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Chubby/BBW/Fatty thread.

Thirsty Thursday edition.
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That's pretty hot, I went to school with a couple slutty fat chicks. Yea I've thought about it, I know she has Facebook
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this one wanted to lose weight but she only lost like 10lbs and then ballooned up to over 300 lbs now
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Her own college bunk lol

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Sukumizu edition

Previously on /degen/: >>925050908

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Automatic1111 (Beginner): https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
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>>> FAQ <<<

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Bye, bye

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New cele/b/
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Why does everything from this movie look shot like a music video
>He thinks I want a conversation with him.
You sad little cunt.
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She's gonna be so hoarse and dry heaving and even when I'm putting my pants on I'm gonna wish I was still plunged in her warm fuckhole mouth. I'll make those lips work my taint when she's too destroyed to keep choking on me.
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Friends you pump to and would fuck
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Friend from back in hs, her older sister and their mom. All three of them would have been a fucking dream
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who do you think would give the best head

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> be me
> have a gigantic crush on this girl from social media
> always think about her, dream about her
> get the courage to talk to her
> get mixed responses
> she tells me I should watch the before sunrise trilogy
> mfw the first movie is ok but the second one is extremely sad
> mfw all i can think about is her, even those movies remind me of her
im drunk rn but man i want her, not just for sex, i want to sit in bed and see her laying near me, I want to tell her how my day was
If only she wasn’t way above my league

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Featuring Gandalf. The best based wizard.

For the retarded INCELS: What's NOT a DILF?
A DILF isn't over the age of 21
A DILF isn't a mom
DILFs don't have tattoos,scars or a roastie pussies.
DILFs aren't fat chicks
DILFs aren't ugly girls only you like
DILFs aren't 6 foot tall
DILFs aren't women with careers

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Add me for more on kik


In a facesitting session, wha position would you rather be?
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This but always the ass eater no matter who. Except black women
How do you get someone to eat your ass
Looks like it would feel better than it tastes

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Love superman

Taboo fun in Florida, oc trades and voice chatting
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Sharing nudes and exposing info about an easy little stank ass asian nerd in college.

Say you want to see the smelly gook and if you’re from San Diego (or SoCal) and want to rape the bitch.

Kik smellynuke
Telegram smellynuke
Teleguard F44HAZMGK


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23 F México

I just wanna find new friends who I can be open with :3

What's the kink you have but no one else know you have?

Please dont message me if you expect me to sext or send pictures of myself.


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Looking to get into NL groups, will provide samples


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Getting MILF vibes from this one
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Keep it legal.

When I was a teenager, I was horny ALL the time. I masturbated whenever I had a chance. I fucked my mouth, ass, and pussy with a dildo, a marker, or even a Maglite torch at one point.
Desperately wanted to lose my virginity. I was even willing to lose it to another girl.
I started to realise I didnt want a young man. It either had to be a girl or an older man.
Long story short I ended up getting roughly fingered in a 56 year old guys car. It was ecstasy.
I rode his dick all night. I orgasmed about five times. Made him fuck my mouth, my pussy, and my ass.
Since then I've been addicted to older men. My family think its weird.
I have had three boyfriends over 50. One sixty two year old. And I've sucked off a 70 year old a few times.

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I'm the scatfag. It happened when I was around 9 and my aunt took me into a department store bathroom and did her business with me facing the wall away from her. The natural sounds she made stuck with me despite my suppression. Later when I met my now wife I had her try to recreate the experience (obviously not telling her the origins) and it cascaded from there. No porn was ever involved. You're coming off as some edgy psychology major trying to read the minds of people you just met.
Skin fetish. I enjoy livking, nibbling, sucking and deep caressing a woman's fine smooth skin. Especially their legs. If the calves are the right shape and proportion that's just a plus. I've ran my tongue all around some exes in the past. My my now wife loves her upper back licked right up her spine. I sometimes use my tongue to bounce her butt cheek.
Wearing panties are nice. Feels way better than male underwear. I'm totally straight through and I'm not interested in sleeping with guys. Nothing wrong with that, it's just not my thing. :)

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Ukraine is hopelessly fucked.
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You'd let Putin fuck your ass, faggot
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please tell me im cute ):
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it is me. i dont have kik sorry.
Well... download it? Im cute too, let's be
What gender are you?

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2024 is our Final Battle. With you at my side, we will demolish the Deep State, we will expel the warmongers from our government, we will drive out the globalists, we will cast out the Communists, Marxists, and Fascists, we will throw off the sick political class that hates our Country, we will rout the Fake News Media, we will Drain the Swamp, and we will liberate our country from these tyrants and villains once and for all!
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Why are the soldiers falling behind a draft dodger?

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