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My gf has a low sex drive. How the fuck do you deal with this?
105 replies and 7 images omitted. Click here to view.
My wife is great in 95% of areas and I honestly could not find a better match. The flip side is I gotta go somewhere else to get pegged. I'm not going to find someone who matches me in those 95% of areas and pegs me.
>you must invest more time into foreplay
This! You have to warm women up slowly. And a woman coming home after work is not going to be interested in a 3-minute "quickie".
>pegs me.
Nevermind. Found the cause of her issues.

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Naked Lady Edition

Previously on /degen/: >>924748486

>>> Local install <<<
ComfyUI (Experienced): https://rentry.org/comfyui
Automatic1111 (Beginner): https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
Forge (A1111 Fork): https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
259 replies and 148 images omitted. Click here to view.
Kinda sad his dick didn't have a "mushroom" tip...
>The Mushrooms
>They'a make'a me bigger!

S/Fur time paradox.
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kik thread
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Looking to talk to experienced hung bulls (30yo+ preferred) and show off my girlfriend. My kik is dontmissitnow
Looking for people to trib caption or wwyd my bbw wife my sister or cousins

Kik cash9300
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Trading my wife and other sluts

Add WonderHowwow

Socials 3
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more plaid skirts
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Asian Angels

amateurs preferred
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Any Ngoclan? She goes by Lani now
fuck I want to smell that hairy crack

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Friend you edge to
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Love her...

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The "Historic Era"/Age of the Fifth Sun was the greatest 5,126 year period in human history. From the beginning of recorded history to the rise and fall of the Roman Empire to the discovery of the Americas to the moon landing to the election of Barack Obama. Of course a lot of terrible events happened as well in this era, but at the same time great strides were made.

And just like how the Mayans pinpointed the start of the Historic Era/Fifth Sun as beginning with the advent of writing, they also managed to predict the beginning of the Posthistoric Era/Sixth Sun with the dawn of iPhones and social media, which hit the event horizon in 2013. However, this is not a thread to focus on the shitty era we are currently in. Let's reminisce on our favorite things and fondest memories from the previous Mayan cycle.
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Clothed girls you have nudes of
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Jeeeesus Christ
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Dubs = Post ass
Trips = Take a request
Quads = Thread slut
69 = Posters choice
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Last roll today

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He's mad because he can't compete.

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Shouldn’t share/saved and want more thread
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show those cute little feet
I do know. Incredible nips

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260 replies and 150 images omitted. Click here to view.
he need more latency tests!
>She was 18 years old you sick fuck
Bloody yanks
Fucking die cunt.

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