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Anyone ever submit to a FIAP Salon? I'm thinking about trying it. There's all sorts of old boomer photographers that submit to these things all around the world. There's seemingly multiple FIAP Salons to submit to each week? And it feels like a great way to waste a lot of money. Especially for those salons of very dubious quality from third world countries where the entry fees probably actually mean something there. Most of the photographers in their .PDF archive published each year have no internet presence whatsoever but the images can be pretty good from what I've found so far. It was actually a lot more fun than browsing Instagram or whatever. With how many salons there are it feels like endless content for casual enjoyment of browsing. But its really tacky when you find some boomer photographer where their name is like John Smith ERP AFAP DEEZ NU/t and their instagram is just a bunch of screenshots of certificate PDFs of fake accolades from trivial contests rather than actual photos? It feels like the old world of photography that us young whippersnappers aren't privy to... unless? Anyone here involved?

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I have been studying alot of ancient history, specifically ancient astronomy.
I am now certain that all world events can be predicted from studying the skies.
Anybody here using telescopes to photograph comets? I am looking for roughly what I need, and examples of what you guys are getting with your gear?
I really need to be able to see and photograph comets and meteors in space.
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I'm dumb. The quick stretch is blowing it out. Will process correctly tomorrow.
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Thats about as far as I can take it without doing an HDR series. Can only do so much in a bortle 7 with 2 hours of exposure.

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Same workflow and image taken in a bortle 3 with half the exposure time. Fuck light pollution.

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Camera SoftwareGIMP 2.10.36
Image-Specific Properties:
Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
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Image Created2024:12:07 16:41:05
Color Space InformationsRGB
woah, you are the dude with chevrolet stars
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Yes, I have them more or less fixed now. I'm processing old images with new techniques. Last image with blurry. This one is much crisper.

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Most of my family and friends dont really care about photography, and i am not really good at it, but i just really wanted to share
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I wish I was born there.
Excellent composition
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Not op, but Ive been shooting for like 7 months now. How do I break the habit of using auto to shoot photos? It doesn't feel like real photography when I am out shooting.

>fujifilm xt-30 ii

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Shoot aperture priority + auto iso.
this >>4390565 Ive been at it for about two weeks now and I thought A meant auto but ive been shooting AP the whole time. I like it pretty easy to use and lets you still have control if you want.

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I'm new to this. I like the lighting in this photo, but I have no idea how to post process this to take it from mediocre to great. Any input is greatly appreciated, even if you just want to hop in the thread and call me a fag.
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you really like those shadows? you're not quite to the editing stage yet
Is OP still with us?
>Kid Barrett
lol that's cute. It's always funny that every time I see someone referencing Syd their music is never anything like Barretts unpredictable avant garde whimsical noise art rock, it's just like some normal post punk synthpop sounding stuff from 1995, a decade too late.

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>maximum file size allowed is 5 MB

Why is the number so small even to this day?
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You went to extreme points, sounds to me you are either mentally challenged or jewish. Please stop posting.
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crop deez nutz in your mouth
terrible composition
horrible colors
putrid contrast
I ain't clicking on that and getting a seizure bruh

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Got any great stories? I haven't found any massive scores, but I am quite consistently able to get somewhat sought after vintage lenses for cheap when bundled with with cameras and other gear. What about you guys?

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera SoftwareGoogle
Image-Specific Properties:
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>> flipped
It is the only sensible way to make money from photography.
Scored a GX9 kit for $350 which I am shamelessly gonna sell for twice that.
and a LX15 (LX10 for you amerifats) for $135
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It seems stores here cleared out all their ef-m stuff and I thought there would be a massive sale or something but nothing happened Where do I find good second hand deals for them? Thought of getting 55-200mm since I got 22, 32 and 56mm and kitlens.
Check if anybody is selling the bundle that has both lenses. Some may sell it for the going rate of the one with just the kit lens.

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Generally, everyone I talk to seems to be smarter than normal. You need to know the basics of the exposure triangle and also used taste.
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Judging by who populates this board it definitely isn't

Dubs of truth.
photography appeals to men with autistic, OCD, and schizoid tendencies and they tend to have higher IQ
The sophistication of the equipment and its significant impact on the result further narrows serious photography down to more intelligent than average men and autistic lesbo women

This does not apply to normoid parents taking kid pics or dumb trendsters who mutter something about pixel peeping wedding cameras when you point out they missed focus while pretending to be a hip street photographer for instagram
I haven't met many people irl that are into photography but the few I have haven't been all that knowledgeable on the technical aspects of photography. Nor have their photos been that good technically, they just put in the effort to go to the good places and get good subjects and then process their photos in a popular style (I won't say good because that's very subjective). Compositionally some of them suck too, they don't put much thought into the photo and just snap away and rely on the processing.
taking stills is the most basic and straightforward thing you can expect from a camera. The most complex way to capture stills is by using an analog camera with a manual focus lens (helped by a light meter, of course). you don't need to memorize exposure numbers. only a retard will do that.
videography is the real deal. I mean real videography. using rigs that cost millions. and not those cheap steel plates with holes that youtubers slap onto their snoy alpha or FX3 cameras.
It takes skill and muscles just to get a good shot. years of practice can turn you into a gigachad with the brain of James Cameron.

Why do older photos taken by top of the line cameras look more colorful and feel very different then what's taken now? is it all just lighting tricks?
Pic unrelated?
That bloke hit twink death like you wouldn't believe.
old film

kodachrome 64

now all digitalshit is soullless
>feel very different then what's taken now
Grading doctrines, right now the american way of grading as gray and dull as possible, so that high-contrast cellphone screens can show it decently, has been a dull trend that has taken us way too much time to get over it.
Back in the 60's it was different than the 50's despite using the same stocks at times.

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>GFX100II + GF55

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Camera-Specific Properties:
PhotographerMarcus Ubungen
Image-Specific Properties:
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It's fine for a 159k sample.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera SoftwareCapture One 23 Windows
Image-Specific Properties:
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sopa de macaco
Looks cool, I like the shot, I just dont like a corny 90s family photo backdrop behind him, or the frame around it. Also might be a touch cold on the temp but hey maybe the photographer likes it that way.

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I got this from a thrift store years ago for super cheap. I can't afford to buy a better one right now. Is it worth using or should I just put it in storage and wait until I can buy a new one?

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop CS3 Macintosh
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Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
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Image Created2007:07:13 18:42:29
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It's actually just wider than standard, with the crop factor it's a 36-432mm. I owned a Powershot S3 back in the day (same lens) and the idea of a 400mm 3.5 is neat but it was just not wide enough a lot of the time and at the opposite end image quality was just okay, even at the time, albeit with those great older Canon colors. Mostly I remember it because the large jpegs were 2112 pixels tall and I like Rush.
Go outside and take some portraits at base ISO, full zoom, and f/3.5. Enjoy your boooookeh.
These old superzooms can do some good work. Shooting at near full zoom makes for interesting images that you don't usually get from other cameras. (far perspective, flattened subjects, good subject/background separation, all at a relatively deep depth of field)
You don't put a Chevy in storage, you put a Rolls Royce in storage.
You don't put a tool in storage if you are going to use it everyday
You dont use a dull knife made of pig iron just because its technically a tool either. Some "tools" quickly become better wall art than workmans kit.

Thankfully this is more like a dull knife made of chinese steel so it can cut butter and amazon boxes

Grusky mooched off Koyaanisqatsi. Fuck that hack. Fuck Dusseldorf school of Photography. I am done with this shite.
literally who
if you're not baiting then you need to stop posting on a photography forum
Curb your autism and tell us why we should give a shit, or you can personally contribute to the ignorance you are inevitably going to complain about.
I thought the Dusseldorf school of photography was made up and was a clin d'oeil to the chicago school like kikery kek
At what point is it copying (stealing) vs copying (taking inspiration from).
It's not really the same format so I would tend to the later.

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This was the view from my balcony yesterday

Post the view from your window/balcony

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Thanks anon, was going for broken/ugly with a window of beauty at the top. I'll settle for uncomfortable. Here's another pic with more of the cloud. By the way, the colors are quite edited, this cloud was more yellow irl

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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no i meant my tree picture is uncomfortable
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499 KB JPG

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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bosch kettle
sex doll artsy fartsy
autumnpilled and based
nice sky, everything else sucks
diarrhea splatter
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1024 KB JPG

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Anybody know what exact camera gear setup this guy is using?

Looks like a sony but unsure if FX3 or FX30 or A7CR etc

Either way, the video quality & audio for youtube blew the fuck out of the video quality that the Sony DSLR vlogger team faggots were using. (A7s3 or around there)

Video quality here:
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Sony lens at 5:03
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Aperture ring, so 24-70 gm2?
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9:17, definitely not a FX or C cam. Standard A7 of some sort.
A7S III most likely, or possibly A7 IV you can see the hinge for the fully articulated screen and I think those are the only snoys with that.
Thanks bro, looks like I'mma be saving money and getting the A7S III not the FX3

Also in comparison, the Fishtank S2-S3 series were shot in FX3 rigs and they look decent but nothing to the quality of the A7SIII


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Any compact camera enjoyers here? Post your gear, show your pics
Compact video people also welcome

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution72 dpi
Vertical Resolution72 dpi
Color Space InformationsRGB
Image Width686
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Scene Capture TypeStandard
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a bottle of superglue, a sony a6500, and a sony e pz 16-50 oss II.

no idea why you want to be unable to replace a broken lens or clean the sensor tho
LENS ERROR is the #1 killer of pocket cameras
ur exaggerating
If you don't care about night shots

been trying out this setup now. works well and is pocketable with large pockets, just need a bit of practice with manual focus on those thing
You can find small chinese lens with a 2.8 aperture, don't remember the name though

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Sons of the Living by Bryan Schutmaat

>Sons of the Living is a photobook about the land and people along the highways of America’s deserts. Photographed over the course of a decade in the American West’s arid and sweeping terrain, this work depicts a human capacity for endurance. Schutmaat offers an updated view of the “open road” that addresses a new era of uncertainty and anxiety. Amidst a backdrop of environmental decline, economic dispossession, and societal neglect, Sons of the Living draws attention to trouble on the road ahead and searches for our hope to withstand it.
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>Two thousand nine hundred ninety-nine other people have bought the book, and the first edition is sold out, with a second edition on its way to be printed. That is phenomenal for the market in 2024. Believe the hype.

Mediocre, /rpt/ tier

Is writing a blurb about climate change really the secret to a good photo
>Mediocre, /rpt/ tier
I would like to see those. And where are rpt's projects and photobooks? Any grandmother can take a single photo. That's ain't means shite. Make a full ass project and then wave dick.
>one boring photo of a rusty sign? amateur
>20 with a bridge and a few hobos? Slap a political blurb on and PROJECT
The MoMA and magnum have been a disaster for photography as an art form.
Handling a project and presenting a coherent vision in a photobook looks easy on paper but it is a big time pain in the ass. Try it. It's not easy.

>The MoMA and magnum
Wrong. Anonymous(and some well known) 19th century American western landscape photographers spawned this aesthetic. There FSA photographers during depression era took the lead.

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