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/p/ - Photography

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>thread question
who's your biggest influence in your photography? do you have any photos that resemble their body of work?

Previous thread >>4399633

/fgt/ daily reminder (courtesy by anon): one stop per decade is (generally) bullshit
>negative film ages better than positive
>black and white better than color
>slow films better than fast
>storage conditions (dry/cool) matter more than years
>Negative film is shot 1 or 2 stops overexposed and then PULLED in development so that you build more density in the exposure and develop less such that the fog is limited
>slide/positive film is shot at box speed or overexposed and pulled.
>if you home develop you can also use benzotriazole as a restrainer for the the first developer in E6 process

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Sir, this is film general.
My mistake. Sorry about that.
Isn't that Isabella Rossellini?
That's a shame. I was going to splurge on the V850 a couple years ago, but ended up getting the V600 instead.
Sorry for the late reply. That is great that you pursued a career in aviation! Yes, these kids these days definitely did get screwed over.

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holy based
exceptional photos
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This dude




Bro, these are excellent and i commend you. You got right in there, no shooting from the side lines. Keep it up.
nice picture
Same reason they police any public event, the more agitated monkeys you have in one place at the same time, the higher is the chance of violence occurring for some completely retarded reason.

Like how you some people are late bloomers, you may be one too in photography. Post here questions that go a step below the stupid questions thread and into amateur territory.

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with the way digital cameras work, Aperture priority is the most commonly used mode. You set the aperture which is super important for 2 reasons in terms of creative control
first, you can set the depth of field. you can decide if you want a lot of things in focus or only the subject in focus and everything else out of focus. this makes a big difference in the final image. (its not technically in focus, only one plain is in focus but it looks like its in focus)
the other thing is most lenses have a "sweet spot" where they are sharpest. Usually its somewhere in the f/4-f/8 region. anything more closed than that has diffraction and anything more open will be softer with light fall off at the corners. you might take a portrait outside at f/1.8 to hide the background, but if you were say in a studio in front of a backdrop you might shoot at f/5.6 to get better sharpness.
Aperture priority is also very popular because most modern cameras have a setting called "auto iso" and often only have one dial for exposure so its annoying to set both exposures at once unless you have time. with auto ISO you pick a base iso, an iso step, a max iso and a minimum shutter speed. generally, but not always, people only care about minimum shutter speed and don't care as long as the shutter is above minimum and modern full frame cameras have great ISO performance.
you set the aperture, if the shutter speed the camera selects is at or above your minimum shutter speed the camera will take a photo at your base iso you set. if your camera cannot shoot at that minimum shutter speed it will raise iso until it gets an exposure that works for your shutter and aperture. if it hits your max iso you set your camera will then shoot at the aperture you picked at your max iso you picked, but at a shutter speed below your minimum shutter speed.
Finally there is M or manual mode. people generally shoot in this mode because they are new or they have some lighting issues that make it difficult for the camera's light meter to work right or they need a specific aperture AND a specific shutter speed.
generally manual mode isn't the best experience for a new photographer because its slower to set, you usually only have 1 dial to set all 3 settings on cheaper cameras and all you are doing is chasing the light meter anyway. one of the wildlife/sports photographer boomers on youtube says he generally shoots either A mode with auto iso or manual mode with auto ISO depending on what he needs with his shutter speed and how the light is. high iso is bad because it degrades the image and makes the colors look like shit, but more expensive full frame cameras can get away with higher iso better and its better to have a high iso image than a blurry image due to missed focus or a slow shutter speed or no image at all. in the past sports and wildlife would have been shot in shutter mode.
I would suggest either using manual mode or aperture priority. p mode is ok if you really need it. manual does not make you more of or a better photographer than A mode if all you are doing is chasing the meter
Watch a Youtube video on the exposure triangle.
what about canon eos rp? i’m trying to decide between nikon z5 or eos rp but i already have a bunch of EF glass so i thought it’d be better to stay canon and it’s a hundred bucks cheaper
the EOS RP is a mirrorless canon 6d with a smaller battery, it's a very noisy sensor

you should probably continue to ask in /gear/ or /sqt/ instead of giving a zach thread attention. zach himself is literally mentally disabled and lives under the stairs in his elderly parents house and can not answer any questions in any capacity.

most conscious moments
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really pretentious tbpqh
>he doesn't know "golden hour" is when the divinity in light shines through
It starts with "when" but never follows up with anything. When you're lonely and the lighting looks like this.... What? What about that? Why is the post not "I'm lonely and this is the lighting right now"?
Zoomers experience high enough levels of anxiety, depression, and lgbt disorder to just get what comes after the "when" (mix of dread, emptiness, cocklust, and trump ptsd)
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Can somebody tell me why it's super easy to tell when a photo was taken in 2008?

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Snapshit from 06

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeCanon
Camera ModelCanon PowerShot A75
Maximum Lens Aperturef/3.5
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Lens Size5.41 - 16.22 mm
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Image Created2006:01:01 13:22:25
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>Chromatic aberration
Digicams were made for dirt cheap, so lenses there aren't perfect. They wouldn't use aspheric glass, but also they didn't have plastics and molds to make aspheric lenses out of plastic. Or maybe they did but didn't use it for that purpose, who knows. Due to size and cost constraints, you can't just put in more normal spherical elements to correct the aberrations.
Exact same story.
Sensors they used back then were much more noisy.
>Image size
They didn't have 50 MP sensors you have in your phone right now. It was 2~14 MP.
Another one is sensor bloom. Around captured bright sources of light there are soft halos that appear in the final image. Sort of like a black mist filter, but not quite the same. CCD sensors (which were used in most older point and shoots) have this inherent bloom effect because of spillover. CMOS sensors do not, since the pixels are independently processed.
Technology has its stages.
I think it is sorta cool that a lot of photos from that era have this particular look. Not something I want today obviously, but cool nonetheless. Noisy flash photos was a thing as well while the subsequent cell phone era had none of that. Photos weren't taken to be posted on social media either so the thought process in taking a photo was a completely different one. Often they have a innocent randomness to them and as an elderly millennial it feels strange having lived through all of it and being familiar with those scenes because it makes it seem so distant.
We still shit on digishitters, but truth is that the latest generation of them is rather remarkable and the technological progression hasn't gotten much appreciation, undeservedly so because it has been a very slow and gradual process.

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It's your twice weekly gear thread! The most active discussions on /p/ right here!

I'm currently in the market for a new macro focusing rail, my current one is just a cheapo off amazon you need to loosen to adjust.
I see Sirui making decent items all around, and they make a focusing rail for less than $120 but I wouldn't mind some input from other anons.
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>shelf for a LENS CAP
Hey, I use mine as a shutter. It's an important piece of equipment.
I guess this is the best place to ask this.
canon has the EF and EF-S as well as the RF and RF-S, snoy has an equivalent, pentax has pentax 67 to 645 adaptors and people in general put medium format film lenses on medium format digital and full frame digital cameras or full frame lenses on micro four thirds cameras
is there an optical disadvantage to putting a full frame lens on a crop sensor, or any lens with an image circle bigger than the sensor onto that camera? is there an optical advantage to an APS-C lens on an APS-C camera over the full frame lens?
there were people on canon's site's forum saying the only difference is that since crop sensors are smaller crop lenses can be smaller, lighter and cheaper.
I was very slightly contemplating putting a pentax 67 lens on a pentax 645 since there is an OEM adaptor, but I probably won't regardless because the only pentax 67 lens that is faster than f/2.8 is the 105mm f/2.4 and the bokeh on that lens makes me want to puke its so ugly

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Image Created2020:03:17 13:32:19
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The big image circle can cause reflections in poorly designed cameras (uncommon) and adapters (somewhat common)
Larger format lenses may appear optically worse when used with the smaller pixel pitch of crop sensors, gaining entirely new aberrations FF users never saw before and never cared about (this is why snoy lenses are so big, to keep up with the a7rv)
It's often advantageous because edges of the frame tend to be weakest and your new edge performance just becomes the lens performance. An argument could be made for how greater pixel density in the center and midfield affects performance, but that's not super relevant in practice.
If you had a lens with lots of swirly bokeh on the edges, you lose that with the cropping, but sometimes that might be beneficial to omit. At the end of the day, it's not gonna be much different than using the lens on a larger sensor and simply cropping in.
It is relevant

Lenses that are ok on the edges on ff remain just ok on apsc and sometimes get even worse because the midframe sharpness falloff is magnified. It ranges from no benefit to major downgrade.
You do lose vignetting tho

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What's your favorite animal, /p/? Mine is the frog.

Here are some snapshits from a fair I went to. My dad gave me a Sony A6400 which was really fun but I think I did something wrong with the colors so I've just gone and turned those off.

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Image Created2025:02:10 21:41:08
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Last one.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeSinar Hy6
Camera ModelEmotion 75
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 14.1.1 (Windows)
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)5000 mm
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Image Created2025:02:10 21:43:15
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This is great. I maybe would have shaved off some of the right part of the pic but nice job otherwise

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Any tips for graffiti or so called "street art" photography? Give me your harshest criticism.
I've started taking photographs only recently and I'm mainly interested in demons, usually in urban areas. Basically anything occult or disgusting. Poverty, prostitution, drug addicts, all that sort of stuff.
Other subjects such as buildings, landscapes, animals, etc, I don't find too difficult to frame although I'm still in the process of learning this new hobby.
But those graffiti ones, which I find are my favourite since the subjects are mostly being drawn by schizos and vendalists, are more difficult. They always come out dirty or messy to some degree, or maybe that's just in their nature.
I'll post some that were taken on Tel Aviv. I'm about to embark or a journey throughout Europe, where I'm told this phenomena is 20x worse than in here, and I want to be ready since my time over there is very limited.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeSONY
Camera ModelILCE-7M4
PhotographerAdolf Hitler
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)24 mm
Image-Specific Properties:
Exposure ProgramAperture Priority
ISO Speed Rating100
Metering ModePattern
Light SourceUnknown
FlashNo Flash
White BalanceAuto
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I'm not dense, I've wrote academic papers on graffiti and variations of it, and been shooting for quite some time to know that yeah of course there's something unique to those photos blablabla (as with any photograph, actually; being unique is a characteristic of the medium, not a merit of these photos)
the thing is that it'll always be derivative and will serve as nothing more than a photographic record of a moment in time of that specific wall
the light will change, the mood, the weather yadda yadda but in the end it's a shot of the graffiti
it would actually be impossible to have it separated from those aspects, that's just obvious
I'm not arguing some dumb shit like "oh it's not art" or anything like that
it can be art for all I care, I don't give a shit
what I'm saying is that it's bad
your contribution to the photo is pretty much null (and preferably so, so as not to interfere with what really matters: someone else's work)
as I said before: I too regularly shoot graffiti
but on my phone, just to show other people later or see them myself, not to LARP as an artist
>woah i'm such a great photographer, look at the quality of my body of work

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I have to agree with graffiti PhD Anon, I've wondered why photographers on the artsy side of the spectrum stick to their cameras if they want to make art.
Demon hunter Anon could make a collage, composite photographs or a short film if he wanted to pursue visual art. Crushing blacks and over saturating images hardly count as a take. Documentary work in itself is important and sometimes even aesthetically pleasing.
>I've wrote academic papers on graffiti and variations of it
>he's so dense he doesn't realize stating this only reveals how dense he is

I kind of like some of these. They aren't going to win you any critical appraise but I enjoy the novelty of stuff like this.

There was an anon around here that would do street telephoto work from his car with subjects like hookers in the bad parts of cities.

You aren't going to get any constructive criticism from /p/ on this stuff. Unless it's building corners, leaves, or a lens test chart.

The best advice I can give you is try to incorporate more story into your photos. Maybe use the graffiti as a background to a different subject....like your cats for example. Graffiti Phd anon is being really obtuse but there's a truth to what he's saying.
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best tag in my town on the lowest risk abandoned box car from the 40's in the woods beside a homeless encampment

Post terrible photos that actively annoy you
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argies look like THIS???
I never meant to annoy anyone I better get lost..
what do you do for work zach
I'm sorry I can't answer your question it does not relate to photography.
that is a childish response

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/compact/ v3

Talk compact cameras, post pictures, etc

Is that a camera in your pants or are you just happy to see me edition

Previous thread >>4396396

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maybe improved modern optics corner to corner? plus for digital high res use so modern optics can handle more details and corrections. not sure with the sensor flange distance compared to film, maybe it also has an effect.
because they were mostly printed in 15x10s, too small to notice excessive optical effects unless you were enlarging
Nowadays even the potatoest of editing rigs can enlarge each individual pixel to 128px*128px squares extra sharply
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Any body that's directly compatible with vintage glass will have the same flange distance as a film camera, otherwise the lenses wouldn't be compatible, forcing you to use adapters if your flange is shorter.
There are plenty of modern FF lenses that are just as tiny, just look at M mount.
Most modern lenses are bigger for optical reasons, autofocus motors, IS, video-related features, etc.
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Is he using a Fuji X100something?

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Vertical Resolution72 dpi
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How the heck is this kind of image made? She appears to be swinging her head half way through the shot.
It's not just a slow shutter. Because her whole face would be blurred. I think it's probably a rolling shutter effect from a phone filter, but I want to emulate it with a DSLR.

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Camera SoftwareAndroid CPH2447_15.0.0.401(EX01)
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It's called slit scan photography. May this knowledge guide you on your journey into the google search results.

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I have an addiction to taking photos of bees
What are you addicted to photographing?

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment Makesamsung
Camera ModelSM-N985F
Camera SoftwareAdobe Lightroom 7.5 (Windows)
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Image Created2024:10:14 09:05:42
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Metering ModeCenter Weighted Average
FlashNo Flash
Focal Length7.00 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Exposure ModeAuto
White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
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I've taken a photo of a bee before. Not gonna lie it looks weird but the Cherry blossom tree zoomed in looks like this.
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hello friends, here is a bee bee-deep in a flower

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i don't have any of pigeons on power lines, but I have this of them checking some menus at a cafe

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeTHE DARKROOM - thedarkroom.com
Camera ModelTHE DARKROOM - thedarkroom.com
Camera SoftwareEZ Controller 6.60.031 (160615)
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Image Created2025:01:22 23:13:47
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speaking of birds, swans and a.... not swan

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2.64 MB JPG

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Camera ModelCanon EOS 400D DIGITAL
Lens Size18.00 - 55.00 mm
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Flash ModeRed-Eye Reduction (Auto)
Compression SettingFine
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Subject Distance0.270 m
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Exposure Compensation3
Sensor ISO Speed188
Camera Actuations-1875771184
Color Matrix129

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Best one I've ever used so far was Kodak Gold 200 due to the vintage look and warm colors and Ilford HP5 for contrasty street photography.
Worst was Fuji 100. While the vibrance is okay, it's way too blue and green.

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeXiaomi
Camera ModelM2101K6G
Camera SoftwareAdobe Lightroom 10.1.0 (Android)
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Sensing MethodNot Defined
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)25 mm
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Horizontal Resolution300 dpi
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Image Created2025:02:08 19:18:17
Exposure Time1/35 sec
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Brightness-0.3 EV
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Metering ModeCenter Weighted Average
Light SourceD65
FlashNo Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length6.04 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Exposure ModeAuto
White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
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>posts photo
>gets helpful advice and critique
>personally attacks poster in return and demands work for free
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You meant poetry? The poor ESL can't even formulate a grammatically sound sentence besides parroting one-liners.
How new are you? In fact you dont even have to tell us
Let's see, best? I like ilford fp4+, that's what I always use. Velvia 50 for colour, but keep in mind I haven't used it since it was brought back, that was ages ago... I just love looking at the 4x5 slides though.
Worst: I can enjoy any film really, maybe BW400CN? I don't understand the point of it since I want to develop B&W at home not fiddle with exact temperatures and shit.

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How important are these? What happens if you don't use it?
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I stare at the sun to hyper sensitize my films, then I do a fast exposure of my films and transcribe what particle movement and/or impression I see from the photos I take in my films. Fake cameras are completely unessesary to develop your film, but sometimes if you want to take a picture of something going really fast or dangerous such as a nuclear particle a shutter may be helpful.

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment Makesamsung
Camera ModelGalaxy A25 5G
Camera SoftwareS256VLUDS4BXI1
Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.7
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)27 mm
Image-Specific Properties:
Compression SchemeJPEG Compression (Thumbnail)
Image Height3060
Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
Image Created2025:02:14 11:13:23
Vertical Resolution72 dpi
Horizontal Resolution72 dpi
Image Width4080
Lens Aperturef/1.8
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Exposure ProgramNormal Program
Color Space InformationsRGB
Unique Image IDB50ELOIR2PM
Image Height3060
Brightness1.4 EV
White BalanceAuto
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Exposure Time83/5000 sec
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ISO Speed Rating125
Image Width4080
Focal Length4.00 mm
Metering ModeCenter Weighted Average
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Light SourceUnknown
>tfw it's lens inspection day and your photosis prevents you from pulling the hood back all the way
Love a good schizo post.
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Some men just want to watch the world learn.

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It's a good day to be a M43 chad.

>Compact early SLR design with weatherproofing
>pen F dial for people who like taking pictures instead of gooning in lightroom for hours on end
> OM-3 Kit with 12-45mm F4 Pro £1999 or £1699 for just the body
>new weather sealed compact primes
>perfect camera and system for pretty much any kind of photography outside of extreme low light and niche studio work (which should be using medium or large format anyways)

If your not a self hating sensor size queen doesn't this seem like the perfect everyday carry? Nothing can replace film but at least for digital shooting this looks perfect for most use cases not covered by the OM-2 Mark ii.
183 replies and 24 images omitted. Click here to view.
>actually doing this right
lol, olympus does not have enough money for an aperture ring, they literally reused parts to make this

the jpeg settings dial doesn't even load any presets of note (ie: film sims), it looks like the crappy "creative" filters that went on every PNS
>the jpeg settings dial doesn't even load any presets of note (ie: film sims), it looks like the
presets are just creative filters, stop intoxicating yourself.
>well uhm film sims are just presets
they are better presets with more powerful controls.
olympus color science is bad, olympus sooc jpegs are bad and oversharpened/phone like, and their presets are even less worth using and so limited even snoy picture profiles can be better

a fuji xm5 is $800 ($1000 less) and takes better jpegs than this gimmick machine for computer nerds who know what a bs-acked sensor is
>went full retro to delete the existing grip
they're completely missing the point. There's no demand for "retro" om-system camera when om-system as a brand has no heritage. Unless they can actually get the olympus brand there's no point. No one's going to drool over this.
>implying the retro camera craze is rooted in actual heritage and not vibes

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