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Can we have a thread on color grading and post?

I'm trying to find some LUTs to imitate fuji on v-log. I know luts aren't nearly as good as simulations, I just want some better color that the basic 1-tone garbage Luts that Panasonic provides: https://pro-av.panasonic.net/en/cinema_camera_varicam_eva/support/lut/index.html

I've seen some really good stuff but it's all in paid packs:




coming from /g/ and /ic/ these prices seem insane for basically messing around with the RGB curves function. My gut says there's a tutorial out there where I can get to 80-90% of this quality in a few hours on my own.
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Yeah, but I don't really want to fuck around in post, just make some of my own LUTs, stick them on my camera, and call it a day 90% of the time, then the last 10% I might want to actually manually grade something that's really special.
>Xhe pays for someone to develop and scan xer film
Do you also pay someone to fuck your wife?
>luts aren't nearly as good as simulations
What do you think a LUT or film sim is?
Just spend 1-2 hrs on YouTube and you'll have a dozen of your own free to use.
>Thread on grading, but I don't want to actually grade
You can convert stills edits from programs that support exporting edits as ICC like capture one into LUTS

So take a photo of a scene under a specific illuminant (ie: orange sunset, red sunset, purple sunset, warm daylight, cool daylight, cloudy, shade), edit that to your taste in C1, export all color edits as ICC and convert to LUT. Wala you just made your own canned color grading ie: fujifeel-warmdaylight.lut.

I know for sure lattice supports icc->lut conversion

Sadly this isn't a replacement for shooting raw in stills because most cameras worth using process their video far better than their stills (if its oversampled from the whole sensor to 8mp they better)

>Be filmcuck
>Slosh some toxic waste around for 20 minutes
>put your photos under a digital camera capable of resolving all the detail in the photo
>take a picture of your picture

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This only works right if your camera supports shooting raws in the log gamma you're using
I know for sure sony allows this, and the gamma curve and bit depth actually get applied to the raw file, so making LUTS is piss easy
Not sure about how it works on panasonic

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I'm new to this. I like the lighting in this photo, but I have no idea how to post process this to take it from mediocre to great. Any input is greatly appreciated, even if you just want to hop in the thread and call me a fag.
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Please don't shit up photo with your porn. 90% of the damn Internet( and women in general) is just that, whores selling their dignity for a quick buck and simps obliging. Sage
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it can actually be very artistic, some latex photogs could mog most of /p/ lmao
>pic not related
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1°) What ever >>4383853 and >>4383858 said
2°) Learn to expose properly (look at the fucking historgram)
3°) You're never going to make it so forget about everything we're saying and just keep doing your thing
Better! Glad you're continuing to push improvements with this one setup instead of just moving on and learning nothing. See about either lighting her lower half more, or at least doing some local adjustments to even out the exposure on the highlights of the legs. Otherwise I'd say you're on the right track.

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why is it specifically the all manual shit from the 70s that has the hipster tax? you can get pretty full feature cameras from the 80s and 90s that have the gay settings by wire shit like a pentax 645, canon sureshot or rebel 2000 for super cheap and all you have to deal with is the gay controls. even if they aren't serviceable/brick due to lol electronics, shit is still cheaper just to buy a new camera body. the only thing that is gay about them is they are ugly and you need to deal with shitty control by wire controls

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>If you have electronically controlled timing, you're not wearing it down with every use. The timing is always accurate
Up to this point you were 100% correct. Even with cameras that have shutter electronically controlled there's always the mechanical part as you written that gets used, dirty, grease solidifies etc. over time.
The biggest problem with cameras any construction is springs that power movement or control return of elements. They are non-serviceable parts and very often making replacement is very hard or undoable because there is no technological data of their characteristics. Still you can experiment with their strength to match the timing. Cogs and sprockets can be easily made either with sóyboy 3D printing or with chad machining. You can even cut them manually from brass like watchmakers were doing for centuries. Even things like cams that there is no data regarding their original shape can be reverse-engineered from desired camera characteristic like for example cams in rangefinders - match the focus on infinity, 10, 5, 3, 1 meter and done. With electronics, either based on dedicated microcontroller, or long gone source code to progam those generic you're pretty much left with finding donor body. That's the case with my Olympus OM-2n that second year passes as I'm looking for donor body for the board.

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>Even with cameras that have shutter electronically controlled there's always the mechanical part as you written that gets used, dirty, grease solidifies etc. over time.
of course, but every failure point you remove, the reliability increases. Sure you can't reduce it by 100% but that doesn't mean it's not worthwhile doing what you can. I think the difference in talent, time, cost etc. you need to be able to fix a mechanical camera, in comparison to an electronic one isn't so far apart, if existent at all. It's just a different skill set. Take the T90 for an example, that camera gets the EEE issue all the time and that's a simple fix. Obviously not all issues are that easy with electronic cameras, but it's pretty hard to compare all the possible issues you can have with an electronic camera against all the possible issues you can have with a mechanical one, and then on top of that try and compare how much time and effort you would need to learn how to repair two totally different systems. I think the important part is that electronic cameras have fewer wear parts, and wear parts that are less important if they do wear a bit, and they're easier to prevent damage.
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>of course, but every failure point you remove, the reliability increases.
boxchads we can't stop winning
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Just asking for camera failure

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Yes, modern bodies outlive their shutters. its pretty normal. any shutterless ilc will probably last forever.

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Any APSC lenses that work on full frame without crop mode?

I was looking for a zoom lens that would be light and wide enough to vlog with, but the 12-24/16-35 2.8 are too big and heavy, and 14/1.4 and the 20/1.8 are as well, and don’t zoom.

I found that my SEL1018 just happens to project an image circle that covers most of the full frame sensor without crop mode, as a7siii sensor doesn’t allow it on video, and it works well 12-18mm with stabilization on.

Are there any other lenses known to work like this? I’ve read that the 55-210 can also work, but I can’t test it as I don’t own it.

Otherwise, any super light wide angles that can be used for vlogging? Weight and size take precedence over zoom capability if I had to choose one or the other.
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>you have to buy and carry suboptimal compact designed lenses because you just have to okay!!
*because you cant hold 3lbs at arms length
Unless your camera has a digital crop stabilisation feature don't bother. get a DJI action cam for the money of that lens and you'll be much happier with the result
>I need to save 150g by getting smaller lens, instead of simply removing a 200g cage
But how will he mount his various recorders and gimbal for max error margin? Yeah sure you can get 10 bit video and 24 bit audio straight out of camera these days, and ibis+dynamic stab is great if you are not a spaz, but what if? Gotta film in raw with 32 bit float.
>for a vlog!

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How do we save photography and ourselves bros? Media has gone completely schizo and there is no way one single image of literally anything, not even hardcore porn can compete with what short form video has done to 99% of people's brains. The output of our hobby is decimated because of over-stimulation and information overload.

Is there anything that can be done? Do we have to all get into video ASAP and accept that stills are dead? Do we start writing on blogs again like it was 2012 to go with our photos? Walling off into Flickr did not work as that platform is even more dead than Instagram. We have some of the most realistic, smartest autists online on 4chan, I am sure we can come up with a logical practical solution.

>just shoot for yourself
>just print the photos and put them on your bedroom wall who cares lol
No, this is just cope. We all know it.
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>>an art critic wrote about that last year, they covered an artist who is social media famous...
Kek, this is funny. Can you link that article?
/ic/ here

Accept fate and do things you like because you enjoy doing them. We got left behind ~120 years ago, now it's your turn.
is it still over in 2025? or are we so back?
Interesting thread. I think we can make a spin-off thread on improving the photo sharing experience, be it via a website (with what requirements?) or otherwise.

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Made a cheat sheet for my flash (Godox iM30) and anyone else who got a flash with GN 15

Other than that, flash photography thread.
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I purchased one of these recently and saw a few people buying them at the store

they seem pretty popular but unluckily for me my only lens casts a shadow :(

I'll try again when I get a smaller 50mm
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she's a thicc girl but you just set the iso and the aperture on the top ring and it works the rest out for you
Thyristor flashes are peak comfy, im never getting rid of mine.
Just wish they werent all so big.
mind sharing the original excel/number/sheets? I would like to do some visibility and ISO adjustments. Thanks!

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how would you start and organize a portfolio if you've never consumed to shot before?
Put the number of pictures you have in total into a random number generator and then have it spit out 25 random numbers.


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Opinions on shooting 12,800 ISO?
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>tell everyone to freeze
>take picture
>inform everyone that Simon didn't say
literal skill issue
>noooo m43 cant be good stop saying its fine nooooo
Ok but hes right, 20mp m43 has less chroma noise fogging left in hair/foliage/fabric than the equivalently higher isos on an a7riii or z7 and the grain is smoother
64 or bust.

>t. Tripod landscape photographer

But seriously. I have mine capped at 12800. At least I get the shot no matter how noisy it and dark it’ll be.
> tell the band to freeze
only for like 1/30th of a second they are playing jazz anyways

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thats how people did it back in the day fucko
>open a film thread
>it's nothing but toxic waste zoomer posting
I hate film fags so much it's unreal.
Okay, boomer.
Chinon bellami.
I am not wrong. This thread is full of toxic shitposts. Age has nothing to do with it kid.

>BRB. just the biggest upgrade (cheat mode unlock) you can make to your photography skills.

Yet, it's ignored by noobs and seasoned hobbyists somehow.
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Fantastic piece of kit. Also love sturdy mini tripods.
no if you’re a big dweeb with a d850, a tripod, a giant zoom, and a purse full of filters to take a photo of a tree you are a gearfag. its cringe, you look autistic, and everyone despises being near you. women instantly realize you are a creep. men tell you to keep it pointed away from their children or else. your only out is to dress as a survey worker.

someone who whips out their om5 and snaps is not a gearfag even if they used to be and they’re putting their d850 on ebay tonight, and especially not if they harbor that instant sense of disgust towards d850 autists
>you are a gearfag depending on specific gear purchases
geartarded take
>clank clank rattle
>here comes fatso with the entire nikon and manfrotto catalog strapped to him
>"im not a gearfag youre a gearfag for thinking this is stupid. skill issue you cant afford it you’re too weak"
why are all GWACs like this?
I'm thinking of buying this chinkshit tripod for my telescope and night / astro photography. Think it'll be stable enough with the centre column down? Or should I spend $40 more for a 32mm one?


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Post your favorite painterly photos with female models/actresses.

I'll start
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I'm not sure your mother would appreciate that nickname
uhhh consent isn't what makes it ethical sweaty so weird we even have to say this
>there is always a power imbalance in a man having sex with a woman, ergo, all sex is rape
leftist made age gaps into problematic because of "power dynamic" but all heterosexual relationships have power dynamics. wait a few years and they will say all sex is non-conesnual
they already do, bro, where have you been living in the last 5 years?
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>Reflx lab flash costs $50
>Moonlabs never made it past kickstarter
>Every other mini flash uses alkaline batteries or is proprietary crap

Thank you Godox, now I can take Terry Richardson snapshits using medium format
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What are the best settings to get a shitty point and shoot look without overexposing/p/
Fucking Godox shill I won't buy your shitty flash lol, I just won't do it, lmao!
>can do bounce flash
>weighs nothing
>powered by camera batteries
>surprisingly powerful
>weather sealed, I've used it for macro all day in the rain
Only downside is it can't be used off camera and it charges slow. Not a big deal for me. It's one of my favorite pieces of kit for sure.

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Shame its only for micro four turds, and only a handful of bodies (not all support it).

The first known photograph of a little girl

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Camera-Specific Properties:
PhotographerTodd-White Art Photography
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution72 dpi
Vertical Resolution72 dpi
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Does anyone have Sawatari Hajime's photobooks? I'm looking for Shoujo Alice and Umi kara Kita Shoujo especially but anything is fine. Surely there's an archive somewhere of his works right?

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Newfags be gone, men are talking here
is this darknet or 4chan?
this thread is creepy asf frfr
apparently her and her brother were the models for houses of the holy too

I think we all can get a little self centered at times with our hobby and the photos we take. I thought this thread might be nice to dump shots, names or even Instagram links of photographers who are making it in 2024 for us to consider. New work helps us evolve. We don't need to see the same Daido Moriyama, Leibowitz and Adams shots over and over as inspo. There must be new photographers out there experimenting and being successful for it.

I am admittedly very ignorant about this myself. But I found this Spanish guy doing somewhat interesting "street" work, which I usually don't like: Joaquín Pastor Genzor
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Why does this remind me of perfect dark zero on the xbox360
Based. Dude uploads his work constantly.
Is this Kowloon City? I didn't know there were any good photos from inside that place.
That's AI slop
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Retard here, I'm trying to fix up my camera settings so it stops being so fucking blurry in close-ups, which is something that's been plaguing it even in ideal lighting. Please bear in mind that I'm an amateur photographer.

I'm going to upload some photos directly. from my camera so the EXIF data should automatically transfer over. The first will be in "auto" mode and has a noticable red filter that idk how to get rid of, the second will be with "Easy Mode" turned on

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Color Space InformationsRGB
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Exposure ModeAuto
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Scene Capture TypeStandard
Gain ControlLow Gain Up
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It blocked me uploading this pic for "embedded file" so I had to re-save it in a format that deleted the exif data

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Took this in "sunset" mode

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera ModelEX-S8
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Focal Length (35mm Equiv)27 mm
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Image Created2024:12:31 17:53:02
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Gain ControlLow Gain Up
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3.63 MB JPG

"Scenery" mode

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Gain ControlLow Gain Up
the sensor size is similar to that of a basic smartphone camera. is the front of the lens clean?
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This is the correct answer
if this don't fix it it's probably fucked

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