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This board is for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics.

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The variety of threads allowed here are very flexible and we believe in freedom of speech, but we expect a high level of discourse befitting of the board. Attempts to disrupt the board will not be tolerated, nor will calls to disrupt other boards and sites.

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Check the catalog before posting a new thread!

Reply to existing threads about a topic instead of starting a new one. New users who do not abide by this principle will be temporarily blocked from creating threads. Mods will delete obvious duplicate threads and spam without notice. Don't bitch because your twitter screencap thread got deleted; there are probably other threads about it. Go look!

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Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Slovak PM, Robert Fico, target of assssination attempt (suspected shooter has been detained) - https://archive.today/ehsUu
>Estonia 'seriously considering' sending soldiers to Ukraine (all 700 of them) - https://archive.today/mzeJP
>"Putin proposes Belousov as Shoigu's replacement" - https://archive.today/XUw6a
>Battlegroup North liberates several settlements in the Kharkov Region - https://archive.today/78iGs
>French Jets in Russian Tricolour formation - https://files.catbox.moe/d5nutb.mp4
>Blackrock and others to push Ukraine to resume debt interest payments - https://archive.today/3z3rM
>Ukraine requested a waiver from the Council of Europe for (formal) suspension of several human/civil rights - https://archive.today/O20yg

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The troon cosplayed as Azov-chan, or at the very least, compared himself to her.
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the 10-1 artillery ratio played the most
Seethe troon YWNBAW
And when the current government collapses, another group wielding organized violence will take over.
Sustained anarchy simply doesn't exist in history.
Get over it hunkas grandkid.
We raped Bandera, we are raping banderite version 2, and we will rape the rest of ya until you learn your place.

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Gay man eats da poo poo..

Face it, Faggots are a bigger threat to civilization than Jews ever were.

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It's just a leftoid who has rejected God, the same as jews.
Faggots are the eunuch class for the jews.
A man who understands the baser instincts
When did the fdp get so gay?
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Pussy ass niggers
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fr fr they are NOT bussin'
niggers ass Pussy
Try saying that to my face
What you say queerbait?
Op ain't no homie. He a bitch ass trick.

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why are you BETRAYING HIM after EVERYTHING he's done for you?
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Explain why he is owed any loyalty after how trite and mediocre his first term was. What exactly can he do in a hypothetical second that he COULD NOT have done during his first? There's no guarantee if he wins this November he'll even get a GOP-controlled House and Senate again like he had in 2017-2019.
But what did he do?
Should be a jew star on his face.
Don’t be a pathetic nigger lover while niggers are busy trying to throw him in jail. Posting rap shit? Holy shit, what the fuck.
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Hmmm... a bit of truth leaking out? Too hot to handle? What does the board for politically incorrect takes have to say on it?
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Forgot about "You're Just A Gear In The ZOG Machine." I'm still amazed that this is on Spotify, art and all
The problem isn't people aren't chaste. Because it's going to be impossible to make everybody chase. The problem is, the kids that start fucking aren't forced to get married.

Families could force like two 17 year olds that were each other's first time to get married. But even if adulty were illegal, and having premarital sex resulted in forced marriage. Many guys that get caught fucking some slut will just take jail time rather than get married to a lot of these whores. It could work with upcoming generations but not people that are over 18.
me in the bottom right
Mostly accurate. Remember, if you were to bring back patriarchy, who would stop you? Other men, not women. What physical power do women have over a man? Unironically, pre-marital sex should be punishable by death or should result in a shotgun wedding. You break it, you bought it.

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Are there really people here who think depopulation is a bad thing?
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Depopulating niggers, Arabs and Indians is based.
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captha was
the AI knows
I'm against white people being brainwashed to self terminate while all the browns get free everything to double the world population.
Depopulate africa, south america (except those war hero argentinans) the middle east starting with israel then circle back to do Georgia (USA)
>what'll it be Janus
we wont go out in a boom, but a whimper.
you dont get the gratification of seeing destruction and carnage, only apathetic meaningless stagnation and death.

the swamp was never drained, only the frogs purged

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Late stage judaism from your fellow sandniggers:

Are we having too many psychedelic excursions?
I feel like I'm living in some kind of hell on earth scenario
Switch off from the media and go to church, everything is fine and getting better
Go load 225 on a bench and tell me 9f it ain't real you flabby sack of shit

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For all the political discussion on the Far Right, there’s little actual discussion about how to effect meaningful political change. We have to be positively for something rather than reactionaries against Jewish behavior and its consequences.

There has to be something more we’re trying to achieve besides dunking on the libs and naming the Jew. Naming is important but really doesn’t actually gain us much.

How do we actually go about achieving our political goals? I’m of the opinion there won’t be some civil war or revolution coming to save us. Voting clearly doesn’t work. The closest thing I’ve seen to something actionable is Aarvoll/Asha Logos’ Intentional Communities thing which presents its own issues.

What are we striving for? As great as the American Republic was at the start it was clearly fundamentally flawed in some way because we ended up here. Rolling back the clock would just lead to the same result.

What exactly about Western governments failed us? What sort of government would fix those issues?

Do we install a king? Do we overhaul our republic? Revert to feudalism? Something else entirely?

This site is mostly bots, shills, and porn these days but if there are any good anons left I want to hear your thoughts. No one has been able to give a satisfactory answers.

Yeah I’m phone posting and using Reddit spacing. Suck my dick, that’s not important
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A Government for the Future -- Lance's Legion

Crisis of Legitimacy: Diversity and the Collapse of the State

The Problem With Conservatives

Shilling some of my shit to further discussion. Especially since I have to wage slave in the morning and must sleep soon.
Teach Creationism in schools
Teach Evolution as a theory instead of a law
Lower sexual consent age to 16
Remove Birth Control
Increase laws against adultery
Specifically, add prison sentences and heavy fines for men and women who commit adultery
Ban marriage for people who leave after their first marriage. No 2nd chance marriages.
Ban gay marriage
Ban interracial marriage/intermarrying in general
Go back on a precious metal/gold standard
One family one vote. If you are married your household gets one vote.
More taxes on single people.
Remove every illegal that has come in the last 20 years.
Congress members can only serve a maximum of 10 years.
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You’re right. The government is unable to deceive the public in the same way they were before because of the internet. Allowing the proliferation of the internet to the public was the single biggest blunder of the “deep state” or whatever you want to call it.

You’re right. Homeschooling absolutely has to be part of it for those reasons. And teachers are all shitlib degenerates who you don’t want near your kids.

Speaking of kids we need to all be cranking out as many white babies as possible. Behave like nigs in that regard, except in wedlock.

It’s Jim actually. Jim Dewey. Thanks for the free bumps. Sorry you couldn’t derail the thread, Shlomo
I wouldn't say he prefers squalor, but it does feel a bit like being put on a white person reservation and capitulating completely under the current system. The problem is, no one will see you for it to catch on while you are ignored, and then when the eye of Sauron is on you, they will demand you fill your area with "diversity".
As long as they can be shamed about being white, your allies will always cede ground. They destroyed white people by first destroying any unifying sense of whiteness. They told us it wasn't real, or it was only real for the bad stuff like slavery, but never as a voting interest or identity you can be proud of. The entire "It's okay to be white" thing was anons betting that any positive statement about white people, even a neutral statement, would be considered hate. They found the most benign thing they could say about white people. It made international news.
White identity is the key. We just haven't used it correctly yet.

Ukrainian militants surrender in droves in Volchansk
▪Another portion of prisoners from the Kharkov direction: from the 7th border detachment and the 116th terrorist defense brigade surrendered to the fighters of the “North” group of troops.
▪Near Volchansk, their units were unwound by our guys, the survivors requested the evacuation of the wounded and an order to withdraw, but the command responded with a strict refusal.
▪In the end, they all surrendered to the stormtroopers of the “northerners”, saving their lives.
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I’m glad they are surrendering and not insisting on dying for that kike Zelensky. Zelensky is trying to prepare Ukraine for massive, male immigration from other parts of the world.
Just send more money and F16s.
triarylmethane antiseptic
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well that's neat
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I'm wondering what political or societal reasons were behind weed being prohibited, but the far more dangerous drug, alcohol--with drunk driving, liver damage, abusive homes, etc.--was okay and legal.
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Because big pharma doesn't want you to PLANT something that can be used to better your health, they want you to buy their lab produced shit.

only if you are a lazy nigger with no discipline
Just throw it in the freezer. Problem solved.
Does our society have any problems right now and what should be done?
This. Death to christcucks
Yeah, feeling good for a half hour sucks and is stupid
t. retard

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It is more socially acceptable to have sex with a mans butthole or axe wound than it is to not have sex at all.
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Slava Nigler
Both abstinence and man's butthole sex will result in you never reproducing. And since genetic suicide is your choice, you might as well speed up the process.
You can always buy a hooker, it's not the sex it's disconnection
Really makes you think
In that case just find any warm wet hole and stick it in there.

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Previous: >>468177990

▶Day: 812 - Daily battlefield assessment: https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>Putin begs for peace after realizing he can't get the entirety of Ukraine - RT
>Explosions at Belbek airfield, Crimea
>Budanov: Kharkiv region "stabilising" and "is not catastrophic"
>Another senior russian defence ministry official arrested on bribery charges
>Belousov: there will be no new mobilisation of russian troops
>Antony Blinken arrives in Kyiv
>47th Mechanized Brigade reports shooting down russian Ka-52 helicopter
>Ukraine replaces commander for northeastern Kharkiv frontline
>Shoigu and Patrushev dismissed

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Russian media report that a Ukrainian aircraft-type UAV was intercepted over Verkhniy Uslon, Tatarstan region in Russia. The distance is roughly 1000km from the Ukrainian border.
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Due to the critical situation in Ukraine at this moment, President Zelenskyi canceled his planned visit to Portugal and Spain this week. https://cnnportugal.iol.pt/volodymyr-zelensky/guerra-na-ucrania/volodymyr-zelensky-cancela-visita-a-espanha-e-portugal/20240514/6643b0b8d34ebf9bbb3d8786
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"The situation in Vovchansk is extremely difficult, the enemy takes up positions in the city streets, active fighting continues," a Kharkiv police officer said.
I hope the drone operator got a high five for that one.
Reportedly the first footage from Belbek Air Base last night. A surveillance camera records several explosions at the Air Base which was claimed to be hit with ATACMS missiles.


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Wait, the Jews support the Uyghurs? They are Muslims, and China is extremely capitalist and greedy. You have your sides mixed up.
If they are anything like the afghans it would be quite funny to see china trying hard to fight not only incompetence and corruption effecting their effectiveness. But also dudes in even cheaper made sandals using wide range of weapons that get sold/stolen from other forces. If you’re asking me mr.cia man if you should, i say go for it. The fire surely cant get higher
>the footage will be truly a rival to the fuck fuck show we have seen in ukraine
Anything that weakens/hurts China is a positive thing in my book. Fuck them chinks.
lmao this thread is pure jews fishing for our stance on muslims.

we're not telling you shit mossad you faggot pussy bitches.

being jewish is the lamest most faggy identity one can have.
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They're practical, serve a purpose, can be easily repaired and you can buy like 10 of them for the price of one ford f150 chevron with techron fag puller.
Very feminine response
>men just want one thing and its absolutely disgusting
My Kei truck is the best truck I have ever owned. I fucking love that thing. It’s the modern workhorse and steed. People here wouldn’t understand how fucking great they are out in the Japanese countryside. Not sure I would like driving them on American highways tho. Basically no safety features, it’s pure functional efficiency and barebones builds. Also why are Americans so fucking retarded with their solid truck bed walls. Being able to fold down the sides is game changing.
Why do you think they did Cash for Cluckers? To get millions of cheap cars out of the market.

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>automation is good because it means less work
>automation is bad because it means less work
humanity, everyone.
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the entire wagie system will need retooling and new tedious jobs invented
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I think they are made from memory of some anon, especially the one where hes looking at himself in the mirror. poignant as a picasso painting.
or they can just be given kill shots that will naturally weed them out of the gene pool.
Meme is getting overused. It was funny at first but getting posted so much I’m gradually beginning to hate it

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The point of ESG is to futureproof investments, countries are already regulating companies for environment issues. what this says to me is they are with good insider knowledge expecting countries to fully begin making social justice laws across the west aka anti-white laws, soon countries will make it illegal to have too many white people in media reprensentation and positions of power, anti-white authoritarianism will begin soon.
Real answer? They don't give a fuck about it. It really is about earning good-boy points with faggot millennial and zoomer customers/employees who expect faggot woke shit. A properly run company is essentially a psychopath when it comes to decisions.
money is a grift to an ends.
step one: dominate market
step two: funnel all money and foot traffic to your market
step three: snuff out competition
step four: control narratives
step five: control world
step six: kill goyim without reprecussions
We aren't allowed LLC's.
Canada is a corporation.
"what the hell is money?" Elon musk


>Name my band
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does this guy have brain damage everytime i see him he's doing something cringe, like he's making ukrainians kill themselves for his proxy war and he shows up thinking like he's such a good guitar player it'll be inspiring some poor fuck slav to die for more jew wars
Blinken 110
Blink one eighty jew
Cum Bucket Trio
Mozel Tov Trio
The way he glared at Biden in the shadows when he gave the plane interview was weird. Blinken is really running everything and I didn't vote for him.

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They think its funny
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the original name for the film "sœylent green" was "make room".
They use aborted fetuses or what
its one of the only protein/granola bars that doesnt have onions in it
Always thought those Clif brand "granola bars" were pieces of shit. Even hardtack tastes better.

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