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Limit all questions of gear in here.

Previous thread: >>4392821

You ever feel like you have too much gear?

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359 replies and 52 images omitted. Click here to view.
I don't see the point of a bag that you're only going to put a body and single lens in, you can just put the body on a strap and save yourself the step of taking the camera out of the bag. If you want to carry one additional lens then either stick it in a pocket or get a lens pouch to go on your belt.
You don't understand EDC.

You don't want to have a camera swinging around to potentially bang on things while you're shopping, driving, or at work.
Cars have plenty of rooms to put a camera
>at work
Who EDCs a big ILC camera at work if taking photos isn't part of their job? And if it's part of your job then you want the camera out and ready
Just put the camera at your front instead of hanging by your side
The G9X is a little thinner but the RX100 is still easily pocketable. Other than that, a little extra reach, and a touch screen there's not much else better about it. The Sony has a slightly wider lens that's significantly faster at the long end, a tilting screen (can point forward if you're into selfies), an EVF for when the sun's making it hard to see the screen, a more powerful flash, faster burst shooting, a second dial on the rear, and better battery life.
you deserve that for having that god awful skin on your camera. what are you 14?

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Can some camera nerd tell me what camera they used from the part 0:24? Is it some old camcoder? Or how could I achieve this effect?


Also general camcoder thread I guess.
Die ironicfag, you don't belong in this world
I honestly don't like ironic people. They tend to laugh at my face, kick me out of places, patronize me a lesson, be extremely avoidant, be sardonic, and just flat out be condescending. In many ways the time I spend on a toilet usually is more relaxing than being with someone who is ironic. It's not so much them being ironic, it's them being intellectually a prick like imagine someone who instead of bragging about a sports car tends to say "durr" and brags about their intelligence. Just absolutely douchey. I feel sorry for them because they feel lonely in real life. I kinda wonder why considering their smart-ass attitude a lot.
Foul ironicfag, death is too good for you!
$UICIDEBOY$ in the big 2025
Every day there’s some fuckin know-nothing gen alfalfa asking “how do I achieve this effect?”. The fucking answer us, by learning about film, video, photography, learning about the tools, experimenting with them, and finding things you like.

You start way acquiring the fucking knowledge and then do what you can with that knowledge, you don’t skip over the knowledge, asking other people to figure shit out for you, and then produce a product with any quality, that’s not how anything works ever.

How are chinese companies able to sell all metal manually focusing super fast lenses that jewtubers shill for like $100-$200?
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>oh my science a new ultra-sharp lens!
>finally I can appreciate my photos of drywall at 800% zoom
>^giga autist with no taste and appreciation of the unique
>im so unique and such a non autistic artist and creative thinker and such an artist for buying a whole new lens for the equivalent of spraying a $5 UV filter with canola oil! this is because of the depth transmission of non-ED glass and not losing 3d pop rendering from too many elements!
Unrestrained liberal creativity vibes.

Sharp lenses can be cropped so you can zoom with a prime or zoom more with a zoom. That’s the whole point. You can always create effects another way instead of collecting 50 laowa olympanons for slightly different haze effects and color shifts.

Oh but then you would have to be creative and develop a skill beyond camera shopping to spice up your building corners and backs of pedestrians.
For the record I don't own any chinese lenses, I'm honestly not a huge fan of them. I do like vintage lenses however.
But to be open beyond the shitposting, I own precisely two lenses for my camera, one is sharp and modern, and one is the 70 buck lens I previously mentioned. Both have their place.
Lenses with interesting characteristics are great and in the right circumstances can emphasize a good photo, but I also understand that modern lenses also have their benefits.
calling one objectively superior is what I have a problem with. Ultimately photography and the desired photographs are different for each photographer and I consider it retarded to declare one true way without realising that for every 1000 photographers, there will be 1000 differing methodologies.
well yeah, but compared to the leica 0.95/nikon noct/voigtlander 50/1 it is relatively cheap and actually beats the leica when stopped down
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btw i recently bought a second hand 7artisans 50/0.95 (the aps-c version) for my fullframe camera and even though the vignette is well, brutal (compared to how the ttartisans 50/0.95 looks on medium format), its quite fun. posted some shots in >>4402620 but heres another one.

Hey I need to know some good camera apps for android, like some hidden ones, gcam doesn't seem to work.
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Seconded. Opencamera is the best, gives you full RAW support and is Open Source.
different anon here but I like to use opencamera on my pixel 7 with intentionally bad and old codecs from the era mobilephones weren't considered serious photography devices because it does look like videos I took with a flipphone as a teen in a way

[also I probably don't belong on this board and my argument in a way is sort of that it looks worse -> aesthetics whatever so lol fuck it]
i feel like you actually do belong on this board, the "digishit" aesthetic is a frequent topic

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I took this photo on July 28th of last year 2024, at approximately 4:36 am. That day was one I looked forward to with excitement, because I was going to be alone in my house for the entire day. Due to problems that I had been carrying all year, I could not communicate with a person whom I love with all my being, since my parents disapprove of our relationship. They are strong believers in the Catholic religion, so you can imagine what they think.Going back to the previous point, I woke up as soon as I heard the door close, I sneaked out to make sure they left,Once they were gone, I proceeded to write to my beloved, I lasted until 3:46 am, telling him about the problems I was going through at that time,About how supposed friends had left me, and above all, how much I loved him... When I finished writing to you, I spent the rest of the night playing on my government laptop (Canaima), mainly Roblox, since it seemed appropriate to play classic experiences or with few players, mainly those furthest from the hand of God, in my opinion it is... simply beautiful, But I am straying too far, immersed in my melancholy, waiting for a response from my beloved, I turned to look at the landscape in the window, That purple sky, with the light of the rising sun, I was mesmerized by such a beautiful scene, I remembered that I had a song suitable for the moment, No surprices of Radiohead, I put it in my player, opened WhatsApp, and played it, that scene made me cry.Sorry, well, that's how I took this photo, thank you very much for reading, this photo is very beautiful to me, and I hope you feel the same, thank you.

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lol fag
ur the faggot, bitch

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Why 85mm, 105mm and 135mm
>muh compression
I get that, but why those 3 specific numbers. why not like 90mm? or 100mm?
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because at some points there were rangefinder cameras which displayed framelines for different focal lengths in the viewfinder. these frame lines were physically built into the camera, so when the manufacturer of the camera body made one that had 85mm frame lines, it wouldn't have made sense to build a 90mm lens for it.
>why only mention the most used focal lengths instead of listing every single possible combination?
are you perchance retarded?
I'm saying why are those 3 arbitrary numbers the most common
>anon can't into context
Yes, you are retarded.
They are apparently sweet spots for maximizing performance with regards to historic lens manufacturing constraints and designs.

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This is a melanistic penguin. It is extremely rare.

It has a mutation that makes it entirely black due to an excess amount of melanin.

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This thread should go over well.
Melanin enriched individual

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Anyone here stick a 105mm f/2.4 pentax 67 lens on a pentax 645 body and was it worth it?
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OP here. in looking at photos online of this set up idk if only retards shoot it but the bokeh looks way too panicky and it annoys me
>Triggered by the truth
There is no rational reason to shoot film
learn to constrain the color palette and dynamic range of a photo and add a grain sim instead of paying kodak to do it for you
Insane cope.
>add grain sim
look at what the digicucks need to do to mimic our power
you will never understand
just let it go

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I am having a very major issue with the x100vi, I have tried troubleshooting in every way I possibly could and now I am not sure what to do. The first issue is that I am unable to edit/save/ or do anything involving making custom film simulations. The second issue is I am unable to reset the camera in any way, when I click reset, it does nothing.

So far I have tried the following: Turn off and on, remove battery and SD card, switch SD cards, update firmware. Charged it, let the battery basically run out.

I am stumped on what to do next, I tried searching online for hours but found no one had similar these same issues. I am wondering if In should return the camera.
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I just copy pasted the OP into chat gpt. Curious if it is correct.
This is op, I have the auto update off, and also the lock is off right now. I don't think I am able to reinstall the firmware. I was looking at GPT's solutions earlier but these were new ideas it didn't give me.
Yeah even though ik it is extremely rare it might actually be a software issue. I also looked through the manual but it was just very basic information that didn't help. The lock would gray out the reset button so I know something with the reset buttons are straight up not working.
Sounds like maybe it can't write to its internal configuration memory. Did the firmware update actually work i.e. did the firmware version reported by the camera change? Firmware may or may not be stored on the same chip as configuration.
I don't know anything about fuji cameras, this is only speculation from working on embedded systems. But I can tell you flash memory absolutely wears out and will usually go read-only when it does.
>these were new ideas it didn't give me
almost like it's just making stuff up as it goes
Jesus Christ, just read the manual. You shouldn't ask for help if you can't do the bare minimum to learn your camera, everything listed from ChatGPT is in the manual.

Auto update custom settings and/or re-saving the custom settings is what will allow you to change them. You can also use the PC/app to save edit and load them.

Resetting through the menu doesn't reset stuff like that either, as the manual itself says, you need to initialize instead.
Why do you have auto update off if you're trying to change stuff?

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/compact/ v2

Talk compact cameras, post pictures, etc

Truly pocketable edition

Previous thread >>4380918

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I want to do photos as well, in the same compact body
Because it's cheaper or some other reason as well?
We use these as dedicated ITAR cameras at my work and they fucking suck. Price is WAAAY too high, image quality is mid, sensor size is tiny, it's all bad.

Get a pentax WG series camera for 1/5th the price.

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Are there any good meme 120 films? or are we just stuck with cinestill and any other cine repackaged film is just 35 mm?
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some of it's aerocolor and some of it's orwo. aurora 800 is some unknown emulsion, possibly disposable camera film.
it is mostly vision3 though.
>possibly disposable camera film.
that's what I've heard too, I just dropped off a roll earlier this week so I guess I'll find out how it looks soon
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It looks great IMO, I shot a roll and liked the colors
Now it's out of stock everywhere so probably won't be able to get any more, what a shame. Probably NOS they found in a warehouse somewhere.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakePlustek
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Occaisionally stuff will be decades old other stuff from deep in a freezer.
Don't think any respoolers make a secret of what they've rolled up, takes about 5 seconds to find out what the film is

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Chinon bellami.
I am not wrong. This thread is full of toxic shitposts. Age has nothing to do with it kid.
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This is one of the GOAT's that no one talks about.
Just watch the close focus, it WONT tell you that you're fucking up your subject.

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in terms of cheap point and shoots, they are pretty much all the same. the major difference would be if you buy a camera with more manual controls on them, but those tend to cost a premium compared to the cheapo ones.
i have an XA2 its fuckin awesome. came in great shape but the lights seals were just straight up gone so i have to replace them. surised at the iq tho

Should I buy a circular fish eye or a diagonal one for my full frame camera?
The widest rectilinear lens I own is 17mm (104°).
I mainly want it for skate photography (which I've never did before).
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Nah fisheye is a certain artisitc direction. You'll get basically the exact same feel and style that you see on google from "fisheye skatepark photo". Reminds me of the early Chad Muska and Bam Margera videos for CKY. A rectilinear lens of the same or similar focal length will not give you that specific look, but would be more versatile. All depends on what your intention is and if you think it's worth the money for the amount of use it will see. I only bought an ultrawide once I could justify it for landscapes and tight indoors shots.
I shot with OP’s lens for a few years, trying to do what you’re talking about but for surfing & mountain biking. It’s very sharp, but it’s big and clunky, which limits where you’ll actually want to use it somewhat, and the zoom just ends up being an annoyance bc it’s never zoomed where you want it when you need it, you always have another adjustment to make & miss the action. In the end the best lens that I found was the nikkor 14mm aspherical prime on a d850. That was & probably still is my favorite rig for action. When I look back on the last 20 years of shooting, nearly all of my favorite shots were with that lens. I could write a page on why, and why the common criticism of that lens doesn’t matter, but gd, I really miss that setup. The circular edge distortion & matte can actually be added in post when you want it. The rest of the time, you have much more usable images with a lot less wasted pixels and great character w corner distortion & vignetting to work with.
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I once had a 7.5mm (14mm FF) rectangular fisheye from Samyang. It was hard to get used to, and I decided that it wasn't for me.
go full frame and buy the 8-15mm zoom, you'll get both in one lens.

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How do we save photography and ourselves bros? Media has gone completely schizo and there is no way one single image of literally anything, not even hardcore porn can compete with what short form video has done to 99% of people's brains. The output of our hobby is decimated because of over-stimulation and information overload.

Is there anything that can be done? Do we have to all get into video ASAP and accept that stills are dead? Do we start writing on blogs again like it was 2012 to go with our photos? Walling off into Flickr did not work as that platform is even more dead than Instagram. We have some of the most realistic, smartest autists online on 4chan, I am sure we can come up with a logical practical solution.

>just shoot for yourself
>just print the photos and put them on your bedroom wall who cares lol
No, this is just cope. We all know it.
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>most realistic, smartest autists online on 4chan
>logical practical solution.
good bait thread anon
Photography has never been bigger or better. Seethe : )
It was never big

Its just taking pictures of stuff that alreafy exists. If you want big, cinema is over there. Always has been.
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Shoot as much film as you can. Then when the digital scan gets raped by AI, which it will, you can go back to the negative and remind yourself that there's a real photo that exists.

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>ai is going to break into my house and kick my dog!

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