What do I think about this please?
>>11312818Comic accurate, he was drawn pretty caked up at times.
>>11312818It's a 95% reuse. That's Spiderman's ass.
>>11312818Which gun is which again? And what are their abilities?
How can someone collect this much dragonball shit and not have a single good figurehttps://youtube.com/shorts/b7LO2ZcDnvw?si=NNFJLryS82A5juWI
>>11327924shit floatsand some anons have more money than sense
>>11328051>There isn't a single good goku or vegeta.We got buffku which good but not great, and SS4 Vegeta is actually pretty good. Vegeta's only downside is the lack of accessories. I do agree that line lacks good figures of the main cast.
>>11328027fwiw I am a huge 3.0 proponent and not even I would say the 2.0s are shit.i say the 2.0s are succeeded by 3.0s, but that doesn't make the 2.0s shit. i got a bunch of 2.0 gokus and vegetas so I'm done with them, but they're still worthwhile for anyone who isn't.
>>11328035they look cool. Before like 2005, most anime figures were actually pretty bad, but statues were alright. Statues are still much more popular in Japan than articulated figures really, there's like 1-3 Figuarts releases a month for Dragon Ball, but probably like 4 statues or more a month for decades now.
>>11328051This. They are all shit
Previous Thread: >>11285886Toyline general info:>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FigmaMax Factory figma list & blog>http://www.figma.jp/en/figma>http://ameblo.jp/figma/>https://www.goodsmile.com/en/search?search_category=2Reviews and news about GSC/MF products by Kahotan>http://mikatan.goodsmile.info/en/>http://ameblo.jp/gsc-mikatan/Where to buyComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>11331081Figma was the most consistent 1/12 scaled line despite modestly claiming to be non scale. I think it was more a marketing thing to differentiate themselves from statueshit.
>>11332354timed it picture perfect lol
>>11318179they mention her having it at some point in the anime... during a hot springs scene IIRC, or maybe an OVA>>11323106it's great but I still wish it was the PS3 version or at least had the classic helmet that Ostrava wears in the remake
>>11325224would prefer an actual player class like the druid or necromancer
>>11325473...shattered by someone, or something.
Previous Thread: >>11276861Other mecha toy discussion is also more than welcome!Upcoming regular retail releases:-Voltes V (Feb. 2025)-Galbaldy β ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Apr. 2025)-Skygrasper & Effect Parts Set ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Apr. 2025)-Metal魂 Strike Freedom Gundam [Re:Coordinate] (Jun. 2025)-EL-PC-00 Alba Steel Haze Ortus/Rusty (Jul. 2025)-Metal魂 GQuuuuuuX (Aug. 2025)Current open Tamashii Web exclusive preorders:►Order Deadline Mar. 2nd-Act Zaku, Augusta Lab Type ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Jun. 2025)Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>11337162Still small as fuck for the price you pay.
>>11337731these are 1/100 size right? looks like Jestas but goddamn all the shit they, seem pretty fun to handle
>>11337765>Literally the same sculptNot really, hi-metal r is more dynamic and stylish while plamax is more grounded and mechanical, I perfer the hi-m but I can live witht the plamax if the head is bit more rounded.
>>11337758>bought the sf recoordinateI need the proud defender now, im waiting for it to be available again in the states.
>>11337841It's also compatible with the RF
This thread is for the discussion of scale plastic (and resin, PE, wood, etc) models kit-Post photos of your builds in progress and your finished builds-Have your builds critiqued or critique others-Discuss tips and techniques-Ask for advice or give advice to othersAlways remember:>No manufacturer is purely perfect or awful (except Aoshima). ALWAYS research your kits before buying.Some helpful guides to get started:https://www.scalemates.com/http://www.mediafire.com/view/1vf1aw7v91pz5pa/Airfix%20Model%20World%20Specia%20%28Scale%20Modelling%20Step-By-Step%29.pdfhttp://www.scalemodelguide.com/http://www.modelersite.com/en/area/98/scale-models-techniqueshttp://fichtenfoo.net/blog/model-tutorials-and-in-progsComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>11322094started this glorious 1969s Tamiya Leopard 1a1 in october '23as a weekend projectfinished yesterdylost a wheelcap and a shovel in the processbut here it is, ootb but the antennas (wire)base is revell nato olive/faded/shadedweathered with oilwash/pastel dirtlife hacks that came along the way:1.revell colours are shit if thinned with anything else but revell thinner or wateresp. any type of alcohol makes the airbrush go blob. but with revell thinner revel aqua color beats tamiya or gunze colors.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Thanks to the anon in the last thread who recommended blue tack for these tiny bits. Shit worked like a charm
>>11322145yep blue tack or poster tack us very good, but in most cases any kind of tack/plastiline or playdoh that holds the tiny bit down will do.the very poor mans / everything closed on weekend solution to prevent tiny bits flying off the sprue when cutting is: paper towel/napkin etc. below sprue => side cutter to part => paper towel over the whole thing like a blanket => cut => cut part is cought by towel before it reaches the stratosphere.
any shipnuts here?question:why is ww2 and cold war so overrepesented in 1/350 ships? and why every destroyer variant from the cold war? THEY ALL LOOK THE SAME. 100ds of kits of the same stuff.in opposite, ww1 in general and esp. the predreadnought era is like 10 ships altogether. (not counting resin casts, injection plastic only). looking at predreadnoughts or ironclads, the flavours in this field are endless. but no one makes em exept maybe the bronco models imperial chinese cruisers.why? why cant i have pic related behemoth?
>>11322145what are you building anon?
What is this toy? Very curious about it.
>>11327012Looks like it's from diaclone reboot.
>>11327012Dick Tracey's friend Joe Jitsu.
>>11327356>Joe JitsuBeat me to it
Looks like diaclone to me, anon
These were first announced in the early 2000s. Eventually, in 2013, they got funded through Kickstarter. But after this figure and a few Chupacabras were sent out to backers, production suddenly stopped, and the guy making the figures disappeared from the internet. Mothman and the Jersey Devil were part of this first wave, but they were never released. I never thought I'd own this!
>>11314033>>11314423>>11316819>>11326168Why is it Americans can never make good toys? They always look shit, no wonder Trumpy put tariffs on China they make way better stuff.
>>11313852>>11313836You faggots make it way to easy to find you
>>11313836i can tell you're excited so good on you but everyone on this board will shit on you for liking something if it isn't up to their impossible standards
>>11326404We are all capable of pulling up each others ip addresses knowing what hood an anon is posting from is like knowing how to write a word document
*is everything wrong with the fig community in you're path*
Previous: >>11277980
same company?
>>11337636Yes, they're most well known for their transformers blockees. They do others like kamen rider and ultraman but I think their toku releases look kind of goofy. At least the ones I saw did
>>11337649will bbts start getting their pokemon line in stock?
>>11337653Unfortunately no. It's exclusive to china so you would have to order through aliexpress, or gundamit. Aliexpress would be cheaper from what I have seen though
>>11337674thank you. i will use the link provided in itt. i hope they start making them with peg holes on their backs like revoltechs so that you can get some flight poses. otherwise all the reviews are positive and this looks to be like a very sturdy and solid figure.
Last time on Busou Shinki & Friends, >>11300194It's time for Kotobukiya Collection 2025! What new kits are you hoping for? Genbu cut in line? Katsuguchi looks awesome! Full color Ran! Hresvelgr Ater summer P3! WHAT ELSE COULD WE SEE!?WILL WE FINALLY GET RIN?Read the guide:>https://docs.google.com/document/d/17kIQkTbSQOIVahREFmycWhobDnftvuSPTOcz7aSMOnA/pubOfficial Skintone & Compatibility guides:>imgur.com/a/AQ4aRUpcoming Releases & Restocks:--->Megami device:Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>11328694I know SMP and the Polynian lads are still there, do hope we see some model kits there too, but we'll just have to wait and see.
>>11328326It does, but it's a blank to attach the then unused armor to.
>>11329382Looks like a helmet, I easily buy that as an android or helmeted person. Seems like a good deal given the price (which is still high, but kits are just expensive nowadays).
>>11328694Wonfes starts in like two and a half hours, although more likely to see a thread on /a/. I've been passing the time building swimsuit Ritsuka. She's a cutie. I'll do the finishing touches tomorrow.
New thread Y'all>>11329644>>11329644>>11329644
Previously: >>11313623-Marvel Legends Maximum Series Spider-Man Announced (Amazon/Fan Channel Exclusive, pre-order info in Feb)-Mafex Erik Killmonger Black Panther solicited-SHF Across the Spider Verse Spider-Man Noir/Spider-Ham solicited-Marvel Legends Retro Carded X-Factor Jean Grey Announced (Target Exclusive)-Marvel Legends MCU Electro solicited(Amazon Exclusive/Fan Channel Exclusive)-Marvel Legends Mini Comic Wave Announced (All Major Retailers, pre-order Feb6)-Mafex No Way Home Final Swing Spider-Man solicitedComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>11330663Because you raise prices for everyone else by being duped by Hasbro.
>>11330700That's not at all how it works. Are you underage or just stupid?
>>11330718Never took an Econ 101 course I take it, eh? The price can only be set successfully if the demand is there at that price. You are that demand.
>>11330739If you think Hasbro is basing the price of these figures purely on supply and demand you're more naive than I thought you were.
>>11330792If they don't then the figure won't sell and will get discounted until it sells for its supply and demand market value. That is how economics works whether you want to acknowledge it or not.
IGN being IGN did a whoops and leaked the big news Official coverage starts in about an hourUpcoming Transformershttps://pastebin.com/QtuK62YY>Leaks and Rumorshttps://pastebin.com/tGSKSnGa>Online Stores for TFshttps://pastebin.com/3raSp3ZY>Where to watch TF shows:https://pastebin.com/xiX5Q7SE>Transformers General Archives:https://archive.palanq.win/toy/search/subject/%2Ftfg%2F%20-%20Transformers%20General/Previous:>>11320734
>>11328383>Wonder if that means they would make these goofballs. Or if doing so, they would make two more Rescue Force guys and an actual head for combination so they look like a thing, or keep it at 4/6.they could probably turn the new helicopter into two rescue helicopters and release it as a new combiner, yeah.
>>11330973I missed the boat in the original GI Joe vs Transformers but this series (which I think is the second volume) rules because of these awesome time-displaced vehicle modes. I think they do Bumblebee as a motorcycle with a side-car and it fucking rules.
What are the best (transforming) versions of Megs and Prime from TF:One?
>>11331959The only one - SS deluxes
>>11328700They could have just re-released the g1 figure and done deathcobra and sold that for 100 bucks easy. This haslab FOMO shit is stupid.
>FAQ:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YVt-4sibEMFOU8H484MpB-K6rNla5SIYdHZG8lyCHLQ/edit?usp=sharinghttps://www.brickeconomy.com/https://www.bricklink.com/https://brickset.com/https://rebrickable.com/>/lg/ Flickr Group:https://www.flickr.com/groups/legogeneral/>LEGO General Archive:https://archive.palanq.win/toy/search/subject/Lego%20General/>Third Party Information:https://pastebin.com/YHYxy2ZeComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>11327392I'm glad that we're past adding cheekbones to every figure
New slugger video just dropped
>>11326917Lol! >implying people would give two shits about Vikings if they didn't look like Hollywood Vikings.
>>11322215>become AmericanI'd rather kill myself.
2025 leak I revealed rumorsCrankcase with A.W.E. StrikerDestro with DespoilerUnknown new female with Polar Battle BearDusty v2 with SandstormSand Scorpion with robot scorpionRetro FlintRetro Cover GirlRetro BATRetro TeleviperRetro Greenshirt Retro BreakerRetro ZaranaComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Very squeaky guy
If Hasbro wants to actually make GI Joe relevant again why not just greenlight a hero shooter? Unless they're saving the HS treatment for Transformers.
>>11337558Nah a Battlefront style game would be better, be the Steel Brigade or the Cobra Troopers and earn enough points to play as the named characters. That way you'd be able to incorporate the vehicles.
>>11337558The only way new hero shooter games work is if they go full coomer like Marvel Rivals did. No way Hasbro would allow that.
Look forward to this hitting clearance, looks like a nice accelerator suit stand-in
We are in that period where they announce everything beforehand. >JANUARYRyu Hayabusa (Ninja Gaiden)>FEBRUARYMirko (My Hero Academia)>MARCHAttack Titan (Attack on Titan)Tsukumo Yuma & Astral (Yu‑Gi‑Oh! Zexal)>APRILDeadpool Ver.2.5 (Marvel)Deadpool Ver.2.5 X-Force Ver.(Marvel)Flash (Reissue)Reverse-Flash (Reissue)Tolmekian Armored Soldier - Kushana's Imperial Guard Ver.(Reissue)Tolmekian Armored Soldier - Vai Emperor's Imperial Guard Ver.(Exclusive)Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
If they ever make an AY Kratos, how do you want them to handle the Blades of Chaos?
>>11337289Any chained weapon, I personally prefer wires for the sake of posing. But if Ryu's any indicator, they may go with acutal chains for aesthetic purposes. If that's so, I'd propose they have like a standard set of blades with regular chains, but then some fiery effect pieces on joints for when he's swinging them around.
>>11337311Swapable real chains and pre-posed plastic, maybe
>>11337117According to some rumors the original trilogy will be remastered as soon as this year.
>>11337869Hope not, they'll censor the hell out of it