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It puts Jews in distress
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>israel is at war with palestine and is commiting warcrimes with impunity (which im conflicted about, might is right and israel gets to test out our toys, plus less muslims in the world)
>wtf why are people antisemitic now? oy vey killing civilians is fine! you're antisemetic!
funny its ok when america does it, but if israel does it its le bad
>The Chinese will never play second fiddle to the Jews.
Exactly. One of the biggest things the Chinese are trying to push for these days is the preservation of Han Chinese supremacy. While Jews may have been a large proponent for the founding of the CCP that role they played doesn't mean much today since it's kind of hard for them to use their shapeshifting powers on a race of people they look nothing like.
We are the jews for the jews. Fight fire by fire.
It gets posted in /pcg/ on /vt/ pretty regularly. Let me track it down. I only have the italian one

I just want to live somewhere beautiful and White. Is that too much to ask?
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Come to northern Wyoming.
Anything east of Gillette.
There are jobs, great healthcare, you can mention the JQ in bars without being kicked out.
The Boomers are dying and their replacements are pissed off Millennials irritated about the state of the currency since '08.
The jews are leaving in droves claiming we're antisemitic.
There is a meth and alcohol problem with the degenerates but they largely keep to themselves.
We're 95% white, mostly Italian, German, and Russian decent.
The "Natives" stay in their reservations and know better than to come to town and start shit. They'll be buried in "their" land without a headstone if they act like niggers.
Come home, white man.
You had it in America and Europe and you total fucking cowards let it all get taken from you. Fight for what's yours or shut the fuck up.
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lol. lmao
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Shhh don't let them know.

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>If they believe it's do or die, they'll go as far as shutting down social media.

I dare them.

This would be the fastest undoing in human history. They FORCED this system upon the people, the people became some what addicted to it, it drives a good portion of the economy, so for them to fiddle with it in any way will have consequences.

This is NOT the 1970s, these are NOT tv studios regulated by the FCC. Nigger obama removed some of the US control over the internet, so it is MUCH harder for them to control.

The boomers in charge still think it's the 1970s. It's not. The have no grasp on information warfare and they can't control this. Hell look at Tranly Manning, and realize that there will be thousands of troons leaking secrets daily.

They CAN'T draft. Times have changed too much. If they need troops then they will need to pay for them. They created a mercenary society and now they are upset that they have to pay mercenary wages? Fucking kikes.
Much more because the media will always downplay it. BLM had the potential to escalate into full blown civil war but they called it "mostly peaceful protests" and people believed that shit. If they made a bigger deal out of it, more people would have joined in either against or for BLM.

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I'll keep saving these
I bet these news publishers have people commit suicide that work for them.

A hero...
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The CIA let one of their dogs loose again?
>demands 2 Million per immigrant
sure achmed
Muslims and zogbots deserve each other.
Man with a hairline like that... Sheeeeesh.
>a norwoodcel taking revenge against those who forced him to be born
God speed.

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>Antifa Poo-tin is sending an army of pajeet streetshitters to invade white Europe
Oh no no no no no commie faggots how are you gonna explain how denazifying the whiteness out of europe using an army of poos is based now?
Pootin wants to denazify (you):
Pootin wants to ban western free speech internet such as /pol/:
Pootin = king of antifa:
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This used to be considered the right wing opinion. Not anymore. Not endorsing the attached picture or its source. Just posting it as historical tracking of opinions over time.
They literally have Hammer and Sickle insignia on their uniforms but the NGO consortiums are trying to paint them as right wing.
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And then there's people on here saying "Russian soldiers wear Hammer and Sickles on their uniform, but they are right wing, and the Ukrainians have the black sun on their uniforms, but they are left wing" like fucking idiots.

The Unabomber, Theodore Kaczynski, experienced a personal struggle with his gender identity, which is detailed in his psychiatric profile. During his federal trial, he discussed his childhood and the psychological abuse he felt from his family. He mentioned considering a sex-change operation during graduate school but ultimately lost his nerve and did not follow through1. This struggle with gender identity is part of the complex psychological history that contributed to his actions and beliefs. It's important to note that Kaczynski was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, which may have influenced his thoughts and behaviors1.

Source: 6/23/2024
(1) UNABOMBER’S PSYCHIATRIC PROFILE REVEALS GENDER-IDENTITY STRUGGLE. https://www.chicagotribune.com/1998/09/12/unabombers-psychiatric-profile-reveals-gender-identity-struggle/.
(2) How the Unabomber’s unique linguistic fingerprints led to his capture. https://theconversation.com/how-the-unabombers-unique-linguistic-fingerprints-led-to-his-capture-207681.
(3) I Read the Unabomber’s Manifesto. Here’s What He Thought—and Why I Disagree. https://fee.org/articles/i-read-the-unabomber-s-manifesto-here-s-what-he-thought-and-why-i-disagree/.
(4) Unabomber — FBI. https://www.fbi.gov/history/famous-cases/unabomber.
(5) Amazon Bans Trans-Critical Book, But You Can Still Buy 'Mein Kampf' and .... https://www.westernjournal.com/amazon-bans-trans-critical-book-can-still-buy-mein-kampf-unabombers-manifesto/.
Ted Kaczynski, also known as the Unabomber, had a complex psychological profile that included a struggle with his gender identity. During his psychiatric evaluation, he revealed that he had considered having a sex-change operation during his graduate school years. However, he lost his nerve and lied to the psychiatrist about it, leaving the building in shame1. This incident is part of a broader narrative of Kaczynski's troubled relationship with his family and society, which contributed to his mental health issues and ultimately to his criminal activities12. It's important to note that these details come from a psychiatric profile and are part of the legal documentation related to his case.

(1) UNABOMBER’S PSYCHIATRIC PROFILE REVEALS GENDER-IDENTITY STRUGGLE. https://www.chicagotribune.com/1998/09/12/unabombers-psychiatric-profile-reveals-gender-identity-struggle/.
(2) What Was Unabomber Ted Kaczynski's Relationship With Women? | Crime News. https://www.oxygen.com/true-crime-buzz/what-was-unabomber-ted-kaczynskis-relationship-with-women.
(3) Kaczyński’s transgender comments prompt outrage – Euractiv. https://www.euractiv.com/section/politics/short_news/kaczynskis-transgender-comments-prompt-outrage/.
(4) Talk:Ted Kaczynski/Archive 1 - Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Ted_Kaczynski/Archive_1.
(5) Getty Images. https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/american-domestic-terrorist-luddite-and-mathematics-teacher-news-photo/51715236.

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Do you hang the (made in China) flag of MAN on MAN anal, snitches, and nigger wannabes on your house?
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I have someone head and shoulders above you.

Instead of the limelight, they like growlights.
thats a man

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>Terrorist rampage rocks Dagestan (Russia): Multiple attacks leave dozens injured and dead
100% jews are behind it.
Putin will never say it because he's a shabbos goy.
Somewhere near Putin a true Russian has a vein about to pop out of his forehead from rage at Putin being a huge pussy who never does anything.
Yeah bro this is totally unlike Muslims
Get a grip, it’s par for the course
>npcs commenting "good they deserve it"

lmao the jews really fucked ppls heads with covid and ukraine
us propaganda painted them as the devil

Islamists are killing orcs in Dagestan. Fucking based.

I want to see Monke blame Ukraine for this one.
The CIA controls the Islamists in Dagestan. This was explained in "Wolves of Islam."
guess the synagogue was empty lol

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Can you guys stop kvetching about how "expensive" food is? It's cheap if you're not buying slop.
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Breading is a real effort. You also need a lot of extra fat. Which not mean that it is not sometimes.worth it.
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let's spice the thread up a bit: pork, beef, sheep testicles are considered kosher
I see lots of extra fat on those chops. This situation is probably why schnitzel even exists in the first place.
Breading isn't that much of an effort either. You just need something like 2 containers, one for egg, and one for breadcrumbs. It's not much more to wash.
aside from pork belly I don't think pork is good. Why is it so cheap? Must be something wrong with it
First flour. Then egg. Then breadcrumbs. By extra fat, I meant the subsequent frying. Normally you use lean meat for this. Originally veal. But I've also made it with pork neck.

Should he be worried?
About high blood pressure ans a heart attack with his fat ass

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Blue collar fag here, current plumber's assistant, former wireline operator, former window cleaner.

I don't mind actually working these sorts of jobs at all, even wireline wasn't so bad, but the problem in this universe is that they are so heavily populated with people (mostly boomers) who are just out and out cunts. I'm not talking about being firm or demanding, I'm talking about grown men that just act like they're constantly on their period and make every little task 10 times more difficult than it has to be. I'm considering getting out of this plumbing job now because the 63 year old they paired me up with is just an angry faggot about every little thing, related to the job or not. It just sucks working with him, he sucks the oxygen right out of the room and just brings everything down to his miserable level. He has arthritis in his hands, is a chain smoker, has no biological children of his own, and is married to some dumpy bitch with worthless kids, but damn, this asshole just takes it out on me and everything else he encounters. I've met many other people like this in the trades.

Share your experiences, tradie faggots.
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Yeah boomers get sexual pleasure out kf time raping you. Being a tradie is inherently lame because youre busting your ass to build up a nigger infected tranny society. I love being a white collar leech and traveling the world with my remote job
Welder/fabricator here with experience working on pressure vessels and pipe. I’ve worked with many guys who bring problems from their personal lives to work and they try to bring everyone else down with their shitty attitudes. All you have to do it be positive, have humor, and a good attitude. Many of the boomers in trades are alcoholics, treated their bodies like shit, are divorced, it goes on and on. Stay positive and laugh, that’s what I do and it usually just pisses them off which is just more funny. Medium sized companies with employee activities/fun benefits/employee clubs are what you want. I get great vacation already but can earn more time off for having good health, participating in employee clubs, etc. One guy I knew was the best fabricator in the shop, he was naturally gifted and smoked us all on job time. His home life sucked with his wife and it showed, he was an ass hole every day. He would talk shit, call me slow or dumb but at the end of the day it didn’t matter because I got to go home and be with my family. I’d just laugh with the other guys because we all knew while he was great at his job, he wasn’t getting and pussy at all and he hated his life.

>I literally don’t care what any asshole says to me on a job site because I get to go home to my wife and kids, they don’t matter at all
>if I feel like it, I can quit and go anywhere I please
Just email local companies bro. Unironically look up any company near enough and send your resume and explain that you’re trying to find work. Worst case they say no. That’s how I landed my first electrical gig.
Sort of how I feel. I'm 32, married to a good woman and have our first child due in 7 months. The boomer I'm stuck with has no biological children, no teeth, and is married to some fat cunt. I think about that every time I want to unleash on him. My anger is overcome with pity.

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The Bombay High Court has sought a response from Serum Institute of India, Microsoft founder Bill gates, the Government of India, and others on a petition filed by a father who blamed the side effects Covid-19 vaccine -Covishield killing his daughter. The man has demanded compensation of ₹1,000 crore from the vaccine manufacturer.

Dilip Lunawat, the petitioner, claimed that his daughter Snehal Lunawat was compelled to take Covid -19 vaccine at her college in Nashik on January 28 as she came under the ‘healthcare worker’ category.

Snehal was a doctor and a senior lecturer at SMBT dental college and hospital at Dhamangaon in Maharashtra.

The father said, his daughter was administered with Covishield vaccine, which is developed by the Serum Institute of India. Dilip Lunawat said his daughter took the first dose on January 28, 2021.

Days later, she suffered severe headaches and vomiting. She was taken to the hospital and doctors founder bleeding in her brain, the father said in the court's petition.

And on March 1, Snehal passed away. The petitioner claimed that Covishield's side effects led to his daughter's death.

"Dr Snehal Lunawat administered her first dose of vaccine on January 28, 2021, after getting convinced by the alleged false narrative. Later on March 1, 2021, Sneha lost the battle of life due to the side effects of the Covid-19 vaccine as claimed by father Dilip Lunawat," the petition mentioned.


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>Pajeets think they can take Bill Gates to court
Come and get him pajeets.
we indian men are GAY!!!!!
OMG we indian men are GAY!!!!!!
Suckdeep, when you post your news bother to convert your units to human. We don't fucking know what crore is. Cows? Cubic meters of cow manure? How much is that in USD/EUR or at least fucking CAD?
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Explain me the reason to spend millions of dollars on covering every F-22 with a “stealth coating” when in its nose there is a RADIO TRANSPARENT FAIRING, behind which there is a radar, which, with its materials and shape, reflects any wave and makes all these stealth features useless? Moreover, when it turns on his radar, it turns into a SOURCE of radio waves, which could be located by any, even the oldest radio stations. Do you really believe that on radar it looks like a golf ball?
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>THIS at the front of your aircraft? and thats exacly how enemy radar will see your plane. and it reflects A LOT of radio waves. so im asking. does all of this coating even have a sence if u have THIS at the front?
do you know what frequency is
do you know what an airplane is
do you know what a combat airplane is
do you know what a radar missile is
do you know what a nose cone is, clearly not that especially because most russian planes are running out of nose cones
Doest the radiation from that radar affect the pilots?
> reflects any wave and makes all these stealth features useless
Radar dish is much smaller than the rest of the airplane. Radar dish is also fairly straight in its geometry, meaning that its cross section is not big expect if it faces you directly (which it would not since its probably phased array).
> You dont need a radar to drop bombs.
Not anymore, no, true.
> So, while it looks on its target, that means that it is also visible to the target.
Not straightly true. You only get the bearing to the aircraft and no range information. Technically you can use that directional information to guide your missile, but that would make for a poor shot since the missle would not know how to loft properly (severely undermines range).
> so how planes are suppose to look like on radar?
Just a signal strength & time it took to travel both ways. Added with the position of the antenna when it was transmitted you get direction & distance.
The signal drowns in drowns in atmospherics really quickly, therefore the "stealthy" plane is completely stealthy just as silenced guns are not actually silenced. It just makes it so that you cant shoot until they get really close to you (at which point you would probably be already dead).
> doppler effect just makes it more obvious that it is a plane
Has nothing to do with "what it is", it's more to differentiate ground from the plane. If you look up then you just see the plane there. If you look down then it drowns in the ground reflections. You can analyse the return dynamics to figure out which type of plane it is, although it is not something that is reliable (usually deals with the specific shape of engine compressor blades since those light up really well on radar).
> and waves are waves ther reflects in a few directions its not like they are converts into a beam.
Depends on the surface. If its completely flat without any imperfections then it would reflect out. Think of it as a mirror in which you either see parts of yourself or not.
> and i dont need to if you want to atack mine, cuz as soon as you turn on your radar, everyone can see you
There's an AWACS plane with a giant ass radar 200-300 miles behind the frontline that sees everything. It relies the information to each F22, which turn their radar only for 30-40 seconds needed to perform the attack. Once you see it the missile is already underway. There are already missiles that behave like this.
> f-22 has the same thing but just less bright. you still can see it.
F22 doesn't have exposed compressor blades so it does get away with the most "telltale sign". There's a lot of clutter on the radar - humidity reflects a little, clouds reflect a little, it's not a 0 or nothing type of situation. By bringing rcs down to the "clutter" levels it does effectively become invisible, until it gets closer.
> you need to show your self (turn on your radar to lock the rocket) to hurt me
Yes but the "you see me" guidance data is pretty shit (no range and not that accurate/up to date direction), so while I can make my best shot at the max distance you will only know that I'm there you you will have a pretty poor shot since it cannot loft properly.
> even if you fly at about 600 km\h, it still creates a lot of doppler effect. even a siren on rapidly moving police car makes it.
Doppler effect would not matter if the return signal drowns in the clutter.
> and thats exacly how enemy radar will see your plane. and it reflects A LOT of radio waves.
It's the curved surfaces that actually reflect a lot. I know it's counter-intuitive. The radar dish is magnitudes smaller than the rest of the airframe as well. It would not be enough to dected.
> slightly harder to detect. and the key word here is SLIGHTLY.
Bombing of baghdad begs to differ.
Not backwards, no. But they will turn off their radars while on the ground or while flying close formation to other aircraft (refuelling, for example).
I would not imagine russia developing anything of value whatsoever when going through the USSR collapse and subsequent 90s "troubles". They probably lost good 15 years of development time. I mean Putin really pushed for the completion of Ka52 and it turned out really underwhelming and stitched together thing that no one really wanted. It's bogged in corruption so most of their recent shit is repurposed wester parts (like the recent superjet debacle). I'd imagine their mil tech is mostly stuck in 80-90s. China at least makes new copycats, but i don't think russia makes anything at all.

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Your thoughts are no longer private.

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The Time has come, for a king to rise from obscurity to lead the heath away from the Clown World that is modern day Global Politics.

Only the pure of heart of the righteous may wield Excalibur. *trips*

step up, sir knights. claim Excalibur and command us

May these ancient tomes serve these righteous knights, as their quest's unfold!
>mystery Babylon bill cooper

>Walter veith secret societies who runs the world

>Abortion matrix kino

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The question paper was leaked for India's Education Minister's children and some his favourites.
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Yeah, sounds about the same here. There's nothing, and I mean nothing reliable in health care. It's like a country club for poors that think they're rich.
why do they try to demonize "nepo babies"? our society doesn't have upward mobility(because of things like this). you can't get ahead in india all by yourself. you'll need some support from family/community. we're not an individualistic society.
ahh the 'question paper'. We call it 'toilet paper' ya streetshitting subhuman
excellent article. jeets and chinks are more like animals than humans.
Your case is even worse because for years Canadians paraded their healthcare like it was the second coming of Jesus.
I know most Canadians here (those that aren’t street shitters) aren’t to blame. But I thought that it was really weird how Canadian politeness and their smugness about their healthcare system was promoted everywhere in media. It was bound to be taken advantage of, or be crushed under its own weight.
At least here, our best medical school (which is free) has more than 20 thousand applicants each year and of those, only about a 1000 get in. Having a diploma from UNAM guarantees you a spot in the best hospitals here.
I don’t trust doctors from private medical schools because in Mexico, private universities only require money to be admitted to.

i spend more time in the office because it has air conditioning and i turn it to the max, the company is not even mad because it has solar panels
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historically it looks to be right on point for this time of year
i used to live in Georgia and the humidity was the worst part

for the alarmists ofc
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It’s not bad really, the humidity is at 13%
Going by your image 81.5 would be on point, retard, but no, it isn't particularly unusual. The US is just a hot fucking hellhole.

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What are the chances of you losing your job during the next recession?
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Yes. The new norm became to shove their heads into the sand while their children became poorer than them. Or, worse, blaming their children. And on top of not fully recovering from that recession, our country is now being packed with third-world workers who have created a new recession and who will be perfectly content with even lower living conditions so long as they are “not as bad as” where they left to get here. And last year their birthrates outpaced American. By 2030 with all of the immigration, the breeding immigrants, the breeding welfare trash, and the death of more boomers, whites will slip to a profound minority, and the most common language spoken at home by 18 and unders will be Spanish. This of course will mean more jobs will require proficiency in Spanish, making the job market even more impossible to navigate for Americans.
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Provably false. How does it feel to only have bullshit come out of your mouth?
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lol, we are looking UP at a recession!
The place I work at hasn't hired anyone in years. Horizontal "promotions" to fill empty positions only. We had a paid intern program and those guys disappeared. They don't even want to pay college kids $40,000. No new faces at the customers I work with either. So no layoffs but a slowly dwindling labor force.
wait until 2025 if you can. even then, i wouldn't buy anything newer than a 2020 due to the shit quality
cracks in the auto industry are getting bigger.

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