your screen, but who knows if that still works.

Also, for the new reviews, he posted them incorrectly. He forgot to put the "a' at the end of the numbers for the URL. So it should look like http://www.mwctoys.com/REVIEW-081924a.htm instead of http://www.mwctoys.com/REVIEW-081924.htm

pic of Captain Toy himself at SDCC at the Square Enix booth. Grizzly and old as fuck.
Holy fuck this unlocked a memory.
I used to go to his site all the time just to check out pics of all the new cartoon toys. I probably would not have even started collecting if not for this site.
There was such an era of high-quality collectables back then, it's no surprise he's not really interested in basic figures nowadays because there really isn't a lot to go on.
He still does

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Would you reconsider LEGO if they dropped their faggy anti-violence policy and made kits of F22's and Abrams tanks and shit?
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There are countless perfectly serviceable comparable brands at prices that aren't blatant price gouging. Lego is still operating under the assumption that they're the only player in the game when more and more people jump ship for other brands that don't openly spit in their customers' faces.
Didn’t stop them with Fortnite and Overwatch.
I don't need official sets to build tanks, troops, etc. I've seen tons of functional lego war machine showcases on youtube too. You know you're supposed to get creative with lego, right?
Also the implication that medieval warfare isn't 'realistic' is pretty funny
I used to have a giant tub of legos, lots of classic sets like dragon castle and early HP. Now I couldn't buy back into the hobby.
Wish I’d have seen this when it was $11.

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I'm going to Phoenix, Arizona for a week is there any good toy/collectible stores worth checking out while I'm there?
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It’s America no
the chains got killed by venture capitalism and the ma&pa comicbook shops got killed by Amazon/covid/trumpinomics
Seconding this. If you could only visit a couple of toy stores in Phoenix those two would be it. Note that Toy Anxiety is closed on Mondays and Tuesdays.

A couple of other options in the general metro area are Zia Record Stores which do take secondhand toys along with books and media if you want to try your luck. The metro also has a couple of Bookmans Entertainment Exchanges which also have used toy and collectible sections like Zia.

Book-Off also recently opened a branch in Mesa if you find yourself out there, they specialize in weeb toys/collectibles, but also have an aisle/glass case dedicated to western items. The mesa branch of Bookmans is also in that general area.

If you have a passing interest in antiques, the North Phoenix Branch of Brass Armadillo is massive and has an eclectic pool of vendors. You can also chat up an employee over how haunted their building is.

If you're in Glendale's old town, there is a half Vintage Toy Store / Dollhouse Store called Smilin Jack's Peddle Cars and Antie Em's Miniatures respectively. Specializing in vintage toys. It's a charming little store worth a visit if you end up stomping around Glendale. Tri-Force Collectibles and Drawn to Comics are just a couple of blocks over in the same old town district. They should also have stuff to peruse and those two stores are just across the street from each other.
Thanks for the tip.

I went to Bookman's today. Nothing interesting in terms of toys but I got some old gba and gbc games lol.
Neat store though.
I wish a giant Spittor would take over my city.

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Legends Edition

Previous: >>11150168
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that comic is 15 years old
Anon he's probably not even 15 yet
Sportsmaster had hard plastic accessories. Hopefully that's the future of this line.
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More batshit! More cheap bat shaped plastic! More"jesus christ todd there are other characters too"!
Lol we're about to go full kenner.

Well boys it finally happened to me
Came home to divorce papers on the fridge and my collection thrown into cardboard boxes and clear plastic totes.
>Over 30k in statues destroyed
>Most of my marvel legends are bent up but not snapped
>Mafex figures shattered
>Mcfarlane figures not a scratch
>My magic binders worth at least 120k are missing
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>Divorced 7 times
>Goes to a non alimony state
>Get called out out for being a deadbeat husband and father
>Oh no, the woman was the bad person I'm just a victim
>I actually never done it but if I did...

I doubt its real but if it is at some point there should be a law of some kind to castrate these types of diseugenics faggots.
I bet you never loved your wife or your family. You just settled down because you felt it was a milestone you needed to achieve. I'm glad all your toys were destroyed. Grow up.
>redditor divorced so many times he fled to non alimony states
Christ, imagine
she sounds like a real bitch, she’s trash, she’s probably cheating on you, just shoot her or strangle her, im a gay guy and I don’t mess with slut bitches, next time find a good man
ah muh updoots...

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I'm looking for a good Elvira figure to ejaculate on.
Any recommendations?
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You better fucking believe I want those balls
Based assman>>11159774
Who the hell are you
What statue is that
Sorry idk

Whatever happened to this toy? Hell, whatever happened to this company? Will it ever see the light of day. I mean, why wouldn't the company try to recoup their loss and sell the files for 3d printing on some website like Cults3D?
Cool bootleg
This was pitched in the days before 3P hard fragmented into MP and Legends. It's an ambitious recreation of a cancelled proto, but not G1, movies, or even really BW(despite coming from BW Neo) so the market just wasn't there.

get new material faggot
Their Thunderwing figure didn't sell very well when it was released. That was almost 10 years ago and you could still find it close to retail price less than 2 years ago. I think it's disappeared from the internet now but the damage has been done. I'm sad that their Unicron never happened, too. Seems like right now would be the perfect time to make a comeback what with Moon Studio releasing a Unicron recently.

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Hey fags
I just purchased the Revoltech Jason Voorhees and I really like him a lot.
The problem I have is that either bad joint or me ham handing it that a wrist joint broke and it seems to be an unusual type that I've never came across.
I want to buy a new joint but don't know what to look for
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I have replaced revoltech joints with hobby based joints. Not sure if thy would be small enough for the wrists on your figure but it might be a worth checking out or seeing if they have smaller offerings
Thanks dude, I'll look in to it.
Much appreciated
This thread is really frustrating. How is this supposed to fit? Can you show some side to side comparisons with the intact one pulled apart and the broken one?
That's a really strange socket and nothing else you posted so far fits that.

As for repairs: it's just a swivel at an angle, right? You could fill it up with superglue or some putty or whatever and just create another peg/hole..?
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Hey guys, I solved the problem.
There seems to be a very small part that had come loose.
I was searching through the box and heard a slight rattle that was a part that seemed to fit.
I have just glued it back and that should sort it.
I want to thank anyone who tried to help and I recommend this figure if you can find him, when I was searching there only seems to be a few because it's such an early figure.
There is so many accessories and a small diorama.
The blood on his second wounded head and the severed head looks really slick and wet.
Really man, you might have to pay rape prices but I doubt you will regret it.
>rape prices
>he goes for 4.5k yen on mandarake
Don’t get swindled!

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So I have been wondering why did they release this Deadpool first and then released the new one with the brighter red suit from the movie? Is this one more special or wtf? lol personally I love this one so much and the dark red is my favorite from Deadpool 1 and 2 so yeah what’s up with that lol
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This is probably more or less the truth.

Also, the original was locked in a two-pack with Negasonic Teenage Warhead. Some collectors balked at it and then the price went up. So this was another chance to get the figure without either price hike.
Yeah, honestly who actually cared about getting Negasonic Teenage Warhead?
I love RB
I prefer this one to the upcoming one based off his new suit for DP&W. I prefer the more muted red and silver accents. Not to mention it comes with hands that can essentially turn it into the Deadpool 1 suit as they lack the silver backing from DP2.
Me too

Welcome to the Fashion Doll General!

A thread for discussion of fashion dolls including Barbie, Disney, LOL OMG, Rainbow High, Monster High, Licca-chan etc but not BJD. There is a BJD general over in /jp/.

Other toys considered dolls as well as girl collectable toys that are related to dolls or can be used as accessories to dolls are also welcome such as LOL, Shopkins, Polly Pocket and the like.

*Reminder to REPORT trolling, bait and off topic posts instead of responding.*

Previous Thread: >>11117497

>Archived Threads:

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>I think anthropomorphic primates should be allowed to exist.
This and the gorilla boy is the least atrocious looking furry in that pic imo. Monkey anthros can be cute and not get cancelled, like the white boy British gorilla in Sing.
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I was thinking about him. And here's this monkey girl with a black hairstyle that was drawn by a black artist.
Budget Lagoona
>anthropomorphic primates
I personally find them very gross looking since I have an irrational fear of any non-human primate but I still think they should exist as dolls since it's not like the taking the place of an animal I actually like
watch orangutan jungle school, maybe you will change your mind
they're the cutest

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I was surprised to see fraggle rock plushies at target, I even got the box, not a big fan but they look colorful.
I forgot they rebooted fraggle rock
faggy rock lmao
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Pepper Jack loves Fraggle Rock.

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Elvira NECA packaging. Really excited to get this figure! (Not my pic)
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I am torn on Neca in general. The ones I have have generally good faces except for Marty McFly. The articulation on some though suck.
Is Elvira replacing the low effort Tomb Raider and Indiana Jones reposts?
I actually wouldn’t mind a tomb raider or Indiana jones thread, it’s been a while. These Elvira threads on the other hand are a little overdone.
nah he’s just gonna do all of them

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black cat edition
I noticed there was no /stg/ in the Catalog, so I thought I'd start a new thread.
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>creator thinks being bibutwithextrabrowniepointssexual is a fad
lol, who cares?
>the company profiting off of the mental illness trend doesn't actually know mental illness
Thanks! I'll check that out.
I'm surprised that this took so long to come in to existence...
>what happened was basically the creator said being pan is just a tiktok trend and then doubled down on it when called out on it.
yeah that's just not true
it's been a trend a few years before tiktok
>ocd sh scars
ok that actually is stupid
even as someone with OCD and sh scars I think it was a silly inclusion

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Are any of you anons doing wendys happy meal runs for these? I kinda want one but I just started my carnivore diet. Last time I did happy meal runs was for adventure time toys at mcdonalds.
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They charge you a dollar each. Basically, the price of the books.
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I'm done anons... went to three Wendy's, couldn't find any variants and no one has fucking BRRR Beast....
The furfags got there first.
I bought out every Brrr Beast at my local stores.

#25 was the charm to get the Blue Moon variant

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.....you do know why /pol/ was made to begin with right?
Neck yourself newfag, 2016 ruined everything
Faggot retard
Pool's closed
Fuck off redditor no one would of batted an eye at a racial joke before you tourists flooded this site.

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