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Micro contrast is not real. 3D pop is not real.
Well, they may be real phenomena of an image, but they are not imparted by certain lenses due to certain optical designs.

Anyone who supports the idea of 3D pop, Zeiss pop, or micro contrast is an anti-science luddite or a grifter.

Watch any of these people try to explain what 3D pop or micro contrast is and their bullshit is self evident. If a phenomenon cannot be described using scientific language and measured objectively, it isn't real.

Every time you see an A/B test for 3D pop or microcontrast, the tester is using different camera bodies, or the composition is different, the color grade is different, different exposure levels or the lighting has changed.

The only other area that has so much peasant level superstition has got to be pro audio.
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Can you prove it?
You truly are like a battered wife.
Concession accepted. Thanks.
Wait, none of you are me! impostors
Opinion discarded

You can no longer have more than two lenses. What will they be?

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He's right, why not a Df, same sensor as D4 and weighs 1/3 as much
idk i want the big fatso battery grip and dat fps
i have a voigtlander 27mm f2 and it's pretty much welded on my camera, it could be a fixed lens device at this point. Given the comfort of having two lenses, I'd probably keep my shitty samyang 35mm f1.2, or revert back to 7artisans 35mm f0.95 that I weirdly liked a lot despite how shitty it was. So, I'd have one tiny little pancake on a wider side, and one standard 50mm equivalent that would be very bright.
Some standard zoom with my favorite prime lens
theres a pin sharp 1.7 in both A and M flavours and a 1.4 thats a little more expensive but the 0.3 of light doesn't really do that much difference, theres also this XR rikenon f2 that has a very good rep

Any tips for street photography in Marrakesh? Apparently Moroccans believe a part of their soul is stolen when their picture is taken. I know people who have been accosted for simply holding a camera. How can I do it bros without being martyred?

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Camera SoftwareDigital Camera X100F Ver1.00
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Umm autistic people rise up?
I just started developing the film. I still got to "scan" them and convert them. Hope to make a thread soon
just do urban landscapes or street with no ppl.
Industrial theme it. Power lines, cracks on the pavement, vacant parking lots, dumbster fires.
Moroccans don't believe their souls are stolen but they do see an easy victim from miles away.
The country is a dump, like a piece of India right next to Europe but also one of the most photogenic places on earth (like India I suppose)

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Are there any reasons to choose A7IV over A7III?

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeSONY
Camera ModelNEX-5N
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 10.2 (Windows)
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Scene Capture TypeStandard
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Off-topic: do we know anything about the A7 V?
Not much yet, but it's likely to have some of the minor upgrades from the A7CII and retain the same 33mp. Also a higher shutter speed too.
What about the release? 2025?
Yeah Q1 of 2025.
The a7v and a7rvi will probably have new sensors to prevent people from realizing the older ones are still good. Probably high speed video shit sensors with DR loss.

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Why does Sony have objectively the worst color science out of all the cameras?
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Did not realize canon was so BASED.
Because sony still makes better cameras for most people, with better colors. So much better that shills gotta lie to cope.
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>with better colors

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Yes. This looks like nikon despite the non gelled direct flash. Sony is the best. Deal w it.
Considering Sony users and Nikon users actually filed class action to hold manufacturers responsible and Canon users didn't, no, it really doesn't sound like projection at all.

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But I love 'em

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where are the rocks?
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oh my bad, here you go

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeLeica Camera AG
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Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop CC 2018 (Windows)
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you never disappoint, out of all the /p/hotographers you are my fav, keep up the good work anon.
This is superb. How would I get this look on video?
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Hey thanks.

Get a camera, remove the IR filter on the sensor (alternatively get a full spectrum camera) and then put on filters to remove all UV but only some of the IR. (skip UV filter if sensor is only made sensitive to IR)
Oh and shoot raw, a Digital Bolex might be your best bet for this look.

This fuckin camera renders shaded lush greens as almost pale white on an overcast summer day
(picrel number 1 is with an IR cut filter and number 4 is without one)

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Been doing b&w for almost 3 years now. Posts will be roughly chronological so you can (hopefully) see the progression.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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Camera ModelX100V
Camera SoftwareGIMP 2.10.12
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Image Created2022:10:11 23:27:38
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Great stuff OP I really enjoyed looking at your images
Don't lie to him
Pretty good stuff, OP.
My favourites :

Like one anon said, it seems like you follow strictly the composition rules, but the result is there. And black & white really suits your style.

>I personally think those photos would be better without the people
I disagree, they are effectively an anchor for the viewer's attention.
i like this one

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DSLR user here who did not fall for the mirrorless meme. Looks like its been a very smart decision.
All this time I have been saving my money and now have enough to jump in and grab something good from the next generation of cameras after mirrorless.
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Trips woodboxbro btfos the rest of the thread
Every generation has its peaks after which nothing improves. mirrorless just hit most of its peaks very early because professional videographers are driving the market hard and professional photographers are still using older shit.

>DSLR peaking for photo
nikon d750, d850
canon 5div, 5ds r
pentax k-1 mk1

>Mirrorless peaking for photo
sony a7cii - best travel/hobby camera
sony a7rv - best high resolution full frame camera
canon r6ii, r5 mk1 - best all around professional cameras
nikon zf - best prosumer camera, best for adapting manual lenses

>what mirrorless still has to achieve

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Viewfinder brightness was a solved issue until light was siphoned off for autofocus systems.
I've decided I would rather have shitty or no autofocus than a viewfinder that's dark and has no split prism/microprism.
I've spend less than €1k on my total gear in about 5 years of shooting.
Unlike your dinosaur click clacker I can also resell it instantly for the same amount.
>canon r6ii, r5 mk1 - best all around professional cameras

>Dual wielding allows you to double your capturing capabilities in the same amount of time

What are some other lesser known useful photography tips and tricks?
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I still stand by my statement so where's the backpedalling?
>foreigner humor
Do you have Germanic ancestry by chance?
fun fact
there is no "chroma" noise
it doesn't exist

you just have noise
noise is noise
and guess what?
noise is noise

yeah you heard me
noise is noise
so noise is just noise and what does that even MEAN????

well noise is just that

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gimbal handle has a thumb joystick to control the desired position
gimbal holds and stabilized that orientation with gimbal magic when not thumbing the stick

this is why he isn't 2 hands on the stills cam
he's fingering the gimbal in real-time
this is true dual wielding

OH NO not AGAIN Sony bros... how can we ever recover from this?
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Do they really break apart just by touching it?
I don't care what you do, in fact if you keep inflating the prices of shit cars, I can buy all the good ones.
>I spend my cash on camera gear
"I'm a one dimensional human, and a gearfag"
Weird thing to admit but ok ill take your word for it.
/p/ has fucking shittier opinions on cars than it does on cameras my god
By repeatedly scraping at it with a sharp object or a fingernail.
The seal on the Sony crumbles straight away just by touching it from normal use.

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Do zoomers care about CCD videography? I have some old VHS video cameras I restored that have 1/2" CCD sensors inside and they look great if you bypass the tape and export the raw video right to a capture card.
I've been trying to market myself to zoomers who want the VHS effect but nobody is biting .
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pony tail man
Camera reveal??
Its a GE vhs camera from the 80s
I will never understand how anyone buying a camera that does video was ever convinced to go from global shutter (like this) to rolling shutter.

Imagine a device designed to capture motion, being bad at capturing motion! Nearly every video camera is like that now, and will be completely obsolete and not missed once global shutter takes over again.
More important is that fact the entire image is taken at the same time (global shutter), therefore handheld camera shake still looks good, especially at the high refresh rate.

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Why do cameras have more than one autofocus point? Are you people really just trusting the camera is going to guess what you want in focus? That's insane.
You are insane.

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The ZF has some of the best tech in the worst package period. Its a giant brick that relies on menu diving to do half the shit it can do. A sony would feel comfortable and easy to use.

Only get it if you’re absolutely allergic to simply upgrading to a better DSLR, ie: d850, k3-iii.
>The ZF is only -10ev with nikon’s f1.2 lens.
Yeah, which is "only" -8.5EV at f2.
For reference, the Z50 is only -4EV at f2. Sony's a1 and a7rv are also -4EV at f2, and a9III is -5EV at f2, and a7sIII at -6EV.
Canon, who also uses f1.2, rates the R5II, R1, and R3 at -6EV for f2.

A Zf at f8 would be able to focus in darkness where a Z50 at f2 couldn't.
>Z6iii wasn't just a Zf in a modern body
That's called a Z6II, anon
You wouldn't notice the difference if you only shoot building corners in AF single. If you're actually shooting stuff that matters (moving targets) then you'd know that AF tracking and continuous modes have gotten 100x better over the last 20 years. It could almost make someone like you autofocus as fast as someone like me could manual focus. You would still compose the shot wrong though.
I have only ever used the middle focus point.

Why the fuck would you want to play focus point roulette? I've never understood this.

BTW, eye AF existed in the film era - I'm considering getting an EOS 3 for this reason alone - the only way multiple focus points would make sense.

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First attempt at street. Missed focus a bit... any tips?

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Stop being a pervert holy shit.
the novel is better
>creepy voyeur pics
typical "street" photofag
A bit too much dead space at the bottom of the frame, otherwise competent.
Buy a film camera with a focussing aid in the viewfinder.

The way I see it is that when focussing manually you have a choice between focussing aids (split prism etc.) and focussing AIDS (DSLR with no split prism or other focus aid).

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What's a good alternative, Is 6 still viable?
I dont intend to pay so price isn't an issue.
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I love it when people scream about paying for a subscription. Bro you are subscribed to Netflix and Amazon most likely.

You're kind of paying for a subscription every time you get on a bus or a train. You don't own the service.
Even $500 per year to make better photos with less work is literally nothing you poorfag

Decent jobs shell out twice that per week
Nah, I don't pay any kind of subscription. Even my phone is on prepaids.

...and yes, I'm poor. With my education (PhD in applied physics, solid state ionics) all I can do is to work for minimal wage at national institute, equivalent of 750$ per month (after taxes).
>Even my phone is on prepaids.

Thats called being poor. Not rebellious.
>Even my phone is on prepaids
Same, never going to be on contract for a phone plan

Since frogs invented both photography and cinema, we shouldn't pay much attention to these particular "art" forms.
<I can make with pierced coffee can better pictures and I've done it so in the past.
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nta, but it isn't. Art has a strict definition and criteria. Whether or not you respond to Art in a resonate way is subjective.
Your post is art. Because of how elegantly retarded your opinion is and it's honestly a miracle you could even put it into words.
All painters are failed photographers. Probable because they shot Sony the first time they tried it.
>Art has a strict definition and criteria.
Which banana taped to wall fulfills kek
>without art people would still survive
Remove all art from the world and people would immediately start making art. It's in our nature, you cannot remove it

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