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What makes a picture actually "good"?
How much your camera set up cost you.
Evoking an emotion in the viewer. What makes a picture great? Evoking the emotion you intend, in the viewer.
For 99% of people and 99% of photographers, whether or not they want to fuck or want to be the woman in it and how well the way she's posing evokes that emotion. That's the vast majority of photograpy. The photographer just sets up the lights according to a formula that works and then iso100 f/16 1/250.

Anything else really depends on you and who you're showing your photos to. It's more contentious as far as art goes than other things like music where there really is an objective "good". Photography falls in with "modern art" so while you could say there are objective goods, everyone else involved in photography hates that idea. It's true. But they hate it and they go out of their way to force themselves to like things that are actually sort of bad in unique ways until they become the mask, kind of like someone who gets used to jerking off to skeleton porn just because they want to.
sexy women confirmed the secret to objectively good photography
>like music where there really is an objective "good".
can you put this at the top next time so i dont waste time reading your posts

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>100 Dollars
What more could you possibly want?
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holy shit

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>4 bucks
What more could you possibly want?

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Already a thing for VR

What is the best film slr with autowind and autofocus?
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That's pretty neat. Thing is, the a9 with SSM is like $1k, so for a film SLR with stabilized lenses it'd be a lot more expensive than going with nikon for example
Nah you can find them for around $300 on the reg on eBay or in actual camera stores. $1k is the absurdly inflated Keh or retarded "I know what I got" boomer price.
then I'll consider it along the nikon and canon options
thanks anon
Pointless to go Minolta if you want stablization. The tech started to hit around digital change over. And Sony had bought the company and put IS in the sensors for A mount, not the lens as Canon and Nikon did. 100% you would want to go Canon or Nikon if the goal is stabilized lens options on a film camera. From memory it's a 100mm Sigma Macro that works reliably on the A7. Even if there were stabilized options for A mount, SSM upgraded A9s are worse in most ways than A7 except for a sturdier body and higher shutter speed: 1/12000 vs 1/18000 iirc.
This made me laugh like a retard for several seconds, so thanks.

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What are some pictures that say a thousand words?

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Massive Dev Chart Edition

yes the app is worth the investment subedition

/fgt/ daily reminder (courtesy by anon): one stop per decade is (generally) bullshit
>negative film ages better than positive
>black and white better than color
>slow films better than fast
>storage conditions (dry/cool) matter more than years
>Negative film is shot 1 or 2 stops overexposed and then PULLED in development so that you build more density in the exposure and develop less such that the fog is limited
>slide/positive film is shot at box speed or overexposed and pulled.
>if you home develop you can also use benzotriazole as a restrainer for the the first developer in E6 process

Useful links

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pff hilariously accurate


Deluxe New Thread

sorry bruh, didn't see the thread was posted and there was no indication of that in the current one
I've deleted mine already, let's keep that one then
a gentleman

Besides the obvious like applying a film-preset (which looks terrible and not like film 100% of the time), messing with black levels and applying grain, what's missing for it to get the softness, colors and "feel" of film?
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>a cigarette
>addict pushes his dependency on others unprompted
ah yes the "oh and you need to try this joint, just once dont be a pussy" program druggy NPCs run on
cigarettes are pure degenerate faggotry. a century of advertising and product placement has made you associate some form of tobacco with a bohemian lifestyle, or "real niggas", or high flying rich guys with lantern jaws and personal whores. but that's not real. it's propaganda, put in place by one of the most evil and state protected drug cartels in human history and their close-as-ever friends in hollywood. it was only reality for a short while, between the point where the propaganda started working, and the point where people rediscovered what germany already figured out in the 30s: it's a dependency forming drug that actively kills people while conferring absolutely no benefits after the first half dozen hits.

you will only be a BETTER photographer if you don't fall for this meme. not even once. not even one puff. just one is all you need to cut your career short, run out of money, and ultimately be worse at everything because a smoker alternates between a wheezing, cranky, lethargic loser and sucking on their phallic object to feel close to normal for 10 minutes
nice rant retard, Its almost like the feel of an outdated product (cigarettes) might be similar to another outdated product (film). OP didnt ask to make himself a better photographer
Film feels like a drug dependency, lung cancer, erectile dysfunction, and cardiovascular degradation? nope. that's jsut your tobacco cartel brainwashing talking.

it's just a photo. cigarettes have no place here, and nothing to do with anything photography lately. tobacco has no place anywhere. i don't care if you're a shill or one of their brainwashing victims, take your satanic plant and shove it, (literal) faggot.
>drug dependency
chasing the film look is similar, yes
>lung cancer
inhaled too much developer, rip
>erectile dysfunction
yes only that crisp, smooth silver grained smoke gets the filmfag hard
>cardiovascular degredation
ok ur right nothing funny about a heart attack

>photography lately
so yeah there was a time when it did... they were shooting film

>blames the plant for tobacco cartels/human behavior
actually satanic
>film is like nicotine dependency
No, it's just a picture on a sheet of plastic.
>developer cancer
Never happened
>nonsense nonsense
>when it did
It never had anything to do with photography. Ever. "Lately" was an autocorrect "typo".
>S-satanic! everyone is responsible for themselves!
That's what satan says. "What's wrong with operating a satanic temple, people have free choice man, you're a fucking tyrant you know that maaaaan?"

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>spend hundreds per shoot trying to get good shots for my dating profile with different photographers
>no matches, images are terrible
>buy my own professional camera
>take my own pictures in good light
>matches skyrocket, get 1 chick pregnant

why didn't you guys tell me photographers are scammers that don't know what they are doing?

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You need a mirrorless with eye AF and a shutter remote.
Using an SLR you'll burn through some film dialing in focus and composition without some sort of live view. Could go that route just need either a timer or a remote shutter and a roll of film you're not fussed with losing.

Way easier with some sort of live view and an articulated screen.

For portraits it's a good idea to get some good lighting equipment. A good flash, a diffuser, maybe a reflective umbrella or lightdow might be useful. Lighting is most of what makes portraits look good. That and not being a ugly cunt, but let's keep things realistic,
I'm not great looking but I'm not ugly. I guess I could set it to f/8 but then I would lose the shallow portrait DoF. I just don't have any friends who would know how to work my cameras, lol. Maybe I meter the scene and just have them focus and press the shutter and I can bracket exposures that way as well
get a tripod, ask your friend to be where you want to, do everything (set iso if digital, focus, aperture, speed, framing etc. etc.) and then change places with them and just tell them to push 1 button
good idea tbqh

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hey /p/, i'm thinking of getting a camera and ditching my phone and i'm looking one of the best cameras of this size (it can be bigger that's fine but never like a dslr) but that i can at least swap the lenses, i don't know much about modern cameras but if there are some with usb-c so i can quickly transfer the photos to my pc and no gps/antena/wi-fi garbage just photos and videos with basic interface no bullshit
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?? Speedy image transfer
clearly you've never used it. it's slow, unstable, and relies on a godawful, jeet developed app.

wifi transfer is not even usable on $2500 full frame mirrorless shit. you take the card out, or you have an ethernet port for fast ftp uploads. this hasn't changed in like 15 years.
Only the white one, the E-PL7 does. Everything before that didn't iirc.
WiFi is okay for a handful of photos at max, since they somehow cram the worst antennae running at like max. 40Mbps and a single RAW can take like 5-10 seconds, let alone a whole folder full of RAWs and JPEGs. WiFi is conveience for single photos, and this goes for basically ANY camera with WiFi.

Honest to god just take your SD card out and stick it in a reader. Bonus points for the ethernet idea from >>4337831 since storing things on a NAS and sending shit at 5Gbps is glorious. Will need an SSD for that, as spinning rust will cap out at about 120Mbps without some fancy raid 0 nonsense you wouldn't use in a home NAS anyway. Fuck, what blue board is this again?
Sony have had type C ports on their full frame bodies since 2017. Not sure about their crop bodies though, it seems that some realised after that time still hade micro USB.
Yup the early years of USBc it was still being treated as a premium/top model feature and not just another port, so the 6x00 models took longer to get it.

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ok, so what now
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how else am I gonna take cool pics on film in a dark club during a concert?
all the bitches I know love these
Ask them to turn up the lights/lasers
go on squirt and find a hot daddy to suck his cock, you sexy little faggot
Also another flash and stand and shoot through umbrellas.
how am I gonna carry all that around in the club?

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How do you carry your camera in your bag without breaking it?

I have an Olympus Pen Lite E-PL5 and I have a leather case for it that protects it pretty well in my backpack, but I just picked up a used Olympus OM-D E-M10 (the first model) and I can't find any similar cases specific to this model (everything I'm finding is for the later versions of this model and I'm not sure if they're compatible with the original version.

What do you suggest? Or does anyone know if cases for the later versions will still fit this one? I want a case like I use now which is a leather jacket that attaches to the camera via the tripod mount, and then there's a cover to protect the lens which snaps onto the jacket.

(Pic related is from Google, it's not mine)

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Is aliexpress fake PU leather but will still protect the body

That say it's for the mark 4. Will it fit the original model?
Ah fuck me, my bad man. Looks like the Mk II, III, and IV share a case. I can find some listings that don't desginate a Mark but I can't say with a certainty they would fit. I would just order one of those for $10 and take the chance.

The first known photograph of a little girl

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PhotographerTodd-White Art Photography
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Thanks for the dedication anon
What is the point of this thread?
to bump

nothing wrong with take pictures of your cute dotter
Anons, do you take artistic pictures of young girls? Would you take such pictures (according to all legal requirements etc) ?

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Every photography Youtuber I come across seems to follow the same template:

>wears a fisherman beanie
>dressed in either boring vintage clothes or hiking gear in the inner city
>no personality beyond street nonsense and gear faggotry

Unironically where do they make all these guys? It's like a virus
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Her and her husband both are aging like fine wine
I almost bought one of these at the thrift store today but it was $80 and I know these fucks are gonna fleece me and the thing won't work
goddamn thrift store jews pricing shit higher than ebay prices for tested and working goods
>in the inner city
imagine following street photographers
>how much they look alike
lmao what? are you blind or something..

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I'm thinking about buying an EM5ii and dipping my toe into mtf. It they aren't super expensive and apparently this body is much better built than the following em5's, with a metal body instead of plastic. I like it's size and form factor as something I'd take out instead of my film camera in case of inclement weather or for longer trips where I don't want to worry about running out of film or sending film through the xray scanners.

I'm trusting you mtf faggots, if this is a horrible experience I'm going to be REALLY MAD about it.
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Honestly if you approach shooting M43 like shooting film, is not that bad

My favorite cameras in order

Pentax KF (I found it surprisingly easy to use, and for $700 new/$500 used it's a great value, the ergos worked for me and it's lack of touch screen wasn't a big deal cause it was pretty intuitive, if anything too many features for a novice. Being one of the cheapest full size old style DSLRs is cool and I loved the shutter sound)

Canon R50 (absolutely idiot proof, it's a perfect first camera for retards and I think canon did a great job with the software on the camera, nearly impossible to get a bad shot, my only complaint was the telelens making it look like im holding a stinger missile if I have to take aircraft photos)

Nikon D7500/Nikon Z50 (they felt nice in hand, especially the D7500, and the lenses were smaller than the Canons imo, also felt pretty easy to use, I liked the D7500 slightly more for it's faster shutter speed and chunkier ergos that made me feel like a pro but the Z50 had a touch screen and better software)

Sony A6400 (insane how fucking Adorama has it for $750 when most sellers charge the same for a used camera + it just werks also a great camera despite /p/ shitposting about snoy)

Least liked:

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Pentax pentax pentax
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>holding a stinger missile
May I introduce you to one of my astro setups

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I bought an R50 totally of my own introduction into photography with no real basis other than independent research and specs. Considering I was also learning basics at the time from the ground up, I attribute that to not getting the R10. I'm also a tight ass. I had no idea every redditfag and tuber was shilling the R50.

That being said I actually really like the thing. Sure I'd like more bells and whistles but I paid $800(AUD) with the kit lens and an R6MkII costs like $3000. No mech shutter is a bit shit for certain things, but I bought it originally just to make memories, not BOKEH. Will also note that the EF adapter + an EFS telephoto makes the thing look memefessional.

I now own a pair of M43 cameras I got for like $500 together with a kit lens and have gotten a few cheap lens additions; maybe $800 total investment in M43 kit vs. $1800 for the R50 kit. I find I take my M43 more as a "daily" and the canon comes out when I purposefully want to take good photographs and astro.

Both are great kits, and in a way the Olympus M43s covers the R50's weaknesses. IBIS and Mech shutter paired with a fuckin' diamond sharp macro prime is a killer combo I could not recommend more.

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obivously you shove in the adapter on and theres many vids of that online , but how do you meter properly? I realized recently that pk era film lenses and their respective bodies have a little turning pin that pokes out. When the aperture turns, it turns the pin to help give the aperture number to the body to help correctly meter. I mean sure, you can press the m42 lenses button that stops down the aperture, but i still dont get how will help the light meter if it is not being directly told the aperture number in the body. Unless the adapter turns the pin all the way open for metering , and you simply stop down to your aperture to get a readout , but i still dont get how this would work because wouldnt the pin on the camera body detemine change in metering when the aperture is changed?
I cant tell if im being a whiny ass bitch and overthinking it and it will be fine when i get an adapter or if i will need to buy an external light meter for my camera.

TLDR: worried metering wont work properly on pk bodies when using the m42 adapter , and that i will need to buy an external one. Will i need to buy an external meter or what? If it helps the camera bodies i own that are pk are a ricoh kr5 and a pentax p30.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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danke shon
on my k70 i press a button which makes the mirror flip up and the lens stop down to meter and that changes the shutter speed
the camera won't know the aperture
yikes. why bother then? selling this piece of shit
Such is life when adapting ancient trash
There are two types of adaptors. For lenses that don't have an auto/manual switch, you need an adaptor with a step down at the rear of the thread that permanently depresses the stop down button that protrude from the rear of the lens housing.
>the camera won't know the aperture
It does though, it's wide open if you haven't depressed that little button and the k-mount cameras are incapable of doing that. They use a completely different mechanism.

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Why hasn't /p/ had any successful memes in years?

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Four of those are mine
I remember seeing "shoot wide open -- in broad daylight" meme here in /p/ a long time ago
And 1 is mine. Evidently they perceive our superior maturity as a threat.
Imagine being such a fatherless mentor-hostile simp that thinking 'old man' is anyhting but a sad indictment of their own futurelessness.
'peoples backs' needs a selection of images appropriately captioned too.
Chip on your shoulder?
You? I thought you were American. Probably you got some Vienna too in the US of A, but I mean the one in Europe.
Anyhow would be cool to have a photo friend for some walks.

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