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looking for figures with a poppy, cartoonish aesthetic, ideally along the lines of john kricfalusi stuff but anything will do.
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I hope the FBI checks your hard drive someday.

Sure kiddo.
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Saw these on /tv/.I know it's Jeet ai slop (whatever you'd call it), but I think something like this would be a great starting point for visualizing a figure like that. I assume this is a soft coomer thread?
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>AI coom slop
Fuck off, retard.
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Ehh... how about no?

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GIJOE was a bit distracted during Pulsecon

Reveals felt way light.
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>The last two waves are amazing though. Just as good as Classified in poseability and paint is 2x better.
This is outright wrong. I have what you have considered the best figure in the line, Captain Price, and he is absolute dogshit. Stop recommending people there shit toys.
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What's wrong with it? Any other figure with as many pouches as he has will be impeded, so he's still as good as most Classified figures while looking 2x better.
>What's wrong with it?
His giant bulbus wrists, his terrible hips that can barely function, his dogshit neck articulation, and the awful face.

>Any other figure with as many pouches as he has will be impeded
I have the newish GI Joe Classified 65th Anniversary Action Solider who's plate carrier is similar enough to Price's and he has vastly superior articulation to Price. And no, he doesn't look 2x better and his rifle is just black plastic meanwhile the Joe has a removable magazine and augustable foregrip. Piss off.
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>hips don't function
>wrists that are no worse than a Figma and most other lines that use those types of joints
I don't think you own it.

You're also completely wrong about Price's weapon, since it's dry brushed and has a few tampographs. That's 3x more paint apps than your average Classified glossy plastic weapon and most weapons in general. Earlier CoD weapons are even better painted, hence my buying those figures for their weapons alone.
It's rare as hell to even weapons in general that aren't glossy plastic toy-looking even when they come painted like most Valaverse shit, hence me buying McFarlane and Mezco figures for their weapons alone. Yeah, i could add paint myself, which i do, but the paint they use at the factories is basically baked on forever.
Believe whatever you want to, but that line is pure dogshit and you're an asshole for recommending it to anyone.

If Toys R Us weren't debt murdered, do you think they'd still be around? Is there room for a big box toy store?
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yeah, no.

Like i said here, >>11143791 it was a common experience.
You have no idea how many "talking tos" I had been given by old hags about who knows what when I didn't do shit. They just thought every kid was messing shit up.

Fast forward a decade and retail had become increasingly full of teenagers who don't give a shit. Even "key holders" are teenagers nowadays, when it was almost always just old farts back in the day. Obviously, chain stores were more likely to hire young people, while indie/local shops were filled with aging workers who had been there for decades.

If you didn't have opinion about nirvana while kurt cobain was still alive, you have no memories of how retail was like when the Silent Generation (and maybe older) was still working the counters and desks
The reason TRU was making money wasn't because they were selling toys. Babies r us was keeping the company afloat. The toys part of toys r us was basically an afterthought
Was it Smyth's? I saw it at a mall and it looked like TRU. or was it BR?

If Babies R Us was that important to TRU, more of the store would have been dedicated to baby shit. There would have been more BRUs too.
Anyway, since TRU was a public company, we did know how shit broke down by their own reports.
My local store now has records, adult books (aside from comics and manga), and home goods. It's kind of sad that it's like this -- the Transformers section went from half an aisle to just one small shelf -- but I'm happy they're around still.
They're kind of doing that already; they're kind of rebranding themselves as an "entertainment store". Just imagine if they invested more in Gunpla; that would be a boon for any collector.

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Physical sculpting for toys>digital sculpting for toys
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Clay sculpting has more soul.
>*ear shredding sad fart noise
Fuck you carlos
You aren't able to tell the difference once it's in your hands, so why does it matter?
Depends on whether you're more skilled with physical tools or 3d modelling software.

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sassy soft capes edition

previous: >>11146022
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Two bucks doesn't even buy you a gallon of milk. Stop pretending a two dollar difference is the line between an affordable Shining Knight for the common man and the overpriced premium Xizor for elitist collectors. They'll both be collecting dust next to each other at Walmart.
when you're ready:
No one is pretending that. Facts matter, anon, just like the fact that McFarlane is scamming people with $30 "collector" editions vs 25 dollar Hasbro figures matters.
All pricing is arbitrary, set by the sales teams to see how much they can squeeze out of consumers.
True. For some 22.99 might be their limit for certain figures. For others they'd go higher. McFarlane is moving in the direction of making one line for paypigs and another for poor people, but the figures in both lines bear no differences.

I'm looking to get a replacement airsoft rifle for my broken g3. My field is semi auto only and my g3 busted and fires a 5 round burst on semi mode for some reason
I've been looking to replace it anyway
I'm looking to replace it with this:
Is this any good? I picked a relatively high priced one that would go good with my cold war era outfit. (pasgt, m81 woodland etc)
This one's price seems good because I'm guessing that higher price = quality.
There is also the CYMA m16a3 which is lower price but also looks good
Not sure if I should get this one either.. they look identical its weird
Better to ask in >>>/xs/
That is NOT a toy , that’s like a full on gun
Do you not see the orange barrel tip, retard? Either way, it's not /toy/ it is /xs/.

Airsoft guns like OP posted shoot lightweight plastic BBs at a low speed for playing a game (similar to nerf or paintball) and don't shoot hard enough to be actual weapons (some of the higher-powered ones can be tuned such that they'll damage eyes or chip teeth, but the common safety gear easily protects against this and maximum projectile mass and speed is regulated for gameplay). In contrast, air guns shoot dense metal BBs and pellets and can be used for target shooting and sometimes hunting, depending on the model.

/xs/ definitely has the stronger airsoft community but a thread on /toy/ focused on the replica and collecting side of airsoft rather than the performance and competitive side could work well.
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Oh boy I get to pull this one out of the attic...

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I'm going to Phoenix, Arizona for a week is there any good toy/collectible stores worth checking out while I'm there?
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dubs, damn I can't argue with that.
Toy Anxiety has a decent selection, from high-end statues to loose figures, but it was a disorganized mess last time I visited.
Collectors Marketplace is good for retro figures. It's almost like a mini Frank and Sons, where each section is stocked and organized by a different person.
It’s America no
the chains got killed by venture capitalism and the ma&pa comicbook shops got killed by Amazon/covid/trumpinomics
Seconding this. If you could only visit a couple of toy stores in Phoenix those two would be it. Note that Toy Anxiety is closed on Mondays and Tuesdays.

A couple of other options in the general metro area are Zia Record Stores which do take secondhand toys along with books and media if you want to try your luck. The metro also has a couple of Bookmans Entertainment Exchanges which also have used toy and collectible sections like Zia.

Book-Off also recently opened a branch in Mesa if you find yourself out there, they specialize in weeb toys/collectibles, but also have an aisle/glass case dedicated to western items. The mesa branch of Bookmans is also in that general area.

If you have a passing interest in antiques, the North Phoenix Branch of Brass Armadillo is massive and has an eclectic pool of vendors. You can also chat up an employee over how haunted their building is.

If you're in Glendale's old town, there is a half Vintage Toy Store / Dollhouse Store called Smilin Jack's Peddle Cars and Antie Em's Miniatures respectively. Specializing in vintage toys. It's a charming little store worth a visit if you end up stomping around Glendale. Tri-Force Collectibles and Drawn to Comics are just a couple of blocks over in the same old town district. They should also have stuff to peruse and those two stores are just across the street from each other.
Thanks for the tip.


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I'm a 26 year old man who loves Dolls and stuffed animals. Anyone else? We're watching Rozen Maiden right now. Post Dolls.
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>We're watching Rozen Maiden right now.
Good taste
You all realize the action figures you argue about on this board are just dolls under a different marketing term, right?
I just turned 32, male, and i bought two g3 monster high dolls.
I kinda want to shrink their heads a bit with acetone like i saw one some youtube vid.

I have a draculaura and an abby bominable. They're kinda sweet. Bodies always suck on these girly dolls that arent super high end jap dolls but these are cool and i like weird pastel skintones.
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>ruining your toys by shrinking their heads
Shame on you anon
There is also material difference unless you are from the 60s. Action figures avoid cloth like a plague.
>>>/jp/47797012 might be more your speed.

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Lost and never found..
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I had this figure called Creepy back in the late 80's, so I bought a replacement a few months ago and have been in the habit of buying old toys and magazines that I once had but lost!!!FACT!!!
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The Red, Green, and Black Lions.
Related story-
One time when I was very little, like 1 or 2, I lost a power ranger outside. Little plastic figurine, no articulation, probably 2 inches tall, very cheap I'm sure, since my mom bought multiples of them all so she could "find them" when I inevitably lost them. Anyway I'm upset because I lost my ranger playing outside so she grabs one from wherever she stored them, "finds" him and I continue happily playing while she gardens or whatever. A little later she looks over and I've got a very confused look on my face, like "the cogs were really turning", and she comes over to see I've found the ranger I lost, and now I've got one in each hand, unable to comprehend how this could be possible in my little baby brain.
Yeah I really fucked up

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Previous Thread: >>11109928

Toyline general info:

Max Factory figma list & blog

Reviews and news about GSC/MF products by Kahotan

Where to buy

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how is the range, quality of the plastic and overall compared with the figma one?
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The range on the model kit is limited by the skirt and the swimsuit body doesn't have butterfly shoulders. The plastic quality is pretty good but the hair certainly needs a matte top coat. The model kit is pretty hollow though, and despite being larger, it weighs less than the figma. The hat is done way better though, with a swappable ball peg hair piece.

Overall I'd give the figma 9/10 and the model kit 8/10
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Last I heard they were still releasing scale statues so fingers crossed. I wouldn't expect AR or Defy tho.
I'm usually one of the sorta defenders of the Megumin Figma, but 9/10 are you fucking high?
Sure it looks like her very well, but thats a starting point, if a figma doesn't achieve that I'd say its below a 0/10.
Hat IS gay as aids, The cloak is bad to use, the eye patch is pretty bad and if you were one of the quite a few with paint issues then its even worse all around.

Anywho, I appreciate the pictures for comparison between the two as I was interested in the model kit

Kinda sucks, would have been nice to put Roxy with the Eris Figma. Don't know how we didn't get more mushoku figma, this timeline is pretty shit.
I would like to know if anyone who has the figma of Kirito ALO ver. has noticed if the paint on the "tail" of the coat cracks when you bend it? I noticed that this happened to mine when I was cleaning it, once it returns to its normal position it is not noticeable.

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Hey, anons. I'd like to add some missing paint apps to some of my figures. I saw these at hobby lobby for $2.70 a bottle and wondered if any if you have had experiences with them. Not really looking to spend major dollar on citadel and vallejo since I wouldn't be using them that often or need high quality touch up. I've use regular craft paints on figures before but Im hoping these have a better adherance.
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I went ahead and grabbed some primary colors. So far I am happy with it for what I wanted to use them for. Seems to stick to the figure plastic much better than the regular folk art. Dries to the same sheen as the rest of the figures paints apps. Going to let them dry for a week at least to really make sure it cures properly.
these are fine, I have to water them down to get a smooth finish, lots of thin coats
Use primer first.
Paint markers from Michael's.
That's actually what I use for my model kits, since I'm mostly just touching up the metal parts that look like shit if you leave them grey.
I use an eyedropper to get just enough water in to thin it out, since you need to layer it on thin over a few days.

Just got into these and apparently it's pretty hard to find some sets nowadays. I'm trying to hunt down the Rampage armor and Churro, but it seems pretty tricky. Anybody else still looking for these?
there as already a final faction thread up from a few weeks ago. i'll link it for anyone who'd like to migrate. >>11142153

Really though the line seems to be inching towards the end of its life span. I cant imagine dollar tree will have much more stock left by 2026, its frankly surprising they had enough to make it this far. Your best bet on your search for churro and the rampage armor would be a visit to a dollar tree out of town. richer areas especially always seem to be better stocked. the easy option is just buying a case from DT

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Previously: >>11145048

-Hasbro PulseCon is TODAY (9/13) Marvel Legends Panel is at 2:30pm EST, new announcements will be posted in the thread

-Marvel Legends Crystal/Lockjaw 2 pack solicited (Fan Channel Exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Retro Carded Green Goblin reissues (Fan Channel)

-Marvel Legends Ultimate Professor X with Hover Chair reissued (Fan Channel)

-Marvel Legends Outrider 2 pack solicited (Fan Channel Exclusive)

-Mafex Age of Apocalypse Cyclops and Age of Apocalypse Wolverine solicited

-Marvel Legends Punisher/Bushwacker 2 pack solicited (Amazon/Fan Channel exclusive)

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You can also tell it's him because he won't make a new thread until it calms down. Maybe someone else should make it.
>Even around 3 figures a year can really add up
how poor are you
I think he meant it adds up in the number of figures, not the cost.
Because you asked so nicely

New Thread:

>thwip hands on a symbiote spider-man

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Previous Thread: >>11113522

Frightful the cat.
Birthday: September 1, 2006.
“Though ghosts and ghouls might lurk about
And make you want to shriek or shout
This Halloween you shouldn’t fear
Because Frightful the cat is here !”
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Tabs the cat.
Birthday: September 17, 2001.
“I am a cat without a home
Around the town I always roam
I’ll climb up trees and then get stuck
Until you call the fire truck !”
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Chef Robuchon the bear.
Birthday: September 18, 2006.
“If there is no love more
sincere than the love of food
you’ll find your soul mate in
Chef Robuchon’s cuisine.”
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Copper the dog.
Birthday: September 18, 2007.
“Let’s take a run all through the park
We’ll play around from dawn ‘til dark
Then snuggle up when the day ends
I sure am glad that we’re good friends !”
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Tusk the walrus.
Birthday: September 18, 1995.
“Tusk brushes his teeth everyday
To keep them shiny, it’s the only way
Teeth are special, so you must try
So they sparkle when You say ‘Hi’!”
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Trooper the Doberman Pinscher.
Birthday: September 18, 2007.
“I’m proud to guard my family
And I take my job seriously
I don’t need treats or an award
Their hugs and love is my reward !”

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>/lg/ Flickr Group:

>LEGO General Archive:

>Third Party Information:

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Blocks your path
>he doesn't play with his toys
That's so sad.
Anything with a standard bar on it.
flop series flop theme flop company
just not a zoomer YouTube baby

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