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Anyone who supports Russia should be executed for treason. It's really pretty simple: if you support Putin, you hate the West, you are a psychological threat to it, and therefore a potential physical threat, and therefore you must be liquidated.
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I don't like Russia but you are also a stupid piece of shit.
>the West
That is not a real country, ergo no treason is possible against it. Die in a fire, tyrannical fuckstick.
imagine if all the Caucasians got together for a year or 2 ahahahahaha nah you guys are total pussies cant even get LONG FOR A MONTH
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Go fuck urself, tranny-faggot kike.
If u will see the Real Russian man, u will shitty ur pants.
We are not like Fagggots who leaved the Country because "we are pussy and we support everything".

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And saved America.
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Ending slavery wasn't important to him. The war was about preserving the union and getting the south to stop chimping out.
>Psychopathic tyrant.
I imagine you would agree with this presentation in that case? If so, is there anything he's missed?
Seen it, Razor was pretty spot on.
Lincoln forever changed the phrase "The United States are..." to "The United States is..."
>Razor was pretty spot on.
Good to know. I'm watching it again because he covers a lot of area about that period in the US which I am not familiar with and have forgotten, but I wasn't sure if he was giving an adequate picture of Lincoln's fuckery.
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That is a lie, slavery continues in the USA in prisons as per the 13th Amendment, despite attempts to revise history.

It is why we have a museum to terror lynchings and mass incarceration down here in Alabama, it is in Montgomery.

Previous >>471221790

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)

>Urgent: Armed clashes break out between resistance fighters and occupation forces in the town of Kafardan, west of #Jenin.
>AP: he US Navy is locked in combat with a shadowy, Iran-backed rebel group based in Yemen.
>DFLP: This afternoon, our fighters successfully detonated an IED on a military bulldozer (D9) south of the Bank of Palestine in Tel Al-Sultan neighborhood, west of Rafah city, achieving a direct hit.
>Urgent: A joint statement by several countries, including the United States: We condemn in the strongest terms the Houthis' arrest of UN employees and diplomats


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"Never has the Palestinian cause seemed more just than in the contrast with the repulsive brutality of its adversaries. Humanity will forget neither the heroism of the attacked nor the barbarism of the aggressors,"

Fidel Castro, March 7, 1983

Viva Cuba Libre!
Viva Palestina Libre!
Death to ZOG globohomo!

baking bread
>baking bread
baking bread
>baking bread
fresh bread
>fresh bread
fresh bread
>fresh bread
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have you ever visited marj ibn amer? i keep hearing about it from the old folks as if it was heaven on earth (probably exaggerating due to nostalgia)
can't wait to go back though

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Houthis used unmanned surface vessels to hit ships for the first time.

These are the same prototypes that the Ukrainians used to hit Russian navy ships in the black sea.

And you wonder why this board is shit now.

Mutts/latinx must be rangebanned.
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Incoming assblasted muttoids/latinx lol.
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The spam is mostly an Israeli operation to disrupt the shit out of this board so any coherent discussions are drowned out

pic related. one of many
Yes let's also ban Israel China India and new Zealand
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> yet another coping muttoid who can't comprehend not everyone who hates or mocks muttmericans are only jewish or non-White


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When a political movement like the Reform Party appears to be gaining momentum, it is difficult to achieve anything by supporting it and by directly endorsing its leader, Nigel Farage. The essential thing is not to let oneself be impressed by the perceived strength and triumph of such political forces. These leaders, particularly one as degenerate and bourgeois as Farage, offer a false hope and lack any connection with higher principles. Following them will only lead to greater misery. One should not become fixated on the present and on immediate political gains, but keep in view the broader conditions that may unfold in the future.
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It’s so funny watching Brit/pol/ teenagers get giddy over Nigel Farage kek
he is bourgeois though
Fuck of rabbi.
more than his own life
fuck him
No difference between Labour and Tories. Both reading from the same globalist handbook, both flooding the country with third world detritus, both overseeing economic collapse, both anti-Brexit.
Reform is the protest vote. Don't like it? Fuck you.

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U could die at any moment so enjoy every moment to best of your abilities
gooning confirmed dumb and gay
nut fast and nut hard
Yeah bro YOLO while you sit in a cloud of pot smoke with goyflix playing endlessly
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in 2024 there is a person typing "u"
>U could die at any moment so enjoy every moment to best of your abilities
People say that, and don't pay attention to the worst case senerio; they don't die young.
Some are lucky and become walmart greeters.
Most serve as a lesson to the intelligent young people. stupid chuds? They get what they fucking deserve.

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Tokyo government to launch dating app in bid to boost birth rate.

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That's where AI comes in. It's the only thing that can break the meatbag cycle.
Still lagging behind the czech republic.
yep, women are empowered at the cost of mens labour and taxes, remove that and we can go back to having feminine women and big families again, because women will depend on men for their survival
and thats a good thing
>yep, women are empowered at the cost of mens labour and taxes, remove that and we can go back to having feminine women and big families again, because women will depend on men for their survival
I live on the countryside.. there is this one family with a ton of kids.. everybody looks at them as weirdos. Imagine that, because they have a large family which was normal some 60-70 years ago they are now considered weird.
I read a forum post a while back.. teenage girl, 19 years.. said she wanted kids so bad, almost begging for someone to validate her feelings and everybody was like muh buh duh get educashn hurr durr even though she had already planned for it, but wanted kids first. This is another problem we face, women are getting shamed if they actually want kids at a young age and I am sure it is a lot of peer pressure from slutty women to not give in to that instinct as well that is not as easily visible on the surface.

Germany is preparing for the most radical military reform in 90 years. 1 billion euros to be spent in the next 5 years. Germany's Defense Minister Boris Pistorius said he was aiming for a "war-ready" military, with a new central command and a branch specializing in cyber warfare planned. Mandatory military conscription to be implemented very soon.
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learn to read, retard
show tits
i hope you all die
its what you deserve for calling european civil war a world war
fucking faggots go die
My army is getting ready for my return
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>boomers ruin the country
>zoomers grow up and are about to realize this
>q-q-quick send them all to war before they can do anything about it
>my face when

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The Stanford Internet Observatory, one of the four arms of the 'election integrity partnership' (EIP) has been shut down. The EIP is responsible for white washing government censorship during COVID and the 2020 Election.

over 22 million tweets were labeled misinformation and 100% of the 'repeat spreaders' of 'misinformation' just so happened to be Trump supporters.
Wow, that almost makes it seem like it was an entirely partisan organization.

Shills, CTIL faggots, Sly_Sparkane, etc, the boat is on fire. It sinks into the murky waters below. Rats have the good sense to abandon sinking ships. Are you dumber than a rat? probably.


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>fake news
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come here
I've seen those
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i just wanna wear tiny shorts and run around with a FAL....
life isn't fair bros...
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Is it degenerate to go out of my way to find women with big tits and ass and exclusively date them? If I have a skinny woman I'm not satisfied.
You are degenerate scum
go kys dorky r9k jerk gtfo /pol/
Ok. Can you elaborate on that? Tell me your reasoning

***My entire existence is centered around porn my entire life, from the moment i wake up to the moment i go to sleep!***
>Real Life Pics and Videos
>Hentai Pics and Videos
>Cartoon pics and videos

This is political becasue pornography is one of the weapons that was mass deployed against the general population after the systemic destruction of the family unit, the emasculation of men, rendering men economically unattractive, while injecting all the ingredients of rampant hook-up culture and hypergamy harems for Chad and MR. NIGGER.

Pornography serves as one of the main drive components destroying me, but I cannot stop!

Help Me Pol how TF do I quit?!
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You’re the one who can’t stop masturbating without divine intervention.
Easy. Right click, Delete.
Don't make sex such a big thing of ur life. It's nothing special. If u get it irl fine, if not, fine. Do something with your time.
touch grass(find activities to do that involve going outside and/or among people, that will cause you to touch your dick less)
I was there. I deleted everything. But then after the post nut clarity ended and I got horny again, I was absolutely pissed that I didn't have anything anymore. I've had to slowly try and redownload everything again. It's probably been only a year now since I restarted and I'm nowhere closer to where I was before I foolishly deleted everything.
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>I'm a user, not an abuser. I can quit anytime. I just don't want to is all.
You sound like an addict in denial.

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Why are Americans like this?
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They had a warrior culture and better aesthetics. Runic letters look cooler than latin so I don't understand the germanic tribes switched to the latter
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I believe this is specifically a white American thing. They're desperate for culture beyond Hollywood slop and niggerball.
nah they’re mongoloid mutts from siberia - total subhumans like modern russians
>recolor nigger as human
Why do leftists do this?
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>he doesn't know Haaland

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I know this sounds like a bad idea but Jesus only appeard 2 times in the Bible. we've been talking about Jesus miracles all the times. we haven't been talking about the other micrales from the Bible.

why should we care about Jesus miracles? if those who are experts in the bible don't mention Jesus enough. those experts talks about quotes and the other people from the bible?
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Seed bags of the sky gods, aka aliens.
Scientific bags with genetic material for seeding life around the planet.
Why are these always those purses at the top in every hieroglyphic? They even show up n Egyptian ones.
Jesus Christ I'm a fucking retard. Read nigger, read!
>fictional kike book compile 1700 years ago and only manufacture centuries later and sell even later
It doesn't matter, it didn't happen, fuck golems!
look at pic related closely

>to me it looks like the black briefs are used for a shield underneath earth's bed rock ( so no entities can come out).
>pic relates bird man too. maybe birdman or the ancient animals man have a common
>pic relates a giant bug

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Aryan is a pronunciation of a specific word that only exists within Hindu culture. It was dredged up during the 19th century by Jews to fuck with whites and subvert our global identity as it emerged during proto-globalism.

Aryan means noble in Hindi, because it refers to the whites who once ruled there.
However, that particular tribe called themselves "Arian" which a cousin tribe, the Greeks, recorded and spelled that way. Arian means "Folk" which is all any white person would ever call their tribe.

The Greek spelling is correct. There are only "Arians" and "Aryans" are a lie of Jewish mumbo-jumbo snake oil salesmen. The "Arians" included a very specific and powerful ancient tribe: the Medes.

The Medes were hillbillies of their era who led a coalition of six other tribes, some distantly, some closely related.
The intellectual and spiritual leaders of the Medes were Magi. Magi means, in Persian "the tribe" basically "the folk".
The Medes were white hillbilles, the Magi were what was left of the true whites - who had fled North.

Jewish Chaldeans - the Kalash of India - worshipping purity and blue skin, fire, penises and so forth, corrupted Persian faith. The magi were persecuted and BOTH Zoroastrianism and Buddhism replaced any hint of Magi religion. On purpose, then these fiends invented Judaism. Christianity was an Arian resurgence that failed.
Arian Christians didn't follow "Arius" that's a retcon. They were literally Arian AKA white.

Learn this shit you worthless faggot niggers.

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Whites are not a chosen race. We are the race which chooses.
i said master race, not chosen
Well then maybe you should take the master sword and shove it up your ass since no one but you mentioned anything like that.
why would i say chosen? that’s like telling niggers they’re chosen to be buck broken by jews
>Aryan is a pronunciation of a specific word that only exists within Hindu culture

what exactly did you think "indo" in "indo-european meant, kike?

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Do you watch modern television?
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She is actually pretty based and thinks democracy is horseshit
Ah now this scene makes sense. Thanks king.
It's a show where "intellectuals" think they found some kind of brilliant writing style. In reality it's a bunch of faggots, trannies, and kikes spreading degeneracy and offering nothing new. So no...I don't watch "modern shows." Old shit was better hands down...
No. The closest thing to "modern" that I enjoyed was the show "community" (S1-4). The rest is just reruns of metalocalypse and star trek whenever I do feel like watching TV (which is rare).
It doesn't really make much sense for homelander to be a parody of Trump. Looking at homelanders character...what is he parodying exactly?

I can definitely see him being a parody of how leftists view Trump in their own mind, however. Aka, divorced from reality.

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But I've also been a giga pol fag since pol was formed and my grandfather was a Hitler youth.
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Make your kike ancestors seeth anon
You are doing God's work
fuck you and your gay thread faggot
>I am 3% Jewish
And that you know how?
By "23andMe" test? Where one of creators were (((Suzan Wojcicki))), former CEO of youtube. And "23andMe" was famous for putting some "1%" in their ancestry test results.
DNA companies intentionally add 2% african 2% jewish to "fuck with racists"
You’re absolved of any Jew crimes

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weird research in Finland: modified corona virus enters cancer cell and kills it


Biotherapeutics Co. CEO Akseli Pekka Hemmingway says there exist 290 different types of cancer cell we have seen so far (could be even more but its already a lot).

This means just about any type of cell inside human body can transform into cancer. Some tissues are worse than others regarding the outcome. Some cancers which have started as skin cancer but spreaded to internal organs are eventually impossible to cure if it had spreaded.

What they are doing is researching a cure for cancer that took over internal organs. A modified coronavirus enters cancer cells only, they promise. Coronavirus now has 7 different changes from original, these were genetically engineered. It searches cancer cells based on 7 markers usually found only in cancer cells.

>it should be effective against: ovary cancer, testicle cancer, skin cancer, it is not exactly known why it works mostly against these, but it does work even if a testicle cancer has taken over your stomach, which was previously an untreatable condition, removing balls will work if done in early stage of cancer but not after it colonizes the stomach

>He believes the treatment can move from research phase to being actually available in hospitals for a common cancer patient, maybe in 2030.
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>coronavirus attacks cancer cells
is this some ultra mega cope why vaxxies get turbo cancer? because they dont get the coof anymore?
they admit the vaxx is a killshot with extra steps?
Doesn't surprise me, this is how viruses work, they enter a cell, hijack the genetic machinery of the cell to make copies of the virus which usually destroys the host cell.
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>Thread that has nothing to with vaccines
>/pol/'s resident dimwits immediately turn it into an antivaxx thread
So you're saying the virus is the antidote to the vaccine?
the virus is a virus
it is an interesting virus because it lends itself to modification, is very infective and has good error-checking (for a virus)
you can try to make it into an anti-HIV vaccine, or mod it to kill whitey like the chinks did, or mod it to kill cancer cells etc etc

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>be white virgin incel
>Kidnap blonde college girl
>Keep her locked up in your house for years
>She gets Stockholm syndrome
>You fuck her and she's now in love with you

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I remember this story.

> Husband was a Dom, but the wife wasn't really into it
> They found a girl who was into being kept as a slave.
> Girl wasn't being held against her will, visited her family and left repeatedly always coming back.
> After a few years she got bored and claimed she was kidnapped.
> Wife found out husband and girl had fucked (this was against the rules) so she turned on husband and testified against him.
> Wife and girl went on with their lives, husband rots in prison for decades.

Women are evil.
extremely effective strategy
Can't tell if that's a woman or a femboy. Either way I would brutalize that asshole.
too bad she's not in any good movies
I only saw black snake moan which was surprisingly wholesome
and at least she was a topless floozy
He doesn’t appreciate giant foreheads…

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remember, you bought our fucking submarines.
forget about that one that imploded near the titanic.
no refunds.
it's almost like you're a brainlet when it comes to shit that actually matters to most people
should of used one as a generator to get those people down
You’re a giant fucking retard if you think this is a normal job market
We need a jump scare warning for that clown half way through

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