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I've been wanting to run a sci-fi space opera campaign for a while now, and the opportunity to do so is coming near enough for me to actually start planning it. I've got the outline of the premise and a lot of ideas for encounters and misadventures the players can come upon during their travels, but something I'm beginning to question is exactly how to lay it all out. Originally I planned to draft up a hex map to represent the "star sector" the game would take place in in order to make travel distances easy to calculate and the information fairly readable, but I'm beginning to wonder if that's actually the best way to go about it. Aside from travel time (which isn't instant, though it is much faster than light) I don't have a reason in mind why I'd NEED to emphasize distance, and while the hex map is good for marking the location of stars in a sector, it doesn't seem great for noting the details and important locations at a smaller scale. Anyone have any ideas for how I might want to go about it, or ever done a game like this before?

Also general space adventure thread, I guess.
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The broad sweep is manipulating the development of cultures and trying to pre-empt their ongoing decline for profit. The best way to do that happens to be an AI vivisecting virtual copies of them for info, the best way to gather that info is to directly experience the world (even if the PCs have more effective underlings it's counterproductive to rely on them exclusively).

There are also interludes of horror as the PCs are the only ones resilient and greedy enough to space hulks and other detritus of the semantaclypse. If not in search of riches they also have to nip unshackled hyperintelligence in the bud, when those metastasize the game takes on more of a wargame scale. The PCs would be throwing everything they have at such an outbreak in hopes of sterilising it.

In the 3-shot I'm actually running it's horror with some generational intrigue. The PCs awaken confused, parley with insane cannibal crew and realise shit's fucked in ways that'll take years to fix. They're balancing cryosleep stints where the brainwashed crew (hopefully) fix what needs fixing to enable further exploration with hints that the ship is nearing catastrophic meltdown. Since they dream in cryo and amnesia keeps unpersoning people there's steadily rising eldritch stuff too, especially as the more they piece together the ship's workings the more awful aberrations are actually business as usual,,
Wojcik's. It's a Polish surname. It's one of the ones that only exists as a name to fill the map, but given that I named it in reference to Jonathan Wojcik of Bogleech.com I figure it should be a planet full of horrible space-bugs.
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Has anyone ever used something like this as a drop table?
You mean randomised inspiration source? That's pretty much what Stars Without Number IS.
Do you guys have a pdf link I could take a look at? I'm not OP, but you've got my interest.

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el duende Edition

>Previous Thread

>Mega I
>Mega II (also containing fanmade games)
>WoD5 Mega

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why does everyone always forget about the high umbra?
more like the gay nerd umbra
it's just not that interesting compared to the low and middle umbra mostly because it's just mage lore while the other two have a entire game line each talking a lot about it
I was reading a lot about lucifuge how they're badass hellspawns that are confused as magic users by other hunters and they are especially good at fighting mages but after reading endowments (2e) I fail to see how would lucifuge outwizard a mage worth his salt
A mage, despite his potential, is still generally a squishy human. He can easily be killed with even minor supernatural powers if he doesn't expect it.

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Welcome to the ALL AMERICAN JULY Thread of Homebrew discussion on /tg/. This is part of my effort to get people discussing classic homebrew and assist the board in general when it comes to their game design endeavors.

>Who is this namefaggot?
I'm just a dude who helps facilitate discussion, but usually I pop in once in a blue moon to wax about my own projects.

>Why should I homebrew?
/tg/ products are fairly unique in that it's actually pretty simple to make them these days, with a plethora of products to assist in making and playtesting your game. Making your own games helps understand why games are made the way they are, as well as being fun to do.

>What you should post
Ideas for games, games you're currently making, updates to your own games in broad strokes, and any homebrewing for existing products that don't get much attention. Discussion about the above is welcome. Post good, be good, and look over others products, they care if someone looks more than anything.

>Oh No! The Thread is Over!
Have no fear, the thread will resume at the first of every month. If you want to make another during the month, go for it. I can't, and won't, stop you. If you want to make a thread on your own game, go for it!
One suggestion: Don't add General to the name.

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I guess in this case, I can give some numbers for damage output and for Damage Reduction and for the sake of clarity, I'm referring to it as as Armor Rating because I have a Dodge Rating.

The idea is that damage is 1d6 to 1d10, and you have either enchanted +'s to add more base damage to it or your stats that add to it. So an average lvl 1 character would have 1d8+1 damage.

The current Armor Rating values are:
1 AR for Light Armor
2-3 for Medium Armor
4-5 for Heavy Armor
Shields give +1 AR, or +2 if they are Tower Shields.

However, the heavier the armor, the lower the Dodge Rating is by the same value starting at Medium Armor. Every character has a Base Dodge Rating of 7. So wearing Medium Armor can reduce your Dodge Rating from 7 to 5, and Heavy Armor can reduce it from 7 to 2 (shields don't count to this penalty).

So in the case of a Heavy Armor user and Tower Shield, that would be 7 AR. If the 7 AR works are reducing all damage, then you have the Tankzard issue. However, if the AR acts as temporary HP, I can see how this would just give the Wizard increased survivability, especially because I want Spell Interruption to be a thing where if you deal lethal damage to a Spellcaster then their spell fizzles. If a Spellcaster wants a spell to go off, they should have their comrades helping protect them and giving them cover to get those big spells.

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Same anon still working on the wealth system. I've simplified it a bit by dropping significance. Currently it's
>Wealth level represented by die
>Everything has a die cost
>Your wealth >= cost you can afford it (maybe with a roll)
>Your wealth < cost, you can't afford it
Making money is similar with
>Your wealth <= treasure value, then it increases (maybe with a roll)
>Your wealth > treasure, the treasure is too small to change your finances
What's bothering me is someone who's broke with a d4 Wealth level and someone who's very well off with a d10 wealth level, increase by the same level if they find d12 worth of treasure. Something that turns a comfortable person rich also turns a broke person to just alright, which is really messing with my head.
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>giving the foreign variant it's own small addendum.
I think putting all the variants in their own shared addendum is the answer. Thanks, anon. Continuing the theme of being overly verbose, does anyone have suggestions for how I can word this more succinctly? The idea is you can use the ability to say
>hmm, I need a rope now but don't have one in my inventory. I'll spend this resource point to declare I actually bought one on the way here/there's one on the table right now/the guard I beat up had one/whatever
The wording gets weird towards the end because I want people to declare they bought/found a sword, for example, but not that they totally prepared for this werewolf by commissioning a silvered sword 2 weeks ago
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Started fiddling with a little tableau builder thingy called Planet Cauldron, about witches travelling the cosmos to create more and more potent brews to fill a cauldron the size of a planet and awaken the thing inside it. Nothing too innovative about it, and nothing to go off in terms of mechanics yet since it'd all be in cards that I haven't made yet, but you can probably imagine the typical fare. Mostly just getting a second opinion on the theme of it before I bother going further, whether it feels too forced, too unfocused, etc. But otherwise, I'll happily take any other input if you can see something awful from the brief outline.
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>First pitch they kind of hated it and were expecting a completely different type of different game, but gave decent feedback
>Different company pitch, they liked it but expressed it wouldn't be until 2029 with their schedule
C'est la something

Lord of Change Edition

Previously on /slop/: >>93218566

▶ Thread Task: Post your own/literal interpretation of the spell/character/entity's name.

▶ News: It's been confirmed images are not saved on Microsoft's servers forever, only for 50 days. Make sure to save your images.

▶ Generators

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Soul Cage
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"Clearly, I am about to corner the cereal grain market here. Perhaps I should switch professions?"
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The king instructed his daughters to entertain their guest, though it seems the visiting princess is already familiar with their favorite game.
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See you in three days.

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What are some mounts from your setting rarely seen in conventional fantasy media?
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I wanna ride harpies.
Occasionally into battle I guess.
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Fuck off mate.
Can we, for once, talk about cool mount ideas or something without everyone advertising their yUr SeTtInG?
Take it easy “mate”
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They just gave them to someone else

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Welcome to TODD! This thread is for OPEN discussion of TSR-era Dungeons & Dragons (OD&D, Basic D&D, and AD&D including 2e) and related games, such as retroclones and OSR-adjacent games (OSE, BFRPG, S&W, LotFP, DCC, C&C, etc.). Free discussion of house rules and modifications is encouraged. For the sake of clarity, B/X is the assumed default system for any conversation unless otherwise indicated (but please do feel free to indicate otherwise).

>Do you make any changes to the way multiclassing works?
>How do you handle switching out weapons?
>What's one of your favorite monsters that doesn't get used or talked about much?
>Is there a particular class you've just never been interested in? Why?
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How would you convert Council of Wyrms to ACKS?
Proficiencies are not feats. If that's your definition, then 1e and BECMI have feats as well.
There are literally feats (just not called feats) in the splatbooks for each class.
>There are literally feats (just not called feats)
Okay, then by your definition there are "literally feats (just not called feats)" in 1e and BECMI as well.
Have you actually read the splatbooks.

Gods and Religions Edition

Welcome to /wbg/, the official thread for the discussion of in-progress settings for traditional games.

Here is where you go to present and develop the details of your worlds such as lore, factions, magic and ecosystems. You can also post maps for your settings, as well as any relevant art (either created by you or used as inspiration for your work). Please remember that dialogue is what keeps the thread alive, so don't be afraid of giving someone feedback!

Last Thread: >>93183334

Resources for Newfags: https://sites.google.com/view/wbgeneral/
Worldbuilding links: https://pastebin.com/JNnj79S5
Fantasy map generator: https://watabou.itch.io/medieval-fantasy-city-generator

Thread questions:
>What are the major faiths in your setting? And what are the gods of said faiths?

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The Tree of Life is my world map, but a map more through time instead of physical space. Yaldabaoth and his Archons are a race of powerful beings that lived in a colony ship with humanity. They crash landed onto a planet called Sojourn, where they each took different path to survive. Yaldabaoth's other half, Sophia, dies in the crash, which causes him to try and revive her. His attempt at trying to meld archon and human bodies and souls together to create a Nephilim ubermensch caused the Cataclysm, which created the monsters the players will interact with (chimeras, disembodied spirits, cancerous abominations, etc).

The players will start in Malkut, only knowing the planet as a dead wasteland as consequence of the planet's history. They'll travel through time, witnessing formative events and attempt to change them to improve their timeline, but won't succeed without first integrating with their anima/animus as a rival time traveling faction. Reintegration is a big theme, as well as enlightenment. They'll never suspect the true nature of the curious metalsmith that is somehow present in each step of their journey.
Not really a thing given how huge the pacific plate is, and the way the plates drift around it. Pretty much all the pacific islands are the result of volcanic activity or are like exposed coral reefs. Not to say you can't have mountains, just that the geography is a bit more simplistic.
Why do threads autosage after 7 days now? Why isn't the bumplimit capped at 500? Way to kill off creativity.
I think there was a trouble causing user on the board that went around fucking with the bumping somehow. I just recently came back to /tg/ and it was like this.
one simple way is for there to be communities of men that the Amazons breed with, and they give the male infants to them.

>swampy wetland that clears out into the ocean up north. Is there a way I can implement that in a way that makes sense?

Make a large area near the coast 'swamp colored' and have your river make big lazy loops back and forth as it heads to the sea.

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Previously: >>93238694

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Sites: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.
http://www.tappedout.net (Dated but functional)
https://www.archidekt.com (Feature rich but poor optimization)
https://www.moxfield.com (Good balance of features + performance)

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Just get a mana crypt
>just get a 250 dollar card
no fuckin' thanks, and the only version I'd want of it is one of those cool alt-color ones from LCI. Specifically the purple or blue ones. I just couldn't imagine spending money like that on 2 mana, even if I know how powerful the card is.
Proxy it
I don't mind when others do this but I personally don't like to/want to proxy anything. I don't schizo about people proxying or anything in real life, but I definitely prefer it when they aren't proxying the real shit and it's more of just "This card is 10 dollars and I don't really wanna buy it right now".
You're out of touch old man

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• Provide good, detailed references (pictures are better than verbal descriptions), so the artists know what you're looking for.
• If you have a WIP quote the Anchor Post, and attach the WIP so your Drawfag can find you.
• Do not reply to other deliveries with a request that the artist fill your request next. This is called 'piggybacking'.
• Do not make multiple requests in the same thread and do not serially request multiple characters after a delivery. Suggesting several concepts for artists to choose from counts as making multiple requests.
• If you're unsatisfied with your completed request, please wait at least one week before you re-request. If someone follows this rule, don't waste posts by complaining about it.
• Don't critique others' requests. If you don't like it, ignore it.
• Don't waste replies harassing artists or attention whores.
• Stay on topic.

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Requesting a crocodilian lizardfolk Barbarian. The village kids loved him once everyone stopped being terrified of the 8 foot crocodile that wandered in
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Hey /tg/. I'm doing a campaign set in feudal Japan, with the main antagonists being the Three Precious Children (Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi, and Susano'o).

I'm requesting a fill of my interpretation of Tsukuyomi, the moon god. Once beautiful, he was deeply scarred by his sister Amaterasu, and bears an extreme hatred for her. He ultimately wishes to destroy the Sun and plunge the world into an eternal night.
I'm playing a warhammer fantasy ttrpg campaign with a rat catcher that's pretty much pic related but imperial.

Can anyone just draw on top of the pic to make this absolute unit look like a warhammer character/adventurer?
I tried to do it myself but paint with a mouse was too difficult
Very nice
So....crocodile daddy?

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Darth Tenebrous Scientific Mastermind Edition

A thread for discussing the Star Wars franchise and its various media and tabletop games.

Previous thread: >>93210720

Fantasy Flight Games’ X-Wing, Armada, and Legion

Star Wars Roleplaying Games (d6/d20/FFG)

Other FFG Star Wars tabletop (Imperial Assault, Destiny and the LCG)

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Sounds to me like the warlord type of Imp that gets re-loyallized with laser cannons.
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I still don't get how badly they screwed up the casting. Like, they did it perfectly with Bo Katan, just fucking do that every time.
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Rosario Dawson was, in theory, perfect casting for Ahsoka. She's roughly the right age, she's got that ambiguously brown thing going and she's got the lips. Which makes her performance all the more disappointing.
But I'd blame terrible scriptwriting and even worse directing just as much or more than I'd blame her for that.
>But I'd blame terrible scriptwriting and even worse directing just as much or more than I'd blame her for that.

And it's hardly the first time that's happened to an actor in a Star Wars film.

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>The Latest Warhammer The Old World News

>TOW Official Website and Resources:

WFB: https://pastebin.com/qVGrgwwh
WFRP: https://pastebin.com/inbyBsR6
Novels: https://pastebin.com/PFqPDr0H
Warhammer Chronicles: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/0xt777 (dot) zip
Time of Legends: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/q46ut6 (dot) zip
ET: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/j7d0t5 (dot) zip

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Either one, both are interesting.
lol, working on his shield separately so I can get at some of the harder to reach areas. I'd say he's only about 30% done.
>Also, how politically important is his Cult compared to the Ulricans and Sigmarites? Relatively much weaker on the bigger scale, but also very strong on small scale (certain communities).
Taal is rather very traditionalistic, so his cult doesn't have such edge in political rivalry with Ulric and Sigmar.
PBK are a perfect way to nurglify your warriors/chosen/characters.
They even fit on 25mm pretty well.
I'm converting my Maggoth into a GUO which could always pull double duty as a giant. The riders make for great bits to further customize warriors/chosen/knights/etc just like the superfluous bits from the PBK-kit.
>Harbinger of Decay
Sorc on steed on daemonic mount.
>Pusgoyle Blightlords
Chariots with or without the gorebeast.
They could also work as Dragon Ogres.
>Orghotts Daemonspew
Giant, Shaggoth or DP. If you go with the vomit mouth for the maggoth it could also work as a Hellcannon.

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I am developing a bell-curve system (3d8) and think rolling characters is fun because it allows for unexpected character strengths and weaknesses. Who cares if the party is slightly imbalanced? RPGs are not for tryharding. With such a wealth of options on what you can do, surely you can think of something to do with your character even if they are a tad underpowered statistically speaking.

Nevertheless, he is a mainstay around the table and says building a character is the far superior mechanic because it leaves less room for disappointment. He is worried about the potential of other characters outshining his even on the things he is meant to be good at. Despite my wholehearted disagreement with this on principle, I am trying my best to be accomodating because I assume he is not the only player who sees things this way in case something comes out of this.

If I were to provide a way for people who wish to do so to build their characters instead, what is the best way of accomplishing this, considering the bell curve is not flat? Values further away from the mean become less likely, meaning higher attribute values should cost more if there is a way to "buy" attribute points. Otherwise, that skews the balance in favor of his kind of playstyle too much. I don't mind if it's a little imbalanced, but that seems very strong unless I limit it somehow.

For reference, my attribute modifiers range from -5 to +5. 0 if the dice roll 13-14, 1 for 15-16, 2 for 17-18, and so on. Because they're essentially about genetics, attributes are pretty much set for a characters lifespan. Skills and talents exist to provide modification post-creation.
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They're right, but it exists because of the expectation they'll be fucking munchkins.
What is the target number for an average check? Average in the sense that "a normal roll under normal circumstances."

I would like this system a lot better if you had a static target number, because as it is you have -/+ from situation, *and* variable target number, which just seems like clunky design to me.
>Why waste them by being perfect every time when you can be flawed and overcome it?

I think this is what you're misunderstanding. If you make a character that is bad at combat, and is forced to think creatively in combat to overcome that difficulty, that could be fun and rewarding. If you make a character who is kind of shit at everything, and can do nothing to overcome any difficulty, that feels shitty.

The other thing in regards to minmaxing, is that unless your game is focused on a single activity, min/maxing isn't bad. People get pissed at min/maxers in 3.pf because the entire game is focused around combat, so a player who solely focuses on combat is going to be more mechanically useful that anyone else. If you have a player who totally specs into combat, as long as the only thing that you do isn't combat, it isn't a deal breaker. They get to be very good at one, focused thing (which doesn't go against your thematic desires at all) but are kind of crummy at the rest.
>Why those values?
That's what I'm asking.
>As opposed to what?
A higher or lower number.

A higher number would offer more granularity.
>-4 vs +4 narrows the gap between talent and lack of it.
So the design goal is to have the party be majorly imbalanced or end up with characters that are severely underpowered. Not sure why you downplayed that in the OP, but now we're getting somewhere.

My suggestion is to cut down on the extra rolls. If you care about that slim chance of somebody having a -5, then you should own it and make it statistically relevant.
To add to this, simply make it so the 'pointbuy' starts every score at 13. A player can reduce a score by 1 point and put that point somewhere else. For example, they can drop their other six scores to 12 for a single 19. Statistically, that's going to be worse than just rolling, but it would allow someone to pick a few subpar stats for a single above average one.
This encourages the players to actually roll and make cripples.
>I would like this system a lot better if you had a static target number, because as it is you have -/+ from situation, *and* variable target number, which just seems like clunky design to me.

That's fair. I should perhaps remove the X-factor and take it into account in the TN. I feel like static TN is a bit clunky for systems that neither roll under nor are as intuitive as d100

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Previous thread: >>93226880

Wargames go in their general: >>>/tg/bwg/

Thread question: what's the best eurogame you've played recently? What makes it so good?
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I've never paid attention to any award organizations
Yes I can it's
There are many I haven't played but
1. Carcassonne
2. Dominion
3. Ticket to Ride
4. El Grande
5. Scotland Yard
6. Torres
Pretty much, sometimes there are deals on local facebook marketplaces but most of my purchases are on Kleinanzeigen
None of them is my favorite board game but of the lot, I like Thurn and Taxis the most. It used to be El Grande but Chaos in the Old World just completely replaced it for me.

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>What is Exalted?
An epic high-flying role-playing game about reborn god-heroes in a world that turned on them.
Start here:http://theonyxpath.com/category/worlds/exalted/

>That sounds cool, how can I get into it?
Read the 3e core book (link below). For mechanics of the old edition, play this tutorial:http://mengtzu.github.io/exalted/sakuya.html
It’ll get you familiar with most of the mechanics.

>Gosh that was fun. How do I find a group?
Roll20 and the Game Finder General here on /tg/. good luck

>Resources for Third Edition
>3E Core and Splats

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Just sum up the guy's philosophy on life and make it a Principle. Most people probably couldn't clearly express their life philosophy on life, but they still probably have one, some kind of an unspoken but deeply held belief about what their lot in life is. Alternatively, just give them a vague Intimacy towards their own lives, like "Please let me live"; that'd at least ve simple and easy for players to make use of.
So what’s 2e sorcery good for?
Demon summoning and a toolbox.
What is their profession, do they care about it?

"I will be the premier cobbler of this village."

So they have a variety of friends and family they care about in total?

"Friends and family (loyalty)"

Are they just trying to get through the day alive in a world full of supernatural creatures that don't care about them?

"Keeping your head down is the best way to stay alive"

You need to provide more detail to say for sure.

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So in terms of starting you off lower power, I've been thinking about this.

You start with 1/3 the charms as in 3e or 1/2 of 2e.

The flip side of that is that the charms are supposed to be more straightforward and powerful, and they did eliminate a lot of fiddly dice trick charms, but the stuff that remains is pretty clearly NOT packed into a smaller number of charms per effect right?

Like you need a second charm effectively just to use an excelleny for defense.

Not worrying about dice tricks helps, but I'm wondering how many charms before a PC feels about as confident as a 3e solar starts. 8? 10? A whole 15?

Anyone here play both and have thoughts.

It's Da PDF Share Thread!
Get ready to stuff your hard drive like a cosplay hooker at a con!

<----- That image is not an image, it's a PDF.
It will answer 99% of your questions about this thread. If you haven't read it, we will know.

Please exhibit good manners. Threads start sliding off the board after a certain number of posts. More posts wasted on being rude means fewer posts available for sharing.

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File: dolmenwood.png (522 KB, 640x640)
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522 KB PNG
anyone have the near-finished dolmenwood pdf's?
I think I've seen the DnDBeyond version with messed up paging and a scanned (photographed?) version. What's different? Cleaner version, like a proper OEF?
broheim.net is right there bro
If you had tried looking for them at all you would have found them.

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