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bullrun, Chainlink is writing fantasy blogs about god knows what... did they ever consider stopping all the theoretical babble and instead start transacting actual business?
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update - the chart

BTC $11,000
ETH $250
Link $20

BTC $61,000
ETH $3,400
Link $14
fuck dude, that sucks
god he’s so gross
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fuddies really bringing those formidable double digit IQs to the operation today
Fucking liar. Guys, don’t listen to this retard.

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Fuck you pajeet, back to the shit realm with you!
>my grandpa's deck has no pathetic cards, but it does contain...

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Setup crypto wallet on chrome
Don't even remember how to use meta mask
Have some faggot ass FLR flare air drops on it
Have like 20K FLR coins
Don't even remember how to access it...
Fuck crypto
This is why it is shit
Why don’t you just shill your shitcoin like a normal fag?
>have PC
>drop it in water, throw it in the rubbish, smash it to bits
>remember you can play games and do work on a pc
>really want to use it
>go to turn it on
>it's broken, I can't use it
Fuck technology
This is why it is shit
If you are too dumb and disorganized to be your own bank, yeah it's shit.

If you have an IQ over 85 it's quite usable
>ctrl+f "flare"
>1 result
>this thread
/biz/ is ALWAYS late. ALWAYS! ironically, you very likely will be, too.

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Can we discuss Kleros?
After being rejected from the arbitrum incentive program and seemingly false promise after false promise with V2.0 being years behind schedule it's hard for me to feel like this project is going anywhere.
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I can't believe anyone has even heard of this piece of shit who doesn't go to Clement's coworking space in Lisbon, or is suing him.
Was is kleros or some kleros adjacent project that was looking at doing something to gentrify search engines/querying? I have a vague memory of such and with how mediocre search engines have become and how milqtoast AI is itd be a marked improvement imo
Two more AOE2 games
>lust-provoking image
>irrelevant time wasting token
>sneed-provoking post
>irrelevant time wasting text

It's not red today
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Can a calculator tell me what price a coin is going to?
But the parachains and the Plaza!
Buy my bags NIGGER
Thanks, I can't stand braindead memebots like him
No, from Europe
you would understand if you were rich enough
at some point you don't really care anymore

hi lebanon, how is it recently in liban ?
are you guys start to recover ?

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Death to Chronos edition

>Where to get $AGRS

>Introductory videos to TauChain

>Latest Dev Update

>First demo preview of the Tau Language playlist

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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apparently it's muslim but meh, close enough, you get the point
anon i'm not killing myself, i'm just sad
chainlink is like a creature stuck in the limbo
not dead yet, but not alive either
developer of what?
most oldfag projects are releasing their shit this year so we've seen a lot of revivals

the ones that didn't rug, got bought or bleeded out anyway

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This shitcoin is about to popoff. Get your bags ready newfags as 2025 approaches doge is going to 600 billion market cap.

T. Og biz millionaire.
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I REALLY hope you are correct as I hold a ton of DOGE.
But why do you think these cycles will repeat themselves with an "older coin?" What is the logic behind this?

Thanks for your thoughts and looking out for us Anon, greatly appreciated.
wdys faggot, moon ser, daf, shrl newfagoot here, got Elon here
I wish I mined millions in 2014 like everyone else
But I was scared my laptop would explode
Cgminer made it very very hot
this thread proves that b iz is full of boomers. todays kids won't even remember doge. this is meme shitcoin from the past era. move on and buy something which is more attention-span zoomers favourite such as telegram's TON and it's shitcoins

kek I mined millions back then in 2014 and lost 95% of it on doge roulette. Good times

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Last 4 digits of this post will be Chainlinks price by EOY $$.¢¢
$25.82? Not too shabby.
damn a whole $2.582? that's very optimistic stinky!
Are you disabled?

>Pajeets speaking Hindi all day in the office

How long until interviews are conducted in Hindi?
most of the pajeets working in tech are from south india, they don't speak hindi
Ok Ranjeet
>take high trust, high functioning, profitable western business
>bring Indian guy in
>he brings all his friends in
>they convert it to low trust grifter company because that's literally all they know
>the company collapses
Who benefits from this? What is the point?
>uhm akchually those are south indian dalits sir we north indian are aryan and closer to nordic people sir
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pajeets will have game over, KO


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A professional TA analyst has announced that he sees link ( Chainlink ) hitting $1.50 to $3 in a two year time frame, plan accordingly stinkies
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The best thing about never selling is I don't have to spend any time planning for anything because I'm never selling.
The best thing about never selling is I don't have to spend any time planning for anything because I'm never selling.
how did you manage to fuck up such a simple task
kys faggot
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bot-tier fud threads deserve bot-tier responses
The best thing about never selling is I don't have to spend any time planning for anything because I'm never selling.

why is CVX pumping?

It's the only biz base coin that did not rug

I just want to gamble, recommend me whatever and I'll buy it

Poncho on base
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Oh no, cold piss bros...
>twenty fucking four dollars
gamble on a piece of rope and hang yourself disgusting thirdworlder

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day 16 of posting my charizard collection until it grows to $1mil

pic shown are my weekend trades from local card show
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>hoarding tiers
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Zoomer, please.
Why are your cards on the floor?
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based, i dont have many vintages yet but will focus on them once i got 1000+ charizards

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>priced too high to be able to accumulate any worthwhile amount
>priced too low for staking rewards to be worth shit
Chainlink has really come into its own and found a sweet spot of horrible price action. Approaching month 9 of this shit, after every announcement and release we ever dreamed of. I'm so fucking tired.
Just have sex in the meantime
You could have sold at $50 but you got greedy
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LINK will on day surpass BTC in marketcap, even 100 LINK is a worthwhile amount. Especially if you are a poorfag.
>Can buy 1 ETH for $15
>It's too expensive
Ok OP, nice knowing you're retarded.
wow good meme dude, got em

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This might be your best chance to sell
Green ID+digits=bullrun resumes/bears get BTFO
sell bitcoins?
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checked. what does that id colour mean tho

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how should i invest as an extremely risk-averse person
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Boost your testosterone by lifting weights and eating better.
this is my order of investments
401k with 4% match
maxed out IRA
6- month emergency fund
4,000 in a 3,6,9,12 month CD ladder
and finally a brokerage fund in the s&p
simply put: don't
however be aware that just to keep up with, and not just have your money eaten by, inflation you'd have to invest in extreme risk assets
Stake stablecoins with shit like Coinbase
Buy a small amount of BTC each check
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i was about to make a funny joke but actually the best way to both learn about crypto and get money is with airdrops, i recently found out about $uwu airdrops (they have like 150 airdrops or more going on), you only need to hold a certain amount of tokens in eth/btc or sol chain and you are ellegible for their airdrops, its legitimately the most risk averse thing ever, this is kid stuff

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Imagine being on /biz and not bagholding any EOS. You snooze, you lose
Because Capo started buying and he is always correct.
Everyone is buying qan
I'll slurp harder when SUPRA TGE begins.
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because we're in a jeetcoin market and you should've bought the thousands of coins shilled on /biz, even if you didn't make it then you could still farm airdrops (in the unicorn chain to farm $uwu) and make money daily, so, you're unironically retarded, cope and seethe

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Which alts are we slurping?

Looking to put in 10k in memes such as RWA, AI, DePIN.

Any suggestions?
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aast it is, motherfucker
I will put it all into NEAR and AAST
Better you get some TRU for the RWA sector, there is already ONDO that pumped already, too late to jump in but not for TRU.

Total supply of ONDO: 10 Billions, current price: $1.24

Total supply of TRU: 1.3 Billions, current price: $0.14

You do your own calculations about the next price of TRU, definitely more than $12 if it hits ONDO marketcap.
Jeet smelling up multiple threads, I see you.
SUPRA (TGE is coming)

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Buy the dip.
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Stay smart and make the move EOS RAM
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I'll consider at the $1.5k CME gap
I am slurping up the dip on qan
Depends what dip your buying. If your buying a dip in crypto then you aint Christian. Crypto is the tool of the Antichrist. If your a Christian you buy physical silver. Crypto is unnatural.
I've got my bags heavy with RAM, EOS is set for a pump.

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