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cause it was in kazimierz fucktard
Have you tried a mirror?
I thought vampires didn't show up in photos
one of their tricks is to convince you that's true
...jewish? JEWISH?!!!!!

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Hi gang!
Since this place is so unhinged I felt like straying a bit and covering some unconventional photography.
Let's take some time to explore Atiba Jefferson.

Previous thread:

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>Photographer: Johansen Krause
Hmmm I'm pretty sure this is also from Atiba's series so I have no idea why the exif says this...
Ps: Atiba wasn't the first to use the combo Hassleblad/fisheye for skateboarding photos but he certainly was the one who popularized the combo the most, combo that would become the trademark visual for skateboard photography
Good shit OP. Don’t stop, keep these threads coming.
bump for atiba
Good job with the threads tho

>wasn't the first to use the combo
>he certainly was the one who popularized the combo the most
The credit goes to the one who idealized it if both the early and refined versions look the same.

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I have been uploading landscapes I took and tagging the location but flipping the image horizontally so its the opposite way round to what you would see standing there.

There are going to be some confused people out there when they finally visit these places.
>oh, he flipped it
thats it

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Do you take snapshots, or photographs?

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I became a regular /p/ee poster in 2017. I really wanted to have a career as a photographer. Nothing has changed except age and number of failures.
what is this shit? AI slop?
Do you have a best photo you can share? Surely you have produces at least one awesome pic in 20 years.
He ded now, don't you see him hanging?
Unless he failed at that too...
I thought he was just napping. You've ruined my whole day. :(

Can you give me tips for using the Black Mist
filter? Bought one today and tips would be helpful, thanks.

>49mm 1/4
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imagine having to do drugs because your life is so miserable lol
No meaningful or important photo has ever been taken in daylight
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>blocks your path

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>drugs bad
Incel, underage, or just dumb?
Wow it looks exactly like film

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Have not been on Insta for ages, recently went back on and decided to look up all the photographers I use to follow. They have all quit, some have taken up a totally diff hobby and converted their page to being about that.
Did everybody move to tik tok?
What has happened?
I tried the search but half the results were video clips and then it was mainly posts from months ago.

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To be fair very few care about fine dining, it's tasteful but won't satiate your hunger
Also dining itself is getting expensive, 8 fucking dollars for an order of fries
This thread is like a 95IQ version of this one: >>4372118
t. poo-for-brains toilet dodger
We live in a consumption based society, people consume content telling them what to buy. Photography sells a lifestyle, or the promise of a lifestyle, and people want to live what they see, so they'll just buy what's pushed on them.
Yeah dont waste your time cooking most people just want a dollar meal from mcDs. fuck real food, bourgie gearfags. just be normal and order a panda bowl ffs cooking is dumb ass autistic white people shit. no one cares about your cooking gearfag. on social media 90% of food is from franchise restaurants.
>you let yourselves be demoralized with this argument

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Has anyone ever starting shooting film then to go back to fully shooting digital? It feels like every time someone starts shooting film they either
>keep shooting film forever, at best occasionally using digital
>slowly stop taking photos all together

Has anyone here ever gone back to digital?

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I use both a pretty even amount. There are things I like about film that I cant get from digital and there are things I like about digital that I can't get from film.

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skills issue
I started digital, mostly film 2009 to 2016, then have been 99% digital since.
Cost was a big incentive back then, $200 F100 vs +$2k D700, and I could shoot Ektar for under $4 (roll + dev).
I like using film cameras more so than the actual film part, and now I have lots of digital options that scratch the same itch.
Did photo lab all in highschool, and 6 years with an actual lab, so the film processing side of things has lost all it's charm.
I've played around with enough different cameras, even 4x5 very briefly.
Too impatient for the film process now, and don't feel like it offers me anything I can't just get digitally.
I got an mft camera, tried it out, sold it. Bought a decent 70s era half frame camera and the image quality is significantly better.
Most SANE film shooters when they realize lab scans suck, make film basically worse digital, and actually using film as itself instead of a convoluted version of using a smaller SD card and not looking at it for a week is actually a whole other hobby adjacent to photography - and a spendy and techy one with chemicals and timers and temps and darkrooms and grain focusers and color sliders and contrast papers…

So they buy a digital camera and dont go back until they’re ready to self dev and do their own scans at the least

Which is the best unified film/digital lens mount, Pentax K or Nikon F and why?
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sounds like he struck a nerve
perhaps, all the nerves

so are you a delusional gearfag who thinks buying a specific camera is the magic talent button or a whiny gear queer who is always mad about snoykonon but doesn't even have skin in the game
>Which is the best unified film/digital lens mount, Pentax K or Nikon F and why?
The problem is mostly that your question is wrong. If you HAVE to use the same lenses on your film bodies as your digital bodies, the obvious solution would be EF if you wanted the best quality, as you would adapt your EF lenses to an RF body for digital and shoot with an EOS 1 or something for film. As I said though, your question is wrong, the correct way to shoot film and digital is Zuiko with an OM body of your choosing (they're all the same aside from the the metering) as Zuiko is the only lenses that are endorsed by God. Then for digital shoot anything but Sony as they're the only brand that fucks your photos up so badly you cant even fix them in post. Hope this helps.
>variety of stabilized lenses that work both on digital AND analog
Pentax does have TWO bodies with IBIS, Nikon has none
They call it SR for Shake Reduction
what a faggot lmao
wow they have shake reduction film body???

Feels good man
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>i-its the old ppl guise!
Old farts are invariably in love with leica.

It's because a centered viewfinder is sorta shit no matter which hand/eye you shoot with (remember portrait orientation is a thing) and a viewfinder off to the side is very nice for right eye shooters and absolutely unusable for left eye shooters. Short of making a true left handed model, the only way sony can get everyones noses off the screen is to make a tilting EVF.
>using Roman numerals for half the number instead of just calling it the A12 or AXII
The absolute state of snoy lmao
I very rarely had that issue, more often for me my hand would just brush against the screen at some point and I'd wonder why the fuck the camera would refuse to focus on what was in the centre of the frame, because for some reason they made the focus point indicator a light grey that's often near impossible to see. Also I was once shooting in the rain (no the camera didn't explode) and of course that fucked with the touch screen too.

I thought I'd be moving my focus point around often but honestly, unless you're on a tripod you just have it in the centre and focus and recompose and it tracks your subject.
The Leica fetish is its own thing. Old people are used to the central viewfinder because that's what typical SLRs had. It's not some stupid photo agency responsible for it.
Which means nothing as most photojournalists are "forced" (agency tools) to use Sony.
Z9 is better, doesn't mean the a1 is bad at all
Alpha series second generation has thicker sensor stacks, that's a no-no in trying to make newer lenses and adapting old ones.
No sissy nigger zone here buddy, move along

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Opinions on him and his work?
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>Search it on internet, retard
OP has to post shit first, why ask a question someone has to investigate anything about it first? there's plenty of threads to post
hmm you're right
Nah he looks like an evil baby. Pass.
Vomit emoji

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Pretty decent aside from the watermarks and black frame

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Watched a couple of videyas about some street photographers on youtube just to get a feel what they are all about and in reality they are just a bunch of worthless clowns sticking their film era cameras into peoples faces. The entire genre that they identify themselves with should more aptly be named random face photography because that is all there is to it.. it is just faces and expressions. More often than not there is not even anything interesting going on in the photos.
How did we get to the point that these people are praised? They are just glorified snapshitters cranking out poop.
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Behold, goyim. The batmoshe flushed out yet another antisemite.
>Modern art was invented by the french, not us. We only pushed it hard as a huge FUCK YOU to the remaining nazis.

Modern art was gaining popularity long before the nazis even took power... and it had nothing to do with jews. It was predominantly Catholics in Spain and France enjoying the freedom to express themselves granted to them by the invention of the camera. Capturing reality figuratively was no longer a necessity. Artists began to experiment with new ways of communicating with images. If photography has one relationship to art which can be assured, its that it set art free from having to be the recorder of history.
Please dont be purposefully ignorant of my peoples success in the US.
this doesn't refute them plus pls stop playing into the arrogant and combative street photographer stereotype
I actually do take photos of people in the street but I’m still wondering why it is that beauty has left the planet
And I’m sure that Jewish people being in control of like 90% of galleries, media corporations, popular magazines, newspapers, etc has something to do with it

I like street photography though. Showcasing reality is entertaining

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Had about $1300 to spare, so bought a secondhand sony a6600 with sony 20mm f/2.8 lens for $800. Got $500 left. What's a good lens I can pair this with? Sigma 18-50mm f/2.8? Trying to go for variety and thinking maybe I should go for something that does mid macro shots instead, but obviously my budget might be lacking.
Lighting gear and a nice tripod
I heard the ibis on the 6600 is kinda shit compared to the 6700

Personally I was thinking of buying a 6400+tamron 17-70 f2.8 to upgrade from my rx100 but /p/ shilled me into the full frame meme for another $400 more (also I wanted good low light)

Crop still has some good bokeh at 2.8 on lenses like that
Haven’t heard of that lens. Got a link?
Sony E 35mm macro. And even though /p/ will shit on it, I like the kit lens. It's super cheap and also small like the 20mm and gives you some variety to help you find your favorite focal length. If you know you like wide/normal/tele, you can get a solid lens for that.

What was the point of increasing the size of the Nikon mount if they are still only putting 35mm sensors inside the body?
Surely if they wanted to make bigger lenses it would only make sense to make sensors that go up to an optional 100mp?
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To allow for superior lens designs
>Make a new body with a larger than ff sensor
>Use the old lens mount
>None of the current lenses are designed to cover the larger sensor
What's the point? You're going to have to bring out a bunch of new lenses and label them as larger than ff anyway, it's just going to confuse people, Yeah you'll be able to use then on the ff and crop bodies but you'll just be paying more for a larger and slower lens, no one's adapting modern medium format lenses to ff bodies.
Just imagine how much greater the mogging would be if Sony had a larger mount
There's a difference between covering, and being designed to cover. There are some crop lenses that can cover full frame but then you get shitty edges.
superior lenses in just 2 more years nikon bros

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