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This could have been you. This war is sad and tragic as fuck. This is just plain white genocide, nothing else.

This guy had dreams and aspirations just like you. If you don't despise this war, you don't have a soul (or are a shitskin).
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Don't use Mexican slang.
>If you don't despise this war
Oh I despise the war. Primarily I despise the people funding it.
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Id spit on the quran but that would mean id have to actually touch the piece of shit with my bare hands.
I couldnt beat that first guy in a fight, but i probably could not beat the second guy either.
We both know you’ll do nothing.

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Stop chasing after pussies with 1000 body counts and become men of God. Pussies that will eventually become roasties will rot while God's glory will be forever. Therefore, stop being incels and become priests and monks of God so that those rotten pussies filled with a thousand different cums will be punished as a single roasties filled with STDs where they can no longer find good men, hence we serve as God's instruments of judgements against these vile whores. Deus Vult Soli Deo Gloria, and become priests and monks of God. There are shortages of priests and monks anyways, God has called you today. DEUS VULT!
ChistJews really got the short end of the stick when it comes to paradises. A jew spirit realm filled with spics and niggers, not a harem with 72 brownoid mudwhores.
Only retards think God was a masculine figure. If you do any amount of proper research into religious origins and synchronizations, you will figure out that the fertility Goddess was the true creator. Your bible was created by tyrannical incels with pussy envy.
But you can't deny that the spics and niggers are at least better comrades and brothers than inbred sandwhore and roastie dogpiled cunts combined.
That's a kike lie made to twist history into something else so they can turn female goyims into whores that becomes their breeding machines, so they can make babies to satisfy their metzizah b peh forskin cravings.

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Now that the dust has finally settled, what went wrong?

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If you really want to cure away your black pills consider the following:
Israelis are almost entirely ethnically white while Palestinians are essentially descendants of the ancient jews who have converted to other religions and, if you're a typical (((golem)))) ameritard evangelical boomer, you can cope by believing that god is punishing his people (the Palestinians) for leaving the faith. Israel is jewish only in name, most jews are jewish only in name, but what they do carry is the genetic heritage that most whites do and are not even part of the afro-semitic ethnolinguistic group but belong to the indo-european genetic lineage. All of this means that if you brush aside retarded desert book politics and boomerisms the opposite of what amerisharts want to happen (jews get to live in Palestine and gentiles are massacred) is happening.
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Lol lmao, take a hint frankenstein's monster, the pendulum is swinging back :) normal children>whatever the fuck you try to pass as
>trans rights are human rights
kys groomer. i would honestly rather live in an islamic shithole than let trannies have their way
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>if you do mental gymnastics you can support your racial enemies
Jews will be my enemy until the end of time. I'm teaching my sons to view history through the lense of Aryan versus jew. I understand that we are in a racial competition for existence. When my sons are old enough I'll have them swear eternal enmity with the jew like Hannibals dad did with Rome. I would rather die than ever ally with jews.
Fuckinhg blow your brains out tranny
That is quite the cope

Jews (the fake ones) may be more related to us, but they are still utter poison not just to us but the rest of the world. Their culture is vile and disgusting, it has no value

Imagine a world where every single time a woman tells you to do something, you just do it. No questions asked. No pushback. No "but why?" or "that's not fair". You just obey.

Would society collapse? Would women suddenly become more responsible and start making better decisions? Or would they just take advantage of us and turn us into their personal servants?

Would we see a rise in female leaders and politicians, or would they just get bored and start demanding more shoes and handbags?

Seriously though, what would happen if we just gave women everything they wanted? Would it be a utopia or a dystopia?

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Of course it would turn to shit just as the world would turn to shit if every man was given everything he asked for. You’re throwing away all rule of law, the corrupt would become more corrupt and psychopaths would run every aspect of day to die life. There would be nuclear apocalypse in less than a decade without complex checks and balances keeping people in place.
That’s because women and men aren’t equal, women are superior and have been gaslighted into having to settle for “equality” and they don’t know how to morally or ethically cope with it.
In your femdom world you’re always imagining it would just be the top 10% attractive women and they’d be acting out your fetishes

The reality is it would be stinky hambeasts and negresses making you wageslave for them, endlessly romance and validate them and raise their children.
>Would society collapse?
Yes. What kind of question is that?

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>destroys the entire zogdog financial system just to own De Gaulle for wanting all of France's gold returned from the US
Was there anyone as based as the absolute madman? I mean he single-handedly imploded the mcburgerstan as we know it.
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It took a long time to completely implode, but we're entering the end stages of it right now with the supposed "superpower" being unable to clear a passage for trade in the Red Sea.
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memeflag OP educate thyself : >>471911751
In fact de Gaulle retired two months into Nixon's presidency due to the gay libtarded 1968 boomer protests, and it wasn't until two years LATER that Nixon ended the Gold Window. By that time France had reversed its policy of accumulating gold.
>De Gaulle

scholarly PDF go search this:
>A "Barbarous Relic" : The French, Gold, and the Demise of Bretton Woods
>by Michael J. Graetz and Olivia Briffault

article by OMB director David Stockman :
>article by OMB director David Stockman :
Redirects to the wrong article.
Huff Po title :
>The Blog Business Federal Reserve David Stockman
>August 15 1971


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Just found a meme that very accurately describes a /pol/ individual.
Do you agree?
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Yeah, I'm too much of a shut-in for my own good to be honest.
I'm Chad material but I'm too hateful and schitzo to be allowed around normies for any extended length of time

Normgroids just piss me the fuck off
Into my Daww folder.
10 years ago you could have made this argument
Now if you look at the charts you have to conclude that something bad is in store unless your head is completely buried in the sand
You must not realize that birth rates are falling everywhere and the only places still at a replacement level are Israelz Africa and parts of the middle east. Wetbacks aren't reproducing, gooks or pajeets aren't either
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Tits or gtfo

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The upcoming election has me under the realization that there is no good outcome, and although I doubt US civilization will just end because that's too exciting of an ending, I'd prefer to be comfy during whatever bullshit happens whether it be riots, glow ops, retards fighting, or actual collapse. If nothing happens, fun trip regardless. As a result, been trying to find places that are particularly far from civilization and secluded in the United States. Most people I interact with in real life think I'm crazy for considering this, but yet go on about whatever crazy shit they accuse the other party over. Left that life long ago, but I know if there's anyone mentally ill enough to suggest locations to go retreat out to, it's /pol/. Bonus points for good scenery.
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LMAO, washington state? Where all the rabid golems live?
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Try less famous national parks for both views and solitude.
Calm is always where the most visible and unobvious places are.
The area of Washington outlined is extremely based and 99.99% white. There are natives that live there and they would not pose any issue at all. If anything they would be either helpful or just stay out of the way.
Its the other side of the cascades you have to be worried about. If Seattle collapsed Washington would be one of the best states in the Union.
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Wouldn’t you like to know.

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Housing inventory in Austin, TX hits fresh all time high
The Fed is not printing the money
Blackrock is not buying them
Illegal aliens are not buying them either
Literally everything real estate shills have said is wrong
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Austin does not equal whole US mongoloid
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>tfw so much equity that I can afford to hold out until someone offers full price + tip
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>he didn't buy years ago
keep coping, maybe this time it really is "crashing"
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Feel bad for you bud, I really do. You bought into the Jewish speculation and you and the other millennials are about to learn you play with Jews you lose.

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What’s your opinion on weed?
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I was smoking 20%+ strains back in 2005, but my friends dad was a professional grower. But you're right most of the average weed was pretty weak. Nowadays I don't even like the super strong strains, they make me geek out like a crackhead.
Ok, Shaggy. Explain just what being stoned has over not being stoned? All you weedfags, even my boomer uncle and sperg little sister have yet to articulate HOW being stoned is so preferable to not being high let alone doing anything else.
Dulling the senses is deontologically wrong. There are better ways to cope

Cathy O'Brien on Marijuana and Mind Control -- Cannabis Breaks the Programming!
>Dulling the senses

Pot doesn't do that. Alcohol does. And so do painkillers. That's why I use cannabis products for chronic pain.

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>Major General
Is Israel running out of commanders or what? How can you be that high ranking at 25?
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Young generals are not uncommon, especially if commissioned as a commanding officer during a war.
kike army gives ranks based on time served, you can become a first sergeant after 32 months. mandatory conscription but they reward those who stay after the minimum service contract with higher ranks.


>In the IDF enlisted ranks are earned by means of time in service (pazam), rather than by a particular post or assignment. After 4 to 12 months the conscript is promoted to rav turai, after 18 to 20 months promoted to samal, and after 24 to 32 months is promoted to samal rishon. (This means that female conscripts reach no higher than samal during their compulsory service, unless they serve in combat positions or volunteer for longer terms.)
it’s not real. none of it is real.
probably working for his uncle
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>Worthless gold
>Trans woman
>Jewish military prowess

Semites suck at war because they are scammers, not warriors. They can never give 100% to any activity, they always have to shit test like a woman and see how much they can skip.

They are lazy and do not train. They have sloppy uniforms that they do not treat like a uniform. Their weapons do not look like a weapon should look if you are going to use it to fight for your life. On Oct 7th, bases got their shit jumped, posts were unmanned, vehicles not parked ready for fighting.

When you are on a border base, you keep your pants and boots on and your rifle next to you. You post sentries. You park vehicles in a way you can start fighting even before they start moving and you can get in them quickly and from behind cover. All these things you can do as a soldier. You will not know the when or how, but you can decide how you will react. Jews did none of this. That's why they were executed in their underwear, and the civilians they were to protect were kidnapped and killed.

They also suck at strategy and have never learned to stop bidding too high and leading with their trump cards.

And most importantly, there are no true Jewish war heroes. If you are a jew who dies in combat you will be given an impressive eulogy, but forgotten or mocked in private as someone too stupid to pilpul his way out of military service.

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>He's an American male without an arrest record or diagnosed mental issues and doesn't have ANY firearms
WAKE. THE. FUCK. UP. You literally have NO excuse.
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What's a good gun for poorfags?
By the time you need them, you won't be able to get one.
What kind do you want?
>Paid the extortion fee for a suppressor
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I have an ok 22lr that I got on an 800% markup because ultracuck state. It's something I guess
>mfw my magazine had to be sent to a gunsmith to effectively circumcise it by lowering it's capacity from 10 to 5

Here's the article.

Here is some commentary on the article.

Big banks are again upside down on all kinds of loan based securities. After the GFC banks are supposed to come up with plans to keep themselves out of bankruptcy. In the article it says that Citi Bank can't work their way out of a bankruptcy. They will probably need a bailout or be a sacrificial lamb.

All kinds of big banks have huge unrealized loses. They are hoping to make up for those loses with riskier derivatives. A great example of this is Norichunkin. It is a Japanese investment bank that works primarily with American and Euro bonds. They need to either sell off like $65 billon in bonds or get bailed out. Their big plan is to invest in riskier derivatives with possibly larger yields to make up for their unrealized losses on bonds. Go look up Exter's inverted pyramid. They want to go up the pyramid when they should be going down to gold.
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Kek i posted the wrong pic lmao
But basically news bought the dictionary to change the definition of ausrotten so they could falsley claim that himmlers speech wasnt about expulsion
Bullets, lots of bullets.
Cede and co owns all the stonks.
I couldn't get through that movie, jews are so cringe.

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Why is noone talking about that Milei is saving Argentina as we speak?
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You spit facts at them and tell them just how bad things are looking from an objective lens and they choose instead to deny it and offer up the most placid of rebuttals. Milei crashed what remained of argentina's economy during his presidential debates and put the final nail in after he came into office by engineering a crisis and blaming it on the previous administration. When the jewish backed, newly elected and new york born PM of greece, george papandreou got into office in 2009, he did this same thing. The argentinians should take a hard look at what happened to greece as the same but far worse is in store for argentina.
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>Visits Schneerson's grave in Brooklyn
>"discovered" in later life that his grandmother was jewish
>announced plans to convert to judaism shortly after winning the election
Gee I wonder if he'll be the first kike in history to not parasitize a country he has control over.
>Why have the anon say "Burgers went from 1500 to 1000 due to Milei magic and not importation"?
That anon is either just a mantenido who doesnt know the prices of things or a kike milei shill, prices havent gone down, the thing is, for some time after election, people went crazy and started rising the prices of everything to ungodly levels, now that they are calmer after seeing that the country has not self imploded they started lowering the prices to their real pre election levels again
Flour in the chinese supermarket of my neighborhood went from 600 to 1300 for like two weeks and then they lowered it to 600 again. And the dolar has not stopped going up
Why are you even asking this here of all places? Milei is a Jew and as /pol/ knows very well all Jews are subverters and destroyers. This is irrefutable. Their track record is always the same, every single time. They go in, they destroy and then they are kicked out from the country. America has yet to kicked them out but the Jews have destroy American culture and it's economy. Everything in America is upside down and if you haven't noticed the Jews are building a new home in different parts of the world so it's less painful for them when America kicks them out. They are not saving Argentina they are preparing it to destroy it. See Ukraine and America.
>you guys are insisting Argentina doesn't import food, when your country literally gets A LOT of food from outside.
This is usually unnecessary and serves only to benefit (((middlemen))), we export most of our (subsidized) grass-fed beef here only to import shit-grade meat from Latin America.
Chinks get good beef, the people who subsidize the beef get a cheap substitute and merchants pocket the difference.

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Freedom is at stake frens
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i hate memes
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I do it for the lulz, you sodomite j*w.
Won't this be Meme War 3?

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My first reaction is "Bring it Bitch, We got Nukes Too"

but then I keep forgetting Biden is in Charge. we need to put him in Memory Care and keep Kamala from being in Charge because He was not of sound mind when he selected her.

Biden is also not playing with a full deck and might be suffering from some kind of brain growth or tumor
Nukes arent real. If a country is threatening you with nukes then they are of the illuminatus.
BS. people watched them from Vegas in the 60s
Stop being a living meme you tard.
honestly yeah, same here, I worry that Biden is such a pussy that he wouldn't even second stroke, he'd let us get annihilated and not answer back. just hiding himself in his bunker and surviving it personally.

Just look at how he's handled the houthis and iranian attacks against Israel. he just shoots down the missles he doesn't retaliate or take preemptive actions that would save a lot of resources vs shooting down $20k drones with $1m missiles and whatever other stupid shit he does. We should have pounded Yemen and Iran into dust., but even when we lost soldiers in Jordan he barely retaliated. He didn't retaliate against Iran which he should have, and he hit like, empty vacated bases and warned before he did it.

He's a pussy who just needs to have a stroke and die for the security of this country. He cannot be a wartime commander in chief. he's such a limp wristed faggot that he makes me embarrassed to be an American.
Fuck I hate him so much.
I sure hope he's not cheating in November.

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I've figured it all out. But why can't i explain myself to normies?
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Dumb it down and drip feed. That is how you do it. Simply ask them this question: "What can you not question or criticize?" then work from there
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At some point you must stop teaching the mules how to think seeing they cannot think and thus you tell them what to think. Face it. You're supposed to be an authority to an almost feral feline female company here. Speak to them in propaganda. Discover their biases and cater to them. Only quiz them on open ended prompts to give yourself some breathing room that you can back out of. They cannot infer their way out of a wet paper bag with scissors for hands. Only invest your effort into the most prospective normies while gradually and generally diligently being kindly smart to your lesser normies.
Would you try to build a toy ship in a septic tank?
Normies will never be redpilled. Any lesson is forgotten and bastardized. The best you can accomplish with normies is not a full concerto performance but simple attendance, alliegance and sheepish patronage. If you aren't paying them or fucking them or being cultly worshipped by them then you won't matter much.
Build your toy ship on a nice glamorous bottle for the septic tanks to stamp onto their brand of alleigance. A normie onlime is just a wallet and a weekly filter pfp to you anyways, Anon. In person they are ogres.
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Affirm basic gratifying boring expecations and normies will love you.
Art is not for everyone. If it is for everyone it is not art.
My boomer dad watches videos reminding him to walk. I believe normies are sedentary and low energy enough to treat any deviation from the present to be mindwarpingly shocking. I don't think I have ever managed to successfully overestimate normgroid stupidity.

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Jerk off 6 million times and hum the super mario bros theme song in unison.

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how will choking Florida Men and America cope by the imminent humiliation?
Go oil!
Yeah wtf kitties
>still playing hockey
Dude I'm harvesting Zucchini already. Why is this shit still on?
Betman needs to go.
Break up the league like football. 3-4 tournaments per year with a 30 game season.

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Anyone in graduate school that wants a profound PhD, Study this. Why do common tasks take so much time in poor neighborhoods?

I unfortunately live surrounded by browns in California. There is literally 1 other white person and 1 other Asian apartment in my complex. 95% Latin, mostly Mexican.

Everything takes longer. Minor traffic interactions you don't experience in wealthy areas. Store lines that take 2X what they do in wealthy neighborhoods. Numerous other experiences I wont list, everything lags by 40% compared to wealthy areas.

When driving, there are minor inefficiencies that haven't been explained formally. Delayed reaction to lights, abhorrent lane changes, disrespect for all around. AND THEY FUCKING USE CROSSWALKS DURING RUSH HOUR LIKE ITS FUCKING TIJUANA? AMERICA IS DESIGNED FOR CARS,HOLY FUCK.
I can attribute roughly 7- 15 minutes
of productive time and heightened anxiety to this nonsense that I do not experience in wealthy areas where everything operates smoothly. (White + Asian areas)

That doesnt sound like a lot but lets sum this experience by millions of people and then multiply this by a constant representing the collective experience of nonsense inefficiency. What is the dollar value of that? I know in Civ. Eng. we calculate lane closures in economic terms. But what is the collective nonsense contributing to the poverty of the area? Is it fixable or just a symptom of low mean IQ?

What is the cost of Low IQ areas and how much does this contribute to their daily life?

Pic not rel, I tricked you into conversation. And any graduate student that does this research owes me a footnote.
Look at those Tits fueled by rice.
Technically browns grow economically at a faster rate than Europe in spite of having fewer resources to grow

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