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Back from the dead edition

>Previous thread:

>What is /awg/?
A thread to talk about minis and games which fall between the cracks, or peoples' homebrew wargames.
The >>>/tg/hwg thread doesn't entertain fantasy (for good reason) and the other threads are locked to more specific games.
This thread isn't tied to a game, a publisher, or a genre, let's just talk about fun wargames. Any scale, any company, any miniatures.

>Examples of games that qualify.
A Song of Ice and Fire, Argatoria, Batman Miniature Game, Carnevale, Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings,
Deadzone, Dropfleet and Dropzone Commander, Freebooter's Fate, Frostgrave, Gaslands, Kings of War,
Maelstrom's Edge, Malifaux, Marvel Crisis Protocol, Masters of the Universe: Battleground, Moonstone,
Oathmark, RelicBlade, Rumbleslam, Stargrave, Sludge, Warcaster, Warmachine, Xenotactics...

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Ok well maybe that's not where the need is best resolved lol because wargames are primarily concerned with battles, models, painting, research, the like. What you want is called pornography and we don't post that here
I'm jealous.
Now you're just telling lies.
So, wargaming includes research and painting right? Like, researching WW2 era nose art pinups and painting them and/or applying them as decals to the relevant miniatures. That'd count under your stipulations, right?
I like aos and whf but what on earth were you trying to garner by asking this here.

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How is it / sell me on this.
I'm a big hater of Final Fantasy aesthetic- but I'm a big fan of systems that embraces game elements.
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That was the name, yes.
This sounds very interesting, sadly my group is more on the "do things and slay enemies" side, than the "let's explore and RP" . I might get the book regardless, you never know. A one shot here and there to test the waters and see how well they receive it, maybe.
That's where it's so interesting. The DM has four basic choices, Green, Azure, Crimson, and Black Ryuujin(the specific character the DM players).

Green is for general adventures, Azure is for more personal, RP adventures, Crimson is for combat, and Black is for darker adventures where the DM takes a more adversarial role.

So you can rock a Crimson and make the whole story more about fighting, not just in tone but mechanically. The Crimson abilities straight up change the story to be more combat focused, with options to make combat more challenging and more interesting. They also have the ability to get the players out of jams in combat, encouraging you to make more difficult encounters.

And the DM has their own spells and abilities to specifically help/hinder the players, it's not just fiat. Like a DM with the Past ability can straight up restart a combat encounter if the players are going to TPK, or it can pick an enemy and make it an elite(even in the middle of combat). They can bring NPCs back to life, or they can say that monsters automatically surprise the characters. They can even damage enemies directly themselves(though they're not allowed to kill them)

They do this all using their own Life Points, and if they run out, they die, and then either the story is over or the DM has to make a new character. This is important because the DM's character levels up alongside the players, and can even eventually travel alongside the players(almost always disguised).

It's seriously a whole process from the DM side, you're just as much a character in the story as the players.
Ah that makes it more clear. I was starting to get under the impression that, sicne you play normal people, combat would be something dangerous that you wanted to avoid.
But isn't the combat system meant to model a play?
>look at friends playing JRPGs for years
>some of the designs can be neat, some characters are ok, worldbuilding generally has a nice feel to it, and touch of ptimism like in monster hunter that makes it very comfy
>can't get into the games due to gameplay at all
>all exposition to the generic JRPG tropes are through anime references and some other stuff
I am very much a secondary in this genre, but I would like to play something on tabletop because I like the feel of small people going on adventure and doing what they can, not everyone needs to save the world. Where can I read about how to set up something like this? Is there a list of dos and dont's? Or some game reccommendation that I should really push through and try? I wouldn't want to try something out and the it just being generic western fantasy with anime character art.

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This is a general for everything 3D printed relating to /tg/ from sci-fi, fantasy, historicals, fantasy football, and more! Share your printed minis, terrain, print fails, 3d modelling, printing advice, works in progress, or anything else /tg/-related to 3D printing.

- Post pics of your prints be they fails or triumphs
- Keep discussion/photos about tabletop games only
- Post your resin/printer/settings for faster advice
- Help your fellow anons with advice

- Remember that this general is monitored by Gwendolin and her lawyers
- Not make a new thread until old one dies
- Not encourage namefags, tripfags, fumefags and coomers
- Not spoonfeed
- Not war over Filament/Resin consoles
- Keep your model pics naked (no paint/undercoat only)

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I was going to put it in a plastic container with a lid.
I had no ill affects when I did it with plastic GW models, but resin is different obv
resin is usually much more durable to chemicals than regular plastic, try with cured supports before an actual mini
i suggest making a test case before ruining a good mini
Why not just re-print it? It will take less time than soaking it in simple green for days.
on my travels i found a howto doc on cleaning up scan if anyone is interested:

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I've been thinking, why would anyone join Khorne in warhammer? Feels like he's the most worthless chaos god.
Even if you are warrior and want to get better than anyone else at killing, slaanesh is way better bet.
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I had a question about the Chaos Gods actually. To those that know of them Khorne appeals to warriors and the military-minded, Tzeentch appeals to politicians and schemers, Slaanesh appeals to hedonistic noble types. But who does Nurgle appeal to?
those with a massive fear of death since nurgle makes you immortal in a roundabout way or those who have essentially given up any and all hope since nurgle represents entrophy
>o those that know of them Khorne appeals to warriors and the military-minded, Tzeentch appeals to politicians and schemers, Slaanesh appeals to hedonistic noble types. B
All wrong
>But who does Nurgle appeal to?
People who are struggling with their lives and feel bad about themselves
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>Huge oily muscles
Sorry, can't do. Have a fucking demon mouth replacing your torso.
If it eats a skull it goes directly to the Skull Throne, so keep it well fed or it might find a way to bite off your head
I get the impression that a lot of people don't generally choose to worship a Chaos God. They worship the Emperor, or some local religion or join a masonic group and the worship is corrupted over time. You join the cult of the winged eye, and follow the mirrored path, venerating Sanguinious and oops suddenly Tzeentch. You praise the Emperor and dedicated yourself to a warrior cult in his honour and somewhere between butchering a bunch of xenos/mutants and gutting out a hive slum of weaklings who irritated you the words Blood for the Emperor! Skulls for His Throne! entered your vernacular and suddenly the Inquisition has some questions for you.

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How do you play a rebel PC without making them cringeworthy?
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Why would you? You're not writing the next great fantasy series. You're playing a game. Embrace the cringe. Be the mary sue. It's a game with your friends.
Your mother mated with a Scorpion.
This might be cringe but depends where your PC is starting, you could go with a mover e.g. What happens in Andor, more political well beings of/with the civilians.

Star wars in general/Vietnam rebels just vs the Big bad status quo

I do agree with a bit
Sasuke which is more revenge/vengence based imo. or Civil war cover up to keep that status quo in check like his brother Itachi.

maybe Have your PC starting within the Status quo but sees the wrongs of the 'empire' or its Unyielding uncaring lack of change and you want to do something about it.

Depends on the game layout more than your character imo. Circle hole, square peg.
>don't be a faggot
>make a rebel character.
threads over. We can go home
all un-ironic emotional expression is cringe.
As rebels are required to care about something, they are cringe.

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Class overviews in the 2024 Player's Handbook.
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>Wizard is easy the way ‘modern audiences’ play them. Le fireball lol so wacky roll many dice
The last time I played Wizard I was using magic missile an awful lot, though I think that was more just the campaign I was in and the DM. When I DM I try to create situations that would allow for neat shit to play out from lesser used non-combat spells being used in combative ways, but players generally don't get what I'm laying down and play things straight.
I remember being a lot more creative 30 years ago when I first started playing, but then I guess we all were back in the golden days of yore.
>Sorcerers make sense. Don't believe in you, believe in me, who also believes in me.
Isn't Sorcerer magic from the blood, though? Warlock charisma, OK, people made a good argument for that. Not sure about Sorcerer, though.
Yea, man, not everyone can do it. They used to all be descended from dragons and draconic ego-magic, then Pathfinder did different bloodlines and it started to catch on with D&D. The thing is that angels and demons also use CHA for their spellcasting, because it's the purest form of spellcasting, it's will made manifest. Wizardry is just reverse-engineered sorcery for nerds.
I suppose that makes sense. We didn't have sorcerers when I started playing, I don't even think we had barbarians.
>NOOOO you need to use the tools given to you exactly as the shitty designers intended, you are not allowed to be better at the game than the designers noooo

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Darth Tenebrous Scientific Mastermind Edition

A thread for discussing the Star Wars franchise and its various media and tabletop games.

Previous thread: >>93210720

Fantasy Flight Games’ X-Wing, Armada, and Legion

Star Wars Roleplaying Games (d6/d20/FFG)

Other FFG Star Wars tabletop (Imperial Assault, Destiny and the LCG)

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But what about Revenge of the Sith?
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What do you need to get started with Legion? Is the Clone Wars starter enough?
>the best opening scene of any Star Wars film with that long tracking shot of the Battle of Coruscant
What? Fuck no:
>badly done in media res opening
>no sense of place or spatial awareness
>bad dialogue
>bad dogfighting, just loads of blurry cgi ships all over the place
>no sense of danger
>bad editing
>cringe slapstick humor
>the battle is just a background from going from A to B
The best SW opening will always be ANH for obvious reasons. Not only it was amazing in the 70s, it has aged like fine wine due to good editing and storytelling. It gives all you need to know about SW in barely a few minutes.
i'm a mtf trans woman btw
didn't know trans women had such good opinions on star wars movies

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Tard Wrangle Edition


>New Errata


The Trove Vault (seed, please!): bit<dot>ly/2Y1w4Md

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What could be a fun way to make a charismatic monk?
Would it be too big of an ask to try getting it to use charisma instead of wisdom? would it make my character too weak?
I know I could just roleplay a charismatic guy without having high charisma stat, but I just don't like the disconnect.
Plus I'll probably be the face regardless of how much charisma my character has since other players don't engage that much in roleplay
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>Just keeping Aggressive would help characters who hide
A hidden character is never going to be found as long as they stay out of LoS from a zombie. Full cover prevents aggressive. I'm still thinking about map design, but it's going to be mostly urban.
>get out of LoS, which a lot of zombies in media will get confused or lose interest if they can't see the prey
That is why they have 40ft speed instead of 20. They aren't shamblers, they're sprinters. I want to them to get into melee and be scary, if not super lethal. If they have lower speed, they're just going to surround the melee players

Zombie brain plan:

>sprinter attacks the last target that attacked it
>if it can't reach/see the target, it attacks the closest nonzombie

>40 is still too chunky...
Yea, you're right. That does sound fair enough. Not sure why I said double HP when it is only +10.
>they shouldn't have good dex saves at all
I want them to

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Play the dancer bard?

>I want to roleplay but I also want mechanical benefits!
Come on man.
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if a player asked me to make dragon monk work like Scaled Fist I'd allow it, it's not that big a deal especially since monk multiclasses so poorly.
I just want to play a guy who punches but is also stylish.
my last character was a charmless nerd, going full opposite sounds fun. Plus, said nerd was a full caster, so I'd like a non caster.

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For a month, a coven of high-tier hags had their way with a small town at the edge of wilderness (about 3000 inhabitants). No power in the town could see through their disguise or oppose them effectively. At the end of the month, town is emotionally and physically massacred and there is nothing left there for the hags to drain.

What would this town be like after that? All townsfolk dead as they tried to swarm in the sewers? A local church, with dead childten stacked 10ft high? A single man left "surviving" only on peoples' ears?

What is to be found in a town, thoroughly hollowed out by such a coven?
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One game I played in had a trio of hags take over a town each.
The first had flooded her town with polluted water (she could breathe underwater) and offered the survivors hardtack food for alchemical reagents.
The second had flooded the countryside with giant bugs that ate most of the wildlife and stored food, but were somewhat edible. She'd also covered her town in briars and was slowly converting the populace into mindless spriggons that served her will
The third just slaughtered everyone in her town.

I figure if you use multiple towns each affected by different hags, you can get more mileage out of their different effects on townships.
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Hags/witches often get crow/raven motifs, but I like to push it a bit further back and hit them with dinosaur theming.
Subtle magic and bargains are fine and all, but when it's time for the final confrontation, there's very few bits of magic better than turning into a dinosaur. Really scratches that monkey part of the brain.
wouldn't it scratch the reptile part?
what system do you use then
As >>93244588 pointed out that's a lot of people to kill so I have a suggestion. The Hag's start by turning the village into a trap, personally I'd do something like have them create a magical barrier e.g a wall of mist that makes it so anyone who tries to leave the town borders ends up getting horribly lost and wandering until they either die or find their way back to town.
Bonus points if this barrier cuts the town off from its main food supplies so starvation and the related desperation actions will greatly add to the death and chaos.
I imagine that in addition to killing and torturing the townsfolk directly they could incite lots of literal witch hunts and have the townsfolk killing eachother much of the time.

Work in Progress, "Crisp!" Edition

>Full-on /WIP/ OP Links Pastebin:

>Saint Duncan's "Six Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Painting"

>Saint Duncan also explains thinning your paints

>Paint thinning 102

>Darren Latham's 20 top tips for miniature painting success

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If it wasnt for all that eceleb taxed paint I would have called you based.

>It looks functional, but I will never give GSW my money.
lmao what a fucking retard
>barges into a discussion
>calls people retards
>too stupid to elaborate
>eceleb taxed paint
yeah yeah, I'm sorry
>in a thread about painting stupidly overpriced plastic toy soldiers
>can't get over spending an extra dollar on a bottle of paint
I will never understand you people
heh, sadly no

The first day on the Somme Edition

>Previous Thread:

>Thread question
What are your hobby plans for the second half of the year?

>Community Summary of Wargames:
>List of Historical Tactical, Strategic, and Military Drill treatises:
>ZunTsu Gameboxes:

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Far as I can tell most factions don't seem to have too many limitations. I guess it makes sense giving Romans a small amount of warriors considering they aren't exactly known as a cav army.
Yeah and you can always recruit some mercenaries if you want to field cavalry
I’ll take some photos, the V&V are very well proportioned, they’re about the same as Claymore castings (HYW), which are slightly bulkier than footsore but look better. The new footsore stuff (Barons War) is generally very slight and spindly but more realistically proportioned, while the older footsore stuff (e.g. ghulams) is in more of a “heroic” style with large heads and gigantic hands. V&V is very good, it’s just very expensive and resin is a shit material to work with. I’d recommend getting their Islamic command as your centrepiece unit, but not to waste too much money on them, unless you want to.

Eastern horses were generally a lot smaller so that might explain it. However a common complaint about victrix seems to be that they’re a little big. I’m not sure that it’s very noticeable on the tabletop, people vary in size irl and ultimately this isn’t a huge difference, but that will be for you to decide. However in terms of value for money only Perry really rival them in cost and quality, and Perry haven’t touched their crusades stuff in a very long time, a lot of it is still “heroic” style.

GB are very heroic style and very old looking, there can be a charm to it, but it’s up to you if you like how they look. A few of them will look a bit off due to having things which don’t really fit, especially the command, but with some greenstuff they would mostly be suitable for the 13th.c.
Gb Plastic Arabs have served me well. The8r Dark age Irish too
What are some medieval to ancient set skirmish wargames? im not talking about the fake skirmish either im talking stuff like gangs of rome where you have like 10-15 dudes not 30
Also ones with some vertical movement and the sort too?

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people be saying "freakshit races should be removed from fantasy settings" yet they go balistic when they find out a game master removed Orcs, Elves, and Dwarves as it didnt fit the setting or if they are a race they're not a pc race (ever)

why are OSR players like this? let alone alpha tester dnd players
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Tell me WHO your character is, not WHAT they are.
>why are OSR players like this?
Because they're humans. Humans hate change.
Banning any race at your table is objectively good. It doesn't matter which ones, because it filters players and ensures group cohesion.

Anyone who says anything differently just has a personal preference and lacks the cognizance to notice the "personal" part.
Stop using that word your a grown man not a mom talking to his children
I've done all kinds of campaigns, some with the classic fantasy races, some with only humans, some with only races I've created or adapted from something else.

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>you kill a bandit
>look inside
>find a picture of his family

no I won't fell guilt I will just tell the DM his fantasy world isn't medieval as photos from fucking cameras didn't exist yet
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I actually really enjoy stuff like that, it feels more characterful. Also, I can live out my serial killer fantasies by keeping all that stuff as trophies.
>you kill a bandit
>look inside
>two bandits
It just... doesnt stop
>kill Bandit
>look inside
>no 147 CC liquid cooled single cylinder engine
The drop rate is 0.1% after all.

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I have extended the title and I think it's good and we should use this longer title going forward Edition

>Previous Thread

>New to The Horus Heresy? Here’s Everything You’ll Need to Get Started
>Official FAQ/Errata/Downloads:
>Thread FAQ (very old, remembers Age of Terra)

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In theory, a bayonet turns a rifle into a short spear.
In the practice, you are left with an unwieldy rifle and a cumbersome short spear.
Me, I'm rather more puzzled about soldiers not being able to shoot and charge. Like, they don't need to switch weapons; they are already equipped.
I wonder if Reach 1 will make Tacticals better than Despoilers? You tell me why Reach 1 instead of S+1
does anybody have the measurements/a size comparison for the krios?
for something that's been out for a decade there is deceptively little info about how big it actually is other than a side shot with a rhino

i want a couple to mess around with for militia but the actual krios kind of clashes design wise with the russ and the rest of my infantry
figured making a militia assault gun using a chimera or rhino chassis as the base would be a fun project
Conversion beamers on contemptors are 3” now. Only the predator still has the conversion beamer with a 5" blast.
I mean technically isn't Lupercal the name of the cave that the she-wolf lived in?
Wouldn't it technically mean something like Cave of Lupa?

hole of a bitch - I mean it still works.
I think the Astranii-class augmented spearhead should be a thing in normal LI play to encourage combined arms between the legion and SAx.

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>A little girl approaches the party
>She wants to become an adventurer and to seek revenge on the raiders that destroyed her village
How your party reacts ?
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>Help her hunt down the raider leader in his traveling war band, surprisingly far away from where the girl says her village was destroyed
>No one you find along the way comments on the girl, and asking about the destroyed village shows a lot more people know about the village's destruction, despite it seemingly being a recent occurrence
>Kill the raider leader & war band, while looting his camp the girl is really happy to recover a silver amulet, asks for you to return to her village, so she can find her family's savings
>"My dad kept some money buried behind our house, under our peach tree, so no one could steal it! It should still be there, and we can all split it!"
>Follow her back to her village
>It's been destroyed for ages, completely overgrown
>Girl leads you into an abandoned house, the walls are crumbling and the roof is caved in
>Down to the basement
>A small skeleton lays in the basement's corner
>The girl opens the amulet and looks at it: a picture of her and her parents rests inside, the picture having faded with time
>places the amulet around the skeleton's neck
>"... Thank you all for everything, but I'm gonna have to leave now. It was really fun traveling with you all! I always wanted to be an adventurer..."
>And just like that, the girl fades away, without a trace
Ghosts are fun.
Rolled 2 (1d20)

Why would you hurt me like this
>Captcha: DMNMAN
Damn, man...
That reaction is caused by that hand touching the electric sensors in its snout. Their eyes close instinctively during a lunge when they're stimulated(by prey being close to the mouth).

It probably likes the petting anyway.
The shark can not bite you if you pat its head.

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