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/p/ - Photography

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Here's some terrific quality film photos with photographer credited, and also the gear and film used. For educational purposes and purposed of discussion.
102 replies and 45 images omitted. Click here to view.
It just strikes me as weird that a nature photographer would even take a 24mm lens with him. Given the time it was taken it probably wasn't a particularly bright lens so bringing it on an evening shoot seems pointless. Makes me feel like its staged. The other thing that is odd to me is the deer look like they're two of the exact same plastic model, just one further away or smaller and rotated a bit. I guess it could be real but it just looks fake to me. I've seen a lot of shitty photoshop jobs in newer calendars so I see no reason why that would be a new phenomenon.
It's taken really close to detroit, so it's probably planned. Wait for good weather, know a good spot with deer, then just try. 1/30 is quite reasonable for that FL, but at f/8 feels too fast for ISO 100? It is heavily backlit. Feels completely possible to me but could be staged too.
Plastic deer would mean that the picture is actually the slightest bit artistic rather than some boring and smelly animals just randomly and meaninglessly showing up. Anyone could take that picture with a cellphone, but who has two plastic deer that they use with INTENT to produce something they would proudly proclaim is art? The image is devoid of all meaning, but at least that GWAC tried his very best to make a pretty pic.
Real deer or not its better than your snapshits either way.
I don't post my artwork here, gwac normie. You lot are entirely undeserving to even cast a gaze upon my real and meaningful art-work.

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Purple thang gold hammers gleamin' as I see you pass...

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeCanon
Camera ModelCanon EOS REBEL T5i
Lens Size18.00 - 55.00 mm
Firmware VersionFirmware Version 1.1.3
Lens NameEF-S18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS STM
Image-Specific Properties:
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Image Created2025:02:17 16:21:48
Exposure Time1/2000 sec
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Drive ModeContinuous
Flash ModeOff
Compression SettingFine
Macro ModeNormal
White BalanceAuto
Exposure Compensation3
Sensor ISO Speed192
Color Matrix132
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You've basically strapped a basic telephoto lens to the front of your phone lens. Binocular optics are not ideal for camera sensors, but as long as you get the focus and distance from your phone's objective lens correct, it all theoretically works.
Same concept of people hooking their phones up to telescopes.
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Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera ModelRICOH GR III
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)28 mm
Image-Specific Properties:
Exposure ProgramNormal Program
ISO Speed Rating200
Metering ModePattern
FlashNo Flash
White BalanceManual
What do you think the camera man is trying to say by making that person red?

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Cats eye in the corner, visible onion rings, clearly ashperical.
the onion rings are kind of annoying. I fucking HATE when the bokeh is too busy

possiblity of front element mask with lemon shape and round holeing, nothing says aspheric elements to me
Cooke S4, Angenieux Optimo or Canon

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Last thread hit the image limit. Stop talking Gear and post pics.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution240 dpi
Vertical Resolution240 dpi
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I like this, but I think you could have done more with the composition. Trying to get an S curve or some kind of leading line out of the water to the tree would be good, or playing with the visual balance of the slightly left leaning tree. I'd also consider deepening and saturating your blues a bit to create more color contrast with the grass. Nice work though.
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[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera ModelNIKON D600
Camera SoftwareNX Studio 1.7 W
Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.7
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Color Filter Array Pattern1142
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Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
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Image Width5081
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Subject Distance RangeUnknown
Worst advice itt
Hey, I'm not the one getting nude.
You sure about that?

>buy analog camera
>go take photos
>look inside
>no photos
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Really cool image can you post more?
>because a photographer can never be an artist.
Dishonest post. True photography is art, the rest is photojournalism or worse, random snapshits.
Based comment and based photo, thank you anon.

>if you cant know in advance if there will definitely or probably be something worth photographing in 8k ultra hd mtf lens quality with off camera flash and a 69mm f0.24, you probably aren't qualified to carry a dedicated camera in the first place.
If you are a sports photographer, maybe ; if not, this post is garbage.
The old trips are what made the old /p/ so special to me. We used to have genuinely good photogs, and a real sense of community (meetups, photo books, challenges, thoughtful threads). I used to be inspired here often, and actually learned some.thingd.

I was pretty active 2010-2015, and came back in 2021, but it's very different. I've tried to contribute, posted hundreds of photos and several dozen example and comparison type images.
I've tried to offer practical, real world advice and experiences, but it all just never feels worth it here anymore.
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Too many shitflingers and not enough people actually willing to go take photos.
Taking photos requires effort. Fagging on about what brand of plastic goes around your sensor is infinitely easier.
>2023/2024 /p/
Wasn't exactly great but there was more activity and more threads with specific intent
>2025 /p/
Ahaha go fuck yourself, this place is a husk. Continually calling everyone who posts a photo shit has probably driven away the few semi-sane posters to reddit (yuck).

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeCanon
Camera ModelCanon EOS R50
Camera SoftwaredigiKam-8.5.0
Lens Size10.00 - 18.00 mm
Firmware VersionFirmware Version 1.3.0
Lens NameEF-S10-18mm f/4.5-5.6 IS STM
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Macro ModeNormal
Subject Distance1.400 m
White BalanceAuto
Exposure Compensation3
Sensor ISO Speed160
Color Matrix129

Does anyone use
>the dial
and if so, what are your settings to get SooC jpegs that don't require lightroom and RAW?

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera ModelE-M1
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom 6.5 (Macintosh)
Maximum Lens Aperturef/2.8
Color Filter Array Pattern802
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Image Created2016:04:22 18:46:47
Exposure Time1/60 sec
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ISO Speed Rating200
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Light SourceUnknown
FlashNo Flash, Auto
Focal Length40.00 mm
Color Space InformationUncalibrated
Exposure ModeAuto
White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Gain ControlLow Gain Up
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I've never heard a better endorsement for not buying Olympus
She used to have a silver EM1 mark 1, and used the in-built filters for her instagram, yes. There's plenty of pictures of her using it out there, I doubt she still uses it, it's pretty old now.
The Dial is the worst and dumbest fucking gimmick.
>SooC jpegs
Shit. Shit across the board, really, but especially shit in M43-land. Some of those bodies and lenses can get images that are surprisingly sharp and naturally high contrast in raw form, but then the jpegs just BARF excessive noise reduction all over everything and then try to sharpen the blurry resulting mess, even with your camera's settings set to minimum/off noise reduction and sharpening. Absolute buffoonery.
yes, what do you have against them? do you think the only fucking company in the world who has decent jpegs is canon or fuji or something?
Of course.

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For decades boomers held back the evolution of photography. Now hipsters have joined them. Today modern digital cameras are still designed as if it was 1995. Billions of dollars over the past 30 years has been wasted by corporations designing digital cameras around designs of 1950s film clunkers. The world of photography should have moved on from film and its janky designs twenty five years ago. Cellphone companies certainty figured this out. Now they are eating camera companies alive. How embarrassing.
Fuck retarded photographers and camera companies for not pulling their heads out of their ass. There is literally no rational reason to be using film today besides hipsters shitting themselves over bygone aesthetics. This is especially true since 99% of their shared film photos are DIGITALLY SCANNED AND UPLOADED TO THE INTERNET!!! There is certainly no reason for cameras to be be clunky monstrosities either besides boomers nostalgic for the past and retarded corporations catering to them. God damn, film and its antiquated designs still hounding photography. Film and its lingering stench need to die already.

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera SoftwareGIMP 2.10.36
Image-Specific Properties:
Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
Horizontal Resolution300 dpi
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Image Created2024:12:16 21:02:44
Color Space InformationsRGB
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take your meds schizo
my film point and shoot vignettes more than my m43. I also have 4 film cameras
Excellent job farming seethe and cope from digishits.
no fucking way, throwaway garbage vignettes more than something actually half decent
Buy a fujifilm with all the controls, njgger

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/compact/ v3

Talk compact cameras, post pictures, etc

Is that a camera in your pants or are you just happy to see me edition

Previous thread >>4396396

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Image-Specific Properties:
Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
Horizontal Resolution72 dpi
Vertical Resolution72 dpi
Color Space InformationUncalibrated
Image Width1214
Image Height1214
Scene Capture TypeStandard
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I bet that's just 50 extremely large pixels.
I don't care how many MP it has, according to the reviews I thought it's ok but it's really bad.
post results ya dingus.
Sorry, it's already in the trash.
Boy you are an actual moron. You bought a portable webcam

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Roll and post resulting photos

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop CS5 Windows
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Image Width1623
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Number of Bits Per Component8, 8, 8
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Horizontal Resolution96 dpi
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Image Created2014:07:25 10:17:08
Color Space InformationUncalibrated
Image Width1623
Image Height541
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Roll ^_^
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Read food, and is this still snapshit? I hope I'm doing good on the photo.
>lots of rolling
>not a lot of photos
hmm really makes you think
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/p/ cock or two edition

old thread >>4382649
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I had to drive around 8 hours and only saw a couple of these guys, but it was worth it.
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There were some other birbs too
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[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera ModelNIKON Z 8
Camera SoftwareAdobe Lightroom 8.1 (Windows)
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Color Filter Array Pattern866
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)570 mm
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Horizontal Resolution240 dpi
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Image Created2025:02:07 13:19:29
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FlashNo Flash
Focal Length570.00 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Exposure ModeManual
White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Gain ControlLow Gain Up
Subject Distance RangeUnknown
What a little dumbass looking bird. What do the bird nerds call that stupid ass looking thing?
there's been a few eurasian eagle owl spotting very near my home, I've gone to those spots daily but heard or seen nothing

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Reminder that photography is the art of deception all too often
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You've never even touched a tilt shift lens.
They did a shit ton of attention to detail for those images. Are you sure I'm not wrong?
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Top Secret take of a prop used by Hitchcock.
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I have no words for this one.

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It's a good day to be a M43 chad.

>Compact early SLR design with weatherproofing
>pen F dial for people who like taking pictures instead of gooning in lightroom for hours on end
> OM-3 Kit with 12-45mm F4 Pro £1999 or £1699 for just the body
>new weather sealed compact primes
>perfect camera and system for pretty much any kind of photography outside of extreme low light and niche studio work (which should be using medium or large format anyways)

If your not a self hating sensor size queen doesn't this seem like the perfect everyday carry? Nothing can replace film but at least for digital shooting this looks perfect for most use cases not covered by the OM-2 Mark ii.
196 replies and 24 images omitted. Click here to view.
the only panasonic I have is the 20mm. I think the 25mm I had and sold didn't have an aperture ring
>no one can tell no one will care i promise
I can tell in the same situation even if you can compare a shit ff pic shot with an entry level tamron prime to a base ISO mft pic shot with a $2000 f2.8 equivalent "noctitroon".

Apples to apples mft just looks like shit and in more ways than pixel peeping noise. If you dont pixel peep its actually more obvious. FF shots have a richness and depth even at so called equivalence.
Top end m43 lenses are only as good as aps-c budget lenses.
>24-80 f5.6, rattly plastic build
Fucking lmao.
>olympiss: 16-50 f5.6-8
>meanwhile on ff: 17-50 f4 for LESS MONEY
>state the obvious
>finish by being proven right
Like poetry.
>you can tell the difference when I peep at 8000% crop

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Best one I've ever used so far was Kodak Gold 200 due to the vintage look and warm colors and Ilford HP5 for contrasty street photography.
Worst was Fuji 100. While the vibrance is okay, it's way too blue and green.

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeXiaomi
Camera ModelM2101K6G
Camera SoftwareAdobe Lightroom 10.1.0 (Android)
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Focal Length (35mm Equiv)25 mm
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Image Created2025:02:08 19:18:17
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Metering ModeCenter Weighted Average
Light SourceD65
FlashNo Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length6.04 mm
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Exposure ModeAuto
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Scene Capture TypeStandard
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You meant poetry? The poor ESL can't even formulate a grammatically sound sentence besides parroting one-liners.
How new are you? In fact you dont even have to tell us
Let's see, best? I like ilford fp4+, that's what I always use. Velvia 50 for colour, but keep in mind I haven't used it since it was brought back, that was ages ago... I just love looking at the 4x5 slides though.
Worst: I can enjoy any film really, maybe BW400CN? I don't understand the point of it since I want to develop B&W at home not fiddle with exact temperatures and shit.
Panatomic X and vision3 200T i hate these.

favs - fp4, XX/SUPERxx, vision2 and 3 250D pulled 2 stops and i actually really like kentmere 400 pushed to 6400 for night shit requires rodinal 1:100 stand for an hour and then dump another 1:100 for another hour

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Cheap plastic film cameras from late 90's and early 2000's.

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakePanasonic
Camera ModelHDC-TM700
Camera SoftwareVer.1.00
Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.5
Sensing MethodThree-Chip Color Area
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)89 mm
Image-Specific Properties:
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Image Created2025:02:09 00:12:39
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Focal Length8.67 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Image Width4608
Image Height3072
Exposure ModeAuto
White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Gain ControlNone
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Film produces worse images. If you want to claim a soft grainy image with less DR and a squished color gamut is more in line with your personal preference, ok, but you can just edit a digital photo to look the same. A $1500 Z7II produces cleaner, sharper enlargements than 6x7 SLIDE film, the film is only higher resolution on a technicality. And it does so up to ISO 1600, where it finally looks as fucked as film does at ISO 50. Film loses so much edge definition and contrast at finer and finer resolutions that nobody ever enlarges it to its theoretical max. 20x16 from a z7 looks better than a 20x16 from a mamiya 7.
If you shoot it 1-2 stops slower than labeled
Digital has so much shadow detail that if your highlights arent clipping you get cleaner shadow and midtone info than film ever could even with 3 or 4 stops of overexposure.

Film is the worse product. Its only remaining niche is producing a certifiable original without needing a cryptographic ecosystem like c2pa.
No sharpness is bad and people who care are stupid bugs with no souls thats why its good to pay a premium to have to shoot at iso 25 to have a film photo that looks like a vsco filter applied to a iso 3200 digital photo.
cool, digishit looks like shit. it why all new movies look like flat ugly shit
film is a better product. digishit is just more convenient and cheaper while producing ugly images with worse colors

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>most popular film cameras people buy, Canon AE-1, Nikon F2, pentax K1000 ect, were originally produced in the 1970s
>you can buy a 90s blobmera that takes moden glass for under $100
I don't get it. when it comes to image quality, the single most important thing is the lens (at least for film cameras where you can swap the sensor at will). Why do people prefer the 1970s manual chase the light meter cameras to the 90s blobmeras that take EF glass and have modern metering, auto focus and programming controls? EF glass is going to kick the shit out of 1970s glass
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its weird how cheap pentax 645 stuff is, especially with the bodies without the grips. granted you cannot use a pentax 645 without the grip and there are no knobs, just a fucking 2 direction d pad and the lens aperture in manual mode only but that thing rapes all 35mm on iq
and folks wheres the lie?
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Yes they do.
And adding to that, many of the later cameras rely solely on the electrical winding motor. On my AE-1 I use an accessory winding motor, if it fails I can just wind by hand. On a later camera if the motor fails I'm screwed.
>5 to 10 years
Yet, somehow, magically all my Nikon film cameras have fully functional displays, despite being over 30 years old.
>5 to 10 years
my rebel 2000 and pentax 645 both have working LCDs

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