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Just got one of these anime acrylic standee things, how do you guys keep yours protected from scratches? Especially for those where the paint is exposed on the back? I'm afraid the paint might come off.
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>butthurt about anime fans on 4chan
Explain why rule 2 says no Japan crap allowed, faggot
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You might have better luck on /jp/, but I’ve never bothered protecting any of my acrylic keychains and they’re fine, pretty sturdy. A standee will only ever need defences from dust.
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It does not say “no japan crap”, you should really take some english reading classes, as well as therapy. This constant impotent rage can’t be good for you.
Not sure if these acrylic things even count as figurines, they seem closer to art prints to me.
We’ve had badge/pin and keychain threads before with varying levels of success, but it always causes insane seething.

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It's that time again, post your favourite blaster. Any brand is welcomed.
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Please close this thread, thank you.
I got a Max Pro Stryker and a Tomcat myself as primaries, with an MK-2 as my side arm. The MK-2.1 is also a great choice and has a more standard in-grip mag system. But I prefer the belt strapped holster with the MK-2 over the drop leg that comes with the 2.1. Both come with spare ammo mags/quick loaders, and holsters to carry the ammo as well. As far as complete packages for sidearms go, those are fantastic deals. I heard good things about the Outlaw as well, but that doesn't seem to have any holsters included so you have to provide your own for the blaster and it's spare mags.
Always wanted one too. Surely there's some Chinese knockoff version I can buy to cope?
I completely blanked out on OP's image when I first saw this thread but when I saw this on the shelf at walmart earlier it really caught my eye. Nailbiter priming/firing mechanism in a six shooter is pretty neat. Didn't pick one up but I might go back for it. It feels like everything else on the shelf these days is either performance-oriented or nerf trying to force some new proprietary dart format so it's nice to see something, you know, fun.
ended up grabbing with the venom pro, x2. i love the way i can feel like john wick because its fully auto.

Will movie funko pops be worth anything in ten years? I have 80 of the fuckers and they've all gone down in value since purchasing them
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Someday a nuclear apocalypse will wipe out human civilization, and we'll all be using Funko Pops as currency in the dusty wastelands.
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Keep them, I never thought a common as fuck Pokemon card might be worth something 25 years later either
>get told for the last 20 years I need to cut down on plastics and recycle
>funko gets to make these disgusting things for over a decade
Well Boco should probably shut up but he is right that were in an extinction phase that will be FAR SHORTER than normal and while not as quickly devastating as a meteor impact, will be just as deadly.

In a thousand years, when aliens wonder by due to radio waves, they will find some precious metals, evidence of bones and shit tonnes of plastic refuse.

This is are legacy, people.
Be proud.
Everytime i buy something i assume ill never get the money back unless its like triple digits and then i figure i can get a chunk of that back.

Never consider buying anything you collect an investment of anykind, you can basically only lose money. To sell stuff for a profit you need a profit margin, and you gotta sell fast enough to make it worth it and to do that you have to have a store either digital or irl.

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old >>11112477
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supposedly FT but they all look the same to me
Yeah that’s FT
Shame about the alt mode
another day another seething about fembots in /3pg/
Yeah she's a shellformer but she wears the shell well (a cute little bustle and wings) Other than that she feels like a high end action figure with no compromises on articulation. I think they're the best of the third party fembots (second place is probably the Erises just due to being solid transformers too)
no one seethes about female bots here
we seethe when you post non transformers in a transformer thread

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This shit is 99% the same as the original besides being badly assembled and lacking black armpit paint, for $50, the real deal costs $250 and mine came with a broken base piece and loose waist.
How are these guys doing it? the pieces are swappable between the original and the KO, so this isn't like all the other bootlegs which are smaller than the original figures, I had previous PAK Bootlegs and they sucked the plastic was melted bad molding etc this one is almost the same figure as the real deal, how are these guys doing it? just fucking how?
Chinese bootlegs are reaching the next level? because if these changs are offering $250 BIG figures for $50 with almost the same quality of plastic and paint they should start making the whole Mafex roster, $30 Mafex Gambit KOs sound like heaven
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I heard her ass is better in the bootleg version compared to the original, anyone can confirm? Also where can we buy the bootleg?
Aliexpress and yes the KO is less gappy. The KOs are factory seconds so it's not really a KO they just have less paint and the shirtless torso is assembled differently.
Are there any comparison pic online?
yeah the thong gap is smaller, idk how they did it but it looks way better once you put the joint piece in the right place because they put it backwards, one is like $60/50 the other is $250, it's a no-brainer
I'm gonna say yes due to the plastic, PAK uses the same """"HIGH-QUALITY""" PVC that other Jap companies use, unlike the cheaper PVC that all the bootlegs have, and I know this because I just painted the inner shoulder section with regular spray paint and with cheaper bootlegs it ALWAYS feels sticky and it never dries out due to the plasticizers used in those cheap materials, but guess what the paint is perfect and it even resisted the arm balljoint being inserted again, no paint chips or scratches, now she's perfect, for $58 it's a fucking steal she brutally mogs all the other Tobees
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Nintendo rules supreme


>/lg/ Flickr Group:

>LEGO General Archive:

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It's really cool, but this should really be a $350-$400 set max for it's size. $500 is crazy.
elfs have always been zesty
Because we would be better off with a LEGO City Undercover CMF line
Thanks for the details. I agree. It looks DOPE infront of that painting. I'll probably spring for one next sale. Thanks my dude
>the absolute PHENOTYPE on that guy
Thank God for Lego. Man was not meant to achieve the mastery of physics such a cranium threatens to birth.

>Following the successful relaunches of Rainbow Brite and Strawberry Shortcake, The Loyal Subjects inked a deal with Hasbro to give the same treatment to a host of legacy brands, including My Buddy, Jem, My Pet Monster, Popples, R.O.M. the Space Knight, and the oft-requested M.A.S.K.
>M.A.S.K. has all the crazy features, vehicles, small figures with removable helmets, closed-box packaging with that killer logo splash, artwork, and product shots — all coming back. They’re in the same scale, and we’re serving it hot and fresh like ‘85 never left.”

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When Marvel quietly announced Rom and Micronaunts omnibus's were coming people on the toy side were wondering.

Also? Hasbro has been trying to kickstart a cinematic Hasbroverse with GI Joe, Transformers, Rom, Micronauts and any other IP they have been sitting on so they probably didn't want to commit to a line until the cinematic plan had been mapped out.
Too niche
I'm pretty sure there are already Lego themes with this sort of gimmick

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for me it's lili from tekken. im tired of street fighter getting so many figures but tekken is barren
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Said it before, say it again.

Some DOOM monsters instead of just a million variants of Doomguy.
How big should they be?
how about classic doomguy first with revoltech articulation

In scale with each other, at least. So a nice big Cyberdemon. Ideally with launching rockets.

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Any scale, any series. If it's a modular robot toy, post it here.

>Diaclone Reboot (3mm 4mm)
>Transformers Weaponizers/Modulators/Fossilizers (3mm 5mm)
>Tomica Hyper series (5mm)
>ZOIDS (3mm)
>Plarail Shinkalion (5mm)

>30 Minutes Mission (3mm)
>Animagear (3mm)
>Machine Robo Mugenbine
>Gunpla and Misc. Plamo (3mm)

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Damn, it looks so much better with the Base Fighter bullet core that I'm actually disappointed they didn't use one as the default
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I’m so happy to finally have new Diaclone to look forward to, even if it’s a re-do. It’s been years since I felt any investment in the line. Everything has either been too big, or milking the same tired idea, or just random “display filler” vehicles. X-1 is like a rabbit hole of playability and modularity.
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Bulkarmbros, we're back to winning.
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He looks awesome, love the horns and his big stick.
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This doesn't appeal to me, looks like an upgraded Helmwige Reincar. But then again, everyone seemed to love that MS and I thought it was dead ugly, so maybe I'm the outlier.

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Anyone have this Deku? He's only twenty and looks good considering the price, but I'm curious if he's shit or actually worth it. I figure if he's solid for what he is he'd make for a neat background character or as an opponent for others to fight.
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It can be local humidity or even spraying it too close that causes matte coatings not to work. You want to do light layers from a short distance in low humidity somewhere with ventilation or it can come up glossy.
If you took the McFarlane body and the Anime Heroes head and the Jazwares effects you’d have an aight figure.
Thanks man. I'll try that next time. So matte is the dullest top coat or is there something moreso?
Any idea when Kaneki or Denji will be up for pre-order?
I'm waiting for Chainsaw Man. Theirs looks pretty good in the packaging shot, so I'm willing to give it a shot after Deku and Anya.

Previous Thread >>11132923

>New/Latest Pre-orders
The Vintage Collection:
-Luke Skywalker’s X-Wing - FanCh
-Figrin D’an & The Modal Nodes - FanCh
-K-2SO (Andor)
-Armorer Forge Playset - Pulse/Disney
-Jetpack Trooper (Jedi Survivor)
-Grand Admiral Thrawn (Ahsoka)
-Cobb Vanth (Deluxe)
-Ahsoka Tano (Peredia)
-Shriek Hawk Mandalorians Build Pack - Amazon
-Moff Gideon’s Imperial Light Cruiser Hallway playset (w/ Mandalorian Privateer)
-The Mandalorian (Imperial Base)

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That entire show was memory holed besides the final duel. And even that was shitty
only the commando droid
>implying the elephant kid wont be gay

>Where did he post this? The website has been down since yesterday.

Screenshot from here

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Best sources for Mega news:
Archived Threads:
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Which do you prefer?
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I like having both as options, though detachable magazines is enough to edge the Mega ones ahead of the Chinese.
I don’t think I would even notice if Mega switched to fully molded. I’m the type of person that has autism about messing with the interchangeable armor of the figures, so I don’t think I’ve ever tried messing with guns.
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I feel that, for the most part have kept the guns as originally assembled, though I've made a few swaps to get some monochrome weapons and others for one-off situations that were switched back after. The removable magazine option is great for reload sequences or illustrating ammo depletion. Heck one could argue it helped sell me on the line when I first picked up a couple small sets to try out, was big on the Halo stuff but unsure on branching into CoD.
> I've made a few swaps to get some monochrome weapons and others for one-off situations that were switched back after.
Same. I remember removing a silencer once.
>The removable magazine option is great for reload sequences or illustrating ammo depletion.
One hundred percent agree. Though I don’t do it anymore, when I used to try and make stop motions it was fun.
>Heck one could argue it helped sell me on the line when I first picked up a couple small sets to try out, was big on the Halo stuff but unsure on branching into CoD.
I don’t remember how I got into CoD Mega; I don’t remember seeing a commercial or anything. I think I just saw a set on clearance. I liked CoD, I liked Mega, I had the money, so I bought it.

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So what's the deal with BBTS? Why do I keep seeing them called a scam site? Should I not be using them?
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Shouldn't HLJ be the really "scam meme site"? They NEVER have anything worthwhile in stock and at least *80% of the site is backordered.
>don’t charge you until back ordered stuff comes back in stock
>usually manage to get backordered stuff in stock
>hold onto everything for you for months
>don’t take your money without delivering
Do you know what a scam is?
That seems like a really dystopian future where they force people to work harder and harder and dock their pay if they miss any random stats or quotas and then suddenly they can't make rent that month
I was trying to bait but from my times of trying to get stuff from them they have NEVER had things in stock.
because it's always "3-5 days" and such? It helps to pre-order, and very rarely anything worthwhile sticks around for their sale days

Spooky, scary, skeletons, witches, and maniacs. What are your favorites?
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Local chain called Crest.
maybe vinyl isn't the right term, but it was gross to touch the way rubberized electronics can get after a while. I got the regular version in the same lot (both partially broken/missing bullets) and it felt the same way. I don't know if new ones would be like that, or if they were exposed to something
Interesting, I just bought a sealed Sub-Zero Monev and should be coming home in a matter of days.
Based on pics of other figures, it seems that the arms can be broken (not sure if it's just hamhands or if Monev has that issue). The bullets being lost is no surprise.

I say this because the usual Kaiyodo stuff is made of PVC? Please excuse my retardation, I really don't know how to describe the material, it's solid but rather "gummy" to the touch. And I expected this fella to be the same, since an anon in the Revoltech thread said he's not hollow.
its probably that, I don't know plastic types very well. I hope yours isn't sticky the way mine was.

I passed on a lot of ebay auctions with broken internal skeletons, and once I got it in hand I could see that there are a lot of limited range joints - so a pose may be possible, but not without several small adjustments. a little too much force (when frustrated, knowing it can do a certain pose) could easily break it.
Taking into account what you and the other anon said, it seems like that stickiness is a Monev problem, given the shiny-looking armor the figure has.

>I passed on a lot of ebay auctions with broken internal skeletons
Now this caught my attention, you mean the translucent version right? Once I get that fucker I'll see if he needs a delicate treatment or not. The only way I think the internal body can be broken is if somebody just threw it with force.

>and once I got it in hand I could see that there are a lot of limited range joints
Ah yes, the anon I mentioned before said that, despite the figure's limitations, it can strike some really cool poses. But then again, the swivel cuts here and there can only take you so far.

>a little too much force (when frustrated, knowing it can do a certain pose) could easily break it.
Well shit, I just saw an ebay pic where the hands were broken too, and the right foot also might have that problem. Oh well, I'm not exactly a hamhands but my toys get some rough love, I guess I will be rather careful with Monev.

Btw, here are some of the pics the other anon posted. A crying shame the character barely has reviews about articulation. Or even pics in that matter.


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looking for figures with a poppy, cartoonish aesthetic, ideally along the lines of john kricfalusi stuff but anything will do.
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I hope the FBI checks your hard drive someday.

Sure kiddo.
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Saw these on /tv/.I know it's Jeet ai slop (whatever you'd call it), but I think something like this would be a great starting point for visualizing a figure like that. I assume this is a soft coomer thread?
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>AI coom slop
Fuck off, retard.
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Ehh... how about no?

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