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Why do Jews want to kill off Ukranians?
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NAFONigger troons will justify this
literal jew check list:

Diagnostic criteria
According to the DSM-III-R diagnostic criteria Sadistic personality disorder is defined by a pervasive pattern of sadistic and cruel behavior that begins in early adulthood. It was defined by four of the following.

Has used physical cruelty or violence for the purpose of establishing dominance in a relationship (not merely to achieve some noninterpersonal goal, such as striking someone in order to rob him/her).
Humiliates or demeans people in the presence of others.
Has treated or disciplined someone under his/her control unusually harshly.
Is amused by, or takes pleasure in, the psychological or physical suffering of others (including animals).
Has lied for the purpose of harming or inflicting pain on others (not merely to achieve some other goal).
Gets other people to do what he/she wants by frightening them (through intimidation or even terror).
Restricts the autonomy of people with whom he or she has a close relationship, e.g., will not let spouse leave the house unaccompanied or permit teenage daughter to attend social functions.
Is fascinated by violence, weapons, injury, or torture.

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We need to support ukraine because russia is jewish too?
You are a rootless Jewish bastard in Israel using VPN of America.

Khazars were not Jewish bastards this is a lie made up by rootless Jewish bastards like you.

You have nothing to do with Khazars.

Rootless Jewish bastard.
Because jews are literally demons

Boeing simps have downplayed this disaster at every moment despite the situation doing nothing but deteriorate.
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Point is they poured money into making and promoting this shit.
If its Boeing I'm not going.
lots of shitty movies get made
I see a demon
>it's nothing goy
Fuck you kike

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Thoughts on the Aryan Hperborean Bodybuilder clique on Twitter being exposed as skinnyfat jews and all threads relating to it being inexplicably deleted?
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I find it pretty funny that a lot of the Aryan Pagan influencers are actually jewish manlets.
It’s not talked about but I think a lot of the smarter Jews are much more right wing than the normalfag liberal Jews. Look at Kissinger and all the Zionists, this translates to the online right wing as well most likely
Are they wrong though?
who cares, im sick of this faggotry, its Carl Schmitt hours now, youre either a friend or an enemy, nothing else, no other nuance needed, are you the enemy or are you a friend?
The spirit is more important than the material
A genuine "Aryan" wouldn't follow another man anyway, only principals and God..

Enjoy these images from toonme faggots maybe youll recognize some of them
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Is that...
Kek you know it

Eating pussy is literally the worst humiliation ritual of our time

Society shames young men into being submissive to a whore.
No, being a dominated slave does not make you an “attentive lover”
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kek I do look like that
>don't fuck whores then, retard
I fuck them almost exclusively besides the two virgins I took when I was 14 and 15. good luck finding unless you got a time machine and are at least a semi chad
ffs who fucking cares. If you died because you ate too much pussy then fucking based I say. I'd rather death by cunnilingus than death by vaxx or any of the other retarded ways one can die. Like for Pissrael in WW3 for example.
Shut up Ranjeet, Romans are based and blessed.
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Jews are pushing eating pussy hard rn, maybe they want to elevate cancer levels?

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Cape town looks so magnificent bro..
stop being such a depressed homo. you're only doing this to yourself and you're wasting your precious time.
This is bait, nobody is this fucking stupid

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>Japan yes so normal

>Korea nope. Even A korean YouTube explained that usually they avoid topics about politics and religions unless the other person is a close person

How about your cunt?

every other race calls them out except the whites.
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Sir you are fucking you are fucking sir!
kek you're not fooling anyone, Shlomo. Everybody can see your kind, now
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since the 20th century we have been brain and cash draining india with selective immigration policy. we already have a few million of their top 0.1% functional jeets, but now the rest are coming. the canada scam was just phase 1. there are enough average mediocre throwaway poos to shit up every country on earth with a new gypsy class that never goes away. they're on the way here too, don't worry. i've already seen some materialized in my <10k town, not a suburb but an isolated town along the interstate. if i were an indian-origin-hyphen-american i would be more worried than anyone else, because soon i'll be counted among the rabble
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hey leafs, for every poo you prevent leaking over the border, i will redeem you five (5) tim bits

Humiliation ritual.
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Singapoos have to sell their wives to the government for sneezing in public
you’re a sexpat
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You ain’t white if you ain’t a simp. All of white eurotrash culture is dumping. From Romeo and Juliet to that ho gwenevere and arthur.
>guinevere and arthur
arthur literally rode a magic horse to rape her in disguise, how is that simping its fucking based
Marriage is just male prostitution

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>aligning itself with western interests
>testing out military equipment to deter Pakistan/China
>developing their own stuff to reduce reliance on Russia
What's wrong with this exactly?

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oh sorry, i mean communism
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Laissez-faire, the invisible hand will discard bad ideas eventually. Self checkout is going away, and this will be met with even harsher reactions. Unless you have to get fleeced, these companies are not going to attract consumers during the high cost times. And everyone has had to deal with a store everyone avoids but has to go to buy a $15 bag of ice due to an emergency.
People will simply avoid Walmart to get ice cream on a hot day. The cost will be clear pretty quickly.
>shop somewhere else
It's a giant fucking cartel you retard
>Adam Mohammed The wealth of Allah, 2024, book on moral philosophy.
nah, communism would just mean no food on the shelf.
Real capitalism has never been tried

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An IDF soldier makes a Nazi kneel down and cry like a bitch


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You wish pencil dick.

captcha= bray, that you, you fucking donkey
hey that's me, delet this immediately
I thought not wearing a mask was a crime?
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the jewish cubs are practicing their jewish theater.

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did you know that finnishpipo are elves ?
now you know
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Nigga you good this is important stuff right here
Elves are niggers joining hobbit gangs and getting into trouble against the authorities. Distributing lembas drugs that make people not eat for days. Gandalf Shekelcounter has been trying to record interracial dwarf and elf porn in an attempt to drive down human fertility, oy vey.
>Gandalf Shekelcounter has been trying to record interracial dwarf and elf porn in an attempt to drive down human fertility, oy vey.

Stfu, shekelcounter is our greatest ally

In a lot of ways, Nazi society would begin forcefully adopting secularization policies resembling those of the Soviet Union (The Nazis were, in fact, inspired quite a bit by the Soviets.), as in the Nazis would take plenty of measures to die down the popularity of religion, which would gradually work over a many decades. They would start with simple things, like removing statues and certain religious sculptures from public. They already tried replacing bibles with Mein Kampf and including swastikas everywhere, so maybe they could do similar things until eventually church didn't even resemble church, and people, other than a few really psychotic people, would continue doing there. Eventually, these places would be outlawed entirely, and the people who would complain and revolt would simply be sent to educational correctional facilities or be executed if they can't be fixed. It's not worth keeping really psychotic people in prison, and this would also be eugenic, along with saving plenty of tax dollars.
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you are delusional if you think germany winning would be anything but mass destruction, genocide and eradication of all kind of cultures.

all they did was destroy countless historical buildings, loot, kill, pillage fellow white people hell even fucking norway got that treatment my entire city was turned to ash. if nazis even did this shit to ppl they consider aryan then they do it to about anyone
Everything you’ve posted thus far indicates a severe misreading of historical events and a confused worldview. The Reich was not hostile to Christianity in any way. In fact, when Hitler banned freemasonry in 1933, numerous lodges attempted to rebrand themselves as “Christian” clubs to sidestep the new law, knowing full well that National Socialism represented the political manifestation of Lutheranism.

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The dark ages is dismissed by every serious historian today. https://youtu.be/v34bhTCJi6s?si=0eB0zWxWCmP9m5Z0
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>you are delusional if you think germany winning would be anything but mass destruction, genocide and eradication of all kind of cultures.
They were gradually changing their plans to more moderate ones with time. They were definitely going to eradicate Jews and Judaism (and they should've), along with shitty Gypsies, but they would've realized that they could've turned Eastern Europe into an economic powerhouse. I doubt they would've killed the Slavs all the Slavs. They would've only fucked with the really troublesome ones. I do know they were causing the Poles a lot of trouble, but after a while, I can almost guarantee you this treatment would've gotten much better with time. They also had plans to conquer the Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia. Do you really think they would've tried to kill everybody there? Imagine the massive resistance, cost, and lack of workers. The economic loss would've been astronomical. They likely would've implemented harsher penalties against racemixing; although, they likely would've allowed for some brothels, especially as they got more secular with time, and since nearly everybody station in those areas would be German troops.

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Australia is huge. Why not use it's western half to settle huge number of Indians and black people. Just think of it 400 million at least. Whole new mega cities connect with high-speed rail!
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I think you've got to get with the times massive, cities built in Australia by the Chinese for Indians and Africans are the future.
>phone posting
>meme flag
yep... its an indian thread alright
Why are you trying to deprive the 3rd world of their engineers and doctors. What are you, racist!?
But she is a gay iphone faggot.
no sir not at all, i am an anti racist and i believe that Australia his ripe for new development and colonisation, in fact id want much these peoples entire population to be settled in Australia, they wouldn't be deprived of them at all, they would go with them.

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Every day I follow the news on global politics, including the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The war between them has lasted for more than two years now but the situation barely changes. We send weaponry to the Ukrainian army, provide solid financial support, introduce more and more sanctions on Russia. During this conflict, the NATO members have become more united than ever before. However, this doesn’t stop military activities. Russians keep on surviving the sanctions, gradually advance on the battlefield, and, since recently, have begun cooperating with China and North Korea. So, it looks like any actions from one side lead to a matched response from the other side sending both parties back to square one.

I think I should give an example. So, first what we do is allow Ukraine to counterstrike inside Russian territory with our weapons (https://edition.cnn.com/2024/06/20/politics/us-policy-ukraine-counterstrike-russia/index.html) but soon Russia manages to destroy Ukrainian energy infrastructure (https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/russian-attacks-that-have-pounded-ukraines-power-facilities-2024-06-14/).

This problem is very serious and cannot be solved by having more weaponry supplies or funding. Here, one can’t think in terms of good and evil, and accuse each other of being aggressive. All of it is unreasonable because it could provoke the beginning of World War III. Then, not only would separate countries lose but so would every single person on Earth. Such a conflict must not become a reality, especially if the reason for it is a small country not worth a global catastrophe. Nation states must come to the negotiation table as it’s the only right solution.
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Fuck off newfag
It's just self interest. The whites and Chinese will all nuke each other, leaving poos to inherit the earth.
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>Is it time for world powers to become more reasonable
the ram has touched the wall
I only wish for it to be nuclear in india. But then the smell of burning poo would circle the world multiple times before dissapating.
Kindof like the mt st.helens eruption but more like mt. St.poolens.
You must be 18 to post here.

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-doesnt answer the OP
-doesnt contribute
-doesnt know shit
-accuses people of being a Kike

I'm familiar with that site

>He teaches that Goebbels Diaries are legitimate.
Are they not?
But everyone has to be in on it? C'mon.

does anyone still doubt Russia is brownoid country?
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Why do sodomites seethe the most at Putin?

I see that more people are getting aware that most shills are sodomites
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American jewry has a revenge boner for Russia, which Gonzalo Lira explained and was thus killed for.
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By supporting the neocon and EU elites proxy war in jewkraine you are supporting the regimes that are intentionally displacing/disenfranchising/replacing Whites in their own countries.
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How come most homosexuals, transgenders and pedophiles support Ukraine?

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oi anglos are u alright lads?


year 2030, british youth come to poland and romania for work
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Return to Bog.
Why does every left wing british political tuber base their whole personality on hbomberguy?
Maybe as far as 2060 as Europes personal toilet cleaner is investing their EU gibs pretty well but there will likely be better alternatives.
Probably never
Polish women burn coal like they're kids in a candy shop
See a white woman with a nigger goblin child in a supermarket? You can almost guarantee she's Polish or other eastern Euro
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>year 2030, british youth come to poland and romania for work
Does polen have a lot of negroes in it? Can you get a job if you only know English coming in?

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You pussy ass americans aka amerimutts WON'T DO SHIT!

Over 100 migrants break through razor wire, knock down guards as they illegally cross El Paso border in wild scene

Biden administration ADMITS flying 320,000 migrants secretly into the U.S. to reduce the number of crossings at the border has national security 'vulnerabilities'

Joe Biden’s Parole Pipeline Frees 825K Foreign Nationals into U.S. — Outpacing Population of San Francisco

After border bill failure, ICE considers mass releases to close budget gap

New migrant caravan headed to US

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You are in a glownigger DEMORALIZATION thread.

The point of this thread is to demoralize you.
> Waaaaaaaaah muh demoralization

Truth hurts does it you pathetic muttoid/latinx lol.
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Just a reminder jeets have the smallest dicks and smallest brains of any race on earth.
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Oh now I'm a poojeet huh? Make up your mind already you pathetic latinx muttoid lol.
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