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/vm/ - Video Games/Multiplayer

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/vm/ is a place to discuss all types of multiplayer games, whether on console, handheld, or PC, co-op or competitive, online or local.

Does this mean discussion of multiplayer games is banned on other video game boards? No! /vm/ is just a separate board specifically focused on multiplayer games where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vm/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/

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Multiplayer games includes (but is not limited to) Fighting games, First-person shooters, MMOs, Racing games, Sports games, Board & Card games, Party games, and any other genre of game that requires two or more players. Please post threads about single player games on an appropriate board.

Looking for players? Post a LFP thread. Advertising your game servers is allowed and encouraged! Just don't ask for money or spam the board.

Consider using Hamachi, ZeroTier One, or GameRanger for playing old-school LAN games.

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previous thread:

Website: https://p.eagate.573.jp/game/bombergirl/bg/p/index.html
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bombergirl573 (news on the PC version will have 【コナステ】)
Current/upcoming banners and maps (PC): https://p.eagate.573.jp/game/eacbg/bg/index.html

>Installation Guides:
Image guide: https://imgur.com/a/G2fK1Z0
Registration: https://p.eagate.573.jp/gate/k/newcomer.html
Download: https://p.eagate.573.jp/game/eacbg/bg/download/installer.html
Old client: https://files.catbox.moe/4kv8lm.7z (Download and swap out your modules folder to earn tickets while playing with bots. Remember to back up your previous module)

>Technical errors:

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as long as they don't expire
hi there panicbom
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what the hell
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wait a minute
this is official
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What the fuck?

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Anyone still playing Arma 3 or Arma reforger?
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Armaverse future is better than modern day garbage
Small drones were a mistake
In arma they aren't as prominent, so it's ok
Haven't heard a thing. They're dead, Jim.
Have you bought all of arma yet?
>no queue system, every server is either full or empty
>server crashes or server fps drops to 4 fps, making it basically impossible to stay on a server for more than 2 hours
>braindead consolenigs don't even bother to do logi-runs and talk in platoon chat 24/7 as if they were on discord
>vehicles flip over as easily as a leaf in the wind, somehow become rock solid as soon as they're flipped over
>throwing a grenade, seeing it land far away, then explode as the grenade position apparently didn't update from your hand
>no mortars, armored vehicles, attack helicopters, planes
>barely any guns at all
Cool game BI...
Yes I did.

transfers happening today because of saudi esports world cup roster lock, hooxi gone from g2, more to come
that event starts on the 17th, followed by the indian lan on the 23rd, and blast groups on the 29th
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can we just get one good NA team without a brown monkey shitting it up?
My name is buck and I like to fuck liquid up
Kscerato>>>>>any Na talents in the scene

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Guild Wars 1 is very much alive and our /vm/ guild has been running regular events for anyone interested in doing some endgame content. We are always welcoming new members.

>>1292563 Previous Thread


In celebration of Juneteenth we went and murdered all the slaves in slaver's exile. Now we're about to go kneel on Duncan the black in HM. If you're interested in joining we'll be running tomorrow June 22nd at 7 PM EST.


If you have suggestions or ideas for future events post them here and if there's interest we'll run it.
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Is it uhh, normal to get insane lag?
Relatively recently I've noticed that sometimes at random it will start skipping characters all around for no good reason,
Try just going back to character screen if you're already in a town or deal with it if you're in an instance.
GW1 servers are running on the back of GW2 servers, so feel free to blame GW2 trannies for any performance degredation.
Yes, GW servers are pretty amazing.
t. 40 ping
What sort of lag you're getting?
It was like >>1353839 described where I would catapult 100ft into some gargoyles and die
Seemed to get better after a relog
Sounds like a bad case of rubberbanding.
I had it when I played windowed fullscreen and kept alt tabbing a bunch. Switching screen mode it

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Do any multiplayer games exist where damage dealer (or equivalent) is the LEAST popular class?

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>What's new?
3.23 is LIVE,
3.24 to enter testing soon with the rest of 3.23's features
4.0 is back on the roadmap for Q3
Citizencon is scheduled for Oct.19-20 in Manchester

>New to Star Citizen?

>General info and useful links

Previous thread: >>1326754
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>if you can't get money fast enough, pay 10 bucks to farm faster this month.
I swear we used to make fun of this shit
we still make fun of that shit.
the idea of subbing for a loaner ship is silly.
farm enough to rent it which is not a lot at all.
Use the rental to earn enough to buy one with credits. now you just have it till next wipe, no money spent, game = played and you even get a super cheap trial period in the rental to determine if you actually enjoy using the thing or if you should seek other methods of making money.

Its always kids with mommies credit card who think that making money starts with microtransactions.
I'm tired man, it's been over 10 years and out of all this game issues they add furnitures and do a collab for gamerz chairs.
We will never get a good space sim MMO will we ?
Meant to post not reply got damnit
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>What is Vintage Story?
Block autism where every update is a dejank update.

>Question of the thread!
What is your favorite kind of base/town to make in a survival game?
I like river villages and walled cities beneath great mountains.

>What’s New?
Some people got back to og, bounces between alive and dead. An anon made a temporary/new island survival server where all the land is on one giant island. Great time for newfags to dip their toes in some VS gameplay. The /vint/ or /mlp/ lad Xeth made a mlp sex mod. Funny but cringe.

>Do I have to play the listed servers to post here?
No. Singleplayer lads are welcome too, just try and keep it civil and avoid dick-cord talk.
>Servers: NOTE - No servers with discord will be posted in these threads. If you can prove a server listed has a discord I will remove it. If you make a server with no discord I can add it, otherwise, discord posts are off-topic to the thread.

>Server List

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It's still a WIP.
It was gonna be the communal kitchen and food store for the MP server I'm on, but everyone quit after a couple days.
>but everyone quit after a couple days.
A tale as old as time. Sad
Don't be a retard and you'll be fine. Do better.
Am I wrong or the walls are two blocks wide?
1.5 blocks wide.

CTR online is a WIP multiplayer mod for Crash Team Racing.
Supports up to 8 players in widescreen at 60fps. Items are client side only.

Download here and follow the instructions
If the link doesn't work check the thread

If you get host wait for the room to fill before selecting a map.
If you try to connect and get sent back to the main menu a race is already in progress.
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Items were genuinely fun and I hope they come back.
Although I read the dev post that it was rather difficult to get them synched so it probably won't be any time soon.
on the bright side all the testing happening now will make the pc port work great (hopefully)
Next Item test soon fellow Stalkers.

Trust the Plan.
>it's a fucking race after all, you don't see people karting irl throwing banana peels at each other
what type of stupid fucking argument is this? hurr durr my realism in a game where a fucking bandicoot drives a car
I don't want some modders' gay fan-fiction, but I can say the game isn't really balanced around 8 players because you can see like 2-3 orbs at any time hitting the first place kart.

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Third thread for the newest mom.
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Female or not, she's fuckable and she needs porn
if the main female cast doesn't get porn outside of Aisha, what makes yout think NPCs will get porn
>Rena, Eve, Elesis, and Ara don't get porn
Excuse me?
Ara has a drawfag
Eve has our god and savior Filia
The rest doesn't, it's mostly Aisha taking it up the ass
>our god and savior Filia
You worship a greasy little brown man with an interracial fetish. I don't need to carry on this conversation any longer because I genuinely won't be able to take anything you say seriously.

Ranked is Dead
Long Live World Tour

Also, Tokusatsu event when
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>that guy
you wanna tell us something champ
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>"Akshually thinking i just said what i just said is a schizo delusion."
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Played two days of Season 3 before I stopped again since it didn't address any of the existing issues I had. I recently checked the Steam Charts and saw that all the players gained from the Season 3 launch have already left. I have some questions for you people still playing:
>What the fuck happened?
>Why does Embark seem to absolutely refuse to do anything other than the bare minimum to fix issues with the game? As in, they never actually replace problematic systems, they just seem hellbent on number tweaking hoping it eventually works.
>Has it been proven Nexon forced Embark to push the bootleg CS mode that is Terminal Attack?
>What are obvious changes you think should be implemented?
>Does The Finals ever have a chance of getting its old player count back?

Personally I stopped playing once it was obvious they weren't going to change how Cashout works. Most matches would just end up with all teams doing literally nothing until the Cashout was about to end since it was a guaranteed win for whoever got it at that point. Not to mention the third party issue making whoever attacked last almost guaranteed to win as well.
>>What the fuck happened?
Embark has no idea what the fuck to do and Nexon is getting antsy that the game isn't pulling the same numbers from release
>>Why does Embark seem to absolutely refuse to do anything other than the bare minimum to fix issues with the game? As in, they never actually replace problematic systems, they just seem hellbent on number tweaking hoping it eventually works.
Because they listen to discord yesmen
>>Has it been proven Nexon forced Embark to push the bootleg CS mode that is Terminal Attack?
Do you even need proof? Every Nexon published game had this bullshit.
>>Has it been proven Nexon forced Embark to push the bootleg CS mode that is Terminal Attack?
Fix the fucking spawns
Revert some of the nerfs, especially on heavy
Optimize the game, some maps run like shit
>>Does The Finals ever have a chance of getting its old player count back?
no, between Embark's nonexistant marketing and the Rival event being a colossal clusterfuck, I doubt it.


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Game info:
>Dungeons and Dragons-esque PvPvE extraction looter
>Can play in trios, duos, and solos

Playable classes:
>Barbarian, Cleric, Fighter, Ranger, Rogue, Wizard, Bard, Warlock, Druid

Three areas to explore:
>The Ruins of Forgotten Castle (three maps of progressing difficulty - top layer is currently being reworked)
>The Goblin Caves (one map)
>Frost Mountains (two of three maps released, WIP)

Playable races:
>Human, Elf, Orc, Skeleton, Lizard, Lycan
>races have small stat differences and are buyable through shards - a currency earned or bought

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Can someone please queue as wizard so I can kill them. I’ve been stuck on this quest for at least 4 days now.
Why does shit like Bless or Ignite only last 15 seconds? Bard buffs last a minute at least and dont use up charges
Nooooo!!! It’s fair, playing an instrument is harder!!!
I wouldn't mind if all spellcasting had some kind of input minigame for increased effects.
>bards have a skill that lets them automatically perfectly play any song
>this skill has a five second cooldown

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Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNCFfpIzZU8

Previous: >>1340663
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>not licking the water uo from a pond
>not sucking the water up from a pond
>not drinking from a bottle
>not drinking from a tap
>not turning your head up and opening your mouth when it's raining
>eating ice cubes and waiting for them to melt in your mouth
>intravenous hydration
>swapping spit with your sister
I like mulching bugs and mining rocks
When I was a greenbeard trying out base Hurricane for the first time, I hated it, then tolerated it with JFH and Salvo Module, then loved it with PBM and Cluster Charges.
But coming back to the basic weapon hundreds of hours later, with just Fragmentation Missiles and a full AoE+stun build... I've realized it actually fucks.
Yeah it's pretty good at holding chokes with the AoE Stun. Wish its Fire upgrade wasn't T5

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>What is Tabletop Sim
TTS is a physics sandbox game meant to be used to play board games online, you can find almost any board game for free in the Steam Workshop, or even create your own!

Hosting is as easy as just opening a lobby and getting the game's workshop item. Post your favorite board games, discuss and play with other anons. Find games in the Workshop (https://steamcommunity.com/app/286160/workshop/) and discuss/host your favorite games!

Of course, if you prefer to play board games through other platforms, like Tabletop Playground, Board Game Arena, or game's digital editions, feel free to talk about and find other players here.

Previous thread: >>1302901
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any1 up to play some Arcs with Leaders and Lore (aka factions but built out of parts)?
Frosthaven Enhanced was announced. It should be released in about a month, apparently they've only need scan some stuff, as the mod itself is basically in a fully playable state.
shame so much scripting is wasted on a meh game
Whoa, boldest abstract game art.
I don't give a shit about a random autistic doing stats. I just don't want to join a fucking discord server where inevitably some retard will be spamming stupid shit or some drama or what the fuck ever will happen. I just want to join random tables and play games without it becoming a fucking club. Hotseat experience, that's what I fucking crave, you social media addicted retard.

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A thread to discuss (the absolute state of) Space Station 13 (SS13)
Space Station 13 is a round-based, multiplayer role-playing game set on a chaotic metal deathtrap masquerading as a space station. Do your job and try to survive, or get picked to be an antagonist and sabotage the crew!

Played on the BYOND Engine, install it to play - http://www.byond.com/
SS13 Hub servers: https://www.byond.com/games/Exadv1/SpaceStation13
/tg/station website: https://tgstation13.org/
/vg/station website: https://ss13.moe/
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I just realized that the station of babylon 5 itself is pretty much ss13
>massive sprawling station with a huge civilian population and security contingent
>loaded with bizarre aliens that in a pre pussified internet would have constant tension between each other
>large parts of it are semi derelict maintenance tunnels where the rule of law collapses
>earth shattering events keep happening which come to a hairs length of destroying the station, fantastical bullshit to boot aswell
static characters killed space racism. if you do so much as lightly beat some special snowflake their meta friends will be out for your blood.
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What happened to the /vm/ server?
>3 players on server
>1 of them dies on asteroid trying to have fun
>asks for a revive
>"NO FUCK YOU!!! le cookie button!"
>wtf why is no one playing VG?
this isn't 2020 high pop you fucking retards, you can't get away with being a admin like it is.
If hina opens another server I’d be more then happy to actually play regularly, she should ban all Russians from playing on the server tho… those guys give me the creeps.

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