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buyed dot
it was so obvious in hindsight
shit is beyond salvation
bullish for avax
k3k baggie
you sound like me in 2022 when i kept changing assets and lost it all due to boredom+overtrading+poor timing. you really should just be holding ONE major asset during downturns, theyre all correlated but the volatilites are entirely unpredicatable.
Didnt the CEO (Gavin Wood) molest an 8 year old boy and gave him aids, then later deleted the blogpost about this and was then kicked out from Ethereum?
why would you ever invest in that Pedophile faggot?

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Realistically why wouldn't this work for newfag brokeys?
nobody is giving out risk free gains
nobody is giving out free alpha

you want passive low risk returns you buy index funds or t bills
i know that you know. you should know that i know you know that i know. wheres my invitation?
Newfags should farm airdrops cunt. Auki is the one atm

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it's just going to crash again, isn't it
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okay, thanks frens, i just bought in again and have no more cash to spare. wagmi
maybe, I just hope it won't be soon, I still need to recover part of what I put in gravity legion to at least be satisfied
>i just bought in again and have no more cash to spare
He bought?
It depends if it can break under 60k again and hold it. If not, it's going to 79k.
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I don't care because I am farming auki points

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answer fast
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>OP: what should I buy?
>me: here is what I think you should buy, a resource to listen, and short reason why
>you: faggot
Fuck you bitch, use your money on the posemesh Dripfi cmpaign

hello ocpd
please put your tripcode back on so that my filter picks you up
thank you
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Okay here i go you ready? Go here https://unicorn.meme, buy one of their 150+ tokens listed, get eligible for an airdrop, boom, free money. You literally dont even have to think too much about it

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I missed the bottom yet again
missed it cause I was at fucking work
bottom is 12k
Start farming auki points on kazm faggot

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Predict ICP price in november, I'd say 40 united states shillings
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If it hits 80 there's no doubt its jumping straight to 150
I locked 5K ICP 6 months then extended to 12 months in september due to ending up in the fucking hospital led me to dumb decisions, it would've unlocked mid march if I didn't extend, it's over
delusional peechuds
I give you a reply token, predict peak price and month
$40 next fall, the ecosystem wasn't ready for it to get to $20 and was quickly rejected, the ai narrative is meaningless if there is no volume to make money, ao failing is the best narrative it has going for it atm for immediate price recovery but icp is no where near ready to moon toward it's ath this cycle

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ah y true
what's the make it stack? asking for a friend with fomo. please answer asap.
ITT retards who will miss rest of the bullrun
heckin cute and valid doggorino gongo up simple as
fuck doge shit, qan rules. kek

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>he didn't buy the dip
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Nah, he bought more qan
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I feel so sorry for you, you should have bought $SUPER instead of that crap.
both are crap, they only serve to make daytrade
if I wanted to see my money burn, I would set fire to it.
real human being, and a real hero

Need to make it so I can get proper plastic surgery (am facially deformed) and maybe pass as a normie. What's the best coin before prices bounce back up?
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I invested my life savings in apu and now I can afford facial feminisation surgery! If you dream it you can do it too anon
Post face freakshow
Do you have a qan bag?
QAN is your last choice.

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What happens if your RSI is below 30?
You put in a long and get liquidated when it continues to shit unexplainably because muh RSI says it's time to go up.
Nothing because RSI and every other indicator will never reliably make you money the way an actual understanding technical analysis and market trend will.
tbf stochastic rsi basically gives buy and sell signals just use good risk management

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I sold the APU bottom
You NIGGERS told me it was going to zero
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APU is the discord tranny group btw.
>it's real in my mind
Shut up retard
Still a perfect time to buy RAM. The EOS train ain't waiting for no one.
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Quick rundown on Bybit perps? People keep saying it will make Apu skyrocket, but why?

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What exactly is the value of cryptocurrencies tied to? Although the prices of stock in company are ultimately what people would pay for it, they're at least tied to a concrete company that produces something or delivers services. What do crypto-currencies do?
It's not just a game of hot potato with digital beanie babies, right?
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Wtf nigger
it's a hedgehog getting an x-ray, i could think of worse ways to spend money
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he seems happy :)
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1) Price carries information, the core of money is economic signaling. (Read hayek)

2) All trust based monies will be corrupted, minor corruptions grant great wealth to the corruptor encouraging further corruption, and will stay corrupted as those in control of money can now rig the tally board.

3) Corruption of money is negative sum. When you corrupt money you don't just "get wealth", you fuck up the signaling creating a far less productive & prosperous whole.

4) Wealth is Power. Money is a claim on resources, wealth grants control over resources. They are not "powerful & wealthy" they have the "power of wealth"

5) If you aren't holding BTC you are short BTC.

6) Corruptors of money will not see the value of fixing money as they benefit from it's corruption.

7) BTC is trustless money. As Szabo notes, trusted third parties are a security hole too large to leave open in money. Using someone "real trustworthy" to guard money isn't a fix, the problem is the TTP, if you remove trust from money it can't be corrupted. Trustless money provides an incorruptible signal and is therefore entropically favored, BTC rises because trustless money has a positive externality.
It does that trustlessly, the value of which is everything, as everyone has demand for trustless money.

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and the rankings will reflect that fact very soon

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If we hold this level for at least 24 hours we are going back to all time high
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no one has ever thought about it, you should go to the offices of BTC, SUPER or XRP and introduce yourself as CEO.

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/g/ here. Can one of you faggots tell me what the fuck is going on?
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Do you like men?
do you have sex toy packages? the apocalypse would be boring with nothing to train my asshole with while i wait for the nuclear fallout to subdue a tiny bit
please expand on AGRS, NEAR and TAO
Honestly surprised we haven't gotten 200 "AI" SPACs this year.

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Fun Fact: KASPA is now a top 25 coin.

Top 10 within 6 months

ICP fags, you are next
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Sui I think is 1k-50k 1m+ make it
I saw kas threads on /biz/ a year ago, when kas was under a penny, where people said 100k is a suicide stack and 1M is a make it stack
It looks like they're turning out to be right. I bought a suicide stack back then for $500 kek guess I should've had bigger balls
Still not buying your Mossad coin.
How about EOS? That's the game-changer.

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I know you think it's bad, but at least you're not this guy, think about it.
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Just put 1M in dividend paying etfs, buy a house and keep 100k in the bank. Perfect peace of mind and keep trading
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Fake. He showed $15m, said $12m, leveraged 1.5x at 3.41 and lost after it dropping 4%.
milady profile picture
Oh no no no.

Top of his head status?
A few million shit, this cocksucker had 8 figures. I also blame his dad for giving him all that money and not instilling in him its worth.

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Federal Reserve has been hacked, ladies and gentlemen.

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Checked and this, defending this toxic system at this point is suicidal let it come down!
You ain’t wrong, goyim are ruled by fear.
good breadcrumb, thanks.
somewhere along the line they figured out a faceless enemy is much scarier. classic low-budget horror movie technique
You miss the point. If the docs leak indy journalists will audit them for us.
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>fdic does not cover cyber attacks

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Hawk Tuah and get to it, fudcucks.
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watch out the pedos might actually do it
Fuck off with your shitty normalfag memes. I hope you end up as some fat whales exit liquidity you baggie faggot.
Catching up in RAM, ENF buyback in effect, regardless of the shitshow of a market condition we have, it'll pamp. Hawk Tuah on this one
why the fuck are normie memes leaking here?
go die in a fire
>prove that the money from that token is actually going to the girl
why do i give a shit who cashes in on a token? anyway, it dumped, at this point it's either going to skyrocket or bleed into oblivion

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