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Do you have a photography studio or mobile setup? I've been wanting to do shoots with more creative sets and I'm considering setting up a home studio.

What are the essentials? Do you have any tips or budget options for light diffusion or backdrops?

I shoot newborn and portrait photography and plan on starting with a 48in softbox but would love input from anyone with more experience.
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that depends entirely on the space used
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my current/old setup.. looking to downgrade since I moved house and lost my space, moved away from friends and generally became a shut-in.

godox 600ws strobe (ad600)
godox 350ws strobe
a speedlight or two as a hair light
light stand
C-stand with boom arm
1.5x2m 5-in-1 reflector
background support
3x kate backdrop sets
2x grey paper rolls (1.5m and 2.7m wide)

60" umbrella softbox

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Why'd you go with a 60in softbox? I've been debating between a giant 65in diffused umbrella and a 48in softbox. Also, why get rid of the stuff if you could store it till you need it next? Is it taking up too much room?
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honestly, coz it was fairly big umbrella box (biggest I could get at the time) and just never upgraded it to something bigger/better.
the Paul C Buff PLM or the softlighter II were always 'dream' softboxes, but the shipping from the US always killed any real value they had, so I stuck with the chinese imports (which have improved DRASTICALLY in the last 5 years)

just get the biggest one you can get your hands on, double-diffuse it and you're set for a nice replicated window light.

>Also, why get rid of the stuff if you could store it till you need it next? Is it taking up too much room?
Mainly because I don't use it anymore, and I can't see myself using it in the near future, which is unfortunate. I hate hoarding stuff, i'm a bit of a packrat that goes through hoard and purge stages, just reaching my purge stage.
I also travel quite a lot for work and I get put up in nice hotels/apartments, so i'm looking to move to a more portable, airport travel friendly setup

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How much do you actually know about flash photography? It can get hyper expensive so if you're new you might want to go light on purchases.

I live in a city where renting a studio is very cheap so I can just do that whenever I want to. That being said I do want a portable home studio just because that would give me a huge amount of flexibility. I honestly don't think most people need much more than what I am going to suggest. (obviously also tripods and sang bags and clamps, etc)

3-4 Godox AD200 (Pro or not, the newest have beautiful bright screens)

1 X3 trigger

3-4 Bowens adapter for any modifier you can imagine.

3-4 Light modifiers (This really doesn't matter as long as you have options)

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>buy analog camera
>go take photos
>look inside
>no photos
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Do you ever leave the house lol?
If I'm going out, either with friends or just on business I've often never been to where I'm going, and some of my best shots have come from just walking to my destination.
Also phones are shit, including android. Soft lenses, pre-processed RAWs, touch controls.
>phones are le shit, le too soft
Stop buying iphones. Pixels have the best cameras.
I own a pixel camera you retard, it's still shit.
>picrel is an unedited DNG

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Image Created2025:01:31 23:17:29
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Subject Distance4.83 m
FlashNo Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length6.90 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
White BalanceAuto
Subject Distance RangeDistant View
>dont clean or protect the lens, dont use computational photography
>dont make any effort to compose a photo or avoid flare (also a problem up to $1000 lenses)
>hjalp guys my phone camera bad
It is visibly sharp enough even for a mild crop. User error.
>complains about AI smeary shit in iphones
>encourages the use of computational photography
Choose one.
Yeah this photo is shit, it's not a photo I would ever claim is good, and I chose it because it gives a good example of how shit this camera can be. I've had some decent photos on this phone, but it's an uphill battle against a camera which is outdone by most decent 2008 point and shoots.

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I want to get into cosplay photography. How do I take pics like this?
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>how much do you usually make at cons
I think you know the answer to that question
Now we're talking. Conventions are for networking and bolstering your portfolio, without which you'd have nothing to show if you wanted to bag a private shoot

IP address: India
I'm gonna hijack your thread with another question: My pictures look too sterile ... idk random im photographing touhou characters in unconventional scenarios mostly that is due to us getting shitfaced though. There is nothing better than patchuli during a thunder somewhat wet standing under a cheap but stop with the makeup slightly running down but not too much to not make her look more qt. Smoking a cigarette. But when I take a pic of it it doesn't look like ... it looked and im dissapointed the moment i go home. How do I like capture this sorta "feels" part of cosplay not just some artificially pale chingchong bitches in a 150$ aliexpress dress
do you have a collection of these pictures?
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no but heres a cirno

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeCanon
Camera ModelCanon EOS 5D Mark IV
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 14.1.1 (Macintosh)
PhotographerKevin Pang
Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.4
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Image Created2025:01:19 15:46:25
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Focal Length50.00 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Exposure ModeManual
White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard

>the widest lens I own is a 38mm
>the widest lens I own for an ILC is 40mm
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You're just as bad for posting this, you predictable faggot
OP you're still a faggot though, wide angles have many uses that don't involve doing street from two blocks away from the subject

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Long story short, saw a cheap listing in the local classifieds section for a T90 and a Canon FD 200mm F2.8. I bought it mainly for the glass which turned out to be a turd that needs cleaning, but then I had a look at the T90, put in some batteries and fired it. Seemed to work, but then after a few clicks i got the EEEE error and it would not fire, took out the batteries and put them in again and got it to fire once more before the same EEEE, this process could be repeated predictably. Batteries out and in again, fire, then EEE. Tried googling a bit and found suggestions about bumping it and whatnot, but it didn't seem to do anything so after a while of doing amateurish testing I just put it away in the hoard of other faulty cameras, then fast forward a couple of months and i decided to take a look at it again and whaddaya know.. it now fires every single time and without issue.
So my question, was it perhaps just some capacitor that needed to be recharged?

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Camera repair tech and T90 owner here. Is there any oil on the shutter blades? There is a foam seal at the bottom of the shutter that deteriorates over time. Can you verify the shutter is actually opening and closing? The problem will go away if it gets heated up enough to where the viscosity o the oil is thin enough to permit shutter blade travel.

If so there is a quick and dirty way to fix it, which I have done successfully many times, there's a Youtube video that covers it.
I left it without batteries in them for a couple of hours and the EEE problem reappeared, but after firing it a few times it started working again. Shutter is opening and closing. No oil on the blades.
It doesn't like long exposures so that is a piece of the equation it seems.
Cleaned the blades gently with an alcohol wipe although they didn't seem dirty. Managed to fire off 6 consecutive 30 sec exposures without issue.
This thing works now for some reason. Didn't touch it for a few days after it started functioning properly as in no EEE and now I can even do long exposures straight from the get go with no failures. So I don't know what did it, probably just needed to be worked in a bit.

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Collectorfag here. Got into photography a couple of years back so don't have any reference points beyond that. I have seen booms and busts in other markets, but with used camera equipment this is probably something new or am I wrong?
Thinking more specifically on the vintage lens craze that saw a peak some 2 years ago and has been declining ever since.
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I had a high end digicam priced at $80 for 2 years before it sold. Fast forward and I just bought the exact same camera for slightly above that by sniping and I flipped it instantly for twice that amount. That is how much the market has changed.
I think the camera manufacturers are catching on though.. no way they will sit idly by when people are paying above inflation adjusted retail for what was considered e-waste a couple of years ago.
I am somewhat torn when it comes to vintage lenses as collectibles / investments though. One the one hand they are extremely difficult to tamper with without noticing and they will never be reproduced or copied in a way that makes it unrecognizable compared to say normie collectible card games or even precious metal bullion that may sit in a safe for decades before it is revealed to be high quality fakes, but on the other hand optical design has seen wast improvements and the amount of people autistic enough to care about their history is probably small enough to feed the demographic indefinitely.
Lenses have seen quite a big drop in prices as well from the top which was interestingly probably around the same time that the digicam hype started in full.
It's mostly hypebeast/social media pushing where people who are easily impressionable and do not know what they really want are watching the absurd clickbait/tiktok vids.

The digishit trend is honestly retarded to me as some one who grew up when they first came out, I can understand small pocketable cameras no issue with that, but people that are trying to get that "early vibe" or chase what they view as "vintage" stuff kinda blows my mind.
The vintage lens craze is similar
>ooooo but the uniqueeeee bokehhhhhh broooo
>you just don't understand, the lack of sharpness is it's charm!1! no you just can't decrease sharpness in post to get the same effect!!!!!
>but but but it's a f1.0
Meanwhile it looks worse than a shit nifty fifty wide open while costing 10x+ more. Not including the CA/LOCA.

Collector's get a pass in my opinion.
>"early vibe"
It is just zoomers being nostalgic about the type of photos their parents used to take of them in their childhood the few years they had digicams before chucking them in favor of cellphones. The noisy sensor flash photos do look radically different from what has been posted on social media for the last decade or so. I am sure they will be sick of it sooner or later. The modern compact digicam market is still very strong though and will probably remain so. I can also understand it from the viewpoint of finding these strange cameras fascinating since they have probably never really handled anything other than touchscreens. Some of the cameras are indeed beautiful pieces of technology as well so they probably have an added allure in that regard.

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Where to find hot girls to photograph, preferably in cosplay or something and what focal length to use?

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dead disco
hence the, should I shoot at 50mm or 85mm?

better reults, but you will be physically further away from them.
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Go to strip club, say you’re an art student & need a model for a softcore shoot, & they can bring a friend to the shoot for moral support if they want, you just want to hire someone for a couple hours who can be patient while you figure out all your equipment bc you’ve never worked with a live model before. AND you’ll give them the final set of images they can use if they like them. Makes them feel like they have some power in the deal. Ask if they have a bulletin board you can pin your ad up on. Some do. Go in looking like a nerd, and talking like you’re more interested in your art project than them, and don’t dress or act like a strip club slimeball trying to get laid.
conventions, actually the reason I'm here is that I have what you seem to be asking about but I sort of want to spice up the pictures I take ...

what would I want to use thats portable and I can give to some stranger to hold without it costing me 1/3 of my income or sth if he drops it? Issue is that I'm sort of on the pictures getting shitfaced usually but I want it to look cool

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Is nikon b500 a good camera or should i get an iphone 11
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They still do, and there's a market now for camera decal skins too. Non-black just doesn't sell as well historically.
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I don't think I want any of these but it's nice to have the option I guess, fuckin love my blob though

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I had something similar at one point and it's a bit of a let down in most regards. You're getting a P&S with a telescopic lens glued to the front. Results are pretty trash if you have money for other options, but if you're poor it can be a good pick for birding and whatnot.
stop listening to people on this board and just buy a camera.
you'll have so much more fun using a real camera for photography verses looking like a creep or looking like you dont know what you're doing when you use your phone
If it's the only camera you have, it'll be great, otherwise I'd look into getting something else. You're getting the image quality of a point and shoot with none of the benefits in terms of portability.
Either go for a decent APS-C/FF camera or a pocketable P&S with RAW.

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Old bread >>4393171
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I wanted to get a sony ax53 4k handycam because i was inspired by the mv “Victim” by drain gang and want to shoot similar looking footage. Is it worth buying and if not can anyone recommend a camera that shoots the same as the video mentioned above.

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Not if you have $2k for an s5iix
I personally want a video camera with optical zoom. Seems like my most cost effective solution is an older camcorder.
Motorized zooms and ergonomics are the main reasons for using a camcorders the way I see it.
Panasonic JUST announced the HC-X1200, probably the best option for a camcorder right now for $1300 and comes with everything anyone would want. Barely any companies coming out with new camcorders anymore. But they shine at recording long format, or run and gun. For example the HC-X1200 can record 6 hours of 4k60 10bit with one battery.
Die ironicfag, you don't belong in this world

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>Yes, I have thousands of dollars worth of electronics in my backpack, how could you tell? Yes, I am low test and likely unable to defend myself.

How do you carry your gear? I don't use a dedicated camera backpack since I don't want to be a walking red flag.
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Wandrd Fernweh. Liked it enough that it became my go-to for 1-2 night backpacking, even if I don't bring camera gear.
Just buy a $10 little camera pouch off amazon and put it in a normal comfortable backpack. Photography backpacks are all garbage.
just get a hiking backpack not a camera one
i use a military one but thats cause i want gay camo
I hold my camera in one hand and a glock in the other. No bags. No clothes.
Sling bag.

Being able to swing your bag around is huge for doing things quickly. It's a lot better to be able to put your camera away and then take it out again within 5~ seconds. Plus, swinging your bag forward can really help for convenience when you sit down, adventure, or otherwise need to protect your bag from bashing into things in crowds etc.
I used a Lowepro for years as an event photographer but now I just use the AmazonBasics bag for wildlife shit. Literally measured my camera gear like a fucking nerd to make sure my setup would fit.

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Post your favorite painterly photos with female models/actresses.

I'll start
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is that a reference to the richard avedon audrey hepburn shot?
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Not sure myself
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This has long been one of my favorites
grim weeaboo rubbish, awful lighting. next.
>insert Peta Jensen model pics.

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>post your selfmade development and enlargement shit

>thread question
what new year resolutions have you already fucked up and which ones you still have going?

Previous thread

/fgt/ daily reminder (courtesy by anon): one stop per decade is (generally) bullshit
>negative film ages better than positive
>black and white better than color
>slow films better than fast
>storage conditions (dry/cool) matter more than years
>Negative film is shot 1 or 2 stops overexposed and then PULLED in development so that you build more density in the exposure and develop less such that the fog is limited

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portra for me. i know it's overdone but it's the cheapest color 120 film online

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that nigger mad ugly
damn medium format is pretty smooth grained, even in kentmere. i just wish my local shops got kentmere 120 in stock, they only have hp5, fp4, and delta

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Previous >>4359803

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/p/ cock?

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>tfw saw a beautiful ruby throated humming bird doing a display 5 feet from me but I didn't have my camera with me

I should go to the cemetery and take some photos of the peacocks there sometime.
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don't buy fooj

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Subject Distance RangeUnknown
pull back your highlights
No more birds.. I wish I had a real camera...!

>this camera has a dual ISO of 64 and 500 so I get a clearer image at 500 than 200
what the fuck is he talking about?
8 replies and 3 images omitted. Click here to view.
Does anyone even make cameras with pixels larger than 6um anymore?
I have absolutely zero clue. It's a 33mp ccd sensor from 2006ish.
just got this video rec'd - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4oOWWb8dp04
it all makes sense but i never thought about these things this way.
cameramakers could solve this problem by making iso just a field in the exif rather than baking it into the raw files, and using digital gain for jpegs
then total dynamic range would be a flat line (two flat lines really), though of course you would get more headroom the higher your ISO was
but they won't because dpreview would bitch about "fake iso"
honestly this video is based. I'm OP and I had no idea what the fuck matt was talking about, but this guy is describing the sensor in the same way the detector in mass specs are described and I do have experience with that and how they often had dual sensors (light based specs might be the same too, honestly but I only had experience with those in college, not professionally) where in mass specs, or at least the one I used, one detector basically counted the physical number of ions hitting the sensor and the other detector was for when there were too many ions to count so it needed to convert the ions hitting into a current and then measure the current through a resister or whatever. the thing that fucking sucked about this is you had to make sure the 2 sensors agreed because they could be independently calibrated and it was fucking annoying if your data range needed to use both sensors

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