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So we can discuss random
toylines that don't really fit with the other generals.

What do you think of these 6" Contra figures?
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Is this mcfarlane?
Yes, their long expected Medieval Spawn Kickstarter.

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Wild that it's been 23 years and this is still the best medieval spawn.

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Hello World I've been looking for a pirate figure, more specifically one of Kratos, called "kleiton bom do guerra - defender of the universe" I searched on aliexpres, ebay, mercado libre, wish and on the official toy page of the figure "adiómar" If any noble soul were able to help my search I would be more than grateful. (sorry for the possible bad translation)

Olá mundo Estou procurando uma figura de pirata, mais especificamente um de Kratos, chamado "kleiton bom do guerra - defensor do universo" Procurei no aliexpres, ebay, mercado libre, desejo e na página oficial do brinquedo da figura "adiómar" Se alguma alma nobre pudesse ajudar na minha busca eu ficaria mais do que grato. (desculpe pela possível má tradução)
correction, the page is called adijomar
the translator trolled me xdn't

correção, a página se chama adijomar o tradutor me trollou

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Welcome to the Army Men General!

Previously: >>11055389

>Plastic soldiers, knights and pirates, cowboys and indians, fantasy and sci-fi, cops and zombies, all are welcome here!

>Archived threads:

>Army men wargame rules:

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Thanks for thread.
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Got another arc sketched out in my head, between work, weather and waiting on a key element of the plot I'm not sure what the principle photography timeline's going to be. Much of it will be shot indoors but can't proceed without said key element.
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This image kept causing a connection error until I saved it again, the hell

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Clooney chads eating good edition

previous: >>11072238
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It's fully sculpted and that tends to realism, if not comic accuracy.

You want friendly, then you want the Fisher Price, friend.
>lying is an opinion
way to prove my point that you guys just want to troll and why /toy/ isn't a trust worthy source if you want actual opinions
>Throwing a big baby temper tantrum because /toy/ doesn't share his insular opinion
Lmao. You're in your mid 40s subjectanon. Try acting like it.
Oh and just so you know, if Mezco makes something worthwhile I'll get it again. I'm eyeing that Beetlejuice they showed off. I'll likely bite the bullet for that. So, I say again, eat shit.
Boo hoo, you don't like /toy/s opinion? Stop coming here.

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Previous thread: >>11034274
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idk man which design do you prefer? Personally im waiting for robo arm because i think it's cooler than the axe and i like his silver tooth.
>nothing new from s7
Is it over already?
This is technically new, it was only a render before. I think they're just slow as shit.
I might just double dip as I like both. Maybe Hiya will include a smirking silver tooth with robo-arm. Would seal the deal with me.
Go for it, cant really go wrong with either now that they fixed his likeness. I cant believe it took this long for someone to release a face that's identifiable as the movie character.

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Eyestrain edition

Previous thread: >>11036596

This thread is for the discussion of scale plastic (and resin, PE, wood, etc) models kit
-Post photos of your builds in progress and your finished builds
-Have your builds critiqued or critique others
-Discuss tips and techniques
-Ask for advice or give advice to others

Always remember:
>No manufacturer is purely perfect (except for AML) or awful. ALWAYS research your kits before buying.

Some helpful guides to get started:

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and of course I had to look at ebay again. I am absolutely CREAMING my pants right now. Maybe I'm the only retard that likes these subjects, but lots of big trumpy kits are going for 20-40% off the standard retail prices.
Even the SS weren't stupid enough to give Dirlewanger's psychos a tank
I wanna do a pacific p-51b/c but I also wanna do a blue nose p51


gonna grt the arma hobby 1/72 mustang hope it's good
I wish you luck when you get another one anon
Do a Pacific P-51B and a Blue Nose P-51D. Simple.

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I miss toysrus, i miss being happy...
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Get a job too. You'll screw up and embarrass yourself during, but at least you're earning hourly while you're there
I have drafted a resume, I am considering an internship at a major defense contractor, as I know people working for such firms. My applications will need to be turned in around September-October.
The sooner the better
Regarding import models, I know the NJ/NY area has lots of train shows where things tend to be sold fairly cheaply, and often times the British OO gauge stuff sells for extremely cheap because it's not as popular in the USA as HO and N are. Don't let your dreams be dreams anon. Hope you can find something really nice for a good price when the time comes.
Until then, best of luck.
Yeah, unfortunately I live in FL now, where British stuff is really hard to find (same goes for German, most do American or Japanese). I sometimes go back to NJ and I have a contact in NYC area (who frequents CT). He might help me.

Thank you.

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ITT-Post action figure design art/concept art
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I'll always be mad that we never got more of these guys
who could blame you anon? even at that time that SOVL was quickly disappearing from store shelves. Atleast Xevoz is fondly remembered. I doubt the average person remembers Skeleflex despite how awesome that line was. Ironic they were both Hasbro creations.
Are there any sketches of the batman from this line available? one of my all time favorites when i was a kid
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I had a Skeleflex toy when I was a kid, and couldn't remember what it was called for the longest time. I think skeleflex conceptually couldn't have gone much further than it did though. Xevoz offered a lot more growth potential
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this is krang say something nice about him

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By Toy Story logic, if toys are actually alive, what's up with their alt faces?
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Just nuke the thread.
I'm a hard-core TS fan and even I think this is too much.
I would have spelt out Toy Story completely. The way you have it has other connotations.
Brown Pedo
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This is what happens when you force people to live in cognitive dissonance for too long.

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Previous --> >>11074481

>/lg/ Resources

>/lg/ Flickr Group

>/lg/ Archive

>Lego Reference

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Mine. Spinning it turns the grindstone inside.
I'm 26 and I've accepted the zoomhood. You are a zoomer. No cap.
This is cute
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"A new life awaits you in the off-world colonies, a chance to begin again in a golden land of opportunity and adventure. Join the Alpha:tron corps Today!l"

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littlest pet shop thread
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Just the blind bags and i bought most of wave 1

Grown women, both gender kids. Very very very few grown males.
If you're able or willing, this fandom needs new conventions/meets/events as the main one we had that was run by a grifter, criminal, nigglet family reached worse than dashcon levels this year. They broke many laws blatantly plus legit almost and could've killed multiple adults, teenagers and one baby because they wanted to scalp heat stroke victims in vegas for water bottles after stealing all of theirs. Among a ton of other crazy shit including selling stolen/lost items off guests at the fucking cons table. Look up lps con on any social site for the milk.
Hate that they had regional exclusives for some of the 2-packs. I have a feeling wave 2 will probably be the last, it’s already being released in some places with zero fanfare/advertising for it. Why even bother doing extremely spotty releases with no promotion, isn’t the point of releasing toys to make the company money?
I hate it too, some jewlord tried to charge me 40 for 2 petfluencers. More of those have hit the usa, check out owl and goose gifts and gamestop.com. oag not retail but barely over. Still no sign of island vibes tube. Theres been no problems with sales and demand but the company is bankrupt rn so idfk. I hope not. It would be worse than 9/11 for the fandom to get the old molds back but gone after 2 waves. It would just suck for me as an all gen collector even tho og is my fav.

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How long is a long enough visit to Tokyo from a /toy/ perspective? Maybe I want to extend to further areas too like Nakano or whatever the Narita Airport area has inbetween. Of course I'll do other stuff too, but ill ask /trv/ if this is off-topic
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the shinkansen (or at least the "slow" one they let you ride on the japan rail pass) gets you to osaka in about 3 hours
on the normal trains, you can go to the absolute outskirts of tokyo in about an hour, and anywhere within the core of the city in ten minutes or less
being slow about it isn't a bad idea, just remember the rest of the country if you go a second time
3 hours sounds intimidating, but I do see the adventure, and i assume i can fit that in 7 days. All i expect is ill be a whole day in Akiba, Pokemon centers, other single-IP focus stores and whatever fun cafes/pop ups but i dont know how long for general japanese stuff like an onsen, shrine visit or what appear to be a plentiful amount of theme parks.

Also what do you mean about hitting things quick?
What was your grail central? When I go I intend to hit up a bunch of Mandarake locations and the Surugaya flagship, but otherwise I was mostly planning on eating.
Please kys
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What's the toy scene like aside from what they have locally? Do they have nearby imports and even wacky bootlegs too?

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Kaiyodo...This is a joke right?
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> Selina height 5' 7"
> Kara height 5′ 9″
so it's all right
Patrician taste.
why is Catwoman's head so huge?
The helmet creates the illusion of a larger head. She has to fit all her hair in there
I meant her fat face.

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I'm looking for figures of Lara in her original outfits like the bomber jacket and the best that I can find were in boxes of Nestle cereal. Are there any others I should check out?

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Previous Thread:
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jazwares is making so much cool shit now yet it’s hard to be excited because they won’t even release their products in my fucking country anymore. still no entei or flygon in canada.
Another Select with no feet. Also i predict the next waves will be Deoxys focused
You mean like his other forms? I assumed they'd only do his normal form. They could make an easy variant where they swap out the dna strands for his arms.

I've been hoping to get the Latis. Feels like every recent figure is of the sort of standing human shape kind.
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Your pictures from the last thread convinced me to finally pick up the Mew. Looking forward to posing it when I finally get it in-hand.
Do note I used the nendoroid mew head.

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