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This board is for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics.

Off-topic and /b/-tier threads will be deleted (and possibly earn you a ban, if you persist). Unless they are quality, well thought out, well written posts, the following are some examples of off-topic and/or /b/-tier threads:

>Red pill me on X. (with no extra content or input of your own)
>Are X white?
>Is X degeneracy?
>How come X girls love Y guys so much?
>If X is true, then how come Y? Checkmate Z.

The variety of threads allowed here are very flexible and we believe in freedom of speech, but we expect a high level of discourse befitting of the board. Attempts to disrupt the board will not be tolerated, nor will calls to disrupt other boards and sites.

If you want a place to discuss topics not related to news, world events, or politics, please try /bant/ - International/Random,

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Check the catalog before posting a new thread!

Reply to existing threads about a topic instead of starting a new one. New users who do not abide by this principle will be temporarily blocked from creating threads. Mods will delete obvious duplicate threads and spam without notice. Don't bitch because your twitter screencap thread got deleted; there are probably other threads about it. Go look!

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All the most powerful Nazis had that unmistakable neanderkike look. The ubermensch pure aryan stock is who they sent to the slaughter on the eastern front.
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> aaaand it's a memeflag
Hot take, Chaim.
yup, theyve been inflitrated since day 1
WW2 was just a FED side hustle orchestrated by NYC bankers
>Imagine giving kikes your dna
in most of those guys it’s high T (so brow rodge and slope forehead) plus basic Alpine genes. goebbels is just an Nordic incel chud. Heydrich looks like a particular strain of Nord I encountered in the Hamburg area while sowing my yellow oats as a uni student
In a way those seem to all be tethered to some realm called adrenaline.

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/pol/ got BTFOed by Elon with facts and logic
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"The cabals, the systems, the directives of “imperialist” international politics, the phony conservatism, the Jewish mentality that more and more destroys the last residues of the old ethos of the gentleman and of fair play with the most hypocritical and materialistic praxis – all of that survives and develops, within the framework of the British “empire,” after Disraeli, and never loses the signature of its artificer. Right up to today.

Consecrated by a long tradition, the merchants of the “City,” that den of the Anglo-Jewish plutocracy, have the right to invite the Lord Mayor to a banquet and to receive the confidences of the Prime Minister in a speech. The last of Disraeli’s speeches was once again an extreme profession of “imperialist” faith: “I know that they [the English merchants] are not ashamed of the noblest of human sentiments, now decried by philosophers – the sentiment of patriotism; because I know they will not be beguiled into believing that in maintaining their Empire they may forfeit their liberties.” One could well say that in the battle that England is obstinately and desperately fighting today, the spirit of the Jew Disraeli lives on. And if the English, in order to conform to that spirit, bring not only their “empire” but also their nation to ruin, they owe it to this champion of the Chosen People."

-Evola, La Vita Italiana, September 1940
Hilarious considering Poland at the time was doing to ethnic Germans in Danzig what hohols did to ethnic Russians in Donetsk after 2014.
It's the beady eyes.
Forgot pic

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I just started engineering school, about a decade too late. Now i have to interact with poojews and the memes are 100% accurate. The fucking SMELL man. How are they unaware of the fact that they stink like rotting garbage
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Then demand your borders be open to more Indians. Israel should be 40-50% Indian males. Take them. You love them so much.
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oh my god we indian men are SUPER DUPER GAY and we fucking LOVE SMOKING HOT WHITE COCKS!!!! OMG we are COCK CRAZY!!! We indian men are GAY!!!!

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Bros, I finally tapped into the matrix and figured out how to get the Indians to stop calling me. Last summer I was getting 30-40 calls a day asking me to give them Medicare info, buy solar panels, get Covid tests, etc. If you get these calls you know what I’m talking about.

Here’s hoe I got them to stop.

First of all, waste their time.

1. Go along with whatever they are selling. Yes you want to get a new Medicare card. Yes you want solar panels. Waste as much of their time as you can.

2. If the first guy you talk to has shit english, there is a good chance he’s going to transfer you to his “boss” who speaks better English. The front line guy is there to weed out the people who aren’t gullible. Try to make it to the 2nd guy.

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Holy shit kek
Dumbass. You could have paid them to spread Europa the Last Battle or some redpills. Exploiting call center jeets is a heavily unexplored idea.
Same. Myy desire for Pakistan to nuke them grew stronger with each call I received.
oh my god we indian men are SUPER DUPER GAY and we fucking LOVE SMOKING HOT WHITE COCKS!!!! OMG we are COCK CRAZY!!! We indian men are GAY!!!!
I prefer to call them curry niggers.

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Everything that needed to be said has already been said.
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Excellent post for drawing out psuedointellectuals & midwits
OP knows.
Everyone has seen everything already. Love doesn’t work, friendship doesn’t work, it’s all played out already.
Yup. It's why this place is just a cesspool of shills, glowies and retards. Really, what's left of politics anyway? Just killing time shitposting until the fireworks start.
>Inb4 Two more days.
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And you do not? Way worse.

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post /pol/ memories that make us oldfags feel old
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Is also over for the energy kike sisters.
Whoever thought the solution was just changing your catalytic converter into a alchemy chamber?
Mad lad aussie saving the Earth.
This guy is legit

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Unironically how the fuck are normalfag NPCs coping? I know they are all broke as a joke and miserable

I make "good" money and even I'm ready to just move out to the woods and let society burn
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I'm feeding off of their suffering. It keeps me sustained, leaves enough for me to both grow and to tithe.
Probably won't change any time soon so that's a plus I guess. So yeah I'm knid of enjoying it desu.
TV does suck absolute ass today, though.
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I am not a wagie. I get a loan from the bank to purchase “affordable multi family housing” aka a small apartment building with the promise that I will also be living in the building for at least one year and I only have to put 3% down on the building instead of 20%. It’s a loophole. I buy a 5 unit $750,000 small apartment building for $23,000 down and then I live in apartment #1 and use my tenant’s rent to pay the mortgage and put what’s leftover into a moderate risk mutual fund with some personally chosen stocks on the side and a 401k and use a money market account as a savings account where I wire money from into a checking account so I have spending money. When the year is up I buy another building and repeat and I also own two AirBnB’s near a hospital for traveling doctors and nurses to rent so they don’t have to stay in a hotel room for weeks or months. I use a credit card to purchase my protein powder and pay for my gym membership and I pay the minimum every month but never pay it off and that builds my credit score so I can get more loans from the bank. I have $1,300,000 in my stock portfolio and I’ve been driving the same car for 17 years, I grew up in a trailer park and my parents and brother are poor white trash but I escaped it.
If you don’t understand any of this you can expect to remain a wagie. The system isn’t set up to reward hard work, it’s set up to benefit those that understand the system. Grow some balls and get creative.
They swallow the lie & brag about working excessive hours, not sleeping properly or not doing anything cultural as though it's living the life. Because they are such sheeple their bosses treat them like shit & deservedly so. They have nervous breakdowns due to excessive stress but never think to alter their environment.
>Visit a semi-normie friend I've known for years.
>Puts the TV on & says he & the wife are about to watch MAFS
>MAFS? What the fuck is that?
>Oh... Married at First Sight.
>Was I supposed to know?
>no u
Remember how in 2016 /pol/ was hyped to get something different in the Oval Office? Except now you are demoralised and that's the point of this and all the woman threads.

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Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

>16k banner 1
>16k banner 2

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Poland and Lithuania are planning/considering respectively to send back military age Ukrainian men - https://archive.today/6EeJH
>Drone attack on Minsk has been prevented by KGB - https://archive.today/zcMRX

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By resurrecting them all.
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No bulba-man? Shame.
>posted an example just for the taste
>"There's other ones?"
This is your brain on blogging within your hugbox ragul general.
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Definitely the best daily YT mapper working right now, by quite a margin.
Kane bake makes up for it. Thanks baker.
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UHHHH Zizter, you are getting a worse role in the discord because of this

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

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Trump is getting his boipussy dominated every time he walks into a court.
>the redditor spamming gay blacked porn is an iphone user
never fails
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The gay porn spammer got brave to post his filth again.
surprised it hasn't "graduated" to pizza spam yet
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>Homo erectus pr0n poster
Have some more.

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what caused the shift? Trump was crushing the odds and polls just a few months ago?
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the betting sites only go off of polling data right?... i mean they wouldn't have any inside information would they...?
everyone says the numbers flipped because of the Trump trials ... but do you think normies really pay attention to that shit??? I just don't know how people could vote for open borders destruction of their own country ... it doesn't make sense.
Biden was crashing with every normal person who doesn't like to support genocide. Then that fat orange retard went ahead and said he would support genocide even more, so what's the point? Jews will vote blue no matter what, so will blacks. His whole strategy is retarded - that is if those running it want him to win. More likely it's designed to crash and burn.
No same person on planet Earth believes Joe Biden is going to win. However, they very well may steal it again.
This site was hilariously wrong on Election Night 2006. Discredited site
You’d lose 1000 dollars because your money is going to be worthless under the senile pedophiIe


▶Day: 793 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>Denmark increased military aid to Ukraine by 590 million €
>Smooking in an oil base in Omsk
>The aid package will include ATACMS - Zelenskyy
>USA is sending a new $1 billion military aid package to Ukraine
>Biden signed the 61 Billion $ bill on aid to Ukraine
>Drone strikes on oil bases in Smolensk and Voronezh oblasts, Russia
>Most of the US military aid is already near Ukraine in warehouses in Germany and Poland - CNN
>UK will provide an additional £500m to Kyiv: more than 1,600 missiles are being provided, 162 armoured vehicles and 78 all terrain vehicles, etc
>USA will supply ATACMS missiles to Ukraine - Zelenskyy
>Russians struck the object of TV infrastructure in Kharkiv

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You're trying to deceive us, comrade. Gay parades in Ukraine were started by a pro-Russian president Yanukovich, who also was a Russian by ethnicity. He was neither pro-Western nor a national of any Western country.
you would go homos in ... okay this is trolling
if this isn't you, then post hand, outlet, UID
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>additional few z-shills deployed within a span of a minute
Did we just bomb another refinery or smth

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>Castle Rock
They love this code.
Elementary school even. I think girls loose theirs at 10
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women are property and just look at how this civilization builds and maintains its property
100 percent
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Obligatory picture

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Police assaulting people in America is back and is even worse this time
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Exactly how many unarmed niggers are killed by cops in a year? Surely it can't be more than the amount of white civilians murdered by niggers, no?
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And here is what happened before she was arrested
She aggressively walked up to another arrest being made, started screeching and got in the cop's face.
That's obstruction.
She then fought when another cop tried to stop her from interfering
That's resisting arrest.

>Resisting ZOGBOTS
She didn't touch the cop or stop the cop from doing anything, homo.
Cops are evil and so are you.
I like the US and support police officers. Seethe more :)

Another soul saved,


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>Jews can be redeemed
>according to this book written by ex-jews based on the last iteration of abrahamic mindpoison
also note how you capitalize the word jew, you kike worshiping mutt
EO have been pretty based keeping various races separate.

If you aren't Greek you won't be welcome in many of them.

People think this is harsh but it's to retain cohesiveness.

There are EO churches for different ethnic groups, including Ethiopian Orthodox, American Orthodox (even mutts welcome in their own lands)
King of the north is scooping up a lot of C and D-listers lately
Never heard that one. Sounds like something British Protestants made up to justify breaking away from the Catholic Church.

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Imagine being a pet faggot office pleb kek.

Good morning ranjeet, how are you today susan? Time to read emails.
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has anybody else noticed that traffic is light on Monday and Fridays? this is because the office sheep have to go in 3 days during the week. anybody else experiencing this? extremely light traffic on Monday and Friday?
societies always have hierarchies and while the tradesman is critical at the end of the day a white collar nigger is who draws up your blueprints, hires you for projects and all that shit. I work longer hours doing white collar shit and I'm happy I dont have to wake up at 5am during the fucking winter to work around drug addicts and niggers. Trades are cool, but if you have IQ over 110 and any drive it will suck ass. Sounds like a psyop to displace white men out of higher positions and industries in the west.
your pilots watch is really gay though, is it 48mm or 50mm? looks fucking massive. which plane are you flying today?
Agreed anon
T.office faggot

My son is learning real work with hands
It’s always Canadian construction fags that try act extra manly because they are so cucked at home.
Uh I’m too dumb to get any other work but respect me cos muh I’m a tough man.I drive a big truck but never use the bed.

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Why are Soros and the Rockefellers funding anti Israel protests?
what if Israelis are /Our Guys/ and (((Palestine))) is (((them)))?
Think about it. All the globohomo is with Palestine. All lobbies like BLM, LGBT, etc. are with Palestine. Why are Soros, Gates and those niggers obsessed with Israel falling? Explain it to me. I thought they were the bad guys.
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Muslime poojet literally
No genuine anon is pro-Israel, newfag. Click the IDs and see how many times they post in the thread.
Newfag browncel detected. They have Israeli bots crawling all over this website.
Anon's need to make sure all the protesters know their Masters are Jews, not white golems. There is a real risk of Big Jew losing control over the narrative with this. The weak spot is how currency has been issued since ancient times. Once one knows how central banks get to issue new money or currency out of thin air, as a loan, you can't go back to being a happy goy after that.

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