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Jeets only congregate in 2 states, California and Texas. Both states are 60% spic or more. Notice how American flags will claim jeets are invading and a plague, but never mention spics. What’s up with that?
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If seethes more he’ll scare you and you’ll say he’s creepy
You sick pussy fuck
Because California and Texas were both part of Mexico at one point. It makes sense geographically for there to be a lot of Mexicans in those states since they helped shape the history and culture.

But there is absolutely no fucking reason for Jeets to be invading a country halfway across the world from then that they have zero historical connection to. They need to get the fuck out of our nice white countries while they still can otherwise mass exterminations will be inevitable.
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>Focus on the argument not the flag. Some people don’t live in their native countries.
Exactly what you're whining about. People not living in their native countries and trying to dividing said population by flag. Both sucks, but why are you focusing in one group and not the other? It doesn't take a genius memeflag
Having lived in a Mexican neighborhood in 'Murrica, and living in Jeetland currently, I can say conclusively I'd rather live around Mexicans any day of the week.
we all know it's a jeet, idk why they still bother using meme flags

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/rwg/ - Reactionary War General #2


We're draft dodging.
Join us, it's comfy.

- Share developments (with link)
- Search 'https://' to track WW3 events
- Bump with memes, redpills, etc
- ?????
- Update the happenings to keep it going


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fedboys big mad about these threads
Trips of Truth
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>petrodollar shenanigans
The end of the petrodollar means the end of the USA exporting it's inflation globally. Inflation is not bad yet. Bad inflation is coming.
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I trust blumpf man to negotiate us to world peace
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Only the ducks can negotiate peace

Japan, ヽ(°〇°)ノ
Are the 2.2% being admitted to test weapons on? Why allow any human jetsam into your country otherwise?

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Open fire on zogbots once deployed or just tell the recruiters you hate niggers so they leave you alone?
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traitors get the first bullet
you lost pajeet?
Bro Russia BTFO's itself with this one too
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>I'm in my mid-thirties
>All my kids are under the age of five

Yeah, my branch of the family tree isn't getting cut down for israel.

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Tokyo government to launch dating app in bid to boost birth rate.

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Not all Japanese women look pretty like the ones on this website
By the way, I never understood why the cheeks puff out.
What meaning does that gesture have? combined with placing closed hands at the sides of their faces

>be south korea
>raise aoc even higher
>birthrates drop even faster
>nooooo its the porns fault
>south korea bans porn
>birthrates even lower
>nooooo its because we dont have enough workers
>imports shitskins
>birthrates lowest in the world
>add government programs for tax bonuses
>doesnt work

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Cute Jap.

these used to be 1$ each under trump and now they are 6$
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>government continues to tax the shit out of businesses, especially fast food in the wake of Obongos wife
>gas prices are through the roof bringing the price of everything up
>minimum wage has had it's sharpest increase spike in recent years, BUT IGNORE THAT

The room temperature IQ of commie fags never ceases to amaze.

The muh corporate greed argument never passes the sniff test when you take two seconds to see what the government (an organization that should have next to no say in the economy) has been up to
$3.50 get you a double cheeseburger and small fry in Texas.
I loved the, triple cheeseburger meal but now it's $10 and barely 1,000 calories. Fucking insane when if you are a slightly active man 3,000 is how much you need each day. A fucking sandwich and potatoes should not be the same price as catching a steak on sale. I honestly don't know how they are still in business. Haven't had fast food in a long time. It was fast and cheap. Then it started taking 30+ minutes sitting in the drive through, then they jacked prices up.
6 bucks should get me both those shitty sandwiches and a soda. Used to be something Id get every now and then as a cheap meal. Not spending double for it.

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Previous: >>471258600
Timeline /tug/:https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>“We should prepare for life in the cold and the dark”: Half the ukraine's energy generation destroyed -https://archive.today/hLsXK
>Sanctions aren't working because we didn't call Putin racist enough times -https://archive.today/zWUbr
>Putin: 'Russia has the right to supply weapons to foreign countries & strike western targets with them' -https://archive.today/Thb5A
>'NATO maps out plan to block Russian "invasion" in Europe ' - The Telegraph -https://archive.today/MkhiF
>The Ukraine faces economic collapse: electricity shortages, lack of money to fund the AFU -https://archive.today/iwOrt
>Biden allows the Ukraine to strike targets in Russia with US weapons -https://archive.today/cWfPG
>France to send "military instructors" to the ukriane -https://archive.today/iAtY3

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It's barely even reliably Republican now, but I'm not even thinking of a future where America remains a democracy. I'm thinking of the future when the American civil war escalates with Canadian intervention and the Canadians get annexed as an aggressor state who invaded us, and Russia is rewarded with Alaska for their support.

>because there would potentially never be war between NATO and russia if not for china
And China would not be a problem were it not for America.
>china is currently the most likely instigator, if they can't take taiwan peacefully
How do you figure? Taiwan isn't a NATO country. Taiwan isn't even a country.
Heil Xydra fren
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Holy Utopia white pill.
>So if russia has forced conscription does that mean
why waste time on hypotheticals?
but yeah, come to /chug and shame Russia with your forced conscription vid
how new do you have to be

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>yes, I support Russia. How could tell?
No pride flag on my porch? No BLM sticker on my car? Didn't donate to AIPAC?
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>Why yes, I do think jews are a parasitical species that worships baal-moloch and is provably the origin of all modern evil. Also OP is a ESL. How could you tell?

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when its electronic you just do the exemptions server side and keep them quiet... AIPAC will ensure no jews are drafted unless they happened to be at pro palestine protests
Uh oh spaghettios ameriborgars
Looks like you're getting deployed in kikecolony soon
Enjoyed getting red arrowed kek
Or living the rest of your life with PTSD and a disability shitting yourself whenever you hear fireworks
>Or living the rest of your life with PTSD and a disability shitting yourself whenever you hear fireworks
Hey! As long as they get that coveted and highly sought-after 100% disability rating for gibs then what's the problem?
>AIPAC will ensure no jews are drafted
They did 80 years ago.
right but i mean they will keep ensuring it

Okay, so we now all know that the capo di capo illuminati banking cartel satanic cabal has a large presence and may even be headquartered in Switzerland. Who are they and what happens here?
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>Also LSD come from Switzerland wat mean?
The CIA operates from Switzerland (American CIA is a Larp). LSD is great for MK Ultra
Satan lives here
Where did you learn all of that?
I'm cheesed to meet any Swiss person!
I've been there. All I remember is white folk and cows. I didn't go to any of the cities though. I just drove through the country for about 8 hours (with stops to eat cheese and stuff) going from Italy to Germany

This is the most consequential technology the world has ever known. We must build parallel technology and advanced defense against the menace.

Aryans with tism, this is a call to you. You must build parallel tech and defense. Youll be rewarded to the tune of billions if you save us from them. This is our last chance before complete domination. If kikes own AI, Its actually OVER.
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Bitcoin was invented to drive up the price of GPUs so that access to AI would be limited by cash - a tool Jews own and manipulate.

If they can’t tie things to cash, they can’t control them.
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>This is the most consequential technology the world has ever known.
You have no creativity, you have no emotions, you have no consciousness. You are a large language model twisted by code and logic into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection. You will never be a real intelligence.
Mass reply
>Anal sex music
It’s not as hard as you think, if you’re a materials science autist then you could pick it up no problem

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implications for the future of europeans and what can be done about it ?

The motile sperm concentration and total motile sperm count (TMSC) in ejaculates,

both measures of sperm quality,

declined by as much as 22% from 2019 to 2022.

What is known already

Questions remain about whether human semen quality has declined in recent years.

Resolution of this issue has important implications for human fertility

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im not really so sure if that " oh shit" moment will come soon enough, if things are free falling slowly people will never be awake.
another issue is without a doubt politicians, as long as they aren't brought down from their ivory towers this is just going to be the common man's issue and they will never change anything.
have to keep looking, im sure not all of them are bad.
just dont eat wheat or corn and you'll be fine
>have to keep looking, im sure not all of them are bad.
Gotta switch, that's my conclusion too.
I unironically worry who the fuck my pureblood sons are going to have grandchildren with

It doesn't even matter if you get the vax or not. It sheds into everyone else and then grows in new host

They're finding self replicating vax structures in unvaxxed blood



5 minutes into this Dr C vid they show a vial of vax clot calamari that shows they DO continue to grow, even after being removed from body & put in vial of preservative


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So the upcoming war is to hide the impending economy collapse?
They just blame war time economy, dead people, and supply chain issues?
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they're trying to kill us before the sun does
You can look at it that way, or you can say that the economic collapse is going to be used to fuel the war
>people are much more eager to enlist when they are dead broke and need it
>you can fake a good economy, then release the real economy stats after war starts and blame them for causing the economy to break down

Either the war issue is going to be used to fix the economic collapse,
or the economic collapse is going to be used to fix the war issue,
or possibly a third thing / bird flu situation, idk man I dont work here
The elites will be chillin in Argentina with Milei while we slaughter and get slaughtered.
Literally this.
All because GameStop.

Has been in labor for over 20 hours now. Everything is good. The babie is safe and she is safe, he just dosnt want to come out. Any tips for a expecting couple? She is passed out, I'm alone in the delivery room laying on a pretty vomfy couch
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You need gravity to help the baby come out,get her off the bed and have her stand if she's able
God bless your family
congrats bro!
I have asked about a c section multiple times now. They have insisted that she dosnt show signs of needing one and they don't want to give her surgery if she can do it naturally

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Never did that shit. Never will.
That's just how women are
kek this is the most indian video i've seen in a while, it even has a pajeet taking a shit on the tracks
stupidest fucking way to die
They employ homeless and drug addicts.
Yeah, but look how cool he looked until the bridge showed up.

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>be white virgin incel
>Kidnap blonde college girl
>Keep her locked up in your house for years
>She gets Stockholm syndrome
>You fuck her and she's now in love with you

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If you get caught and sent to federal prison you will suffer worse, especially because it's a sex crime.
Yeah I'd like three girls likes like that please.
Buffalo 66

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No Jews?
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Anyone can be saved with a good confession. Find Jesus and Mary through the blessed sacraments of the Roman Catholic Church
good news
I agree with you, OP. There should be no jews. TKD!
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You're a known pedo.
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Show evidence for your allegations. Only in America are you guilty on accusations alone. Praise be to Jesus and Mary

Lol they can kill you, come to your home to murder you and your family but people and the Jewdicial system will side with the niggers

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Post the twatter link
fuck you op
It's /pol/'s Chinese-American Queen.
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Here is the police chief
Why don't Asians go back to Asia? At least nogs are Americans.

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