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I am a psychic who happened to be harassed and emotionally abused by terminally online smartass firstoids.

I cried so much and I my third eye was like a fireball pulsating in my forehead and then I was kidnapped by an ambulance for crying to much and staying silent and they filled me with injections and medication (35 pills a day for 21 days and more at home) and I felt my third eye going weaker when I was 10 days in the psychiatric hospital.

Months later I had a special dream with Freyja and several others.

Pic related means what it means. I picked up from the floor after I woke up but I don't remember what the dream was I think it was the same night I leaned about the Brazilian Portuguese word "brizomancia" which means divination through dreams.

Months ago when the first UK ship was in trouble, the one name rubymar I had a super natural dream under paranormal circumstances.

It was about a cargo ship being attacked and sinking and something about World War Three. I couldn't make sense of it and I was actually away from /pol/ and the news cycle.

What do you guys make of it?
Is there a real possibility of world war three starting because of the cargo ships?
Like I said I don't remember the details and it was a very silly dream with silly dream artefacts but nonethess it was paranormal because I didn't know the happenings with the ships and moreover I actually was sleeping well for several weeks and I went to bed at 8pm and napped for 30 minutes and the dream happened in that 30 minutes and it was very emotionally charged and vivid.

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Zoomers will be drafted to fight in Vietnam and Korea

What about Lebanon and Israel
I don't have any passwords if anyone is asking for a password



I can't even interpret my dreams and do my dream hermeneutics correctly and accurately because of how violated I was and you are asking for me to dream of a password when multiple of my human rights were violated and I create these threads ruining my relationship with the world even more?
US has no real interest in these countries.

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Why do "nationalists" on here think Ukrainians being drafted/forced to defend their country is a bad thing?
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Daily reminder to remove the jew and dismantle this fake war, most shills on this site are professional Israeli.

===[ Current alert ]===
Sweet Baby Inc. and Department of Defense >>460928219 >>460929442 >>460929116
Some guy self-immolated and the kikes keep kvetching: >>460168677
In a twist of divine humor, jews became CHUD: >>455104011 >>457346889

=====[ /vault/ ]=====

1. It's the jews [ 6 million cookies, Anne Frank ballpoint, holocoaster, Chabad tunnel, Saturn black cube, GoyimTV ]
2. COVID plandemic | ID2020 [ 1dsghi.pdf, c19ivm, hereistheevidence, SCOTUS DNA patent, Deagle, VAIDS, Bluetooth MAC, Terrain theory, Etymology ]
3. Pornography is a weapon [ Mindgeek, McGill: MK-ULTRA, CERN: Chapleau, /pol/457656749 ]
4. Pizzagate [ Pentagram map, John, Riekermann, ComfyGate ]

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It literally is an ethnostate. They have clauses about protecting their genetics in their constitution.
It is the single most right wing white country.
It's not 'their' country. It belongs to international jewry.
our government is colluding with the corrupt Ukrainian government to completely wipe out Ukraine and then they will ler Blackrock and Vanguard in to buy everything that's left. if you can't see this, you're the problem.
Because it’s a western proxy war dumbfuck

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So I’m pretty sure that even if Poilievre wins the next election here the economy is basically fucked beyond repair.

So I ask the burgers here, is it all it’s cracked up to be? I have a CS degree and 1 year experience and let’s just say the Canadian pesos you make here are pretty sad. Im also not remotely interested in living in COMMiefornia and any other nugget ridden shitholes so it’s either this, Florida or Tenesse
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Fuck off, we're full
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>As of June 2023, the non-Hispanic white population of Texas is 39.8%, while the Hispanic population is 40.2%. This is a demographic milestone that likely occurred around 2022, when Hispanics became the state's largest population group.

Why would you move to a 100 degree desert shithole, overpopulated, covered in urban sprawl, full of nonwhites, doesn’t snow, and is basically summer the entire year?

Why the fuck wouldn’t you just move somewhere in the northwest like Idaho or Montana where whites are still a majority, the population density is low, has mountains, and there are actual seasons?
You’ll pay taxes in Texas and there is so much shit to do up North, just go outside and touch mountains.
I like Mexicans way more than niggers.
> mostly religious
> hard working
> great food
> thick fat asses latinas
> also mostly don’t like niggers
All weebs aside the best place on planet earth to live right now for a white man with a CS degree is Japan working for American company in USD. 5 bedroom houses in central Tokyo can be bought for $60,000-$70,000. If you are paid in USD you could buy 2 houses a year in cash build an empire.

Well, /pol/? Would you?
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This is why you source good DNM Coke. Drunk Chicks.
Kek! Based nooticer.
I'm actually serious, because woman 2 thanks the guy on behalf of woman 1. If 'thanks for her' is not correct, what is?
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Yup. 40 years ago I fucked a girl at a party, and then an hour later fucked her best friend too -- at the same party.

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Why can't Russia control their muzzies?
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more footage
Is it worse than Chechnya?
All the Raghead wranglers are getting drone'd in Ukraine
Those movies are so kino.

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Video of recruitment in Ukraine? Please. Need to show some ppl.
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This drives white boys INSANE
That it does
Damn. It's good.
It drives me wild, no lies

t. 6’1 fit blue eyed White guy

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> All this Q and OSS shit keeps coming up.
> Shadow Pres keeps being mentioned.
Yeah we do have a shadow president that proves all of this is just operation trust.
> Obama.
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As soon as I can book time on the Hubble telescope I can read that fine print.
Anon, if you are anon. We might be legion but the normies vastly outnumber us. Nothing is happening and the picture of the Rio Grande yesterday looked like a Black Friday at Walmart.
so is it this?
You can view normal sized images whe you arent an iFag on your phone. Kys.
You missed the part where Obama paid a secret biology lab to modify human DNA, they first tested it on gorillas and the gorillas were ALL raping each others, there was even a gorilla named Twinkie that started cross-dressing and adopted gay mannerism. Obama control everyone's anal sex.

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How do you cope with chronic loneliness?
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fake drug friends that will talk to you and are humble as long as drugs are involved
>How do you cope with chronic loneliness?
Watercolor, its inexpensive and a good way to pass time. I paint 18th century women, how I wish I was born then.
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Being alone and lonely is the greatest thing ever
I wish I was actually alone, like inna woods hermit kind of shit.
Instead I have to live in my immediate community.
I loathe people.
WW3 can't come soon enough.
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“Let's suppose that you were able every night to dream any dream that you wanted to dream. And that you could, for example, have the power within one night to dream 75 years of time. Or any length of time you wanted to have. And you would, naturally as you began on this adventure of dreams, you would fulfill all your wishes. You would have every kind of pleasure you could conceive. And after several nights of 75 years of total pleasure each, you would say "Well, that was pretty great." But now let's have a surprise. Let's have a dream which isn't under control. Where something is gonna happen to me that I don't know what it's going to be. And you would dig that and come out of that and say "Wow, that was a close shave, wasn't it?" And then you would get more and more adventurous, and you would make further and further out gambles as to what you would dream. And finally, you would dream ... where you are now. You would dream the dream of living the life that you are actually living today.”
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I'm constantly over socialized. Being alone is a gift.

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Boomers are so lucky man
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why do you had 3 children?
>3% rate

Stupid bitch.
>I dissolved my $100,000 in student loans by gaining disability status,
Can I gain this power? I have disabilities. Never got scholarships for them.
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Right off the bat I'll admit I'm smoothbrained about this. I don't understand that shit, leveraging debt or whatever. I just pay it off so I don't have to think about it. More power to those who can profit from being in debt somehow but it's not for me.

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imagine the smell
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There is no way that that's a real statistic.

Seattle is filled with tech workers and indians who don't get laid often if at all.

You would need a cohort of total sluts putting out numbers in the tens of thousands to get to this.
its avg not median
Early 30s and at around 11 sexual partners, thought I was pretty bad...how does one even consider fucking so many people? I'd be concerned about infections and diseases.
Gays are super fucked when you get a window into their sick little communities. If they aren’t full on child predators in the first place, they absolutely prey on vulnerable young men and women. Don’t let their nonthreatening feminized corporate office personas fool you, they are evil sociopaths behind closed doors. Their whole community would be investigated and raided for exploitation and abuse in a proper society. It’s very dark and disturbing the type of shit they normalize.
I would imagine most of them is accounted for by homosexual men

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Also, if the draft is successuful they'll use their chinese and mexican cartel armies against the remaining old population.



The future isn't pot shops, weed apps or MedMen: it's Mexican and Chinese organized crime compounds that are spreading across the West and parts of New England like a plague.
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Daily reminder that most shills on this site are professional Israeli.

===[ Current alert ]===
Sweet Baby Inc. and Department of Defense >>460928219 >>460929442 >>460929116
Some guy self-immolated and the kikes keep kvetching: >>460168677
In a twist of divine humor, jews became CHUD: >>455104011 >>457346889

=====[ /vault/ ]=====

1. It's the jews [ 6 million cookies, Anne Frank ballpoint, holocoaster, Chabad tunnel, Saturn black cube, GoyimTV ]
2. COVID plandemic | ID2020 [ 1dsghi.pdf, c19ivm, hereistheevidence, SCOTUS DNA patent, Deagle, VAIDS, Bluetooth MAC, Terrain theory, Etymology ]
3. Pornography is a weapon [ Mindgeek, McGill: MK-ULTRA, CERN: Chapleau, /pol/457656749 ]
4. Pizzagate [ Pentagram map, John, Riekermann, ComfyGate ]

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The highest voltage I cut and spliced live was 277v. And it's kind of stupid doing stuff live though.
Damn, how could I forget.
Mylar balloons.

Balloons, Motherfucker Balloons.

Just get a couple filled with helium, and tie thin conductive thread between all of them.
>Innova 3630 Remote Starter Switch
having one of these is like a key to every vehicle. i bet a bulldozer could rip out a section of train tracks or fuck up highways very quickly.

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Not one of them smart enough to swim to shore, and yet all of them still worth more than 10 jewish lives apiece.
some nigger-tier white trash kept them starving to hunt and then decided to kill them off

there's nothing wrong with doing the same to them, if caught
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arkansas bros are legit
Killed a sentiment...

Relax those are forever

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When did you realize that “trad wife” was bullshit?
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It is very common to hear modern feminists talk about how "marriage just benefits men." However, the moment when one of their boyfriends says that he doesn't want to get married...
>No! We NEED to get married so I can have muh traditional wedding and access to your money!!
If she's not lying like a Jezebel, the husband was wrong to make her find a job
>retarded is / or argument

Presumably even former tradwives eat
The husband was a greedy stupid cunt for demanding his wife get a job.
Women are dumb cunts but so are lots of men.

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Meanwhile this tiktoking wigger contributing to the degradation of society with his pink iPhone get a pass.

Just nuke the entire building.
I would argue soc media increases demand via simp arms race negative feedback loop and dating apps decrease supply by creating alpha widows.
No way to combat hoeflation. That's why half of all young women will be single and childless in another few years. I'm doing pretty well in life, in good shape, make a decent living given my demography and frankly. I cannot be fucked to put up with any of these over valued self entitled cunts. At the very least, I'd be content breeding a tall bitch with a 100 IQ score. At least my offspring will be OK.
Yeah tiktok really seems to be ruled by douchebag bros who speak hollywood ebonics.
This video is probably staged too. What a horrible time to be a teenager.
not a bad take for just a few words

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Governments are going to start forcing NEETs into 6 day work weeks. (And working 2 hours for free a week)
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There are not enough families to adopt all the greeks
Greeks don't work anyway they just get remittances from their relatives in Canada and US
so there are now six days per week when Greeks pretend to work?
German has a 6 day workweek

I don’t think the FDIC will insure your account in the case of the inevitable bank collapse and bail out.
As many of you know the fractional reserve requirement was reduced to 0% during covid:
Which means they have no money on hand.
The FDIC has been telling some banks their plans for bankruptcy aren’t sufficient:
There has also been unexplained closures and wiping of bank accounts:
Due to “abuses”.
And guess what? FDIC doesn’t cover losses from cyber crime:
And you know what one of the “biggest threat” to our banking system apparently is? Cyber crime from foreign actors:

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Ya no shit

that's you become your own bank
The cyprus haircut: instead of giving back the deposits, banks gave out stonks shares that were worthless
fucking uneducated zoomer swine
>The use of bail-ins was evident in Cyprus, a country saddled with high debt and the potential for bank failures. The country's banking industry grew after Cyprus joined the European Union (EU) and the Eurozone. This growth, coupled with risky investments in the Greek market and risky loans from two large domestic lenders, led to government intervention in 2013. A bailout wasn't possible, as the federal government didn't have access to global financial markets or loans. Instead, it instituted the bail-in policy, forcing depositors with more than 100,000 euros to write off a portion of their holdings, a levy of 47.5%.
lol fuck off no one has touched my fucking money yet, and they never will. crypto is solid and it has been under constant attack by the entire western banking system and medias and governments and it still stands. loud n proud. if crypto wasn't legit, it would have been destroyed ages ago.
Funny ive been seeing the exact opposite. Banks and jews have been trying to encourage people to go into crypto.. larry fink and the whole etf debacle are proof in the pudding. What ive observed is that jews do not want people holding precious metals.
>stands loud and proud
A cold wallet does not mean the wealth is yours, it belongs to the ledger administrator. Seed phrases can be blacklisted from the blockchains. It is even worse than a bank.

For its new report, the Claims Conference said it defined Holocaust survivors “based on agreements with the German government in assessing eligibility for compensation programs.”

For Germany, that definition includes all Jews who lived in the country from Jan. 30, 1933, when Hitler came to power, to May 1945, when Germany surrendered unconditionally in World War II.

The group handles claims on behalf of Jews who suffered under the Nazis and negotiates compensation with Germany’s finance ministry every year. In June, the Claims Conference said that Germany has agreed to extend another $1.4 billion, (1.29 billion euros), overall for Holocaust survivors around the globe for 2024.

Since 1952, the German taxpayer has paid more than $900 billion to individuals for suffering and losses resulting from persecution by the Nazis.
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He is literally me!
This shit is a million times worse than the treaty of Versailles….
Because jews are responsible for like 900% of the world's problems.
>$900 billion
That's $150,000 per "victim."

Sign me up for the next holocaust i want to be oppressed.
the jewrmans enforced it, along with taking in every sandnigger.

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Mummy jk rowling has endorsed the Stalinist "Communist Party of Britain" for the 2024 british general election after they made a statement on biological sex being real. She previously two days ago wrote an opinion piece stating she would "struggle" to vote for the Labour party due to Keir Starmer being "offensive".
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>sex-based rights
You retards know this is going to be used to exclusively discriminate against men, don't you?

- better restrooms for women
- better locker rooms in school for women/girls
- female-only spaces
- male-only laws and punishments
- male-only taxes

It's like the last 200 years didn't even happen for some of you
Tell us comrade, why do you need to own "rights" to your books? You do not need this now, we will take good care of you in gulag.
You will have the lot. You do not need billions of dollars. The Party™ needs this to prevent the evil bourgeoisie from corrupting our plans.
You will be henceforth known as useful idiot # 1,000,013. Oh too bad comrade, the number 13 :(
I have a fat dick

U.K. is unusual in that, unlike in the USA, most of the anti-trans stuff comes from part of the feminist left. (Terfs). British terfs are a big thing and it has made American woke trannies hate Brits on Twitter.

From what I understand, the British communist party got sick of woke shit creating purity spiralling and they sussed out that it was distracting from economic issues. So they went full terf.

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>Jacksonville, FL rapper Foolio reportedly shot and killed while celebrating his 26th birthday last night

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>some soundcloud rapper died
Oh no!
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These random killings of gangster rappers are so strange. Makes zero sense that gloating criminals would end up dead in the head.
It's a pity. We never linked up.
my nigger sneed
>one more dead nigger, at least one white man, woman, and/or child that will live because of it


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>> Drawn By: Dwight D. York[2][3][4] (born June 26, 1945),[1][5][6] also known as Malachi Z. York,[2][3] Issa al-Haadi al-Mahdi,[3] et alii,[2][3][1] is an American criminal, black supremacist, pedophile, and convicted child molester, best known as the founding leader of several black Muslim groups in New York, most

He's a pretty good Artist isn't he?
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Is there very little genetic diversity in that country? Would explain the low IQ and how they literally all look the same.

Even Africans in Europe pretend to be American blacks and try to follow their accent, manner, and fashion though.
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If anyone pushes to bring these people into your country, (((they))) don't have your best interests in mind and they just want to harm you and your society.
light bulb heads

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