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Explain me the reason to spend millions of dollars on covering every F-22 with a “stealth coating” when in its nose there is a RADIO TRANSPARENT FAIRING, behind which there is a radar, which, with its materials and shape, reflects any wave and makes all these stealth features useless? Moreover, when it turns on his radar, it turns into a SOURCE of radio waves, which could be located by any, even the oldest radio stations. Do you really believe that on radar it looks like a golf ball?
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>THIS at the front of your aircraft? and thats exacly how enemy radar will see your plane. and it reflects A LOT of radio waves. so im asking. does all of this coating even have a sence if u have THIS at the front?
do you know what frequency is
do you know what an airplane is
do you know what a combat airplane is
do you know what a radar missile is
do you know what a nose cone is, clearly not that especially because most russian planes are running out of nose cones
Doest the radiation from that radar affect the pilots?
> reflects any wave and makes all these stealth features useless
Radar dish is much smaller than the rest of the airplane. Radar dish is also fairly straight in its geometry, meaning that its cross section is not big expect if it faces you directly (which it would not since its probably phased array).
> You dont need a radar to drop bombs.
Not anymore, no, true.
> So, while it looks on its target, that means that it is also visible to the target.
Not straightly true. You only get the bearing to the aircraft and no range information. Technically you can use that directional information to guide your missile, but that would make for a poor shot since the missle would not know how to loft properly (severely undermines range).
> so how planes are suppose to look like on radar?
Just a signal strength & time it took to travel both ways. Added with the position of the antenna when it was transmitted you get direction & distance.
The signal drowns in drowns in atmospherics really quickly, therefore the "stealthy" plane is completely stealthy just as silenced guns are not actually silenced. It just makes it so that you cant shoot until they get really close to you (at which point you would probably be already dead).
> doppler effect just makes it more obvious that it is a plane
Has nothing to do with "what it is", it's more to differentiate ground from the plane. If you look up then you just see the plane there. If you look down then it drowns in the ground reflections. You can analyse the return dynamics to figure out which type of plane it is, although it is not something that is reliable (usually deals with the specific shape of engine compressor blades since those light up really well on radar).
> and waves are waves ther reflects in a few directions its not like they are converts into a beam.
Depends on the surface. If its completely flat without any imperfections then it would reflect out. Think of it as a mirror in which you either see parts of yourself or not.
> and i dont need to if you want to atack mine, cuz as soon as you turn on your radar, everyone can see you
There's an AWACS plane with a giant ass radar 200-300 miles behind the frontline that sees everything. It relies the information to each F22, which turn their radar only for 30-40 seconds needed to perform the attack. Once you see it the missile is already underway. There are already missiles that behave like this.
> f-22 has the same thing but just less bright. you still can see it.
F22 doesn't have exposed compressor blades so it does get away with the most "telltale sign". There's a lot of clutter on the radar - humidity reflects a little, clouds reflect a little, it's not a 0 or nothing type of situation. By bringing rcs down to the "clutter" levels it does effectively become invisible, until it gets closer.
> you need to show your self (turn on your radar to lock the rocket) to hurt me
Yes but the "you see me" guidance data is pretty shit (no range and not that accurate/up to date direction), so while I can make my best shot at the max distance you will only know that I'm there you you will have a pretty poor shot since it cannot loft properly.
> even if you fly at about 600 km\h, it still creates a lot of doppler effect. even a siren on rapidly moving police car makes it.
Doppler effect would not matter if the return signal drowns in the clutter.
> and thats exacly how enemy radar will see your plane. and it reflects A LOT of radio waves.
It's the curved surfaces that actually reflect a lot. I know it's counter-intuitive. The radar dish is magnitudes smaller than the rest of the airframe as well. It would not be enough to dected.
> slightly harder to detect. and the key word here is SLIGHTLY.
Bombing of baghdad begs to differ.
Not backwards, no. But they will turn off their radars while on the ground or while flying close formation to other aircraft (refuelling, for example).
I would not imagine russia developing anything of value whatsoever when going through the USSR collapse and subsequent 90s "troubles". They probably lost good 15 years of development time. I mean Putin really pushed for the completion of Ka52 and it turned out really underwhelming and stitched together thing that no one really wanted. It's bogged in corruption so most of their recent shit is repurposed wester parts (like the recent superjet debacle). I'd imagine their mil tech is mostly stuck in 80-90s. China at least makes new copycats, but i don't think russia makes anything at all.

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Your thoughts are no longer private.

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The Time has come, for a king to rise from obscurity to lead the heath away from the Clown World that is modern day Global Politics.

Only the pure of heart of the righteous may wield Excalibur. *trips*

step up, sir knights. claim Excalibur and command us

May these ancient tomes serve these righteous knights, as their quest's unfold!
>mystery Babylon bill cooper

>Walter veith secret societies who runs the world

>Abortion matrix kino

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The question paper was leaked for India's Education Minister's children and some his favourites.
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Yeah, sounds about the same here. There's nothing, and I mean nothing reliable in health care. It's like a country club for poors that think they're rich.
why do they try to demonize "nepo babies"? our society doesn't have upward mobility(because of things like this). you can't get ahead in india all by yourself. you'll need some support from family/community. we're not an individualistic society.
ahh the 'question paper'. We call it 'toilet paper' ya streetshitting subhuman
excellent article. jeets and chinks are more like animals than humans.
Your case is even worse because for years Canadians paraded their healthcare like it was the second coming of Jesus.
I know most Canadians here (those that aren’t street shitters) aren’t to blame. But I thought that it was really weird how Canadian politeness and their smugness about their healthcare system was promoted everywhere in media. It was bound to be taken advantage of, or be crushed under its own weight.
At least here, our best medical school (which is free) has more than 20 thousand applicants each year and of those, only about a 1000 get in. Having a diploma from UNAM guarantees you a spot in the best hospitals here.
I don’t trust doctors from private medical schools because in Mexico, private universities only require money to be admitted to.

i spend more time in the office because it has air conditioning and i turn it to the max, the company is not even mad because it has solar panels
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historically it looks to be right on point for this time of year
i used to live in Georgia and the humidity was the worst part

for the alarmists ofc
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It’s not bad really, the humidity is at 13%
Going by your image 81.5 would be on point, retard, but no, it isn't particularly unusual. The US is just a hot fucking hellhole.

Whenever countries like China, Korea, etc, ask Japan for an apology for war crimes, they are not asking with sincerity for them to redress the historical record and stop venerating war criminals, but only to gain a temporary advantage by making the Japs look bad by having to eat shit, spit on their ancestors and having to humiliate themselves in front of the world. No apology the Japs could make will ever satisfy the Chinese and Koreans, even if the Japs were to flagellate themselves to the point of self-loathing and national suicide like the Germans are doing before the Jews.

Chinks and gooks will not admit this but this is true and we can all see it. It is all about modern politics and East Asians trying to penetrate each other's asses in a show of dominance. The Japanese could demolish the Yasakuni shrine tomorrow and it will not satisfy the Chinese unless also accompanied by other measures such as Japan transferring its subservience from the US to China in foreign affairs.

In other words, this is about as sincere as the Polish request for reparations, something to trot out whenever the Germans or EU are being uppity again.
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made for BWC
Stealth /int/ thread?
Curious, have you seen shows such as "Pantheon" or "Scavengers Reign" let alone shows like "Last aribender" which are considered american anime?
Chinese and Korean anime/manhwa can't compete, they are too formulaic because of propaganda reasons, they are all zogged as well.

Breaker 1 & 2 was better than the season 3 which was just trash all together and had "help" from the webtoon side of things.

Most webtoons are trash image quality wise, Chinese comics on the other hand have an ugly style, lack of quality control, most cookie cutter protagonists, no personality, just like how the commies want.

Why almost all of wellknown Korean culture is rebranded Japanese culture ?

>muh ancient Korean influenced on japan

This is basically all Chinese culture passing by Beakje at ancient times due to location.

Pls tell me any specific interesting culture influenced from korea except something not related anti japan propaganda.

Korean has the strongest little china complex https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_China_(ideology)

>Modern korean wellknown culture is almost all rebranded Japanese culture after ww2

>muh Teakwondo

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What are the chances of you losing your job during the next recession?
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Yes. The new norm became to shove their heads into the sand while their children became poorer than them. Or, worse, blaming their children. And on top of not fully recovering from that recession, our country is now being packed with third-world workers who have created a new recession and who will be perfectly content with even lower living conditions so long as they are “not as bad as” where they left to get here. And last year their birthrates outpaced American. By 2030 with all of the immigration, the breeding immigrants, the breeding welfare trash, and the death of more boomers, whites will slip to a profound minority, and the most common language spoken at home by 18 and unders will be Spanish. This of course will mean more jobs will require proficiency in Spanish, making the job market even more impossible to navigate for Americans.
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Provably false. How does it feel to only have bullshit come out of your mouth?
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lol, we are looking UP at a recession!
The place I work at hasn't hired anyone in years. Horizontal "promotions" to fill empty positions only. We had a paid intern program and those guys disappeared. They don't even want to pay college kids $40,000. No new faces at the customers I work with either. So no layoffs but a slowly dwindling labor force.
wait until 2025 if you can. even then, i wouldn't buy anything newer than a 2020 due to the shit quality
cracks in the auto industry are getting bigger.

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Why are spic nations all shitholes? Spic nations have been independent for 200 years but have remained shitholes.
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>200 years
>why dont' we jus war with ourselves over our number 1 exports
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Argentina is a absolutely a shithole DO NOT come (unless you are white), we are full.
that's true unless you've got a degree or above the avg IQ. It's relatively easy to have a competitive salary down here. It's absolutely pretty comfy, we even got starlink at out cabin in the middle of nowhere
Said the spic shithole, just 5 years ago we won in murder statistics, but you filled us with venecos, the real question is why the planet still believe american propaganda.

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Why would russia go through such lengths to ban and persecute Jehovah’s witnesses and not muslims ?. When do you ever hear of JW’s engaging in terrorist activity?

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why do you hate spooders, /pol/?
not racist just don't like em
I’m fine with them until they get larger than a quarter
ok moshe
spiders are overrated
all the webs are empty
I've never seen them catch anything
>teleports behind your back

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Wikipedia says 1.1 million.
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>What an oddly specific number.
>What does it mean?
Funny you should ask.
The six million "murdered" Jews actually relocated to America to assist in turning it into a vassal of the crime syndicate of Israel masquerading as a Nation: https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP88-01314R000100360016-9.pdf
funny how there was no mention of the holocaust until decades after WW2 ended
The Six Million Jews who supposedly Perished in the holocaust all came to America. except for maybe 40 or 80 thousand of them who didn't get the memo and stuck around to starve to death with the Germans who they were with at the time.

Their descendants are in New York, California, Washington DC, and Florida, and to a lesser extent all the rest: Texas, Masschusetts, all the forward thinking states.

The Jews have been lying about their origin story using the protocols of the learned elders of Zion against America, ever since they set foot in America. They manufacture their own expulsion everywhere they go. There are no exceptions to this rule.

Gee, they make it sound so easy.

Now they will know why they are afraid of the dark. Now they will learn why they fear the night
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Yep, this is the Rayleigh scattering I was talking about here >>471984137
Not only angle matters, but also elevation, and things like pollution because pollution increases the particles in the atmosphere.
You could think of the atmosphere as if it were a sea and standing on land would be standing on the bottom of this sea, the more water the sun has to pass before reaching you the more it will shift to red, and vice-versa.
Were going to bring back the sodium lamps when we build the new Reich, right guys?
Only stone hearth fireplaces, pot bellied stoves, and lanterns pls
I wanna be able to see the stars from the city
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We must go deeper.
First day

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to spit
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Whatever killed him, he died due to a health issue at age 33, so he had ZERO ability to give opinions on health topics.
Because he knew nothing about physiology, clearly.
literally what did he mean by this
When we round you to put in a camp, please remember that we, too, are really great guys.
i wonder what said the one that she sold between "fattie dick" and "i <3 ping pong".

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why haven't you joined Blood Tribe yet /pol/
>inb4 glownigger honeypot
Clown ass niggers
>not knowing nazi means national zionist and the while modern was controlled abs contrived by jews in the current year
Fuentes won
those men they are not with christ
>those men they are not with christ
we don't want or need christ
christcuckery is why the West is fallen

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MEGA HAPPENING! The Russian terrorist animals and war criminals bombed more Ukrainian children in Kharkiv, northeast Ukraine!
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>It includes a more sophisticated navigation board connected to an inertial measurement unit into a CMAPT (Cyrillic for SMART) module.
I'd guessing that it uses the inertia measurements for determining their acceleration, and that they also have a backup system running off their last known gps measurements when GPS gets jammed because its so god damn easy to jam GPS signals.
I don't care
You don't care
Nobody cares
Stop being a nosy-ass karen
>Kharkov is a Russian city built by Russians
Then they shouldn't have let it go in 1991. They did. Tough titties.
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if you are still lurking anon, thanks. I've got to go now because I'm too busy reading this stuffs. really fascinating, it gives me ideas for making loitering munitions with balloons.

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>DALLAS (AP) — American Airlines put an unspecified number of employees on leave for their involvement in an incident in which several Black passengers were removed from a flight in Phoenix, allegedly over a complaint about body odor.

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Black people smell, everyone knows it. That's the story.
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It will probably be revealed one of them brandished a knife or threatened to rape a child, and then this story will be memory holed. And you will be seen as crazy if you attempt to ask about it ever again.

Tale as old as time.
I worked for Piedmont (a subsidiary of American Airlines) for years. There have been policy on the books for decades about minimum hygiene required to fly, and we were always told we need to be sensitive to passengers about the matter but to remember that passengers who don't meet hygiene requirements are making everybody else uncomfortable. I remember there was one time we had a homeless guy flying and several people complained, so we had to pull him off. He actually took it pretty well, so we rebooked him for another flight and gave him one of our RON kits and a shaving kit so he could clean himself up before his next flight. The difference is that I bet all these niggers came in reeking of weed and BO and when the FA told the gate agent to remove them, they instantly sprang into chimping out.
careful what you wish for. Those purple-haired faggots in HR & Marketting will get this to trend so the stock price Moons.

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I’ll start

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"Joel Searby, a veteran political consultant who headed up ex-CIA officer Evan McMullin’s independent presidential bid in 2016, has been arrested and charged with multiple felonies relating to child sex crimes.

Searby, 43, is charged with felony counts of lewd and lascivious behavior, communicating to lure a minor, traveling to lure a minor and using a device to commit a felony. He is currently being held at the Alachua County Jail without bond.
According to the arrest report, Searby used the messaging platform Snapchat to send inappropriate pictures and text messages to a 15-year-old boy. He later attempted to lure him to a meeting for sex acts.
Searby used a fake name and photo in order to coordinate the meetup, police said.

The Alachua County Sheriff’s Office took over the boy’s account in order to continue communication with Searby. This led to a judge granting a search warrant for the consultant’s home..."
PICTURE Evan McMullin (AKA egg mcmuffin - CIA presidential candidate) with Searby
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"...Weaver was preying on young men in and outside the company.

On June 17, a person working at the Lincoln Project sent an email to co-founder Steslow that reported ten allegations of Weaver’s harassing men, including at least one employee at the Lincoln Project; three people independently described the contents of the email to Intelligencer and said it warned Weaver could be using his position at the company to make promises of career advancement to prey on young men. The complaint called Weaver’s predatory behavior an immediate threat to the company that, if it became public, could render a death blow to the Lincoln Project’s reputation. As the complaint noted, the Lincoln Project itself was attacking Trump as a sexual predator. Steslow raised the email with his fellow co-founder Galen and corporate counsel Matthew Sanderson, the AP reported. Yet Weaver’s harassment continued. (Weaver did not respond to requests for comment.)

Schmidt told Intelligencer: “There is no human being, no person involved with the Lincoln Project who made any type of allegation of any type of inappropriate communication that would have triggered an HR investigation or the hiring of an outside counsel to conduct such an investigation,” he said. “There were zero allegations, complaints, media interrogatories directed to the Lincoln Project with any specificity, at any time about, any misconduct, towards any person.”

Schmidt said that all the Lincoln Project had heard was “chatter” in early July that Weaver, who is married to a woman, was gay. Around this time, sources say, reporters were asking Lincoln Project members about Weaver. Schmidt noted the rumor dates back to at least 1988, when Weaver’s nemesis in Texas, Karl Rove, reportedly spread a rumor that Weaver took a pass at a male campaign staffer. He said the Lincoln Project called Weaver to warn him of what ..."
"...Schmidt labeled “the rumors” and asked Weaver if he needed to tell them anything else.

“I said, ‘You need to know that this is out there. Is there anything that we need to know?’” Schmidt said of their phone conversation. “He said, ‘No, it’s bullshit. It’s not true.’”

The company’s leaders told the New York Times in January they had not been aware of such allegations until they publicly surfaced that month, contrary to the complaint received and circulated by Steslow. The Times reported Weaver had sent messages that ranged from provocative to sexually explicit to 21 men going back years, including to one recipient who was 14 years old, though none worked at the Lincoln Project....Johnson was not alone among interns who say they were harassed by Weaver before starting at the Lincoln Project: One of them was Charlie Stephens, who was a 19-year-old rising sophomore at Louisiana State University when he was contacted by Weaver this past June. Weaver asked him if he or any of his “peers” might be interested in an internship “to help kick the shit out of Trump and against Senate Republican incumbents,” according to Twitter direct messages Stephens shared. Stephens said he was interested, and Weaver responded that he’d be “perfect.” A week later, Stephens told Weaver he formally applied to the role. “You are a fucking stud!” Weaver said. When Stephens demurred, saying that was “quite the compliment,” Weaver responded, “Take it! Hell, you may very well be ;).”..." etc.
"Joel Searby, a veteran political consultant who headed up ex-CIA officer Evan McMullin’s independent presidential bid in 2016, has been arrested and charged with multiple felonies relating to child sex crimes.

Searby, 43, is charged with felony counts of lewd and lascivious behavior, communicating to lure a minor, traveling to lure a minor and using a device to commit a felony. He is currently being held at the Alachua County Jail without bond.

According to the arrest report, Searby used the messaging platform Snapchat to send inappropriate pictures and text messages to a 15-year-old boy. He later attempted to lure him to a meeting for sex acts.

(ALERT: This Is The Handshake That Will Collapse The US Dollar)

Searby used a fake name and photo in order to coordinate the meetup, police said.

The Alachua County Sheriff’s Office took over the boy’s account in order to continue communication with Searby. This led to a judge granting a search warrant for the consultant’s home.

Searby allegedly told the boy that he had a “secret crush” on an older man in his 40’s when he was around the boy’s age. He wrote that they first kissed and then “did more stuff in secret whenever we could. He kind of taught me stuff. …”

According to the report, Searby then asked the victim if he “Would ever do something like that?” The victim then replied with, “maybe I would have to think abt it.”

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"...portrayed as a “former Republican” who could provide a “moderate” alternative to Donald Trump in the 2016 election.

McMullin’s candidacy was heavily backed by the anti-Trump “Republican” group The Lincoln Project.

Lincoln Project co-founder Rick Wilson has described Joel Searby as a close friend and a man with “heart.”"
Any comment from Egg McMuffin?

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These loans also don't use the goyim's "Credit Score" system for qualification
As long as you are a jew you qualify

Goyim are forced to get a mortgage at 7.5% and rising rates while jews can walk into Quicken Loans or Rocket Mortgage and qualify for a jew loan at <2.5% rates and if they are a well known jew with a good reputation it will be 0%, in some rare cases they even have negative interest meaning the bank pays the borrower.

These loans are NOT available to goyim as you have to prove you are a jew by either already being a well known jew or by providing a birth certificate that proves that your mother is a "recognized jew" in their databases and thus you are qualified for Birthright Citizenship in Israel and a real jew. This means that those who have "converted" to judaism do not qualify even though they identify as jews.
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So let's say that the company has yo make money to survive. That means that they'd have to charge more for everyone else in order to have such a program exist. We end up paying for this shit.
>we end up paying for this shit
Yes, did you know that Israel has universal healthcare, monthly stipends for all citizens, and free universities all paid for by US tax dollars? Germany has been giving "holocaust survivors" and their children and grand children monthly checks since the end of WWII.
the bbb is a fake company ran by jews, good job goy.
I heard about the german thing. A major company spelling it out in public is just a shock.
We pay rent to a jew landowner while he gets money from the jew banks at nearly no cost.
It's a big club - and you're not in it.

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These things are coming whether you like it or not. There is a massive untapped market in the leftover mem, which are now even larger than any other point in history. In 20 years tops these things will be on a level of detroit become human, and they will overwhelmingly cater to men.

A robot cannot provide or raisebsocial status so that's already a failure for the majority of women, but it can simulate love and sex and do simple house chores which is everything men want. This is without adding artificial wombs into the equation.

So what will women do? Will they adapt, ree or rope?
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Is that cum dripping down her face???
Coalburners always act like this, they are so easy to see through
Replace women. Displace women. Switch women with wAIfus. Tell women wAIfus don’t age. Substitute women for wAIfus. Blast women into irrelevancy. Ignore ageing women. Leave your gf for wAIfus. Boot out women for robots. Have a wAIfu cook for you. Tell women wAIfus are prettier. Use an artificial womb. Build prettier robo versions of women. Toss women into the dustbin of history. Tell women wAIfus don’t have a body count. Talk to a wAIfu about your feelings instead of women. Hug wAIfus instead of women. Let wAIfus birth you children. Have wAIfus raise your children. Crush womens importance. Make women understand it’s over. Sleep on a wAIfus thighs. Exterminate the female role in reproduction. Build a wAIfu and show her to your gf. Set the wAIfus on women. Tell women a wAIfu has more compassion than them. Build a relationship with wAIfus instead of women. Explain to women how wAIfus are better lovers. Show women how perfect wAIfus are. Present a wAIfus huge tits to women. Suggest to women that wAIfus are superior. Laugh at womens seething over wAIfus. Articulate how wAIfus will replace women. Tell women that a piece of metal has more compassion than them. Illuminate how wAIfus are better partners than women. Clear up that wAIfus are hotter than women. Point out how wAIfus can look beautiful without makeup. Suggest that a wAIfu outclasses women in every regard. Tell women to self improve against wAIfus. Point out how wAIfus can’t get fat to women. Let wAIfus teach women how to be better. Make it clear that wAIfus are more appreciative than women. Destroy hoeflation. Explain to women that wAIfus are virgins. Send women into irrelevancy. Tell women they can finally be independent now. Articulate how wAIfus will make men forget about women. Force women to accept the superiority of wAIfus. Push for wAIfus in front of women. Have women kneel in front of wAIfus. Watch as women curse wAIfus. Total women replacement.
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