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Can't make it any simpler than that.
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The second amendment is for “killing” an unjust government not hunting for sport or sustenance.
people are animals
If Blue has this many delusional ppl, maybe ill consider voting red this year.
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>Jewish is a religion
"Is anyone stupid enough to think that wood furniture makes it a different gun?" he asks, perfectly aware that there are people even stupider than that.

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I think it’s clear that people are suffering because of rampant pornography use, and at large, corroding society.

But what would actually be solution? Ban sites like Pornhub, xHamster, xVideos, sure. But you could still argue that banning pornography probably an infringement of free speech.
Restrict smartphone and internet use for young kids.
Easy solution: have only one computer with internet access in your home, preferably in the living room.
mind your own business

Built for Big White Cock

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>chuds called him a gay kenian muslim communist homosexual atheist and literally the antichrist and they called his wife a tranny
America needs another black president. This shit is way too funny.

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Nigel Farage is not going to save the UK
Anyone who thinks that is a certified moran
It's so embarrassing to see nu-/pol/ get giddy over Nigel Farage
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First comes democratically elected revolution.
If that fails, violent revolution is always guaranteed to follow.
Atleast, that was true in the old days. People don't care as much these days. All the kids play fortnight all day, the adults watch love island and football. None of them notice anything.
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truth is that cuckservatives like Farage are left wing
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Farage needs to team up with the Tories right now and become its leader, then win over the Labour bs.
Fuck off dick head
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Tories are done for, there is no saving them.
They are universally hated, and any of their old voters are sick of them. Even Tory candidates are hiding the fact they are Tories. I was visiting my sister in Norfolk yesterday. The Tory candidate knocked on her door while we were there and doing their pitch.
At no point in the conversation did he say he was Conservative. He just used his name, his campaign leaflet he handed to my sister was all red with a union flag on it. It wasn't until you opened it you saw it was Conservatives, at a glance, you'd have assumed he was the Labour candidate. He was trying to hide which party he represented through pure shame.
Them, Labour, Lib Dems and Greens all need to be washed away once and for all, and newer political parties taking their place.

Why are police officers so fucking retarded and useless?
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I hate cops so much, fucking assholes don't care about anything at all. Evil pieces of shits, all of them.
Years ago in Baltimore they had a bull escape from the slaughterhouse somehow, so the police followed the thing around while hanging out of the side of their cruisers and just dumping rounds into it until it finally dropped dead. Fucking middle of the city and cops are just leaning out of their open doors, while driving, and magdumping a rampaging bull while chasing it.
impressive collection of some of the faggiest looking vehicles i ever did see
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To a normal person, wrangling a cow would present an interesting problem to solve. I'd get some rope.
What kind of retard comes to the immediate conclusion they should smash their car into it.
poor Cow he was just joggin along harmin no one and he was black, Black Cow Lives Matter

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nursing home horrors...yeah..but look at those cheeks bro
she has the head of an overweight woman
seethe vaxxoid
It’s the worst thing to happen for the social and relationship dynamics between men and women in human history. I’m 25 and it makes me depressingly sad. It feels like I missed out on a world that still had naivety/purity/innocence.
She's built for BBC

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Israelis on facebook are claiming that they're being denied lodging at hotels in Japan because harboring anyone with ties to the IDF could be considered accessory to war crimes

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True bro
Sometimes it takes a Paki immigrant to best Samurai
We have seen the same in Poland and Switzerland. It has nothing to do with ties to IDF, but rather because of Jewish behavior.
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most pro-israelis are christcucks, and most christcucks are korean immigrants. lots of non-japanese in your pic too.


According to the report, the participants of the meeting debated how exactly it could be implemented if the AfD were to govern Germany.

According to Correctiv, Sellner said that he believes there are three groups of migrants who should leave Germany: asylum seekers, foreigners with the right to stay, and "non-assimilated citizens,” including German citizens with immigrant roots.

The Austrian right-wing extremist is said to have suggested at the meeting that these people should be deported to an area of North Africa, to a "model state" that could accommodate up to 6 million people.

Sellner is also said to have suggested that those Germans who support refugees in Germany could be taken there as well.
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Feel free to keep em in that case, just don't send them back here

I guess they would be an improvement over the pakis and niggers, huh
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Can one of the brown people pretending to be white on pol explain to me why white people are obligated to shelter, feed, educate, etc. you because you're brown?
Nothing. Ever. Happens.
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>Feel free to keep em in that case, just don't send them back here

We keep them, yes. I mean, it is the Poles in Poland who voted for Tusk, not the Poles in Germany who all vote PiS.
assuming it is jews and a fake kosher right movement which will never have a night of long knives this is probably the plan, the original holocaust didn't work out because people kept pointing out it didn't happen so they need a real one (and no jew is gonna cry over dead non-jews)

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>Big Borneo Cock
The nation is healing
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jews love black cock
jesus you fucking macaco you can't even do memes correctly. fuck i'm so glad i moved away from your shit hole country, you are all so stupid it has to be malicious genetic cultiavation. Kill yourself, and hopefully kill everyone you see on the way out, I know that's your people's nature.

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The abortion shit has turned off millions of women from voting for him. Christcucks are traitors anyway.
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Trump picked horrible people at every opportunity including Pence
apealing to everyone but his base ruind trump.
niggers dont like him.
kikes dont like him.
fags dont like him.
shitskins dont like him.
he's a retard and/or CO.
I'm betting on CO.

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>Benin in the form of Minister Olushegung Ajadi Bakari (no, you don't have to remember the name, the president has more important things to do). Capo Verde sends at least a president, the Comoros Union (quiz question: where is that?) only one minister.

>Ivory Coast, which is sure to play an important role in the peace talks, is represented by its president, who it is hoped will not be deposed during the conference. This risk is less likely in the Fiji Islands. In the case of Libya, also a major player on the world stage, this possibility already exists. There is also the question of where exactly Mohamed Menfi is the president, i.e. which part of this collapsed state?

>However, Daniel Risch, Prime Minister of Liechtenstein, takes this meeting to a completely different level. Finding Palau on the world map becomes a bit of a chore; Where Rwanda is located is certainly known to some people, at least after the massacre there. However, many people do not know that San Marino is also an independent country and is even located in Europe. By the way, Andorra is represented by a president, while Monaco is only represented by a minister, although the three states could easily take over the auspices of the ceasefire.

>There will be a problem with East Timor again - many certainly cannot state without preparation where exactly the amount of water is. Finally, such a conference is unthinkable without Uruguay, even if the country sends only a minister.

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Say something nice about her.
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Planet of the APES is real!
The jewish gentleman of the left needs a node job too.
licking old degenerate aristocracy ass, Tyrone? What happened to your muh election muh freedom?
What the fuck is that? Is that an orc from Mordor wearing a wig and a dress?
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Is Bulgaria in the matrix
Bulgaria IS the matrix

This might not be what you needed to hear, but Belarus is the white homeland. Just don't move there if you don't score at least 9/11 in whiteness.
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Are Ukrainians white enough for Belarus?

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he's fucked dogs as well
>Andrew Tate said he Fucked Trans Women
nah, he was the one getting fucked, I know it, they know it, why the fuck don't you? stop simping.
That's fucking gross.
What did he get off fiddling around in that man's shit?
>eceleb shit

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If fate exists then free will does not.
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play spintires while listening to sorcerer's ost
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>So between all men are created equally,
Which is such a blatant lie as they specifically mentioned which race of men were created equal and were citizens of the Republic in 1790 in one of the very first acts of the legislature
>Free Huwhite people
The entire premise of this hideous parasitical construct of international finance on top of the Republic and its peoples, free Huwhite folk of good character, is a prenicious lie
>the point if big Jew MSM sticks a camera in your face and asks "are you equal to a nigger""
The answer is always, no comment, I don't talk to the (((press)))
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>If fate exists then free will does not.
Nonsense. Both are "exist" simultaneously as aspects of the same phenomenon.
>Even if free will was real which I'm leaning against from years of research, there would theoretically be a perfect way to live life and any deviance from that path would be a mistake. So even in the best case scenario free will is just human weakness.
Nihilist/determinitard pseudoscience isn't "research" and your premise makes no sense. Why would there be a single "theoretically perfect way to live"?
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The current version of the Jew controlled West, seems to be having to outwardly show agreement to the current big Lie.

Then re free will and fate.
If I choose to randomly cut off my left hand then post pics here, to prove a point.
Was that my fate? (Reacting to the external prompts).
Or would I be demonstrating free will?
I mean I have since decided I won't do that, or could've randomly nominated another body part, or to sacrifice a pet instead.
I mean the odds are 10^100 to one that I'd cut off my hand (there's zero stakes).
But then put leverage into the equation (like a terrorist holding a knife to my kids neck saying do it or else).
Then am I just reacting to limited options put in front of me?
Say instead of this dichotomy being a binary one (lose kid or not) I foresaw this scenario and hid a gun under my chair thus creating a third option.
When do I stop getting credit and "fate" gets the credit instead?
We can only make decisions on what we know, when you're young/uneducated you see the world differently.
Maybe with more wonder, and magically, but when you get older you see the layers upon layers.

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Why do the Jews suddenly pushing the picrel among the masses? She is Caitlin Clark, and she is literally in everything now. Far bigger than Taylor swift level of shilling in every media. Is she a kike?

Not to mention how much lebron the nigger shills for her too. Is feminism the next big psyop?
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>Is feminism the next big psyop?
What fucking planet is OP from? This has to be a bot thread, right? What else could explain such a lack of understanding of what the fuck is going on?
They aren't pushing her. The media hates her for being white and pretty. They kept her off the Olympic team. The refs don't call fouls against her. Her coach and teammates are against her. She has grassroots support.
WNBA has never turned a profit. They're using her to try and grab headlines and create interest in the sport. Not hard to understand.
She's not being pushed by Jews. College sports are incredibly popular, so popular that people will even willingly watch women's teams! Caitlyn Clark is simply the best female college basketball player of all time by a fair margin, and this has generated a lot of interest, especially because shes a white girl playing a black sport.

Sports media is somewhat reluctant to push her as the next big thing because she's not black, frankly.

They push basketball because it is a vehicle for black culture/interracial dating, and to a lesser degree lesbianism.

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Quick back story.

I was born in San Antonio but adopted at birth. I’m interested in finding out more about these Spanish settlers that established the missions there.

I hear stories about these white Mexicans in SA but never actually seen one. I’m a white dude with this Spanish look not dark skinned at all. Is it possible there’s still a large group of white Texans that multiplied and spread out here from these Spanish settlers?

Would an Ancestry test be a good idea to determine this or is Ancestry a Jew DNA collection scam?

I’m also interested in understanding why there’s these ultra whites in northern Mexico as well.

Let’s discuss.
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Spaniards historically have one of the highest if not THE highest jew admixtures of any host population in history. That's the cause of basically all spic problems throughout history. That and the low IQ of indios in america.
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I was in Barcelona yesterday (I'm from Aragon, a neighbouring region) and there were barely any separatists flags. In 30 minutes walking I only saw 2.
The city used to be littered with them.


The US had very low population.
Texas was almost empty.
And among the population there were many mestizos.


>The Wild West has a story that we are not told in the cinema and that starred Spain. Long before other Europeans, the Spanish faced Apaches, Comanches and other Indian tribes. They also created a defensive network based on a line of forts (the presidios) and a unique cavalry (the leather dragons) that supported colonization and articulated the defense of the northern border of the viceroyalty of New Spain.

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Mounted soldiers that protected the borders.
Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks anon.

I remember as a young boy visiting a lot of the presidios in the rural areas outside of SA. I didn’t remember much about the history. As kids we were too busy looking at all the cool cannons and shit.


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Aren't trannies and all the circles surrounding the topic woke advocates of muh equal rights and everyone is human? Where are the protests from trannies against this privilege they now have?
Huh, hadn’t thought about it that way! Always look on the bright side of life, anon
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>report for examination or induction
Americans now have to report for mandatory penis inspections
Do I qualify as transgender? I like anime and cute things.
this is how the future will look
>normal zooms concripted
>suffer maiming and ptsd
>return to civilian life
>despise tranny draft dodgers
>gangs of vets form murder militia
>kills all trannys


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There's been a lot of infighting on here lately. Don't forget picrel
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You are jewish spreading jewish lies of Jesus. Jews killed Jesus. All you are trying to do is get people to hate Jesus.
No, this has nothing to do with jesus
It has everything to do with expelling jewish mysticism and subversion from europe
You're not gonna do anything. When this shit kicks off, there's gonna be pissed off whites wielding rifles. You're gonna start an autistic confrontation because one of them has a cross tattoo or something, and your corpse will collect flies in a ditch.
if they do that ill join them
Good meme

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