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But it focuses on people! PEOPLE!
I really like my S5, got it cus I rented one before for a cheap short film I shot in school and I really liked the result. The kit lens is really really good, and I love how it renders for video, plus the codec is very flexible for color grading.

That being said, I come from shooting Canon and I just don't really get how to get the colors the way I did with my old Canon. I really like the higher detail and low light performance (going from APSC to FF) though.

Feels a bit limiting to only do video, but it does it really well, so idk, any tips for getting better colors from JPGs on the S5? Any way to get more out of the inbuilt picture styles? (or tips for processing on the photoshop RAW processor)
>Desolate mount
That's more the fault of Leica developing the mount, it only recently became an open standard
Learn Darktable or Lightroom
trying out darktable and it's very good, feels better and more precise than lightroom while still feeling easier to use

thanks for the tip!

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Feel free to dump any figurine images you got.
Here are a few of mine.
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The orange dot in her eye looks weird, aside from that and the anti-gravity tits reaching for the sky it seems like a nice fig.
Nice pic.
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My most expensive figure

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeSONY
Camera ModelILCE-6000
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 13.0.2 (Windows)
Maximum Lens Aperturef/2.8
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Image Created2024:09:09 12:40:35
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does this count >>4357869
>the belly squish
Hatsune Meatku?

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Not only do the results look much better at equal apertures (f/5.6 1/320) compared to other 24MP FF or APS-C bodies, but the difference if you move 2 stops lower to 1/80 (to account for equivalent aperture) is gigantic.

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Photobombed with what? Subpar quasi art 3/10 snaps? Dude is also like 40 and still posts on 4chan LOL
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>seething schizo is having imaginary convos with himself again
Put your trip on, Honey. It's been 25 years of posting on 4chan yet you still have to make a decent picture.
Sad. Many such cases.

recently i fucked up.

I was taking a photo for a nice wallpaper while traveling and

>accidentally forgot to remove my finger from the camera
>accidentally took it in 4k instead of 1080p
is there anything i can do to fix it
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rural Alabama. does it look nice
yeah just crop da hand and da ugly ass truck
wtf where did the car go
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no AI needed
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or a different crop if you will

This thread is dedicated to the discussion of art side of photography.

General topics might include

>Great photographers, photobooks, history of photography, movements in photography, world photography, classic photobooks, photography literature, exhibitions, photography canon, magnum collective, photo festivals, art criticism, photographer's biographies, photobook reviews etc.
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I could die a million deaths and you’ll still never get art out of a camera.
see >>4360323
>just takes snaps of rocks and leaves.

John Gossage >>4360323 is the father of this genre. Checkout The Pond

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"Walking is the best medicine"

"The photographer with his camera, walking." That is the internal revolution that no one talks about. The walking photographer go from internal to external. He is the Body first. Photography deals with the surfaces and with a world that is already full. Photographer negates and negates until his desired out come. Photographer doesn't start with a blank page. That's his punishment, that's his redemption. Photography is the meditation, a temporary release from the torture of the self. To lose oneself in the space, to pluck coherence out of the chaotic world, to overcome Time and become automatic and natural even for a second, that's the catch!

No doubt photography is a meditation.

Is Leica Q3 a good entry level camera?
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I don't know what level of cope and delusion you have to be in order to re-define well known business definitions. It's a very roundabout way of saying I can never afford one and I'm mad.
>poorfag cope
I shoot commercial/fashion full time and have no idea what this graph means, lol.
just stop down bro
I am gonna buy the utter shit out of their fixed lens G series if they're not fucking retards about it and if they make it 28mm like it goddamned well should be like my GSW690

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I've basically never done any photo editing, sorry. Were these emo pics just increased contrast? I've kinda tried to get the same look but I just don't get it.
no they are not
Scene isn't emo you retarded poser
B&w and increased contrast. Looks like it. They also have that early 2000s digital camera look. Share a pic so we can see what youre doing wrong.

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>weird old creep starts following you around and takes photos of you
>you politely ask him to delete them
>he says no and posts them online
How do you respond in this situation?

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Anon is talking out of his ass, by EU he means Germany.
Germany has very strict privacy laws, but since you're a tourist they can do nothing when you post photos online back home.
The police can ask what you're doing and you just say, "taking photos in a public space for myself" and that's not a crime.
If you tell them you will publish them, they will ask you to delete them.

It's tricky though. If you stand on the street and take photos of people in a shop, you're photographing private property.
>privacy laws... in public spaces
Ridiculously authoritarian and a joke is what it is.
I feed bad for those forced to tolerate it.

Assholes just like having it as as power they can use to be a cunt because you looked at them. It grew from there because the world is increasingly full of stupid, belligerent assholes who.
Privacy rights in public spaces are a good thing and eggy's "photography" is so bad it proves it
lol, he rustles your jimmies so hard i can feel it from here
>girl is with her friend
>she's attached to her phone
woman moment

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What is these types of shots called? How do you shoot like this?
steadycam + slightly speeding it up in post + jump cuts, basically
That's it? Just gyro plus speed up?
nothing about any particular shot in the assemblage seems remarkable, just some pans and zooms and walking with the camera, maybe for some of the snappier ones they're also dropping frames here and there
Never, ever listen to someone on /p/ telling you a certain look is simple to achieve.
It looks like a DJI Osmo Pocket set to "hyperlapse", specifically.

Post your phone pics, what phone do you use, etc.

The best camera is the one that's with you!!!
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Wtf what's so wrong about the newer ones?
I'm on my 3rd and probably last pixel 3
>bretty gud, how did you edit it?
edited in Lightroom mobile, set saturation to 0 and fucked around with highlights and shadows until I liked what I saw
Got an iPhone 15 Pro Max and a Sony Xperia 1 VI
Not sure which to keep, both of their cameras have their pluses and minuses...
anyone here use either of them?
Shot on Pixel 6 Pro.
I'm glad that new gen phones nowadays almost all come with an astrophotography mode for long exposures.
Can definitely recommend getting a 20 dollar phone tripod if your phone supports night photography

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Am I?

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post flowers
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only interesting pic itt
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What lens did you use here

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera ModelNIKON Z 50
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Photos from a four-day workshop I attended in Seoul, South Korea.

All I shot was shit with my x100vi
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>back of head
which part of the fuji user agreement makes literally every fujifag do this
These are all really nice Anon.
Each photo has a strong sense of mood and theme.
How are you enjoying the X100VI? I've been planning on getting one but I am worried that it won't be easy enough to take with me everytime I go out. Is it truly pocketable?
Actually good.
I like it, the AF is lacking, but I would rather shoot with a Fuji than a Sony ever again.

They are better video cameras than photo cameras.

The x100vi I think is great because of how it simplifies everything; that's all you can ask for in a camera, where you don't need to think that much except what you're trying to capture within the frame.

I started to shoot BW probably since I had the x100V, I love the Acros film simulation, but I try to emulate Tri-x 400 and go from there with my editing to fit what I want the viewer to focus on.

Maybe I'll shoot colour one of these days, probably for commercial work, but personally BW cuts out most of the bullshit of colour and to shoot colour well you need to have some sort of control of your enviroment, which is hard on the street.

The world becomes more honest in BW, there are also some personal reasons, but I I don't want to talk about those, it just makes me sad.


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god u suck OPlmaooo

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Canon's AF is so good it can predict the shot for you
>Ok I'm going to ignore the part where I was wrong about thing
>Instead I'm going to fag on about this other thing which makes me objectively right anyway
Bro. Stop. You're tiring to communicate with
I have one and its good for pretty much any normal circumstances obviously if you were shooting the world cup or in extreme weather you would want something else but I dont ever see myself needing more desu
>>he needs eye detect autofocus

I don't, in fact I use MF a lot, but you can't deny the usefulness.
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Camera-Specific Properties:
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Camera ModelCanon EOS RP
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution300 dpi
Vertical Resolution300 dpi
Exposure Time1/400 sec
ISO Speed Rating200
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Do you just perpetually live in a state of PC vs Mac, XBOX vs PS4, Apple vs Android?

I don't understand.

Do you just circlejerk and read spreadsheet specs all day?

At least PC masterrace people get to build their own rig, which would count as a bit of a hobby, I guess. Buy all you do is go to the store, purchase, then yell on the internet how your machine is great?
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truth nuke
I use Panasonic and Pentax, because I'm a real photographer who doesn't care about brands.
>subpar cash grabs by washing machine, scope, and printer companies

As opposed to the printer and games console companies you mentioned?
By your definition ZERO companies are fit to make cameras.
>You have two choices in photography. Canon and Sony. Both are amazing. Everything else is for neurotic copers, contrarians, and the clueless dadographers who are nonetheless gearfags.
Agree except for Sony. Sony cameras are not true photographic tools and never will be.
Sony is the best representation of reality, they make video games after all

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Nikon-bros, we are so back.
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Huskyfag tier response
>i took a snapshit of my dog i am the camera buying expert
>Huskyfag tier response
Better than being a nophoto.
>i am the camera buying expert
Unironically, I bet I have more camera sales experience than anyone on the board. All I said though, was that Zf is kinda bulky in practice, and Z 40 is decent for the price. I take shitty photos, 100%, which is why I encourage others to post too, show me up instead of being a nophoto.
>i buy a new camera every week to snapshit my dog. i know what really matters.
One day you will wake up and realize a lumix gx8 is more than you need
Jeez, guys, all I was saying was that it's not as monstrously huge a camera as people claim it to be. Anyway, I've just purchased one, so I guess I'll see just how unwieldy my stupid hipster camera is when it gets here. It's certainly not a pocketable camera, but I wouldn't consider the x100 series pocketable either. I wouldn't even put my little Nikon A in my pocket, unless it was a winter coat.
Oh for sure, I don't need much, different cameras are fun though. Last I bought was the Zf, which is coming up on a year. Maybe one day you will take photos.
It's sick, enjoy.

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