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Why is nobody hiring right now?
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>Probably shouldn’t have majored in CS
Haha he doesn't know.
couldn't hide your power level, huh?
being a welder is sort of a meme, treat it as a skill and not as a job. use it as a way to get into a career like heavy mechanic or industrial maintenance. plenty of rock quarries, copper mines or railroad track/boxcar repair will hire you just for knowing how to weld and you know how to swap parts
if you can change a alternator or brake pads on your car you’re qualified to do these jobs lol
To leave people with no option but enlisting.
You're gonna suffer then beg to enlist, faggot. You worship jews, now die for them. Good fucking riddance

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It's over for Drumpf
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My little anon cannot possibly be this new!
You can't possibly be this retarded, but here you are.
Take the small L, don't turn it into a big L.
Get fucked, shitlib.
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>So, you think you've lurked long enough

the guy who is ahead in the polls in Iran's upcoming snap elections. Ahmedinejad praises the USA and President Trump and says that the division between West and East is an illusion, because China and the US have awesome trade relationships.
Well this clinches it, I'm voting for Trump.

Okay, so we now all know that the capo di capo illuminati banking cartel satanic cabal has a large presence and may even be headquartered in Switzerland. Who are they and what happens here?
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The internet
Every time I see a medkit, I want chocolate.

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Currently in standoff with cops
10+ injured so far
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This looks like the kind of area that would be full of trannies.
I have yet to shoot anyone with my rifle. come and try to take it. my previous statement will cease being true. I have 77 grains just for you.
Let's hope there were minorities in my waterpark.
Mass shootings are caused by progressive subversion.

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kekekekekek, what are the political implications of aryans dominating mlecchas in their own battlefield?
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Who knew the great filter was pajeets? I blame the brits for not suppressing them better.
jeets simping for rich fags like that nigger and his whore wife (who probably has several thousand miles of white dick ran through her cunt ) - is like white people simping for bill gates

not surprising coming from a jeet, really. no flag can hide your subhuman ways
Lmao the pseudo machismo all wealthy shitskins get is a scripted effect. Change my mind
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>Indians will literally fuck lizards-
BASED. Indian chads will successfully free us from the shackles of our reptilian overlords
>miss me yet?

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Goblins are attacking!
I don’t even want to post a Goblin Slayer meme, it's just retarded niggers being retarded.
Gonna need the pidgin English version of this article. Thanks. Wey dey.
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Do you watch modern television?
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it is a race war against jewish banking cartel.
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That's the heimlick manouvre, glad you didn't die from globalhomo tv, bro.
Game of thrones was adapted by a couple Jews and George martin is a quarter jewish. Your j dar is fucked and you are a good goyim
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This nigga watchin dongs!

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Yes we do faggot.

>Why Benjamin Netanyahu Loves the European Far-Right
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like it or not Nickina is the leaderess of the Free World
the fuck is this, live action the croods?
EuLarper the last faggot

***My entire existence is centered around porn my entire life, from the moment i wake up to the moment i go to sleep!***
>Real Life Pics and Videos
>Hentai Pics and Videos
>Cartoon pics and videos

This is political becasue pornography is one of the weapons that was mass deployed against the general population after the systemic destruction of the family unit, the emasculation of men, rendering men economically unattractive, while injecting all the ingredients of rampant hook-up culture and hypergamy harems for Chad and MR. NIGGER.

Pornography serves as one of the main drive components destroying me, but I cannot stop!

Help Me Pol how TF do I quit?!
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Same. I want to delete all of it but I have so much amazing original content and rare (now nuked because of the PH rules change) videos that I can't bring myself to do it. I have 2 USBs, a second laptop where most of my porn is and I uploaded everything to mega just in case. I'm pathetic. I really should kill myself.
>hoarding that much porn is mental illness
Lmao not really. The problem is that stuff doesn't stay online forever, and if you have shitty net, it's always nice being able to instantly watch something without waiting for it to buffer. So it's more convenient to archive everything you like or would want to.
>The problem is that stuff doesn't stay online forever, and if you have shitty net, it's always nice being able to instantly watch something without waiting for it to buffer. So it's more convenient to archive everything you like or would want to.

Pretty much, also porn sites are annoying to watch anything on them. 5 second adds and stuff. And if OP thinks he has downloaded too much porn....

Jbod, 4x 20TB HDs inside, all porn. Same setup as backup.
Media monkey and Plex to stream from.

Of course, my prefered porn now is 4K remasters of old porn shot on 35mm film aka. movies from the time when porn was glorious. And that eats GBs like popcorn.

Saving stuff since porn was 250xsomething 10second clips back in the early 90is...

But I am a data hoarder anyway, even more since the Internet started to become kinda fleeting, "what is on the internet stays on the internet forever" not really true anymore.

Ugly old fucker, what else should I do in those long, boring evenings anyway?

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i dunno man, my porn folder is 369 megabytes. i don't know how you jack off to weird shit like hentai/AI. you must be so young where a gust of wind would give you an erection.
My plan if I ever get a gf is to either keep the drives offsite at a storage facility until the most likely inevitable breakup, or just encrypt everything and throw them into a closet. If she asks I'll just say they're work files or some shit, there's a nda attached to them.

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Vice President Kamala Harris on Saturday pledged America's full support in backing Ukraine and global efforts to achieve “a just and lasting peace” in the face of Russia's invasion, representing the United States at an international gathering on the war and meeting with Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelenskyy to discuss his country’s vision for ending it.

As she arrived at the meeting venue overlooking Lake Lucerne, Harris announced $1.5 billion in U.S. assistance through the State Department and the U.S. Agency for International Development. That includes money for energy assistance, repairing damaged energy infrastructure, helping refugees and strengthening civilian security in the wake of the aggression by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Russia’s aggression is more than just an attack “on the lives and the freedom of the people of Ukraine,” Harris told leaders from 100 nations and global organizations participating in the summit. “It is not only an attack on global food security and energy supplies. Russia’s aggression is also an attack on international rules and norms and the principles embodied in the U.N. Charter,” Harris said. She said the U.S. was committed to continuing “to impose costs on Russia and we will continue to work toward a just and lasting peace,” reaffirming words she used at the start of her private meeting with Zelenskyy.

For Zelenskyy, the gathering was a beginning toward finding a “real peace.”

“The world majority definitely wants to live without bloody crises, deportations, and ecocides,” Zelenskyy said. “And so every nation that is not represented now and that shares the same values of the U.N. Charter in deed and word, will be able to join our work at the next stages.”

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shalom ausjeet, sniff any good stinkies down there?
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it has an extra blue color in it, its ok
7 colors good, normal rainbow
6 colors bad, gay flag
Now we know why they punish it so hard, it's the same thing as being antisemitic to them
So when do you think he’s going to conveniently kick the bucket? Fall or if they manage to secure a second term?

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vaxxies will end the human race

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>... and as we're finding out John, red blood cell count correlates highly with a better immunity for these types of-

>is it
>is it
>is it
>is it
>is it true Angus
>am I correct in my understanding
>err, Angus
>that red blood cells come from inside the bones?
>and they're sort of like manufactured in the marrow?

>...yes John that's entirely correct

>I thought so
Bro they will be dying before infertility becomes a noticeable issue.
Men can't get pregnant faggot
It explains why they didn't push it on foreigners and Africa-South America
good go extinct

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I'm starting to think Islam has basically destroyed everything it’s touched.

There used to be a sizeable population of Buddhists in what is now Afghanistan and Pakistan but was completely decimated during Muslim conquests.

The more I read about the history of the spread of Islam the more I begin to despise it. The amount of history practitioners of this religion has destroyed is fucking remarkable.
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>Cleverly ignores to call out the biggest elephant in the room.
That flag ain't helping your cause, hamza.
>blowing up ancient history because you get refused gibs is based
You're a nigger. That isn't even what happened but it would be even worse if it was.
Quit player hating. You hate them for their success. Quit following pussified religions. Make up your own if you don't feel like following Islam, but quit spreading the peace and love bullshit. We live on a planet where everything that moves lives by killing something else. The primordial truth of this world is might makes right.
Seethe more pajeet
>Simply put, what are the implications of monism?
This is the issue. Advaita Vedanta and what I am arguing isn't really about the western subject/object problem. It's an issue of part and whole, not subject and object.
> 1. Only one thing exists.
> 2. X and Y seem to exist.
> 3. Either X or Y doesn't exist.
This is just a categorization error as I said before:
1. Only one body exists.
2. Arms and the whole body seem to exist
3. Either arms or the whole body don't exist.
Do you see how this is nonsense? In terms of Spirit:
1. Only one universal consciousness exists.
2. Individual consciousness exists and the universal consciousness seems to exist
3. Either one exists or the other.
It's literally just bad reasoning. And I'm not even sure that we are even talking about the same things here. I am not discussing the western subject/object problem. The subject is about the spirit as a distinct instance in space and time vs. all the collective spirits combined. It's not about whether objects are distinct from subjects and can be perceived as "dual".

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So I am a codebreaker that has come across a platform that was given a top award for the content, in an ARG that was made to corral cryptographers in a format that created the instructions for a real world operation.

You won't believe the list of targets in this affair.
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So now for the real juicy stuff.

The game was centered around a LARP following an ARG that produced a cipher or two every day for 18 days following the supposed tweets of a woman stowaway on a submarine. You were supposed to be able to run through a few different methods of her transmissions from the sub in order to catch the people that hijacked it.

The game was launched in 2014 and at the same time a series of bottles began washing up on the shores of the Alster in Hamburg, Germany.

In each one were ciphers that were crudely written by hand and had the use of a number of ciphertext strands as well as the design and layout of a number of signatures of a type of transmission or radio frequency, and included the designs of flight control displays, and the images from the flight controls that were responsible for elevation and direction.

You can see there is a collection of them on the website of another well known cryptographer in Germany, and much of the discussion and commentary is in German, but some in English as well.

Moving through the different bottles that were found, as some appeared a bit afterwards, you find that there is a massive problem with their assertion that some homeless person with mental illness is making them and dropping them, as some Germans translated the text and found terms that related to a known Video Game added in them as filler.

So the person that made them modeled them on the design of a "game" and then dropped them with signatures that related to someone that was in the know about flights that were made around that time.

It starts to reveal the design of each was concealing a multiple-layered design, and that they relayed info between one or another of them at the same time.
So once again the proof is in their design, as they acted to direct some of the affairs seen in the spotlight.

For example, the ciphers were able to block in sections of the body of text, and created the illusions around their inner meaning with the cover that they provided, appearing random and in German.

Here is only one of the hidden gems of the affair, seeing Sanders over-dressed in the Mittens on a relatively cool day during Biden's nomination.

The ciphers are the key to a number of operations that are found on the page I made to collect and examine them.
When I contacted the Shorty Awards group that gave the Navy their spot onlne as a high quality outreach program, I was telling them about the number of different operations that had been conducted in the real world affairs.

I opened up the entire page to their audience as they gifted me the top position on their awards page and gave me the credibility I needed to form a report about this affair to authorities with recognition.

You guys have an unacceptable lack of knowledge .
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Yes you cannot own the land because it's belongs to everyone it's not " government" but you can rent it out. That's the reason why Chinese people in some rural areas are rich without doing anything because there are many factories to rent out their lands. If the government doesn't do this . Capitalist like Jack Ma will just buy up all the lands and rural people will starve to death

For very poor rural people. The government builds new houses for them. Including poor people in the city. The government will find condos for them to live in. You don't have to buy it yourself. In capitalist country the population is starving to dead and make population decrease like Japan and Europe.
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> In capitalist country the population is starving to death
In capitalist countries, people are dying from too much food. Our poor are obese.

In practice, "the people" owning something means "the government" owns it. The party official is the one with the power. If the Chinese government merges into a one-world-government, it will ultimately be Jews at the top of the world government that control the property.

Unlike Jack Ma who might rent the land to farmers and charge them according to market forces, the one world government may actually try to reduce the population through starvation to get the world population down to 500,000,000. Some other sources have said 1,000,000,000, but these Jewish supremacists want there to be a lot less gentiles cluttering up 'their' world.
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I guess it's both too much food and vice versa that make people die in capitalism country.
It's useless to talk about conspiracy theories that still not happening. Right now it's proof that . Ruler of china are wiser than the west about take care about their population. . Soon your neo nazi may copy china model and recreate white people nation in the future know ?

By the way dude don't post pic like that it make me feel uncomfortable. Thanks (^_-;)
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Not much difference in Gay IQ.

The pic makes me uncomfortable too, but it's emblematic. I've never heard of anyone starving to death where I live. Even the homeless are fat.

National Socialist Germany's government and economic model had similarities to modern China, and it wasn't good. It wasn't as bad as socialism because they still had privately owned businesses, but the degree of government control over those businesses was bad for the economy. The rulers of China have a tighter grasp over their people. What the party official wants is what happens, not necessarily what the people want.

I think if there's a new White People nation in North America, we'll make a weaker government, not a stronger one. We've had enough of governments with too much control.

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>”(((They))) are coming for the White Anglo-Saxon Protestant.”

uh based?

protestants are not real.
t.catholic sodomites

Are you sure he said it with triple parenthesises?

Dear Japanese women
You will never be a mother

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Many attendees refused to shake Zelensky hand.
Swiss government is upset and embarrassed.
Oh, no, World is turning against the most corrupt leader in the World.
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No one supports ukraine or russia faggot
Take meds ASAP.
you sound very depressed and suicidal

This post glows
Butcher of Ukraine is descriptive, I like it.

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First, they say 5 days.
Now 3-5 weeks to repair a few sections of a water line.
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Is call corruption, anon.
Welcome to the third world or whatever the fuck kike classification you believe on.
Ah, so only part of Calgary, they never mentioned
I believe so aswell.
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Do the needful sir
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Asbestos is the bestest.

god loves even what hates him
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Holy and Christpilled
god hates those who steal aka everyone who works for the state.
>There are six things the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to him: 17 haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, 18 a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, 19 a false witness who pours out lies and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers.
>a man who stirs up dissension among brothers.
so a bad goy

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