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Top left picture: DownDetector tracking emergency line (9-1-1) outages from June 18th
Top right: Current tornado watch for New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, New York, Canada
Bottom left: 9-1-1 outages from April 17/18
Bottom right: 9-1-1 outages across Massachusetts and others on June 18th

I think this lends more credence to the idea that the USA or some other military power are stress testing our emergency infrastructure and then, maybe using HAARP or chemtrails, inculcating severe weather patterns. From a heat wave to a tornado - can it be any more obvious? IT IS HAPPENINGGGGGGG

If we kill all the traitors we won't have enough Whites to repel the orc invasions from the 3rd world. These are the facts.
Your math is off.
The traitors wouldn't help with that anyway. In fact they will just make it worse.

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Fame, money, kids diddling. Like in clockwork.
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>like English so it properly spoken.
The phrase is "do it properly"
If you're gonna correct anon at least donde fuck.
Dr, Gigachad
She was a 22 years old toddler you sick fuck
The brain only finishes developing at 40 years old
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based, OP is a massive FAGGOT and only thing Dr. D did wrong was EXPOSE the real pedos who are the fucking trannies and politicians in charge of clownworld
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they lift you up, just so they can set you up and tear you down.

in typical masonic fashion.

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what if we launched a Christcoin to sucker in all the christkikes
you just know those losers would eat that shit up
look how Trump capitalized on their naivety with his Trump Bible
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>all it took for atheists to cower in fear was a jew on TV saying chinks coughing on each other would bring a pendmic
haven't owned a TV set for 15 years
never took vaxx
maybe your conception of who constitutes "atheists" is in need of updating
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>what if we scam another scamcoin because scamscam scammy scamscamscam scamaswamy
So you're saying Adam and Eve were black. Interesting.
God's pretty chill ngl
In Godcoin We Trust

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If you put women on a pedestal she will look down on you.

Stop being a simp faggot. Stop obsessing over women
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You might say that it Maddened him
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Women want a challenge and get bored if you're too nice.
>If you put women on a pedestal she will look down on you.

This. He shouldn't have retired and just kept on effortlessly winning superb owls.

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Thank fuck I was cut
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except the human body is perfect the way lord made it, shlomo
it is not an uncut rock
holy shit you are in such delusion lol
thank god they cut off my hands, i dont have to wash them!
Ok kikescum
so you're just admitting you're too stupid to practice personal hygeine

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But that I dreamed of "[bit I don't remember] is he an earth shaker?" I did And found this
It is written there that mardollnmeans sea-shaker

On the same night I dreamed of "I found my sister" and we out-ugh'ed each other.
Like this

I wanted to clarify this and make it clear

*fixes entire country in 4 years*
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He is
his grandfather was
And the west hate him for thisb
Bow down to /OurJew/
they are. thats the thing. Bukele proved the so called extremely complex problem of crime could be solved very quickly with 17th century style law enforcement, you simply put the criminals in prison. Its that simple.

You could get a 72 EUR/month lease

Why don't you?
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More like $5k upfront.
And you need good credit,
And you don't own the car and have to give it back after a few years so you're not building any kind of equity in the vehicle.
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I don't need a car.
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Shitbox as a Service
i actually own my shitbox i paid 300€ for

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Was this guy always retarded?
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He's right though?
the faction of jews against trump called up ol jew milo and had his assets deployed to be seen with trump. Kanye and Nick being seen with trump publicly right before they burned kanye again was purposeful. This is nothing new.
Factional warfare is the new world warfare get used to it or kill all jews. Your choice.
Bro says he drank apple juice and it made him an insomniac for a month he's off his fucking rocker
OK so lets assume it's the same thing. Multiple personality disorder and demonic possession. I think in a lot of cases you will find that ancient people had good instincts about stuff. And I'm well versed on demonology and remote viewing so I know what you are talking about. I'll always look at it in a more scientific light. I don't like to put things in a biblical context but it's basically a semantic argument. We don't really disagree except about terminology and context.

I like remote viewing. I think it gives some insight to the true nature of our reality. How everything is quantum entangled. Having a built in way to know the unknowable is just great design. Like a console level search feature.
He was always an intellectual lightweight. His drug addiction, mental breakdown, and coma totally hollowed him out, and Jews turned him into a mindless golem.
The holocaust obviously happened. Btw it is illegal to say otherwise on my continent.

Beach in Oslo
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That’s not a beach, that’s a dock in a port. Have fun swimming in petrochemicals
muh beachable city
Noo! not the heckin civilians!
Norway is gay.
>"I could be posting on /pol/ right now" he thought, "This sea of White women was built for BBC. There could be an individual thread for each one, everywhere." The Nordic wind felt too cold against his overly hairy yet feminine brown chest. "I HATE CUMSKINS" he thought. Mundian to Bach Ke reverberated in his anatomically-small cranium, making it pulsate even as the 9 KR curry spice circulated through his ineffectual digestive system and washed away his (merited) sense of inferiority compared to Scandinavians after dawn. "With a phone, you can shitpost BBC threads anywhere you want" he said to himself, out loud.

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who is behind the rise of antisemitism /pol/?
hard mode: don't blame the jews
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Reddit is a hive of midwits trying to out-virtue signal each other by replicating the opinions of paid shills and astroturfers who have their posts boosted to the top. So yeah, that kind of intelligence roleplay goes with the territory of being parrots for karma.
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Me. Faggot
>stop bombing kids
>blood libel!
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Cause and effect.
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I choose easy mode:
It is the j*ws themselves.
Just like with Africa. India and Mid East.
Giving all non-Whites camera phones has shown everyone how vile and disgusting you all are.

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Did Hitler kill 6,000,000 jews? I mean it was exactly 6,000,000? And not 5,999,999 or 6,000,001?
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Zero jews were genocided, unfortunately
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6000013 unlucky for some
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He wanted the 6000000 get lmao

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Considering the definition of magic. Words when woven correctly and spoken by the right individual can crumble empires, they can start uprisings composed of millions of men. Specific formations of characters combined from the movements of your hands. They can change the fate of continents. The fate of entire ethnic groups. Words when woven together can tug on your emotions, they are like spells that hypnotise. Through the use of social consensus a Druid could end a normies social life and banish them from society. They could influence kings. A Druid was essentially a wizard. Only another Druid could parry their “spells”. The art of manipulating the normie, of controlling the flow of society and the understanding of social hierarchy are what was considered magic.

Words when woven together can tug on your emotions. They are like spells that hypnotise the normies. They can also be used to curse.

This is for the glowies. The ones that facilitate and support the genocide of the European people worldwide. You should know that you are murderers, betrayers, kin slayers and puppets of tyranny.

The glow once bright now dim.
What could have been.
A bright future.
A bright new day.
Fighting the boogeyman.
Chasing shadows high and low.

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When that last moment arrives. What will you have you stood for?

A divine spark.
Born within a mortal body.
A vessel of time.
The sands of time slip by.
Each moment a grain of sand.
Every grain fleeting and flowing.
To never be repeated.
Moments cherished.
Appreciated when lost.
Until the very end.

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Hitler stop larping
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Hallo, so, which are worse? Gayreeks, Roaches, Pakis or Niggers? Which ones get the most gibs?
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Last post.


Fuck glowies and fuck zog.

Good boy.
Sit, roll and fetch.
Here are your orders.
Follow the rules.
Know your place.
Oh normie.
Pitiful slave.
To the hierarchy.

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Humiliation ritual.
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The clock is ticking.
A nuke would turn even his last trade partners against him, besides maybe NK and Iran which are irrelevant
If Ukrainians wanted their own comeback they’d get it from your moms chin
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A red line just flew over my house!

It puts Jews in distress
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>israel is at war with palestine and is commiting warcrimes with impunity (which im conflicted about, might is right and israel gets to test out our toys, plus less muslims in the world)
>wtf why are people antisemitic now? oy vey killing civilians is fine! you're antisemetic!
funny its ok when america does it, but if israel does it its le bad
>The Chinese will never play second fiddle to the Jews.
Exactly. One of the biggest things the Chinese are trying to push for these days is the preservation of Han Chinese supremacy. While Jews may have been a large proponent for the founding of the CCP that role they played doesn't mean much today since it's kind of hard for them to use their shapeshifting powers on a race of people they look nothing like.
We are the jews for the jews. Fight fire by fire.
It gets posted in /pcg/ on /vt/ pretty regularly. Let me track it down. I only have the italian one

I just want to live somewhere beautiful and White. Is that too much to ask?
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Come to northern Wyoming.
Anything east of Gillette.
There are jobs, great healthcare, you can mention the JQ in bars without being kicked out.
The Boomers are dying and their replacements are pissed off Millennials irritated about the state of the currency since '08.
The jews are leaving in droves claiming we're antisemitic.
There is a meth and alcohol problem with the degenerates but they largely keep to themselves.
We're 95% white, mostly Italian, German, and Russian decent.
The "Natives" stay in their reservations and know better than to come to town and start shit. They'll be buried in "their" land without a headstone if they act like niggers.
Come home, white man.
You had it in America and Europe and you total fucking cowards let it all get taken from you. Fight for what's yours or shut the fuck up.
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lol. lmao
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Shhh don't let them know.

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>If they believe it's do or die, they'll go as far as shutting down social media.

I dare them.

This would be the fastest undoing in human history. They FORCED this system upon the people, the people became some what addicted to it, it drives a good portion of the economy, so for them to fiddle with it in any way will have consequences.

This is NOT the 1970s, these are NOT tv studios regulated by the FCC. Nigger obama removed some of the US control over the internet, so it is MUCH harder for them to control.

The boomers in charge still think it's the 1970s. It's not. The have no grasp on information warfare and they can't control this. Hell look at Tranly Manning, and realize that there will be thousands of troons leaking secrets daily.

They CAN'T draft. Times have changed too much. If they need troops then they will need to pay for them. They created a mercenary society and now they are upset that they have to pay mercenary wages? Fucking kikes.
Much more because the media will always downplay it. BLM had the potential to escalate into full blown civil war but they called it "mostly peaceful protests" and people believed that shit. If they made a bigger deal out of it, more people would have joined in either against or for BLM.

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I'll keep saving these
I bet these news publishers have people commit suicide that work for them.

A hero...
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The CIA let one of their dogs loose again?
>demands 2 Million per immigrant
sure achmed
Muslims and zogbots deserve each other.
Man with a hairline like that... Sheeeeesh.
>a norwoodcel taking revenge against those who forced him to be born
God speed.

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>Antifa Poo-tin is sending an army of pajeet streetshitters to invade white Europe
Oh no no no no no commie faggots how are you gonna explain how denazifying the whiteness out of europe using an army of poos is based now?
Pootin wants to denazify (you):
Pootin wants to ban western free speech internet such as /pol/:
Pootin = king of antifa:
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This used to be considered the right wing opinion. Not anymore. Not endorsing the attached picture or its source. Just posting it as historical tracking of opinions over time.
They literally have Hammer and Sickle insignia on their uniforms but the NGO consortiums are trying to paint them as right wing.
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And then there's people on here saying "Russian soldiers wear Hammer and Sickles on their uniform, but they are right wing, and the Ukrainians have the black sun on their uniforms, but they are left wing" like fucking idiots.

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