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The Us” versus “Them” crowd historically have the odds in their favor in regards to repercussions. Look no further than the number of people that either draft dodged the Vietnam war or publicly burned their draft cards. Even the president at the time said they didn’t have the means to go after everyone.
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but it's women...
page 4

That’s on page 3.
Nigger glowie agent diversity hire
you actually looked. thanks :)

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It's so pathetic lmao, they sayed that they are superior and that blond are the purest.
But, they was not blond hair, it doesn't make sense
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Brother,its a black and white picture
Nobody gonna ask why a majority of them have neanderthal skulls? Nobody gonna ask why they all had dark hair and dark eyes, and needed to slick their hair? This is why styling your hair is gay, neanderthals use it to disguise themselves. Same with makeup. Straighteninh your hair? Slicking it? Spiking it with gel? Judge wigs. Anybody who styles their hair should be under suspicion of being a neanderthal or emulating the ones the see on the their television, and thus cannot be trusted.
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There is a lot of silly misinformation about how the Third Reich related to blonde people. Basically German anthropologists correctly deduced that Germanics originally migrated from Scandinavia, and this was correct. Since they didn't have DNA testing they used blonde hair as a proxy for pure Nordic Germanic ancestry as a way to determine their racial ideal, something that is necessary if you plan to practice basic eugenics and selective breeding.
Try the entire Officer class. The ones we picked up in Project Paperclip? Look up Alois Sheckelgruber and his connection to Hitler, or Goebell's wife. They sent the German people to their death and created Israel. Don't look at what Hitler and pals said, he was a propagandist in WWI. Look at what they DID. Actions speak louder than words, and they put the Jews in summer camps while the German people were fed into the meat grinder and firebombed. They ALWAYS control both sides. Remember that when they give you idiots your next Hitler to die for.
>Hitler considered half Jews to be Germans
>Therefore he was an antisemite
Kek retard by that token there are a very few Jews in Hollywood, media or American politics, therefore
>America isn't run by Jews, those are only half-Jews
>Of course Hitler considers slavic untermensch such as yourself to be trash also, so I understand your lifelong tears
Well Slavs btfo'd Hitler and edgy Nazi zoomers like you cry about it still so fuck off kek
For the personnel, retard. In Auschwitz I that was small with few barracks for administration, soldiers and privileged prisoners. There were no pools in the large camp where the majority of inmates were.
Keep coping tho

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How do Americans deal with these literal monsters?
Yea, defund the police, yea.

People who swear profusely are a bunch of edgelord larpers. Truly dangerous people use proper manners...then slit your throat in your sleep. I see a lot of edgelord larpers on /pol/.
Today I saw many talking about gay faggot larper clubs (militia posers) and plastic shit knives made of shit grade plastic and shit grade steel made in shit China.
They kept stroking their micrococks with tweezers and larping about how hardass they were and how no martial artist could take them down before getting their fat asses cut.
Is this what /pol/ is now?
Larping fatasses, pajeets, and bitter fat chicks?
Just how bad has /pol/ gotten in my 4 year absence?
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>making observations makes you an edgelord and a nigger
Why are there so many cryptokikes online today?
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>Is this what /pol/ is now?
>Larping fatasses, pajeets, and bitter fat chicks?
Fuck off kike. 99% are fatherless faggot shills like you
when I'm in a good mood I swear in public and say shocking things in earshot of other society members which I hold no social contract with
when I was a kid I liked to cheers and break mugs and slam half empty beers to the ground at establishments as a sign of enjoyment
>act like kikes
>I'm based
>I see a lot of edgelord larpers on /pol/.
We do too.

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Why did malls die?
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The mall was nice until Amazon happened. I went to one a few months ago, nothing worth buying and there’s no gaming stores. Sports, magic, Pokémon, etc cards are sold from vending machines now
Drop acid in the parking lot, drink 30 can of Old Milwaukee, and throw a rock thru the high school window.
And they served the lard fries to Indians in India at Indian McDs and lied to them telling them it was veg oil... hah!!!
Lmao yeah. Maybe Rolling Rock though, he looks like a fancy lad.
Rolling rock with their 33 words... was pretty great drinking iirc. Thanks for the memberries.

Is it over?

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Do y'all support this?

Keep in mind there are tons of white boys and girls who can't afford any health care at all...
hey buddy, they're entitled to vaxx jabs, tranny pills, and assisted suicides just like the rest of us
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He's planning to draf them too.
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>trust the sci-ACK!
>I'm fucking retarded
In your meme, Biden says "affordable" which obviously means they are paying for it like Obamacare. If they're Dreamers, they're not illegal.

What else are you lying about?

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This video accidentally showed up on my feed. Now I am American and there are many great places in our country but it seems everywhere is stress. Seeing how people are living in Türkiye seems very relaxed and comfortable,
What do we need to change to get this levels of comfortable?
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This is a good thread and it deserves respect! It never cared about you anyway. I'm going to make this thread amazing because I'm not a little insecure pissbaby like you!

Anyway, Turkey is mostly a shithole
well turkey and the caucuses are the ancestral lands of white people so yeah makes sense
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There are nice places pretty much everywhere on earth. Except India.

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realistically how much longer do we have until eating bugs is a normal thing in the west?

Will you eat the bugs?
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Ask vitalik founder of eth who is compromised by WEFniggers
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And the chainlink marines [LINK]
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My reaction as a vegan:
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Fun Fact: If you are allergic to shellfish then there is a 90% chance you are allergic to bugs. They are going to kill so many people with allergies by "sneaking" bugs into their food.

It's all about profits. This chart shows how much more profit they can make with bugs vs beef.

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I wasn't alive when it happened, is it true that law and order completely broke down in New Orleans?
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That's not what a false flag is retard
Except it happened in Detroit during the 1967 riots, too. The National Guard killed blacks, threw their bodies in a house and set the house on fire. My uncle told me these stories years ago.
Repeating these stories would give other people ideas.
In major cities the rate at which they solve homicides can be like 30% it's fucking nuts really
Cheers, fren.

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Do you watch modern television?
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There's a scene of some guy with multiple copies of himself eating his ass like a train whilehe jacks off to some picture. Saw it on /tv/, never watched the sois and thank god I never did.
lmao no.
>21 posts by this ID
What a fucking faggot.
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I saw this webm on /tv/ that cuts off before he chews them out for not resisting him and JUST KNEW that it'd be on /pol/ sooner or later

it's more like "what if Sephiroth was Superman"
here you go then. I don't blame you though, I could not believe what the fuck I was hearing as well

They’re losing. Its so obvious now.

"Military superpower" btw hahahahahahahahaha
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nope, not enough. they need their own board. move all that dogshit away.
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herbs in all fields.
stay in your neocon containment thread
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In 90's usa send them chicken legs.
In 30's china will send them dog tails.
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I'm starting to see it. That's why /pol/ spends so much time making threads about Indians. We are living rent free in /pol/'s mind because you are all afraid of us.

I mean, I guess I would be too if suddenly a race I'd been making fun of is overtaking every institution in my society and successfully taking over a Canada.

In the end, it wasn't the Jews or the Chinks that overtook the whites. It was the Bharati Hindu Indians.
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Your kind ruined A&W and I just never go there anymore lol, I just take my money elsewhere instead. Jeets cannot even into fast food kek
What is a and w ? A root beer ?
Come to Umrika. It's better here bhai
I mean, Im afraid of termites getting into my house but thats not the same kind of fear as I have of a black bear or an APC.
no. also flat earth blown the fuck out

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Anyone remember when Americans kept screaming "DA HOUTHI'S ARE GUNNA FIND OUT Y WE DONT HAVE HEALTHCARE!!!!!!!!!"???

How's that working out for you guys?
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>trans flag subreddit
these people are legit braindead drones lmao
Houthis found out that mutts are bitch made
the us military is being ground down
If we had real healthcare maybe our fat fuck sailors could do their jobs without having to stop for insulin.
>"FAFO World Cope 2023"
>Tranny MAP flag NAFO faggot PFP
Why are they like this?
Why do they never come up with their own memes, and instead just adopt their enemies lingo and repeat it ad nauseum til it's beyond stale?

I hate these people so much.
At least they'll never be able to take Nigger and Faggot.

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>Weak ass white bois cant fuck us nigg-ACK
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>first guy actually does a slap
>second guy does what they actually do which is a huge windup unguarded palm strike to the jaw
It is the most retarded, fakest sport to ever exist, absolutely mindblowing that people line up to just take shots to the face that no professional fighter would ever agree to because they know how much brain damage they'd incur

They gave this guy smelling salts and then chonky boi flatlined him again.

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Unlike rice, buckwheat doesn't require cooking. You can just add water before sleep and it will be ready for breakfast. We could save so much carbon by eating foods that don't require cooking.
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What if I want the carbon in my foods though
fuck off memelord
Nothing nutritionally deficient with cooked meat. Just need humans eating only meat to attain a proper diet. Plants are trying to kill us when we eat them. If your instincts say eat raw then eat raw. If they say eat with salt or drink water with salt added then do so. If your body rejects sodium then don't add salt to your diet.
Castor beans are the most lethal, look up ricin.

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Zelensky says that his peace plan is to continue war for at least 4 years until "Russia withdraws from all of Ukraine’s territory, pays reparations and is punished for war crimes." “If we don’t make progress this year, then we will try again next year,” Mr. Zelensky privately told a European counterpart recently, according to a European diplomat who was present. “And if we don’t make progress next year, we will try again the following year, and the one after that.”"

His hold of power in Ukraine now rests on continuation of the war in spite of devastating consequences to Ukraine & practically zero chance of defeating Russia.

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White Goy Slaughter
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>there's a problem with that, isnt there?
gif related
NATO wont be able to produce an equal amount of artillery shells and tanks till 2025, and that only works if Russia, just the nation of Russia, doesn't increase production.

Not counting Iran, North Korea or China.
the jews probably WILL off him as a sacrificial lamb to setup a power vacuum
Going back?

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Many attendees refused to shake Zelensky hand.
Swiss government is upset and embarrassed.
Oh, no, World is turning against the most corrupt leader in the World.
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I am newfag old Xgen but maybe yeah. Lots of obvious thread plants to nudge attitudes that get a lot of uncritical attention so maybe you are correct in your suspicion. I call those posters out and insult them for their bullkikery.
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(((zelensky's))) presidency (that was obtained through a coup) has expired and he's not even the legitimate leader of jewkraine anymore.

it's so obvious that that "war" is just an excuse for a genocide
Thank you for picrel
A few and yes the site has been nigh unusable for the past few years. When it's not a 1pbtid it's shills ruining any chance at a discussion
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Average American family in 2024
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I'm sure that child will have a very healthy upbringing.
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>average ACKtheist family
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The kikes really did a number on these two, am I right guys? Lmao. Imagine being this brainwashed.
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This is actually.

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What makes desert people so fucking powerful? Seriously, the entire world basically revolves around these 4 nations. Praise the sun?
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What did he mean by this
2x bigger actually LOL
Good thing Californians stay stoned or drunk 90% of the time
The bulk of the Texas population lives in the non desert part and also the bay area isn't desert in California and that's the area that brought the state to it's current influential state with silicon valley.
All religions terminate with the worship of the sun. Whether it’s being driven by, the emblem of ,or it’s actually God
Bay area people are just the pussies that couldn't handle the heat. A lot of them are transplants from the desert and dry regions.

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