WHERE IS "SHARE YOUR PHOTOS"/SELF-PROMO THREAD ON THIS BOARD? IF THERE IS NONE THIS IS THE ONE TO GO! SHOW ME THOSE ARTSY STUFF![EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]Camera-Specific Properties:Equipment MakeNORITSU KOKICamera ModelQSS-32_33Image-Specific Properties:
[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]Camera-Specific Properties:Equipment MakeCanonCamera ModelCanon EOS 4000DCamera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 10.1 (Windows)Maximum Lens Aperturef/3.5Image-Specific Properties:Horizontal Resolution240 dpiVertical Resolution240 dpiImage Created2025:02:07 23:57:20Exposure Time0.3 secF-Numberf/9.0Exposure ProgramManualISO Speed Rating200Lens Aperturef/9.0Exposure Bias0 EVMetering ModePatternFlashNo Flash, CompulsoryFocal Length18.00 mmColor Space InformationsRGBRenderingNormalExposure ModeManualWhite BalanceAutoScene Capture TypeStandard
[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]Camera-Specific Properties:Equipment MakeCanonCamera ModelCanon EOS 4000DCamera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 10.1 (Windows)Maximum Lens Aperturef/4.6Image-Specific Properties:Horizontal Resolution240 dpiVertical Resolution240 dpiImage Created2025:02:08 00:08:55Exposure Time1/80 secF-Numberf/11.0Exposure ProgramAperture PriorityISO Speed Rating100Lens Aperturef/11.0Exposure Bias0 EVMetering ModePatternFlashNo Flash, CompulsoryFocal Length10.00 mmColor Space InformationsRGBRenderingNormalExposure ModeAutoWhite BalanceAutoScene Capture TypeStandard
[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]Camera-Specific Properties:Equipment MakeCanonCamera ModelCanon EOS 4000DCamera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 10.1 (Windows)Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.8Image-Specific Properties:Horizontal Resolution240 dpiVertical Resolution240 dpiImage Created2025:02:08 11:41:16Exposure Time1/800 secF-Numberf/4.0Exposure ProgramAperture PriorityISO Speed Rating100Lens Aperturef/4.0Exposure Bias0 EVMetering ModePatternFlashNo Flash, CompulsoryFocal Length50.00 mmColor Space InformationsRGBRenderingNormalExposure ModeAutoWhite BalanceAutoScene Capture TypeStandard
[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]Camera-Specific Properties:Equipment MakeCanonCamera ModelCanon EOS 4000DCamera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 10.1 (Windows)Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.8Image-Specific Properties:Horizontal Resolution240 dpiVertical Resolution240 dpiImage Created2025:02:08 11:47:04Exposure Time1/500 secF-Numberf/4.0Exposure ProgramManualISO Speed Rating100Lens Aperturef/4.0Exposure Bias0 EVMetering ModePatternFlashNo Flash, CompulsoryFocal Length50.00 mmColor Space InformationsRGBRenderingNormalExposure ModeManualWhite BalanceAutoScene Capture TypeStandard
[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]Camera-Specific Properties:Equipment MakeCanonCamera ModelCanon EOS 4000DCamera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 10.1 (Windows)Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.8Image-Specific Properties:Horizontal Resolution240 dpiVertical Resolution240 dpiImage Created2025:02:08 22:29:41Exposure Time1/160 secF-Numberf/1.8Exposure ProgramManualISO Speed Rating200Lens Aperturef/1.8Exposure Bias0 EVMetering ModePatternFlashNo Flash, CompulsoryFocal Length50.00 mmColor Space InformationsRGBRenderingNormalExposure ModeManualWhite BalanceAutoScene Capture TypeStandard
Nobody wants to make a new recent thread? All right I'll do it.Dump your recent photos here, comment and critique others.[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]Camera-Specific Properties:Equipment MakeNIKON CORPORATIONCamera ModelNIKON D850Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop 26.1 (Windows)Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.0Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color AreaColor Filter Array Pattern842Image-Specific Properties:Image OrientationTop, Left-HandHorizontal Resolution300 dpiVertical Resolution300 dpiImage Created2024:12:19 04:00:47Exposure Time1/2500 secExposure ProgramManualISO Speed Rating2000Exposure Bias-1 EVMetering ModeCenter Weighted AverageLight SourceUnknownFlashNo FlashColor Space InformationsRGBImage Width1651Image Height1101RenderingNormalExposure ModeManualWhite BalanceAutoScene Capture TypeStandardGain ControlLow Gain UpContrastNormalSaturationNormalSharpnessNormalSubject Distance RangeUnknown
>>4393508the photo itself is AWESOME. but her goddamn lips are ruining it.... still saved, tho. might some day re-create it with another girl ;]
>>4395489that aint makeup, bruv. its very legit photo of some kinda school/univercity anatomic class or at worst scenario it might be a hospital emergency photo thing ..
>>4397620hahah at my age of 35, I still remember when I was in a 1st or 2nd grade in school and there was this girl in my class, whos mom took her to Italy. She was some kinda basic prostitute and was taking her daughter with her, on her trips to Italy. And so the kid was kinda confused about a ton of things. Once, when we had this class in school, where we had these three stripes - red, green and white, and we had to construct our national flag with them, she mistakenly made the Italian flag LOL :D Later on that same kid became a beautiful, fucking beautiful young lady, but with very destroyed mind. I had the precious chance to fuck her several times, and at that point of my life, I liked shaved pussy more than hairy one. But she was freaking hairy. And guess what she answered me when I asked her why she doesnt shave? She told me ... >> "My mom found me in the bathroom, when I was shaving my pussy. She beat the hell out of me, literally destroyed me. And now Im too afraid to shave again." Oh, well... Never saw her since. Maybe her mom took her back to Italy, to make her a prostitute aswell. Poor kid. She was so lovely back in the day...
>>4399802mmmm naaa.... if that looks good to you... if I showed you my photos of my trips in the forests, you would probably move right away to my country ... ;]
>>4404601>mmmm naaa.... if that looks good to you...Don't be a cunt. Of course it looks good to me, why else would I say it?>if I showed you my photos of my trips in the forests, you would probably move right away to my country ... ;]I don't want to live there, or even visit it. I just like the picture. Also, fucking post the pictures instead of whatever this is you're doing about other people's pics.
What are some recommended books to gain knowledge about photography? I'm thinking of buying this one, but the old publishing date makes me a bit wary.[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]Camera-Specific Properties:Image-Specific Properties:
>>4403977Susan sontag is herself a schizophrenic /pol/cuckOf all the people to contribute nothing to society she contributed nothing the worst. An actual zero value human being. There is no timeline in which killing susan sontag at any point does not improve the future.
>Book by a Bob Ross personality except now he is a photographer>supportive infoBASED
Do I actually need any of these books to learn, or is all that information online?I understand photobooks and history/technique ones have value, but what about tutorial books?
>>4404187>Do I actually need any of these books to learnno, the best way to learn is to take photos and share them on chinese cartoon image boards and get shit on till you figure out what people appreciate
OK I think I have the system worked outOnline and using camera for technicals and settingsReal books for art, composition and the more cerebral side
what are some /pee/-approved lenses for this body? I'm mainly interested in portraits, street photography, trees, cats and birds
>>4404416>UM YOU AREN'T MAKING ARTthey don't give a shit what you think and they're happier than you lol
>>4404413>fuji>processed with nx studio???also lol at the whiskers and peach fuzz on that person
>>4404427On this episode of pawn stars...
>>4401956I'd just go with the kit zoom and a small prime from 35 to 50. for birds, I'll just crop, kek. a7c seems to be marketed as a 'compact' version, so I'll take advantage of it.
>>4404427>Just edit: Saturation +6And wallah, Ren Kockwell tier.
Alright fagboys, convince me why should I sell my pen-f and buy a worm machine? the upgrade 100% does not seem worth it pancake (in FF equivalents) M43 is a 40mm f/3.4Fuji is a 41 f/4.3 so Fuji is a half stop slower Telephoto prime M43 is 150mm f/3.6fuji is 138mm f/3.1so again, what is that, half a stop? 1/3rds of a stop? Macrom43 has the based 60mm f/2.8, does fuji have an equivalent? the 30mm is only a 46mm equiv so shit working distance compared to the 60mm (120mm equiv). the fuji 60mm is only 1:2. the Fuji 80mm is equivalent to the olympus 60mm (about the same focal lengths) and 1:1 but the olympus was like $500 so it will sell for like what, $300 if I am lucky vs paying $1,000 for the fuji lens. I really don't see any reason to "upgrade"
>>4404562>makes you look like an undead zombie ghoulBravo Sony
>>4404562jesus christ u really wanted more detail on this skin? give me the m4/3 smear pleaseee
>>4404568They did. Now what?
>>4404574The a7V is already out?
>>4404562i dunno man, I've seen plenty of Sony pics, they don't look like that
I have collected bunch of shitty cameras. >Canon SX160 IS (1/2.3" 28-448 mm eq F3.5 - F5.9. Slowest aperture F8.0 no ND)>Nikon S32 (1/3.1" 30-90mm eq. f/3.3 - F5.9 aperture options: F6.6 and ND)>Sony HX100V (1/2.3" 27-810mm eq. F2.8 - F5.6 Slowest F8.0 + ND)>Fujifilm S4200 (1/2.3" 24-576 mm eq. F3.1 - F5. 2 aperture options F5.9, F8 and F20 (ND) )>Phone (cheapo $200 1/3.1" 28mm F3.1)And I've been testing things out. If subject is far away (say from infinity to aprox 15-20 cm away from the lens), best camera is probably sony, followed by canon, then nikon and phone then fuji. BUT! When shit is really close, say 3-4 cm away from the lens, all of a sudden fuji performs the best. Followed by sony, canon, nikon, phone. Why? Makes no fucking sense.Sony is sharp with chromatic aberration controlled very well.Canon is shap-ish with chromatic aberration not controlled at all, not it seems to be corrected by the camera. (no aspherics from what I understand, which probably leads to chromatic aberation)Phone is sharp-ish with chromatic aberration probably corrected by software and in lens too (phone lesnes are usually fully aspheric with like 10 elements inside)Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>4404485>Better camerascameras aren't sharp, lenses are>aren't that different in terms of being sharpThey are, by a big margin. You are simply not shooting complex subjects
>>4404489>They are, by a big margin. You are simply not shooting complex subjectsOfficial way to measure sharpness of a lens (or camera+lens) is to take a picture of a step function and see what you get in the end, and from this you can calculate MTF or whatever it is called. And step function isn't something fancy, its just black on white with a very sharp border. Like Siemens chart. Or bars. Or whatever. That isn't a complex subject. While I didn't do it, because I have no idea how, nor I don't really want to, I took various pictures. Birds (feathers are a small detail), buildings, etc. All cameras except fuji were pretty close. Some are slightly better, some are slightly worse. But in the same ballpark. Definitely not APS-C or FF or even MFT in terms of obtained details (because sensor is small, lenses aren't the best, etc. You know, even kit lenses with DSLRs or MILCs or whatever would produce much sharper image with more details)...Digishit quality, as it should be. Except phone, phone has awful colors. Fuji however, even after making it save CCD raw from the engineering menu, was blurry as fuck. That is weird, because it felt more like cheapo phone that does AI garbage, but nope, just blurry lens. But that blurry lens takes surprisingly good close ups, and I don't understand why. >cameras aren't sharp, lenses areThose are digishits with non-interchangable, so a camera (entire thing) is more correct.
>>4404474Top has flat renderingBottom has 3d pop
>>4404501Yes, i should retake pic so all of them are square.
>>4404497>And step function isn't something fancyit's literally non differentiable
Why do we even need big, clunky, interchangeable lens cameras when phone cameras already produce images as good as this??
>>4404197>what should not have to be stated is that a good craftsman has the right tools to begin with and does not even waste his or others time trying to shoehorn bad tools into the wrong job.what if I am doing it ironically
>>4404208Yes. The truth is very cool.
>>4404208You better think its cool. You have a canon rebel and dogshit lenses. Not exactly a vintage CCD digishit. Not exactly a nice modern camera. All you can shoot pleasantly is B&W street photography and low ISO deep focus stuff, stopped down to milk as much decency out of crappy lenses that are neither sharp nor characterful - just blurry.You also need to remember that megapixels are not resolution. They are the digital sampling rate, but not actually how much detail is resolved. You have to account for demosaicing blur, the AA filter, and lens blur. So the actual resolution of your camera could be half the output size. Near full sized images would only good for 300dpi prints, for the internet you should be posting half size instead of displaying blur.
>>4404118Nikon Chads keep on winning.
>>4404555Can you help me with my mft camera settings? I would like it to look nicer than OP's pic. Please help me and my poor mft babies. Thank you.
Post your Insta, follow others, critique each other etcI'll leave some feedback for the initial posts to get things rolling.
New to photograph, new to instagram.Starting to slowly follow you all, I dont wanna up upset insta's spam filter. You guys have such cool shots, I gotta step it uphttps://www.instagram.com/mikez.photog[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]Camera-Specific Properties:Camera SoftwareAndroid TP1A.220624.014.N986USQSAHXJ1Image-Specific Properties:Image Width1440Image Height1441
https://www.instagram.com/globalillumination/some instant (zinstax), some fucking around with shitty film cameras i find on ebay, some attempts at real photography, mostly just good at catching the light every once in a while
https://www.instagram.com/simone.fuji.olivieriBeen shooting for a year on my very first real camera (fujifilm)[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]Camera-Specific Properties:Camera SoftwareAndroid TP1A.220624.014.G980FXXSNHXL1Image-Specific Properties:Image Width1080Image Height2400Image OrientationTop, Left-HandImage Created2025:02:04 00:42:16Light SourceUnknown
https://www.instagram.com/machphy_/Been shooting on and off! Not sure what my style is, kinda mixed between landscape street and just general life. Want to kinda turn it into a lifestyle sorta thing as well where I post my fashion shit as well as photogs.
>>4404517It's nice to have a style but it's boring not to try new things. Just have fun with it man.
I'm so fucking sick of trying to find photos/video footage capability of certain cameras on youtube and all I get is videos of some faggot talkingabout the camera and filming himself talk about it on a different camera.[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]Camera-Specific Properties:Image-Specific Properties:Horizontal Resolution72 dpiVertical Resolution72 dpiColor Space InformationsRGBImage Width274Image Height274Scene Capture TypeStandard
>>4404498It's like cooking books but if you want to make a medium rare tenderloin steak Chef Gordon Ramsay wants you have to go from a step beyond the cook books and start knowing how to really cook food by your tastes.
>>4404498If a book helps you learn, go for it. There's nothing in there that you can't find online, and nothing you can't become proficient within a month or two of deliberate shooting / practice.What are you actually struggling with about exposure?
>>4404498Look anon, exposure is like learning how to read and write, it's all based on how you observe. How I learned to expose images was due to the luck I had that my grandparents had seeing issues like cataracts and being near-sighted. Film school is good in that you have a back and forth reaction with a professor, but the bad news is that they rush you and you don't really have time to learn it well through practicing. I made a D in photography and my professor advised I make as many photos as possible to get the hang of things, and so I did.
>>4404498The For Dummies series sounds up your alley
if you think it's bad now, you should look at digicam era vids. i ran into this when researching digicams and 2000s-2010s compacts. the few existing videos are around a decade old and lack any footage of the camera in action. it's mostly unboxing content. if you can find a review, it'll never have the most important detail about the camera, which is the operation/af speed. the closest you will find is a comparison to another camera in the same class. which is completely useless unless you happen to have a copy of that camera. mind boggling to forgo the greatest singular strength of the video format which is to show the device in use. instead, the majority of these old videos are trash and offer nothing you couldn't find in a spec sheet
Any Anons currently pursuing/have pursued formal education in photography? Was it worth it? Did you enjoy it/are you enjoying it?Any good stories?What stuck with you the most?[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]Camera-Specific Properties:Equipment MakePanasonicCamera ModelDMC-LX3Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 13.1 (Macintosh)Maximum Lens Aperturef/2.0Image-Specific Properties:Horizontal Resolution240 dpiVertical Resolution240 dpiImage Created2024:02:06 23:09:17Exposure Time1.3 secF-Numberf/5.6Exposure ProgramManualISO Speed Rating100Lens Aperturef/5.6Exposure Bias0 EVMetering ModePatternFlashFlash, CompulsoryFocal Length12.80 mmColor Space InformationsRGB
Currently in digital photography 101 (basically) The fact there's SPEDs and downies in college is hilarious and annoying, I feel bad for the profs that can't tell them to shut the fuck up.I've found myself going out of my way to upload my shots here or an A.I for critiques outside the scope of my projects, machine gun spraying shots and practicing dry fire is fun. Like I'm shooting shit legally.[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]Camera-Specific Properties:Equipment MakeCanonCamera ModelCanon EOS REBEL T5iLens Size18.00 - 55.00 mmFirmware VersionFirmware Version 1.1.3Lens NameEF-S18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS STMImage-Specific Properties:Image OrientationTop, Left-HandHorizontal Resolution72 dpiVertical Resolution72 dpiImage Created2025:02:05 16:46:04Exposure Time1/80 secF-Numberf/4.0Exposure ProgramManualISO Speed Rating400Lens Aperturef/4.0Exposure Bias0 EVFlashNo Flash, CompulsoryFocal Length18.00 mmColor Space InformationsRGBImage Width5184Image Height3456RenderingNormalExposure ModeManualScene Capture TypeStandardExposure ModeManualFocus TypeAutoMetering ModeEvaluativeSharpnessUnknownSaturationNormalContrastNormalShooting ModeManualImage SizeLargeFocus ModeOne-ShotDrive ModeContinuousFlash ModeOffCompression SettingFineMacro ModeNormalWhite BalanceAutoExposure Compensation3Sensor ISO Speed224Color Matrix132
>>4403903>Any Anons currently pursuing/have pursued formal education in photography?yes>Was it worth it?it was back in the day, right before social media explodedDid you enjoy it/are you enjoying it?yeah developing your own film, learning medium/large format was fun as fuck>Any good stories?depends on what you consider good stories, overall yes, a lot>What stuck with you the most?being a successful photographer is 90% networking
>>4403991>Speds and downies in my classAnon...
>>4403930OP here, I've been learning for learning's sake my whole life. I'm not thinking about photography education for a year because of career reasons, but just because I want to be in a place with photographers and learn more.>>4403991>using an AI for critiqueAnon why...>>4403994Would you recommend going in 2025 or do you think it's not as good as it used to be?
>Can't major in education because I'm too deranged and immature to teach kids>Can't major in psychology because it is impossible for me to reach people with mental issues.>Can't major in film because I'm too damn low on its hierarchy permeantly.Currently majoring in Business Analytics with minor in computer science, since I just have to crunch numbers and it's predictably easy and just hard work that pays off.
Aa am ii a talented photographer?[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]Camera-Specific Properties:Camera SoftwarePixelmator 3.1.7Image-Specific Properties:Image OrientationTop, Left-HandHorizontal Resolution72 dpiVertical Resolution72 dpiColor Space InformationsRGBImage Width6000Image Height4000
[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]Camera-Specific Properties:Camera SoftwarePixelmator 3.1.12Image-Specific Properties:Image OrientationTop, Left-HandHorizontal Resolution72 dpiVertical Resolution72 dpiColor Space InformationsRGBImage Width6000Image Height4000
Hi boys. I want to ask a question about adapting M mount lenses to my X-T4 and noticed there was no /fag/ thread. Does anyone use the Leica M to FX adaptor? I'm also planning on using a 28mm and want the best yet most compact lense I can find.[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]Camera-Specific Properties:Equipment MakeFUJIFILMCamera ModelX-T4Camera SoftwareDigital Camera X-T4 Ver2.12Maximum Lens Aperturef/2.8Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color AreaFocal Length (35mm Equiv)83 mmImage-Specific Properties:Image OrientationTop, Left-HandHorizontal Resolution72 dpiVertical Resolution72 dpiImage Created2024:10:26 12:19:14Exposure Time1/680 secF-Numberf/5.6Exposure ProgramNormal ProgramISO Speed Rating320Lens Aperturef/5.7Brightness8.9 EVExposure Bias0.7 EVMetering ModePatternLight SourceDaylightFlashNo FlashFocal Length55.00 mmColor Space InformationsRGBImage Width1086Image Height724RenderingNormalExposure ModeAutoWhite BalanceManualScene Capture TypeStandardSharpnessHardSubject Distance RangeUnknown
>>4403291i have the 50 and the mitakon 65 as well. i sometimes think about getting a different native lens because the 50 is a bit bland and the bokeh looks awful to me. but i think i had the idea of having the 50 as the standard general purpose lens and adapting lenses if i want something more specific or flavorful[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]Camera-Specific Properties:Equipment MakeFUJIFILMCamera ModelGFX 50RCamera SoftwareGIMP 2.10.38Maximum Lens Aperturef/3.5Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color AreaFocal Length (35mm Equiv)40 mmMaker Note Version0130Image-Specific Properties:Image OrientationTop, Left-HandHorizontal Resolution72 dpiVertical Resolution72 dpiImage Created2024:05:16 00:27:42Exposure Time1/125 secF-Numberf/5.6Exposure ProgramAperture PriorityISO Speed Rating200Lens Aperturef/5.7Brightness5.4 EVExposure Bias-1 EVMetering ModePatternLight SourceUnknownFlashNo FlashFocal Length50.00 mmColor Space InformationsRGBImage Width4000Image Height3000RenderingNormalExposure ModeAutoWhite BalanceAutoScene Capture TypeStandardSharpnessNormalSubject Distance RangeUnknownBlur StatusOKChroma SaturationNormalContinuous/Bracketing ModeOffAuto Exposure StatusOKFlash ModeUnknownFocus ModeAutoFocus StatusOKPicture ModeAperture Prior AESharpnessNormalSlow Synchro ModeOffWhite BalanceAuto
I'm a total noob and I have an xm1. Should I get a used xt1 or xt2 soon, or get some more lenses instead and get better with the xm1?
Is trying to shoot macro with GFX a fool's errand? I've heard nailing focus is very hard, and there's no native lenses that do 1:1 well (sample images of the 120mm macro with tubes look very soft) which means no automatic focus braketing which is a pain. Does anyone have experience trying this?
>>4404079no one here knows what you should get better than you do right now. and what you know right now is 1% of what yuo'll know after 20 hours of shooting. so just use what you have until you figure out what changes will be relevant to your purposes>>4404235seems silly since dof will be so tiny and as you said, the system doesn't have very useful macro lenses[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]Camera-Specific Properties:Equipment MakeFUJIFILMCamera ModelX-Pro2Camera SoftwareGIMP 2.10.38Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.0Focal Length (35mm Equiv)15 mmMaker Note Version0130Image-Specific Properties:Image OrientationTop, Left-HandHorizontal Resolution300 dpiVertical Resolution300 dpiImage Created2025:01:31 22:11:41Exposure Time1/250 secF-Numberf/0.0Exposure ProgramManualISO Speed Rating200Lens Aperturef/1.0Brightness2.6 EVExposure Bias-0.3 EVMetering ModeAverageLight SourceUnknownFlashNo FlashFocal Length10.00 mmColor Space InformationsRGBImage Width3000Image Height2000RenderingNormalExposure ModeManualWhite BalanceAutoScene Capture TypeStandardSharpnessNormalSubject Distance RangeUnknownBlur StatusOKChroma SaturationNormalContinuous/Bracketing ModeOffAuto Exposure StatusOKFlash ModeUnknownFocus ModeManualFocus StatusOKPicture ModeManual ExposureSharpnessNormalSlow Synchro ModeOffWhite BalanceAuto
A friend's wedding photography business is taking off, and he asked me if I could join him as a second shooter on a few. I would need to get a new camera. I would kind of like to get an X-S20, so that I can leave my options for doing video open, but is the photo quality decent? How bad is the video quality on an X-T5 in comparison?
Just going to post some landscape stuff I've done. Critiques welcome, or just call me shit, not fussed really.[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]Camera-Specific Properties:Equipment MakeCanonCamera ModelCanon EOS R50Camera SoftwaredigiKam-8.4.0Firmware VersionFirmware Version 1.1.0Lens NameRF24mm F1.8 MACRO IS STMImage-Specific Properties:Image Width1800Image Height1200Number of Bits Per Component8, 8, 8Compression SchemeJPEG Compression (Thumbnail)Image OrientationTop, Left-HandHorizontal Resolution350 dpiVertical Resolution350 dpiImage Created2025:01:21 14:53:39Exposure Time1/125 secF-Numberf/8.0Exposure ProgramManualISO Speed Rating100Lens Aperturef/8.0Exposure Bias0 EVFlashNo FlashFocal Length24.00 mmImage Width1800Image Height1200RenderingNormalExposure ModeManualScene Capture TypeStandardExposure ModeManualFocus TypeAutoMetering ModeEvaluativeSharpnessUnknownSaturationNormalContrastNormalShooting ModeManualImage SizeLargeFocus ModeOne-ShotDrive ModeSingleFlash ModeOffCompression SettingUnknownMacro ModeNormalSubject Distance6.250 mWhite BalanceAutoExposure Compensation3Sensor ISO Speed160Color Matrix129
Flying camera ok?
>>4403973It needs a better angle.
>>4400775>>4400776>>4400779top 3 imo
>>4400843>What do you ride?Kawasaki Ninja 250. Gonna sell it sooner or later for a Versys or a V-Strom as I'm finding myself going into mountains and trails more and more often. Kinda sucks when I have to dismount and walk when an ADV could get me closer to the more exotic spots. Ah well, at least walking is good for you.>I wasn't shitting on your photoNah please do. I'll never get better unless I get some sort of feedback. 70% of my photos are travel snapshits, but I do try and get at least a handful that come out somewhat decent.>>4400864>You have no composition. Most of them are just flat and bland.Agreed. I end up taking a lot of photos that I just think look nice, even if they lack photographic merit. Still better to share them to /p/ than fag on about gear like the other 2/3rds of the board. This is something I would like to actively work on.[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]Camera-Specific Properties:Equipment MakeCanonCamera ModelCanon EOS R50Camera SoftwaredigiKam-8.4.0Firmware VersionFirmware Version 1.1.0Lens NameRF24mm F1.8 MACRO IS STMImage-Specific Properties:Image Width3000Image Height2000Number of Bits Per Component8, 8, 8Compression SchemeJPEG Compression (Thumbnail)Image OrientationTop, Left-HandHorizontal Resolution350 dpiVertical Resolution350 dpiImage Created2025:01:07 11:27:46Exposure Time1/10 secF-Numberf/8.0Exposure ProgramManualLens Aperturef/8.0Exposure Bias0 EVFlashNo FlashFocal Length24.00 mmImage Width3000Image Height2000RenderingNormalExposure ModeManualScene Capture TypeStandardExposure ModeManualFocus TypeAutoMetering ModePartialISO Speed RatingAutoSharpnessUnknownSaturationNormalContrastNormalShooting ModeManualImage SizeLargeFocus ModeOne-ShotDrive ModeSingleFlash ModeOffCompression SettingUnknownMacro ModeNormalSubject Distance1.830 mWhite BalanceAutoExposure Compensation3Sensor ISO Speed256Color Matrix129
>>4404023I like your spirit. I'll comment on your pics later.
I’m not advertising my channel.So, how can I grow and promote my channel, which focuses on Lightroom editing using my own photos and postcards?[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]Camera-Specific Properties:Equipment MakeFUJIFILMCamera ModelX-T200Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 14.0.1 (Macintosh)Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.4Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color AreaFocal Length (35mm Equiv)50 mmImage-Specific Properties:Horizontal Resolution300 dpiVertical Resolution300 dpiImage Created2025:01:27 18:30:40Exposure Time1/320 secF-Numberf/1.4Exposure ProgramManualISO Speed Rating5000Lens Aperturef/1.4Brightness-1.3 EVExposure Bias0 EVMetering ModePatternLight SourceUnknownFlashNo Flash, CompulsoryFocal Length33.00 mmColor Space InformationUncalibratedRenderingNormalExposure ModeManualWhite BalanceAutoScene Capture TypeStandardSharpnessNormalSubject Distance RangeUnknown
spam reels, shorts and tiktoks. Study what other creators in your field are doing and shamelessly copy that.
>>4403695And make it all about either sex, celebrities, consuming product, sports gambling, cryptocurrency grifts, or conspiracy theories. Never photography… consume product or show sexy woman. Also read this for a primerhttps://www.neomed.edu/wp-content/uploads/8-Public-Defenders-handouts-6.17.pdf
>>4403699you forgot motivational speeches. Social media is ruined these days. But if you want to play the game you have to play the game.
>>4403699A lot of vids become popular from some kind of cringe humor. But who am do disagree.Or when I'm checking some profiles, I see milns views on one certain video where girl decided to bend, but on her other vids, sometimes hundreds views.Anyway, if I need a guide how to talk with the certain people, will check mr beast videos
Uploaded one short video and really and already see some views(25 views, it's record for me). I get no subs(maybe in future), but at least this short used for main video and it's not some viral shit for kids.I have material for another vid and short, but it's only on next week.
Canon Pixma inkjets, not bad for the initial cash layout. Buying Canon ink cartridges will take an honest man broke. Any recommendations for tank systems?
>>4399962I got one of those Epsons (ET-2721) and they're really good. Haven't had a dried out printer head ever since (the ones in my old Canon printers always dired out after a couple of days) and refilling is quick. Prices for ink are low as you can simply buy third-party ink for almost no money. Quality-wise I don't see any differences when printing.
>>4399997>Prices for ink are low as you can simply buy third-party ink for almost no moneyI wouldn't do this. Even with first party you'll spend way more on papers than on ink without risking poorer color accuracy. Then again, that particular one only has 3 colors, so color accuracy isn't going to be stellar either way.If OP can at all afford the 6 color A3 printer, that's what I'd recommend.
I bought my HP Laserjet printer depending on what the local printer shop had experience with and could refill toners for.I had Inkjet printers before and I seriously hate them. I paid more than a lifetime worth of money and time dealing with shitty inkjets. I don't care if it's >muh modern inkjet tech.Just stick with laser printers and you'll be thankful how reliable and how little maintenance they'll need. Ink is also more environmentally hazardous and difficult to get rid of than toner dust.
>>4399962>Brother B&W LaserIs the objectively best $100 you'll ever spend. You can even load up laser photo paper and make somewhat decent B&W prints at home. Not ideal since laser photo paper is expensive and inkjet will always btfo laser for images.>I order my printsThis or go to a local shop for anything except constant printing. A home setup will be better overall for colour accuracy, exposure, and ensuring consistency. You also get to play with all sorts of exotic photo paper that otherwise wouldn't be available.But yeah, it gets pricey and if you don't print often enough you'll have to service the printer every now and then to keep the parts free of gunk or died ink etc.
I bought an epson ecotank 8550.. more than good enough for an amateur like me.