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/p/ - Photography

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Feel free to dump any figurine images you got.
Here are a few of mine.
190 replies and 120 images omitted. Click here to view.
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Color Space InformationsRGB
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Just stumbled across this old master chef figure I'd forgotten I have

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera ModelOnePlus 12
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Focal Length (35mm Equiv)70 mm
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grown men playing with dolls.... i'm about to die from 2ndhand cringe
Dw anon they normally do much worse things to them
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Where do you think we are?

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeOM Digital Solutions
Camera ModelOM-5
Camera SoftwareRawTherapee 5.11
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution350
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Image Created2025:01:05 12:26:03
Exposure Time1/80 sec
Exposure Bias0 EV
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Is it just me or were girls hotter before digital cameras arrived?
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People arent getting uglier. More content needs to be made and it needs to be cheap so they are hiring uglier people. The majority of people are ugly so hot people are in high demand. Society literally pays them to exist.

So, basically, islam was right. Burkas now.

You just need to download a photo editing app on your mobile phone and try it out to see what girls are doing.
They are all making their eyes bigger, blurring their skin, messing with their nose and jawline.
Its so easy too, you just slide some sliders.

Also the phones today bake in tons of editing by default.

Everything has a kind of plastic look. Then add in the massive supply of photos now, every girl puts up a photo every day, vs in the past it was rare photoshoots, heavily planned and controlled ie quality over quantity.

Anyway to sum up I shoot girls and bring a film and digital camera to every shoot and take photos of the same girl in the same setup with both. Film is basically done with zero editing, it somehow edits skin by itself and looks nice.
Digital shows tons of flaws and i feel like 90% of my editing time goes to the skin editing on the digital shots and 10% to the film of just colour correction and dust removal. I almost never retouch skin on film shots.

Film is amazing like that, it really does make peoples skin look naturally nice. Sadly no girl is going to bother with film for her daily selfies, as you cant slide all those editing sliders to make yourself way better looking. Therefore they are all locked to their iphone only.
This is why film will ALWAYS be better
>smiling nervous squint
>hair covering wide face
>not leaning forward (look at necklace)


>open dead eyes
>hair moved wide face
>necklace dangling

it's a shit picture taken on purpose
OM-S has god tier colors too, to the point of making tards believe the Kodak CCD have better colors than CMOS, when it's just olympus color processing

Canon Pixma inkjets, not bad for the initial cash layout. Buying Canon ink cartridges will take an honest man broke. Any recommendations for tank systems?
Epson does those.

(I myself have only a cheap Brother bw laser for printing text &cet. I order my prints on photo paper from an online shop.)
The G500 is pretty cheap and good for the price, but it seems like it was discontinued and the replacement model is more expensive and isn't widely available yet.
The epson A3 ones are supposedly good, but also 3-4x more expensive.
I got one of those Epsons (ET-2721) and they're really good.

Haven't had a dried out printer head ever since (the ones in my old Canon printers always dired out after a couple of days) and refilling is quick.
Prices for ink are low as you can simply buy third-party ink for almost no money. Quality-wise I don't see any differences when printing.
>Prices for ink are low as you can simply buy third-party ink for almost no money
I wouldn't do this. Even with first party you'll spend way more on papers than on ink without risking poorer color accuracy. Then again, that particular one only has 3 colors, so color accuracy isn't going to be stellar either way.

If OP can at all afford the 6 color A3 printer, that's what I'd recommend.

>see a vid of some fag sucking off a contax 2t he paid like a grand for
>his main points were that it has an f/2.8 lens (that you can't set to f/2.8) and that it has half stop exposure compensation for over exposing images, and the smell
>mfw when my canon sureshot I overpaid $40 for also has an f/2.8 lens and a manual ISO dial in 1/3rd stops from 50-400 (and 1,000 off on its own for some reason), meaning it literally does all the same shit for $40.
also why the fuck does it go from iso 50 to 400 in 1/3rd stops and then just randomly jump from 400 to 1,000 and not 800? did 1,000 speed film use to be popular?
pic related, technically a photo thread because its a photo I took
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I'm not a lens design expert but as far as I'm aware it affecters wide-angle lenses more, because it reduces or removes the need entirely to reverse telephoto elements. Rangefinder lenses are generally smaller because of this short flange distance and also because the vast majority of them lack autofocus. You'd be surprised how much bulk autofocus adds to a lens.
Yeah kind of retarded to pay anything upwards of 100 bucks for analog point and shoots. They'll all be dead in a decade and unrepairable due to electronic components.
At least for me fully mechanical is the way to go.
>At least for me fully mechanical is the way to go.
I could buy like 12 electronic cameras per your 1 mechanical
>irreplaceable 70 year old spring breaks out of nowhere and the 7 parts that came loose with it destroy several brass gears and a cam follower. time to hunt ebay for a new one after being told by uncle joes camera repair that naptha wont fix this one.
>meanwhile, elechads: *jumps the burnt trace and replaces a standard issue capacitor* wow that was easy *realizes one of the few mechanical parts left broke during disassembly because 30 year old plastic* FUCK
I never got the idea that mechanical cameras will last forever. Spares are gonna be scavenged from parts cameras no matter if mechanical or electronic with IC's (fully analog electric cameras can be fixed with the Conrad parts catalogue)
Like, no nigga, you're not gonna sit there with a jeweler's file and make your own gears or build jigs to make mainsprings.

Elechads truly do just keep on winning.

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Is this even a mainstream genre ?
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But how close is it?
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No anon, it's a big secret so stop posting them and delete this thread.

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Image-Specific Properties:
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Delete this post, we don't want them knowing.
Who is them?

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I want to get into cosplay photography. How do I take pics like this?
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Also need an nd filter
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>how much do you usually make at cons
I think you know the answer to that question
Now we're talking. Conventions are for networking and bolstering your portfolio, without which you'd have nothing to show if you wanted to bag a private shoot

IP address: India

oh no no no no fucking film chad mogged photography once again. a film chad can direct a film and then shit out a kino photobook. is it over?

Dear God, the Parthenon is still broken by Yorgos Lanthimos
22 replies and 13 images omitted. Click here to view.
Disparate pretentious nonsense

Photography is dead for the same reason ALL art is dead. It’s an insular circlejerk similar to 4channers sharing and building upon memes while trying hard not to come off as an outsider or newcomer (unless they are hella schizo) - and there’s a lot of schizophrenia of course. The elevation of mental illness in the arts was a huge mistake but noveltyfags gonna novelty.
honestly if the punishment for art criticism and reviews were death we’d see a massive improvement

also see: the state of fine dining
>would you like some deconstructed tomato soup with your breadless bread plate, sir?
tastemakers and their midwit followers did this
I didn't watch Poor Things, but I watched The Lobster, Dogtooth and The Killing of a Sacred Deer
you'll see that an aesthetic sense is not "the main thing he has going for him" (also as if it wasn't enough for a good photographer – maybe not a great one, but for sure enough for a very good one)]
ok nophoto
>really great film director
Some good shots honestly; cool to see some of the background of a film production.

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>been shooting for a year
>composition still sucks ass
is this something I can actually learn or am I just not built for photography

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That's it? My dad one tens of thousands of international photography competitions, and then he taught me everything I know, and now I have won over one hundred thousand international photography competitions. I started off young so I had a bit of a head start. :D

Before you ask I don't share my photos online. I'm sure you've seen them before. Frankly, I am prolific.
I should know better than to engage with the cinema take. So I won't.

>Its [sic] pictures of other peoples [sic] art.

Either way, my point still stands. Art or not, using one focal length for a period of time will help you know what FOV that focal length covers, so you can appropriately choose the focal length(s) that suit(s) you thereafter.
Maybe it's just one. Maybe it's three. Maybe it's all the ones between 70mm and 200mm. I'd argue that starting off with all the focal length at your disposal hinders creativity because you can just get the shot without thinking too hard about it, so your shots would end up all the same. Someone else might say the opposite is true, and that's fine if they have a good reason for it and it works for them.
I took out my 28mm prime today and it inspired me to take some boring ass building corner pictures
28mm is great for creating drama through distortion and size distances.
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Just keep shooting, notice which photos work for you and which don't and learn from that.
In the end progress is gradual and almost invisible; but it is there.
I look back at photos I took after my first year of photography that I thought were great at the time and they now just feel average, same with photos from even just a year ago.
I will also advise you to get a decent old point and shoot that you can keep with you all the time, if you're always practicing photography you'll get better faster.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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Image Created2024:07:25 09:36:06
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FlashNo Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length12.80 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB

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I have been studying alot of ancient history, specifically ancient astronomy.
I am now certain that all world events can be predicted from studying the skies.
Anybody here using telescopes to photograph comets? I am looking for roughly what I need, and examples of what you guys are getting with your gear?
I really need to be able to see and photograph comets and meteors in space.
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Camera-Specific Properties:
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Image Created2024:12:20 15:49:18
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Is my image overexposed or is it light pollution (both?)
Single exposure, taken in a Bortle 5 area.
Canon 6D 50mm @ f/1.8 10 sec ISO 3200

Left is raw, right is after processing in lightroom. Trying another 10 sec exposure tonight using 1600 or 800 ISO.
f/1.8 is speedy, going to get a lot of photons. Overexposed. Try a lower ISO.
That edited result looks rather good. Any particular steps you've made? I try and go for similar looks but I always end up making the sky look retardedly noisy or dark
If you're looking for a backdrop image with trees, the trick is to do a short exposure to capture the trees, then a long exposure to capture the sky. Doesn't look like you're using a tracker, so a single second exposure of the trees at a medium-to-high iso for the background, and a low exposure around 100-200 to capture the background, and overlay the images.10 seconds untracked will give you star tracking like that. I would do 5 seconds and multiple exposures and stack them, then recombine the background the still backdrop and recombine.

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The perfect E-Mount body doesn't exi...
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Get S lenses poorfag.
>muh snoy

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imagine scrolling through an endless shitheap of japanese tranny erotica, and in your post nut clarity realizing there's a sony in your favorite set and that it has the potential to troll /p/

truly a sad existence
there is also a canon blob and a m43 shitter waiting for their own time to be posted, no worries
um our response sonysisters??

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Post yours too if you want. Also urbex/abandoned stuff.

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Last one I'm willing to put out for now.

The rest that I've got edited have people in it, wouldn't want to post something here without permission from them.

Oh yeah, >>4399189 counts to this too I guess.

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeCanon
Camera ModelCanon EOS Rebel SL2
Camera Softwaredarktable 4.6.1
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Hi boys. I want to ask a question about adapting M mount lenses to my X-T4 and noticed there was no /fag/ thread.
Does anyone use the Leica M to FX adaptor?
I'm also planning on using a 28mm and want the best yet most compact lense I can find.

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeFUJIFILM
Camera ModelX-T4
Camera SoftwareDigital Camera X-T4 Ver2.12
Maximum Lens Aperturef/2.8
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)83 mm
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Image Created2024:10:26 12:19:14
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Focal Length55.00 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
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Scene Capture TypeStandard
Subject Distance RangeUnknown
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Hey, that's a good point. Pretty sure I just set it when I got my X-T5 and went from there. I'll mess with it today see if it does anything.

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In case anyone else is curious, turns out it was the camera automatically slapping a lens correction with my 18-55 2.8-4.

I wasn't shocked it was doing that at all, but I was shocked at how much brighter it is compared to RAW.

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeFUJIFILM
Camera ModelX-T5
Camera Softwaredarktable 5.0.0
Maximum Lens Aperturef/2.8
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)38 mm
Maker Note Version0130
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Image Created2025:01:10 22:58:33
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Do you have DR200 or DR400 turned on? Even DR AUTO.
Those settings underexpose to prevent highlights from clipping
Do you mean that the image is indeed dark (as is the RAW), but the lens correction applied in camera made the JPEGs brighter (this being the "default" you expected out of the RAWs too)?

Did turning on the lens correction in darktable bring your RAW to a comparable state to the JPEG in this regard (ofc not color/WB).
Ah, that could also be it. Totally forgot about that. Thanks.

Don't have the same test images handy anymore but lens correction got it about halfway to where JPEGs came out. It's by no means a major headache but always wondered why RAW was darker sometimes.

My best guess is the lens corrections applied to the JPEG, but not exposed to the RAW, or what >>4399264 pointed out as I've seen some of my other shots with vintage glass doing the same thing.

Honestly I'd rather leave the RAW as untouched as possible since I'd want to edit those anyways, so this is a good thing to me.

Late reply but hopefully that makes sense.

I guess the chinks will do what the brits couldn't and save us from Kodak's monopoly
75 replies and 7 images omitted. Click here to view.
I fucking hate Cinestill, they're so fucking greedy they had an active part in the downfall of film and the dramatic rise in price of the last (almost) 10 years
its a mix. they are obviously fucking faggots with trademarking 800t and then copyright trolling people over its use and trying to fuck other people out of their scam, but they did bring kodak cinestill to the stills market
Instax alone does more in revenue than all of Nikon's camera sfuff

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Do you know what mount they are? they are japanese
Tampons adapt all mount probably with an m42 adapter on it.
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Light SourceUnknown
too soon man wtf
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