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This is the Film General Thread, aka the /fgt/.
Please post film photos in this thread.
It's ok to ask about film gear in this thread.
>it's not gay to post in the /fgt/, unless you shoot expired film from an unsealed container

old thread >>>4351447

Thread Question:
>What's your oldest roll shot and devved?
318 replies and 65 images omitted. Click here to view.

I was waiting for others to give their opinion but I guess I'll go search for an FA
Isn't there a seal on the left? Where the door and body meet.
yeah, but how would issues with the seal on the side lead to leaks at the top and bottom of frame?
it's cheaper more often
Give the seal a little feel. You should be able to tell if the foam has degraded or not.

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Has anyone else here started photography because of another hobby? I started taking pictures of my daylilies for record keeping.

Also can you you give me feedback on my pictures? https://www.instagram.com/jaymalick/

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeNIKON
Camera ModelCOOLPIX L810
Camera SoftwareCOOLPIX L810 V1.0
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I was digitizing a bunch of obscure records and bought a cheapo dslr to take pictures of the record sleeves.
Then I started taking it along on trips and kinda rolled into photography.
/r/shittyHDR wants you back
pretty sure that's one shot, anon
what do you mean?
Yeah, my hobby was being a weeb and learning Japanese.
>go on exchange
>japanese host father gave me a D800 in 2013
>and four gold ring nikkors
I knew fuck all about photography.
Now I love it, and I still haven't moved on from this gear.

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So I just ordered this. How deep in shit am I?
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>you can "simulate" film in post.
Having the camera automatically do that so you don't need to bother, and even showing you the result straight away after you've taken the picture, or so I'd imagine.
What the fuck even is this movie? Just one big marketing and product placement goy? I don't even care to know what it's called but I keep fuckin' seeing it on this board like it's some sort of /p/ validation exercise.
why not watch it instead?
it's basically a long nikon fe2 commercial

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Any recommended social media/photo sharing site/whatever just for sharing photos I take? twitter and Instagram are trash and so are most mainstream sites for photos sharing.

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Color Space InformationsRGB
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>Why do photographers shill sites that are actually for photography?
I understand it's harder to get engagement on a website where you have to compete with Alan Schaller than on a website where the audience is mostly children trying to see boobs, but isnt it obvious?
>Alan Schaller
pffft hahaha
>Paying money for services
Who do you think pays meta's server bills? Is mark zuckerberg siphoning gold pressed latinum from his home planet?

No, they're selling everything they can get on you to the highest bidder. It's not free. You're the product. That's why every change they make is focused on collecting more data not facilitating sharing photography. The whole reels thing was because they wanted to train AI on videos.
ok shill
You can just make a new flickr account every 1000 photos if you're allergic to the idea of paying someone for their time and effort (you must be a commie)

You can not use instagram without mark zuckerberg exploiting your identity for profit (and you won't ever see a dime). He won't even give you more resolution than is needed for a phone or arbitrary aspect ratios. Why would he give you a dime? You're just his bitch. You post. A chinese bot account gives you a "like and follow". You get $0. Zuck gets $$$$$. No complaints. You accepted the TOS contract.

Sharing photography on youtube makes more sense. At least you'll get some money out of it.

Your choice.

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We are so back film sisters! Did any of you tried it already?
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thank got i shoot a hassy el wif an a70 back >:)
the second type sounds absolutely based desu
3.5y hrt, when do i turn into an art ho?
>120 and large format are for outdoorsy PNW and midwestern fags who stare at lakes and mountaintops while petting their dog and waiting for the sun to move, people who are constantly mistaken for child molesters and the like due to their facial hair and "fashion sense".

Do you have your x100vi yet?
>Do you have your x100vi yet?
my arms are far too weak to carry about crop and ff lenses. i shoot m43.

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I'm relative new (and noob) to photography (around 2 years of practicing alone) and frequently get stuck without ideas or kind of getting bored with my photos. So, lately, I've started to research about some creativity and photographing exercises and got a little hyped again. Do you guys do any kind of exercises and "challenges" for improving your skills/creativity? What do you think about it?

Some examples Ive been doing lately:

- Going out and getting photos completely out of focus, almost unrecognizable, trying to get something aesthetical just by the overview.

- Going on little walks and photographing thinks that you like without stopping to... just for knowing better what is getting your attention.

- Going on a hike and set a timer to every 10 minutes, and have to photograph something in the place you stopped.

Just repeating, Im pretty noob...

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Yeah, things like using only certain focal lengths for a day, taking photos only using reflections, shoot everything on BW, shoot only from the hip.

Stuff like that
go take a picture of a bird
seconding this
I bring one prime and nothing else, am I being super artistic and doing the whole limitation is the catalyst for creativity shit or am I just lazy?
Who knows
I bring a single lens every time
I never change lenses in the field, easiest way of getting dust where you don't want to

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Hello anons. I like to walk around and take pictures of the city, even though all I have is a shitty phone camera.

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Camera SoftwareACDSee Pro 10
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37 replies and 17 images omitted. Click here to view.
yeah i tracked down that place via google maps and looked around some time ago
creative composition, about the best you could do with a place that looks pretty prosaic otherwise
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Birds rocks and leaves
Studio portraits and landscapes, the white man's choice

Practice your portrait business on the premise of being a wedding photographer or else people think you're just trying to get a girl into your basement. Setting up a mobile studio is annoying but eventually people trust you and you can do it at home.

I hope you saved all your parents handy cams. Gen A is going nuts for these pieces of shit. The hipster tax is insane.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera SoftwareAndroid UP1A.231005.007.S908WVLS4DXB1
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34 replies and 5 images omitted. Click here to view.
>your parents handy cams.
That camera she's holding doesn't look like it takes VHS cassettes.

>Gen A is going nuts for these pieces of shit.
Ten year olds? I doubt it.
The oldest are even closing in on 30.
slighty different sensor from a bayer array with one of the green subpixels changed to a blue-green color giving improved color balance

However for CCD bridgecams and digicams in general the feeling is they give warmer reds and more contrast and less obtrusive noise on SOOC jpegs and the built in color profiles are based more around replicating the film look because that's what people were used to at the time. However the appeal is not universal and tends to center around a few models of CCD cameras with sharper higher quality lenses like the Canon G series. CCD also tends to capture more light per pixel due to the way it's built but this is countered by CMOS having better performance in lower light.

When CMOS took over, color profiles appear to have become more neutral and clinical, especially as raw editing became more common and in-camera jpegs didn't matter so much anymore. Personally I have an older Nikon DSLR made just after the switch to CMOS and it tends to give a greenish cast especially on indoor photos. However more than one photog influencer has demonstrated that with the right presets the difference can be made to be mostly imperceptible. But if you don't wanna fuck around with raws and editing in post, then CCD is an easy way to get close to the vintage or film look with less work.
The point is that there is a low key movement right now towards dedicated use devices over having a do-it-all item like a phone. This dovetails with the whole "mindfulness" trend because using a camcorder is almost ritualistic compared to a phone or even a digicam for video. When you pull out a camcorder you're doing it with more purpose, and you're not geting distracted from whatever notifications are coming on the phone. You're also not thinking of immediately sharing to a story because it's so cumbersome to get the video off the SD card when you're away from your PC.

I guess the other point is that digicams of the era were mostly terrible for video and you were lucky if a DSLR or compact could do 480p or 720p at 30fps while in the same era dedicated camcorders were already capable of full HD.
Also because of EU tax reasons camcorders were classified differently from photo centric cameras and they got hit with a higher tax because they could film more than 30 minutes at a time. This is why digicams and DSLRs were limited to video files less than 30 minutes long, because more video time would put them in the camcorder class with a higher tax.
>raws and editing in post
most phone RAW apps even ship film simul presets ready to use.

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Am I a I talented photographer?

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Hey so this is retarded.

I'm trying to find my shutter count for my 80d but after an hour of google it seems there's only paid apps for mac (I have windows) or sending it in to canon to get the shuttercount (Fuck off canon)

Is there literally not a way to check the shutter count of the camera I own on PC or android?
4 replies omitted. Click here to view.
Canon basically wants you to just send it in for a CLA if you want an accurate shutter count, so they can squeeze a few more shekels out of you.

Should have bought a Nikon
ask anyone on earth who owns a Mac to open the last photo you took in preview, go to the little i for Inspector, click on the camera tab and there's all your camera info with the explosure # right there.
Liveboot linux from a usb, install gphoto2 and try this:
gphoto2 --get-config /main/status/shuttercounter
You should be able to install it on a mac too but I can't help with that.
Doesn't CanonEosDigitalInfo work with the 80d?
My 5D MKI is the same. For some reason you have to send it in to canon to obtain the shutter count. I wish there was a hack to figure it out.

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Under what circumstance would anyone use Premiere Pro over this?
No I am not a fucking shill, I am genuinely amazed of its capabilities and at the same time EXTREMELY infuriated that I used POS Premiere Pro for YEARS
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>Any time after 1997
>paying for adobe when you just use it for lulz
Duh, Haxnode
>Under what circumstance would anyone use Premiere Pro over this?
It's a matter of habit, I would rather just use pirated Premiere since I already know how to use it, than spend X amount of time to learn Resolve and have a castrated experience unless I pay or pirate again.

I get what's good about it, just don't need anything more than Premiere.
>does not support webm
>can't change framerate during project
>shit ui

I'm not a fan of Premiere, but this shit is way worse to work with.
>low effort crap
That's entirely dependent on you...
i'm sure that you autistic set up is much better than the pro's using it daily making nice grades. Maybe you should adopt it and learn how to use it. You don't need their wheel hardware to git gud.

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My friend is very talented and has very nice and
expensive gear but his photos lack any
emotion. What to do?
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This is now an Aya thread.
based suicide enjoyer
>it's the image that contains the emotion
that is literally true though, if you cannot relate maybe you do not have a soul
Are you asian?
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You know, the easiest way to get your point through is to make him think of it himself. Maybe ask a question like are you happy with your photos, do you consider them art, do you have any personal stylistic choices, why do you choose to do photography in the first place, if you had to pick a reoccurring theme what would it be. Chasing the next piece of gear is often the thought on my mind rather than visioning how I'd use it.

That being said, other peoples' hobbies are pretty much none of your business. You can try to make a difference but forcing it makes you a shit friend.
Ya'll are the kind of hipster tumblr pseuds to think an underexposed photo of someone smoking contains emotion

You're just conditioned to respond to certain things and not others.

Images do not contain emotion. They have content. Emotion is all you.

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>be 2005

>8 megapixels
>max resolution 3456 x 2304
>no video recording
>ISO 100 to 1600
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Nophoto has lost again. Maybe another 30 years he will actually buy a camera.
You are pure cope at this point.
Says the guy who copes because he doesn't even own a camera.
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And film (well, at least colour negative) has great cloud detail "out of the box" on landscape photos. Just like in your example scan, even though it seems to be a frame of slide film in fact. It's a nice shot.

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Not according to Kodak's own documentation it doesn't.

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I'm not sure what happened to me, I just completely lost that spark that drove me to take photos. Has this happened to you? How do you get it back?
Get out of your confort zone anon when i loss the spark i join a photography club, its was fun, an have a lot of ghotic B
It happened to me this year...

I`ve kind of couldnt find a reason for why I was photographing, so I wasnt in a moody to bring my camera anywhere. One day, I`ve went on a trip to a city next to mine and tried to photograph a little, and some shots went pretty nice (the feeling that I`ve captured the essence of the good moments, you know?). Since then, Ive started to photograph every week again and changed my camera to a fullframe, bought some new lenses... getting hyped again.
Genuinely, just force yourself to get back into it. I know it sounds dumb, but it really does help
i fixed it by jumping ship to a different camera/lens system after my old shit either broke after years of abuse or sold it after switching
the important part is to not gear-hoard/gear-whore and not have the familiar stuff to fall back on, i threw myself blind into a different mfg, different focal lengths than what i was used to, and in the time spent learning new menus and messing with new lenses i started looking at stuff differently and having fun taking photos again.
your mileage may vary.

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