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The filthy terrorist supporters attacked the sacred Jewish neighborhood of Pico-Robinson.

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> Jews Beaten by based anti-kikes in Los Angeles
> The gigabased gigachad freedom fighter supporters attacked the Jewish ghetto of Pico-Robinson.

I fixed your editing and grammar issues. Now it's correct, and much better
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>pRedditor spacing kike shill
>If you are going to terrorize and intimidate psychopathic genocidal "people" for being kikes, you need to gather more supporters and make them # 110

I fixed your typos and grammar issues
> Picrel: Who must go??
there were other jews there who weren't helping her at all and they also weren't getting attacked by "antisemites".
means it had fuckall to do with the eternal victim being jewish and more to do with her behavior. whatever she said or did it earned her an asswhooping.
Stop trying to make this my problem because it isn't for the first time in a long time not my problem.

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nobody knows, and i find it kind of insulting.
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you need to find more comfort in your own convictions if the ideas of people you dislike shake you down so badly
Kikes really do hate us like that lol, feels good man
I know. Brain death = game over forever. Any other answer is cowardly godtard cope
What about reincarnation
Christians do not KNOW. Christians have FAITH.

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-main character is a girl named fierer(en)
-80 years ago she was on 10 year long expedition to kill the demon lord (ww2)
-one of her friends from that time is hitter (hitler)
-her 3 companions represents the 3 countries that allied the fireren in the war
-demons are obviously jews
-frieren the slayer
-hitler was a weeaboo so hieter/fern represents japan, as fern is obviously yamato nadeshiko and hieter has squinted eyes

convinced yet? now go watch it.
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bet you do, that's peak european right there
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what is wrong with the magic exam arc?
I like the part where Frieren explains that it is in the nature of demons to lie to survive in human society, they're literally invaders using humans (white peoples) laws and tolerance against them.
and the proper solution frieren shows is to kill them without mercy.
the one time they overrule her the demon proves her right - it is incapable of going against its nature

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everyberg singlestein timewitz

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Thoughts on the Aryan Hperborean Bodybuilder clique on Twitter being exposed as skinnyfat jews and all threads relating to it being inexplicably deleted?
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>race communist

Subversive terminology. Race communism = gigabased
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i dont hate you guys, i see you like really promising cool younger brothers who are really passionate but are being swept up in a thing that isnt well thought out. It's about literature, having a solid thesis or basic creed that you guys have hashed out and agreed upon. until nick writes an epic manifesto or a groyper with an attention span can articulate the zeitgeist then they are not serious people.
Yeahh he's just some kike grifter trying o off ramp young White proto fascists into gay zionism
They're like "look all this cool pagan crap!" To distract us from Jesus,

For its new report, the Claims Conference said it defined Holocaust survivors “based on agreements with the German government in assessing eligibility for compensation programs.”

For Germany, that definition includes all Jews who lived in the country from Jan. 30, 1933, when Hitler came to power, to May 1945, when Germany surrendered unconditionally in World War II.

The group handles claims on behalf of Jews who suffered under the Nazis and negotiates compensation with Germany’s finance ministry every year. In June, the Claims Conference said that Germany has agreed to extend another $1.4 billion, (1.29 billion euros), overall for Holocaust survivors around the globe for 2024.

Since 1952, the German taxpayer has paid more than $900 billion to individuals for suffering and losses resulting from persecution by the Nazis.
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I've heard they started claiming, in order to keep the gravy train going, that all Jews, especially the children of Holocaust survivors carry inborn trauma, transmitted by some nebulous genetic process.
Meaning that even 200 years into the future, Jews will still carry inborn Holocaust trauma. That's if they're still alive 200 years in the future.
The good news is that next year will be 300,000 of them left.
No Polish peasant will take a dime in case of reparations, as the jews controlling you will take it all.
Jewish round-table about how to subvert Poland to repopulate it with 3+ million Jews.
Matriarchy, heavy inbreeding and genital mutilation of male kids turning them to psychos.
The Germans didn't kill jews. The Germans just demanded that the jews work - and to jews that was *worse* than death.

Arbeit Macht Frei
>been on the board for 21 hours
>still on page 6
this board is dead

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my mom planted a cherry plum tree a few years ago and this year it sprouted alot of fruit and it literally has hundreds of cherry plums, we got 4 buckets of them this weekend and ive been eating handfuls of them. I LITERALLY cannot stop eating them, i feel like my body craves the nutrients, no chemicals, no GMOS, literally just dirt and water. they literally taste amazing, no fruit in the gorcery store compares to them, they taste like actual real food not plastic goyslop bill gates fruit
are fruit trees political? why dont more people plant them?

>Loaded with minerals like magnesium, potassium, and vitamin C, cherry plums are a great addition to your diet. They contain polyphenols, which offer protection against diseases like diabetes and heart disease. Cherry plums are also rich in iron and sodium that are essential for hydration, and muscle function.
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I'd also invest in one of those mini excavators to move stone and dirt and rent it out for profit the rest of the time
Tell your mom im gonna depants that big ol pussy and fucken hawk thua spit on that thing
Actually no. We don't use any pesticides other than water mixed with nettle or something. Our plants are irrigated by the water pumped fresh out of the spring streaming from our property. I just don't like the taste of fruit that much. Too much hassle eating cherries, figs, apples, pears and shit. I prefer kompot.
Stop eating that many plums in one sitting, retard, you'll shit your pants.
People are retarded, fren, they can’t figure it out even when you give them the answer. Enjoy being one of the few humans left.

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I am forgotten.
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Imagine killing yourself for a bunch of sandniggers that hates you and the west LOLOLOLOLOL
Imagine killing yourself in one of the most horrific & painful manners one can imagine, in support of a group of people who would do the exact same to you if they could.
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I'm burnin', I'm burnin', I'm burnin' FOR YOU!
No matter how unsatisfied I am with certain aspects of my life thinking about this flaming retard always makes feel a little better
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>Sorry Vlodymyr, war gives me the ick. It's CREEPY and WEIRD, kinda like you. I'm flying to the west and installing tinder. I'll be back, ERM, let me guess, NEVER
t. Every breeding age Ukrainian women ever

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Of all the bizarre, laughably fake Dem bullshit the Jeep rally was the weirdest.

It was a disturbing cross between a political rally and a Stephen King novel.
I mean if they can fucking fake Biden wearing a mask and clipping/disappearing on live TV they can fake a picture of a crowd.

>my guy is better than your guy

you are all faggots that need to rope, there is no political solution
Never voted, never will.
It's Donover...
Unironically though Biden is gonna win big. Go bet on him for free money.

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We are so sick of it. It makes no sense how a small minority can conquer half the planet and still get away with it.

Don’t ever think Asian people like you. Because that’s far from true. Don’t ever think Asian woman will date you because it’s not true. They are simply paid to do so.

But seriously life is bullshit and I want to kill myself living here. Everything revolves around Australians. I can’t do this anymore. I wish Japan fucked this place up in WW2
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> I want to kill myself living here.
dont worry you will be going back soon
living in cold harsh climate breed tough people and tough people dominate. look at russians or british for example, ignore cuck germans tho.
Asian women have paid me to date them. We're objectively superior to you. Your hair is filth colored(black) like grime and grease. We are white like snow. We have golden sunshine and red fire hair as wel as green forest and blue sky eyes. Anything you post about us is coping and seething jealousy because you are 5 feet tall and can not do 10 push ups. In south korea women prefer masturbation to sex with korean micropenises. This is actually a documented fact. You are an utterly failed race that will go instinct long before any other even indians who are preserved only by their ability to rape one another.


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>14 days have finally arrived

How are you vaxxxies doing these days?
Oh, me? Not much, just enjoying good health while your heart struggles to pump more and more everyday.
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I do check now. Only total retards believe the propaganda on /pol/. I also can't find how he died. Motorcycle accident? Who knows.
these idiots do not have sence of justice, because threatening someone to be fired from work if he does not take the vax is not only unjust but it is also against the law. Because the laws are made to be just, most of them.
So if one does not get it, does not feel it, obeys blindly the evil, he deserves no sympathy whatsoever. He just helped the evil and injustice to be spread out.
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sue them

The paradise that russoids think is just like the Netherlands.
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>public transport
Too bad I can laugh daily on weekdays at how incredibly poor Russians drive in Chinese SUVs and Ladas from 1982 on my tv. You fucking moron, look at the death rate due to traffic incidents in Russia. And if you think your shitty ass metro system is fine; look at Algeria, if you want to compare it to another totalitarian regime. They have a subway too in Algiers. The difference is that it doesn't smell like shit.
Fucking rekt again xD
Whatta shithole. Not even China or India has any city this bad
It IS a poor shithole lmao
You just have your american standards; Just because it's moscow doesn't mean it's magically 1/10th the price of US/the west in general.
And maybe even then, it may be the case. But that 1M apartment might be 10M in jew york

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burned alive seems appropriate.

Fags exist in their own bubble, just like muslims, and think that certain despicable things are absolutely normal, like pedophilia. Straights they usually interact with are very specific outliers, perverts themselves, and that adds a perception that the whole world is like that
Not surprised. I saw those baby monkey torture videos on youtube and all the pajeets celebrating in the comments and I understood the darkness in men's hearts.
>6 niggers + 2 dykes
high score
Torture and dismember all homosexuals like in the good old days

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Hundreds of people were wounded and a few people (including kids) died in Sevastopol after an ATACMS missile's cluster warhead spread the exploding elements on a beach.
How can anyone go to a beach that is so close to the enemy's cruise missiles is a mystery. Did this attack take place because Putin went to Asia to buy some weapons?
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>hawaii pretending not to exist.

The aztecs also had "war morality" they didn't destroy infrastructure and battles had to be "balanced" guess who always won.

It was mexico city.

Spaniards showed up at a time the frontier was going ballistic and burning down infrastructure.

Probably because Montezuma was a pussy ass faggot.
Kys petrolhuffer
If it’s only Russians there it should be part of Russia
This is why Russia will win, they understand probability, appreciate that in life there is always some risk, and are not pussies like western faggots.
>nukes 2 cities
>firebombs hundreds more
>muh moral war
>muh white culture
Fuck off faggot

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Hmm wonder if she has children
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same story every time. jewish women champion zero population growth in media white women prefer

whites are the only group targeted for zero population group behavior such as birth control/no kids
So kys then?
Very Jewish
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>selfish to have them
Also, (pic related)
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Why the faux outrage?
If they didnt want the Bible included, why not carve out an acception for it?
Or is it they wanted the Bible banned given theyre desert jews?
It seems rather odd overall of the desire to infantalize kids, while the decisions that impact them continue to occur.

>Like many other baleen whales, female blue whales are generally larger than males

bros how do we cope?
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big pussy needs a big dick
The penis of a male blue whale can be up to 3 meters in lenght and he cums 1800 liters, you cant compete
Correction: he cums only 20 liters
The testicles are about 50kg each
I should call her

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First of all the IDF is so incompetent that the Jews can't even defeat Hamas. Naturally it is also impossible to defeat the richer Lebanese Hezbollah.
And you can't defeat them even if the US personally sends troops to support Israel.
>Look at the damn map of Lebanon. Half the area is fucking mountains.
Hezbollah will end up hiding in the mountains like the Taliban in Afghanistan and the Houthis in Yemen. They will never surrender even if the war lasts 20 years.
Eventually the Jews will have to withdraw because their economy is going to shit.
Nothing will be gained, it's just pointless.
>Biden might want another war in Afghanistan so he can declare the country at war. Cancel the campaign and just run for a second term as President of the United States.
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You’re too scared to fight in south Lebanon

When you start getting food shortages due to Hezbollah damaging your ports, and you keep delaying even sending tanks let alone infantry, and everyone who can flees — all your delusions of false heroics will dissipate and your touted victory against Gazans will be worthless

Also there’s a chance Hezbollah might even enter your homes and annex north Israel and Nazareth
desu I just want to see southern Lebanon turned into a Martian landscape
Israel tried that in 2006 and failed on all accounts.
>Jews can't even defeat Hamas
? hamas is being defeated, they could do it faster but the west would bitch

But yes the goal of a war against lebanon would just be to gain more of a buffer zone. I think they still have the legitimate lebanese government in exile in a warehouse or something in israel maybe they could do something fun with that
>but the west would bitch
Yeah because the west has self inflicted trauma from being indoctrinated for the better part of century that genocide is always bad and indefensible.

how will events unfold once disclosure happens? are there any books or movies that accurately depict how humanity and world governments would handle a "peaceful" alien arrival? are there declassified or leaked government documents about disclosure procedures?

This video was recorded on a $8,000 FLIR camera (Infiray HYH75W)
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>once disclosure happens
what makes you think it will ever happen?
the UAP disclosure act was shot down twice now, first time they took its teeth out and second time they completely blocked it
>most of this board thinks the earth is flat and space isnt real.
Angels to some, demons to others. Christians call anything not described in desert manual as demonic. Religious people are retarded like that.
The truth is, all of the UAP/UFO's are quite literally from different dimensions and vibrational states. They aren't coming from anywhere, they are already here, they just can't be detected in infrared/uv-vis spectrum. Unless they want to reveal themselves, that is. And no one knows for sure what the fuck they are exactly. So portraying them as "Grey dudes from outer space" is a psyop to put a lable on them that won't freak out the average normie as much.
>The truth is, all of the UAP/UFO's are quite literally from different dimensions and vibrational states.
>They aren't coming from anywhere, they are already here, they just can't be detected in infrared/uv-vis spectrum.
An optic specifically made with looking via vibrational states might shed more light regarding these UAPs. add in that "banned glass", then we might see "them" without the need for "them" to intentionally show themselves.

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