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Wut? What did I miss?

Where's Ja?
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kek. nice one op
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how are indians so powerful?

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i dont care if its throwing away my vote at this point
fuck zion don fuck biden fuck niggers fuck jannies and fuck you
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its funny
kill yourself
>kill yourself
Get mercury poisoning.
>throwing away my vote
>by not vooting for one of the two parties
Anon, anyone who votes for those two parties are the ones throwing their vote away. Shouldn't feel bad in any way for not voting for either.
If we have to have someone politically left, I'd feel safer with him in the office and in charge of the nuclear football than the dimentia patient that's there now.
Please, if you're considering voting for Biden and just plain don't want to vote for Trump, vote RFK instead.
If you're considering voting for Trump, you should also vote for RFK instead.
>See, I can do that as well!

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medicare lost
Imagine a world where people don’t get old and never experience the human condition. Sound unreasonable? It’s not. Just picture what the metaverse has already accomplished within the last decade and envision a future where your children never live in a place where they are hated for who they truly are.
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he beat medicare.

meanwhile dems on suicide watch, pic related
Big pharma's geriatric meds sector lost.

...it's almost like it was designed to be the worst possible form of government.
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People from Tottenham control the world
Yes and anyone interested in this subject should read what the anti-federalists wrote
Okay OP... what government lasted longer???

Roman kingdom lasted 250 years
Roman republic lasted 700 years
Roman empire lasted 470 years

American republic (modeled after Rome) has lasted 260 years... so whose model is better???
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>I'm superior on account of my epidermis so let's bring slavery back
>I can be one of the ruling elite owning other human beings
Kiss my ass, psychotic turd. """People""" like you should be burned alive.
There is no perfect form of government, It should have always been God as our King, ruling from on high. All others fall due to the wickedness of man. There is no governmental structure with the ability to counter human wickedness.

"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
-John Adams

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A frozen volcano island that's the cleanest and safest country on earth. Literal ethnostate that's avoided by most thanks to it's harsh climate.
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it was an ethnostate up until 1970s
Middle East, in appearance. Didn't give a fuck to ask. Sand nigger n all. I'd b cooler w Polish.

Been to Poland too, great food (awesome doughnuts n dumplings [pierogis], gravy = bacon grease) but no "hot" chicks however really good average looking chicks. LOTS of JEW influence there, esp in Wrocław
Keep my countries name out of your drunk mongol mouth
>Believe HIV is a thing
>Don't understand how it works anyway
You're not into women anyway, so what are you whining for?
Saved me the trouble......

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And if she can't keep her own state?
She done kidnapped my heart, would knock on backdoors for this witch.
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We hate her in Michigan more than Californians hate Newsom

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A principled constitutionalist is about to announce his candidacy for becoming president in 2024.

He has the charisma.

He has the principles.

And he has the Delegates.

Ted Cruz

Q is dead, i repeat. Q is dead. Not only him, but his anons too. No more two more weeks. No more trusting the plan. Just total control and compliance.

The Braggers of Fort Bragg are dead. The light goes out and the darkness shines trough. Freedom, they said. Freedom of tought ? Freedom of speak ? Freedom of what ?
Freedom of sin ? Freedom of choice ? Order no more, Chaos. Are you ready ?

Dark Suit, White Hat.
Infiltrated, got Fort Bragg.
Send me, Q, it said on their patch.
From 2020 to 2021 - 109 dead.
ISA. Play a Game, Hide and Seek. Is no more.
Anons and their families got burried at the chore.
Did the tyrannts won, or will you keep doing nothing?
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KYS nigger.
You are the glownigger
>Do you really think you’re invincible?
Never said. I dont have 4chan gold.
>Bwahahhaaa….you and anyone who sided with you or protects you will soon be screaming and burning and dying
Sided with me ? Are you out of meds in the Superstition Mountain Blacksite region ? Kill yourself nigger, time does its own thing, the good people will have the last laughter. The stones got set in motions, the game will play out. No doubt. This is not chess. Its 5D
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There will be no good ending, no redemption by serving a greater purpose, no joy or happiness, no turning what was meant for evil into doing good.

There will only as all of you intended, total and utter darkness and horror for all of you.
No mercy.
No forgiveness.
When will it end?
Well…how many of you are there across the entire universe, as in how many left?

REEEE all you want God forsaken creature. All you can really do now is watch.
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Since when am I the glow nigger?

explain this to me like I'm a retarded four year old.
oh, you already are...

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Congratulations sir you are the 1 trillionth pooper on earth. Your UFO will be waiting for you to bring you to Draco
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I peed
I'll be back to bump in 5 minutes.
Thank you for your service
jews torture, rape and rituallistically murder children in underground tunnels, they harvest adrenochrome from the children in order to keep younger, jews have been doing this for centuries, reason why have been kicked out from 110 countries

You have no business making fun of others after what the whole world just watched at your "debate"
CNN is now reporting that Trump has announced Kaguya Houraisan will be his VP
Biden will be his VP

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They are that retarded, but it doesn't matter. Biden will never step down. Fucking his party over is the best thing he'll ever do in his life and he won't even understand what he's done.
Cloud in top left corner of second panel
Why is Sky like Fox in Aus but its like the BBC over here?
Based, also hella gay.
kek kek kek kekaroo

They are the biggest losers tonight. Biden has always been their puppet, but they stretched him too far. They gambled he could keep it together until November. Now he can't, now he isn't, and now they have no good choices. Trump is going to win unless they literally kill him, but doing that would cause more problems for them than it solves.

They are very close to being forced to act openly, but the minute they do that they're exposed, and consequences will flow from that. And when I say "openly," I mean in a way that makes 2020 look subtle.
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You're not going to win WWIII. The US will be lucky to make it out of 2025 with a functional federal government.

It's time to flee, motherfuckers
total lack of better things to do the only sportsball on is baseball and its too WHITE for poltards so we have this
Anyway, I need to head back into the shadows for a while.

It's been nice.

Remember what I told Hollywood about the 17 year olds... and say hi to Jim Carrey for me
>Collapse is coming
I agree memeflag
none of us are making it to November 2024
total global economic-financial collapse prior to September in my estimation
They're just going to have Byebye do an emotional "Win it for me and the country" torch-passing to some big human aborter.

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I hate America
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Dear god yes, 2016 meme magic will truly return.
I still can't tell which ones of these were made by her meme team and which ones are satire.
she'll become the first female president to lose twice!
>President abusing their powers in office is so common its impossible for the average person to keep with who cheated on whom

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in USA?
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>become a common scene in USA now
It's been a common fuckin scene in the USA for centuries, everywhere else COPIED the USA.
Joe Biden is sharper than you.
>who did not imprison Clinton
He didn't say he would. He said if he was in charge of making laws in the country that she would be in prison. There is a difference...
>didn't build a wall
He built a wall, it just wasn't good enough. We need to be able to kill illegals chopping through the wall.
>didn't bring jobs back to America
Except, he did and he also started charging China tariffs for all the shit we were importing making some business prefer to stay in the country.
>after Biden wins
Biden never won.
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This is the USA in New York.
You Macacos seem to be fun around, like a jovial version of russians
That and thick booty Brazilians..
what did he hit him with , and it goes without saying stay away from niggers brandishing random objects

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>The world is 94% non White.
>We need to bring these people into the West and teach them our ways, teach them Christianity.
Will it work?
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yes of course, everyone wants to live like a westerner, even if it means they have to tear it to shreds to get their piece.
>the steppe nomads descended upon the valley agrarians.
>endorses genocide
>loses ranch
Will not work.
how about we teach them there, so we don't have to teach them here?
>our ways
we wuz jews..

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Thank you miners

Previously, on Salt Mining General... >>472411428

Go forth and be the salt of the earth
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Oh no, not my reddit faggot karma, whatever will I do?

Haha, fucking loser.
Damn that's funny, you gotta hate when the enemy is funny.
This is the correct answer.
These kikes really are all on suicide watch, their god moloch will not be happy about this

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The salt is flowing everywhere now.
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Look at the video retard. I didn't create it, CNN did. Why don't you ask your buddies how it's possible?
Compared to 2020 it was fair as fuck when trump had to debate Biden and Wallace
I still don't know what it is you're referring to. Just because you're desperate for it to have been...something you still haven't explained, doesn't make it true, whatever it may be.
The brap heard around the world

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id vote for any woman if it means nukes fly sooner
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Jesus fucking Christ pick literally Any Gen Xer, stop with the same 10 boomer retards. They're almost 60 it'll be fine, they're old enough to be geezer vote friendly now
>he has the looks and the charm
of a 90s kids movie villain
more like #sheWithers

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>I will vote in who loves Israel the most.
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Who let Satan post again
except i did this opposite
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mutts are braindead, don't bother
I just hope yellowstone erupt soon and wipe us all
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>i will vote in whoever deports the most monkeys

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The truth of the Great Replacement, exposed.

Cartoon by Wes Rowell
Dang he sure showed us chuds.

Anyways, here's to 1, maybe 2 more scotus picks coming up for us.
I like how the entire political cartoon industry is literally just
>"It's over, I've aready depicted you as a stupid loser and me as a smart winner!! Ha ha ha ha ha"

Are political cartoonists merely faggots too lazy to become a reporter?
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cool, still voting Trump

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