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Basic Barbell Lifts:
Stronglifts is a great resource for the five basic barbell exercises.

Mobility, Stretching, and Self-Massage Resources:
Yoga for athletes: Yoga can be done anywhere without any equipment and is excellent for building flexibility.
Mayo Clinic basic stretching guide
Athlete's guide to foam rolling
Make your own foam roller

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Euros have solved obesity.
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>the most obese race is brown
>white people cure obesity
It's always white people that have to clean up the mess huh?

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>still doing dangerous bench presses instead of the superior dumbbell press from the floor
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can't retract shoulders because floor, instant impinge
> but it's betterer than bench
but not much and bench is fucking triple retarded to begin with lol, kinda low hanging fruit to compare with lol
>All they do is reflect what is known about where a particular muscle is most active
do they measure angles in joints somehow or calculate moment arms in those angles or just go - oh it looks like half squat, dort of - it's all fucking garbage, eggheads are notorious for faking discovery for that sweet sweet grant money
>The best case scenario is that where someone would claim "da stwetch" is closer to where the a particular would be most active.
da switch is where it's at, one should always aim at isolating muscle and bringing it close to continuous tension on muscle belly spanning half a minute, AND muscle must be truly free during this oh so impossible ordeal from interference from skeleton (pushing motion like OP can't isolate chest because chest can't contract properly because muscle is strung along ribcage), so if u're talking about "reps" "sets" and "ranges of motion" u are already talking bullshit, what is true within this bs is rather unimportant lol
true, u can at least retract shoulders during pushup, it's still retarded, will fuck ur shoulders up and won't grow chest and will shorten pec front delt and lat and freeze it there pulling on thoracic spine forward but it's of course "better", the pushup lol

also me:
I miss him so much bros
Only Zyzz was more memorable
This exercise doesn't seem safe. The weights can still land on your dick.
I’ve tried this variation and it’s the least effective chest exercise.

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What are some good fitness youtubers that cut the bullshit?
Most seem to tell you to do one thing one week then a month later tell you its the worst exercise you could ever do
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Scooby is who I'd suggest.
Will Ratelle mogs the shit out of everyone in this thread
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Not one person in this whole thread mentioned Trainer Winny. I’m disappointed, /fit/.

OP, this dude gets straight to the point and doesn’t complicate it with dumb bullshit. This is who you want to watch.
Anyone who makes content for a living will overcomplicate shit. Repackaging the same advice and nitpicking shit that doesn't matter forever.
You don't need to watch dozens of hours of videos with "advice" to start or be good at it. This only creates insecurity in your mind.

You're literally much better off just doing whatever the trainers at the gym tell you than listening to any of these clowns. Just out of virtue that you won't be wasting all that time.

None of the golden age bodybuilders ever watched a YouTube video on how to get swole. You don't need to either.
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>can't handle jeff 'liere

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Looks like the transformation is complete

From 4chan shitposter posting training videos and progress updates and Blaha /fit/ memes for free for the fun of it….to now posting masculinity daddy replacement videos for pay pigs brought up by single mothers

RIP to another guy who started off here but went full normalfag mode once he got a big enough audience

Remember when he said he’d never sell out and become one of those normie YouTubers making boring trending political content and that he would never take donations??? Yeah I remember, so much for that
He should call himself Natural Simping
Never trust a married men and his opinion about wymen, they're all pussy whipped.
Saying anything negative about putang = no box for the next 3 months
more like Natural Whocarestrophy
He talks like he is trying to juggle marbles with his mouth.
Who was that long haired fitness guy with a mole on his face who pivoted to left wing content?

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People are starting to realize he's a 5'2 midget. It's so over for him, the facade is up.
Next you're going to tell me that to date there has never been a mr olympia that touched 6'
Starting to? There are people who couldn't tell by looking at him standing beside gym equipment years and years ago?

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where do you lie on the nofap spectrum?
>Fapping 3 times a day is good, porn is normal and healthy, muh prostate cancer
>Ejaculation of any kind is poisonous to the soul and you'll reach enlightenment by doing nofap for 3 years straight.
>Anywhere in between

Is nofap good? Is it bad? If so why?
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Porn is bad, a porn addiction is comparable to eating dogshit food relentlessly in terms of damage
Instead of becoming a fat fuck you develop varying sexual dysfunctions (depending on the person)
For many its not an issue, but we are seeing statistical evidence of *something* poisoning the sex lives of new generations.
I've experienced issues myself bc of my porn addiction

If you have kids, give them a real talk during puberty. Don't let them figure it all out through the internet.
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I kind of stopped because i had zero interest in women or men. Could still have erections and everything, got my testosterone levels checked and shit was all good.
Zero interest in girls at all, tits werent even hot anymore.
>quit jerking off
>girls are suddenly cute again
>talking to them is fun and not a chore.
>when they act stupid i tease them instead of being mad at them.
my brain must get numbed to easily from cumming. So i dont jack off anymore
how frequently do you have an unplanned nocturnal emission?
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>If you remember what it was like when you first started having sex
I'm on like once every 4 days

I want to NoFap longterm but when it gets hard and you become super horny better to rub one out than go crazy

Softball size lump in your ass edition

No source talk

Read the Reddit wiki
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you guys say to blast and cruise but also say to read the reddit wiki well the wiki says
>It is always recommended to at least PCT for your first cycle vs. Blast & Cruise
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>175/175mg test/tren
>getting harder to pass as fake natty
I have personally never said to read the sticky nor have I read it myself but I always advocate for B&C because coming off is for faggots.
and thats a bad thing? we should all walk around naked, and if we see a girl we like we pin her down and fuck her.
goddamn thats a nice pair of tits

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does not look natty
Not natty
How the fuck did he shrink is pelvic bone?
As someone who's physique looks like left pic I'd also like to know
he didn't, bigger shoulders give you the appearance of a smaller waist.

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previous: >>74313634
Why do fat people always fall for meme grift diets like keto/south beach/atkins/etc?
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goblinx general
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Is maintaining a physique that is good enough that your fitness is the first people notice about you when they see you supposed to take an obscene amount of discipline dedication?
I'm not talking about anything crazy. Let's say 10-12% body fat with a decent amount of muscle. Not huge by any means, just solid and lean\

Between lifting and running I spend almost 3 hours per day working out. I have spent years adjusting my diet and if I want to have abs I have to stick to one meal a day, mostly meat, eggs, and dairy. If I stop any of this for even a week, my body starts melting.

It shouldn't be this much work right? Or is being an American surrounded by poisonous trash food and sedentary lifestyles creating an artificial level of difficulty? Are our hormones all fucked up from the water and food supply? or am I just genetically cursed?
So like 10 minutes of calisthenics a day?

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What's your go to meal?
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- 4 or 5 eggs, cooked in butter and scrambled
- sweet potato
- maybe some carrots or olives
- maybe some pistachios
I usually gravitate towards Chili if I'm feeling like having a bad day. Otherwise I stick with a few pounds of beef.
Penne all'arrabbiata but include some diced up fried Italian sausage.
I've been eating the same meal for the last 3 weeks, i'm gonna kill myself.
>ground beef + 5 eggs + cheese
>A 0 sugar "two good" greek yogurt for desert
Outside of protein shakes, that is literally all I eat.
roid clits look like small dicks.

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u mirin brah?
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>roiding for this
Because he was a faggot WoW player that cracked the code on how to have sex and this inspired other faggot WoW players.
>u mirin brah?
u still dead as fuck brah?
>roiding for this

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Hugging, hand-holding, snuggling and other forms of nonsexual touching cause your brain to release oxytocin. This stimulates the release of other feel-good hormones, such as dopamine and serotonin, while reducing stress hormones, such as cortisol and norepinephrine.

All of which is highly important for your long term gains and overall well-being.
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I never talk to any women or attempt to flirt or anything else because i'm a complete loser in my life and there's no reason to expose my pathetic life to any women. It's even sadder because Idon't have any standards at all and think that almost everyone is cute as long as they aren't obese.
If i become the GF will it be easier to get this oxytocin thingy?
Haha wouldn't it be weird if you physically ran away from women at parties that showed interest in you in your 20's and now in your 30s nobody parties so even if you wanted to overcome that fear it's too late haha. That'd be crazy
Yeah as if getting human contact was a matter of will from one side. Some got the short straw at the social game. Even worse in the dating one.
I excell at things that take effort and where the results don't depend on the input of another human being. I can pass exams, be fit, learn skills, endure pain, discomfort, loneliness. I can build stuff from scratch without knowledge. I can protect someone from harm, I can teach other people stuff. There is nothing I can do when the other person doesn't evaluate me as worthy of them. No matter how virtuous I get, friendly, social, outgoing, useful. You name it. Trying harder doesn't give you results because it's not a matter of pushing. It's like going to the casino except that everyday is a bad day.
>i might pop a chubby and ruin it.
For starters, it would be less gay if you just didn’t mention it. Talking about it takes away the ability of your bro to have plausible deniability.

I'm looking for strategies for balancing a wide hipped physiques. What specific workouts feel more comfortable or effective?
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The best exercise for you is to come to my house and have sex with me.
Hard working women are generally undesirable.
Sorry chud, this is the peak of her life. She needs more time "finding herself"
Men have different preferences. There are plenty of people who'd drool over a wide shouldered dommy mommy.
Women just want Chad.
>events don't happen when they happen, they happen when they're "declared" to happen
>muh chad :)
f### off retard

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