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Mummy jk rowling has endorsed the Stalinist "Communist Party of Britain" for the 2024 british general election after they made a statement on biological sex being real. She previously two days ago wrote an opinion piece stating she would "struggle" to vote for the Labour party due to Keir Starmer being "offensive".
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>And you retards said she was based
We tried to warn you guys not to listen to those retards.
Imagine your name was dick shillcock
That still won't make you a woman though
she's always been a serious euro-lefty

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Blue collar fag here, current plumber's assistant, former wireline operator, former window cleaner.

I don't mind actually working these sorts of jobs at all, even wireline wasn't so bad, but the problem in this universe is that they are so heavily populated with people (mostly boomers) who are just out and out cunts. I'm not talking about being firm or demanding, I'm talking about grown men that just act like they're constantly on their period and make every little task 10 times more difficult than it has to be. I'm considering getting out of this plumbing job now because the 63 year old they paired me up with is just an angry faggot about every little thing, related to the job or not. It just sucks working with him, he sucks the oxygen right out of the room and just brings everything down to his miserable level. He has arthritis in his hands, is a chain smoker, has no biological children of his own, and is married to some dumpy bitch with worthless kids, but damn, this asshole just takes it out on me and everything else he encounters. I've met many other people like this in the trades.

Share your experiences, tradie faggots.
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I dont mind the grumpy boomers
Babysitting zoomers with no self awareness is much worse
Here's the thing - I understand that most people aren't super complex in their thinking, they just concern themselves with the day to day, and that's fine. An ordinary tradie is honorable in his own way via his labor. However, when I hear a 63 year old just openly talk about how he has this dvd of nothing but car crashes and talks about it like it's the second coming of Christ, I can't help but feel an acute sense of contempt.
Who can easily kick your ass because your a weak faggot with noodly arms.
carpenter. worked with many such.
the trades attract a lot of misfits with severe antisocial issues, being the one place they can be an asshole and still make decent money. and they gain this one very narrow competency and treat anyone who is starting out like an idiot for not knowing everything right away.
when you work with a good crew, the work can be actually enjoyable, without negatively affecting production.
just takes one assface to ruin your whole
day -> week -> month... etc
Zoomer workers are pretty worthless, I can't deny that. There's a 29 year old at my work, he's been plumbing for 7 years, knows a lot, but is lazy as hell. During a 10 hour shift he'll get 5 hours worth of work done (on a good day) and he's at least 10 minutes late every day without fail. The company puts up with him because there aren't many prospective employees banging down their door.

It's not that Jews are more intelligent that other races. It's that the Jewish culture strongly encourages its young to pursue higher education over virtually every other option. Other groups are either apathetic about their childrens education, or tell them to follow their dreams and become poets and bards who strum their violin on the freeway.

Most Jews are aware of their religious and cultural history. That includes constant expulsions and exiles everywhere they go just for being Jewish. Even on this very site you want to hurt people just for what they are born as, which is all too familiar to us.

All you own can be taken from you, as has happened to us for thousands of years. Your businesses could be the target of boycott, you could be the object of violence, and irrational hate.

The one thing that cannot be taken away is your education. It can't be taxed by the government or stolen by the irrational mobs. When you're denied the opportunity to pack your possessions, you can still take your education where ever you go. This is something every Jew learns as a child.

And that is why most Jewish parents encourage their children to learn and learn some more. By making themselves necessary anywhere that they go, they are able to transcend the material resistance they face.
Lies, deceit, nepotism /thread/
we don't waste all day obsessing about other races

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How will history judge this guy?
He's taking over from Klaus Schwaub at the WEF

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Self Sufficiency and Prepping General. Ask questions, show off your pres, and discuss the general state of the shit show everywhere you go.

>gardening and animal husbandry as always
>diy skills and crafts like soap making, rain barrels, general questions about how to do something
>weapons and firearms for hunting and defensive purposes
>other general outdoorsmanship

Last thread >>471784839

Recent topics of discussion:
>Idaho Department of Water Resources cutting off water to farmers, no drought to report of, and news the East Palestine explosion poisoned 16 states
>Russian subs off East Coast
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>no drought to report of, and news the East Palestine explosion poisoned 16 states
I actually do work my own farm, just 1 acre, but it's just me pretty much. I employ permaculture principles though, so upkeep becomes less and less each year. Mimic the forest and there's very little need for the sort of maintenance and labor that mono-crop productions rely on
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No reason we can't coexist, just stupid to flood specific areas with peoples not aligned to our paradigm. Its just introducing non-functioning parts to what could be a very defined/functioning system.
We just need to utilize appropriate farming practices which benefits all, everyone contributes.
It isn't slave labor to have people working your land and surviving by your hand; the problem is globohomo abusing everyone while doing so. If you have land to work and ability to maintain comfortable living for individuals benefitting you then you become a benefit to them. If you are generating profit from your self sufficiency to the point you can support others and give them a better life then no reason you shouldn't scale to profit/benefit people more. Doing it all yourself is just being greedy, the more we work together and integrate cooperative non-globohomo agenda business interactions we will achieve a beautiful future.
There would obviously be degrees of people wanting different experiences, someone might be a support to the overall ecosystem while remaining small scale or at the individual level.
Permaculture food forestry is the future of low effort lifestyles.
I want to build industrial scale forests.
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Plantation doesn't mean slave labor. I can't find work in the US. Been unemployed for two years. I'm genuinely considering starting a business overseas somewhere that's poor. I think it would be fun to grow exotic breeds of quality fruit for export.

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So I’m pretty sure that even if Poilievre wins the next election here the economy is basically fucked beyond repair.

So I ask the burgers here, is it all it’s cracked up to be? I have a CS degree and 1 year experience and let’s just say the Canadian pesos you make here are pretty sad. Im also not remotely interested in living in COMMiefornia and any other nugget ridden shitholes so it’s either this, Florida or Tenesse
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Ya that’s another reason why I’m leaving
What are the taxes like?
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where should I go then ?

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>Do you know that I'm Jewish, anon?
How do you respond?
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>How do you respond?
Get in the oven.
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Can I lick your Khazar milkers?
>>Do you know that I'm Jewish, anon?
>How do you respond?
I offer to show her what a foreskin looks like.
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Give her the ol plap plap in the brap brap if you know what I mean
This bait stinks.

Now they will know why they are afraid of the dark. Now they will learn why they fear the night
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>doesn't once mention he has blue eyes
Seething shitskin detected
Nah, I'm one and my night vision is superb. A full moon on snowy ground may as well be daylight to me.
What about non-snowy ground? Dumbass, snow reflects any light it can get so its no competition to non-snow ground.
If you think why the LED "daylight" bulbs look unnatural to you, it just means you have good color perception because they absolutely are.
The "uncanny valley" effect from them becomes because you're comparing it to a white daylight, which the white LEDs are not.
In fact it's pretty much impossible to create actual daylight which is a smooth gradient all the way from ultraviolet to infrared.
Incadescents also look much more natural, warm and inviting because they also have a natural smooth gradient, however it's not like daylight at all but same as in fire, hence "incadescent", it resembles a warm hearth.
Another big problem with LEDs is that the picrel of acceptable quality of light is only achieved in best scenario, which is that high quality more expensive components and filters are used and quality control is good, neither of which are usually the case in China where almost all the LED lighting comes from.
The chart also shows how exceptionally yellow the HPS lamps are, those are what street lights used to be before they got replaced with LEDs.
What about my post do you think you're refuting right now? I said it looks like daylight so non-snowy ground would make it darker. Glad to have helped your autism figure this out.
>Have you considered that you just aren't very coordinated?
No, it happens only when it's dark, I'm very coordinated when light is plentiful.
Does this not happen to you then?
For example, in daylight I could easily land most of my free throws, but in moonlight almost none of them.
Or if someone throws me something in a room with light, I can easily catch it, but if the lights are off, I'll often miss.

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Did Hitler kill 6,000,000 jews? I mean it was exactly 6,000,000? And not 5,999,999 or 6,000,001?
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Post your nose
Zero jews were genocided, unfortunately
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When I had hemorrhoids the doctor made me do this exercise in the office for the sake of regurgitating the thrombosis
You know it's old because it's a gif and she doesn't have 100 retarded scribble tattoos
Yes it raises your heart rate. It's like going for a 30 minute jog.
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Charlie Sweets

your welcome

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>Jacksonville, FL rapper Foolio reportedly shot and killed while celebrating his 26th birthday last night

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the brighest stars shine the brightest but fade the fastest
nigger turned into a lesbian in prison from all the buck breaking
nah that nigga was standing on bidness in the can he givin niggas the belt left and right

Is that Spotemgottem?

That nigga has been on my mind. No cap, I been thinking about that time when I barebacked him raw in a Boca Raton Air BnB. That shit had to be the tightest, blackest, wettest boy pussy I've ever laid pipe into. I swear to God, the most heavenly high is gargling that wonderboy's nuts while going fist deep into his shitter. I had Spotemgottem screaming in the sheets with head too ridiculous to ignore. That nigga frotted my cock until he busted on my mouth, I had to return the favor. That nigga Spotemgottem and I been fucking non-stop ever since, but keep that shit on the DL. He does that shit for free. If you're gonna ask me how to "long" Spotemgottem, I'll be deadass. All you gotta do is ask, be straight up, and get physical real quick. Touch his nuts, get on ya knees, talk your shit. He doesn't play around with no pansy-ass niggas either. He likes his men manly, and his dick thick. Dark skin, 6'5 is the minimum and I ain't talking about height boy...
I watched too yoofs that looked like him with tangled afro snake hair attempt to cash bad checks one after another at the same time. I mean, how stupid do you have to be?

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Nobody tolerates what Jews tolerate.
We have to exist with jews you dumb kike.

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If you were to pick a place where you would live for the rest of your life after reaching the age of 50, which one would you choose?
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Lads, I get 1500 USD in NEETbux every month. I can't afford to live in the USA anymore and the country's descent into corruption is bothering me.
Is my income high enough to live abroad in a safe area?
Oh, and I'm also afraid of nuclear war (if Biden gets reelected).
its better in balkan you should go there
we are full
Don't tell me you can collect neetbux while outside of the US?
If so I will kill myself.
to be fair i think your food might be shittier than them

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Hungary has become the poorest country in the EU.
30 years ago we were ahead of Poland and Chechia.
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drove around hungary up to budapest recently and seems like a pretty nice place.. saw a bunch of gypsies wilding out as soon as I got to budapest metro and downtown but that is to be expected I guess.. I liked the various monuments to falcons and horsemen that I saw in different places.. discovered some cool music on the radio also..

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>Hungary has become the poorest country in the EU.

I wish but there is no way you are poorer than romania.
I want to move to central Europe. I will learn the language. I will never smile American. I will get a qt3.14 wife and breed new citizens. What country should I go to? I have considered Czechia, since they have nice hiking trails.
>go against jewish plans
>get sucked dry by a giant tick

who would have thought?

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Let's have a wagie thread.
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>Humiliation ritual
I dunno, I've been a NEET and for whatever reason things just seem to work out every time.
Dome the same I used to when wagecuck always flood the toilet, put noodles in the air vents hahahahaha always broke the vehicles by revving them in first gear

Idk afterall just another wageslave right :)

Once I pissed all over the female bathroom and it flooded hahaaha

Boss was standing in my piss
Nah you'll go to church and find a girl, you will quit bad habits and simply VERY SIMPLY GET OUT MORE

when you are busy you'll never get a partner

Trick is you have to be there
Can't believe it took this long

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More advice on creating content.
The problem with learning any skill. Don’t run before you can crawl. Try to get a few images or short videos together into one first. Later try to add music. After that learn about adding effects. Skills take time to learn. Search up guides on YouTube. Keep watching the best videos that you found and be inspired by them. Try to copy and reproduce what you like. First learn to reproduce something before you can add your own twist and later establish your own art style.

Also another thing that I think is important. Sleep! I pursue sculpting as a hobby and sometimes I get stumped and get a sort of block as I work. So I will think about what I am trying to create and make it the focus of my mind. Do that for a two or three days while getting plenty of sleep. One day you will just wake up and have the solution without forcing anything. While you sleep your subconscious is working away like an industrial machine. You just provide some basic ideas, aims and time. It will provide you with a solution.

Every awake anon/noticer is like a buried treasure. You just need to be uncovered. A diamond in the rough. I don’t think you realise how valuable and important you are for the future of the European people
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If you can’t overcome the black pill you will forever be paralysed with inaction.
You have turned from blue to red my friend. I welcome you with open arms. You read now, you question and you grow. Yet there are countless noises that seek to twist your new state of mind. Voices paid for with your own life blood. From offices in the third world to military outposts and installations. They give you corrupted symbols, artificial identities and false idols. They offer you a white pill. An illusion, a cushion to soften your views, to cradle you into eternal slumber and a return to apathy.
The truth lies below the currents of noise. Unrelenting noise that seeks to strengthen the narrative. The cold and brutal truth that many have come to call the black pill.
Resistance is futile they say. What genocide? What replacement? What enslavement? Speak out and die. Hanging by a door handle. Assisted suicide. A prison cell for life.
You are up against a force of nature. A different breed. The management class. Parasites who drain the wealth and life of the people. The vampires of our world. You feel despair. You lose all hope, a cold fear grips you and cowardice freezes you in place. You will die.

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I make $140k/yr but all my rental applications get rejected because I have a 560 credit score (debtmaxxed a few years ago). I'm tired of wasting money on application fees. should I just take the van pill?
>get a roomamte
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I posted it to mirror OP. He's rich and bad credit score. I'm poor, good credit score.
What are you, retarded or something?
Pay for the full lease duration up front
So if you sign a 12 months contract you want him to pay 12 months in advance ?
What kind of subhuman system is that... nigger, 4 months in advance max.
Apartment complexes wont do that and I don't want to do it with some individual landlord and then have him be a deadbeat if something breaks since he already has all the rent
I’ve done it before for 6 months

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How's this indian mass immigration helping anyone?
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Some of them got assignments to keep tabs on things.
Like those police centers in Canada.
They.are really good at using American spices to make dishes invented in Birmingham or Glasgow.
It upsets muslims and liberals alike, bringing their retarded hypocrisies to the fore.
we indian men are GAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I'm at the point where I don't even care if society is racist towards Black people or not because they honestly deserve it. They're only 12% of the population yet they've terrorized the entire nation. Entire cities have become uninhabitable because they're so violent you can't live around them. Honestly though, the crime and violence is only half the reason they deserve to receive racist sentiment. The other big reason is that I just cannot fucking stand all their whining anymore. Whining about being arrested more often even though they deserve it because they commit so much crime, whining about how people don't like them when the reason people don't like them is because they are violent, vulgar, degenerate, and refuse to take responsibility for the way their community behaves.

Nearly all of them have racial grievances against White people for things that happened a whole fucking lifetime ago at this point. You can't live in neighborhoods where there are too many of them because it inevitably turns into a shithole. And there is literally nowhere on Earth that this isn't the case. I can't think of one single majority Black place in the world that is desirable to live in... Not one!

Niggers and White people should not have to live around one another. We are not compatible with each other and forcing Blacks and Whites to live together (unless the Black people are in very small numbers like 5% or less) is a recipe for disaster.

The left keeps whining about racism racism racism! And then the right says "we're not racist!" But nobody seems to ask the question... Do Blacks simply deserve to receive racist sentiment? I am starting to feel like they do. Until they stop whining about racism and take accountability for the fact that their community's behavior is why people don't like them and that they need to fix their community's behavior... I think they deserve the racism their community creates towards them.
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Well we can't exactly go back in time and yell "don't bring those niggers over here you morons!" Now can we?

The fact is, their current day behavior is unacceptable. They commit 60% of the crime here despite being 12% of the population. That is utterly outrageous.
I have begun publicly referring to niggerbabble as 'groidspeak
>Well we can't exactly go back in time and yell "don't bring those niggers over here you morons!" Now can we?
No you can't. You reap what you sow and now you have to with the consequences of your (country's) actions
Says the britbong who's government was the one actually responsible for bringing them over here. Once we won our independence from you we stopped importing niggers just 20 years later. It was the britbongs who brought them over here in the first place though.
Sounds like cope. Also no refunds

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what if we launched a Christcoin to sucker in all the christkikes
you just know those losers would eat that shit up
look how Trump capitalized on their naivety with his Trump Bible
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i want to start AOCoin. the ignorant poor white trash will probably buy both our coins.
I just want to motorboat AOCs tatas

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