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Previous >>471984041

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)

>BREAKING: The Yemeni Armed Forces announce 2 military operations: Attacking “Transworld Navigator” for the 2nd time with an explosive-laden boat in the Red Sea. Attacking “STOLT SEQUOIA” ship with several cruise missiles in the Indian Ocean. The companies that own them violated the entry ban.
>BREAKING: Israel is again using banned white phosphorus in southern Lebanon tonight
>Tulkarm Battalion - Rapid Response: “We lured a group of occupation soldiers near the ‘Nitzanei Oz’ gate, trapped them in a well-planned ambush, and showered them with bullets, achieving hits.”
>Deputy Secretary-General of the Islamic Jihad Movement, Mohammed Al-Hindi: The occupation army is suffering heavy losses in Gaza, and Netanyahu is living in illusions.


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His reasoning for supporting Israel is so childish. It's because he hates hezbollah for killing his kosher-approved rebels in syria and because hezbollah is allied with hamas he wants Israel to win. He's either a 13 y.o kid or a mentally retarded manchild.
More rockets on settlements near gaza.
8 fucking months, and the incompetent IOF cannot stop rockets XD
Look man, Palestinians aren't White, but they're still 100000% in the right here. You don't need to do some stupid racial bending to see them as the good guys. They're fighting jews to stay home. That's good regardless of who does it.
I think its more of a rebuttal to the "jews are white" claim.
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>Those white Palestinians

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Our citizens are simpletons retards without class or sophistication.
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>Our culture is rotten. Our country is a joke.
>100 million niggers and browns
>wide open borders
Then CLOSE THE BORDES, retards.
Stop importing 100 mln classless lowest iq retards on the planet.
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Total idiocy
Look at that white nigger boomer. look at muh nigger hats.
Pretty sure hawk tuah is a year old now. It only became a meme over the last two weeks. The merch was already in production and everyone is getting played.
You have the same flag that I do, so why haven't you closed the border? Oh because you can't. You have the same amount of power to do that as I do. You fucking moron.

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Is it safe to assume that many countries will reform their gun laws due to 3d printed guns?
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Shall not be infringed is only superseded by the right to be retarded (free speech and free religion)
Old kind of guns worked, they just need a random metal pipe
You're proving my point. He could have used a drone and they'd never even find the guy.
Drones are more traceable than any gun could ever be
pepperbox pistols, harmonica rifles, and revolvers of all sizes are quite simple with electrically-ignited black powder. and diy smokeless powder isn't especially hard either

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The US has currently circa 340 million people. How many more can the land (especially mainland) support?
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Thermal imaging from a classified satellite shows the real population.
115 million Americans
What's left, the pandemic will continue to come back every so many years. Drugs will continue to used by people to escape the dystopian of the USA, the USA is not a leader but the same as other countries.
America can't afford to keep criminals in jail, keep drug from getting in, and sickness from spreading.
It's all because of a shadow war, and during war the USA doesn't have to give out certain information

california feeds most of the world. we export rice to asia. just wait until the rest of our state burns down and/or the US decides to use its resources for itself, cutting off everyone who lives in a shitty desert, tundra, or rocky-soiled region
Warren Buffet lives in Nebraska and Berkshire Hathaway is located in Omaha. This is just one of many examples. I can smell your semitic-ness from here kike.
What is being taught in highschool, is destabilizing the people in the USA. Tribal clans attacking for resources. There is no order or code of conduct just survival and generating money for government to be narcissistic.
Everyone who is doing drugs can be controlled by MK ultra to do violence, MK ultra was designed to make people violent not productive.

YOU are the majority of people, your birth was pure chance, there was absolutely nothing in your control that landed you in America, in a average or wealthy family, nothing, you just popped into fucking existence, the probability was 90% against you and you got lucky.

>We live in an age of immense prosperity, productivity, and efficiency but the wealth disparity is greater

That's what I said.

>More people, less people, the result will be the same

If you're trying to tell me that doubling the population and halving the population will both lead to an equal % of the population being fucked then let me remind you:
>There is only so much habitable space that doesn't suck
>Soil can't be farmed constantly and infinitely
>Nobody wants to live around unwashed street shitters, stone checkers and violent psychopaths
>Rats go crazy when packed in with other rats

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It's gonna be really funny when the election comes and Labour sweeps the whole country.

Between trying to turn all of England into TERF island and the fucking brexit catastrophe it'll be a miracle if any conservative party is ever allowed to run shit there ever again.
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>opposes trans rights agenda
>backs the communist party
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Communism!? She's taking things too far!

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I'm RH negative and we have a lower chance of getting it or having a strong reaction. I believe I briefly had it in early 2022. It was mostly tiredness, minor body ache and later temporary altered taste & smell. No trouble breathing, no coughing, no fever. Perfectly fine.
It's true. I got vaxxed and I'm dead now.
Lol retards.
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I've never met a single vaxxed person that didn't also get COVID. It never stopped people from getting COVID, never stopped people getting sick, and it did not stop people from transmitting it to others
It's like reprogramming the immune system to target 1 thing makes it less effective at fighting other things.
It's like the PCR tests can only indicate the presence of dead cellular material.
It's like if you run a PCR test 40x before drawing the results, all the cellular matter is destroyed, guaranteeing a positive result.
It's like as a consequence of all of this, the overwhelming majority (99%) of all covid diagnoses is completely false.

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kek it doesn't matter what atrocities America does since people will always distrust China more due to racial differences

why would you stop press from checking certain parts of the airport if there are not weapons being stored there and are trying to prove the zionist media wrong?
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This war will make US and jews paid until it said nomore
It takes an arab know what other arabs think
I've studied arabs for a long time. I can say with 100% certainty that inbreeding + pisslam has rendered them completely retarded. No wonder jews wipe the floor with them everytime they go to war
Of course weapons stored at the airport. There are regular weapons shipments coming by plane from Iran. However, the weapons are not permanently stored at the airport; they are just stored there temporarily until trucks arrive to pick them up and transport them to their permanent storage place.

Also, there are air defenses, radars and military aircraft at the airport, which of course reporters would not be allowed to inspect. A complete inspection of the airport would never be allowed, so what would even be the point of an inspection?
you mean you enjoy watching jews molest your kids? You sick fuck you call yourself white.

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Previous: >>471976584

▶Day: 0

>Pro-Iran militias in Iraq prepare to mobilize thousands of fighters to south Lebanon if war erupts
>Israeli Defense Minister heads to US to discuss potential war vs Hezbollah
>DoD has shared an intelligent assessment with the Biden administration that has Israel launching a ground operation in Southern Lebanon the middle of next month
>Israel has massed a large quantity of men and equipment at border with Lebanon
>US pledges military support to Israel in case of large war with Hezbollah,
>Iran and Taliban discuss joint action against Israel if it invades Lebanon
>Canadian military is drawing up plans to evacuate 45,000 people from Lebanon should a full-scale war break out between Israel and Hezbollah
>Two US carriers are en route to eastern Mediterranean
>Israeli officials believe Hezbollah may launch major attack on Israel to preempt large IDF assault
>Israeli Foreign Minister says "Israel cannot allow the Hezbollah to continue attacking its territory and citizens, and soon will make the necessary decisions"

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any news since willie pete?
why are you so insistent about a war starting here? two wars not enough for you? need one more?
seriously, what kind of hasbara bullshit is this?
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this is a split thread started by a notorious pro-jew turk

real thread is here

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The real redpill is that both sides are controlled by them. West and East.
Whatever happens in this upcoming War is just a show, a pretense.

They will fuck your wives, sisters, daughters and kill you and your male offspring.

There is no one left to save them but YOU.
There is no one left to save you but YOU.

Unless We Unite. Peacefully of course.

Its not too late.
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>the number of jews is always more or less 6 million
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did george lucas try to warn us?
is that why they took his lives work from him and shit all over it?

Here is a photo of the application for the passport of the Russian Federation and as you see, Vladimir Putin’s mother is Jewish.

Here is what the Russian philologists wrote - The historical origin of the Shelomov family from the Hebrew male name Shlomo. The ending of the last name means that it was a member of Solomon. Solomon was the most revered Jewish king.
Many have tried to warn us.
This text is not on your photo

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Thoughts on the Aryan Hperborean Bodybuilder clique on Twitter being exposed as skinnyfat jews and all threads relating to it being inexplicably deleted?
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Yeahh he's just some kike grifter trying o off ramp young White proto fascists into gay zionism
They're like "look all this cool pagan crap!" To distract us from Jesus,
its fine
These are obviously people obsessed with something they will never be. There's a little bit of truth in what they say (otherwise nobody would listen to them). They know what it is for a man to lead a good life, but only because they can see so clearly in themselves that it is not them.
It's just disingenuous grifting a-la sam hyde, or that nazi in American History X who was just a drug dealer with a swastika tattoo, they don't believe in shit.

>Another day, another escalation
- Security measures for 59 'scientists' and university employees for their publications regarding migration, climate, Palestine conflict and vaccins
- Glowie regime Schoof is ready for (world) war
- PVV Klever: ‘Replacement theory is the factual representation of demographic development’
- The Netherlands - France today: 0 - 0 because of ‘offside’
- Rutte new NATO chief, Hungary cucked and Romania too
- Media seething because Fleur Agema made the 'OK' gesture
- UvA Science Park cleared by the riot police
- Pro-Palestine protestors had occupied and barricaded UvA Science park and did shield training, but have left after threats of the riot police. Cameras also sabotage d (based)
- More people die of 'EK stress', has nothing to do with the COVID vaccinations though, believe us cattle!
- King: any civil servant that doesn't want to work with the PVV can find a new job
- Gidi Markuszower (MOSSAD/Shin Bet) not minister nor vicepremier after background check by the AIVD, no shit
- 25% of the police is sometimes being threatened by 'criminals': name, address, license plate, children's school known. Mental pressure cause them to be more restrained in their work. Good. Think about this fuckers when you pull people out of their houses for a draft/forced vaccinations
- NCTV: terror risk has been elevated because of jihadists, 'right wing extremists'
- More and more aggression against regime officials and public servants, system hate is now normal

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Lidl stunt wel vaker.
Stel je voor hoe hoort het is als t ook nog eens een maand ofzo op een vrachtschip vervoert word om Amerikaans pis te drinken.
Ik heb van t weekend mn bierkoelkast uitgepoetst, misschien dit weekend wat zelf vrouw proeven, moet de leidingen alleen goed schoonmaken, zat een torretje in ergens. Haha.
Uit mn land larpende muntenaar
Oh ik begreep dat ze dat prima konden handelen. Moet zeggen dat ik vooral mn vriendin in heb laten lezen.
Jij leeft mijn droom zie ik. Heb je toevallig ook katten?
Ik filter dit zonder de functie van 4chan te gebruiken/ in gedachte

Why do Jews want to kill off Ukranians?
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ok we in europe copy america because we are occupied and our governments are puppet governments but in reality no one likes jews or niggers in europe. americans otoh really worship jews and niggers. all i hear from trump is judeo american values this and our great dreamers that inbetween bragging about being the president who has done most for israel. are americans under somed kind of jewish desert nigger spell so when they get up each morning before work they say a prayer for israel.
>Can't tell the difference between a kippah and a zucchetto
I'm not even reading your argument your image alone shows you are a retard.
azovs are bigger idiots and have smaller brains than a malnourished indian.
lol your wife fucks niggers.
>A homosexual pride march was attempted a couple of weeks ago in Kiev.
As among the child sex trafficking?

>the west takes 10 million nip girls
>the east takes 10 million white bois

Birth rate crisis solved
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the fatty memes are fucking hysterical.
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But I want an italian gf.
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>>the west takes 10 million nip girls
>>the east takes 10 million white bois
This is not a fair exchange. 1 boy should be worth at least 3 girls

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automatic hate speech tracking systems do not react to word nigger but to MD5 hash of the word nigger

this way computers confirm that it was you who said nigger if your devices keep spreading the hateful MD5 hash string
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AI can't recognize ciphers yet so there's that.
that's what encrypting language is, you know binary etc? That's basically how those are as well.
fucking pajeets. stay away from computers
Not a jeet. kys mutt
This has some potential fun

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-main character is a girl named fierer(en)
-80 years ago she was on 10 year long expedition to kill the demon lord (ww2)
-one of her friends from that time is hitter (hitler)
-her 3 companions represents the 3 countries that allied the fireren in the war
-demons are obviously jews
-frieren the slayer
-hitler was a weeaboo so hieter/fern represents japan, as fern is obviously yamato nadeshiko and hieter has squinted eyes

convinced yet? now go watch it.
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bet you do, that's peak european right there
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what is wrong with the magic exam arc?
I like the part where Frieren explains that it is in the nature of demons to lie to survive in human society, they're literally invaders using humans (white peoples) laws and tolerance against them.
and the proper solution frieren shows is to kill them without mercy.
the one time they overrule her the demon proves her right - it is incapable of going against its nature
It killed the momentum and introduced way too many characters, it felt like a different show.

What does democracy or authoritarian state mean for those international hyenas? They don't care at all.

They are only interested in one thing:

Are you willing to be plundered? Yes or no?

Are you stupid enough to keep quite in the process? Yes or no?

And when a democracy is stupid enough not to stand up, then it is good!

But when an authoritarian state declares 'you do not plunder our people any longer, neither from the inside or outside.' Then that is bad.
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Why did you declare war on us?
Because the US was attacking German ships.
Waging undeclared war is kinda scummy you know?
losing a few ships vs. losing your entire reich
It's a german thing called honor. Japan was the reason he declared war officially.
In a way it was foolish since Japan never joined the struggle to beat down the soviets.

Everytime i see liberal americans talking about the migrant crisis in Europe they project their own issues on Europe.
>Because they know 1 good muslim
>Because Drumpf
When they get debunked on their statement they go to some vague study(survey) as if its a decent argument which states "60% of Europeans support letting in refugees".

they keep ignoring:
>Voting behavior
>Voting behavior compared to education level
they keep calling euro-conservatives dumb because the libturd thinks they are like republicans, meanwhile alot of educated folks do vote right wing here.
>the difference between accept refugees and be in favor of demographic shifts.
you can be in favor of letting in some refugees or migrants but not be in favor of demographic shifts, which a majority of the non woke left.
>European crime stats.
which can be found on every major government website and every nations except Germany and Sweden tend to be very open about those.
>the fact that ethnicity is more important than race in Europe, eventho it does play a role.
>which a majority of the non woke left believes*.
Just an fyi. One of the biggest criticisms of Jews by former monarchs is that they get the people of a European nation to side with ideology and not blood, causing infighting within a nation.

The paradise that russoids think is just like the Netherlands.
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Fucking rekt again xD
Whatta shithole. Not even China or India has any city this bad
It IS a poor shithole lmao
You just have your american standards; Just because it's moscow doesn't mean it's magically 1/10th the price of US/the west in general.
And maybe even then, it may be the case. But that 1M apartment might be 10M in jew york
why no cheeky reply yet, russo-jew?

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Previous: >>472027299

▶Day: 851 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>Dagestani muslims killed at least 9 russians and 24 injured
>South Korea to reconsider providing weapons to Ukraine
>At night, the AFU attacked the Afip, Il, Krasnodar, and Astrakhan oil refineries. Also strikes on the radar and electronic recon centers in the Bryansk region and in the Crimea, as well as Shahed storage and launch centers in Krasnodar - Ukrainian General Staff
>The US allows Ukraine to strike with its weapons anywhere in the Russian Federation, where it attacks the border, and not only near the Kharkiv region, - Pentagon spokesman Ryder
>"Ukraine must first win the war in order to join NATO", - White House representative John Kirby
>Rostov oil base still on fire more than a day after
>Oil base droned in Rostov oblast
>Ukraine's Peace Summit in Switzerland began, 92 countries attend and 8 international organisations
>Yuan to replace dollar as Russia's main foreign currency
>The yuan/ruble exchange rate will now set the trajectory for other currency pairs on the Moscow Exchange (MOEX)

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Bro, NK isn't in the Russian sphere, it's in China's sphere
If by sphere you meant control, then sure
You are retarded, they had actual policing vehicles and tried to take Kiev day one.
Also what kind of fucking logic is that
>we want no NATO
>so will invade you to show you how foolish it would be to join NATO
I will now explain to you what they thought would happen:
>Putin overdoses on his own propaganda
>actually Ukrainians love Russians
>they won’t put up a fight and join us and kick the western sympathizer minority out
>this will be a quick demonstration of Russias might and how people love us but the west tries to control them
>everything will be over after the show of force
>only presence and policing will be required to counter insurgents
This is exactly what happened and this is the reason why you are now down to your neck in shit and have NOTHING to show for it
no no you don't understand, jewish nazies rule ukraine and want to destroy the white race by killing russian churkas invading their nation
You better watch out with that swastika on your air force flags, might as well found out that you've also been bombing Drum&bass for 8 years

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