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Nikon DSLRs General /NDG/

Anyone still shooting with them? What's your favorite?
213 replies and 23 images omitted. Click here to view.
The 16 bit FAT is what these cameras expect, FAT32 works enough to let you to reformat to FAT16 in-camera. Not sure if that's good or bad to do.

Welcome to the D3 masterrace, anon, very jealous.
>35-85mm f2.8
Didn't know that existed, sounds pretty good coupled with a 20-35mm f2.8
Looks nice. I saw a similar deal for that, but I didn't want to have to invest in new batteries for it. So I will keep using my d700 for now.
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d200 sooc jpg

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Oh yeah good looking stuff here. I really like the fat bitch shot from behind a bike wheel. Since you're not posting any timeless classics I went to find the best the world has to offer in the genre.

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Spooky season approaching 2024 edition

All video related questions and discussion is intended for this thread. Here we discuss techniques, gear and anything else related to capturing video footage. Please don't pretend to be an expert if you don't know what you're talking about. Kindly leave your ego at the door.
Posting short films/scripts or other work you've done is encouraged.
We tend to use and recommend DSLRs/mirrorless cameras because they provide phenomenal picture quality for their price, have large sensors (ie the same size used in high-end cinema cameras and higher) and have interchangeable lenses.
In contrast, consumer camcorders often have much smaller sensors and a fixed lens.

>STICKY - https://text.is/QZ1J
>Helpful guide, additional books and more in-depth FAQs - https://web.archive.org/web/20200926115310/https://pastebin.com/kG0gRmTZ


Previous thread >>4353857

Quick FAQS

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Are the Arri accessories really that great or is it just marketing? I was able to get an Arri top plate for my c200 of Adorama from $80 and it doesn't look or feel any different from Smallrig stuff.
We're talking porn here, just get the chicks tits, ass, pussy, removing her bra and panties and cut any time the faggot camera op pans to the dude and you have porn kino.
It's the same with all these types of things. Most of it is overpriced and you're paying for the brand. But all of it is consistently 'good' from a brand like arri.
So for a professional dp or production house, you know if use their stuff then you're set and there's a certain degree of build quality that you can rely on,
Comparatively, you use smallrig (or even neewer(!)) and there's less consistency. A lot of that stuff will work perfect. But some of it won't. And is that a risk you can afford to take? On a hundred million dollar shoot, the answer is no. When you're making short films with your friends, the answer is probably yes.
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its all about the flex, these guys used a tilta mattebox, it does the same job but there might be slight differences on workflow but you will only know what works best if you use both

for a top plate I don't really see the benefit as long as the holes are in the spots you need them to be,.

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Looking into getting my first light(s). If my budget is around $300-400, would I be better off getting one big 300w light or one 150w light, a 60w light and a light tube? Mostly for indoor use, might wanna play with lighting through a window into a room.
Would a 150w light with a couple smaller ones be enough or am I better off just getting the strongest one I can right now and mess around with bouncing the light off ceiling/walls/reflectors?

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Dear /p/.

Recently I took part in scientific conference in Japan and since we had some free time to spare, I tried to make as many photos I could. While they were interesting for my family, showing country much different from our own, I was wondering about what could I do, perhaps next time, to make these kind of photos more interesting for broader viewer, as in going from “nice vacation snap” to “interesting take”. Overall selected around 30 to upload here, out of around 500 (out of around 1500 I took).

Thanks for any kind of help.

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Too nisen, consider another lens for this type of shot
thank you for sharing OP
I like them, it's refreshing to see shots like this of Japan instead of B&W high contrast street shots of businessmen smoking
Is that Ueno? I don’t remember it being so overgrown, what time of year is it?
Yes, Ueno, Shinobazu pond. It was early September.

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>nope. just go out and take pictures
You make it sound like they take pictures often
Pro-tip: They don't
holy shit i actually remember when kim was relevant
that video fully swayed my opinion 180 degrees on street photography
fucking hell that's hard to watch
>Street Photography IS Art
performance art
>Street Photography IS Art
i think you hand must of slips while typing that you must have meant to say Street Photography IS Gay

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>Ricoh printerfag thinks he can buy an "undercover" street camera to make him invisible
>Starts taking unwanted photos of a melatonin enriched gentleman and his partner
>He camera and face gets rearranged


How do you keep your gear safe /p/?
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Nice try Trevor
Fuck off and die Trevor
I fucking hate that nigga trevor like you wouldn't believe it
fuck off and buy a fucking ad trevor

Holy shit you're still on here sugar?

Why do you hate street photography even though it's the most impressive style of photography?

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>posts no u
eat shit nigga
taking pictures of distinct cultures would be interesting. now you're just taking photos of tourists and the unwashed masses of immigrants from random places in every major city.
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I don't hate street photography. To me it is just another thing I do not follow and care about.
an undeniably great photo
because im nervous

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previous >>4334379
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Superb fairy wren

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Just a phone snapshit but i thought this little herring gull was cute. He was rewarded with the peanuts that fell off my ice cream cone afterwards for being a good model.
You have to make him dance next time.


I've realized I don't care about gear or anything /p/ can't stop bitching about at all and would rather focus on creating meaningful images. My preferred subject is rocks and leaves and critters and I am not interested in photographing people. What do I learn to go from guy with camera to photographer? Are there good books? How do I find good photographers to take influence from? Share any tips that have helped you become more creative and better at finding good shots and developing your eye.

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>go from guy with camera to photographer
You just need really good fundamentals and a developed eye for finding those things. Composition, lighting, and interesting subjects.

Do you want to go the macro route and use flashes or continuous lighting to craft a lovely image, or are you going to focus on natural lighting and/or larger subjects like trees and such?

After you git gud you're on a treasure hunt for beautiful and interesting things. Now get hiking.
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>What do I learn to go from guy with camera to photographer?
Composition and lighting
>Are there good books?
No, just take photos
>How do I find good photographers to take influence from?
Just take photos
>Share any tips that have helped you become more creative and better at finding good shots and developing your eye.
Taking photos

Take photos, identify what you like about an image and what you don't like. Try to replicate the things you like and avoid the things you don't like. As you do this more, more of it will become subscious and you will pick up on different likes/dislikes, rinse and repeat.

I do not understand why people are so convinced they need to be told what a good photo is. It's literally like asking "how do I decide my favorite color? What books should I read? Who are famous people who's favorite color I can copy?" It's a fucking photo not math, there are no wrong answers
Only talentless hacks say this btw. It's an art form OP not a favorite color.

cell phone photography thread. drop a picture you like from your camera roll

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Why does this photo look like it was created by a generative AI?

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This shit doesn't work.
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Oh man, I wanted this guy to be real

You can no longer have more than two lenses. What will they be?

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I kinda want the 55mm for the 3D pop, but the CA on that thing looks so ass. Is it really that bad?
I just need a 50. If I have to pick another, probably a 20 or 24. Doubt I'd use it much though.
I can't say I'm displeased with it. I've had lenses with much worse CA. What I care about most is that it's sharp enough to actually use wide open and that it gives a pleasing look when doing so. And that it's small and was fairly cheap is a nice bonus, I could have got a 1.2 GM but I'd be less inclined to take it with me.

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And an example of the bokeh. It's not creamy, I have my 135mm if I really want that, but it's a look that I like.
The two lenses I have for my Sony full frame system. 35mm f1.8 and 85mm f1.8.

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This is the Film General Thread, aka the /fgt/.
Please post film photos in this thread.
It's ok to ask about film gear in this thread.
>it's not gay to post in the /fgt/, unless you still mount your slides for projection

old thread >>>4372571

Thread Question:
>will there ever be a better 35mm landscape kit than a nikon fe and a bag full of zf.2 glass?
108 replies and 66 images omitted. Click here to view.
These are a good effort, but none of them are sharp photos.
You really should make a bigger effort to use the tripod and smaller apertures.
One of the biggest things you can do to make tripod use easier for macro, especially at high magnifications, is to use a mounting system that lets you slide the whole camera forward and back.
The right way to use bellows in the field is really to set the bellows length for your desired magnification, and focus by moving the camera in or out, and a macro rail or even a long arca swiss plate are handy for that.
When you have a flash power dialed in for that magnification as well (fixed flash to subject distance) you can work very quickly.
>doghair & cidade de homos meet again
>they immediately proceed to gay intercourse
Almost anything it's possible for you to buy will be an improvement over a lab scan in technical quality, and put control over colour and contrast back in your hands.
The gold standard for quality though is camera scanning using a good macro lense.
If that would be your ultimate goal then I'd advise you not to overcapitalise on an intermediate step, and either go straight for that kind of setup, or for the cheapest film toaster/shatbed with film holders readily available.
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dragonflies are some of the coolest animals
motherfucker looks like a military-grade insect from the 80's
this is peak animal design
and it's impossible to see them standing still, kudos for that as well
nice photo
this you? >>4376393
>complaining about pretty much the only person itt who gives feedback a bit more complex than "that's nice", "that's shit" or "kys"
to be fair, that's understandable coming from a nophoto
Thank you very much for the thoughtful feedback! I missed some hanging cord in one of the corners of course, so I'm going to retake the picture and take into account some of your feedback. I agree about that blurry shadow now that I look at it. Next time I'll post a picture of a contact print to keep things somewhat interesting, and share how good my exposure actually was or not...

If you can believe it this image was taken at f64 using a 300mm lens, 22 sec exposure! If you pixel peep the full res tiff there is some softness due to diffraction, but it's not really noticeable at an 8x10 print size, and completely unnoticeable when scaled down to 3.5mb jpg.

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I think it looks awful, personally.

Should've used a DJI Pocket 3.

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Why did they make his face look like that?
Yeah because it's not the actual trailer. You suck.
>I think it looks awful, personally.
yeah, tm sucks and keeps missing the mark
not a good look
you missed 3. check all the threads. i have them well hidden.

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write something good please

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Something good
nice photo!
>write something good please
It's in focus and the sky isn't completely blown out.
>The lighting is flat
>The shutter speed is neither fast enough to freeze the water nor slow enough to flatten it. which has a vibe like you accidentally pressed the shutter
>It's overly sharpened
I think you could improve it by making it black and white, it's basically monochrome as it is, you might as well fully commit
It's a good start. It's like the sort of photo a first semester photography student would capture -- someone that's actually starting to give some thought to their photography and has potential to get good.

Choose a better shutter speed. This isn't fast enough to freeze the water, or slow enough to smooth the water out. It's at an awkward in-between that just makes it look like a thoughtless snapshot.

Choose a better time to take the photo. The sky and lighting make it look flat. Come back here during a day with "dramatic clouds" during sunset or sunrise (whichever shines the most light onto the scene).

Composition could be improved. The natural subject here is the waterfall, but it's too far to the lower right -- the photo has a lack of balance. The line between the mountain and the sky also presents a strong geometric shape that "frames" the photo, exaggerating the lack of balance. Try to either avoid the potential for this sort of framing, or utilize it to effect (which I don't think is very possible for this kind of photo unless you want to get abstract).

I would like to see more intrigue in the foreground. Try a wider angle lens, get close to the ground, and letting that log or an interesting rock dominate the foreground.

Learn to use curves in post-processing to enhance contrast and control the tonal value of lighting.

Keep at it op and you can get good.
Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ forgives the sins of all those who come to Him.

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I am thinking about ditching pentax for nikon. I have a K1 and I absolutely love it, especially with some of the film era lenses (pic rel).

The problem I'm having is that when I want to do more serious portrait shoots the options feel very limited for high quality, constant aperture, full frame zooms and fast primes. I have a Nikon f100 that I use and I have a couple lenses for that, so I'm thinking about picking up either a d700 or d800. Any thoughts on which I should get?

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Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
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Go fuck yourself

A D800 is by far the better choice over a D700. D810 has a few extra goodies on top of the D800 but nothing wildly notable.
>shutter shock
>mirror slap
there's a reason it is as "cheap" as it is
>he doesn't shoot in live view.
What is this "mirror slap"
>As far as I've seen there were no constant aperture zoom lenses made in that series
well there was the F 24-50 f/4 and F 250-600 f/5.6 but that's hardly a good selection
if you dip into FA zooms your options increase a bit

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